diff options
authorDenis Kozadaev <>2020-03-28 17:45:12 +0300
committerDenis Kozadaev <>2020-03-28 17:45:12 +0300
commitb93fd6da0b9fd56962db2ea64f98da30d5f93538 (patch)
parent62af0157e055222214ab132575e41f924e997ff1 (diff)
Network Chess game for two playersqnetchess
Signed-off-by: Denis Kozadaev <>
-rw-r--r--qnetchess/QNetChess_ru.qmbin0 -> 3592 bytes
49 files changed, 7899 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qnetchess/CHANGES b/qnetchess/CHANGES
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..61644a3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/CHANGES
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ Fixed the mate checker. (big thanks to knyaz@RusNet)
diff --git a/qnetchess/CMakeLists.txt b/qnetchess/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..569c30a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# (C) 2010-2011 Serghei Amelian
+# serghei (DOT) amelian (AT)
+# Improvements and feedback are welcome
+# This file is released under GPL >= 2
+project( qnetchess )
+##### cmake setup ###############################
+cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 2.8 )
+include( CheckCXXSourceCompiles )
+include( GNUInstallDirs OPTIONAL )
+##### include our cmake modules #################
+set( CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules" )
+include( TDEMacros )
+include( FindPkgConfig )
+##### install paths setup #######################
+tde_setup_install_path( EXEC_INSTALL_PREFIX "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" )
+tde_setup_install_path( BIN_INSTALL_DIR "${EXEC_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin" )
+##### optional stuff ############################
+option( WITH_ALL_OPTIONS "Enable all optional support" OFF )
+##### user requested modules ####################
+option( BUILD_ALL "Build all" OFF )
+##### configure checks ##########################
+include( ConfigureChecks.cmake )
+##### q15 sources ######################
+add_subdirectory( src )
diff --git a/qnetchess/ConfigureChecks.cmake b/qnetchess/ConfigureChecks.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d061bf44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/ConfigureChecks.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# (C) 2011 Timothy Pearson
+# kb9vqf (AT)
+# Improvements and feedback are welcome
+# This file is released under GPL >= 2
+# required stuff
+#tde_setup_architecture_flags( )
+#tde_setup_largefiles( )
+find_package( TQt )
+#find_package( TDE )
+##### check for gcc visibility support #########
+# tde_setup_gcc_visibility( )
+#endif( )
+# find_program( MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE msgfmt )
+# tde_message_fatal( "msgfmt program is required, but was not found on your system" )
+# endif( )
+#endif( )
+#check_type_size( "int" SIZEOF_INT BUILTIN_TYPES_ONLY )
+#check_type_size( "long" SIZEOF_LONG BUILTIN_TYPES_ONLY )
+#check_include_file( stdint.h HAVE_STDINT_H )
+#check_include_file( systems.h HAVE_SYSTEMS_H )
+#check_include_file( linux/inotify.h HAVE_INOTIFY )
+#check_function_exists( statvfs HAVE_STATVFS )
diff --git a/qnetchess/Makefile b/qnetchess/Makefile
new file mode 120000
index 00000000..51aac0ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Makefile.FreeBSD \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/qnetchess/Makefile.FreeBSD b/qnetchess/Makefile.FreeBSD
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bf8df640
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/Makefile.FreeBSD
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# $Id: Makefile.FreeBSD,v 0.1 2004/08/21 12:11:49 denis Exp $
+PROG= QNetChess
+NO_MAN= noman
+SRCS= main.cpp mainwindow.cpp gamesocket.cpp gameboard.cpp
+MOCS= mainwindow.h gamesocket.h gameboard.h
+CFLAGS+= -W -Wall -Werror ${DFLAGS}
+LDADD+= -L${X11BASE}/lib
+.include ""
+.include <>
diff --git a/qnetchess/Makefile.gnu b/qnetchess/Makefile.gnu
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..07cc0a21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/Makefile.gnu
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# $Id: Makefile.gnu,v 0.1 2005/01/15 10:22:49 denis Exp $
+TARGET= QNetChess
+OBJS= main.o mainwindow.o gamesocket.o gameboard.o\
+X11BASE= /usr/X11R6
+RM= rm -f
+CC= gcc
+CXX= g++
+MOC= $(QTDIR)/bin/moc
+QT_INC= -I$(QTDIR)/include
+QT_LIB= -L$(QTDIR)/lib -lqt
+CFLAGS+= -O2 -W -Wall -Werror $(DFLAGS) -I$(X11BASE)/include $(QT_INC)
+LDFLAGS+= -L$(X11BASE)/lib $(QT_LIB)
+.SUFFIXES: .h .cxx .mo .o .cpp
+ $(MOC) $< -o $@
+ $(CXX) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
+ $(CXX) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
+all: $(OBJS)
+ $(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) -o $(TARGET) $(OBJS)
+ $(RM) $(OBJS) *.cxx
+distclean: clean
+ $(RM) $(TARGET)
+main.o: main.cpp
+mainwindow.o: mainwindow.cpp
+mainwindow.cpp: mainwindow.h mainwindow.cxx
+gamesocket.o: gamesocket.cpp
+gamesocket.cpp: gamesocket.h gamesocket.cxx
+gameboard.o: gameboard.cpp
+gameboard.cpp: gameboard.h gameboard.cxx
diff --git a/qnetchess/Makefile.win32 b/qnetchess/Makefile.win32
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9179cc83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/Makefile.win32
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# $Id: Makefile.win32,v 1.0 2005/01/16 13:45:54 denis Exp $
+PROG= QNetChess
+CC= cl
+CXX= cl
+INCPATH= -I"$(QTDIR)\include"
+LINK= link
+LIBS= $(QTDIR)\lib\qt-mteval321.lib $(QTDIR)\lib\qtmain.lib \
+ opengl32.lib glu32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib \
+ comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib \
+ uuid.lib imm32.lib winmm.lib wsock32.lib
+MOC= $(QTDIR)\bin\moc
+OBJS= main.obj mainwindow.obj gameboard.obj gamesocket.obj\
+ mainwindow.moc gameboard.moc gamesocket.moc
+TARGET= $(PROG).exe
+.SUFFIXES: .h .cxx .cpp .obj .moc
+ $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -Fo$@ $<
+ $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -Fo$@ $<
+ $(MOC) -o $@ $<
+all: $(OBJS)
+ $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
+ -del main.obj
+ -del mainwindow.obj
+ -del gameboard.obj
+ -del gamesocket.obj
+ -del mainwindow.moc
+ -del gameboard.moc
+ -del gamesocket.moc
+ -del mainwindow.cxx
+ -del gameboard.cxx
+ -del gamesocket.cxx
+distclean: clean
+ -del $(TARGET)
+main.obj: main.cpp
+mainwindow.obj: mainwindow.cpp
+gameboard.obj: gameboard.cpp
+gamesocket.obj: gamesocket.cpp
+mainwindow.moc: mainwindow.cxx
+gameboard.moc: gameboard.cxx
+gamesocket.moc: gamesocket.cxx
+mainwindow.cxx: mainwindow.h
+gameboard.cxx: gameboard.h
+gamesocket.cxx: gamesocket.h
diff --git a/qnetchess/QNetChess_ru.qm b/qnetchess/QNetChess_ru.qm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6981cb4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/QNetChess_ru.qm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/qnetchess/QNetChess_ru.ts b/qnetchess/QNetChess_ru.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..50a71158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/QNetChess_ru.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+ <name>Drawer</name>
+ <message>
+ <source>Error moving</source>
+ <translation>Не правильный ход</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Yes</source>
+ <translation>Да</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>No</source>
+ <translation>Нет</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>You cannot move this figure because the king is in check</source>
+ <translation>Вы не можете двигать эту фигуру потому, что вашему королю объявлен шах</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>To castle</source>
+ <translation>Рокировка</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Do you want to castle?</source>
+ <translation>Вы хотите сделать рокировку?</translation>
+ </message>
+ <name>FigureDialog</name>
+ <message>
+ <source>What figure should I set?</source>
+ <translation>Какую фигуру следует поставить?</translation>
+ </message>
+ <name>GameBoard</name>
+ <message>
+ <source>White</source>
+ <translation>Белыми</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Black</source>
+ <translation>Чёрными</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>game with</source>
+ <translation>игра с</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Game chat</source>
+ <translation>Игровой чат</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>History</source>
+ <translation>История</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Looking up the host</source>
+ <translation>Поиск хоста</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Accepted a new connection</source>
+ <translation>Принято новое соединение</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>The host found</source>
+ <translation>Хост найден</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Socket Error...</source>
+ <translation>Ошибка сокета...</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>You have a socket error number</source>
+ <translation>Возникла ошибка сокета номер</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>game from</source>
+ <translation>игра с</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Accepted the</source>
+ <translation>Принята</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Your move...</source>
+ <translation>Ваш ход...</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Waiting a move...</source>
+ <translation>Ожидание хода...</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>End the game</source>
+ <translation>Конец игры</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Want you to end the game?
+You will lose it</source>
+ <translation>Желаете закончить игру?
+Вы проиграете</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Yes, end</source>
+ <translation>Да, закончить</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>No, continue</source>
+ <translation>Нет, продолжить</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>B</source>
+ <translation>С</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>K</source>
+ <translation>К</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>C</source>
+ <translation>Л</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Q</source>
+ <translation>Ф</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Error!</source>
+ <translation>Ошибка!</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>The host</source>
+ <translation>Хост</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>not found.</source>
+ <translation>не найден.</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Save image</source>
+ <translation>Сохранить картинку</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Do you want to save the image?</source>
+ <translation>Вы желаете сохранить картинку?</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Yes, save</source>
+ <translation>Да, сохранить</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>No, don&apos;t save</source>
+ <translation>Нет, не сохранять</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>You scored the game</source>
+ <translation>Вы выиграли игру</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>You have a mate.
+You lost the game.</source>
+ <translation>Вам поставили мат.
+Вы проиграли эту игру.</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>You have a stalemate</source>
+ <translation>У вас пат</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Game over</source>
+ <translation>Конец игры</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Connected to the host</source>
+ <translation>Соединились с хостом</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Lookup Error</source>
+ <translation>Ошибка DNS</translation>
+ </message>
+ <name>MainWindow</name>
+ <message>
+ <source>New</source>
+ <translation>Новая</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Save image</source>
+ <translation>Сохранить картинку</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Quit</source>
+ <translation>Выход</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>About the game</source>
+ <translation>Об Игре</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Game</source>
+ <translation>Игра</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Help</source>
+ <translation>Помощь</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Ready</source>
+ <translation>Готов</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>About</source>
+ <translation>Об Игре</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>is a network game chess for two players.
+It has a client and a server in the same program.
+You can modify and redistribute the source code
+because it is under GPL.
+Russia, Tambov, 2005 (</source>
+ <translation>это сетевая игра в шахматы на два игрока.
+Она содержит клиента и сервер в одной программе.
+Вы можете модифицировать и распространять исходный код
+потому, что он идёт под лицензией GPL.
+Россия, Тамбов, 2005 год (</translation>
+ </message>
+ <name>QObject</name>
+ <message>
+ <source>Socket Error</source>
+ <translation>Ошиба сокета</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Cannot create a server socket!</source>
+ <translation>Не могу создать серверный сокет!</translation>
+ </message>
+ <name>SelectGame</name>
+ <message>
+ <source>New game with...</source>
+ <translation>Новая игра с...</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>To play with </source>
+ <translation>Играем с</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Choose your game</source>
+ <translation>Выбирете игру</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>White game</source>
+ <translation>Игра белыми</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Black game</source>
+ <translation>Игра чёрными</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Play!</source>
+ <translation>Играть!</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <source>Cancel</source>
+ <translation>Отмена</translation>
+ </message>
diff --git a/qnetchess/README b/qnetchess/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5c982c71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/README
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Network Chess Game
+This software is distributed under GNU GPL.
+Use it at own risk. NO WARRANTY.
+To compile the game you need Qt library version 3.2 or newer.
+Also you need to set QTDIR environvent variable.
+Read Qt manual for more info.
+Then just type make -f Makefile.gnu and wait for a few time.
+If you use FreeBSD you may type Makefile.FreeBSD.
+The game uses TCP port 1345, you may change it at gamesocket.h
+Maybe I'll write HTTP-proxy support... maybe!
+Denis, Tambov
+(aka denk@RusNet)
diff --git a/qnetchess/README.rus b/qnetchess/README.rus
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6ad273bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/README.rus
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+, ...
+ , , , ;-)
+ Qt-3,
+ģ , FreeBSD,
+, ӣ /usr/local/qt,
+QTDIR , .
+, ,
+ , ...
+ 1345 :)
+ gamesocket.h
+ HTTP-proxy ,
+, configure ;-)
+ , ɣ .
+ QTDIR, - Qt.
+ ң - .. , configure ;-)
+ , ;-)
+ ӣ, ,
+(aka denk@RusNet)
+ , ң ;-)
+ ! ;-)
diff --git a/qnetchess/cmake/generate_apidox b/qnetchess/cmake/generate_apidox
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..3a4e79cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/cmake/generate_apidox
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+export TQTDOCDIR=${4}
+if [[ ! -d "${top_srcdir}/doc/common/" ]]; then
+ export DOXDATA=${kde_libs_htmldir}/en/common
+abs_top_srcdir=$(cd ${top_srcdir} && pwd)
+rm -rf ${top_builddir}/${kde_libs_htmldir}/en
+mkdir -p ${top_builddir}/${kde_libs_htmldir}/en
+cd ${top_builddir}/${kde_libs_htmldir}/en
+${abs_top_srcdir}/admin/ --modulename --installdir=${top_builddir}/${kde_libs_htmldir}/en ${abs_top_srcdir}
diff --git a/qnetchess/cmake/install_apidox b/qnetchess/cmake/install_apidox
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..b757f797
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/cmake/install_apidox
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+abs_top_srcdir=$(cd ${top_srcdir} && pwd)
+cd ${top_builddir}
+mkdir -p ${installdir}/${kde_libs_htmldir}/en
+cp -Rp ${top_builddir}/${kde_libs_htmldir}/en ${installdir}/${kde_libs_htmldir}/
diff --git a/qnetchess/cmake/modules/FindTDE.cmake b/qnetchess/cmake/modules/FindTDE.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..01e6f462
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/cmake/modules/FindTDE.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# (C) 2010-2011 Serghei Amelian
+# serghei (DOT) amelian (AT)
+# Improvements and feedback are welcome
+# This file is released under GPL >= 2
+ message( STATUS "checking for 'TDE'")
+ pkg_search_module( TDE tqt )
+ tde_message_fatal( "Unable to find tdelibs!\n Try adding the directory in which the tdelibs.pc file is located\nto the PKG_CONFIG_PATH variable." )
+ endif( )
+ # if the path is not already defined by user,
+ # find tde-config executable
+ NAMES tde-config
+ tde_message_fatal( "tde-config are NOT found." )
+ # check for installed trinity version
+ tde_execute_process(
+ MESSAGE "Unable to run tde-config!\n TDELIBS are correctly installed?\n Path to tde-config are corect?" )
+ # parse tde-config output, to extract TDE version
+ string( REGEX MATCH "TDE: R([0-9\\.]+).*" __dummy "${_version}" )
+ # ask tde-config for few paths
+ macro( __internal_get_path __type __var )
+ tde_execute_process(
+ COMMAND ${KDECONFIG_EXECUTABLE} --expandvars --install ${__type}
+ CACHE INTERNAL "TDE ${__type} path" FORCE
+ endmacro( __internal_get_path )
+ __internal_get_path( include TDE_INCLUDE_DIR )
+ __internal_get_path( lib TDE_LIB_DIR )
+ __internal_get_path( exe TDE_BIN_DIR )
+ __internal_get_path( data TDE_DATA_DIR )
+ __internal_get_path( config TDE_CONFIG_DIR )
+ __internal_get_path( html TDE_HTML_DIR )
+ __internal_get_path( cmake TDE_CMAKE_DIR )
+ __internal_get_path( tqtplugins TDE_TQTPLUGINS_DIR )
+ # find kde tools
+ macro( __internal_find_program __prog __var )
+ find_program( ${__var}
+ NAMES ${__prog}
+ if( NOT ${__var} )
+ tde_message_fatal( "${__prog} is NOT found.\n TDELIBS are correctly installed?" )
+ endif( NOT ${__var} )
+ set( ${__var} ${${__var}} CACHE INTERNAL "${__prog} executable" FORCE )
+ endmacro( __internal_find_program )
+ __internal_find_program( dcopidl KDE3_DCOPIDL_EXECUTABLE )
+ __internal_find_program( dcopidlng KDE3_DCOPIDLNG_EXECUTABLE )
+ __internal_find_program( dcopidl2cpp KDE3_DCOPIDL2CPP_EXECUTABLE )
+ __internal_find_program( meinproc KDE3_MEINPROC_EXECUTABLE )
+ __internal_find_program( tdeconfig_compiler KDE3_KCFGC_EXECUTABLE )
+ __internal_find_program( maketdewidgets KDE3_MAKETDEWIDGETS_EXECUTABLE )
+ # Don't use __internal_find_program due to it's not mandatory
+ find_program( TDELFEDITOR_EXECUTABLE NAMES tdelfeditor
+ # dcopidlng is a bash script which using tde-config;
+ # if PATH to tde-config is not set, dcopidlng will fail;
+ # for this reason we set KDECONFIG environment variable before running dcopidlng
+ CACHE INTERNAL "dcopidlng executable" FORCE )
+ # look for SCM data if present
+ if( EXISTS "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/.tdescmmodule" )
+ endif( EXISTS "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/.tdescmmodule" )
+ if( EXISTS "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/.tdescmrevision" )
+ endif( EXISTS "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/.tdescmrevision" )
+ message( STATUS " found 'TDE', version ${TDE_VERSION}" )
+endif( NOT TDE_FOUND )
+include( "${TDE_CMAKE_DIR}/tdelibs.cmake" )
diff --git a/qnetchess/cmake/modules/FindTQt.cmake b/qnetchess/cmake/modules/FindTQt.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6194bb26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/cmake/modules/FindTQt.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# (C) 2010-2011 Serghei Amelian
+# serghei (DOT) amelian (AT)
+# Improvements and feedback are welcome
+# This file is released under GPL >= 2
+macro( tqt_message )
+ message( STATUS "${ARGN}" )
+endmacro( )
+pkg_search_module( TQT tqt )
+ tde_message_fatal( "Unable to find tqt!\n Try adding the directory in which the tqt.pc file is located\nto the PKG_CONFIG_PATH variable." )
+endif( )
+# tmoc_executable
+ COMMAND pkg-config tqt --variable=tmoc_executable
+ CACHE FILEPATH "TQt tmoc executable path"
+ tde_message_fatal( "tmoc is not found!\n tqt is correctly installed?" )
+endif( )
+tqt_message( " tmoc path: ${TMOC_EXECUTABLE}" )
+# moc_executable
+ COMMAND pkg-config tqt --variable=moc_executable
+ CACHE FILEPATH "TQt moc executable path"
+ tde_message_fatal( "Path to moc is not set.\n tqt is correctly installed?" )
+endif( )
+tqt_message( " moc path: ${MOC_EXECUTABLE}" )
+# uic_executable
+ COMMAND pkg-config tqt --variable=uic_executable
+ CACHE FILEPATH "TQt uic executable path"
+ tde_message_fatal( "uic not found!\n tqt is correctly installed?" )
+endif( )
+tqt_message( " uic path: ${UIC_EXECUTABLE}" )
+# tqt-replace script
+set( TQT_REPLACE_SCRIPT "${TQT_PREFIX}/bin/tqt-replace" )
+ tde_message_fatal( "tqt-replace not found!\n Check tqt installation." )
+endif( )
+tqt_message( " tqt-replace path: ${TQT_REPLACE_SCRIPT}" )
+# check if tqt is usable
+foreach( _dirs ${TQT_LIBRARY_DIRS} )
+ #include <tqapplication.h>
+ int main(int argc, char **argv) { TQApplication app(argc, argv); return 0; } "
+ tde_message_fatal( "Unable to build a simple tqt test." )
+endif( )
+foreach( _flag ${TQT_CFLAGS} ${TQT_CFLAGS_OTHER} )
+ set( TQT_CXX_FLAGS "${TQT_CXX_FLAGS} ${_flag}" )
+# Set compiler flags according to build type
diff --git a/qnetchess/cmake/modules/FindTQtQUI.cmake b/qnetchess/cmake/modules/FindTQtQUI.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..32dd245e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/cmake/modules/FindTQtQUI.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# (C) 2010-2011 Serghei Amelian
+# serghei (DOT) amelian (AT)
+# Improvements and feedback are welcome
+# This file is released under GPL >= 2
+macro( tqtqui_message )
+ message( STATUS "${ARGN}" )
+endmacro( )
+pkg_search_module( TQTQUI tqtqui )
+ tde_message_fatal( "Unable to find tqtqui!\n Try adding the directory in which the tqtqui.pc file is located\nto the PKG_CONFIG_PATH variable." )
+endif( )
+# check if tqtqui is usable
+foreach( _dirs ${TQTQUI_LIBRARY_DIRS} )
+ #include <tqapplication.h>
+ int main(int argc, char **argv) { TQApplication app(argc, argv); return 0; } "
+ tde_message_fatal( "Unable to build a simple tqtqui test." )
+endif( )
+foreach( _flag ${TQTQUI_CFLAGS_OTHER} )
+ set( TQTQUI_CXX_FLAGS "${TQTQUI_CXX_FLAGS} ${_flag}" )
diff --git a/qnetchess/cmake/modules/TDEL10n.cmake b/qnetchess/cmake/modules/TDEL10n.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..62aad3a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/cmake/modules/TDEL10n.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,1151 @@
+# (C) 2018-2019 Slávek Banko
+# slavek (DOT) banko (AT)
+# Improvements and feedback are welcome
+# This file is released under GPL >= 2
+##### include essential TDE macros ##############
+include( TDEMacros )
+##### verify required programs ##################
+ set( TDE_PREFIX "/opt/trinity" )
+else( )
+ set( TDE_PREFIX "/usr" )
+endif( )
+ NAMES kde-xgettext
+ )
+ tde_message_fatal( "kde-xgettext is required but not found" )
+ endif( )
+endif( )
+ NAMES xgettext
+ )
+ tde_message_fatal( "xgettext is required but not found" )
+ endif( )
+ execute_process(
+ OUTPUT_VARIABLE _xgettext_version
+ ERROR_VARIABLE _xgettext_version
+ )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "^xgettext[^\n]* ([^ ]*)\n.*" "\\1" _xgettext_version ${_xgettext_version} )
+ if( "${_xgettext_version}" VERSION_LESS "0.19" )
+ tde_message_fatal( "xgettext version >= 0.19 is required but found only ${_xgettext_version}" )
+ endif( )
+endif( )
+ find_program( MSGUNIQ_EXECUTABLE
+ NAMES msguniq
+ )
+ tde_message_fatal( "msguniq is required but not found" )
+ endif( )
+endif( )
+ find_program( MSGCAT_EXECUTABLE
+ NAMES msgcat
+ )
+ tde_message_fatal( "msgcat is required but not found" )
+ endif( )
+endif( )
+ NAMES po4a-gettextize
+ )
+ tde_message_fatal( "po4a-gettextize is required but not found" )
+ endif( )
+ execute_process(
+ OUTPUT_VARIABLE _po4a_version
+ ERROR_VARIABLE _po4a_version
+ )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "^po4a-gettextize[^\n]* ([^ ]*)\n.*" "\\1" _po4a_version ${_po4a_version} )
+ if( "${_po4a_version}" VERSION_LESS "0.45" )
+ tde_message_fatal( "po4a version >= 0.45 is required but found only ${_po4_version}" )
+ endif( )
+endif( )
+ while( (NOT EXISTS "${TDE_SOURCE_BASE}/tdelibs"
+ get_filename_component( TDE_SOURCE_BASE "${TDE_SOURCE_BASE}" PATH )
+ endwhile( )
+ NAMES tde.pot
+ HINTS "${TDE_SOURCE_BASE}/tdelibs" "${TDE_PREFIX}/include" "${TDE_PREFIX}/include/tde"
+ )
+ tde_message_fatal( "translation template with common texts not found" )
+ endif( )
+endif( )
+##### tde_l10n_add_subdirectory
+##### The function simulates the add_subdirectory() behavior, but
+##### the CMakeL10n.txt file is used instead of CMakeLists.txt.
+function( tde_l10n_add_subdirectory _dir )
+ include( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeL10n.txt )
+endfunction( )
+##### tde_l10n_auto_add_subdirectories
+##### The function is equivalent to tde_auto_add_subdirectories, but
+##### the CMakeL10n.txt file is used instead of CMakeLists.txt.
+function( tde_l10n_auto_add_subdirectories )
+ foreach( _dir ${_dirs} )
+ AND NOT ${_dir} STREQUAL ".svn"
+ tde_l10n_add_subdirectory( ${_dir} )
+ endif( )
+ endforeach( )
+endfunction( )
+##### tde_l10n_create_template
+##### Macro is used to generate a translation template - POT file.
+##### Syntax:
+##### tde_l10n_create_template(
+##### [CATALOG] file_name
+##### [SOURCES source_spec [source_spec]]
+##### [COMMENT tag]
+##### [EXCLUDES regex [regex]]
+##### [KEYWORDS keyword [keyword]]
+##### [ATTRIBUTES attrib_spec [attrib_spec]]
+##### [X-POT common_texts.pot]
+##### [DESTINATION directory]
+##### )
+##### Where:
+##### CATALOG determines the target file name (without pot suffix).
+##### SOURCES can be specified by several options:
+##### a) Do not specify anything
+##### - all usual source files will be automatically searched.
+##### b) Enter the directory name - for example, '.' or 'src'
+##### - all the usual source files in the specified directory
+##### and subdirectories will be searched.
+##### c) Enter the mask - for example '*.cpp'
+##### - all files with the specified mask will be searched.
+##### d) Specify the name of the individual file.
+##### The methods from b) to d) can be combined.
+##### EXCLUDES determines which files are to be excluded from processing
+##### COMMENT determines additional comment to extract by xgettext.
+##### KEYWORDS determines additional keywords for xgettext.
+##### Use "-" if is needed to disable default keywords.
+##### ATTRIBUTES determines files and specification for extractattr:
+##### source_spec:element,attribute[,context][[:element,attribute[,context]]...]
+##### X-POT entries from common_texts.pot are not extracted
+##### By default, "tde.pot" is searched for and used.
+##### Use "-" to skip this.
+##### DESTINATION determines directory to save translation template.
+##### The destination directory is determined as follows:
+##### a) Directory is specified as an argument.
+##### b) The variable POT_SOURCE_DIR is set.
+##### c) There is a 'translations' directory.
+##### d) There is a 'po' directory.
+##### Note:
+##### Editing the _files list inside foreach( ${_files} ) below in the
+##### code is safe, because in CMake foreach parameters are evaluated
+##### before the loop starts. Therefore, the changes in the list inside
+##### the loop do not have an unwanted impact on the loop processing.
