path: root/kcachegrind/kcachegrind/configuration.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'kcachegrind/kcachegrind/configuration.cpp')
1 files changed, 490 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kcachegrind/kcachegrind/configuration.cpp b/kcachegrind/kcachegrind/configuration.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f04f434b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcachegrind/kcachegrind/configuration.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+/* This file is part of KCachegrind.
+ Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Josef Weidendorfer <>
+ KCachegrind is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ * Configuration for KCachegrind
+ */
+#include <kconfig.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include "configuration.h"
+#include "tracedata.h"
+#include "configdlgbase.h"
+#include "traceitemview.h"
+// Some predefined cost types...
+static QStringList knownTypes()
+ QStringList l;
+ l << "Ir" << "Dr" << "Dw"
+ << "I1mr" << "D1mr" << "D1mw"
+ << "I2mr" << "D2mr" << "D2mw"
+ << "Smp" << "Sys" << "User"
+ << "L1m" << "L2m" << "CEst";
+ return l;
+static QString knownFormula(QString name)
+ if (name =="L1m") return QString("I1mr + D1mr + D1mw");
+ if (name =="L2m") return QString("I2mr + D2mr + D2mw");
+ if (name =="CEst") return QString("Ir + 10 L1m + 100 L2m");
+ return QString::null;
+static QString knownLongName(QString name)
+ if (name == "Ir") return i18n("Instruction Fetch");
+ if (name =="Dr") return i18n("Data Read Access");
+ if (name =="Dw") return i18n("Data Write Access");
+ if (name =="I1mr") return i18n("L1 Instr. Fetch Miss");
+ if (name =="D1mr") return i18n("L1 Data Read Miss");
+ if (name =="D1mw") return i18n("L1 Data Write Miss");
+ if (name =="I2mr") return i18n("L2 Instr. Fetch Miss");
+ if (name =="D2mr") return i18n("L2 Data Read Miss");
+ if (name =="D2mw") return i18n("L2 Data Write Miss");
+ if (name =="Smp") return i18n("Samples");
+ if (name =="Sys") return i18n("System Time");
+ if (name =="User") return i18n("User Time");
+ if (name =="L1m") return i18n("L1 Miss Sum");
+ if (name =="L2m") return i18n("L2 Miss Sum");
+ if (name =="CEst") return i18n("Cycle Estimation");
+ return QString::null;
+// Configuration
+Configuration* Configuration::_config = 0;
+ :_colors(517)
+ _config = 0;
+ _colors.setAutoDelete(true);
+ _objectSourceDirs.setAutoDelete(true);
+ // defaults
+ _showPercentage = true;
+ _showExpanded = false;
+ _showCycles = true;
+ _cycleCut = 0.0;
+ _percentPrecision = 2;
+ // max symbol count/length in tooltip/popup
+ _maxSymbolLength = 30;
+ _maxSymbolCount = 10;
+ _maxListCount = 100;
+ // annotation behaviour
+ _context = 3;
+ _noCostInside = 20;
+Configuration* Configuration::config()
+ if (!_config)
+ _config = new Configuration();
+ return _config;
+void Configuration::saveOptions(KConfig* kconfig)
+ Configuration* c = config();
+ // color options
+ KConfigGroup colorConfig(kconfig, QCString("CostColors"));
+ QDictIterator<ColorSetting> it( c->_colors );
+ int count = 1;
+ for( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
+ if ( !(*it)->automatic ) {
+ colorConfig.writeEntry( QString("Name%1").arg(count),
+ it.currentKey());
+ colorConfig.writeEntry( QString("Color%1").arg(count),
+ (*it)->color);
+ //qDebug("Written Color %s (%d)", it.currentKey().ascii(), count);
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ colorConfig.writeEntry( "Count", count-1);
+ // source options
+ KConfigGroup sourceConfig(kconfig, QCString("Source"));
+ sourceConfig.writeEntry("Dirs", c->_generalSourceDirs, ':');
+ QDictIterator<QStringList> it2( c->_objectSourceDirs );
+ count = 1;
+ for( ; it2.current(); ++it2 ) {
+ sourceConfig.writeEntry( QString("Object%1").arg(count),
+ it2.currentKey());
+ sourceConfig.writeEntry( QString("Dirs%1").arg(count),
+ *(*it2), ':');
+ count++;
+ }
+ sourceConfig.writeEntry( "Count", count-1);
+ // general options
+ KConfigGroup generalConfig(kconfig, QCString("General"));
+ generalConfig.writeEntry("ShowPercentage", c->_showPercentage);
+ generalConfig.writeEntry("ShowExpanded", c->_showExpanded);
+ generalConfig.writeEntry("ShowCycles", c->_showCycles);
