path: root/scripts/kde-emacs/kde-emacs-core.el
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Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/kde-emacs/kde-emacs-core.el')
1 files changed, 3823 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/kde-emacs/kde-emacs-core.el b/scripts/kde-emacs/kde-emacs-core.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a954dfa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/kde-emacs/kde-emacs-core.el
@@ -0,0 +1,3823 @@
+;; kde-emacs-core.el - core functionality,e.g. syntax & c++-mode-hook
+;; Copyright (C) 2002 KDE Development Team <>
+;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+;; version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Steet, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+;; 02110-1301 USA
+(require 'kde-emacs-vars)
+;* Variables ... */
+(defcustom kde-tab-behavior 'default
+ "Specifies the current tab behavior. default will expand try to complete
+the symbol at point if at the end of something that looks like an indentifier else
+it will indent the current line if the pointer is at the beginning of the line it will
+be moved the the start of the indention. abbrev-indent behaves like default, but the
+cursor isn't moved to the beginning of the indention with tab is pressed when the cursor
+is at the beginning of the line. indent simply indents the line without trying to
+complete the symbol"
+ :group 'kde-devel
+ :version "0.1"
+ :type `(choice (const default) (const abbrev-indent) (const indent)))
+;* Functions ... */
+;; ------- First part, from Arnt's "c++ stuff" - slightly modified for our needs :)
+(defun agulbra-c++-tab (arg)
+ "Do the right thing about tabs in c++ mode.
+Try to finish the symbol, or indent the line."
+ (interactive "*P")
+ (cond
+ ((and (not (looking-at "[A-Za-z0-9]"))
+ (save-excursion
+ (forward-char -1)
+ (looking-at "[A-Za-z0-9:>_\\-\\&\\.(){}\\*\\+/]")))
+ (dabbrev-expand arg))
+ (t
+ (if (eq kde-tab-behavior 'default)
+ (c-indent-command)
+ (save-excursion
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (c-indent-command))))))
+(defun agulbra-clean-out-spaces ()
+ "Remove spaces at ends of lines."
+ (interactive)
+ (and (not buffer-read-only)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (let ((count 0)
+ (bmp (buffer-modified-p)))
+ (while (re-search-forward "[ \t]+$" nil t)
+ (setq count (1+ count))
+ (replace-match "" t t))
+ (set-buffer-modified-p bmp)
+ nil
+ ))))
+; the above used to contain (untabify (point-min) (point-max)) too
+(defun agulbra-c++-clean-out-spaces ()
+ "Remove spaces at ends of lines, only in c++ mode."
+ (interactive)
+ (if (eq major-mode 'c++-mode)
+ (agulbra-clean-out-spaces)
+ )
+ )
+(defun agulbra-delete-into-nomenclature (&optional arg)
+ "Delete forward until the end of a nomenclature section or word.
+With arg, do it arg times."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (save-excursion
+ (let ((b (point-marker)))
+ (c-forward-into-nomenclature arg)
+ (delete-region b (point-marker)))))
+(if (not (fboundp 'font-lock-add-keywords))
+ (defun font-lock-add-keywords (mode keywords &optional append)
+ "XEmacs doesn't have font-lock-add-keywords so we provide it."
+ (font-lock-set-defaults)
+ (if (eq append 'set)
+ (setq font-lock-keywords keywords)
+ ; NOTE: write this function for XEmacs - Zack
+ ;(font-lock-remove-keywords nil keywords) ;to avoid duplicates
+ (let ((old (if (eq (car-safe font-lock-keywords) t)
+ (cdr font-lock-keywords)
+ font-lock-keywords)))
+ (setq font-lock-keywords (if append
+ (append old keywords)
+ (append keywords old))))))
+ )
+(c-add-style "kde-c" '("stroustrup"
+ (c-basic-offset . 4)
+ (c-offsets-alist
+ (case-label . 4)
+ (access-label . -)
+ (label . 0)
+ (statement-cont . c-lineup-math)
+ )))
+; ( we use Backquote ( '`' ) instead of "'" because we want
+; kde-access-labels to be evaluated... )
+(c-add-style "kde-c++" `("kde-c"
+ ;;FIXME: 1) fume functions not available on GNU/Emacs
+ ;; 2) insert-tab-mode no longer present (free variable)
+ ;; 3) c-hangin-commment-under-p no longer present (free variable)
+ (if (not (eq kde-tab-behavior 'indent))
+ (c-tab-always-indent . nil))
+ ; (insert-tab-mode nil)
+ (indent-tabs-mode . nil)
+ (if (eq kde-emacs-type 'xemacs)
+ (fume-auto-rescan-buffer-p nil))
+ (c-access-key . ,kde-access-labels)
+ (c-opt-access-key . ,kde-access-labels)
+ ; (c-hanging-comment-under-p nil)
+ (c-offsets-alist . ((case-label . 0)
+ (inline-open . 0)))
+ ))
+;; KDE C++ mode
+;; Not a "(setq c++-mode-hook ..." because this way we would
+;; prune all other hooks!
