ConfGeneral ConfGeneral 0 0 543 669 General Settings unnamed buttonGroup2 3 1 0 0 Executing Actions unnamed HideDelayLabel Delay before hiding &launcher: hideDelay How long Katapult waits before hiding the launcher After an action is performed or no results were found, the Katapult launcher will be hidden. This sets how long Katapult will wait before hiding the launcher. hideDelay 5000 100 1000 Horizontal Below 1000 autoExec Automatically perform &default action Whether to wait for confirmation or automatically execute actions If enabled, Katapult will automatically perform the default action once all items but one have been eliminated. This avoids the extra keystroke after there is only one possibility. noResultOptions 1 1 0 0 No Results -1 unnamed textLabel1 When there are no results: nrClearQuery &Clear the query after a delay nrHideDisplay &Hide the display after a delay nrDoNothing Do &nothing textLabel2 &Delay before clearing or hiding: noResultsDelay noResultsDelay 5000 100 1000 Horizontal Below 1000 buttonGroup3 3 1 0 0 System Tray systrayIcon 10 30 280 24 false &Show an icon in the systray If activated, katapult shows an icon in the System Tray when running If enabled, Katapult will automatically show an Icon in the System Tray. spacer3_2 Vertical Expanding 20 62