+macro( tde_l10n_create_template )
+ unset( _catalog )
+ unset( _sources )
+ unset( _excludes )
+ unset( _files )
+ unset( _desktops )
+ unset( _pots )
+ unset( _dest )
+ unset( _keywords_add )
+ unset( _comment )
+ unset( _attributes )
+ unset( _exclude_pot )
+ unset( _pot )
+ unset( _directive )
+ set( _var _catalog )
+ set( _keywords_c_default "i18n" "i18n:1,2" "tr2i18n" "tr2i18n:1,2" "I18N_NOOP" "I18N_NOOP2" )
+ set( _keywords_desktop_default "Description" "ExtraNames" "X-TDE-Submenu" )
+ foreach( _arg ${ARGN} )
+ # found directive "CATALOG"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+CATALOG" )
+ unset( _catalog )
+ set( _var _catalog )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif( )
+ # found directive "SOURCES"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+SOURCES" )
+ unset( _sources )
+ set( _var _sources )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif( )
+ # found directive "EXCLUDES"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+EXCLUDES" )
+ unset( _excludes )
+ set( _var _excludes )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif( )
+ # found directive "DESTINATION"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+DESTINATION" )
+ unset( _dest )
+ set( _var _dest )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif( )
+ # found directive "COMMENT"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+COMMENT" )
+ unset( _comment )
+ set( _var _comment )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif( )
+ # found directive "KEYWORDS"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+KEYWORDS" )
+ unset( _keywords_add )
+ set( _var _keywords_add )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif( )
+ # found directive "ATTRIBUTES"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+ATTRIBUTES" )
+ unset( _attributes )
+ set( _var _attributes )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif( )
+ # found directive "X-POT"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+X-POT" )
+ unset( _exclude_pot )
+ set( _var _exclude_pot )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif( )
+ # collect data
+ if( _directive )
+ unset( _directive )
+ elseif( _var )
+ list( APPEND ${_var} ${_arg} )
+ endif( )
+ endforeach( )
+ # verify catalog
+ if( NOT _catalog )
+ tde_message_fatal( "the name of the translation catalog is not defined" )
+ endif( )
+ # determine the destination directory
+ if( NOT _dest )
+ set( _dest ${POT_SOURCE_DIR} )
+ elseif( EXISTS "${MASTER_SOURCE_DIR}/translations" )
+ set( _dest "${MASTER_SOURCE_DIR}/translations/" )
+ elseif( EXISTS "${MASTER_SOURCE_DIR}/po" )
+ set( _dest "${MASTER_SOURCE_DIR}/po/" )
+ else( )
+ tde_message_fatal( "cannot determine destination directory" )
+ endif( )
+ endif( )
+ if( ${_dest} MATCHES "[^/]$" )
+ set( _dest "${_dest}/" )
+ endif( )
+ if( ${_dest} MATCHES "^[^/]" )
+ set( _dest "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_dest}" )
+ endif( )
+ get_filename_component( _potFilename "${_dest}${_catalog}.pot" ABSOLUTE )
+ file( RELATIVE_PATH _potFilename ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ${_potFilename} )
+ message( STATUS "Create translation template ${_potFilename}" )
+ # verify sources
+ if( NOT _sources AND NOT _attributes )
+ # add current directory
+ list( APPEND _sources "." )
+ endif( )
+ foreach( _src ${_sources} )
+ # add all source files from directory
+ if( ${_src} STREQUAL "." )
+ set( _dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" )
+ else( )
+ set( _dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_src}" )
+ endif( )
+ file( GLOB_RECURSE _add_files
+ ${_dir}/*.c
+ ${_dir}/*.cc
+ ${_dir}/*.cpp
+ ${_dir}/*.h
+ ${_dir}/*.kcfg
+ ${_dir}/*.rc
+ ${_dir}/*.ui
+ )
+ list( SORT _add_files )
+ list( APPEND _files ${_add_files} )
+ # add files by the specified mask
+ elseif( ${_src} MATCHES "(\\*|\\?)" )
+ file( GLOB_RECURSE _add_files
+ )
+ list( SORT _add_files )
+ list( APPEND _files ${_add_files} )
+ # add a individual file
+ elseif( EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_src} )
+ list( APPEND _files ${_src} )
+ endif( )
+ endforeach( )
+ # filter files by excludes
+ if( _excludes )
+ foreach( _src ${_files} )
+ foreach( _exclude ${_excludes} )
+ if( ${_src} MATCHES ${_exclude} )
+ list( REMOVE_ITEM _files ${_src} )
+ endif( )
+ endforeach( )
+ endforeach( )
+ endif( )
+ if( NOT _files AND NOT _attributes )
+ tde_message_fatal( "no source files found" )
+ endif( )
+ # prepare x-pot
+ if( NOT _exclude_pot )
+ set( _exclude_pot "${TDE_COMMON_TEXTS_POT}" )
+ endif( )
+ if( "${_exclude_pot}" STREQUAL "-" )
+ unset( _exclude_pot )
+ else( )
+ if( ${_exclude_pot} MATCHES "^[^/]" )
+ set( _exclude_pot "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_exclude_pot}" )
+ endif( )
+ set( _exclude_pot "-x${_exclude_pot}" )
+ endif( )
+ # prepare comment
+ if( NOT "${_comment}" STREQUAL "" )
+ if( "${_comment}" STREQUAL "-" OR "${_comment}" STREQUAL "all" )
+ set( _comment "-c" )
+ else( )
+ set( _comment "-c${_comment}" )
+ endif( )
+ endif( )
+ # prepare keywords
+ unset( _keywords_c )
+ unset( _keywords_desktop )
+ foreach( _keyword ${_keywords_c_default} ${_keywords_add} )
+ if( "${_keyword}" STREQUAL "-" )
+ unset( _keywords_c )
+ unset( _keyword )
+ endif( )
+ list( APPEND _keywords_c "-k${_keyword}" )
+ endforeach( )
+ foreach( _keyword ${_keywords_desktop_default} ${_keywords_add} )
+ if( "${_keyword}" STREQUAL "-" )
+ unset( _keywords_desktop )
+ unset( _keyword )
+ endif( )
+ list( APPEND _keywords_desktop "-k${_keyword}" )
+ endforeach( )
+ # prepare resource files *.kcfg, *.rc and *.ui
+ foreach( _src ${_files} )
+ if( ${_src} MATCHES "\\.(kcfg|rc|ui)(\\.cmake)?$" )
+ set( _src_index 0 )
+ set( _src_l10n "${_src}.tde_l10n" )
+ list( FIND _files "${_src_l10n}" _src_file_index )
+ while( "${_src_file_index}" GREATER -1 )
+ set( _src_l10n "${_src}.tde_l10n${_src_index}" )
+ list( FIND _files "${_src_l10n}" _src_file_index )
+ math( EXPR _src_index "${_src_index}+1" )
+ endwhile( )
+ tde_l10n_prepare_xml( SOURCE ${_src} TARGET ${_src_l10n} )
+ list( REMOVE_ITEM _files ${_src} )
+ list( APPEND _files "${_src_l10n}" )
+ endif( )
+ endforeach( )
+ # prepare attributes
+ if( _attributes )
+ foreach( _attrib ${_attributes} )
+ if( ${_attrib} MATCHES "^([^:]+):(.+)$" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "^([^:]+):(.+)$" "\\1" _attrib_glob ${_attrib} )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "^([^:]+):(.+)$" "\\2" _attrib_spec ${_attrib} )
+ file( GLOB_RECURSE _attrib_files
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_attrib_glob}
+ )
+ if( _excludes )
+ foreach( _src ${_attrib_files} )
+ foreach( _exclude ${_excludes} )
+ if( ${_src} MATCHES ${_exclude} )
+ list( REMOVE_ITEM _attrib_files ${_src} )
+ endif( )
+ endforeach( )
+ endforeach( )
+ endif( )
+ if( _attrib_files )
+ list( SORT _attrib_files )
+ string( REGEX MATCHALL "[^:]+" _attrib_spec "${_attrib_spec}" )
+ foreach( _src ${_attrib_files} )
+ set( _src_index 0 )
+ set( _src_l10n "${_src}.tde_l10n" )
+ list( FIND _files "${_src_l10n}" _src_file_index )
+ while( "${_src_file_index}" GREATER -1 )
+ set( _src_l10n "${_src}.tde_l10n${_src_index}" )
+ list( FIND _files "${_src_l10n}" _src_file_index )
+ math( EXPR _src_index "${_src_index}+1" )
+ endwhile( )
+ tde_l10n_prepare_xmlattr(
+ SOURCE ${_src}
+ TARGET ${_src_l10n}
+ ATTRIBUTES ${_attrib_spec}
+ )
+ list( APPEND _files "${_src_l10n}" )
+ endforeach( )
+ endif( )
+ endif( )
+ endforeach( )
+ endif( )
+ # prepare tips
+ foreach( _src ${_files} )
+ if( ${_src} MATCHES "(^|/)tips$" )
+ tde_l10n_preparetips( ${_src} )
+ list( REMOVE_ITEM _files ${_src} )
+ list( APPEND _files "${_src}.tde_l10n" )
+ endif( )
+ endforeach( )
+ # prepare documentation
+ foreach( _src ${_files} )
+ if( ${_src} MATCHES "\\.(ad|adoc|docbook|[1-8])(\\.cmake)?$" )
+ if( ${_src} MATCHES "\\.(ad|adoc)(\\.cmake)?$" )
+ set( _doc_format "asciidoc" )
+ elseif( ${_src} MATCHES "\\.(docbook)(\\.cmake)?$" )
+ set( _doc_format "docbook" )
+ elseif( ${_src} MATCHES "\\.([1-8])(\\.cmake)?$" )
+ set( _doc_format "man" )
+ else( )
+ set( _doc_format "text" )
+ endif( )
+ execute_process(
+ -f ${_doc_format} -m ${_src}
+ )
+ if( _potDoc )
+ string( REPLACE "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" _potDoc "${_potDoc}" )
+ string( REPLACE "Content-Transfer-Encoding: ENCODING" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit" _potDoc "${_potDoc}" )
+ file( WRITE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_src}.tde_l10n "${_potDoc}" )
+ list( APPEND _pots ${_src}.tde_l10n )
+ endif( )
+ list( REMOVE_ITEM _files ${_src} )
+ endif( )
+ endforeach( )
+ # pick desktop files *.desktop and *.protocol
+ foreach( _src ${_files} )
+ if( ${_src} MATCHES "\\.(desktop|protocol)(\\.cmake)?$" )
+ list( APPEND _desktops ${_src} )
+ list( REMOVE_ITEM _files ${_src} )
+ endif( )
+ endforeach( )
+ # pick pot files *.pot
+ foreach( _src ${_files} )
+ if( ${_src} MATCHES "\\.pot(\\.cmake)?(\\.tde_l10n)?$" )
+ list( APPEND _pots ${_src} )
+ list( REMOVE_ITEM _files ${_src} )
+ endif( )
+ endforeach( )
+ # add common translator info
+ if( _files )
+ list( FIND _excludes "_translatorinfo" _translatorinfo_index )
+ if( "${_translatorinfo_index}" LESS 0 )
+ set( _translatorinfo
+ "i18n(\"NAME OF TRANSLATORS\", \"Your names\")\n"
+ "i18n(\"EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS\", \"Your emails\")\n"
+ )
+ file( WRITE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/_translatorinfo.tde_l10n ${_translatorinfo} )
+ list( INSERT _files 0 "_translatorinfo.tde_l10n" )
+ endif( )
+ endif( )
+ # create translation template
+ if( _files )
+ execute_process(
+ ${_comment} ${_keywords_c} ${_exclude_pot} -o - ${_files}
+ )
+ # set charset and encoding headers
+ if( _pot )
+ string( REPLACE "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" _pot "${_pot}" )
+ string( REPLACE "Content-Transfer-Encoding: ENCODING" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit" _pot "${_pot}" )
+ endif( )
+ endif( )
+ # process desktop files
+ if( _desktops )
+ # create translation template for desktop files
+ if( _pot )
+ set( _withPotHeader "--omit-header" )
+ else( )
+ set( _withPotHeader "--foreign-user" )
+ endif( )
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND ${XGETTEXT_EXECUTABLE} ${_withPotHeader} -L Desktop
+ ${_keywords_desktop} -o - ${_desktops}
+ )
+ # merge translation templates
+ if( _potDesktop )
+ if( _pot )
+ file( WRITE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/extracted-pot.tmp "${_pot}" )
+ file( APPEND ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/extracted-pot.tmp "${_potDesktop}" )
+ execute_process(
+ )
+ file( REMOVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/extracted-pot.tmp )
+ else( )
+ set( _pot "${_potDesktop}" )
+ # set charset and encoding headers
+ string( REPLACE "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" _pot "${_pot}" )
+ string( REPLACE "Content-Transfer-Encoding: ENCODING" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit" _pot "${_pot}" )
+ endif( )
+ endif( )
+ endif( )
+ # merge additional pot files
+ if( _pots )
+ file( WRITE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/extracted-pot.tmp "${_pot}" )
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND ${MSGCAT_EXECUTABLE} --use-first extracted-pot.tmp ${_pots}
+ )
+ file( REMOVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/extracted-pot.tmp )
+ # set charset and encoding headers
+ string( REPLACE "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" _pot "${_pot}" )
+ string( REPLACE "Content-Transfer-Encoding: ENCODING" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit" _pot "${_pot}" )
+ endif( )
+ # finalize translation template
+ if( _pot )
+ # update references for resources to original files and line numbers
+ list( FIND _files "extracted-rc.tde_l10n" _extractedRC_index )
+ if( "${_extractedRC_index}" GREATER -1
+ AND EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/extracted-rc.tde_l10n )
+ file( READ "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/extracted-rc.tde_l10n" _extractedRC )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "[^\n]" "" _extractedRC_len "${_extractedRC}" )
+ string( LENGTH "+${_extractedRC_len}" _extractedRC_len )
+ set( _rcPos 0 )
+ while( _rcPos LESS ${_extractedRC_len} )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "^([^\n]*)\n(.*)" "\\1" _rcLine "${_extractedRC}" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "^([^\n]*)\n(.*)" "\\2" _extractedRC "${_extractedRC}" )
+ math( EXPR _rcPos "${_rcPos}+1" )
+ if( "${_rcLine}" MATCHES "^//i18n: file .* line [0-9]*$" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "^//i18n: file (.*) line ([0-9]*)$" "\\1:\\2" _rcOrig ${_rcLine} )
+ endif( )
+ if( "${_rcLine}" MATCHES "^i18n\\(" AND _rcOrig )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "(^|\n)(#:.*) extracted-rc.tde_l10n:${_rcPos}( |\n)" "\\1\\2 ${_rcOrig}\\3" _pot "${_pot}" )
+ unset( _rcOrig )
+ endif( )
+ endwhile( )
+ endif( )
+ # update references for modified source files (".tde_l10n" extension)
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "\\.tde_l10n[0-9]*(:[0-9]+)" "\\1" _pot "${_pot}" )
+ # save translation template
+ if( EXISTS "${_dest}${_catalog}.pot" )
+ file( READ "${_dest}${_catalog}.pot" _potOrig )
+ else( )
+ unset( _potOrig )
+ endif( )
+ if( _potOrig )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "\n\"POT-Creation-Date: [^\"]*\"\n" "" _potOrig "${_potOrig}" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "\n\"POT-Creation-Date: [^\"]*\"\n" "" _potNew "${_pot}" )
+ endif( )
+ if( NOT _potOrig OR NOT "${_potNew}" STREQUAL "${_potOrig}" )
+ file( WRITE "${_dest}${_catalog}.pot" "${_pot}" )
+ endif( )
+ endif( _pot )
+ # cleanup
+ foreach( _file ${_files} ${_desktops} ${_pots} )
+ if( "${_file}" MATCHES "\\.tde_l10n[0-9]*$" )
+ endif( )
+ endforeach( )
+endmacro( )
+##### tde_l10n_preparetips
+##### Macro is used to prepare tips file for xgettext
+macro( tde_l10n_preparetips _tips )
+ tde_l10n_prepare_xml(
+ SOURCE ${_tips}
+ TAGS html
+ PRESERVE entities line-wrap spaces-leading spaces-trailing spaces-multi
+ )
+endmacro( )
+##### tde_l10n_prepare_xml
+##### The function is used to prepare XML file for xgettext.
+##### The default settings are identical to extractrc.
+function( tde_l10n_prepare_xml )
+ unset( _source )
+ unset( _target )
+ unset( _context )
+ set( _skip_properties "database|associations|populationText" )
+ set( _tags "[tT][eE][xX][tT]|title|string|whatsthis|tooltip|label" )
+ set( _preserve "line-wrap" "lines-leading" "lines-multi" "spaces-leading" "spaces-trailing" "spaces-multi" )
+ set( _no_c_format 1 )
+ unset( _directive )
+ set( _var _source )
+ foreach( _arg ${ARGN} )
+ # found directive "SOURCE"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+SOURCE" )
+ unset( _source )
+ set( _var _source )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif( )
+ # found directive "TARGET"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+TARGET" )
+ unset( _target )
+ set( _var _target )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif( )
+ # found directive "CONTEXT"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+CONTEXT" )
+ unset( _context )
+ set( _var _context )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif( )
+ # found directive "SKIP-PROPERTIES"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+SKIP-PROPERTIES" )
+ unset( _skip_properties )
+ set( _var _skip_properties )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif( )
+ # found directive "TAGS"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+TAGS" )
+ unset( _tags )
+ set( _var _tags )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif( )
+ # found directive "PRESERVE"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+PRESERVE" )
+ unset( _preserve )
+ set( _var _preserve )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif( )
+ # found directive "C_FORMAT"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+C_FORMAT" )
+ unset( _no_c_format )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif( )
+ # found directive "NO_C_FORMAT"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+NO_C_FORMAT" )
+ set( _no_c_format 1 )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif( )
+ # collect data
+ if( _directive )
+ unset( _directive )
+ elseif( _var )
+ list( APPEND ${_var} ${_arg} )
+ endif( )
+ endforeach( )
+ # verify source
+ if( NOT _source )
+ tde_message_fatal( "no source XML file" )
+ endif( )
+ if( NOT IS_ABSOLUTE "${_source}" )
+ set( _source "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_source}" )
+ endif( )
+ if( NOT _target )
+ set( _target "${_source}.tde_l10n" )
+ endif( )
+ if( NOT IS_ABSOLUTE "${_target}" )
+ set( _target "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_target}" )
+ endif( )
+ # prepare tags to regexp
+ string( REPLACE ";" "|" _tags "${_tags}" )
+ if( "${_skip_properties}" STREQUAL "-" )
+ unset( _skip_properties )
+ endif( )
+ if( DEFINED _skip_properties )
+ string( REPLACE ";" "|" _skip_properties "${_skip_properties}" )
+ set( _tags "property|${_tags}" )
+ endif( )
+ # read file
+ file( READ ${_source} _xml_data )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "[^\n]" "" _xml_len ${_xml_data} )
+ string( LENGTH "+${_xml_len}" _xml_len )
+ # process lines
+ set( _xml_pos 0 )
+ unset( _xml_l10n )
+ unset( _xml_inside )
+ unset( _xml_tag_empty )
+ unset( _xml_skipped_prop )
+ while( _xml_pos LESS ${_xml_len} )
+ # pick line
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "^([^\n]*)\n(.*)" "\\1" _xml_line "${_xml_data}" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "^([^\n]*)\n(.*)" "\\2" _xml_data "${_xml_data}" )
+ math( EXPR _xml_pos "${_xml_pos}+1" )
+ set( _xml_newline 1 )
+ # process tags on line
+ while( _xml_newline OR NOT "${_xml_line}" STREQUAL "" )
+ unset( _xml_newline )
+ unset( _xml_line_prefix )
+ unset( _xml_line_suffix )
+ unset( _xml_line_rest )
+ if( NOT _xml_inside )
+ if( _xml_skipped_prop AND "${_xml_line}" MATCHES "</property>" )
+ unset( _xml_skipped_prop )
+ string( REGEX MATCH "</property>(.*)" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "^</property>(.*)" "\\1" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
+ endif( )
+ if( NOT _xml_skipped_prop AND "${_xml_line}" MATCHES "<(${_tags})([ \t][^>]*)*>" )
+ string( REGEX MATCH "<(${_tags})([ \t][^>]*)*>(.*)" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
+ string( REGEX MATCH "^<(${_tags})([ \t][^>]*)*>" _xml_attr "${_xml_line}" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "^<(${_tags})([ \t][^>]*)*>(.*)" "\\3" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
+ if( "${_xml_attr}" MATCHES "^<property([ \t][^>]*)*>" AND DEFINED _skip_properties )
+ if( "${_xml_attr}" MATCHES "[ \t]name=\"(${_skip_properties})\"" )
+ set( _xml_skipped_prop 1 )
+ endif( )
+ set( _xml_line_rest "${_xml_line}" )
+ set( _xml_line "" )
+ else( )
+ set( _xml_inside 1 )
+ set( _xml_context "${_context}" )
+ if( "${_xml_attr}" MATCHES "[ \t]context=\"([^\"]*)\"" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE ".* context=\"([^\"]*)\".*" "\\1" _xml_context "${_xml_attr}" )
+ endif( )
+ set( _xml_line_prefix "i18n(" )
+ if( _no_c_format )
+ set( _xml_line_prefix "${_xml_line_prefix}/* xgettext: no-c-format */" )
+ endif( )
+ if( _xml_context )
+ set( _xml_line_prefix "${_xml_line_prefix}\"${_xml_context}\", " )
+ endif( )
+ set( _xml_tag_empty 1 )
+ endif( )
+ else( )
+ set( _xml_line "" )
+ endif( )
+ endif( )
+ if( _xml_inside )
+ if( "${_xml_line}" MATCHES "</(${_tags})>" )
+ unset( _xml_inside )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "</(${_tags})>(.*)" "\\2" _xml_line_rest "${_xml_line}" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "</(${_tags})>(.*)" "" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
+ set( _xml_line_suffix ");" )
+ endif( )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "\\\\" "\\\\\\\\" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "\\\"" "\\\\\"" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "\t" "\\\\t" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
+ if( NOT ";${_preserve};" MATCHES ";entities;" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "&lt;" "<" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "&gt;" ">" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "&amp;" "&" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
+ endif( )
+ if( NOT ";${_preserve};" MATCHES ";spaces-leading;" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "^ +" "" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
+ endif( )
+ if( NOT ";${_preserve};" MATCHES ";spaces-trailing;" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE " +$" "" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
+ endif( )
+ if( NOT ";${_preserve};" MATCHES ";spaces-multi;" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE " +" " " _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
+ endif( )
+ if( _xml_inside )
+ if( ";${_preserve};" MATCHES ";line-wrap;" )
+ if( NOT "${_xml_line}" STREQUAL ""
+ OR ( ";${_preserve};" MATCHES ";lines-leading;" AND _xml_tag_empty )
+ OR ( ";${_preserve};" MATCHES ";lines-multi;" AND NOT _xml_tag_empty ) )
+ set( _xml_line "${_xml_line}\\n" )
+ endif( )
+ elseif( NOT "${_xml_line}" STREQUAL "" AND NOT _xml_tag_empty )
+ set( _xml_line " ${_xml_line}" )
+ endif( )
+ endif( )
+ if( NOT "${_xml_line}" STREQUAL "" )
+ unset( _xml_tag_empty )
+ endif( )
+ endif( )
+ # drop empty tag on single line
+ if( _xml_line_prefix AND _xml_line_suffix AND _xml_tag_empty )
+ # skip empty string for translation
+ # add current tag to output
+ else( )
+ set( _xml_l10n "${_xml_l10n}${_xml_line_prefix}" )
+ if( NOT "${_xml_line}" STREQUAL "" OR ( _xml_line_suffix AND _xml_tag_empty ) )
+ set( _xml_l10n "${_xml_l10n}\"${_xml_line}\"" )
+ endif( )
+ set( _xml_l10n "${_xml_l10n}${_xml_line_suffix}" )
+ endif( )
+ # take the rest of the line for processing
+ set( _xml_line "${_xml_line_rest}" )
+ endwhile( )
+ set( _xml_l10n "${_xml_l10n}\n" )
+ endwhile( )
+ # write file
+ file( WRITE ${_target} "${_xml_l10n}" )
+endfunction( )
+##### tde_l10n_prepare_xmlattr
+##### The function is used to prepare attributes in XML file
+##### for xgettext, comparable to extractattr.
