##### prepare strings from data files ########### message( STATUS "Prepare to extract strings from kstars data files..." ) ## extract constellations file( READ "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/data/cnames.dat" _cnames ) string( REGEX REPLACE " +(\n|\$)" "\\1" _cnames "${_cnames}" ) string( REGEX REPLACE "(^|\n)[0-9][^ ]* ([^\n]+)" "\\1i18n(\"Constellation name (optional)\", \"\\2\");" _cnames "${_cnames}" ) file( WRITE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/data/cnames.dat.tde_l10n" "${_cnames}" ) ## extract cities, regions and countries file( READ "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/data/Cities.dat" _cities ) string( REGEX REPLACE "(^|\n)([^:]*): *([^:]*): *([^:]*):[^\n]*" "\\1\\2:\\3:\\4:" _cities "${_cities}" ) string( REGEX REPLACE " +:" ":" _cities "${_cities}" ) string( REGEX REPLACE "([^:]+):([^:]*):([^:]*):(\n|\$)" "i18n(\"City name (optional, probably does not need a translation)\", \"\\1\"):\\2:\\3:\\4" _cities "${_cities}" ) string( REGEX REPLACE "([^:]*):([^:]+):([^:]*):(\n|\$)" "\\1:i18n(\"Region/state name (optional, rarely needs a translation)\", \"\\2\"):\\3:\\4" _cities "${_cities}" ) string( REGEX REPLACE "([^:]*):([^:]*):([^:]+):(\n|\$)" "\\1:\\2:i18n(\"Country name (optional, but should be translated)\", \"\\3\"):\\4" _cities "${_cities}" ) string( REPLACE ":" ";" _cities "${_cities}" ) file( WRITE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/data/Cities.dat.tde_l10n" "${_cities}" ) ## extract image/info menu items file( READ "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/data/image_url.dat" _image_url ) string( REGEX REPLACE "([^:\n]*):([^:\n]+):http[^\n]*\n" "i18n(\"Image/info menu item (should be translated)\", \"\\2\");\n" _image_url "${_image_url}" ) string( REGEX REPLACE "(^|\n)#" "\\1//" _image_url "${_image_url}" ) file( WRITE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/data/image_url.dat.tde_l10n" "${_image_url}" ) file( READ "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/data/info_url.dat" _info_url ) string( REGEX REPLACE "([^:\n]*):([^:\n]+):http[^\n]*\n" "i18n(\"Image/info menu item (should be translated)\", \"\\2\");\n" _info_url "${_info_url}" ) string( REGEX REPLACE "(^|\n)#" "\\1//" _info_url "${_info_url}" ) file( WRITE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/data/info_url.dat.tde_l10n" "${_info_url}" ) ## star names : some might be different in other languages, ## or they might have to be adapted to non-Latin alphabets file( GLOB_RECURSE _hip_files RELATIVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/data/hip*.dat ) list( SORT _hip_files ) unset( _hip_files_l10n ) foreach( _hip_file ${_hip_files} ) # read file file( READ "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_hip_file}" _hip_data ) string( REGEX REPLACE "[^\n]" "" _hip_len ${_hip_data} ) string( LENGTH "+${_hip_len}" _hip_len ) # process lines set( _hip_pos 0 ) unset( _hip_l10n ) while( _hip_pos LESS ${_hip_len} ) # pick line string( REGEX REPLACE "^([^\n]*)\n(.*)" "\\1" _hip_line "${_hip_data}" ) string( REGEX REPLACE "^([^\n]*)\n(.*)" "\\2" _hip_data "${_hip_data}" ) math( EXPR _hip_pos "${_hip_pos}+1" ) string( LENGTH "${_hip_line}" _hip_line_len ) if( _hip_line_len LESS 72 OR "${_hip_line}" MATCHES "^#" ) set( _hip_line "" ) else( ) string( SUBSTRING "${_hip_line}" 72 -1 _hip_line ) string( REGEX MATCH "^([^:]+)" _hip_line "${_hip_line}" ) string( STRIP "${_hip_line}" _hip_line ) if( NOT "${_hip_line}" STREQUAL "" ) set( _hip_line "i18n(\"star name\", \"${_hip_line}\");" ) endif( ) endif( ) set( _hip_l10n "${_hip_l10n}${_hip_line}\n" ) endwhile( ) # write file file( WRITE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_hip_file}.tde_l10n" "${_hip_l10n}" ) list( APPEND _hip_files_l10n "${_hip_file}.tde_l10n" ) endforeach( ) ## extract deep-sky object names file( GLOB_RECURSE _ngcic_files RELATIVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/data/ngcic*.dat ) list( SORT _ngcic_files ) unset( _ngcic_files_l10n ) foreach( _ngcic_file ${_ngcic_files} ) # read file file( READ "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_ngcic_file}" _ngcic_data ) string( REGEX REPLACE "[^\n]" "" _ngcic_len ${_ngcic_data} ) string( LENGTH "+${_ngcic_len}" _ngcic_len ) # process lines set( _ngcic_pos 0 ) unset( _ngcic_l10n ) while( _ngcic_pos LESS ${_ngcic_len} ) # pick line string( REGEX REPLACE "^([^\n]*)\n(.*)" "\\1" _ngcic_line "${_ngcic_data}" ) string( REGEX REPLACE "^([^\n]*)\n(.*)" "\\2" _ngcic_data "${_ngcic_data}" ) math( EXPR _ngcic_pos "${_ngcic_pos}+1" ) string( LENGTH "${_ngcic_line}" _ngcic_line_len ) if( _ngcic_line_len LESS 76 OR "${_ngcic_line}" MATCHES "^#" ) set( _ngcic_line "" ) else( ) string( SUBSTRING "${_ngcic_line}" 76 -1 _ngcic_line ) string( STRIP "${_ngcic_line}" _ngcic_line ) if( NOT "${_ngcic_line}" STREQUAL "" ) set( _ngcic_line "i18n(\"object name (optional)\", \"${_ngcic_line}\");" ) endif( ) endif( ) set( _ngcic_l10n "${_ngcic_l10n}${_ngcic_line}\n" ) endwhile( ) # write file file( WRITE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_ngcic_file}.tde_l10n" "${_ngcic_l10n}" ) list( APPEND _ngcic_files_l10n "${_ngcic_file}.tde_l10n" ) endforeach( ) ## extract strings from file containing advanced URLs: file( READ "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/data/advinterface.dat" _kslabel ) string( REGEX REPLACE "\\[KSLABEL\\]([^\n]*)(\n|\$)" "i18n(\"Advanced URLs: description or category\", \"\\1\");\\2" _kslabel "${_kslabel}" ) file( WRITE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/data/advinterface.dat.tde_l10n" "${_kslabel}" ) ##### create translation templates ############## tde_l10n_create_template( CATALOG "kstars" SOURCES "." "data/tips" "data/cnames.dat.tde_l10n" "data/Cities.dat.tde_l10n" "data/image_url.dat.tde_l10n" "data/info_url.dat.tde_l10n" ${_hip_files_l10n} ${_ngcic_files_l10n} "data/advinterface.dat.tde_l10n" )