+(defun kde-c++-mode-hook ()
+ (font-lock-mode)
+ (c-set-style kde-c++-style)
+ (define-key c++-mode-map "\C-m" 'c-context-line-break)
+ (when (or
+ (eq kde-tab-behavior 'default)
+ (eq kde-tab-behavior 'abbrev-indent))
+ (define-key c++-mode-map "\C-i" 'agulbra-c++-tab))
+ (define-key c++-mode-map "\ef" 'c-forward-into-nomenclature)
+ (define-key c++-mode-map "\ed" 'agulbra-delete-into-nomenclature)
+ (define-key c++-mode-map "\eb" 'c-backward-into-nomenclature)
+ ;; fontify "public|protected|private slots" with one and the same face :)
+ ;; NOTE: write face-at-point function to fontify those just like other
+ ;; access specifiers
+ (font-lock-add-keywords nil '(("\\<\\(\\(public\\|protected\\|private\\) slots\\)\\>"
+ . font-lock-reference-face)))
+ ;; Add (setq magic-keys-mode nil) to your .emacs (before loading this file)
+ ;; to disable the magic keys in C++ mode.
+ (and (boundp 'magic-keys-mode) magic-keys-mode
+ (progn
+ (define-key c++-mode-map "\(" 'insert-parens)
+ (define-key c++-mode-map "\)" 'insert-parens2)
+ (define-key c++-mode-map "\," 'insert-comma)
+ (define-key c++-mode-map "\{" 'insert-curly-brace)
+ ))
+ )
+(defun kde-c-mode-hook ()
+ (font-lock-mode)
+ (c-set-style kde-c-style))
+;; NOTE : This is a completely new c-guess-basic-syntax, it's faster,
+;; better, meaner, harder, covers more cases, more c++ syntax,
+;; and is in general cooler ;) You have to have the new cc-mode
+;; to use it ( 5.30 at least, check it with "M-x c-version")
+;; If you don't have 5.30 comment out the following c-guess-basic-syntax
+;; and uncomment the one underneath.
+ ((string-match "^5\\.30\\." c-version)
+ (defun c-guess-basic-syntax ()
+ "Return the syntactic context of the current line.
+This function does not do any hidden buffer changes."
+ (save-excursion
+ (save-restriction
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (c-save-buffer-state
+ ((indent-point (point))
+ (case-fold-search nil)
+ (paren-state (c-parse-state))
+ literal containing-sexp char-before-ip char-after-ip lim
+ c-syntactic-context placeholder c-in-literal-cache step-type
+ tmpsymbol keyword injava-inher special-brace-list
+ ;; narrow out any enclosing class or extern "C" block
+ (inclass-p (c-narrow-out-enclosing-class paren-state
+ indent-point))
+ ;; `c-state-cache' is shadowed here so that we don't
+ ;; throw it away due to the narrowing that might be done
+ ;; by the function above. That means we must not do any
+ ;; changes during the execution of this function, since
+ ;; `c-invalidate-state-cache' then would change this local
+ ;; variable and leave a bogus value in the global one.
+ (c-state-cache (if inclass-p
+ (c-whack-state-before (point-min) paren-state)
+ paren-state))
+ (c-state-cache-start (point-min))
+ inenclosing-p macro-start in-macro-expr
+ ;; There's always at most one syntactic element which got
+ ;; a relpos. It's stored in syntactic-relpos.