+function( tde_l10n_prepare_xmlattr )
+ unset( _source )
+ unset( _target )
+ unset( _context )
+ unset( _attribs )
+ unset( _directive )
+ set( _preserve "line-wrap" "lines-leading" "spaces-leading" "spaces-trailing" "spaces-multi" )
+ set( _var _source )
+ foreach( _arg ${ARGN} )
+ # found directive "SOURCE"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+SOURCE" )
+ unset( _source )
+ set( _var _source )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif( )
+ # found directive "TARGET"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+TARGET" )
+ unset( _target )
+ set( _var _target )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif( )
+ # found directive "CONTEXT"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+CONTEXT" )
+ unset( _context )
+ set( _var _context )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif( )
+ # found directive "ATTRIBUTES"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+ATTRIBUTES" )
+ unset( _attribs )
+ set( _var _attribs )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif( )
+ # found directive "PRESERVE"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+PRESERVE" )
+ unset( _preserve )
+ set( _var _preserve )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif( )
+ # collect data
+ if( _directive )
+ unset( _directive )
+ elseif( _var )
+ list( APPEND ${_var} ${_arg} )
+ endif( )
+ endforeach( )
+ # verify source
+ if( NOT _source )
+ tde_message_fatal( "no source XML file" )
+ endif( )
+ if( NOT IS_ABSOLUTE "${_source}" )
+ set( _source "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_source}" )
+ endif( )
+ if( NOT _target )
+ set( _target "${_source}.tde_l10n" )
+ endif( )
+ if( NOT IS_ABSOLUTE "${_target}" )
+ set( _target "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_target}" )
+ endif( )
+ # prepare tags to regexp
+ if( NOT _attribs )
+ tde_message_fatal( "no attributes specified" )
+ endif( )
+ unset( _tags )
+ foreach( _attrib ${_attribs} )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "^([^,]+),.*" "\\1" _tag "${_attrib}" )
+ list( APPEND _tags "${_tag}" )
+ endforeach( )
+ list( REMOVE_DUPLICATES _tags )
+ string( REPLACE ";" "|" _tags "${_tags}" )
+ # read file
+ file( READ ${_source} _xml_data )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "[^\n]" "" _xml_len ${_xml_data} )
+ string( LENGTH "+${_xml_len}" _xml_len )
+ # process lines
+ set( _xml_pos 0 )
+ unset( _xml_l10n )
+ unset( _xml_inside_tag )
+ unset( _xml_inside_attrib )
+ unset( _xml_attrib_empty )
+ while( _xml_pos LESS ${_xml_len} )
+ # pick line
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "^([^\n]*)\n(.*)" "\\1" _xml_line "${_xml_data}" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "^([^\n]*)\n(.*)" "\\2" _xml_data "${_xml_data}" )
+ math( EXPR _xml_pos "${_xml_pos}+1" )
+ set( _xml_newline 1 )
+ # process tags on line
+ while( _xml_newline OR NOT "${_xml_line}" STREQUAL "" )
+ unset( _xml_line_rest )
+ if( NOT _xml_inside_tag )
+ if( "${_xml_line}" MATCHES "<(${_tags})([ \t\n][^>]*|$)" )
+ set( _xml_inside_tag 1 )
+ string( REGEX MATCH "<(${_tags})([ \t\n][^>]*|$)(.*)" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "^<(${_tags})[ \t\n]*.*" "\\1" _xml_tag "${_xml_line}" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "^<(${_tags})[ \t\n]*" "" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
+ unset( _tag_attribs )
+ foreach( _attrib ${_attribs} )
+ if( "${_attrib}" MATCHES "^${_xml_tag}," )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "^([^,]+),([^,]+),?(.*)" "\\2" _attrib "${_attrib}" )
+ list( APPEND _tag_attribs "${_attrib}" )
+ endif( )
+ endforeach( )
+ string( REPLACE ";" "|" _tag_attribs "${_tag_attribs}" )
+ unset( _xml_inside_attrib )
+ else( )
+ set( _xml_line "" )
+ endif( )
+ endif( )
+ if( _xml_inside_tag )
+ if( "${_xml_line}" MATCHES "^(([ \t]*[^>=]+=\"[^\"]*\")*)[ \t]*/?>" )
+ unset( _xml_inside_tag )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "^(([ \t]*[^>=]+=\"[^\"]*\")*)[ \t]*/?>(.*)" "\\3" _xml_line_rest "${_xml_line}" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "^(([ \t]*[^>=]+=\"[^\"]*\")*)[ \t]*/?>(.*)" "\\1" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
+ endif( )
+ # process attribs on line
+ set( _xml_attrib_line "${_xml_line}" )
+ while( _xml_newline OR NOT "${_xml_attrib_line}" STREQUAL "" )
+ unset( _xml_newline )
+ unset( _xml_line_prefix )
+ unset( _xml_line_suffix )
+ unset( _xml_attrib_line_rest )
+ if( NOT _xml_inside_attrib )
+ if( "${_xml_attrib_line}" MATCHES "(^|[ \t]+)(${_tag_attribs})=\"" )
+ set( _xml_inside_attrib 1 )
+ string( REGEX MATCH "(^|[ \t]+)(${_tag_attribs})=\"(.*)" _xml_attrib_line "${_xml_attrib_line}" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "^[ \t]*(${_tag_attribs})=\".*" "\\1" _xml_attrib "${_xml_attrib_line}" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "^[ \t]*(${_tag_attribs})=\"" "" _xml_attrib_line "${_xml_attrib_line}" )
+ set( _xml_context "${_context}" )
+ foreach( _attrib ${_attribs} )
+ if( "${_attrib}" MATCHES "^${_xml_tag},${_xml_attrib}," )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "^([^,]+),([^,]+),?(.*)" "\\3" _xml_context "${_attrib}" )
+ endif( )
+ endforeach( )
+ set( _xml_line_prefix "i18n(" )
+ if( _xml_context )
+ set( _xml_line_prefix "${_xml_line_prefix}\"${_xml_context}\", " )
+ endif( )
+ set( _xml_attrib_empty 1 )
+ else( )
+ set( _xml_attrib_line "" )
+ endif( )
+ endif( )
+ if( _xml_inside_attrib )
+ if( "${_xml_attrib_line}" MATCHES "\"" )
+ unset( _xml_inside_attrib )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "\"(.*)" "\\1" _xml_attrib_line_rest "${_xml_attrib_line}" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "\"(.*)" "" _xml_attrib_line "${_xml_attrib_line}" )
+ set( _xml_line_suffix ");" )
+ endif( )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "\\\\" "\\\\\\\\" _xml_attrib_line "${_xml_attrib_line}" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "\\\"" "\\\\\"" _xml_attrib_line "${_xml_attrib_line}" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "\t" "\\\\t" _xml_attrib_line "${_xml_attrib_line}" )
+ if( NOT ";${_preserve};" MATCHES ";entities;" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "&lt;" "<" _xml_attrib_line "${_xml_attrib_line}" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "&gt;" ">" _xml_attrib_line "${_xml_attrib_line}" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "&amp;" "&" _xml_attrib_line "${_xml_attrib_line}" )
+ endif( )
+ if( NOT ";${_preserve};" MATCHES ";spaces-leading;" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "^ +" "" _xml_attrib_line "${_xml_attrib_line}" )
+ endif( )
+ if( NOT ";${_preserve};" MATCHES ";spaces-trailing;" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE " +$" "" _xml_attrib_line "${_xml_attrib_line}" )
+ endif( )
+ if( NOT ";${_preserve};" MATCHES ";spaces-multi;" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE " +" " " _xml_attrib_line "${_xml_attrib_line}" )
+ endif( )
+ if( NOT "${_xml_inside_attrib}" STREQUAL "" )
+ if( ";${_preserve};" MATCHES ";line-wrap;" )
+ if( ";${_preserve};" MATCHES ";lines-leading;"
+ OR NOT "${_xml_attrib_line}" STREQUAL "" OR NOT _xml_attrib_empty )
+ set( _xml_attrib_line "${_xml_attrib_line}\\n" )
+ endif( )
+ elseif( NOT "${_xml_attrib_line}" STREQUAL "" AND NOT _xml_attrib_empty )
+ set( _xml_attrib_line " ${_xml_attrib_line}" )
+ endif( )
+ endif( )
+ if( NOT "${_xml_attrib_line}" STREQUAL "" )
+ unset( _xml_attrib_empty )
+ endif( )
+ endif( )
+ # drop empty attrib on single line
+ if( _xml_line_prefix AND _xml_line_suffix AND _xml_attrib_empty )
+ # skip empty translation
+ # add current attrib to output
+ else( )
+ set( _xml_l10n "${_xml_l10n}${_xml_line_prefix}" )
+ if( NOT "${_xml_attrib_line}" STREQUAL "" OR ( _xml_line_suffix AND _xml_attrib_empty ) )
+ set( _xml_l10n "${_xml_l10n}\"${_xml_attrib_line}\"" )
+ endif( )
+ set( _xml_l10n "${_xml_l10n}${_xml_line_suffix}" )
+ endif( )
+ # take the rest of the line for processing
+ set( _xml_attrib_line "${_xml_attrib_line_rest}" )
+ endwhile( )
+ endif( )
+ # take the rest of the line for processing
+ unset( _xml_newline )
+ set( _xml_line "${_xml_line_rest}" )
+ endwhile( )
+ set( _xml_l10n "${_xml_l10n}\n" )
+ endwhile( )
+ # write file
+ file( WRITE ${_target} "${_xml_l10n}" )
+endfunction( )
diff --git a/qnetchess/cmake/modules/TDEMacros.cmake b/qnetchess/cmake/modules/TDEMacros.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..13fa54a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/cmake/modules/TDEMacros.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,2172 @@
+# (C) 2010-2012 Serghei Amelian
+# serghei (DOT) amelian (AT)
+# (C) 2011-2012 Timothy Pearson
+# kb9vqf (AT)
+# Improvements and feedback are welcome
+# This file is released under GPL >= 2
+include( KDE3Macros ) # we will need this module for a while
+include( CheckCXXCompilerFlag )
+##### tde_message_fatal
+macro( tde_message_fatal )
+ message( FATAL_ERROR
+ "#################################################\n"
+ " ${ARGV}\n"
+ "#################################################" )
+endmacro( tde_message_fatal )
+##### tde_get_arg( <ARG_NAME> <COUNT> <RETURN> <REST> <ARGS...> )
+##### ARG_NAME(string): name of an argument to find in ARGS
+##### COUNT(number): argument dimension, a number of items returned in RETURN
+##### RETURN(list ref): items returned for argument as they found in ARGS
+##### REST(list ref): rest of items except argument name and items returned in RETURN
+##### ARGS(list): source list of arguments
+macro( tde_get_arg ARG_NAME COUNT RETURN REST )
+ unset( ${RETURN} )
+ unset( ${REST} )
+ list( APPEND ${REST} ${ARGN} )
+ list( FIND ${REST} ${ARG_NAME} _arg_idx)
+ if( NOT ${_arg_idx} EQUAL -1 )
+ list( REMOVE_AT ${REST} ${_arg_idx} )
+ set( _i 0 )
+ while( ${_i} LESS ${COUNT} )
+ list( GET ${REST} ${_arg_idx} _arg )
+ list( REMOVE_AT ${REST} ${_arg_idx} )
+ list( APPEND ${RETURN} ${_arg} )
+ math( EXPR _i "${_i} + 1" )
+ endwhile()
+ endif()
+endmacro( tde_get_arg )
+##### tde_execute_process( <ARGS...> [MESSAGE <MSG>] )
+##### MSG: fatal error message (standard message will be written if not supplied)
+##### ARGS: execute_process arguments
+macro( tde_execute_process )
+ tde_get_arg( MESSAGE 1 _message _rest_args ${ARGV} )
+ tde_get_arg( RESULT_VARIABLE 1 _result_variable _tmp ${_rest_args} )
+ tde_get_arg( COMMAND 1 _command _tmp ${_rest_args} )
+ tde_get_arg( OUTPUT_VARIABLE 1 _output_variable _tmp ${_rest_args} )
+ tde_get_arg( CACHE 3 _cache _rest_args2 ${_rest_args} )
+ # handle optional FORCE parameter
+ if( DEFINED _cache )
+ list( GET _cache 2 _tmp )
+ if( _tmp STREQUAL FORCE )
+ set( _rest_args ${_rest_args2} )
+ else()
+ tde_get_arg( CACHE 2 _cache _rest_args ${_rest_args} )
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ if( NOT DEFINED _result_variable )
+ list( APPEND _rest_args RESULT_VARIABLE _exec_result )
+ set( _result_variable _exec_result )
+ endif()
+ execute_process( ${_rest_args} )
+ if( DEFINED _output_variable AND DEFINED _cache )
+ set( ${_output_variable} ${${_output_variable}} CACHE ${_cache} )
+ endif()
+ if( ${_result_variable} )
+ if( DEFINED _message )
+ tde_message_fatal( ${_message} )
+ else()
+ if( ${${_result_variable}} MATCHES "^[0-9]+$" )
+ set( ${_result_variable} "status ${${_result_variable}} returned!" )
+ endif()
+ tde_message_fatal( "Error executing '${_command}': ${${_result_variable}}" )
+ endif()
+ endif()
+endmacro( tde_execute_process )
+ return( )
+endif( )
+########### slave part ends here ###############
+##### tde_install_icons( <icons...> THEME <svgicons> DESTINATION <destdir> )
+##### default theme: hicolor
+##### default destination: ${SHARE_INSTALL_DIR}/icons
+macro( tde_install_icons )
+ tde_get_arg( DESTINATION 1 _dest _args ${ARGV} )
+ tde_get_arg( THEME 1 _req_theme _icons ${_args} )
+ #defaults
+ if( NOT _icons )
+ set( _icons "*" )
+ endif( NOT _icons )
+ if( NOT _dest )
+ set( _dest "${ICON_INSTALL_DIR}" )
+ endif( NOT _dest )
+ foreach( _icon ${_icons} )
+ unset( _theme ) # clearing
+ file(GLOB _icon_files *-${_icon}.png *-${_icon}.mng _icon_files *-${_icon}.svg* )
+ foreach( _icon_file ${_icon_files} )
+ # FIXME need a review
+ string( REGEX MATCH "^.*/([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z])([0-9a-zA-Z]+)\\-([a-z]+)\\-([^/]+)$" _dummy "${_icon_file}" )
+ set( _type "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}" )
+ set( _size "${CMAKE_MATCH_2}" )
+ set( _group "${CMAKE_MATCH_3}" )
+ set( _name "${CMAKE_MATCH_4}" )
+ # we must ignore invalid icon names
+ if( _type AND _size AND _group AND _name )
+ # autodetect theme
+ if( NOT _req_theme )
+ unset( _theme )
+ if( "${_type}" STREQUAL "cr" )
+ set( _theme crystalsvg )
+ elseif( "${_type}" STREQUAL "lo" )
+ set( _theme locolor )
+ endif( "${_type}" STREQUAL "cr" )
+ # defaulting
+ if( NOT _theme )
+ set( _theme hicolor )
+ endif( NOT _theme )
+ else( NOT _req_theme )
+ set( _theme ${_req_theme} )
+ endif( NOT _req_theme )
+ # fix "group" name
+ if( "${_group}" STREQUAL "mime" )
+ set( _group "mimetypes" )
+ endif( "${_group}" STREQUAL "mime" )
+ if( "${_group}" STREQUAL "filesys" )
+ set( _group "places" )
+ endif( "${_group}" STREQUAL "filesys" )
+ if( "${_group}" STREQUAL "category" )
+ set( _group "categories" )
+ endif( "${_group}" STREQUAL "category" )
+ if( "${_group}" STREQUAL "device" )
+ set( _group "devices" )
+ endif( "${_group}" STREQUAL "device" )
+ if( "${_group}" STREQUAL "app" )
+ set( _group "apps" )
+ endif( "${_group}" STREQUAL "app" )
+ if( "${_group}" STREQUAL "action" )
+ set( _group "actions" )
+ endif( "${_group}" STREQUAL "action" )
+ if( "${_size}" STREQUAL "sc" )
+ install( FILES ${_icon_file} DESTINATION ${_dest}/${_theme}/scalable/${_group}/ RENAME ${_name} )
+ else( "${_size}" STREQUAL "sc" )
+ install( FILES ${_icon_file} DESTINATION ${_dest}/${_theme}/${_size}x${_size}/${_group}/ RENAME ${_name} )
+ endif( "${_size}" STREQUAL "sc" )
+ endif( _type AND _size AND _group AND _name )
+ endforeach( _icon_file )
+ endforeach( _icon )
+endmacro( tde_install_icons )
+##### tde_add_lut( <source> <result> [depends] )
+##### default depends: source
+macro( tde_add_lut _src _lut _dep )
+ set( create_hash_table ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/kjs/create_hash_table )
+ if( NOT _dep )
+ set( _dep ${_src} )
+ endif( NOT _dep )
+ add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_lut}
+ COMMAND perl ARGS ${create_hash_table} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_src} -i > ${_lut}
+ DEPENDS ${_src} )
+ set_source_files_properties( ${_dep} PROPERTIES OBJECT_DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_lut} )
+ unset( _dep )
+endmacro( tde_add_lut )
+##### tde_add_luts( <sources...> )
+macro( tde_add_luts )
+ foreach( _src ${ARGV} )
+ get_filename_component( _lut ${_src} NAME_WE )
+ set( _lut "${_lut}.lut.h" )
+ tde_add_lut( ${_src} ${_lut} ${_src} )
+ endforeach( _src )
+endmacro( tde_add_luts )
+##### tde_file_to_cpp( <source> <destination> <variable> )
+macro( tde_file_to_cpp _src _dst _var )
+ if( IS_ABSOLUTE ${_dst} )
+ set( dst ${_dst} )
+ else( )
+ set( dst "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_dst}" )
+ endif( )
+ file( READ ${_src} text )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "\n" "\\\\n\"\n\"" text "${text}" )
+ set( text "/* Generated by CMake */\n\nconst char *${_var} = \n\n\"${text}\";\n" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "\n\"\";\n$" ";\n" text "${text}" )
+ file( WRITE ${dst} "${text}" )
+endmacro( )
+##### tde_get_library_filename( <var> <target> )
+function( tde_get_library_filename _filename _target )
+ get_target_property( _type ${_target} TYPE )
+ if( "${_type}" MATCHES "_LIBRARY" )
+ get_target_property( _output_prefix ${_target} PREFIX )
+ if( "${_output_prefix}" STREQUAL "_output_prefix-NOTFOUND" )
+ if( "${_type}" MATCHES "STATIC_" )
+ set( _output_prefix "${CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_PREFIX}" )
+ elseif( "${_type}" MATCHES "SHARED_" )
+ set( _output_prefix "${CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_PREFIX}" )
+ elseif( "${_type}" MATCHES "MODULE_" )
+ set( _output_prefix "${CMAKE_SHARED_MODULE_PREFIX}" )
+ else( )
+ set( _output_prefix "" )
+ endif( )
+ endif( )
+ get_target_property( _output_suffix ${_target} SUFFIX )
+ if( "${_output_suffix}" STREQUAL "_output_suffix-NOTFOUND" )
+ if( "${_type}" MATCHES "STATIC_" )
+ set( _output_suffix "${CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}" )
+ elseif( "${_type}" MATCHES "SHARED_" )
+ set( _output_suffix "${CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}" )
+ elseif( "${_type}" MATCHES "MODULE_" )
+ set( _output_suffix "${CMAKE_SHARED_MODULE_SUFFIX}" )
+ else( )
+ set( _output_suffix "" )
+ endif( )
+ endif( )
+ get_target_property( _output ${_target} OUTPUT_NAME )
+ set( ${_filename} "${_output_prefix}${_output}${_output_suffix}" PARENT_SCOPE )
+ else( )
+ set( ${_filename} "" PARENT_SCOPE )
+ endif( )
+endfunction( )
+##### tde_install_la_file( <target> <destination> )
+macro( tde_install_la_file _target _destination )
+ tde_get_library_filename( _soname ${_target} )
+ get_target_property( _target_release ${_target} RELEASE )
+ if( _target_release )
+ string( REPLACE "-${_target_release}" "" _soname_base "${_soname}" )
+ else( )
+ set( _soname_base ${_soname} )
+ endif( )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "\\.so(\\.[0-9]+)*$" "" _laname "${_soname_base}" )
+ set( _laname ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_laname}.la )
+ file( WRITE ${_laname}
+"# ${_laname} - a libtool library file, generated by cmake
+# The name that we can dlopen(3).
+# Names of this library
+library_names='${_soname} ${_soname} ${_soname_base}'
+# The name of the static archive
+# Libraries that this one depends upon.
+# Version information.\ncurrent=0\nage=0\nrevision=0
+# Is this an already installed library?\ninstalled=yes
+# Should we warn about portability when linking against -modules?\nshouldnotlink=yes
+# Files to dlopen/dlpreopen\ndlopen=''\ndlpreopen=''
+# Directory that this library needs to be installed in:
+" )
+ install( FILES ${_laname} DESTINATION ${_destination} )
+endmacro( tde_install_la_file )
+##### tde_add_ui_files
+macro( tde_add_ui_files _sources )
+ foreach( _ui_file ${ARGN} )
+ get_filename_component( _ui_basename ${_ui_file} NAME_WE )
+ get_filename_component( _ui_absolute_path ${_ui_file} ABSOLUTE )
+ list( APPEND ${_sources} ${_ui_basename}.cpp )
+ add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_ui_basename}.h ${_ui_basename}.cpp
+ -DUI_FILE:FILEPATH=${_ui_absolute_path}
+ -P ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}/tde_uic.cmake
+ DEPENDS ${_ui_absolute_path} )
+ endforeach( _ui_file )
+endmacro( tde_add_ui_files )
+##### tde_moc
+macro( tde_moc _sources )
+ foreach( _input_file ${ARGN} )
+ get_filename_component( _input_file "${_input_file}" ABSOLUTE )
+ get_filename_component( _basename ${_input_file} NAME_WE )
+ set( _output_file "${_basename}.moc.cpp" )
+ add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_output_file}
+ ${TMOC_EXECUTABLE} ${_input_file} -o ${_output_file}
+ ${_input_file} )
+ list( APPEND ${_sources} ${_output_file} )
+ endforeach( )
+endmacro( )
+##### tde_automoc
+macro( tde_automoc )
+ foreach( _src_file ${ARGN} )
+ get_filename_component( _src_file "${_src_file}" ABSOLUTE )
+ if( EXISTS "${_src_file}" )
+ # read source file and check if have moc include
+ file( READ "${_src_file}" _src_content )
+ string( REGEX MATCHALL "#include +[^ ]+\\.moc[\">]" _moc_includes "${_src_content}" )
+ # found included moc(s)?
+ if( _moc_includes )
+ foreach( _moc_file ${_moc_includes} )
+ # extracting moc filename
+ string( REGEX MATCH "[^ <\"]+\\.moc" _moc_file "${_moc_file}" )
+ set( _moc_file "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_moc_file}" )
+ # create header filename
+ get_filename_component( _src_path "${_src_file}" ABSOLUTE )
+ get_filename_component( _src_path "${_src_path}" PATH )
+ get_filename_component( _src_header "${_moc_file}" NAME_WE )
+ set( _header_file "${_src_path}/${_src_header}.h" )
+ # if header doesn't exists, check in META_INCLUDES
+ if( NOT EXISTS "${_header_file}" )
+ unset( _found )
+ foreach( _src_path ${_meta_includes} )
+ set( _header_file "${_src_path}/${_src_header}.h" )
+ if( EXISTS "${_header_file}" )
+ set( _found 1 )
+ break( )
+ endif( )
+ endforeach( )
+ if( NOT _found )
+ get_filename_component( _moc_file "${_moc_file}" NAME )
+ tde_message_fatal( "AUTOMOC error: '${_moc_file}' cannot be generated.\n Reason: '${_src_file}.h' not found." )
+ endif( )
+ endif( )
+ # moc-ing header
+ add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_moc_file}
+ COMMAND ${TMOC_EXECUTABLE} ${_header_file} -o ${_moc_file}
+ DEPENDS ${_header_file} )
+ # create dependency between source file and moc file
+ set_property( SOURCE ${_src_file} APPEND PROPERTY OBJECT_DEPENDS ${_moc_file} )
+ endforeach( _moc_file )
+ endif( _moc_includes )
+ endif( EXISTS "${_src_file}" )
+ endforeach( _src_file )
+endmacro( tde_automoc )
+##### __tde_internal_process_sources
+macro( __tde_internal_process_sources _sources )
+ unset( ${_sources} )
+ foreach( _arg ${ARGN} )
+ get_filename_component( _ext ${_arg} EXT )
+ get_filename_component( _name ${_arg} NAME_WE )
+ get_filename_component( _path ${_arg} PATH )
+ # if not path, set it to "."
+ if( NOT _path )
+ set( _path "./" )
+ endif( NOT _path )
+ # handle .ui files
+ if( ${_ext} STREQUAL ".ui" )
+ tde_add_ui_files( ${_sources} ${_arg} )
+ # handle .skel files
+ elseif( ${_ext} STREQUAL ".skel" )
+ kde3_add_dcop_skels( ${_sources} ${_path}/${_name}.h )
+ # handle .stub files
+ elseif( ${_ext} STREQUAL ".stub" )
+ kde3_add_dcop_stubs( ${_sources} ${_path}/${_name}.h )
+ # handle .kcfgc files
+ elseif( ${_ext} STREQUAL ".kcfgc" )
+ kde3_add_kcfg_files( ${_sources} ${_arg} )
+ # handle any other files
+ else( ${_ext} STREQUAL ".ui" )
+ list(APPEND ${_sources} ${_arg} )
+ endif( ${_ext} STREQUAL ".ui" )
+ endforeach( _arg )
+endmacro( __tde_internal_process_sources )
+##### tde_install_libtool_file
+macro( tde_install_libtool_file _target _destination )
+ # get .so name
+ tde_get_library_filename( _soname ${_target} )
+ get_target_property( _target_release ${_target} RELEASE )
+ if( _target_release )
+ string( REPLACE "-${_target_release}" "" _soname_base "${_soname}" )
+ else( )
+ set( _soname_base ${_soname} )
+ endif( )
+ # get .la name
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "\\.so(\\.[0-9]+)*$" "" _laname "${_soname_base}" )
+ set( _laname ${_laname}.la )
+ # get version of target
+ get_target_property( _target_version ${_target} VERSION )
+ get_target_property( _target_soversion ${_target} SOVERSION )
+ # we have so version
+ if( _target_version )
+ set( _library_name_1 "${_soname}.${_target_version}" )
+ set( _library_name_2 "${_soname}.${_target_soversion}" )
+ set( _library_name_3 "${_soname_base}" )
+ string( REGEX MATCH "^([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)$" _dummy "${_target_version}" )
+ set( _version_current "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}" )
+ set( _version_age "${CMAKE_MATCH_2}" )
+ set( _version_revision "${CMAKE_MATCH_3}" )
+ # we have no so version (module?)
