#include "gtetris.h" #include "piece.h" using namespace KGrid2D; GenericTetris::GenericTetris(uint width, uint height, bool withPieces, bool graphic) : _nextPiece(0), _currentPiece(0), _score(0), _nbRemoved(0), _nbClearLines(height), _main(0), _graphic(graphic), _matrix(width, height) { if (withPieces) { _nextPiece = new Piece; _currentPiece = new Piece; } _matrix.fill(0); } void GenericTetris::copy(const GenericTetris &g) { Q_ASSERT(_currentPiece); // copy to non graphic _score = g._score; _level = g._level; _nbRemoved = g._nbRemoved; _nbClearLines = g._nbClearLines; _currentPos = g._currentPos; _nextPiece->copy(g._nextPiece); _currentPiece->copy(g._currentPiece); for (uint i=0; i<_matrix.size(); i++) { Coord c = _matrix.coord(i); delete _matrix[c]; if ( g._matrix[c] ) _matrix[c] = new Block(g._matrix[c]->value()); else _matrix[c] = 0; } } void GenericTetris::clear() { _currentPos = Coord(0, -1); for (uint i=0; i<_matrix.size(); i++) removeBlock(_matrix.coord(i)); computeInfos(); } GenericTetris::~GenericTetris() { // everything should already be done by setBlockInfo(0, 0); } void GenericTetris::setBlockInfo(BlockInfo *main, BlockInfo *next) { Q_ASSERT( _graphic ); if (main) { _main = main; if (_currentPiece) { Q_ASSERT(next); _nextPiece->setBlockInfo(next); _currentPiece->setBlockInfo(main); } } else { // before destruction clear(); delete _currentPiece; delete _nextPiece; } } void GenericTetris::start(const GTInitData &data) { Q_ASSERT( _graphic ); _random.setSeed(data.seed); _initLevel = data.initLevel; updateScore(0); updateLevel(_initLevel); updateRemoved(0); clear(); if (_nextPiece) { _nextPiece->setRandomSequence(&_random); _nextPiece->generateNext(); newPiece(); } } void GenericTetris::dropDown() { uint dropHeight = moveTo(Coord(0, -_currentPos.second)); pieceDropped(dropHeight); } void GenericTetris::oneLineDown() { if ( moveTo(Coord(0, -1))==0 ) pieceDropped(0); } bool GenericTetris::newPiece() { Q_ASSERT(_currentPiece); Coord min = _nextPiece->min(); _currentPos.second = _matrix.height() - 1 + min.second; _currentPos.first = (_matrix.width() - _nextPiece->size().first)/2 - min.first; if ( !canPosition(_currentPos, _nextPiece)) { _currentPos.second = -1; return false; } _currentPiece->copy(_nextPiece); if (_graphic) { _currentPiece->move(toPoint(_currentPos)); _currentPiece->show(true); updatePieceConfig(); } _nextPiece->generateNext(); if (_graphic) { _nextPiece->moveCenter(); _nextPiece->show(true); updateNextPiece(); } return true; } bool GenericTetris::canPosition(const Coord &pos, const Piece *piece) const { for(uint k=0; knbBlocks(); k++) { Coord c(piece->pos(k, pos)); if ( !_matrix.inside(c) || _matrix[c]!=0 ) return false; // outside or something in the way } return true; } uint GenericTetris::moveTo(const Coord &dec) { Q_ASSERT(_currentPiece); Q_ASSERT(dec.first==0 || dec.second==0); Coord newPos = _currentPos; Coord d(0, 0); uint n, i; if (dec.first) { d.first = (dec.first<0 ? -1 : 1); n = kAbs(dec.first); } else { d.second = (dec.second<0 ? -1 : 1); n = kAbs(dec.second); } for (i=0; imove(toPoint(newPos)); updatePieceConfig(); } } return i; } bool GenericTetris::rotate(bool left) { Q_ASSERT(_currentPiece); Piece tmp; tmp.copy(_currentPiece); QPoint p(0, 0); tmp.rotate(left, p); if ( canPosition(_currentPos, &tmp) ) { if (_graphic) p = toPoint(_currentPos); _currentPiece->rotate(left, p); if (_graphic) updatePieceConfig(); return true; } return false; } void GenericTetris::computeInfos() { _nbClearLines = 0; for (uint j=_matrix.height(); j>0; j--) { for (uint i=0; i<_matrix.width(); i++) if ( _matrix[Coord(i, j-1)]!=0 ) return; _nbClearLines++; } } void GenericTetris::setBlock(const Coord &c, Block *b) { Q_ASSERT( b && _matrix[c]==0 ); _matrix[c] = b; if (_graphic) { QPoint p = toPoint(c); b->sprite()->move(p.x(), p.y()); } } void GenericTetris::removeBlock(const Coord &c) { delete _matrix[c]; _matrix[c] = 0; } void GenericTetris::moveBlock(const Coord &src, const Coord &dest) { Q_ASSERT( _matrix[dest]==0 ); if ( _matrix[src] ) { setBlock(dest, _matrix[src]); _matrix[src] = 0; } } QPoint GenericTetris::toPoint(const Coord &c) const { return _main->toPoint(Coord(c.first, _matrix.height() - 1 - c.second)); } void GenericTetris::gluePiece() { Q_ASSERT(_currentPiece); for(uint k=0; k<_currentPiece->nbBlocks(); k++) setBlock(_currentPiece->pos(k, _currentPos), _currentPiece->takeBlock(k)); computeInfos(); } void GenericTetris::bumpCurrentPiece(int dec) { Q_ASSERT( _graphic && _currentPiece ); _currentPiece->move(toPoint(_currentPos) + QPoint(0, dec)); } void GenericTetris::partialMoveBlock(const Coord &c, const QPoint &dec) { Q_ASSERT( _graphic && _matrix[c]!=0 ); QPoint p = toPoint(c) + dec; _matrix[c]->sprite()->move(p.x(), p.y()); }