+ syntactic-relpos
+ (c-stmt-delim-chars c-stmt-delim-chars))
+ ;; Check for meta top-level enclosing constructs such as
+ ;; extern language definitions.
+ (save-excursion
+ (save-restriction
+ (widen)
+ (when (and inclass-p
+ (progn
+ (goto-char (aref inclass-p 0))
+ (looking-at c-other-decl-block-key)))
+ (setq inenclosing-p (match-string 1))
+ (if (string-equal inenclosing-p "extern")
+ ;; Compatibility with legacy choice of name for the
+ ;; extern-lang syntactic symbols.
+ (setq inenclosing-p "extern-lang")))))
+ ;; Init some position variables:
+ ;;
+ ;; containing-sexp is the open paren of the closest
+ ;; surrounding sexp or nil if there is none that hasn't been
+ ;; narrowed out.
+ ;;
+ ;; lim is the position after the closest preceding brace sexp
+ ;; (nested sexps are ignored), or the position after
+ ;; containing-sexp if there is none, or (point-min) if
+ ;; containing-sexp is nil.
+ ;;
+ ;; c-state-cache is the state from c-parse-state at
+ ;; indent-point, without any parens outside the region
+ ;; narrowed by c-narrow-out-enclosing-class.
+ ;;
+ ;; paren-state is the state from c-parse-state outside
+ ;; containing-sexp, or at indent-point if containing-sexp is
+ ;; nil. paren-state is not limited to the narrowed region, as
+ ;; opposed to c-state-cache.
+ (if c-state-cache
+ (progn
+ (setq containing-sexp (car paren-state)
+ paren-state (cdr paren-state))
+ (if (consp containing-sexp)
+ (progn
+ (setq lim (cdr containing-sexp))
+ (if (cdr c-state-cache)
+ ;; Ignore balanced paren. The next entry
+ ;; can't be another one.
+ (setq containing-sexp (car (cdr c-state-cache))
+ paren-state (cdr paren-state))
+ ;; If there is no surrounding open paren then
+ ;; put the last balanced pair back on paren-state.
+ (setq paren-state (cons containing-sexp paren-state)
+ containing-sexp nil)))
+ (setq lim (1+ containing-sexp))))
+ (setq lim (point-min)))
+ ;; If we're in a parenthesis list then ',' delimits the
+ ;; "statements" rather than being an operator (with the
+ ;; exception of the "for" clause). This difference is
+ ;; typically only noticeable when statements are used in macro
+ ;; arglists.
+ (when (and containing-sexp
+ (eq (char-after containing-sexp) ?\())
+ (setq c-stmt-delim-chars c-stmt-delim-chars-with-comma))
+ ;; cache char before and after indent point, and move point to
+ ;; the most likely position to perform the majority of tests
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
+ (setq char-before-ip (char-before))
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ (setq char-after-ip (char-after))
+ ;; are we in a literal?
+ (setq literal (c-in-literal lim))
+ ;; now figure out syntactic qualities of the current line
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 1: in a string.
+ ((eq literal 'string)
+ (c-add-syntax 'string (c-point 'bopl)))
+ ;; CASE 2: in a C or C++ style comment.
+ ((and (memq literal '(c c++))
+ ;; This is a kludge for XEmacs where we use
+ ;; `buffer-syntactic-context', which doesn't correctly
+ ;; recognize "\*/" to end a block comment.
+ ;; `parse-partial-sexp' which is used by
+ ;; `c-literal-limits' will however do that in most
+ ;; versions, which results in that we get nil from
+ ;; `c-literal-limits' even when `c-in-literal' claims
+ ;; we're inside a comment.
+ (setq placeholder (c-literal-limits lim)))
+ (c-add-syntax literal (car placeholder)))
+ ;; CASE 3: in a cpp preprocessor macro continuation.
+ ((and (save-excursion
+ (when (c-beginning-of-macro)
+ (setq macro-start (point))))
+ (/= macro-start (c-point 'boi))
+ (progn
+ (setq tmpsymbol 'cpp-macro-cont)
+ (or (not c-syntactic-indentation-in-macros)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char macro-start)
+ ;; If at the beginning of the body of a #define
+ ;; directive then analyze as cpp-define-intro
+ ;; only. Go on with the syntactic analysis
+ ;; otherwise. in-macro-expr is set if we're in a
+ ;; cpp expression, i.e. before the #define body
+ ;; or anywhere in a non-#define directive.