+ else( _target_version )
+ set( _library_name_1 "${_soname}" )
+ set( _library_name_2 "${_soname}" )
+ set( _library_name_3 "${_soname_base}" )
+ set( _version_current "0" )
+ set( _version_age "0" )
+ set( _version_revision "0" )
+ endif( _target_version )
+ if( IS_ABSOLUTE ${_destination} )
+ set( _libdir "${_destination}" )
+ else( IS_ABSOLUTE ${_destination} )
+ set( _libdir "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${_destination}" )
+ endif( IS_ABSOLUTE ${_destination} )
+ configure_file( ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules/template_libtool_file.cmake "${_laname}" @ONLY )
+ install( FILES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_laname}" DESTINATION ${_destination} )
+endmacro( tde_install_libtool_file )
+##### tde_install_export / tde_import
+function( tde_install_export )
+ file( GLOB export_files ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/export-*.cmake )
+ set( mode "WRITE" )
+ foreach( filename ${export_files} )
+ file( READ ${filename} content )
+ file( ${mode} "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}.cmake" "${content}" )
+ set( mode "APPEND" )
+ endforeach( )
+endfunction( )
+macro( tde_import _library )
+ message( STATUS "checking for '${_library}'" )
+ string( TOUPPER "BUILD_${_library}" _build )
+ if( ${_build} )
+ message( STATUS " ok, activated for build" )
+ else()
+ if( EXISTS "${TDE_CMAKE_DIR}/${_library}.cmake" )
+ include( "${TDE_CMAKE_DIR}/${_library}.cmake" )
+ message( STATUS " ok, found import file" )
+ else()
+ tde_message_fatal( "'${_library}' are required,\n but is not installed nor selected for build" )
+ endif()
+ endif()
+##### tde_add_library
+macro( tde_add_library _arg_target )
+ unset( _target )
+ unset( _type )
+ unset( _static_pic )
+ unset( _automoc )
+ unset( _meta_includes )
+ unset( _no_libtool_file )
+ unset( _no_export )
+ unset( _version )
+ unset( _release )
+ unset( _sources )
+ unset( _destination )
+ unset( _embed )
+ unset( _link )
+ unset( _dependencies )
+ unset( _storage )
+ unset( _exclude_from_all )
+ set( _shouldnotlink no )
+ # metadata
+ unset( _description )
+ unset( _license )
+ unset( _copyright )
+ unset( _authors )
+ unset( _product )
+ unset( _organization )
+ unset( _version )
+ unset( _datetime )
+ unset( _notes )
+ # default metadata
+ set( _product "Trinity Desktop Environment" )
+ tde_curdatetime( _datetime )
+ foreach( _arg ${ARGV} )
+ # this variable help us to skip
+ # storing unapropriate values (i.e. directives)
+ unset( _skip_store )
+ # found one of directives: "SHARED", "STATIC", "MODULE"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+SHARED" OR "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+STATIC" OR "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+MODULE" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _type "${_arg}" )
+ endif( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+SHARED" OR "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+STATIC" OR "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+MODULE" )
+ # found directive "STATIC_PIC"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+STATIC_PIC" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _type "STATIC" )
+ set( _static_pic 1 )
+ endif( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+STATIC_PIC" )
+ # found directive "AUTOMOC"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+AUTOMOC" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _automoc 1 )
+ endif( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+AUTOMOC" )
+ # found directive "META_INCLUDES"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+META_INCLUDES" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_meta_includes" )
+ endif( )
+ # found directive "NO_LIBTOOL_FILE"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+NO_LIBTOOL_FILE" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _no_libtool_file 1 )
+ endif( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+NO_LIBTOOL_FILE" )
+ # found directive "NO_EXPORT"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+NO_EXPORT" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _no_export 1 )
+ endif( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+NO_EXPORT" )
+ # found directive "VERSION"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+VERSION" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_version" )
+ endif( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+VERSION" )
+ # found directive "RELEASE"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+RELEASE" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_release" )
+ endif( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+RELEASE" )
+ # found directive "SOURCES"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+SOURCES" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_sources" )
+ endif( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+SOURCES" )
+ # found directive "EMBED"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+EMBED" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_embed" )
+ endif( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+EMBED" )
+ # found directive "LINK"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+LINK" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_link" )
+ endif( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+LINK" )
+ # found directive "DEPENDENCIES"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+DEPENDENCIES" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_dependencies" )
+ endif( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+DEPENDENCIES" )
+ # found directive "DESTINATION"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+DESTINATION" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_destination" )
+ unset( ${_storage} )
+ endif( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+DESTINATION" )
+ # found directive "EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _exclude_from_all "EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL" )
+ endif( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL" )
+ # metadata
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+DESCRIPTION" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_description" )
+ endif( )
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+LICENSE" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_license" )
+ endif( )
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+COPYRIGHT" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_copyright" )
+ endif( )
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+AUTHORS" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_authors" )
+ endif( )
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+PRODUCT" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_product" )
+ endif( )
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+ORGANIZATION" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_organization" )
+ endif( )
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+VERSION" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_version" )
+ endif( )
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+DATETIME" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_datetime" )
+ endif( )
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+NOTES" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_notes" )
+ endif( )
+ # storing value
+ if( _storage AND NOT _skip_store )
+ list( APPEND ${_storage} ${_arg} )
+ list( REMOVE_DUPLICATES ${_storage} )
+ endif( _storage AND NOT _skip_store )
+ endforeach( _arg )
+ # if no type is set, we choose one
+ # based on BUILD_SHARED_LIBS
+ if( NOT _type )
+ set( _type "SHARED" )
+ set( _type "STATIC" )
+ endif( NOT _type )
+ # change target name, based on type
+ string( TOLOWER "${_type}" _type_lower )
+ set( _target "${_arg_target}-${_type_lower}" )
+ # create variables like "LIB_xxx" for convenience
+ if( ${_type} STREQUAL "SHARED" )
+ string( TOUPPER "${_arg_target}" _tmp )
+ set( LIB_${_tmp} ${_target} CACHE INTERNAL LIB_${tmp} FORCE )
+ endif( ${_type} STREQUAL "SHARED" )
+ # disallow target without sources
+ if( NOT _sources )
+ message( FATAL_ERROR "\nTarget [$_target] have no sources." )
+ endif( NOT _sources )
+ # processing different types of sources
+ __tde_internal_process_sources( _sources ${_sources} )
+ # set automoc
+ if( _automoc )
+ tde_automoc( ${_sources} )
+ endif( _automoc )
+ # add target
+ add_library( ${_target} ${_type} ${_exclude_from_all} ${_sources} )
+ # we assume that modules have no prefix and no version
+ # also, should not link
+ if( ${_type} STREQUAL "MODULE" )
+ set_target_properties( ${_target} PROPERTIES PREFIX "" )
+ unset( _version )
+ set( _shouldnotlink yes )
+ endif( ${_type} STREQUAL "MODULE" )
+ # set real name of target
+ if( _release )
+ # add release number to output name
+ set_target_properties( ${_target} PROPERTIES RELEASE ${_release} )
+ set_target_properties( ${_target} PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME "${_arg_target}-${_release}" )
+ else( _release )
+ set_target_properties( ${_target} PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME ${_arg_target} )
+ endif( _release )
+ # set -fPIC flag for static libraries
+ if( _static_pic )
+ if( "${CMAKE_VERSION}" VERSION_LESS "2.8.9" )
+ set_target_properties( ${_target} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS -fPIC )
+ else( )
+ set_target_properties( ${_target} PROPERTIES POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON )
+ endif( )
+ endif( _static_pic )
+ # set version
+ if( _version )
+ # OpenBSD: _soversion and _version both contains only major and minor
+ string( REGEX MATCH "^([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)$" _dummy "${_version}" )
+ set( _version "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}.${CMAKE_MATCH_2}" )
+ set( _soversion "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}.${CMAKE_MATCH_2}" )
+ # General (Linux) case: _soversion contains only the major number of version
+ string( REGEX MATCH "^[0-9]+" _soversion ${_version} )
+ set_target_properties( ${_target} PROPERTIES VERSION ${_version} SOVERSION ${_soversion} )
+ endif( _version )
+ # set interface libraries (only for shared)
+ unset( _shared_libs )
+ if( NOT ${_type} STREQUAL "STATIC" )
+ foreach( _lib ${_link} )
+ #get_target_property( _lib_type ${_lib} TYPE )
+ #if( NOT "STATIC_LIBRARY" STREQUAL "${_lib_type}" )
+ if( NOT ${_lib} MATCHES ".+-static" )
+ list( APPEND _shared_libs ${_lib} )
+ endif( NOT ${_lib} MATCHES ".+-static" )
+ #endif( NOT "STATIC_LIBRARY" STREQUAL "${_lib_type}" )
+ endforeach( _lib )
+ endif( NOT ${_type} STREQUAL "STATIC" )
+ # set embedded archives
+ if( _embed )
+ list( INSERT _link 0 -Wl,-whole-archive ${_embed} -Wl,-no-whole-archive )
+ endif( _embed )
+ # set link libraries
+ if( _link )
+ # hack for broken CMake
+ set_target_properties( ${_target} PROPERTIES LINK_LIBRARIES "${_link}" )
+ else( _embed AND ${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_EQUAL "" )
+ target_link_libraries( ${_target} ${_link} )
+ endif( _embed AND ${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_EQUAL "" )
+ endif( )
+ if( _shared_libs )
+ set_target_properties( ${_target} PROPERTIES
+ LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES "${_shared_libs}"
+ INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES "${_shared_libs}" )
+ endif( _shared_libs )
+ # set dependencies
+ if( _dependencies )
+ add_dependencies( ${_target} ${_dependencies} )
+ endif( _dependencies )
+ # if destination directory is set
+ if( _destination )
+ # we export only shared libs (no static, no modules);
+ # also, do not export targets marked as "NO_EXPORT" (usually for tdeinit)
+ if( "SHARED" STREQUAL ${_type} AND NOT _no_export )
+ # get target properties: output name, version, soversion
+ tde_get_library_filename( _output ${_target} )
+ get_target_property( _version ${_target} VERSION )
+ get_target_property( _soversion ${_target} SOVERSION )
+ if( _version )
+ set( _location "${_destination}/${_output}.${_version}" )
+ set( _soname "${_output}.${_soversion}" )
+ else( )
+ set( _location "${_destination}/${_output}" )
+ set( _soname "${_output}" )
+ endif( )
+ configure_file( ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules/template_export_library.cmake "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/export-${_target}.cmake" @ONLY )
+ endif( )
+ # install target
+ install( TARGETS ${_target} DESTINATION ${_destination} )
+ # install base soname
+ if( _release AND NOT "STATIC" STREQUAL ${_type} )
+ tde_get_library_filename( _soname ${_target} )
+ string( REPLACE "-${_release}" "" _soname_base "${_soname}" )
+ if( _version )
+ get_target_property( _soversion ${_target} SOVERSION )
+ set( _soname "${_soname}.${_soversion}" )
+ endif( )
+ add_custom_command( TARGET ${_target} POST_BUILD
+ COMMAND ln -s ${_soname} "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_soname_base}" )
+ install( FILES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_soname_base}" DESTINATION ${_destination} )
+ endif( )
+ # install .la files for dynamic libraries
+ if( NOT "STATIC" STREQUAL ${_type} AND NOT _no_libtool_file )
+ tde_install_libtool_file( ${_target} ${_destination} )
+ endif( )
+ endif( _destination )
+ # embed name and metadata
+ set( ELF_EMBEDDING_METADATA "\"${_target}\" \"${_description}\" \"${_license}\" \"${_copyright}\" \"${_authors}\" \"${_product}\" \"${_organization}\" \"${_version}\" \"${_datetime}\" \"x-sharedlib\" \"${TDE_SCM_MODULE_NAME}\" \"${TDE_SCM_MODULE_REVISION}\" \"${_notes}\"" )
+ separate_arguments( ELF_EMBEDDING_METADATA )
+ if( _version )
+ add_custom_command(
+ TARGET ${_target}
+ )
+ else( )
+ add_custom_command(
+ TARGET ${_target}
+ )
+ endif( )
+endmacro( tde_add_library )
+##### tde_add_kpart
+macro( tde_add_kpart _target )
+ tde_add_library( ${_target} ${ARGN} MODULE )
+endmacro( tde_add_kpart )
+##### tde_curdatetime
+macro( tde_curdatetime result )
+ tde_execute_process( COMMAND "date" "+%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S" OUTPUT_VARIABLE ${result} )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "(..)/(..)/(....) (........).*" "\\1/\\2/\\3 \\4" ${result} ${${result}} )
+endmacro( tde_curdatetime )
+##### tde_add_executable
+macro( tde_add_executable _arg_target )
+ unset( _target )
+ unset( _automoc )
+ unset( _meta_includes )
+ unset( _setuid )
+ unset( _sources )
+ unset( _destination )
+ unset( _link )
+ unset( _dependencies )
+ unset( _storage )
+ # metadata
+ unset( _description )
+ unset( _license )
+ unset( _copyright )
+ unset( _authors )
+ unset( _product )
+ unset( _organization )
+ unset( _version )
+ unset( _datetime )
+ unset( _notes )
+ # default metadata
+ set( _product "Trinity Desktop Environment" )
+ set( _version "${TDE_VERSION}" )
+ tde_curdatetime( _datetime )
+ foreach( _arg ${ARGV} )
+ # this variable help us to skip
+ # storing unapropriate values (i.e. directives)
+ unset( _skip_store )
+ # found directive "AUTOMOC"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+AUTOMOC" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _automoc 1 )
+ endif( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+AUTOMOC" )
+ # found directive "META_INCLUDES"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+META_INCLUDES" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_meta_includes" )
+ endif( )
+ # found directive "SETUID"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+SETUID" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _setuid 1 )
+ endif( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+SETUID" )
+ # found directive "SOURCES"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+SOURCES" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_sources" )
+ endif( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+SOURCES" )
+ # found directive "LINK"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+LINK" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_link" )
+ endif( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+LINK" )
+ # found directive "DEPENDENCIES"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+DEPENDENCIES" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_dependencies" )
+ endif( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+DEPENDENCIES" )
+ # found directive "DESTINATION"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+DESTINATION" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_destination" )
+ unset( ${_storage} )
+ endif( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+DESTINATION" )
+ # metadata
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+DESCRIPTION" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_description" )
+ endif( )
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+LICENSE" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_license" )
+ endif( )
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+COPYRIGHT" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_copyright" )
+ endif( )
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+AUTHORS" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_authors" )
+ endif( )
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+PRODUCT" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_product" )
+ endif( )
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+ORGANIZATION" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_organization" )
+ endif( )
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+VERSION" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_version" )
+ endif( )
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+DATETIME" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_datetime" )
+ endif( )
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+NOTES" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_notes" )
+ endif( )
+ # storing value
+ if( _storage AND NOT _skip_store )
+ #set( ${_storage} "${${_storage}} ${_arg}" )
+ list( APPEND ${_storage} ${_arg} )
+ endif( _storage AND NOT _skip_store )
+ endforeach( _arg )
+ set( _target "${_arg_target}" )
+ # disallow target without sources
+ if( NOT _sources )
+ message( FATAL_ERROR "\nTarget [$_target] have no sources." )
+ endif( NOT _sources )
+ # processing different types of sources
+ __tde_internal_process_sources( _sources ${_sources} )
+ # set automoc
+ if( _automoc )
+ tde_automoc( ${_sources} )
+ endif( _automoc )
+ # add target
+ add_executable( ${_target} ${_sources} )
+ # set link libraries
+ if( _link )
+ target_link_libraries( ${_target} ${_link} )
+ endif( _link )
+ # set dependencies
+ if( _dependencies )
+ add_dependencies( ${_target} ${_dependencies} )
+ endif( _dependencies )
+ # set PIE flags for setuid binaries
+ if( _setuid )
+ set_target_properties( ${_target} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "${TDE_PIE_CFLAGS}" )
+ set_target_properties( ${_target} PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "${TDE_PIE_LDFLAGS}" )
+ endif( _setuid )
+ # set destination directory
+ if( _destination )
+ if( _setuid )
+ else( _setuid )
+ install( TARGETS ${_target} DESTINATION ${_destination} )
+ endif( _setuid )
+ endif( _destination )
+ # embed icon, name, and metadata
+ set( ELF_EMBEDDING_METADATA "\"${_target}\" \"${_description}\" \"${_license}\" \"${_copyright}\" \"${_authors}\" \"${_product}\" \"${_organization}\" \"${_version}\" \"${_datetime}\" \"${_target}\" \"${TDE_SCM_MODULE_NAME}\" \"${TDE_SCM_MODULE_REVISION}\" \"${_notes}\"" )
+ separate_arguments( ELF_EMBEDDING_METADATA )
+ add_custom_command(
+ TARGET ${_target}
+ )
+endmacro( tde_add_executable )
+##### tde_add_check_executable
+macro( tde_add_check_executable _arg_target )
+ unset( _target )
+ unset( _automoc )
+ unset( _test )
+ unset( _test_args )
+ unset( _meta_includes )
+ unset( _sources )
+ unset( _destination )
+ unset( _link )
+ unset( _dependencies )
+ unset( _storage )
+ foreach( _arg ${ARGV} )
+ # this variable help us to skip
+ # storing unapropriate values (i.e. directives)
+ unset( _skip_store )
+ # found directive "AUTOMOC"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+AUTOMOC" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _automoc 1 )
+ endif( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+AUTOMOC" )
+ # found directive "TEST"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+TEST" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _test 1 )
+ set( _storage "_test_args" )
+ endif( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+TEST" )
+ # found directive "META_INCLUDES"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+META_INCLUDES" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_meta_includes" )
+ endif( )
+ # found directive "SOURCES"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+SOURCES" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_sources" )
+ endif( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+SOURCES" )
+ # found directive "LINK"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+LINK" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_link" )
+ endif( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+LINK" )
+ # found directive "DEPENDENCIES"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+DEPENDENCIES" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_dependencies" )
+ endif( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+DEPENDENCIES" )
+ # storing value
+ if( _storage AND NOT _skip_store )
+ #set( ${_storage} "${${_storage}} ${_arg}" )
+ list( APPEND ${_storage} ${_arg} )
+ endif( _storage AND NOT _skip_store )
+ endforeach( _arg )
+ set( _target "${_arg_target}" )
+ # try to autodetect sources
+ if( NOT _sources )
+ file( GLOB _sources "${_target}.cpp" "${_target}.cxx" "${_target}.c" )
+ if( NOT _sources )
+ message( FATAL_ERROR "\nNo sources found for test executable \"${_target}\"." )
+ endif( )
+ endif( NOT _sources )
+ # processing different types of sources
+ __tde_internal_process_sources( _sources ${_sources} )
+ # set automoc
+ if( _automoc )
+ tde_automoc( ${_sources} )
+ endif( _automoc )
+ # add target
+ add_executable( ${_target} EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ${_sources} )
+ # set link libraries
+ if( _link )
+ target_link_libraries( ${_target} ${_link} )
+ endif( _link )
+ # set dependencies
+ if( _dependencies )
+ add_dependencies( ${_target} ${_dependencies} )
+ endif( _dependencies )
+ # create make check target
+ if(NOT TARGET check)
+ add_custom_target( check
+ COMMENT "Running tests..." )
+ endif(NOT TARGET check)
+ add_dependencies( check ${_target} )
+ # add test target
+ if( _test )
+ # get relative path to current directory and strip end tests dir
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "(^\\.+/?|(^|/)tests?$|/$)" "" _test_prefix "${_test_prefix}" )
+ if( _test_prefix )
+ set( _test_prefix "${_test_prefix}/" )
+ endif( _test_prefix )
+ add_test( NAME "${_test_prefix}${_target}" COMMAND "${_target}" ${_test_args} )
+ endif( _test )
+endmacro( tde_add_check_executable )
+##### tde_add_tdeinit_executable
+macro( tde_add_tdeinit_executable _target )
+ configure_file( ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules/template_tdeinit_executable.cmake ${_target}_tdeinit_executable.cpp COPYONLY )
+ configure_file( ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules/template_tdeinit_module.cmake ${_target}_tdeinit_module.cpp COPYONLY )
+ unset( _sources )
+ unset( _runtime_destination )
+ unset( _library_destination )
+ unset( _plugin_destination )
+ # default storage is _sources
+ set( _storage _sources )
+ # set default export to NO_EXPORT
+ set( _export "NO_EXPORT" )
+ foreach( _arg ${ARGN} )
+ # this variable help us to skip
+ # storing unapropriate values (i.e. directives)
+ unset( _skip_store )
+ # found directive "EXPORT"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+EXPORT" )
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ unset( _export )
+ endif( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+EXPORT" )
+ # found directive "RUNTIME_DESTINATION"
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_runtime_destination" )
+ unset( ${_storage} )
+ endif( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+RUNTIME_DESTINATION" )
+ # found directive "LIBRARY_DESTINATION"
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_library_destination" )
+ unset( ${_storage} )
+ endif( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+LIBRARY_DESTINATION" )
+ # found directive "PLUGIN_DESTINATION"
+ set( _skip_store 1 )
+ set( _storage "_plugin_destination" )
+ unset( ${_storage} )
+ endif( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+PLUGIN_DESTINATION" )
+ # storing value
+ if( _storage AND NOT _skip_store )
+ list( APPEND ${_storage} ${_arg} )
+ set( _storage "_sources" )
+ endif( _storage AND NOT _skip_store )
+ endforeach( _arg )
+ # if destinations are not set, we using some defaults
+ # we assume that tdeinit executable MUST be installed
+ # (otherwise why we build it?)
+ if( NOT _runtime_destination )
+ set( _runtime_destination ${BIN_INSTALL_DIR} )
+ endif( NOT _runtime_destination )
+ if( NOT _library_destination )
+ set( _library_destination ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR} )
+ endif( NOT _library_destination )
+ if( NOT _plugin_destination )
+ set( _plugin_destination ${PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR} )
+ endif( NOT _plugin_destination )
+ # create the library
+ tde_add_library( tdeinit_${_target} ${_sources} SHARED ${_export}
+ DESTINATION ${_library_destination}
+ )
+ # create the executable
+ tde_add_executable( ${_target}
+ SOURCES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_target}_tdeinit_executable.cpp
+ LINK tdeinit_${_target}-shared
+ DESTINATION ${_runtime_destination}
+ )
+ # create the plugin
+ tde_add_kpart( ${_target}
+ SOURCES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_target}_tdeinit_module.cpp
+ LINK tdeinit_${_target}-shared
+ DESTINATION ${_plugin_destination}
+ )
+endmacro( tde_add_tdeinit_executable )
+##### tde_create_translation
+macro( tde_create_translation )
+ unset( _srcs )
+ unset( _lang )
+ unset( _dest )
+ unset( _out_name )
+ unset( _directive )
+ unset( _var )
+ foreach( _arg ${ARGN} )
+ # found directive "FILES"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+FILES" )
+ unset( _srcs )
+ set( _var _srcs )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif( )
+ # found directive "LANG"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+LANG" )
+ unset( _lang )
+ set( _var _lang )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif( )
+ # found directive "DESTINATION"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+DESTINATION" )
+ unset( _dest )
+ set( _var _dest )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif( )
+ # found directive "OUTPUT_NAME"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+OUTPUT_NAME" )
+ unset( _out_name )
+ set( _var _out_name )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif( )
+ # collect data
+ if( _directive )
+ unset( _directive )
+ elseif( _var )
+ list( APPEND ${_var} ${_arg} )
+ endif()
+ endforeach( )
+ tde_setup_msgfmt( )
+ endif( )
+ if( NOT _lang )
+ tde_message_fatal( "missing LANG directive" )
+ endif( )
+ # if no file specified, include all *.po files
+ if( NOT _srcs )
+ endif( )
+ if( NOT _srcs )
+ tde_message_fatal( "no source files" )
+ endif( )
+ if( NOT _lang STREQUAL "auto")
+ set( _real_lang ${_lang} )
+ if( NOT _dest )
+ set( _dest "${LOCALE_INSTALL_DIR}/${_lang}/LC_MESSAGES" )
+ endif( )
+ # OUTPUT_NAME can only be used if we have only one file
+ list( LENGTH _srcs _srcs_num)
+ if( _out_name AND _srcs_num GREATER 1 )
+ tde_message_fatal( "OUTPUT_NAME can be supplied only with single file or LANG=auto" )
+ endif( )
+ elseif( NOT _out_name )
+ tde_message_fatal( "LANG=auto reqires OUTPUT_NAME directive to be set" )
+ elseif( _dest )
+ tde_message_fatal( "DESTINATION cannot be used with LANG=auto" )
+ endif( )
+ # generate *.mo files
+ foreach( _src ${_srcs} )
+ get_filename_component( _src ${_src} ABSOLUTE )
+ if( _out_name )
+ set( _out ${_out_name} )
+ if( _lang STREQUAL "auto" )
+ get_filename_component( _real_lang ${_src} NAME_WE )
+ set( _dest "${LOCALE_INSTALL_DIR}/${_real_lang}/LC_MESSAGES" )
+ endif( )
+ else( )
+ get_filename_component( _out ${_src} NAME_WE )
+ endif( )
+ string( REPLACE "@" "_" _target ${_real_lang} )
+ set( _out_filename "${_out}-${_real_lang}.mo" )
+ set( _install_filename "${_out}.mo" )
+ add_custom_command(
+ OUTPUT ${_out_filename}
+ COMMAND ${MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE} ${_src} -o ${_out_filename}
+ DEPENDS ${_src} )
+ add_custom_target( "${_out}-${_target}-translation" ALL DEPENDS ${_out_filename} )
+ install( FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_out_filename} RENAME ${_install_filename} DESTINATION ${_dest} )
+ endforeach( )
+endmacro( )
+##### tde_create_handbook
+macro( tde_create_handbook )
+ unset( _target )
+ unset( _dest )
+ unset( _noindex )
+ unset( _srcs )
+ unset( _extra )
+ unset( _srcdir )
+ set( _lang en )
+ set( _first_arg 1 )
+ set( _var _target )
+ foreach( _arg ${ARGN} )
+ # found directive "NOINDEX"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+NOINDEX" )
+ set( _noindex 1 )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif()
+ # found directive "FILES"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+FILES" )
+ unset( _srcs )
+ set( _var _srcs )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif()
+ # found directive "EXTRA"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+EXTRA" )
+ unset( _extra )
+ set( _var _extra )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif()
+ # found directive "SRCDIR"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+SRCDIR" )
+ unset( _srcdir )
+ set( _var _srcdir )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif()
+ # found directive DESTINATION
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+DESTINATION" )
+ unset( _dest )
+ set( _var _dest )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif()
+ # found directive "LANG"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+LANG" )
+ unset( _lang )
+ set( _var _lang )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif()
+ # collect data
+ if( _directive )
+ unset( _directive )
+ elseif( _var )
+ if( _first_arg )
+ set( _target "${_arg}" )
+ else()
+ list( APPEND ${_var} ${_arg} )
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ unset( _first_arg )
+ endforeach()
+ # if no target specified, try to guess it from DESTINATION
+ if( NOT _target )
+ if( NOT _dest )
+ tde_message_fatal( "target name cannot be determined because DESTINATION is not set" )
+ endif()
+ string( REPLACE "/" "-" _target "${_dest}" )
+ endif()
+ set( _target "${_target}-${_lang}-handbook" )
+ # if no file specified, include all docbooks, stylesheets and images
+ if( NOT _srcs )
+ file( GLOB _srcs RELATIVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} *.docbook *.css *.png )
+ endif()
+ # if no destination specified, defaulting to HTML_INSTALL_DIR
+ if( NOT _dest )
+ set( _dest "${HTML_INSTALL_DIR}/${_lang}" )
+ # if destination is NOT absolute path,
+ # we assume that is relative to HTML_INSTALL_DIR
+ elseif( NOT IS_ABSOLUTE ${_dest} )
+ set( _dest "${HTML_INSTALL_DIR}/${_lang}/${_dest}" )
+ endif()
+ if( NOT _srcs )
+ tde_message_fatal( "no source files" )
+ endif()
+ if( NOT _noindex )
+ # check for index.docbook
+ list( FIND _srcs "index.docbook" _find_index )
+ if( -1 EQUAL _find_index )
+ tde_message_fatal( "missing index.docbook file" )
+ endif()
+ # check for srcdir
+ if( _srcdir )
+ set( _srcdir "--srcdir=${_srcdir}" )
+ endif()
+ add_custom_command(
+ OUTPUT index.cache.bz2
+ COMMAND ${KDE3_MEINPROC_EXECUTABLE} ${_srcdir} --check --cache index.cache.bz2 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/index.docbook
+ DEPENDS ${_srcs} )
+ add_custom_target( ${_target} ALL DEPENDS index.cache.bz2 )
+ list( APPEND _srcs ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/index.cache.bz2 )
+ endif( )
+ tde_install_empty_directory( ${_dest} )
+ tde_install_symlink( ${TDE_HTML_DIR}/${_lang}/common ${_dest} )
+ endif()
+ install( FILES ${_srcs} ${_extra} DESTINATION ${_dest} )
+endmacro( )
+##### tde_create_tarball
+##### Macro is used to create tarball.
