path: root/kbabel/catalogmanager/catalogmanagerview.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'kbabel/catalogmanager/catalogmanagerview.h')
1 files changed, 474 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kbabel/catalogmanager/catalogmanagerview.h b/kbabel/catalogmanager/catalogmanagerview.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e4421973
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kbabel/catalogmanager/catalogmanagerview.h
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+/* ****************************************************************************
+ This file is part of KBabel
+ Copyright (C) 1999-2000 by Matthias Kiefer
+ <>
+ 2001-2004 by Stanislav Visnovsky <>
+ Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 by Nicolas GOUTTE <>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
+ permission to link the code of this program with any edition of
+ the Qt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions
+ of Qt that use the same license as Qt), and distribute linked
+ combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General
+ Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than
+ Qt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to
+ your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If
+ you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from
+ your version.
+**************************************************************************** */
+#include <qdict.h>
+#include <qlistview.h>
+#include <qdatetime.h>
+#include <qtimer.h>
+#include <qfileinfo.h>
+#include <qguardedptr.h>
+#include <kdialogbase.h>
+#include <kdirwatch.h>
+#include <kprocess.h>
+#include <qptrlist.h>
+#include "kbproject.h"
+#include "projectsettings.h"
+#include "findoptions.h"
+#include "cvsresources.h"
+#include "svnresources.h"
+class CatManListItem;
+class QPixmap;
+class QPopupMenu;
+class KBabelDictBox;
+class CatManPreferences;
+class QTextEdit;
+class KProgress;
+class KConfig;
+class KDataToolInfo;
+class ValidateProgressDialog;
+class CVSHandler;
+class SVNHandler;
+class MarkPatternDialog;
+class ValidationOptions;
+namespace KBabel
+ class KBabelMailer;
+ class PoInfo;
+class CatalogManagerView : public QListView
+ CatalogManagerView(KBabel::Project::Ptr project, QWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0);
+ virtual ~CatalogManagerView();
+ KBabel::CatManSettings settings() const;
+ /** clears the tree */
+ virtual void clear();
+ /** pauses the update timer */
+ void pause(bool);
+ /** if file fileWithPath exists in the treeview, this is updated */
+ void updateFile(QString fileWithPath, bool force = false);
+ void updateAfterSave(QString fileWithPath, KBabel::PoInfo &info);
+ bool isActive() const {return _active;}
+ bool isStopped() const {return _stop;}
+ void restoreView(KConfig *config);
+ void saveView(KConfig *config) const;
+ void setRMBMenuFile( QPopupMenu *m);
+ void setRMBMenuDir( QPopupMenu *m);
+ void setDirCommandsMenu( QPopupMenu *m);
+ void setFileCommandsMenu( QPopupMenu *m);
+ CVSHandler * cvsHandler();
+ SVNHandler * svnHandler();
+public slots:
+ void setSettings(KBabel::CatManSettings newSettings);
+ void toggleMark();
+ /**
+ * removes all marks in directory of current item (must be a directory)
+ */
+ void slotClearMarksInDir();
+ void clearAllMarks();
+ void toggleAllMarks();
+ void markModifiedFiles();
+ void loadMarks();
+ void saveMarks();
+ void slotMarkPattern( );
+ void slotUnmarkPattern( );
+ /**
+ * traverses all childs in the directory of the current item
+ * (including all subdirectories) and displays some statistics
+ * about the translations. If the item is a file, its
+ * parent directory is used instead.
+ */
+ void statistics();
+ /**
+ * traverses all marked childs in the directory of the current item
+ * (including all subdirectories) and displays some statistics
+ * about the translations. If the item is a file, its
+ * parent directory is used instead.
+ */
+ void markedStatistics();
+ /**
+ * calls @ref Msgfmt::checkSyntax, to check the po-file of
+ * the selected item
+ */
+ void checkSyntax();
+ void roughTranslation();
+ void markedRoughTranslation();
+ /** Send the selected item as a compressed mail attachment. If the
+ * selected item is a directory send the items contained in the
+ * directory.
+ */
+ void mailFiles();
+ /** Send the marked items as a compressed mail attachment.