+ generalConfig.writeEntry("CycleCut", c->_cycleCut);
+ generalConfig.writeEntry("MaxSymbolCount", c->_maxSymbolCount);
+ generalConfig.writeEntry("MaxListCount", c->_maxListCount);
+ generalConfig.writeEntry("MaxSymbolLength", c->_maxSymbolLength);
+ generalConfig.writeEntry("PercentPrecision", c->_percentPrecision);
+ generalConfig.writeEntry("Context", c->_context);
+ generalConfig.writeEntry("NoCostInside", c->_noCostInside);
+ KConfigGroup ctConfig(kconfig, QCString("CostTypes"));
+ int ctCount = TraceCostType::knownTypeCount();
+ ctConfig.writeEntry( "Count", ctCount);
+ for (int i=0; i<ctCount; i++) {
+ TraceCostType* t = TraceCostType::knownType(i);
+ ctConfig.writeEntry( QString("Name%1").arg(i+1), t->name());
+ // Use localized key
+ TraceItemView::writeConfigEntry(&ctConfig,
+ QString("Longname%1").arg(i+1).ascii(),
+ t->longName(),
+ knownLongName(t->name()).utf8().data() /*, true */ );
+ TraceItemView::writeConfigEntry(&ctConfig,
+ QString("Formula%1").arg(i+1).ascii(),
+ t->formula(), knownFormula(t->name()).utf8().data());
+ }
+void Configuration::readOptions(KConfig* kconfig)
+ int i, count;
+ Configuration* c = config();
+ // color options
+ c->_colors.clear();
+ // colors for default cost types:
+ // red for L2 misses, green for L1 misses, blue for normal accesses
+ c->color("CostType-I2mr")->color = QColor(240, 0, 0);
+ c->color("CostType-D2mr")->color = QColor(180,40,40);
+ c->color("CostType-D2mw")->color = QColor(120,80,80);
+ c->color("CostType-I1mr")->color = QColor(0, 240, 0);
+ c->color("CostType-D1mr")->color = QColor(40,180,40);
+ c->color("CostType-D1mw")->color = QColor(80,120,80);
+ c->color("CostType-Ir")->color = QColor(0, 0, 240);
+ c->color("CostType-Dr")->color = QColor(40,40,180);
+ c->color("CostType-Dw")->color = QColor(80,80,120);
+ KConfigGroup colorConfig(kconfig, QCString("CostColors"));
+ count = colorConfig.readNumEntry("Count", 0);
+ for (i=1;i<=count;i++) {
+ QString n = colorConfig.readEntry(QString("Name%1").arg(i));
+ QColor color = colorConfig.readColorEntry(QString("Color%1").arg(i));
+ if (n.isEmpty()) continue;
+ ColorSetting* cs = new ColorSetting;
+ cs->name = n;
+ cs->automatic = false;
+ cs->color = color;
+ c->_colors.insert(n, cs);
+ //qDebug("Read Color %s", n.ascii());
+ }
+ // source options
+ KConfigGroup sourceConfig(kconfig, QCString("Source"));
+ QStringList dirs;
+ dirs = sourceConfig.readListEntry("Dirs", ':');
+ if (dirs.count()>0) c->_generalSourceDirs = dirs;
+ count = sourceConfig.readNumEntry("Count", 0);
+ c->_objectSourceDirs.clear();
+ if (count>17) c->_objectSourceDirs.resize(count);
+ for (i=1;i<=count;i++) {
+ QString n = sourceConfig.readEntry(QString("Object%1").arg(i));
+ dirs = sourceConfig.readListEntry(QString("Dirs%1").arg(i), ':');
+ if (n.isEmpty() || (dirs.count()==0)) continue;
+ c->_objectSourceDirs.insert(n, new QStringList(dirs));
+ }
+ // general options
+ KConfigGroup generalConfig(kconfig, QCString("General"));
+ c->_showPercentage = generalConfig.readBoolEntry("ShowPercentage", true);
+ c->_showExpanded = generalConfig.readBoolEntry("ShowExpanded", false);
+ c->_showCycles = generalConfig.readBoolEntry("ShowCycles", true);
+ c->_cycleCut = generalConfig.readDoubleNumEntry("CycleCut", 0.0);
+ c->_maxSymbolCount = generalConfig.readNumEntry("MaxSymbolCount", 10);
+ c->_maxListCount = generalConfig.readNumEntry("MaxListCount", 100);
+ c->_maxSymbolLength = generalConfig.readNumEntry("MaxSymbolLength", 30);
+ c->_percentPrecision = generalConfig.readNumEntry("PercentPrecision", 2);
+ c->_context = generalConfig.readNumEntry("Context", 3);
+ c->_noCostInside = generalConfig.readNumEntry("NoCostInside", 20);
+ // known cost types
+ if (TraceCostType::knownTypeCount()==0) {
+ KConfigGroup ctConfig(kconfig, QCString("CostTypes"));
+ int ctCount = ctConfig.readNumEntry("Count", 0);
+ if (ctCount>0) {
+ for (int i=1;i<=ctCount;i++) {
+ QString n = ctConfig.readEntry(QString("Name%1").arg(i));
+ QString l = ctConfig.readEntry(QString("Longname%1").arg(i));
+ if (l.isEmpty()) l = knownLongName(n);
+ QString f = ctConfig.readEntry(QString("Formula%1").arg(i));
+ if (f.isEmpty()) f = knownFormula(n);
+ TraceCostType::add(new TraceCostType(n, l, f));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // add default types