+ (if (c-forward-to-cpp-define-body)
+ (let ((indent-boi (c-point 'boi indent-point)))
+ (setq in-macro-expr (> (point) indent-boi)
+ tmpsymbol 'cpp-define-intro)
+ (= (point) indent-boi))
+ (setq in-macro-expr t)
+ nil)))))
+ (c-add-syntax tmpsymbol macro-start)
+ (setq macro-start nil))
+ ;; CASE 11: an else clause?
+ ((looking-at "else\\>[^_]")
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 containing-sexp)
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'else-clause nil t nil
+ containing-sexp paren-state))
+ ;; CASE 12: while closure of a do/while construct?
+ ((and (looking-at "while\\>[^_]")
+ (save-excursion
+ (prog1 (eq (c-beginning-of-statement-1 containing-sexp)
+ 'beginning)
+ (setq placeholder (point)))))
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'do-while-closure nil t nil
+ containing-sexp paren-state))
+ ;; CASE 13: A catch or finally clause? This case is simpler
+ ;; than if-else and do-while, because a block is required
+ ;; after every try, catch and finally.
+ ((save-excursion
+ (and (cond ((c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
+ (looking-at "catch\\>[^_]"))
+ ((c-major-mode-is 'java-mode)
+ (looking-at "\\(catch\\|finally\\)\\>[^_]")))
+ (and (c-safe (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
+ (c-backward-sexp)
+ t)
+ (eq (char-after) ?{)
+ (c-safe (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
+ (c-backward-sexp)
+ t)
+ (if (eq (char-after) ?\()
+ (c-safe (c-backward-sexp) t)
+ t))
+ (looking-at "\\(try\\|catch\\)\\>[^_]")
+ (setq placeholder (point))))
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'catch-clause nil t nil
+ containing-sexp paren-state))
+ ;; CASE 18: A substatement we can recognize by keyword.
+ ((save-excursion
+ (and c-opt-block-stmt-key
+ (if (c-mode-is-new-awk-p)
+ (c-awk-prev-line-incomplete-p containing-sexp) ; ACM 2002/3/29
+ (not (eq char-before-ip ?\;)))
+ (not (memq char-after-ip '(?\) ?\] ?,)))
+ (or (not (eq char-before-ip ?}))
+ (c-looking-at-inexpr-block-backward c-state-cache))
+ (> (point)
+ (progn
+ ;; Ought to cache the result from the
+ ;; c-beginning-of-statement-1 calls here.
+ (setq placeholder (point))
+ (while (eq (setq step-type
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim))
+ 'label))
+ (if (eq step-type 'previous)
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (setq placeholder (point))
+ (if (and (eq step-type 'same)
+ (not (looking-at c-opt-block-stmt-key)))
+ ;; Step up to the containing statement if we
+ ;; stayed in the same one.
+ (let (step)
+ (while (eq
+ (setq step
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim))
+ 'label))
+ (if (eq step 'up)
+ (setq placeholder (point))
+ ;; There was no containing statement afterall.
+ (goto-char placeholder)))))
+ placeholder))
+ (if (looking-at c-block-stmt-2-key)
+ ;; Require a parenthesis after these keywords.
+ ;; Necessary to catch e.g. synchronized in Java,
+ ;; which can be used both as statement and
+ ;; modifier.
+ (and (zerop (c-forward-token-2 1 nil))
+ (eq (char-after) ?\())
+ (looking-at c-opt-block-stmt-key))))
+ (if (eq step-type 'up)
+ ;; CASE 18A: Simple substatement.
+ (progn
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (cond
+ ((eq char-after-ip ?{)
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'substatement-open nil nil nil
+ containing-sexp paren-state))
+ ((save-excursion
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (looking-at c-label-key))
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'substatement-label nil nil nil
+ containing-sexp paren-state))
+ (t
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'substatement nil nil nil
+ containing-sexp paren-state))))
+ ;; CASE 18B: Some other substatement. This is shared
+ ;; with case 10.
+ (c-guess-continued-construct indent-point
+ char-after-ip
+ placeholder
+ lim
+ paren-state)))
+ ;; CASE 4: In-expression statement. C.f. cases 7B, 16A and
+ ;; 17E.