+macro( tde_create_tarball )
+ unset( _target )
+ unset( _files )
+ unset( _destination )
+ set( _sourcedir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" )
+ set( _compression "gzip" )
+ set( _var _target )
+ foreach( _arg ${ARGN} )
+ # found directive "TARGET"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+TARGET" )
+ unset( _target )
+ set( _var _target )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif( )
+ # found directive "SOURCEDIR"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+SOURCEDIR" )
+ unset( _sourcedir )
+ set( _var _sourcedir )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif( )
+ # found directive "FILES"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+FILES" )
+ unset( _files )
+ set( _var _files )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif( )
+ # found directive "DESTINATION"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+DESTINATION" )
+ unset( _destination )
+ set( _var _destination )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif( )
+ # found directive "COMPRESSION"
+ if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+COMPRESSION" )
+ unset( _compression )
+ set( _var _compression )
+ set( _directive 1 )
+ endif( )
+ # collect data
+ if( _directive )
+ unset( _directive )
+ elseif( _var )
+ list( APPEND ${_var} ${_arg} )
+ endif( )
+ endforeach( )
+ if( NOT _target )
+ tde_message_fatal( "Target tarball name not specified." )
+ endif( )
+ if( NOT _files )
+ file( GLOB_RECURSE _files RELATIVE ${_sourcedir} "${_sourcedir}/*" )
+ endif( )
+ unset( _files_deps )
+ foreach( _file ${_files} )
+ list( APPEND _files_deps "${_sourcedir}/${_file}" )
+ endforeach( )
+ find_program( TAR_EXECUTABLE NAMES tar )
+ tde_message_fatal( "tar executable is required but not found on your system" )
+ endif( )
+ endif( )
+ execute_process(
+ )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "^([^\n]*)\n.*" "\\1" TAR_VERSION "${TAR_VERSION}" )
+ if( "${TAR_VERSION}" MATCHES "GNU *tar" )
+ set( TAR_SETOWNER "--owner=root;--group=root" )
+ elseif( "${TAR_VERSION}" MATCHES "bsd *tar" )
+ set( TAR_SETOWNER "--uname=root;--gname=root" )
+ else( )
+ set( TAR_SETOWNER "" )
+ endif( )
+ endif( )
+ if( "${_compression}" STREQUAL "-" )
+ unset( _compression )
+ endif( )
+ if( _compression )
+ if( "${_compression}" STREQUAL "gzip" )
+ set( _compression "-z" )
+ else( )
+ set( _compression "--use-compress-program=\"${_compression}\"" )
+ endif( )
+ endif( )
+ get_filename_component( _target_path "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_target}" ABSOLUTE )
+ file( RELATIVE_PATH _target_path "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" "${_target_path}" )
+ string( REPLACE "/" "+" _target_name "${_target_path}" )
+ add_custom_target( "${_target_name}-tarball" ALL
+ add_custom_command(
+ ${_compression} ${TAR_SETOWNER} -- ${_files}
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY "${_sourcedir}"
+ DEPENDS ${_files_deps}
+ COMMENT "Create tarball ${_target_path}"
+ )
+ if( _destination )
+ install( FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_target} DESTINATION ${_destination} )
+ endif( )
+##### tde_include_tqt
+macro( tde_include_tqt )
+ foreach( _cpp ${ARGN} )
+ set_source_files_properties( ${_cpp} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-include tqt.h" )
+ endforeach()
+endmacro( )
+##### tde_install_symlink
+macro( tde_install_symlink _target _link )
+ # if path is relative, we must to prefix it with CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
+ if( IS_ABSOLUTE "${_link}" )
+ set( _destination "${_link}" )
+ else( IS_ABSOLUTE "${_link}" )
+ set( _destination "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${_link}" )
+ endif( IS_ABSOLUTE "${_link}" )
+ get_filename_component( _path "${_destination}" PATH )
+ if( NOT IS_DIRECTORY "\$ENV{DESTDIR}${_path}" )
+ install( CODE "file( MAKE_DIRECTORY \"\$ENV{DESTDIR}${_path}\" )" )
+ endif( NOT IS_DIRECTORY "\$ENV{DESTDIR}${_path}" )
+ install( CODE "execute_process( COMMAND ln -s ${_target} \$ENV{DESTDIR}${_destination} )" )
+endmacro( tde_install_symlink )
+##### tde_install_empty_directory
+macro( tde_install_empty_directory _path )
+ # if path is relative, we must to prefix it with CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
+ if( IS_ABSOLUTE "${_path}" )
+ set( _destination "${_path}" )
+ else( IS_ABSOLUTE "${_path}" )
+ set( _destination "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${_path}" )
+ endif( IS_ABSOLUTE "${_path}" )
+ install( CODE "file( MAKE_DIRECTORY \"\$ENV{DESTDIR}${_destination}\" )" )
+endmacro( tde_install_empty_directory )
+##### tde_conditional_add_subdirectory
+macro( tde_conditional_add_subdirectory _cond _path )
+ if( ${_cond} )
+ add_subdirectory( "${_path}" )
+ endif( ${_cond} )
+endmacro( tde_conditional_add_subdirectory )
+##### tde_auto_add_subdirectories
+macro( tde_auto_add_subdirectories )
+ foreach( _dir ${_dirs} )
+ if( NOT ${_dir} STREQUAL ".svn" AND EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_dir}/CMakeLists.txt )
+ add_subdirectory( ${_dir} )
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+##### tde_save / tde_restore
+macro( tde_save )
+ foreach( _var ${ARGN} )
+ set( __bak_${_var} ${${_var}} )
+ endforeach()
+macro( tde_save_and_set _var )
+ set( __bak_${_var} ${${_var}} )
+ set( ${_var} ${ARGN} )
+endmacro( )
+macro( tde_restore )
+ foreach( _var ${ARGN} )
+ set( ${_var} ${__bak_${_var}} )
+ unset( __bak_${_var} )
+ endforeach()
+##### tde_setup_install_path
+macro( tde_setup_install_path _path _default )
+ if( DEFINED ${_path} )
+ set( ${_path} "${${_path}}" CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE )
+ else( )
+ set( ${_path} "${_default}" )
+ endif( )
+endmacro( )
+ tde_message_fatal( "Please use out-of-source building, like this:
+ \n rm ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeCache.txt
+ mkdir /tmp/${PROJECT_NAME}.build
+ cd /tmp/${PROJECT_NAME}.build
+ cmake ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} [arguments...]" )
+endif( )
+##### tde_setup_architecture_flags
+macro( tde_setup_architecture_flags )
+ message( STATUS "Detected ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR} CPU architecture" )
+ ## Immediate symbol binding is available only for gcc but not on ARM architectures
+ else( )
+ endif( )
+ check_cxx_compiler_flag( -fPIE HAVE_PIE_SUPPORT )
+ set( TDE_PIE_LDFLAGS -pie )
+endmacro( )
+##### tde_setup_gcc_visibility
+macro( tde_setup_gcc_visibility )
+ if( NOT UNIX )
+ tde_message_fatal( "gcc visibility support was requested, but your system is not *NIX" )
+ endif( NOT UNIX )
+ if( TQT_FOUND )
+ find_library( TQT_LIBFILE tqt-mt HINTS "${TQT_LIBRARY_DIRS}" )
+ message( STATUS "Performing Test HAVE_TQT_VISIBILITY" )
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND readelf --syms "${TQT_LIBFILE}"
+ )
+ "${HAVE_TQT_VISIBILITY}" MATCHES "GLOBAL[\t ]+DEFAULT[^\n]+QSettingsPrivate" )
+ message( STATUS "Performing Test HAVE_TQT_VISIBILITY - Failed" )
+ tde_message_fatal( "gcc visibility support was requested, but not supported in tqt library" )
+ endif( )
+ message( STATUS "Performing Test HAVE_TQT_VISIBILITY - Success" )
+ endif( )
+ endif( TQT_FOUND )
+ if( TDE_FOUND )
+ find_file( TDEMACROS_H kdemacros.h HINTS "${TDE_INCLUDE_DIR}" )
+ check_cxx_source_compiles( "
+ #include <${TDEMACROS_H}>
+ #error gcc visibility is not enabled in tdelibs
+ #endif
+ int main() { return 0; } "
+ )
+ tde_message_fatal( "gcc visibility support was requested, but not supported in tdelibs" )
+ endif( )
+ endif( TDE_FOUND )
+ set( CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -fvisibility=hidden")
+ set( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden")
+ endif( )
+endmacro( )
+##### tde_setup_msgfmt
+macro( tde_setup_msgfmt )
+ include( FindGettext )
+ CACHE FILEPATH "path to msgfmt executable" )
+ endif( GETTEXT_FOUND )
+ tde_message_fatal( "msgfmt is required but was not found on your system." )
+ endif( )
+endmacro( )
+##### tde_setup_largefiles
+macro( tde_setup_largefiles )
+ message( STATUS "Check support for large files" )
+ # check without special definitions
+ check_type_size( off_t SIZEOF_OFF_T )
+ endif( )
+ # check with definition _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64
+ check_type_size( off_t SIZEOF_OFF_T )
+ endif( )
+ endif( )
+ # check with definition _LARGE_FILES
+ check_type_size( off_t SIZEOF_OFF_T )
+ endif( )
+ endif( )
+ # check with definition _LARGEFILE_SOURCE
+ check_type_size( off_t SIZEOF_OFF_T )
+ endif( )
+ endif( )
+ # check for fseeko/ftello
+ check_symbol_exists( "fseeko" "stdio.h" HAVE_FSEEKO )
+ check_symbol_exists( "fseeko" "stdio.h" HAVE_FSEEKO )
+ else( )
+ endif( )
+ endif( )
+ endif( )
+ # check results
+ message( STATUS "Check support for large files - Success" )
+ else( )
+ add_definitions( ${LARGEFILES_DEFINITIONS} )
+ message( STATUS "Check support for large files - Success with ${LARGEFILES_DEFINITIONS}" )
+ endif( )
+ set( HAVE_LARGEFILES 1 CACHE INTERNAL "Support for large files enabled" )
+ else( )
+ message( STATUS "Check support for large files - Failed" )
+ tde_message_fatal( "Cannot find a way to enable support for large files." )
+ endif( )
+ endif( )
+endmacro( )
+##### tde_setup_dbus
+macro( tde_setup_dbus )
+ pkg_search_module( DBUS dbus-1 )
+ tde_message_fatal( "dbus-1 is required, but not found on your system" )
+ endif( )
+ endif( )
+ execute_process(
+ dbus-1 --variable=sysconfdir
+ )
+ message( STATUS "Using " ${DBUS_SYSTEM_CONF_DIRECTORY} " for DBUS system configuration files" )
+ else( )
+ tde_message_fatal( "Can not find the base directory for the dbus-1 configuration" )
+ endif( )
+ endif( )
+ execute_process(
+ dbus-1 --variable=sysconfdir
+ )
+ message( STATUS "Using " ${DBUS_SESSION_CONF_DIRECTORY} " for DBUS session configuration files" )
+ else( )
+ tde_message_fatal( "Can not find the base directory for the dbus-1 configuration" )
+ endif( )
+ endif( )
+ execute_process(
+ dbus-1 --variable=session_bus_services_dir
+ )
+ message( STATUS "Using " ${DBUS_SESSION_DIRECTORY} " for DBUS session service files" )
+ endif( )
+ execute_process(
+ dbus-1 --variable=system_bus_services_dir
+ )
+ if( "${DBUS_SESSION_DIRECTORY}" MATCHES "/services$" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "/services$" "/system-services"
+ else( )
+ tde_message_fatal( "Directory for DBUS system service files can not be determined." )
+ endif( )
+ endif( )
+ message( STATUS "Using " ${DBUS_SERVICE_DIRECTORY} " for DBUS system service files" )
+ endif( )
+ pkg_search_module( DBUS_TQT ${ARGV} )
+ tde_message_fatal( "${ARGV} is required, but not found on your system" )
+ endif( )
+ endif( )
+ find_program( DBUSXML2QT3_EXECUTABLE
+ NAMES dbusxml2qt3
+ )
+ endif( )
+endmacro( )
+##### tde_setup_polkit
+macro( tde_setup_polkit )
+ pkg_search_module( POLKIT_GOBJECT polkit-gobject-1 )
+ tde_message_fatal( "polkit-gobject-1 is required, but not found on your system" )
+ endif( )
+ endif( )
+ foreach( _arg ${ARGV} )
+ if( NOT "${_arg}" MATCHES "^polkit-" )
+ set( _arg "polkit-${_arg}" )
+ endif( )
+ string( TOUPPER "${_arg}" _polkit_module )
+ if( "${_polkit_module}" MATCHES "-[0-9]+$" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "-[0-9]+$" "" _polkit_module "${_polkit_module}" )
+ endif( )
+ string( REPLACE "-" "_" _polkit_module "${_polkit_module}" )
+ if( NOT "${_arg}" MATCHES "-[0-9]+$" )
+ set( _arg "${_arg}-1" )
+ endif( )
+ if( NOT ${_polkit_module}_FOUND )
+ pkg_search_module( ${_polkit_module} ${_arg} )
+ if( NOT ${_polkit_module}_FOUND )
+ tde_message_fatal( "${_arg} is required, but not found on your system" )
+ endif( )
+ endif( )
+ endforeach( )
+ execute_process(
+ polkit-gobject-1 --variable=actiondir
+ )
+ message( STATUS "Using " ${POLKIT_ACTIONS_DIRECTORY} " for PolicyKit action files" )
+ endif( )
+endmacro( )
diff --git a/qnetchess/cmake/modules/TDESetupPaths.cmake b/qnetchess/cmake/modules/TDESetupPaths.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..465df7fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/cmake/modules/TDESetupPaths.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# (C) 2010-2011 Serghei Amelian
+# serghei (DOT) amelian (AT)
+# Improvements and feedback are welcome
+# This file is released under GPL >= 2
+##### tde_internal_setup_path
+macro( _tde_internal_setup_path _path _default _comment )
+ if( DEFINED ${_path} )
+ set( ${_path} "${${_path}}" CACHE PATH "${_comment}" )
+ else( DEFINED ${_path} )
+ set( ${_path} "${_default}" )
+ endif( DEFINED ${_path} )
+endmacro( _tde_internal_setup_path )
+##### tde_setup_paths
+macro( tde_setup_paths )
+ # install paths
+ _tde_internal_setup_path( EXEC_INSTALL_PREFIX "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" "Base directory for executables and libraries" )
+ _tde_internal_setup_path( SHARE_INSTALL_PREFIX "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share" "Base directory for files which go to share/" )
+ _tde_internal_setup_path( BIN_INSTALL_DIR "${EXEC_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin" "The install dir for executables (default ${EXEC_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin)" )
+ _tde_internal_setup_path( SBIN_INSTALL_DIR "${EXEC_INSTALL_PREFIX}/sbin" "The install dir for system executables (default ${EXEC_INSTALL_PREFIX}/sbin)" )
+ _tde_internal_setup_path( LIB_INSTALL_DIR "${EXEC_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib${LIB_SUFFIX}" "The subdirectory relative to the install prefix where libraries will be installed (default is ${EXEC_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib${LIB_SUFFIX})" )
+ _tde_internal_setup_path( LIBEXEC_INSTALL_DIR "${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}/trinity/libexec" "The subdirectory relative to the install prefix where libraries will be installed (default is ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}/trinity/libexec)" )
+ _tde_internal_setup_path( PKGCONFIG_INSTALL_DIR "${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}/pkgconfig" "The install dir for pkg-config metadata files" )
+ _tde_internal_setup_path( INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include" "The subdirectory to the header prefix" )
+ _tde_internal_setup_path( CMAKE_INSTALL_DIR "${SHARE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/cmake" "The install dir for cmake import modules" )
+ _tde_internal_setup_path( PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR "${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}/trinity" "The subdirectory relative to the install prefix where plugins will be installed (default is ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}/trinity)" )
+ _tde_internal_setup_path( CONFIG_INSTALL_DIR "${SHARE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/config" "The config file install dir" )
+ _tde_internal_setup_path( DATA_INSTALL_DIR "${SHARE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/apps" "The parent directory where applications can install their data" )
+ _tde_internal_setup_path( HTML_INSTALL_DIR "${SHARE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/doc/tde/HTML" "The HTML install dir for documentation" )
+ _tde_internal_setup_path( ICON_INSTALL_DIR "${SHARE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/icons" "The icon install dir (default ${SHARE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/icons/)" )
+ _tde_internal_setup_path( KCFG_INSTALL_DIR "${SHARE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/config.kcfg" "The install dir for tdeconfig files" )
+ _tde_internal_setup_path( LOCALE_INSTALL_DIR "${SHARE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/locale" "The install dir for translations" )
+ _tde_internal_setup_path( APPS_INSTALL_DIR "${SHARE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/applnk" "The install dir for the application desktop files" )
+ _tde_internal_setup_path( MIME_INSTALL_DIR "${SHARE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/mimelnk" "The install dir for the mimetype desktop files" )
+ _tde_internal_setup_path( SERVICES_INSTALL_DIR "${SHARE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/services" "The install dir for service (desktop, protocol, ...) files" )
+ _tde_internal_setup_path( SERVICETYPES_INSTALL_DIR "${SHARE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/servicetypes" "The install dir for servicestypes desktop files" )
+ _tde_internal_setup_path( SOUND_INSTALL_DIR "${SHARE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/sounds" "The install dir for sound files" )
+ _tde_internal_setup_path( TEMPLATES_INSTALL_DIR "${SHARE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/templates" "The install dir for templates (Create new file...)" )
+ _tde_internal_setup_path( WALLPAPER_INSTALL_DIR "${SHARE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/wallpapers" "The install dir for wallpapers" )
+ _tde_internal_setup_path( KCONF_UPDATE_INSTALL_DIR "${DATA_INSTALL_DIR}/tdeconf_update" "The tdeconf_update install dir" )
+ _tde_internal_setup_path( AUTOSTART_INSTALL_DIR "${SHARE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/autostart" "The install dir for autostart files" )
+ _tde_internal_setup_path( SYSCONF_INSTALL_DIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/etc" "The sysconfig install dir (default ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/etc)" )
+ _tde_internal_setup_path( MAN_INSTALL_DIR "${SHARE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/man" "The man install dir (default ${SHARE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/man/)" )
+ _tde_internal_setup_path( INFO_INSTALL_DIR "${SHARE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/info" "The info install dir (default ${SHARE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/info)" )
+ _tde_internal_setup_path( XDG_MENU_INSTALL_DIR "${SYSCONF_INSTALL_DIR}/xdg/menus" "The XDG menus dir" )
+ _tde_internal_setup_path( XDG_APPS_INSTALL_DIR "${SHARE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/applications/tde" "The XDG apps dir" )
+ _tde_internal_setup_path( XDG_DIRECTORY_INSTALL_DIR "${SHARE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/desktop-directories" "The XDG directory" )
+ _tde_internal_setup_path( XDG_MIME_INSTALL_DIR "${SHARE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/mime/packages" "The install dir for the xdg mimetypes" )
+endmacro( tde_setup_paths )
diff --git a/qnetchess/cmake/modules/tde_uic.cmake b/qnetchess/cmake/modules/tde_uic.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..36b921f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/cmake/modules/tde_uic.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# (C) 2010-2011 Serghei Amelian
+# serghei (DOT) amelian (AT)
+# Improvements and feedback are welcome
+# This file is released under GPL >= 2
+set( CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${MASTER_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules" )
+include( TDEMacros )
+get_filename_component( _ui_basename ${UI_FILE} NAME_WE )
+# FIXME this will working only on out-of-source mode
+set( local_ui_file ${_ui_basename}.ui )
+configure_file( ${UI_FILE} ${local_ui_file} COPYONLY )
+tde_execute_process( COMMAND ${TQT_REPLACE_SCRIPT} ${local_ui_file} )
+# ui.h extension file, if exists
+if( EXISTS "${UI_FILE}.h" )
+ configure_file( ${UI_FILE}.h ${local_ui_file}.h COPYONLY )
+ tde_execute_process( COMMAND ${TQT_REPLACE_SCRIPT} ${local_ui_file}.h )
+endif( )
+endif( )
+tde_execute_process( COMMAND ${UIC_EXECUTABLE}
+ -nounload -tr tr2i18n
+ ${L}
+ ${local_ui_file}
+ OUTPUT_VARIABLE _ui_h_content )
+if( _ui_h_content )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "#ifndef " "#ifndef UI_" _ui_h_content "${_ui_h_content}" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "#define " "#define UI_" _ui_h_content "${_ui_h_content}" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "public TQWizard" "public KWizard" _ui_h_content "${_ui_h_content}" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "public QWizard" "public KWizard" _ui_h_content "${_ui_h_content}" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "#include <ntqwizard.h>" "#include <kwizard.h>" _ui_h_content "${_ui_h_content}" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "#include <qwizard.h>" "#include <kwizard.h>" _ui_h_content "${_ui_h_content}" )
+ file( WRITE ${_ui_basename}.h "${_ui_h_content}" )
+endif( )
+tde_execute_process( COMMAND ${UIC_EXECUTABLE}
+ -nounload -tr tr2i18n
+ ${L}
+ -impl ${_ui_basename}.h
+ ${local_ui_file}
+ OUTPUT_VARIABLE _ui_cpp_content )
+if( _ui_cpp_content )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "tr2i18n\\(\"\"\\)" "QString::null" _ui_cpp_content "${_ui_cpp_content}" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE "tr2i18n\\(\"\", \"\"\\)" "QString::null" _ui_cpp_content "${_ui_cpp_content}" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE ": TQWizard\\(" ": KWizard(" _ui_cpp_content "${_ui_cpp_content}" )
+ string( REGEX REPLACE ": QWizard\\(" ": KWizard(" _ui_cpp_content "${_ui_cpp_content}" )
+ file( WRITE ${_ui_basename}.cpp "#include <kdialog.h>\n#include <tdelocale.h>\n\n${_ui_cpp_content}" )
+ tde_execute_process( COMMAND ${MOC_EXECUTABLE}
+ ${_ui_basename}.h
+ OUTPUT_VARIABLE _ui_h_moc_content )
+ file( APPEND ${_ui_basename}.cpp "${_ui_h_moc_content}" )
+endif( )
diff --git a/qnetchess/cmake/modules/template_dummy_cpp.cmake b/qnetchess/cmake/modules/template_dummy_cpp.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8e1f5ff5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/cmake/modules/template_dummy_cpp.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#ifdef _AIX
+ namespace {
+ void *not_empty_file;
+ }
diff --git a/qnetchess/cmake/modules/template_export_library.cmake b/qnetchess/cmake/modules/template_export_library.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4d6cb3ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/cmake/modules/template_export_library.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+add_library( @_target@ @_type@ IMPORTED )
+set_target_properties( @_target@ PROPERTIES
+ IMPORTED_LOCATION "@_location@"
+ IMPORTED_SONAME "@_soname@" )
diff --git a/qnetchess/cmake/modules/template_libtool_file.cmake b/qnetchess/cmake/modules/template_libtool_file.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fcd73d46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/cmake/modules/template_libtool_file.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# @_laname@ - a libtool library file
+# Generated by CMake - GNU libtool
+# Please DO NOT delete this file!
+# It is necessary for linking the library.
+# The name that we can dlopen(3).
+# Names of this library.
+library_names='@_library_name_1@ @_library_name_2@ @_library_name_3@'
+# The name of the static archive.
+# Libraries that this one depends upon.
+# Version information for @_name@.
+# Is this an already installed library?
+# Should we warn about portability when linking against -modules?