+ */
+ void mailMarkedFiles();
+ void packageFiles();
+ void packageMarkedFiles();
+ void cvsUpdate( );
+ void cvsUpdateMarked( );
+ void cvsCommit( );
+ void cvsCommitMarked( );
+ void cvsStatus( );
+ void cvsStatusMarked( );
+ void cvsUpdateTemplate( );
+ void cvsUpdateMarkedTemplate( );
+ void cvsCommitTemplate( );
+ void cvsCommitMarkedTemplate( );
+ void cvsDiff( );
+ void svnUpdate( );
+ void svnUpdateMarked( );
+ void svnCommit( );
+ void svnCommitMarked( );
+ void svnStatusRemote();
+ void svnStatusRemoteMarked();
+ void svnStatusLocal();
+ void svnStatusLocalMarked();
+ void svnUpdateTemplate( );
+ void svnUpdateMarkedTemplate( );
+ void svnCommitTemplate( );
+ void svnCommitMarkedTemplate( );
+ void svnDiff( );
+ void svnInfo();
+ void svnInfoMarked();
+ QString find(KBabel::FindOptions &options, QStringList &rest);
+ void showLog();
+ void stop(bool s = true);
+ /**
+ * Stop searching, do not try to proceed to the next file
+ * @ref @find will return clear list of rest to be searched
+ * and @ref QString::null, if search string was not is the last searched file
+ */
+ void stopSearch();
+ /**
+ * Information for this file has been read. If the file is in
+ * @ref @_readInfoFileList, it will update progress bar by emitting @ref @progress
+ */
+ void fileInfoRead( QString file );
+ void gotoNextUntranslated();
+ void gotoPreviousUntranslated();
+ void gotoNextFuzzy();
+ void gotoPreviousFuzzy();
+ void gotoNextFuzzyOrUntranslated();
+ void gotoPreviousFuzzyOrUntranslated();
+ void gotoNextError();
+ void gotoPreviousError();
+ void gotoNextTemplate();
+ void gotoPreviousTemplate();
+ void gotoNextPo();
+ void gotoPreviousPo();
+ void gotoNextMarked();
+ void gotoPreviousMarked();
+ void validateUsingTool( const KDataToolInfo &, const QString& );
+ void validateMarkedUsingTool( const KDataToolInfo &, const QString& );
+ void showError( const QString package, const int num);
+ void updateCurrent();
+ /**
+ * An update for more than one file has become necessary. For instance
+ * after 'cvs commit' or 'svn commit' the file contents have not changed
+ * but the CVS/SVN file status could have changed.
+ */
+ void updateFiles( const QStringList& files );
+ /**
+ * Returns the list of all currently selected files. If current selection is dir,
+ * it returns list of all its children.
+ */
+ QStringList current();
+ /**
+ * Returns the list of all currently marked files.
+ */
+ QStringList marked();
+ void openFile(QString filename,QString package);
+ void openFileInNewWindow(QString filename,QString package);
+ void openTemplate(QString openFilename,QString saveFileName,QString package);
+ void openTemplateInNewWindow(QString openFilename,QString saveFileName,QString package);
+ void gotoFileEntry(QString filename,QString package,int msgid);
+ void prepareProgressBar(QString msg,int max);
+ void progress(int);
+ void clearProgressBar();
+ void prepareFindProgressBar(int max);
+ void signalBuildTree(bool done);
+ void signalSearchedFile(int count);
+ void newValidationFile(QString);
+ void newValidationTool(QString);
+ void setValidationProgressBar(int);
+ void advanceValidationFileProgressBar(int);
+ void setMaxValidationProgressBar(int);
+ void setMaxValidationFileProgressBar(int);
+ /**
+ * The selected item in the tree view has changed.
+ * This signal emits the corresponding action value for this item.
+ * @param actionValue Action value for the selected item.
+ */
+ void selectedChanged(uint actionValue);
+ void updateFinished();
+ /**
+ * builds the tree under dir relDir, but does not update any files
+ * this functions always traverses all subdirs
+ *
+ * @param relDir the relative dir under the po- and pot- base directories
+ * @param fast if true, no files will be updated
+ *
+ * @return true, if the directory contains any po or pot-files
+ * @see CatalogManagerView::buildDir
+ * @see CatalogManagerView::updateDir
+ */
+ bool buildDir(QString relDir,bool fast=true);
+ /**
+ * This function is traversing the real directory on the
+ * disc using baseDir as the
+ * base directory and starts at baseDir+relDir
+ * @param extension the extension of the files in this directory
+ * @param fast if true, no file will be updated
+ *
+ * @return true, if the directory contains any po or pot-files
+ * @see CatalogManagerView::buildDir
+ * @see CatalogManagerView::updateDir
+ */
+ bool buildDir(const QString& baseDir,const QString& relDir, const QString extension,bool fast=true);
+ /**
+ * updates dir relDir and if any new subdir is added
+ * builds this with @ref buildDir
+ *
+ * This function doesn't enters subdirs except when a new subdir is added.
