ConfigFullScreenPage ConfigFullScreenPage 0 0 516 411 Configure Full Screen Mode unnamed 0 kcfg_showBusyPtr Show busy mouse pointer when loading an image true spacer10_2_3_2 Vertical Fixed 21 16 textLabel3_2 <b>On Screen Display</b> kcfg_osdFormat PlainText %f - %n/%N %c WidgetWidth AutoNone textLabel2 Preview: mOSDPreviewLabel LineEditPanel Sunken file.jpg - 1024x768 The file comment textLabel1 <qt> You can use the following keywords to format the On Screen Display: <ul> <li>%f: filename</li> <li>%p: filepath</li> <li>%c: comment</li> <li>%r: resolution</li> <li>%n: current image position</li> <li>%N: image count</li> <li>%a: aperture</li> <li>%t: exposure time</li> <li>%i: iso</li> <li>%l: focal length</li> </ul> </qt> spacer10_2_3 Vertical Expanding 21 18