+# Files to dlopen/dlpreopen
+# Directory that this library needs to be installed in:
diff --git a/qnetchess/cmake/modules/template_tdeinit_executable.cmake b/qnetchess/cmake/modules/template_tdeinit_executable.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3d480c44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/cmake/modules/template_tdeinit_executable.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+extern "C" int kdemain(int argc, char* argv[]);
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { return kdemain(argc,argv); }
diff --git a/qnetchess/cmake/modules/template_tdeinit_module.cmake b/qnetchess/cmake/modules/template_tdeinit_module.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..efd89d88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/cmake/modules/template_tdeinit_module.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#include <kdemacros.h>
+extern "C" int kdemain(int argc, char* argv[]);
+extern "C" KDE_EXPORT int tdeinitmain(int argc, char* argv[]) { return kdemain(argc,argv); }
diff --git a/qnetchess/ b/qnetchess/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f9c913bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# $Id:,v 1.0 2004/11/05 10:22:11 denis Exp $
+MOC= ${QTDIR}/bin/moc
+LUPDATE= ${QTDIR}/bin/lupdate
+LRELEASE= ${QTDIR}/bin/lrelease
+PTHREAD_CFLAGS?= -pthread
+PTHREAD_LIBS?= -pthread
+SRCMOC= ${MOCS:M*.h:R:S/$/.cxx/g}
+OBJMOC= ${MOCS:M*.h:R:S/$/.mo/g}
+.SUFFIXES: .h .cxx .mo
+ ${MOC} ${.IMPSRC} -o ${.TARGET}
+ ${CXX} ${CXXFLAGS} -c ${.IMPSRC} -o ${.TARGET}
diff --git a/qnetchess/src/CMakeLists.txt b/qnetchess/src/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4d5bac08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# (C) 2010-2011 Serghei Amelian
+# serghei (DOT) amelian (AT)
+# (C) 2011-2012 Timothy Pearson
+# kb9vqf (AT) pearsoncomputing (DOT) net
+# Improvements and feedback are welcome
+# This file is released under GPL >= 2
+##### q15 #################################
+install( PROGRAMS
+set( target qnetchess )
+set( ${target}_SRCS
+ gameboard.cpp gamesocket.cpp main.cpp mainwindow.cpp
+tde_add_executable( ${target} AUTOMOC
+ SOURCES ${${target}_SRCS}
+ LINK tqt-mt
diff --git a/qnetchess/src/gameboard.cpp b/qnetchess/src/gameboard.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ca07e3b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/src/gameboard.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1987 @@
+ * $Id: gameboard.cpp,v 1.1 2005/03/26 11:24:13 denis Exp $
+ *
+ * Author: Denis Kozadaev (
+ * Description:
+ *
+ * See also: style(9)
+ *
+ * Hacked by:
+ * Fixed the mate checker (big thanks to knyaz@RusNet)
+ */
+#include <ntqpainter.h>
+#include <ntqfontmetrics.h>
+#include <ntqmessagebox.h>
+#include <ntqcursor.h>
+#include <ntqfiledialog.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "gameboard.h"
+#include "gamesocket.h"
+#include "xpm/black_bishop.xpm"
+#include "xpm/black_castle.xpm"
+#include "xpm/black_king.xpm"
+#include "xpm/black_knight.xpm"
+#include "xpm/black_pawn.xpm"
+#include "xpm/black_queen.xpm"
+#include "xpm/white_bishop.xpm"
+#include "xpm/white_castle.xpm"
+#include "xpm/white_king.xpm"
+#include "xpm/white_knight.xpm"
+#include "xpm/white_pawn.xpm"
+#include "xpm/white_queen.xpm"
+const int
+ cell_size = 40,
+ XSize = 640,
+ YSize = 480;
+TQColor cb, cw;
+Figure::hasMyFigure(GameBoard::GameType gt, GameBoard::FigureType *map,
+ int x, int y, bool mirror)
+ int n;
+ bool res;
+ n = map2map(gt, x, y, mirror);
+ if (gt == GameBoard::WHITE)
+ switch (map[n]) {
+ case GameBoard::DUMMY:
+ case GameBoard::WHITE_PAWN:
+ case GameBoard::WHITE_CASTLE:
+ case GameBoard::WHITE_BISHOP:
+ case GameBoard::WHITE_KING:
+ case GameBoard::WHITE_QUEEN:
+ case GameBoard::WHITE_KNIGHT:
+ res = TRUE;
+ break;
+ default:
+ res = FALSE;
+ }
+ else if (gt == GameBoard::BLACK)
+ switch (map[n]) {
+ case GameBoard::DUMMY:
+ case GameBoard::BLACK_PAWN:
+ case GameBoard::BLACK_CASTLE:
+ case GameBoard::BLACK_BISHOP:
+ case GameBoard::BLACK_KING:
+ case GameBoard::BLACK_QUEEN:
+ case GameBoard::BLACK_KNIGHT:
+ res = TRUE;
+ break;
+ default:
+ res = FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ res = FALSE;
+ return (res);
+Figure::hasEnemyFigure(GameBoard::GameType gt, GameBoard::FigureType *map,
+ int x, int y, bool mirror)
+ int n;
+ int res;
+ n = map2map(gt, x, y, mirror);
+ if (gt == GameBoard::BLACK)
+ switch (map[n]) {
+ case GameBoard::WHITE_PAWN:
+ case GameBoard::WHITE_CASTLE:
+ case GameBoard::WHITE_BISHOP:
+ case GameBoard::WHITE_QUEEN:
+ case GameBoard::WHITE_KNIGHT:
+ res = 1;
+ break;
+ case GameBoard::WHITE_KING:
+ res = 2;
+ break;
+ case GameBoard::DUMMY:
+ default:
+ res = 0;
+ }
+ else if (gt == GameBoard::WHITE)
+ switch (map[n]) {
+ case GameBoard::BLACK_PAWN:
+ case GameBoard::BLACK_CASTLE:
+ case GameBoard::BLACK_BISHOP:
+ case GameBoard::BLACK_QUEEN:
+ case GameBoard::BLACK_KNIGHT:
+ res = 1;
+ break;
+ case GameBoard::BLACK_KING:
+ res = 2;
+ break;
+ case GameBoard::DUMMY:
+ default:
+ res = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ res = 0;
+ return (res);
+Figure::hasFigure(GameBoard::GameType gt, GameBoard::FigureType *map,
+ int x, int y, bool mirror)
+ int n;
+ n = map2map(gt, x, y, mirror);
+ return (map[n] != GameBoard::NONE);
+Figure::map2map(GameBoard::GameType gt, int x, int y, bool mirror)
+ int n = -1;
+ if (gt == GameBoard::WHITE)
+ if (mirror)
+ n = (y - 1) * 8 + (8 - x);
+ else
+ n = (8 - y) * 8 + (x - 1);
+ else if (gt == GameBoard::BLACK)
+ if (mirror)
+ n = (8 - y) * 8 + (x - 1);
+ else
+ n = (y - 1) * 8 + (8 - x);
+ return (n);
+Figure::map2str(int x, int y)
+ QString s;
+ s = TQString(TQChar('a' + x - 1)) + TQString::number(y);
+ return (s);
+Figure::str2map(const TQString &coo, int *x, int *y)
+ *x = coo[0] - 'a' + 1;
+ *y = coo[1] - '0';
+Figure::validMove(GameBoard::GameType gt, GameBoard::FigureType *map,
+ int fx, int fy, int tx, int ty, bool mirror)
+ TQPointArray vl;
+ int res, f, t;
+ moveList(vl, gt, map, fx, fy, mirror);
+ res = hasPoint(vl, tx, ty);
+ f = map2map(gt, fx, fy, mirror);
+ switch (map[f]) {
+ case GameBoard::WHITE_PAWN:
+ if (res && (ty == 8))
+ res++;
+ break;
+ case GameBoard::BLACK_PAWN:
+ if (res && (ty == 1))
+ res++;
+ break;
+ default:;
+ }
+ if (res) {
+ t = map2map(gt, tx, ty, mirror);
+ map[t] = map[f];
+ map[f] = GameBoard::NONE;
+ if (mirror) {
+ vl.resize(0);
+ t = checkKing(gt, map, mirror, vl, FALSE);
+ switch (t) {
+ case 1:
+ res |= 0x10;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ res |= 0x20;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ res |= 0x40;
+ break;
+ default:;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (res);
+ * 0 - nothing
+ * 1 - check
+ * 2 - mate
+ * 3 - stalemate
+ */
+Figure::checkKing(GameBoard::GameType gt, GameBoard::FigureType *map,
+ bool mirror, TQPointArray &vl, bool co)
+ TQPointArray tmp;
+ GameBoard::FigureType myking, map1[64];
+ GameBoard::GameType mytype;
+ int res, x, y, p, xk, yk, pk;
+ bool hp;
+ if (gt == GameBoard::WHITE) {
+ myking = GameBoard::BLACK_KING;
+ mytype = GameBoard::BLACK;
+ } else if (gt == GameBoard::BLACK) {
+ myking = GameBoard::WHITE_KING;
+ mytype = GameBoard::WHITE;
+ } else {
+ myking = GameBoard::NONE;
+ mytype = GameBoard::NOGAME;
+ }
+ xk = yk = -1;
+ res = 0; p = -1;
+ for (y = 1; y < 9; ++y)
+ for (x = 1; x < 9; ++x)
+ /* check enemy figures */
+ if (hasMyFigure(gt, map, x, y, mirror))
+ moveList(vl, gt, map, x, y, mirror);
+ else if (p == -1) {
+ p = map2map(mytype, x, y, !mirror);
+ if (map[p] == myking) {
+ xk = x;
+ yk = y;
+ } else
+ p = -1;
+ }
+ hp = hasPoint(vl, xk, yk);
+ if (hp) {
+ res++;
+ if (!co) {
+ vl.resize(0);
+ for (y = 1; y < 9; ++y)
+ for (x = 1; x < 9; ++x)
+ if (hasMyFigure(mytype, map,
+ x, y, !mirror))
+ moveList(vl, mytype, map,
+ x, y, !mirror);
+ memmove(map1, map, sizeof(map1));
+ pk = map2map(mytype, xk, yk, !mirror);
+ for (x = vl.size() - 1; x >= 0; --x) {
+ p = map2map(mytype, vl.point(x).x(),
+ vl.point(x).y(), !mirror);
+ if (p != pk)
+ map1[p] = GameBoard::DUMMY;
+ }
+ if (checkKing(gt, map1, mirror, vl, TRUE) != 0) {
+ vl.resize(0);
+ moveListKing(vl, mytype, map, xk, yk, !mirror);
+ memmove(map1, map, sizeof(map1));
+ for (y = 0, x = vl.size() - 1; x >= 0; --x) {
+ p = map2map(mytype, vl.point(x).x(),
+ vl.point(x).y(), !mirror);
+ map1[p] = myking;
+ map1[pk] = GameBoard::NONE;
+ if (checkKing(gt, map1, mirror,
+ tmp, TRUE) == 1)
+ ++y;
+ map1[pk] = map[pk];
+ map1[p] = map[p];
+ }
+ if (y == (int)vl.size())
+ res++;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (!co) {
+ vl.resize(0);
+ for (y = 1; y < 9; ++y)
+ for (x = 1; x < 9; ++x)
+ if (hasMyFigure(mytype, map, x, y, !mirror))
+ moveList(vl, mytype, map, x, y,
+ !mirror);
+ if (vl.size() == 0)
+ res = 3;
+ }
+ return (res);
+Figure::moveList(TQPointArray &vl, GameBoard::GameType gt,
+ GameBoard::FigureType *map, int x, int y, bool mirror)
+ int n;
+ n = map2map(gt, x, y, mirror);
+ switch (map[n]) {
+ case GameBoard::WHITE_PAWN:
+ moveListWhitePawn(vl, gt, map, x, y, mirror);
+ break;
+ case GameBoard::WHITE_CASTLE:
+ case GameBoard::BLACK_CASTLE:
+ moveListCastle(vl, gt, map, x, y, mirror);
+ break;
+ case GameBoard::WHITE_BISHOP:
+ case GameBoard::BLACK_BISHOP:
+ moveListBishop(vl, gt, map, x, y, mirror);
+ break;
+ case GameBoard::WHITE_KING:
+ case GameBoard::BLACK_KING:
+ moveListKing(vl, gt, map, x, y, mirror);
+ break;
+ case GameBoard::WHITE_QUEEN:
+ case GameBoard::BLACK_QUEEN:
+ moveListQueen(vl, gt, map, x, y, mirror);
+ break;
+ case GameBoard::WHITE_KNIGHT:
+ case GameBoard::BLACK_KNIGHT:
+ moveListKnight(vl, gt, map, x, y, mirror);
+ break;
+ case GameBoard::BLACK_PAWN:
+ moveListBlackPawn(vl, gt, map, x, y, mirror);
+ break;
+ default:;
+ }
+Figure::moveListWhitePawn(TQPointArray &vl, GameBoard::GameType gt,
+ GameBoard::FigureType *map, int x, int y, bool mirror)
+ if (validPoint(gt, map, x, y + 1, mirror) &&
+ !hasFigure(gt, map, x, y + 1, mirror)) {
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, x, y + 1);
+ if ((y == 2) && validPoint(gt, map, x, y + 2, mirror))
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, x, y + 2);
+ }
+ if (validPoint(gt, map, x + 1, y + 1, mirror) &&
+ hasEnemyFigure(gt, map, x + 1, y + 1, mirror))
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, x + 1, y + 1);
+ if (validPoint(gt, map, x - 1, y + 1, mirror) &&
+ hasEnemyFigure(gt, map, x - 1, y + 1, mirror))
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, x - 1, y + 1);
+Figure::moveListBlackPawn(TQPointArray &vl, GameBoard::GameType gt,
+ GameBoard::FigureType *map, int x, int y, bool mirror)
+ if (validPoint(gt, map, x, y - 1, mirror) &&
+ !hasFigure(gt, map, x, y - 1, mirror)) {
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, x, y - 1);
+ if ((y == 7) && validPoint(gt, map, x, y - 2, mirror))
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, x, y - 2);
+ }
+ if (validPoint(gt, map, x + 1, y - 1, mirror) &&
+ hasEnemyFigure(gt, map, x + 1, y - 1, mirror))
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, x + 1, y - 1);
+ if (validPoint(gt, map, x - 1, y - 1, mirror) &&
+ hasEnemyFigure(gt, map, x - 1, y - 1, mirror))
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, x - 1, y - 1);
+Figure::moveListCastle(TQPointArray &vl, GameBoard::GameType gt,
+ GameBoard::FigureType *map, int x, int y, bool mirror)
+ int i;
+ for (i = x + 1; i < 9; i++) {
+ if (!hasFigure(gt, map, i, y, mirror)) {
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, i, y);
+ continue;
+ } else if (hasEnemyFigure(gt, map, i, y, mirror))
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, i, y);
+ break;
+ }
+ for (i = x - 1; i > 0; i--) {
+ if (!hasFigure(gt, map, i, y, mirror)) {
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, i, y);
+ continue;
+ } else if (hasEnemyFigure(gt, map, i, y, mirror))
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, i, y);
+ break;
+ }
+ for (i = y + 1; i < 9; i++) {
+ if (!hasFigure(gt, map, x, i, mirror)) {
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, x, i);
+ continue;
+ } else if (hasEnemyFigure(gt, map, x, i, mirror))
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, x, i);
+ break;
+ }
+ for (i = y - 1; i > 0; i--) {
+ if (!hasFigure(gt, map, x, i, mirror)) {
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, x, i);
+ continue;
+ } else if (hasEnemyFigure(gt, map, x, i, mirror))
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, x, i);
+ break;
+ }
+Figure::moveListBishop(TQPointArray &vl, GameBoard::GameType gt,
+ GameBoard::FigureType *map, int x, int y, bool mirror)
+ int i, j;
+ for (i = x + 1, j = y + 1; (i < 9) && (j < 9); i++, j++) {
+ if (!hasFigure(gt, map, i, j, mirror)) {
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, i, j);
+ continue;
+ } else if (hasEnemyFigure(gt, map, i, j, mirror))
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, i, j);
+ break;
+ }
+ for (i = x - 1, j = y + 1; (i > 0) && (j < 9); i--, j++) {
+ if (!hasFigure(gt, map, i, j, mirror)) {
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, i, j);
+ continue;
+ } else if (hasEnemyFigure(gt, map, i, j, mirror))
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, i, j);
+ break;
+ }
+ for (i = x - 1, j = y - 1; (i > 0) && (j > 0); i--, j--) {
+ if (!hasFigure(gt, map, i, j, mirror)) {
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, i, j);
+ continue;
+ } else if (hasEnemyFigure(gt, map, i, j, mirror))
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, i, j);
+ break;
+ }
+ for (i = x + 1, j = y - 1; (i < 9) && (j > 0); i++, j--) {
+ if (!hasFigure(gt, map, i, j, mirror)) {
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, i, j);
+ continue;
+ } else if (hasEnemyFigure(gt, map, i, j, mirror))
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, i, j);
+ break;
+ }
+Figure::moveListKing(TQPointArray &vl, GameBoard::GameType gt,
+ GameBoard::FigureType *map, int x, int y, bool mirror)
+ int x1, x2, y1, y2;
+ x1 = x - 1; x2 = x + 1;
+ y1 = y - 1; y2 = y + 1;
+ if (validPoint(gt, map, x1, y2, mirror) &&
+ !hasKingsMeeting(gt, map, x1, y2, mirror))
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, x1, y2);
+ if (validPoint(gt, map, x, y2, mirror) &&
+ !hasKingsMeeting(gt, map, x, y2, mirror))
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, x, y2);
+ if (validPoint(gt, map, x2, y2, mirror) &&
+ !hasKingsMeeting(gt, map, x2, y2, mirror))
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, x2, y2);
+ if (validPoint(gt, map, x1, y, mirror) &&
+ !hasKingsMeeting(gt, map, x1, y, mirror))
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, x1, y);
+ if (validPoint(gt, map, x2, y, mirror) &&
+ !hasKingsMeeting(gt, map, x2, y, mirror))
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, x2, y);
+ if (validPoint(gt, map, x1, y1, mirror) &&
+ !hasKingsMeeting(gt, map, x1, y1, mirror))
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, x1, y1);
+ if (validPoint(gt, map, x, y1, mirror) &&
+ !hasKingsMeeting(gt, map, x, y1, mirror))
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, x, y1);
+ if (validPoint(gt, map, x2, y1, mirror) &&
+ !hasKingsMeeting(gt, map, x2, y1, mirror))
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, x2, y1);
+Figure::moveListQueen(TQPointArray &vl, GameBoard::GameType gt,
+ GameBoard::FigureType *map, int x, int y, bool mirror)
+ moveListBishop(vl, gt, map, x, y, mirror);
+ moveListCastle(vl, gt, map, x, y, mirror);
+Figure::moveListKnight(TQPointArray &vl, GameBoard::GameType gt,
+ GameBoard::FigureType *map, int x, int y, bool mirror)
+ int x1, x2, x3, x4,
+ y1, y2, y3, y4;
+ x1 = x + 1;
+ x2 = x1 + 1;
+ x3 = x - 1;
+ x4 = x3 - 1;
+ y1 = y + 1;
+ y2 = y1 + 1;
+ y3 = y - 1;
+ y4 = y3 - 1;
+ if (validPoint(gt, map, x3, y2, mirror))
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, x3, y2);
+ if (validPoint(gt, map, x1, y2, mirror))
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, x1, y2);
+ if (validPoint(gt, map, x4, y1, mirror))
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, x4, y1);
+ if (validPoint(gt, map, x2, y1, mirror))
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, x2, y1);
+ if (validPoint(gt, map, x4, y3, mirror))
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, x4, y3);
+ if (validPoint(gt, map, x2, y3, mirror))
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, x2, y3);
+ if (validPoint(gt, map, x3, y4, mirror))
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, x3, y4);
+ if (validPoint(gt, map, x1, y4, mirror))
+ vl.putPoints(vl.size(), 1, x1, y4);
+Figure::hasKingsMeeting(GameBoard::GameType gt, GameBoard::FigureType *map,
+ int x, int y, bool mirror)
+ int x1, x2, y1, y2;
+ bool res;
+ x1 = x - 1; x2 = x + 1;
+ y1 = y - 1; y2 = y + 1;
+ res = FALSE;
+ if (validPoint(gt, map, x1, y2, mirror))
+ res = (hasEnemyFigure(gt, map, x1, y2, mirror) == 2);
+ if (! res && validPoint(gt, map, x, y2, mirror))
+ res = (hasEnemyFigure(gt, map, x, y2, mirror) == 2);
+ if (!res && validPoint(gt, map, x2, y2, mirror))
+ res = (hasEnemyFigure(gt, map, x2, y2, mirror) == 2);
+ if (!res && validPoint(gt, map, x1, y, mirror))
+ res = (hasEnemyFigure(gt, map, x1, y, mirror) == 2);
+ if (!res && validPoint(gt, map, x2, y, mirror))
+ res = (hasEnemyFigure(gt, map, x2, y, mirror) == 2);
+ if (!res && validPoint(gt, map, x1, y1, mirror))
+ res = (hasEnemyFigure(gt, map, x1, y1, mirror) == 2);
+ if (!res && validPoint(gt, map, x, y1, mirror))
+ res = (hasEnemyFigure(gt, map, x, y1, mirror) == 2);
+ if (!res && validPoint(gt, map, x2, y1, mirror))
+ res = (hasEnemyFigure(gt, map, x2, y1, mirror) == 2);
+ return (res);
+Figure::hasPoint(const TQPointArray &vl, int x, int y)
+ int i, xp, yp, cnt;
+ bool res = FALSE;
+ cnt = vl.count();
+ for (i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
+ vl.point(i, &xp, &yp);
+ if ((xp == x) && (yp == y)) {
+ res = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return (res);
+Figure::validPoint(GameBoard::GameType gt, GameBoard::FigureType *map,
+ int x, int y, bool mirror)
+ bool res;
+ res = ((x >0) && (x < 9) && (y >0) && (y < 9));
+ if (res)
+ res = !hasMyFigure(gt, map, x, y, mirror);
+ return (res);
+GameBoard::GameBoard(GameType g, const TQString &h, TQWidget *parent,
+ const char *name)
+ :TQWidget(parent, name, TQt::WResizeNoErase |
+ TQt::WRepaintNoErase | TQt::WDestructiveClose)
+ TQString str;
+ gt = g; hst = h;
+ setCursor(TQCursor(TQt::WaitCursor));
+ if (gt == WHITE)
+ str = tr("White");
+ else if (gt == BLACK)
+ str = tr("Black");
+ str += ' ' + tr("game with") + ' ';
+ setCaption(str + hst);
+ setIcon(TQPixmap((const char **)white_knight));
+ map = new FigureType[64];
+ initMap();
+ sock = new TQSocket(this);
+ drw = new Drawer(map, &gt, this);
+ drw->setEnabled(FALSE);
+ drw->setFocusPolicy(NoFocus);
+ box = new TQGroupBox(tr("Game chat"), this);
+ lst = new TQListBox(box);
+ lst->setFocusPolicy(NoFocus);
+ lst->setVScrollBarMode(TQScrollView::AlwaysOff);
+ lst->setSelectionMode(TQListBox::NoSelection);
+ edt = new TQLineEdit(box);
+ edt->setEnabled(FALSE);
+ setFocusProxy(edt);
+ hist = new TQGroupBox(tr("History"), this);
+ hist->setAlignment(TQt::AlignHCenter);
+ hist->setFocusPolicy(NoFocus);
+ hw = new TQListBox(hist);
+ hw->setSelectionMode(TQListBox::NoSelection);
+ hw->setPaletteBackgroundColor(cw);
+ hb = new TQListBox(hist);
+ hb->setSelectionMode(TQListBox::NoSelection);
+ hb->setPaletteBackgroundColor(cb);
+ tmr = new TQTimer(this);
+ sock_tout = SOCK_WAIT;
+ my_stat = tr("Looking up the host") + ' ' + hst + "...";
+ TQObject::connect(sock, SIGNAL(hostFound()),
+ this, SLOT(showHostFound()));
+ TQObject::connect(sock, SIGNAL(connected()),
+ this, SLOT(sockConnected()));
+ TQObject::connect(sock, SIGNAL(readyRead()),
+ this, SLOT(sockRead()));
+ TQObject::connect(sock, SIGNAL(connectionClosed()),
+ this, SLOT(sockClosed()));
+ TQObject::connect(sock, SIGNAL(error(int)),
+ this, SLOT(sockError(int)));
+ TQObject::connect(drw, SIGNAL(moved(const TQString&)),
+ this, SLOT(sendMove(const TQString&)));
+ TQObject::connect(drw, SIGNAL(newFigure(const TQString&,
+ GameBoard::FigureType)),
+ this, SLOT(sendFigure(const TQString&, GameBoard::FigureType)));
+ TQObject::connect(drw, SIGNAL(gameover(int)),
+ this, SLOT(gameover(int)));
+ TQObject::connect(edt, SIGNAL(returnPressed()),
+ this, SLOT(sendText()));
+ TQObject::connect(tmr, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(sockTest()));
+ resize(XSize, YSize);
+ setMinimumSize(size());
+ setMaximumSize(size());
+ sock->connectToHost(hst, GAME_PORT);
+ tmr->start(1000);
+GameBoard::GameBoard(int sfd, TQWidget *parent, const char *name)
+ :TQWidget(parent, name, TQt::WResizeNoErase | TQt::WRepaintNoErase |
+ TQt::WDestructiveClose)
+ gt = NOGAME;
+ setCursor(TQCursor(TQt::WaitCursor));
+ setIcon(TQPixmap((const char **)white_knight));
+ map = new FigureType[64];
+ memset(map, NONE, 64 * sizeof(*map));
+ sock = new TQSocket(this);
+ drw = new Drawer(map, &gt, this);
+ drw->setEnabled(FALSE);
+ drw->setFocusPolicy(NoFocus);
+ box = new TQGroupBox(tr("Game chat"), this);
+ lst = new TQListBox(box);
+ lst->setFocusPolicy(NoFocus);
+ lst->setVScrollBarMode(TQScrollView::AlwaysOff);
+ lst->setSelectionMode(TQListBox::NoSelection);
+ edt = new TQLineEdit(box);
+ setFocusProxy(edt);
+ hist = new TQGroupBox(tr("History"), this);
+ hist->setAlignment(TQt::AlignHCenter);
+ hist->setFocusPolicy(NoFocus);
+ hw = new TQListBox(hist);
+ hw->setSelectionMode(TQListBox::NoSelection);
+ hw->setPaletteBackgroundColor(cw);
+ hb = new TQListBox(hist);
+ hb->setSelectionMode(TQListBox::NoSelection);
+ hb->setPaletteBackgroundColor(cb);
+ tmr = new TQTimer(this);
+ sock->setSocket(sfd);
+ sock_tout = SOCK_WAIT;
+ my_stat = tr("Accepted a new connection");
+ TQObject::connect(sock, SIGNAL(hostFound()),
+ this, SLOT(showHostFound()));
+ TQObject::connect(sock, SIGNAL(connected()),
+ this, SLOT(sockConnected()));
+ TQObject::connect(sock, SIGNAL(readyRead()),
+ this, SLOT(sockRead()));
+ TQObject::connect(sock, SIGNAL(connectionClosed()),
+ this, SLOT(sockClosed()));
+ TQObject::connect(sock, SIGNAL(error(int)),
+ this, SLOT(sockError(int)));
+ TQObject::connect(drw, SIGNAL(moved(const TQString&)),
+ this, SLOT(sendMove(const TQString&)));
+ TQObject::connect(drw, SIGNAL(newFigure(const TQString&,
+ GameBoard::FigureType)),
+ this, SLOT(sendFigure(const TQString&, GameBoard::FigureType)));
+ TQObject::connect(drw, SIGNAL(gameover(int)),
+ this, SLOT(gameover(int)));
+ TQObject::connect(edt, SIGNAL(returnPressed()),
+ this, SLOT(sendText()));
+ TQObject::connect(tmr, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(sockTest()));
+ resize(XSize, YSize);
+ setMinimumSize(size());
+ setMaximumSize(size());
+ tmr->start(1000);
+ GameProtocol::sendQuit(sock);
+ delete tmr;
+ delete hb;
+ delete hw;
+ delete hist;
+ delete edt;
+ delete lst;
+ delete box;
+ delete drw;
+ delete sock;
+ delete map;