+ * @see CatalogManagerView::buildDir
+ */
+ void updateDir(QString relDir);
+ /**
+ * stops the update timer and the dirwatch
+ * @see KDirWatch::stop
+ * @see QTimer::stop
+ */
+ virtual void hideEvent(QHideEvent*);
+ /**
+ * restarts the update timer and the dirwatch
+ * @see KDirWatch::start
+ * @see QTimer::start
+ */
+ virtual void showEvent(QShowEvent*);
+ /** used for dragging */
+ virtual void contentsMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* e);
+ /** used for dragging */
+ virtual void contentsMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* e);
+ void showStatistics( CatManListItem *i, QStringList &packages);
+protected slots:
+ /** rebuilds the tree*/
+ void buildTree();
+ /**
+ * recurse all visible files and updates them if necessary
+ * @see CatManListItem::checkUpdate
+ */
+ void checkUpdate();
+ /** this is called from KDirWatch when a directory has changed */
+ void directoryChanged(const QString& dir);
+ /** this is called from KDirWatch when a directory has been deleted */
+ void directoryDeleted(const QString& dir);
+ void showContentsMenu(QListViewItem *, const QPoint &, int col);
+ /** does the default action on the currently selected item*/
+ void activateItem(QListViewItem *);
+ /** emits the state of the selected item using selectedChanged*/
+ void checkSelected();
+ /** calls @ref activateItem with the selected item as argument*/
+ void slotOpenFile();
+ void slotOpenFileInNewWindow();
+ /** emits signal @ref openTemplate */
+ void slotOpenTemplate();
+ /** deletes the po-file on the disc, that belongs to the selected item */
+ void slotDeleteFile();
+ /** toggles the mark of the selected item */
+ void slotToggleMark();
+ /**
+ * toggles all marks in directory of current item (must be a directory)
+ */
+ void slotToggleMarksInDir();
+ void slotDirCommand(int);
+ void slotFileCommand(int);
+private slots:
+ void showOutput(KProcess *proc, char *buffer, int buflen);
+ void processEnded(KProcess *proc);
+ void columnClicked(QListViewItem * item, const QPoint & pnt, int c);
+ void slotToggleCVSOrSVNColumn( bool );
+ void slotValidPOCVSRepository( bool );
+ void slotValidPOSVNRepository( bool );
+ void slotValidPOTCVSRepository( bool );
+ void slotValidPOTSVNRepository( bool );
+ void toggleColumn( uint id, bool show);
+ void readMarker(KConfig *config);
+ void saveMarker(KConfig *config) const;
+ /**
+ * remove marked entries, which are not in the current file list
+ */
+ void updateMarkerList();
+ /**
+ * Mark or unmark entries.
+ *
+ * @param mark If true the items are marked, if false the marks are removed.
+ */
+ void setPatternMarks(bool mark);
+ /**
+ * deletes item with package name (relative directory) relDir
+ * and makes sure, that all subitems are removed from the lists
+ */
+ void deleteDirItem(QString relDir);
+ bool hasMatchingWords( QStringList &itemWords, QStringList &searchWords);
+ CatManListItem *itemBelow( CatManListItem *item );
+ CatManListItem *itemAbove( CatManListItem *item );
+ void validate_internal( const QStringList&, const KDataToolInfo &, const QString& );
+ void doCVSCommand( CVS::Command cmd, bool marked = false, bool templates = false );
+ void doSVNCommand( SVN::Command cmd, bool marked = false, bool templates = false );
+ QDict<CatManListItem> _dirList;
+ QDict<CatManListItem> _fileList;
+ KDirWatch *_dirWatch;
+ QTimer *_updateTimer;
+ // list of files for which was calculated the progress bar for reading file info
+ QStringList _readInfoFileList;
+ // current count of already read files in @ref @_readInfoFileList.
+ int _readInfoCount;
+ KBabel::CatManSettings _settings;
+ QStringList _markerList;
+ bool _active;
+ // stopping, application quit
+ bool _stop;
+ // stop searching, do not proceed to the next file
+ bool _stopSearch;
+ int _updateNesting;
+ QPtrList<KProcess> _pendingProcesses;
+ QTextEdit* _logView;
+ KDialogBase* _logWindow;
+ QPopupMenu* _fileContentsMenu;
+ QPopupMenu* _dirContentsMenu;
+ QPopupMenu* _dirCommandsMenu;
+ QPopupMenu* _fileCommandsMenu;
+ /** used for starting a drag */
+ QPoint _pressPos;
+ KBabelDictBox* _dictBox;
+ KBabel::KBabelMailer* mailer;
+ CVSHandler* cvshandler;
+ SVNHandler* svnhandler;
+ /// Is the PO path a valid CVS repository?
+ bool m_validPOCVSRepository;
+ /// Is the POT path a valid CVS repository?
+ bool m_validPOTCVSRepository;
+ /// Is the PO path a valid SVN repository?
+ bool m_validPOSVNRepository;
+ /// Is the POT path a valid SVN repository?
+ bool m_validPOTSVNRepository;
+ MarkPatternDialog * markPatternDialog;
+ //validation
+ ValidateProgressDialog* _validateDialog;
+ ValidationOptions* _validateOptions;
+ KDialogBase* _validateOptionsDlg;
+ bool _markAsFuzzy;
+ bool _ignoreFuzzy;
+ KBabel::Project::Ptr _project;