[General] Name=End user Comment=Settings preferred for end users SignalDetails=true ShowBacktraceButton=true ShowBugReportButton=false ShowDebugButton=false DisableChecks=false [ErrorDescription] Enable=true Name=The application %progname (%appname) crashed and caused the signal %signum (%signame). [WhatToDoHint] Enable=true Name=You might want to send a bug report for this application. Check if it is listed on http://bugs.trinitydesktop.org, otherwise mail the author. Please include as much information as possible, maybe the original documents. If you have a way to reproduce the error, include this also. [4] Name=SIGILL Comment=An application mostly receives the SIGILL signal due to a bug in the application. The application was asked to save its documents. [6] Name=SIGABRT Comment=An application terminates with a SIGABRT signal when it detects an internal inconsistency caused by a bug in the program. [8] Name=SIGFPE Comment=An application mostly receives the SIGFPE signal due to a bug in the application. The application was asked to save its documents. [11] Name=SIGSEGV Comment=An application mostly receives the SIGSEGV signal due to a bug in the application. The application was asked to save its documents. [unknown] Name=Unknown Comment=Sorry, I do not know this signal.