+ ((and (or c-opt-inexpr-class-key
+ c-opt-inexpr-block-key
+ c-opt-lambda-key)
+ (setq placeholder (c-looking-at-inexpr-block
+ (c-safe-position containing-sexp paren-state)
+ containing-sexp)))
+ (setq tmpsymbol (assq (car placeholder)
+ '((inexpr-class . class-open)
+ (inexpr-statement . block-open))))
+ (if tmpsymbol
+ ;; It's a statement block or an anonymous class.
+ (setq tmpsymbol (cdr tmpsymbol))
+ ;; It's a Pike lambda. Check whether we are between the
+ ;; lambda keyword and the argument list or at the defun
+ ;; opener.
+ (setq tmpsymbol (if (eq char-after-ip ?{)
+ 'inline-open
+ 'lambda-intro-cont)))
+ (goto-char (cdr placeholder))
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax tmpsymbol nil t nil
+ (c-most-enclosing-brace c-state-cache (point))
+ (c-whack-state-after (point) paren-state))
+ (unless (eq (point) (cdr placeholder))
+ (c-add-syntax (car placeholder))))
+ ;; CASE 5: Line is at top level.
+ ((null containing-sexp)
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 5A: we are looking at a defun, brace list, class,
+ ;; or inline-inclass method opening brace
+ ((setq special-brace-list
+ (or (and c-special-brace-lists
+ (c-looking-at-special-brace-list))
+ (eq char-after-ip ?{)))
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 5A.1: Non-class declaration block open.
+ ((save-excursion
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ (and (c-safe (c-backward-sexp 2) t)
+ (looking-at c-other-decl-block-key)
+ (setq keyword (match-string 1)
+ placeholder (point))
+ (if (string-equal keyword "extern")
+ ;; Special case for extern-lang-open. The
+ ;; check for a following string is disabled
+ ;; since it doesn't disambiguate anything.
+ (and ;;(progn
+ ;; (c-forward-sexp 1)
+ ;; (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
+ ;; (eq (char-after) ?\"))
+ (setq tmpsymbol 'extern-lang-open))
+ (setq tmpsymbol (intern (concat keyword "-open"))))
+ ))
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (c-add-syntax tmpsymbol (c-point 'boi)))
+ ;; CASE 5A.2: we are looking at a class opening brace
+ ((save-excursion
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t{")
+ (let ((decl (c-search-uplist-for-classkey (c-parse-state))))
+ (and decl
+ (setq placeholder (aref decl 0)))
+ ))
+ (c-add-syntax 'class-open placeholder))
+ ;; CASE 5A.3: brace list open
+ ((save-excursion
+ (c-beginning-of-decl-1 lim)
+ (while (looking-at c-specifier-key)
+ (goto-char (match-end 1))
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point))
+ (setq placeholder (c-point 'boi))
+ (or (consp special-brace-list)
+ (and (or (save-excursion
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (setq tmpsymbol nil)
+ (while (and (> (point) placeholder)
+ (zerop (c-backward-token-2 1 t))
+ (/= (char-after) ?=))
+ (and c-opt-inexpr-brace-list-key
+ (not tmpsymbol)
+ (looking-at c-opt-inexpr-brace-list-key)
+ (setq tmpsymbol 'topmost-intro-cont)))
+ (eq (char-after) ?=))
+ (looking-at c-brace-list-key))
+ (save-excursion
+ (while (and (< (point) indent-point)
+ (zerop (c-forward-token-2 1 t))
+ (not (memq (char-after) '(?\; ?\()))))
+ (not (memq (char-after) '(?\; ?\()))
+ ))))
+ (if (and (not c-auto-newline-analysis)
+ (c-major-mode-is 'java-mode)
+ (eq tmpsymbol 'topmost-intro-cont))
+ ;; We're in Java and have found that the open brace
+ ;; belongs to a "new Foo[]" initialization list,
+ ;; which means the brace list is part of an
+ ;; expression and not a top level definition. We
+ ;; therefore treat it as any topmost continuation
+ ;; even though the semantically correct symbol still
+ ;; is brace-list-open, on the same grounds as in
+ ;; case B.2.