+GameBoard::resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent *e)
+ TQFontMetrics fm(font());
+ int w = e->size().width(),
+ h = e->size().height(),
+ fh = fm.lineSpacing() + 4;
+ TQWidget::resizeEvent(e);
+ drw->move(0, 0);
+ box->move(drw->x(), drw->y() + drw->height());
+ box->resize(w, h - box->y());
+ edt->move(2, box->height() - fh - 2);
+ edt->resize(box->width() - edt->x() * 2, fh);
+ lst->move(edt->x(), fm.lineSpacing());
+ lst->resize(edt->width(), edt->y() - lst->y());
+ hist->move(drw->x() + drw->width(), drw->y());
+ hist->resize(w - hist->x(), box->y());
+ hw->move(2, TQFontMetrics(hist->font()).lineSpacing());
+ hw->resize((hist->width() - hw->x()) / 2,
+ hist->height() - hw->y() - 2);
+ hb->move(hw->x() + hw->width(), hw->y());
+ hb->resize(hw->size());
+GameBoard::focusInEvent(TQFocusEvent *e)
+ TQWidget::focusInEvent(e);
+ emit showStatus(my_stat);
+ memset(map, NONE, 64 * sizeof(*map));
+ if (gt == WHITE) {
+ map[0] = BLACK_CASTLE;
+ map[1] = BLACK_KNIGHT;
+ map[2] = BLACK_BISHOP;
+ map[3] = BLACK_QUEEN;
+ map[4] = BLACK_KING;
+ map[5] = BLACK_BISHOP;
+ map[6] = BLACK_KNIGHT;
+ map[7] = BLACK_CASTLE;
+ map[8] = BLACK_PAWN;
+ map[9] = BLACK_PAWN;
+ map[10] = BLACK_PAWN;
+ map[11] = BLACK_PAWN;
+ map[12] = BLACK_PAWN;
+ map[13] = BLACK_PAWN;
+ map[14] = BLACK_PAWN;
+ map[15] = BLACK_PAWN;
+ map[48] = WHITE_PAWN;
+ map[49] = WHITE_PAWN;
+ map[50] = WHITE_PAWN;
+ map[51] = WHITE_PAWN;
+ map[52] = WHITE_PAWN;
+ map[53] = WHITE_PAWN;
+ map[54] = WHITE_PAWN;
+ map[55] = WHITE_PAWN;
+ map[56] = WHITE_CASTLE;
+ map[57] = WHITE_KNIGHT;
+ map[58] = WHITE_BISHOP;
+ map[59] = WHITE_QUEEN;
+ map[60] = WHITE_KING;
+ map[61] = WHITE_BISHOP;
+ map[62] = WHITE_KNIGHT;
+ map[63] = WHITE_CASTLE;
+ } else {
+ map[0] = WHITE_CASTLE;
+ map[1] = WHITE_KNIGHT;
+ map[2] = WHITE_BISHOP;
+ map[3] = WHITE_KING;
+ map[4] = WHITE_QUEEN;
+ map[5] = WHITE_BISHOP;
+ map[6] = WHITE_KNIGHT;
+ map[7] = WHITE_CASTLE;
+ map[8] = WHITE_PAWN;
+ map[9] = WHITE_PAWN;
+ map[10] = WHITE_PAWN;
+ map[11] = WHITE_PAWN;
+ map[12] = WHITE_PAWN;
+ map[13] = WHITE_PAWN;
+ map[14] = WHITE_PAWN;
+ map[15] = WHITE_PAWN;
+ map[48] = BLACK_PAWN;
+ map[49] = BLACK_PAWN;
+ map[50] = BLACK_PAWN;
+ map[51] = BLACK_PAWN;
+ map[52] = BLACK_PAWN;
+ map[53] = BLACK_PAWN;
+ map[54] = BLACK_PAWN;
+ map[55] = BLACK_PAWN;
+ map[56] = BLACK_CASTLE;
+ map[57] = BLACK_KNIGHT;
+ map[58] = BLACK_BISHOP;
+ map[59] = BLACK_KING;
+ map[60] = BLACK_QUEEN;
+ map[61] = BLACK_BISHOP;
+ map[62] = BLACK_KNIGHT;
+ map[63] = BLACK_CASTLE;
+ }
+ my_stat = tr("The host found");
+ emit showStatus(my_stat);
+ my_stat = tr("Connected to the host");
+ emit showStatus(my_stat);
+ GameProtocol::setGameType(sock, gt);
+ edt->setEnabled(TRUE);
+ TQString str;
+ if (sock->canReadLine()) {
+ str = sock->readLine();
+ str.remove(EOL);
+ str.remove('\r');
+ parseString(str);
+ sock_tout = SOCK_WAIT;
+ }
+ close();
+GameBoard::sockError(int err)
+ TQString e;
+ TQMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Socket Error..."),
+ tr("You have a socket error number") + ' ' +
+ TQString::number(err));
+GameBoard::parseString(const TQString &str)
+ TQStringList lst(TQStringList::split(SEP, str));
+ TQString s(lst[0].lower());
+ int id;
+ if (s == "game") {
+ s = lst[1].lower();
+ if (s == "mate") {
+ updateHistory(GAMEOVER_TXT, TRUE);
+ gt = NOGAME;
+ gameover(0);
+ close();
+ } else if (s == "stalemate") {
+ gt = NOGAME;
+ gameover(3);
+ close();
+ } else if (s != "accept") {
+ if (s == "white") {
+ gt = BLACK;
+ s = tr("White");
+ } else if (s == "black") {
+ gt = WHITE;
+ s = tr("Black");
+ drw->setEnabled(TRUE);
+ setCursor(TQCursor(TQt::ArrowCursor));
+ }
+ s += ' ' + tr("game from") + ' ';
+ my_stat = tr("Accepted the") + ' ' + s;
+ hst = sock->peerName();
+ if (hst.isEmpty())
+ hst = sock->peerAddress().toString() + ':' +
+ TQString::number(sock->peerPort());
+ initMap();
+ drw->repaint(TRUE);
+ GameProtocol::acceptGame(sock);
+ setCaption(s + hst);
+ my_stat += hst;
+ emit showStatus(my_stat);
+ } else if (gt == WHITE) {
+ drw->setEnabled(TRUE);
+ setCursor(TQCursor(TQt::ArrowCursor));
+ }
+ } else if (s == "move") {
+ if (!drw->isEnabled()) {
+ drw->setEnabled(TRUE);
+ s = lst[1].lower();
+ updateHistory(s, TRUE);
+ drw->makeMove(s);
+ setCursor(TQCursor(TQt::ArrowCursor));
+ my_stat = tr("Your move...");
+ emit showStatus(my_stat);
+ }
+ } else if (s == "quit") {
+ gt = NOGAME;
+ sockClosed();
+ } else if (s == "chat") {
+ s = str.right(str.length() - 5);
+ updateChat('>' + s);
+ } else if (s == "figure") {
+ s = lst[1].lower();
+ id = lst[2].toInt();
+ drw->newFigure(s, id);
+ updateHistory(id, TRUE);
+ }
+GameBoard::sendMove(const TQString &str)
+ GameProtocol::sendMove(sock, str);
+ drw->setEnabled(FALSE);
+ setCursor(TQCursor(TQt::WaitCursor));
+ updateHistory(str, FALSE);
+ sock_tout = SOCK_WAIT;
+ my_stat = tr("Waiting a move...");
+ emit showStatus(my_stat);
+GameBoard::closeEvent(TQCloseEvent *e)
+ int res;
+ if (gt != NOGAME) {
+ res = TQMessageBox::question(this, tr("End the game"),
+ tr("Want you to end the game?\nYou will lose it"),
+ tr("Yes, end"), tr("No, continue"), TQString::null, 1);
+ if (res == 0)
+ TQWidget::closeEvent(e);
+ } else
+ TQWidget::closeEvent(e);
+ TQString s;
+ s = edt->text().utf8();
+ if (!s.isEmpty()) {
+ updateChat(s);
+ GameProtocol::sendText(sock, s.ascii());
+ }
+ edt->clear();
+GameBoard::updateChat(const TQString &s)
+ int fh, h;
+ lst->insertItem(TQString::fromUtf8(s.ascii()));
+ h = lst->height();
+ fh = TQFontMetrics(lst->font()).lineSpacing();
+ if ((int)lst->count() * fh >= lst->visibleHeight())
+ lst->removeItem(0);
+GameBoard::updateHistory(const TQString &st, bool t)
+ TQString s;
+ if (st.length() == 3) {
+ if (st[0] == '@')
+ s = "O-O";
+ else
+ s = st;
+ } else
+ s = st.left(2) + " - " + st.right(2);
+ if (t) {
+ if (gt == WHITE)
+ hb->insertItem(s);
+ else if (gt == BLACK)
+ hw->insertItem(s);
+ } else {
+ if (gt == WHITE)
+ hw->insertItem(s);
+ else if (gt == BLACK)
+ hb->insertItem(s);
+ }
+GameBoard::updateHistory(int id, bool t)
+ TQString s("; "), s1;
+ switch (id) {
+ case 3:
+ s += tr("B");
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ s += tr("K");
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ s += tr("C");
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ s += tr("Q");
+ break;
+ default:
+ s += tr("Error!");
+ }
+ if (t) {
+ if (gt == WHITE) {
+ id = hb->count() - 1;
+ s1 = hb->text(id);
+ hb->changeItem(s1 + s, id);
+ } else if (gt == BLACK) {
+ id = hw->count() - 1;
+ s1 = hw->text(id);
+ hw->changeItem(s1 + s, id);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (gt == WHITE) {
+ id = hw->count() - 1;
+ s1 = hw->text(id);
+ hw->changeItem(s1 + s, id);
+ } else if (gt == BLACK) {
+ id = hb->count() - 1;
+ s1 = hb->text(id);
+ hb->changeItem(s1 + s, id);
+ }
+ }
+GameBoard::sendFigure(const TQString &coo, GameBoard::FigureType ft)
+ int id = -1;
+ switch (ft) {
+ id = 5;
+ break;
+ id = 3;
+ break;
+ id = 4;
+ break;
+ id = 10;
+ break;
+ default:
+ id = -1;
+ }
+ if (id != -1) {
+ GameProtocol::sendFigure(sock, coo, id);
+ updateHistory(id, FALSE);
+ }
+ --sock_tout;
+ if (sock_tout < 0) {
+ tmr->stop();
+ gt = NOGAME;
+ sockClosed();
+ } else if ((sock->state() == TQSocket::HostLookup) &&
+ (sock_tout + 60 < SOCK_WAIT)) {
+ tmr->stop();
+ TQMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Lookup Error"),
+ tr("The host") + ' ' + hst + ' ' + tr("not found."));
+ goto HAXEP;
+ }
+ TQString fn;
+ fn = TQFileDialog::getSaveFileName(TQString::null, "*.png", this, NULL,
+ tr("Save image"));
+ if (!fn.isEmpty()) {
+ if (fn.findRev(".png") < (int)(fn.length() - 4))
+ fn += ".png";
+ TQPixmap::grabWidget(this).save(fn, "PNG");
+ }
+GameBoard::gameover(int type)
+ bool save = FALSE;
+ TQString s('\n' + tr("Do you want to save the image?")),
+ yes(tr("Yes, save")),
+ no(tr("No, don't save")),
+ go(tr("Game over"));
+ if (type == 0) {
+ save = (TQMessageBox::question(this, go,
+ tr("You scored the game") + s, yes, no) == 0);
+ } else if (type == 2) {
+ updateHistory(GAMEOVER_TXT, FALSE);
+ GameProtocol::sendGameover(sock, "MATE");
+ save = (TQMessageBox::question(this, go,
+ tr("You have a mate.\nYou lost the game.") + s,
+ yes, no) == 0);
+ } else if (type == 3) {
+ GameProtocol::sendGameover(sock, "STALEMATE");
+ save = (TQMessageBox::question(this, go,
+ tr("You have a stalemate") + s, yes, no) == 0);
+ }
+ if (save)
+ saveImage();
+Drawer::Drawer(GameBoard::FigureType *ft, GameBoard::GameType *g,
+ TQWidget *parent, const char *name)
+ :TQWidget(parent, name, TQt::WResizeNoErase | TQt::WRepaintNoErase)
+ TQFontMetrics fm(font());
+ int i;
+ map = ft; gt = g;
+ kk = rcm = lcm = km = FALSE;
+ cs = cell_size * 8;
+ top_margin = 5;
+ for (left_margin = 0, i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ left_margin = MAX(fm.width(QString::number(i)), left_margin);
+ left_margin += top_margin;
+ hl = fm.lineSpacing() + 2;
+ setPaletteBackgroundColor(TQt::white);
+ i = MAX(cs + left_margin + top_margin, cs + top_margin + hl);
+ resize(i, i);
+ x_brd = i - cs - 6;
+ y_brd = 4;
+ tfx = tfy = -1;
+ fig[0] = TQPixmap((const char **)black_bishop);
+ fig[1] = TQPixmap((const char **)black_castle);
+ fig[2] = TQPixmap((const char **)black_knight);
+ fig[3] = TQPixmap((const char **)black_pawn);
+ fig[4] = TQPixmap((const char **)black_king);
+ fig[5] = TQPixmap((const char **)black_queen);
+ fig[6] = TQPixmap((const char **)white_bishop);
+ fig[7] = TQPixmap((const char **)white_castle);
+ fig[8] = TQPixmap((const char **)white_knight);
+ fig[9] = TQPixmap((const char **)white_pawn);
+ fig[10] = TQPixmap((const char **)white_king);
+ fig[11] = TQPixmap((const char **)white_queen);
+Drawer::paintEvent(TQPaintEvent *e)
+ TQPainter *p;
+ int w, y;
+ w = width();
+ y = w - 4;
+ TQWidget::paintEvent(e);
+ p = new TQPainter(this);
+ p->setPen(TQt::black);
+ p->drawRect(0, 0, w, w);
+ p->drawRect(2, 2, y, y);
+ p->drawLine(2, y, x_brd, cs + 4);
+ drawBoard(p, x_brd, y_brd);
+ drawMap(p, x_brd, y_brd);
+ delete p;
+Drawer::drawBoard(TQPainter *p, int x, int y)
+ int i, j, cs, x1, r, k;
+ char c, st;
+ cs = Drawer::cs + 2;
+ p->setPen(TQt::black);
+ p->drawRect(x, y, cs, cs);
+ c = 'a'; st = 1;
+ r = (*gt == GameBoard::BLACK);
+ if (r) {
+ c += 7;
+ st = -st;
+ k = 1;
+ r ^= 1;
+ } else
+ k = 8;
+ x1 = x + 1;
+ for (j = 0, y++; j < 8; j++, y += cell_size, r ^= 1) {
+ for (i = 0, x = x1; i < 8; i++, x += cell_size) {
+ r ^= 1;
+ if (r) {
+ p->setPen(cw);
+ p->setBrush(cw);
+ } else {
+ p->setPen(cb);
+ p->setBrush(cb);
+ }
+ p->drawRect(x, y, cell_size, cell_size);
+ if (j == 7) {
+ p->setPen(Qt::black);
+ p->drawText(x, cs + 2, cell_size, hl,
+ TQt::AlignCenter, TQChar(c));
+ c += st;
+ }
+ }
+ p->setPen(TQt::black);
+ p->drawText(x1 - left_margin, y, left_margin, cell_size,
+ TQt::AlignCenter, TQString::number(k));
+ k -= st;
+ }
+ if ((tfx != -1) && (tfy != -1)) {
+ map2win(tfx, tfy, x, y);
+ p->setPen(TQPen(TQt::red, 2));
+ p->setBrush(TQt::NoBrush);
+ p->drawRect(x, y, cell_size, cell_size);
+ }
+Drawer::drawMap(TQPainter *p, int x, int y)
+ int i, j, x1, n;
+ TQPixmap *xpm;
+ x1 = x + 1; y++;
+ for (n = j = 0; j < 8; j++, y += cell_size) {
+ for (i = 0, x = x1; i < 8; i++, x += cell_size) {
+ switch (map[n++]) {
+ case GameBoard::WHITE_PAWN:
+ xpm = &fig[9];
+ break;
+ case GameBoard::WHITE_CASTLE:
+ xpm = &fig[7];
+ break;
+ case GameBoard::WHITE_BISHOP:
+ xpm = &fig[6];
+ break;
+ case GameBoard::WHITE_KING:
+ xpm = &fig[10];
+ break;
+ case GameBoard::WHITE_QUEEN:
+ xpm = &fig[11];
+ break;
+ case GameBoard::WHITE_KNIGHT:
+ xpm = &fig[8];
+ break;
+ case GameBoard::BLACK_PAWN:
+ xpm = &fig[3];
+ break;
+ case GameBoard::BLACK_CASTLE:
+ xpm = &fig[1];
+ break;
+ case GameBoard::BLACK_BISHOP:
+ xpm = &fig[0];
+ break;
+ case GameBoard::BLACK_KING:
+ xpm = &fig[4];
+ break;
+ case GameBoard::BLACK_QUEEN:
+ xpm = &fig[5];
+ break;
+ case GameBoard::BLACK_KNIGHT:
+ xpm = &fig[2];
+ break;
+ default:
+ xpm = NULL;
+ }
+ if (xpm != NULL)
+ p->drawPixmap(x, y, *xpm);
+ }
+ }
+Drawer::mousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent *e)
+ int x = e->x() - x_brd,
+ y = e->y() - y_brd;
+ if ((x >= 0) && (x <= cs) && (y >= 0) && (y <= cs)) {
+ win2map(x, y);
+ if (hasTakenFigure()) {
+ if ((tfx == x) && (tfy == y)) {
+ tfx = tfy = -1;
+ repaint(FALSE);
+ } else
+ makeMove(*gt, tfx, tfy, x, y, FALSE, FALSE);
+ } else if (canTake(x, y)) {
+ takeFigure(x, y);
+ emit touchFigure(x, y);
+ }
+ }
+Drawer::canTake(int x, int y)
+ return (Figure::hasMyFigure(*gt, map, x, y, FALSE));
+Drawer::win2map(int &x, int &y)
+ if (*gt == GameBoard::WHITE) {
+ x /= cell_size;
+ y = 8 - y / cell_size;
+ x++;
+ } else if (*gt == GameBoard::BLACK) {
+ x = 8 - x / cell_size;
+ y /= cell_size;
+ y++;
+ }
+Drawer::map2win(int mx, int my, int &x, int &y)
+ if (*gt == GameBoard::WHITE) {
+ x = (mx - 1) * cell_size + x_brd + 1;
+ y = (8 - my) * cell_size + y_brd + 1;
+ } else if (*gt == GameBoard::BLACK) {
+ x = (8 - mx) * cell_size + x_brd + 1;
+ y = (my - 1) * cell_size + y_brd + 1;
+ } else {
+ x = mx;
+ y = my;
+ }
+Drawer::takeFigure(int x, int y)
+ if ((tfx == x) && (tfy == y))
+ tfx = tfy = -1;
+ else {
+ tfx = x;
+ tfy = y;
+ }
+ repaint(FALSE);
+ return ((tfx != -1) && (tfy != -1));
+Drawer::newFigure(const TQString &coo, int id)
+ GameBoard::FigureType ft;
+ int x, y, n;
+ ft = GameBoard::NONE; n = -1;
+ Figure::str2map(coo, &x, &y);
+ if (*gt == GameBoard::WHITE) {
+ n = Figure::map2map(GameBoard::BLACK, x, y, TRUE);
+ switch (id) {
+ case 3:
+ ft = GameBoard::BLACK_BISHOP;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ ft = GameBoard::BLACK_KNIGHT;
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ ft = GameBoard::BLACK_CASTLE;
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ ft = GameBoard::BLACK_QUEEN;
+ break;
+ default:
+ ft = GameBoard::NONE;
+ }
+ } else if (*gt == GameBoard::BLACK) {
+ n = Figure::map2map(GameBoard::WHITE, x, y, TRUE);
+ switch (id) {
+ case 3:
+ ft = GameBoard::WHITE_BISHOP;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ ft = GameBoard::WHITE_KNIGHT;
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ ft = GameBoard::WHITE_CASTLE;
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ ft = GameBoard::WHITE_QUEEN;
+ break;
+ default:
+ ft = GameBoard::NONE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ft != GameBoard::NONE) {
+ map[n] = ft;
+ repaint(FALSE);
+ }
+Drawer::makeMove(const TQString &txt)
+ int fx, fy, tx, ty;
+ GameBoard::GameType et;
+ if (*gt == GameBoard::WHITE)
+ et = GameBoard::BLACK;
+ else if (*gt == GameBoard::BLACK)
+ et = GameBoard::WHITE;
+ else
+ et = GameBoard::NOGAME;
+ if (txt == LONG_XCHG) {
+ if (et == GameBoard::BLACK)
+ makeMove(et, 1, 8, 4, 8, TRUE, TRUE);
+ else if (et == GameBoard::WHITE)
+ makeMove(et, 1, 1, 4, 1, TRUE, TRUE);
+ } else if (txt == SHORT_XCHG) {
+ if (et == GameBoard::BLACK)
+ makeMove(et, 8, 8, 6, 8, TRUE, TRUE);
+ else if (et == GameBoard::WHITE)
+ makeMove(et, 8, 1, 6, 1, TRUE, TRUE);
+ } else {
+ Figure::str2map(txt.left(2), &fx, &fy);
+ Figure::str2map(txt.right(2), &tx, &ty);
+ makeMove(et, fx, fy, tx, ty, TRUE, FALSE);
+ }
+Drawer::makeMove(GameBoard::GameType gt, int fx, int fy, int tx, int ty,
+ bool mirror, bool xc)
+ GameBoard::GameType et;
+ GameBoard::FigureType fo, old;
+ int res, nf, nt;
+ FigureDialog *dlg;
+ bool x;
+ TQPointArray vl;
+ et = GameBoard::NOGAME;
+ nf = Figure::map2map(gt, fx, fy, mirror);
+ fo = map[nf];
+ nt = Figure::map2map(gt, tx, ty, mirror);
+ old = map[nt];
+ res = Figure::validMove(gt, map, fx, fy, tx, ty, mirror);
+ if (res) {
+ if (!mirror) {
+ x = FALSE;
+ if (gt == GameBoard::WHITE)
+ et = GameBoard::BLACK;
+ else if (gt == GameBoard::BLACK)
+ et = GameBoard::WHITE;
+ if (Figure::checkKing(et, map, mirror, vl, TRUE) !=
+ 0) {
+ map[nf] = map[nt];
+ map[nt] = old;
+ tfx = tfy = -1;
+ TQMessageBox::information(this,
+ tr("Error moving"), tr("You cannot "
+ "move this figure because the king "
+ "is in check") + '.');
+ goto HAXEP;
+ } else
+ kk = FALSE;
+ if (!km && (!lcm || !rcm) && !kk)
+ x = xchg(fo, map[nt], fx, fy, tx, ty);
+ else
+ x = TRUE;
+ if (x)
+ emit moved(Figure::map2str(fx, fy) +
+ Figure::map2str(tx, ty));
+ if ((res & 0xF) == 2) {
+ dlg = new FigureDialog(fig, gt, this);
+ dlg->exec();
+ fo = dlg->figure();
+ delete dlg;
+ map[nt] = fo;
+ emit newFigure(Figure::map2str(tx, ty), fo);
+ }
+ tfx = tfy = -1;
+ } else if (xc) {
+ if (gt == GameBoard::BLACK)
+ checkBlackCastle(fx, fy, tx, ty, TRUE);
+ else if (gt == GameBoard::WHITE)
+ checkWhiteCastle(fx, fy, tx, ty, TRUE);
+ }
+ if (mirror && (res & 0x10)) {
+ kk = TRUE;
+ } else if (res & 0x20) {
+ repaint(FALSE);
+ emit gameover(2);
+ return;
+ } else if (res & 0x40) {
+ repaint(FALSE);
+ emit gameover(3);
+ return;
+ }
+ repaint(FALSE);
+ }
+Drawer::xchg(GameBoard::FigureType o, GameBoard::FigureType n,
+ int fx, int fy, int tx, int ty)
+ bool ret = TRUE;
+ if (*gt == GameBoard::WHITE) {
+ km = ((o == n) && (o == GameBoard::WHITE_KING));
+ if (!km && ((o == n) && (o == GameBoard::WHITE_CASTLE)))
+ ret = checkWhiteCastle(fx, fy, tx, ty, FALSE);
+ } else if (*gt == GameBoard::BLACK) {
+ km = ((o == n) && (o == GameBoard::BLACK_KING));
+ if (!km && ((o == n) && (o == GameBoard::BLACK_CASTLE)))
+ ret = checkBlackCastle(fx, fy, tx, ty, FALSE);
+ }
+ return (ret);
+Drawer::checkWhiteCastle(int fx, int fy, int tx, int ty, bool mirror)
+ int n1, n2;
+ bool ret = TRUE;
+ n1 = n2 = -1;
+ if ((fx == 1) && (fy == 1)) {
+ if ((tx == 4) && (ty == 1))
+ if (mirror) {
+ n1 = Figure::map2map(*gt, 5, 1, FALSE);
+ n2 = Figure::map2map(*gt, 3, 1, FALSE);
+ } else if (!lcm) {
+ if (makeXchg()) {
+ n1 = Figure::map2map(*gt, 5, 1, FALSE);
+ n2 = Figure::map2map(*gt, 3, 1, FALSE);
+ emit moved(LONG_XCHG);
+ ret = FALSE;
+ rcm = TRUE;
+ }
+ lcm = TRUE;
+ }
+ } else if ((fx == 8) && (fy == 1)) {
+ if ((tx == 6) && (ty == 1))
+ if (mirror) {
+ n1 = Figure::map2map(*gt, 5, 1, FALSE);
+ n2 = Figure::map2map(*gt, 7, 1, FALSE);
+ } else if (!rcm) {
+ if (makeXchg()) {
+ n1 = Figure::map2map(*gt, 5, 1, FALSE);
+ n2 = Figure::map2map(*gt, 7, 1, FALSE);
+ emit moved(SHORT_XCHG);
+ ret = FALSE;
+ lcm = TRUE;
+ }
+ rcm = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (n1 != n2) {
+ map[n2] = map[n1];
+ map[n1] = GameBoard::NONE;
+ }
+ return (ret);
+Drawer::checkBlackCastle(int fx, int fy, int tx, int ty, bool mirror)
+ int n1, n2;
+ bool ret = TRUE;
+ n1 = n2 = -1;
+ if ((fx == 1) && (fy == 8)) {
+ if ((tx == 4) && (ty == 8)) {
+ if (mirror) {
+ n1 = Figure::map2map(*gt, 5, 8, FALSE);
+ n2 = Figure::map2map(*gt, 3, 8, FALSE);
+ } else if (!rcm) {
+ if (makeXchg()) {
+ n1 = Figure::map2map(*gt, 5, 8, FALSE);
+ n2 = Figure::map2map(*gt, 3, 8, FALSE);
+ emit moved(LONG_XCHG);
+ ret = FALSE;
+ }
+ rcm = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if ((fx == 8) && (fy == 8)) {
+ if ((tx == 6) && (ty == 8))
+ if (mirror) {
+ n1 = Figure::map2map(*gt, 5, 8, FALSE);
+ n2 = Figure::map2map(*gt, 7, 8, FALSE);
+ } else if (!lcm) {
+ if (makeXchg()) {
+ n1 = Figure::map2map(*gt, 5, 8, FALSE);
+ n2 = Figure::map2map(*gt, 7, 8, FALSE);
+ emit moved(SHORT_XCHG);
+ ret = FALSE;
+ }
+ lcm = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (n1 != n2) {
+ map[n2] = map[n1];
+ map[n1] = GameBoard::NONE;
+ }
+ return (ret);
+ return (TQMessageBox::question(this, tr("To castle"),
+ tr("Do you want to castle?"), tr("Yes"), tr("No")) == 0);
+FigureDialog::FigureDialog(const TQPixmap *f, const GameBoard::GameType g,
+ TQWidget *parent, const char *name):TQDialog(parent, name)
+ TQFontMetrics fm(font());
+ int w, h;
+ gt = g; fig = f;
+ if (gt == GameBoard::WHITE)
+ fr = GameBoard::WHITE_QUEEN;
+ else if (gt == GameBoard::BLACK)
+ fr = GameBoard::BLACK_QUEEN;
+ str = tr("What figure should I set?");
+ setCaption(str);
+ fh = fm.lineSpacing() + 2;
+ h = cell_size + fh;
+ w = MAX(cell_size * 4, fm.width(str));
+ step = (w - cell_size * 4) / 2;
+ resize(w, h);
+ setMinimumSize(size());
+ setMaximumSize(size());
+FigureDialog::paintEvent(TQPaintEvent *e)
+ TQPainter *p;
+ int x, f = -1;
+ TQDialog::paintEvent(e);
+ p = new TQPainter(this);
+ p->setPen(TQt::black);
+ p->drawText(0, 0, width(), fh, TQt::AlignCenter, str);
+ x = step;
+ if (gt == GameBoard::BLACK)
+ f = 0;
+ else if (gt == GameBoard::WHITE)
+ f = 6;
+ p->drawPixmap(x, fh, fig[f]); x += cell_size;
+ p->drawPixmap(x, fh, fig[f + 1]); x += cell_size;
+ p->drawPixmap(x, fh, fig[f + 2]); x += cell_size;
+ p->drawPixmap(x, fh, fig[f + 5]);
+ delete p;
+FigureDialog::mousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent *e)
+ int x = e->x(),
+ y = e->y(),
+ f = -1;
+ if (e->button() == TQt::LeftButton) {
+ if ((x >= step) && (x <= width() - step) && (y >= fh) &&
+ (y <= height()))
+ f = (x - step) / cell_size;
+ }
+ if (f != -1) {
+ if (gt == GameBoard::WHITE)
+ switch (f) {
+ case 0:
+ fr = GameBoard::WHITE_BISHOP;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ fr = GameBoard::WHITE_CASTLE;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ fr = GameBoard::WHITE_KNIGHT;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ default:
+ fr = GameBoard::WHITE_QUEEN;
+ }
+ else if (gt == GameBoard::BLACK)
+ switch (f) {
+ case 0:
+ fr = GameBoard::BLACK_BISHOP;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ fr = GameBoard::BLACK_CASTLE;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ fr = GameBoard::BLACK_KNIGHT;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ default:
+ fr = GameBoard::BLACK_QUEEN;
+ }
+ accept();
+ }
+GameProtocol::send(TQSocket *sock, const TQString &dat)
+ TQString s(dat + EOL);
+ const char *buf;
+ if (sock->state() == TQSocket::Connected) {
+ buf = s.ascii();
+ sock->writeBlock(buf, s.length());
+ sock->flush();
+ }
+GameProtocol::setGameType(TQSocket *sock, GameBoard::GameType gt)
+ TQString d("GAME");
+ d += SEP;
+ if (gt == GameBoard::WHITE)
+ d += "WHITE";
+ else if (gt == GameBoard::BLACK)
+ d += "BLACK";
+ else
+ d += "NOGAME";
+ send(sock, d);
+GameProtocol::acceptGame(TQSocket *sock)
+ TQString d("GAME");
+ d += SEP;
+ d += "ACCEPT";
+ send(sock, d);
+GameProtocol::sendMove(TQSocket *sock, const TQString &coo)
+ TQString d("MOVE");
+ d += SEP;
+ d += coo;
+ send(sock, d);
+GameProtocol::sendQuit(TQSocket *sock)
+ send(sock, "QUIT");
+GameProtocol::sendText(TQSocket *sock, const TQString &txt)
+ TQString d("CHAT");
+ d += SEP;
+ d += txt;
+ send(sock, d);
+GameProtocol::sendFigure(TQSocket *sock, const TQString &coo, int id)
+ TQString d("FIGURE");
+ d += SEP;
+ d += coo;
+ d += SEP;
+ d += TQString::number(id);
+ send(sock, d);
+GameProtocol::sendGameover(TQSocket *sock, const TQString &got)
+ TQString d("GAME");
+ d += SEP;
+ d += got;
+ send(sock, d);
+#include "gameboard.moc"
diff --git a/qnetchess/src/gameboard.h b/qnetchess/src/gameboard.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2db232ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/src/gameboard.h
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+ * $Id: gameboard.h,v 0.1 2005/01/08 13:00:57 denis Exp $