+ QString longName, formula;
+ TraceCostType* ct;
+ QStringList l = knownTypes();
+ for ( QStringList::Iterator it = l.begin();
+ it != l.end(); ++it ) {
+ longName = knownLongName(*it);
+ formula = knownFormula(*it);
+ ct = new TraceCostType(*it, longName, formula);
+ TraceCostType::add(ct);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+QColor Configuration::groupColor(TraceItem* cost)
+ QString n;
+ if (!cost)
+ n = QString("default");
+ else
+ n = TraceCost::typeName(cost->type()) + "-" + cost->prettyName();
+ return color(n)->color;
+QColor Configuration::costTypeColor(TraceCostType* t)
+ QString n;
+ if (!t)
+ n = QString("CostType-default");
+ else
+ n = QString("CostType-%1").arg(t->name());
+ return color(n)->color;
+QColor Configuration::functionColor(TraceCost::CostType gt,
+ TraceFunction* f)
+ TraceCost* group = f;
+ QString n;
+ switch(gt) {
+ case TraceCost::Object: group = f->object(); break;
+ case TraceCost::Class: group = f->cls(); break;
+ case TraceCost::File: group = f->file(); break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (group != f) {
+ // first look for manual color of a function in a group
+ n = TraceCost::typeName(group->type()) +
+ "-" + group->prettyName() +
+ "-" + f->prettyName();
+ ColorSetting* cs = color(n, false);
+ if (cs) return cs->color;
+ }
+ return groupColor(group);
+Configuration::ColorSetting* Configuration::color(QString n, bool createNew)
+// qDebug("Color for %s", n.latin1());
+ // predefined ?
+ Configuration* c = config();
+ ColorSetting* cs = c->_colors[n];
+ if (cs || !createNew) return cs;
+ // automatic colors...
+ int h = 0, s = 100;
+ const char* str = n.ascii();
+ while (*str) {
+ h = (h * 37 + s* (unsigned)*str) % 256;
+ s = (s * 17 + h* (unsigned)*str) % 192;
+ str++;
+ }
+ //qDebug("New color for %s: H %d, S %d", n.ascii(), h, 64+s);
+ QColor color = QColor(h, 64+s, 192, QColor::Hsv);
+ cs = new ColorSetting;
+ cs->name = n;
+ cs->automatic = true;
+ cs->color = color;
+ c->_colors.insert(n, cs);
+ //qDebug("new Color %s", n.ascii());
+ return cs;
+/* Gives back a list of all Source Base Directories of Objects in
+ * current trace. If a special object is given in 2nd argument,
+ * put its Source Base in front.
+ */
+QStringList Configuration::sourceDirs(TraceData* data, TraceObject* o)
+ QStringList l = config()->_generalSourceDirs, *ol, *ol2 = 0;
+ TraceObjectMap::Iterator oit;
+ for ( oit = data->objectMap().begin();
+ oit != data->objectMap().end(); ++oit ) {
+ ol = config()->_objectSourceDirs[(*oit).name()];
+ if (&(*oit) == o) {
+ ol2 = ol;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!ol) continue;
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<ol->count();i++)
+ l.prepend( (*ol)[i] );
+ }
+ if (ol2) {
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<ol2->count();i++)
+ l.prepend( (*ol2)[i] );
+ }
+ if (0) kdDebug() << "Configuration::sourceDirs: " << l.join(":") << endl;
+ return l;
+bool Configuration::showPercentage()
+ return config()->_showPercentage;
+bool Configuration::showExpanded()
+ return config()->_showExpanded;
+bool Configuration::showCycles()
+ return config()->_showCycles;
+void Configuration::setShowPercentage(bool s)
+ Configuration* c = config();
+ if (c->_showPercentage == s) return;
+ c->_showPercentage = s;
+void Configuration::setShowExpanded(bool s)
+ Configuration* c = config();
+ if (c->_showExpanded == s) return;
+ c->_showExpanded = s;
+void Configuration::setShowCycles(bool s)
+ Configuration* c = config();
+ if (c->_showCycles == s) return;
+ c->_showCycles = s;
+double Configuration::cycleCut()
+ return config()->_cycleCut;
+int Configuration::percentPrecision()
+ return config()->_percentPrecision;
+int Configuration::maxSymbolLength()
+ return config()->_maxSymbolLength;
+QString Configuration::shortenSymbol(QString s)
+ if ((int)s.length() > maxSymbolLength())
+ s = s.left(maxSymbolLength()) + "...";
+ return s;
+int Configuration::maxListCount()
+ return config()->_maxListCount;
+int Configuration::maxSymbolCount()
+ return config()->_maxSymbolCount;
+int Configuration::context()
+ return config()->_context;
+int Configuration::noCostInside()
+ return config()->_noCostInside;