+ *
+ * Author: Denis Kozadaev (
+ * Description:
+ *
+ * See also: style(9)
+ *
+ * Hacked by:
+ */
+#ifndef __GAME_BOARD_H__
+#define __GAME_BOARD_H__
+#include <ntqwidget.h>
+#include <ntqpainter.h>
+#include <ntqpixmap.h>
+#include <ntqpointarray.h>
+#include <ntqdialog.h>
+#include <ntqsocket.h>
+#include <ntqgroupbox.h>
+#include <ntqlineedit.h>
+#include <ntqlistbox.h>
+#include <ntqtimer.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#define MAX(a, b) (((a) > (b))?(a):(b))
+#define SEP ' '
+#define EOL '\n'
+#define LONG_XCHG "@-@"
+#define SHORT_XCHG "o-o"
+#define SOCK_WAIT 900
+#define GAMEOVER_TXT "****"
+class GameBoard;
+class Drawer;
+class Figure;
+class GameBoard:public TQWidget
+ enum GameType {
+ NOGAME = 0x0,
+ BLACK = 0x1,
+ WHITE = 0x2
+ };
+ enum FigureType {
+ NONE = 0x00,
+ WHITE_PAWN = 0x01,
+ WHITE_CASTLE = 0x02,
+ WHITE_BISHOP = 0x03,
+ WHITE_KING = 0x04,
+ WHITE_QUEEN = 0x05,
+ WHITE_KNIGHT = 0x06,
+ BLACK_PAWN = 0x11,
+ BLACK_CASTLE = 0x12,
+ BLACK_BISHOP = 0x13,
+ BLACK_KING = 0x14,
+ BLACK_QUEEN = 0x15,
+ BLACK_KNIGHT = 0x16,
+ DUMMY = 0xFF
+ };
+ GameBoard(GameType, const TQString &, TQWidget *parent = NULL,
+ const char *name = NULL);
+ GameBoard(int, TQWidget *parent = NULL, const char *name = NULL);
+ ~GameBoard();
+ void saveImage();
+ GameType type()const{return (gt);}
+ TQString status()const{return (my_stat);}
+ Drawer *drw;
+ GameType gt;
+ FigureType *map;
+ TQString hst, my_stat;
+ TQSocket *sock;
+ TQGroupBox *box, *hist;
+ TQListBox *lst, *hw, *hb;
+ TQLineEdit *edt;
+ TQTimer *tmr;
+ int sock_tout;
+ void initMap();
+ void parseString(const TQString&);
+ void updateChat(const TQString&);
+ void updateHistory(const TQString&, bool);
+ void updateHistory(int, bool);
+ void resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent *);
+ void closeEvent(TQCloseEvent *);
+ void focusInEvent(TQFocusEvent *);
+private slots:
+ void showHostFound();
+ void sockConnected();
+ void sockRead();
+ void sockClosed();
+ void sendMove(const TQString&);
+ void sendText();
+ void sendFigure(const TQString&, GameBoard::FigureType);
+ void sockTest();
+ void sockError(int);
+ void gameover(int);
+ void showStatus(const TQString&);
+class Drawer:public TQWidget
+ Drawer(GameBoard::FigureType *, GameBoard::GameType *,
+ TQWidget *parent = NULL, const char *name = NULL);
+ ~Drawer();
+ void makeMove(const TQString&);
+ void newFigure(const TQString&, int);
+ int top_margin, left_margin, hl;
+ int x_brd, y_brd, cs;
+ int tfx, tfy;
+ TQPixmap fig[12];
+ GameBoard::FigureType *map;
+ GameBoard::GameType *gt;
+ bool km, lcm, rcm, kk;
+ void drawBoard(TQPainter *, int, int);
+ void drawMap(TQPainter *, int, int);
+ void win2map(int&, int&);
+ void map2win(int, int, int&, int&);
+ void takeFigure(int, int);
+ void makeMove(GameBoard::GameType, int, int, int, int, bool, bool);
+ bool xchg(GameBoard::FigureType, GameBoard::FigureType,
+ int, int, int, int);
+ bool checkWhiteCastle(int, int, int, int, bool);
+ bool checkBlackCastle(int, int, int, int, bool);
+ bool canTake(int, int);
+ bool hasTakenFigure();
+ bool makeXchg();
+ void paintEvent(TQPaintEvent *);
+ void mousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent *);
+ void touchFigure(int, int);
+ void moved(const TQString&);
+ void newFigure(const TQString&, GameBoard::FigureType);
+ void gameover(int);
+class FigureDialog:public TQDialog
+ FigureDialog(const TQPixmap *, const GameBoard::GameType,
+ TQWidget *parent = NULL, const char *name = NULL);
+ ~FigureDialog();
+ GameBoard::FigureType figure()const{return (fr);}
+ GameBoard::GameType gt;
+ const TQPixmap *fig;
+ TQString str;
+ int step, fh;
+ GameBoard::FigureType fr;
+ void paintEvent(TQPaintEvent *);
+ void mousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent *);
+class Figure
+ static bool hasMyFigure(GameBoard::GameType,
+ GameBoard::FigureType *, int, int, bool);
+ static int hasEnemyFigure(GameBoard::GameType,
+ GameBoard::FigureType *, int, int, bool);
+ static bool hasFigure(GameBoard::GameType,
+ GameBoard::FigureType *, int, int, bool);
+ static int map2map(GameBoard::GameType, int, int, bool);
+ static int validMove(GameBoard::GameType, GameBoard::FigureType *,
+ int, int, int, int, bool);
+ static void moveList(TQPointArray&, GameBoard::GameType,
+ GameBoard::FigureType *, int, int, bool);
+ static void moveListWhitePawn(TQPointArray&, GameBoard::GameType,
+ GameBoard::FigureType *, int, int, bool);
+ static void moveListBlackPawn(TQPointArray&, GameBoard::GameType,
+ GameBoard::FigureType *, int, int, bool);
+ static void moveListCastle(TQPointArray&, GameBoard::GameType,
+ GameBoard::FigureType *, int, int, bool);
+ static void moveListBishop(TQPointArray&, GameBoard::GameType,
+ GameBoard::FigureType *, int, int, bool);
+ static void moveListKing(TQPointArray&, GameBoard::GameType,
+ GameBoard::FigureType *, int, int, bool);
+ static void moveListQueen(TQPointArray&, GameBoard::GameType,
+ GameBoard::FigureType *, int, int, bool);
+ static void moveListKnight(TQPointArray&, GameBoard::GameType,
+ GameBoard::FigureType *, int, int, bool);
+ static bool hasPoint(const TQPointArray&, int, int);
+ static bool hasKingsMeeting(GameBoard::GameType,
+ GameBoard::FigureType *, int, int, bool);
+ static bool validPoint(GameBoard::GameType,
+ GameBoard::FigureType *, int, int, bool);
+ static TQString map2str(int, int);
+ static void str2map(const TQString&, int *, int *);
+ static int checkKing(GameBoard::GameType, GameBoard::FigureType *,
+ bool, TQPointArray&, bool);
+class GameProtocol
+ static void send(TQSocket *, const TQString&);
+ static void setGameType(TQSocket *, GameBoard::GameType);
+ static void acceptGame(TQSocket *);
+ static void sendMove(TQSocket *, const TQString&);
+ static void sendQuit(TQSocket *);
+ static void sendText(TQSocket *, const TQString&);
+ static void sendFigure(TQSocket *, const TQString&, int);
+ static void sendGameover(TQSocket *, const TQString&);
+#endif /* __GAME_BOARD_H__ */
diff --git a/qnetchess/src/gamesocket.cpp b/qnetchess/src/gamesocket.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b3dc2fe5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/src/gamesocket.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ * $Id: gamesocket.cpp,v 0.1 2005/01/08 12:31:24 denis Exp $
+ *
+ * Author: Denis Kozadaev (
+ * Description:
+ *
+ * See also: style(9)
+ *
+ * Hacked by:
+ */
+#include <ntqsocket.h>
+#include "gamesocket.h"
+GameSocket::GameSocket(TQObject *parent, const char *name)
+ :TQServerSocket(GAME_PORT, GAME_BACKLOG, parent, name)
+GameSocket::newConnection(int sock)
+ emit acceptConnection(sock);
+#include "gamesocket.moc"
diff --git a/qnetchess/src/gamesocket.h b/qnetchess/src/gamesocket.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..63774721
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/src/gamesocket.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ * $Id: gamesocket.h,v 0.1 2005/01/08 12:31:24 denis Exp $
+ *
+ * Author: Denis Kozadaev (
+ * Description:
+ *
+ * See also: style(9)
+ *
+ * Hacked by:
+ */
+#ifndef __GAME_SOCKET_H__
+#define __GAME_SOCKET_H__
+#include <ntqserversocket.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#define GAME_PORT 1345
+#define GAME_BACKLOG 5
+class GameSocket:public TQServerSocket
+ GameSocket(TQObject *parent = NULL, const char *name = NULL);
+ ~GameSocket();
+ void newConnection(int);
+ void acceptConnection(int);
+#endif /* __GAME_SOCKET_H__ */
diff --git a/qnetchess/src/main.cpp b/qnetchess/src/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d58a6cce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/src/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ * $Id: main.cpp,v 0.1 2005/01/08 12:19:58 denis Exp $
+ *
+ * Author: Denis Kozadaev (
+ * Description:
+ *
+ * See also: style(9)
+ *
+ * Hacked by:
+ */
+#include <ntqapplication.h>
+#include <ntqmessagebox.h>
+#include <ntqtextcodec.h>
+#include <ntqtranslator.h>
+#include "mainwindow.h"
+const int
+ XSize = 800,
+ YSize = 600;
+main(int argc, const char *argv[])
+ TQApplication *app;
+ MainWindow *mw;
+// TQTranslator *qt;
+ int result = 0;
+ app = new TQApplication(argc, (char **)argv);
+/* FIXME: how does TQTranslator() work in TQt?
+ qt = new TQTranslator();
+ if (qt->load(LOCALE_FILE))
+ app->installTranslator(qt);*/
+ mw = new MainWindow();
+ if (mw->sockOk()) {
+ app->setMainWidget(mw);
+ mw->show();
+ mw->resize(XSize, YSize);
+ mw->setMinimumSize(mw->size());
+ result = app->exec();
+ } else
+ TQMessageBox::critical(NULL, TQObject::tr("Socket Error"),
+ TQObject::tr("Cannot create a server socket!"));
+ delete mw;
+// delete qt;
+ delete app;
+ return (result);
diff --git a/qnetchess/src/mainwindow.cpp b/qnetchess/src/mainwindow.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d490f85d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/src/mainwindow.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+ * $Id: mainwindow.cpp,v 0.1 2005/01/08 12:20:13 denis Exp $
+ *
+ * Author: Denis Kozadaev (
+ * Description:
+ *
+ * See also: style(9)
+ *
+ * Hacked by:
+ */
+#include <ntqapplication.h>
+#include <ntqmenubar.h>
+#include <ntqstatusbar.h>
+#include <ntqpixmap.h>
+#include <ntqvalidator.h>
+#include <ntqmessagebox.h>
+#include "mainwindow.h"
+#include "gameboard.h"
+#include "xpm/chess.xpm"
+#include "xpm/quit.xpm"
+#include "xpm/new_game.xpm"
+extern TQColor cw, cb;
+MainWindow::MainWindow(TQWidget *parent, const char *name)
+ :TQMainWindow(parent, name)
+ TQPixmap xpm(chess_xpm);
+ cw = TQColor(0x8F, 0xDF, 0xF0);
+ cb = TQColor(0x70, 0x9F, 0xDF);
+ setIcon(xpm);
+ wrk = new TQWorkspace(this);
+ sock = new GameSocket(this);
+ game = new TQPopupMenu(this);
+ game->insertItem(TQPixmap((const char **)new_game), tr("New"),
+ this, SLOT(newGame()), CTRL + Key_N);
+ id = game->insertItem(xpm, tr("Save image"), this,
+ SLOT(saveImage()), CTRL + Key_S);
+ game->setItemEnabled(id, FALSE);
+ game->insertSeparator();
+ game->insertItem(TQPixmap((const char **)quit_xpm), tr("Quit"), tqApp,
+ SLOT(quit()), CTRL + Key_Q);
+ help = new TQPopupMenu(this);
+ help->insertItem(xpm, tr("About the game"), this, SLOT(about()));
+ menuBar()->insertItem(tr("Game"), game);
+ menuBar()->insertSeparator();
+ menuBar()->insertItem(tr("Help"), help);
+ setCentralWidget(wrk);
+ ready_txt = tr("Ready");
+ showStatus(ready_txt);
+ TQObject::connect(sock, SIGNAL(acceptConnection(int)),
+ this, SLOT(newGame(int)));
+ TQObject::connect(wrk, SIGNAL(windowActivated(TQWidget *)),
+ this, SLOT(activated(TQWidget *)));
+ delete help;
+ delete game;
+ delete sock;
+ delete wrk;
+MainWindow::showStatus(const TQString &txt)
+ statusBar()->message(txt);
+ SelectGame *dlg;
+ GameBoard *brd;
+ TQString hst;
+ dlg = new SelectGame(this);
+ dlg->setHosts(hosts);
+ if (dlg->exec()) {
+ hosts = dlg->hosts();
+ hst = dlg->host();
+ brd = new GameBoard(dlg->gameType(), hst, wrk);
+ showStatus(brd->status());
+ TQObject::connect(brd, SIGNAL(showStatus(const TQString&)),
+ this, SLOT(showStatus(const TQString&)));
+ brd->show();
+ }
+ delete dlg;
+MainWindow::newGame(int sock)
+ GameBoard *brd;
+ brd = new GameBoard(sock, wrk);
+ showStatus(brd->status());
+ TQObject::connect(brd, SIGNAL(showStatus(const TQString&)),
+ this, SLOT(showStatus(const TQString&)));
+ brd->show();
+ game->setItemEnabled(id, TRUE);
+ TQMessageBox::about(this, tr("About") + " QNetChess", "QNetChess " + tr(
+ "is a network game chess for two players.\n"
+ "It has a client and a server in the same program.\n"
+ "You can modify and redistribute the source code\n"
+ "because it is under GPL.\n\n"
+ "Russia, Tambov, 2005, 2020 ("
+ ));
+MainWindow::activated(TQWidget *w)
+ GameBoard *brd = (GameBoard *)w;
+ game->setItemEnabled(id, brd != NULL);
+ if (brd != NULL)
+ showStatus(brd->status());
+ else
+ showStatus(ready_txt);
+ GameBoard *brd = (GameBoard *)wrk->activeWindow();
+ if (brd != NULL)
+ brd->saveImage();
+SelectGame::SelectGame(TQWidget *parent, const char *name)
+ :TQDialog(parent, name)
+ setCaption(tr("New game with..."));
+ l1 = new TQLabel(tr("To play with "), this);
+ hst = new TQComboBox(TRUE, this);
+ hst->setValidator(new TQRegExpValidator(
+ TQRegExp("([a-zA-Z0-9]*\\.)*[a-zA-Z]"), hst));
+ btn = new TQButtonGroup(tr("Choose your game"), this);
+ wg = new TQRadioButton(tr("White game"), btn);
+ bg = new TQRadioButton(tr("Black game"), btn);
+ box = new TQGroupBox(this);
+ Ok = new TQPushButton(tr("Play!"), box);
+ Cancel = new TQPushButton(tr("Cancel"), box);
+ resize(400, TQFontMetrics(font()).lineSpacing() * 7);
+ setMinimumSize(size());
+ setMaximumSize(size());
+ TQObject::connect(Ok, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(accept()));
+ TQObject::connect(Cancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(reject()));
+ TQObject::connect(wg, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(checkParams()));
+ TQObject::connect(bg, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(checkParams()));
+ TQObject::connect(hst, SIGNAL(textChanged(const TQString&)),
+ this, SLOT(checkParams(const TQString&)));
+ checkParams();
+ delete Cancel;
+ delete Ok;
+ delete box;
+ delete bg;
+ delete wg;
+ delete btn;
+ delete hst;
+ delete l1;
+SelectGame::resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent *e)
+ TQFontMetrics fm(font());
+ int w = e->size().width(),
+ h = e->size().height(),
+ fh = fm.lineSpacing() + 2,
+ bl;
+ TQDialog::resizeEvent(e);
+ l1->setGeometry(0, 0, fm.width(l1->text()) + 20, fh);
+ hst->move(l1->x() + l1->width(), l1->y());
+ hst->resize(w - hst->x(), l1->height());
+ btn->move(l1->x(), l1->y() + l1->height());
+ btn->resize(w, l1->height() * 3 + 2);
+ wg->setGeometry(2, fh, btn->width() - 4, fh);
+ bg->setGeometry(wg->x(), wg->y() + wg->height(),
+ wg->width(), wg->height());
+ box->move(btn->x(), btn->y() + btn->height());
+ box->resize(w, h - box->y());
+ bl = box->width() / 5;
+ Ok->move(bl, 4);
+ Ok->resize(bl, box->height() - Ok->y() * 2);
+ Cancel->setGeometry(Ok->x() + Ok->width() + bl, Ok->y(),
+ Ok->width(), Ok->height());
+ bool res;
+ res = !hst->currentText().isEmpty() &&
+ (bg->isChecked() || wg->isChecked());
+ Ok->setEnabled(res);
+SelectGame::checkParams(const TQString&)
+ checkParams();
+ TQString h(hst->currentText());
+ return h.left(h.findRev(':'));
+ TQStringList lst;
+ int i, cnt;
+ cnt = hst->count();
+ lst += host();
+ for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
+ lst += hst->text(i);
+ return (lst);
+SelectGame::setHosts(const TQStringList &h)
+ hst->insertStringList(h);
+ GameBoard::GameType gt;
+ if (wg->isChecked())
+ gt = GameBoard::WHITE;
+ else if (bg->isChecked())
+ gt = GameBoard::BLACK;
+ else
+ gt = GameBoard::NOGAME;
+ return (gt);
+#include "mainwindow.moc"
diff --git a/qnetchess/src/mainwindow.h b/qnetchess/src/mainwindow.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..45a7f563
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/src/mainwindow.h
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+ * $Id: mainwindow.h,v 0.1 2005/01/08 12:20:13 denis Exp $
+ *
+ * Author: Denis Kozadaev (
+ * Description:
+ *
+ * See also: style(9)
+ *
+ * Hacked by:
+ */
+#ifndef __MAIN_WINDOW_H__
+#define __MAIN_WINDOW_H__
+#include <ntqmainwindow.h>
+#include <ntqpopupmenu.h>
+#include <ntqworkspace.h>
+#include <ntqdialog.h>
+#include <ntqlabel.h>
+#include <ntqcombobox.h>
+#include <ntqbuttongroup.h>
+#include <ntqradiobutton.h>
+#include <ntqgroupbox.h>
+#include <ntqpushbutton.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "gamesocket.h"
+#include "gameboard.h"
+class MainWindow:public TQMainWindow
+ MainWindow(TQWidget *parent = NULL, const char *name = NULL);
+ ~MainWindow();
+ bool sockOk()const{return (sock->ok());}
+ int id;
+ TQString ready_txt;
+ TQPopupMenu *game, *help;
+ TQWorkspace *wrk;
+ GameSocket *sock;
+ TQStringList hosts;
+private slots:
+ void showStatus(const TQString&);
+ void newGame();
+ void newGame(int);
+ void about();
+ void activated(TQWidget *);
+ void saveImage();
+class SelectGame:public TQDialog
+ SelectGame(TQWidget *parent = NULL, const char *name = NULL);
+ ~SelectGame();
+ void setHosts(const TQStringList &);
+ TQString host();
+ TQStringList hosts();
+ GameBoard::GameType gameType();
+ TQLabel *l1;
+ TQComboBox *hst;
+ TQButtonGroup *btn;
+ TQRadioButton *wg, *bg;
+ TQGroupBox *box;
+ TQPushButton *Ok, *Cancel;
+ void resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent *);
+private slots:
+ void checkParams();
+ void checkParams(const TQString&);
+#endif /* __MAIN_WINDOW_H__ */
diff --git a/qnetchess/src/xpm/black_bishop.xpm b/qnetchess/src/xpm/black_bishop.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f866a010
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/src/xpm/black_bishop.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+/* XPM */
+static const char *black_bishop[]={
+"40 40 3 1",
+". c None",
+"# c #000000",
+"a c #ffffff",
diff --git a/qnetchess/src/xpm/black_castle.xpm b/qnetchess/src/xpm/black_castle.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c483d9e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/src/xpm/black_castle.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+/* XPM */
+static const char *black_castle[]={
+"40 40 3 1",
+". c None",
+"# c #000000",
+"a c #ffffff",
diff --git a/qnetchess/src/xpm/black_king.xpm b/qnetchess/src/xpm/black_king.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..216c2cfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/src/xpm/black_king.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+/* XPM */
+static const char *black_king[]={
+"40 40 3 1",
+". c None",
+"# c #000000",
+"a c #ffffff",
diff --git a/qnetchess/src/xpm/black_knight.xpm b/qnetchess/src/xpm/black_knight.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9ed24184
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/src/xpm/black_knight.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+/* XPM */
+static const char *black_knight[]={
+"40 40 3 1",
+". c None",
+"# c #000000",
+"a c #ffffff",
diff --git a/qnetchess/src/xpm/black_pawn.xpm b/qnetchess/src/xpm/black_pawn.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7a6f7309
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/src/xpm/black_pawn.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+/* XPM */
+static const char *black_pawn[]={
+"40 40 2 1",
+". c None",
+"# c #000000",
diff --git a/qnetchess/src/xpm/black_queen.xpm b/qnetchess/src/xpm/black_queen.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..00f02b9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/src/xpm/black_queen.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+/* XPM */
+static const char *black_queen[]={
+"40 40 3 1",
+". c None",
+"# c #000000",
+"a c #ffffff",
diff --git a/qnetchess/src/xpm/chess.xpm b/qnetchess/src/xpm/chess.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4d6af4cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/src/xpm/chess.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+/* XPM */
+static const char *chess_xpm[]={
+"40 40 3 1",
+"# c #000000",
+"a c #ffffff",
+". c none",
diff --git a/qnetchess/src/xpm/new_game.xpm b/qnetchess/src/xpm/new_game.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e2c22dda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/src/xpm/new_game.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+/* XPM */
+static const char *new_game[] = {
+/* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */
+" 50 50 8 1",
+/* colors */
+". c #040204",
+"# c #8cdef4",
+"a c #749edc",
+"b c #84a6f4",
+"c c #0c0a0c",
+"d c #6c96fa",
+"e c #040604",
+"f c #0c0e0c",
+/* pixels */
diff --git a/qnetchess/src/xpm/quit.xpm b/qnetchess/src/xpm/quit.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a6e1f83a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/src/xpm/quit.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+/* XPM */
+static const char *quit_xpm[]={
+"22 22 43 1",
+"e c #a4140a",
+"# c #a41c0b",
+"m c #a92415",
+"x c #ac2a1c",
+"d c #ac2f21",
+"b c #b23628",
+"c c #b33b2e",
+"a c #b44234",
+"o c #bc421c",
+"p c #bc5732",
+"C c #bc5e04",
+"q c #c0603a",
+"h c #c07e5c",
+"s c #c46f4a",
+"g c #c47852",
+"J c #cc7350",
+"i c #cc825c",
+"j c #cc8a63",
+"k c #cc8f66",
+"r c #d4976b",
+"l c #d49e77",
+"O c #d8cecc",
+"F c #d99979",
+"K c #dca47c",
+"N c #dca684",
+"f c #ddab91",
+"n c #e2b59a",
+"t c #e4d2c4",
+"M c #e7e5ea",
+"G c #ebf3f9",
+"I c #ececf2",
+"v c #ecfafc",
+"w c #efcbb7",
+"D c #f1c5b4",
+"z c #f4eef4",
+"B c #f4f6fc",
+"y c #f8d5c8",
+"L c #f9e4d8",
+"H c #fcece2",
+"E c #fcf2e4",
+"A c #fcfed0",
+"u c #fcfefc",
+". c None",
diff --git a/qnetchess/src/xpm/white_bishop.xpm b/qnetchess/src/xpm/white_bishop.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..31de757e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/src/xpm/white_bishop.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+/* XPM */
+static const char *white_bishop[]={
+"40 40 3 1",
+". c None",
+"# c #000000",
+"a c #ffffff",
diff --git a/qnetchess/src/xpm/white_castle.xpm b/qnetchess/src/xpm/white_castle.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ab8f499c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/src/xpm/white_castle.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+/* XPM */
+static const char *white_castle[]={
+"40 40 3 1",
+". c None",
+"# c #000000",
+"a c #ffffff",
diff --git a/qnetchess/src/xpm/white_king.xpm b/qnetchess/src/xpm/white_king.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f3fb74fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/src/xpm/white_king.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+/* XPM */
+static const char *white_king[]={
+"40 40 3 1",
+". c None",
+"# c #000000",
+"a c #ffffff",
diff --git a/qnetchess/src/xpm/white_knight.xpm b/qnetchess/src/xpm/white_knight.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e2aae2e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/src/xpm/white_knight.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+/* XPM */
+static const char *white_knight[]={
+"40 40 3 1",
+". c None",
+"# c #000000",
+"a c #ffffff",
diff --git a/qnetchess/src/xpm/white_pawn.xpm b/qnetchess/src/xpm/white_pawn.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..541f9a40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/src/xpm/white_pawn.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+/* XPM */
+static const char *white_pawn[]={
+"40 40 3 1",
+". c None",
+"# c #000000",
+"a c #ffffff",
diff --git a/qnetchess/src/xpm/white_queen.xpm b/qnetchess/src/xpm/white_queen.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd01f7dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qnetchess/src/xpm/white_queen.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+/* XPM */
+static const char *white_queen[]={
+"40 40 3 1",
+". c None",
+"# c #000000",
+"a c #ffffff",