+ (progn
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (c-add-syntax 'topmost-intro-cont (c-point 'boi)))
+ (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-open placeholder)))
+ ;; CASE 5A.4: inline defun open
+ ((and inclass-p (not inenclosing-p))
+ (c-add-syntax 'inline-open)
+ (c-add-class-syntax 'inclass inclass-p paren-state))
+ ;; CASE 5A.5: ordinary defun open
+ (t
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (if (or inclass-p macro-start)
+ (c-add-syntax 'defun-open (c-point 'boi))
+ ;; Bogus to use bol here, but it's the legacy.
+ (c-add-syntax 'defun-open (c-point 'bol)))
+ )))
+ ;; CASE 5B: first K&R arg decl or member init
+ ((c-just-after-func-arglist-p lim)
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 5B.1: a member init
+ ((or (eq char-before-ip ?:)
+ (eq char-after-ip ?:))
+ ;; this line should be indented relative to the beginning
+ ;; of indentation for the topmost-intro line that contains
+ ;; the prototype's open paren
+ ;; TBD: is the following redundant?
+ (if (eq char-before-ip ?:)
+ (forward-char -1))
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
+ ;; TBD: is the preceding redundant?
+ (if (eq (char-before) ?:)
+ (progn (forward-char -1)
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)))
+ (if (eq (char-before) ?\))
+ (c-backward-sexp 1))
+ (setq placeholder (point))
+ (save-excursion
+ (and (c-safe (c-backward-sexp 1) t)
+ (looking-at "throw[^_]")
+ (c-safe (c-backward-sexp 1) t)
+ (setq placeholder (point))))
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (c-add-syntax 'member-init-intro (c-point 'boi))
+ ;; we don't need to add any class offset since this
+ ;; should be relative to the ctor's indentation
+ )
+ ;; CASE 5B.2: K&R arg decl intro
+ (c-recognize-knr-p
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (c-add-syntax 'knr-argdecl-intro (c-point 'boi))
+ (if inclass-p
+ (c-add-class-syntax 'inclass inclass-p paren-state)))
+ ;; CASE 5B.3: Inside a member init list.
+ ((c-beginning-of-member-init-list lim)
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
+ (c-add-syntax 'member-init-cont (point)))
+ ;; CASE 5B.4: Nether region after a C++ or Java func
+ ;; decl, which could include a `throws' declaration.
+ (t
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (c-add-syntax 'func-decl-cont (c-point 'boi))
+ )))
+ ;; CASE 5C: inheritance line. could be first inheritance
+ ;; line, or continuation of a multiple inheritance
+ ((or (and (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
+ (progn
+ (when (eq char-after-ip ?,)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ (forward-char))
+ (looking-at c-opt-postfix-decl-spec-key)))
+ (and (or (eq char-before-ip ?:)
+ ;; watch out for scope operator
+ (save-excursion
+ (and (eq char-after-ip ?:)
+ (c-safe (forward-char 1) t)
+ (not (eq (char-after) ?:))
+ )))
+ (save-excursion
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
+ (if (eq char-before-ip ?:)
+ (progn
+ (forward-char -1)
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)))
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (looking-at c-class-key)))
+ ;; for Java
+ (and (c-major-mode-is 'java-mode)
+ (let ((fence (save-excursion
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (point)))
+ cont done)
+ (save-excursion
+ (while (not done)
+ (cond ((looking-at c-opt-postfix-decl-spec-key)
+ (setq injava-inher (cons cont (point))
+ done t))
+ ((or (not (c-safe (c-forward-sexp -1) t))
+ (<= (point) fence))
+ (setq done t))
+ )
+ (setq cont t)))
+ injava-inher)
+ (not (c-crosses-statement-barrier-p (cdr injava-inher)
+ (point)))
+ ))
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 5C.1: non-hanging colon on an inher intro
+ ((eq char-after-ip ?:)
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (c-add-syntax 'inher-intro (c-point 'boi))
+ ;; don't add inclass symbol since relative point already
+ ;; contains any class offset
+ )
+ ;; CASE 5C.2: hanging colon on an inher intro
+ ((eq char-before-ip ?:)
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (c-add-syntax 'inher-intro (c-point 'boi))
+ (if inclass-p
+ (c-add-class-syntax 'inclass inclass-p paren-state)))
+ ;; CASE kde hack:
+ ((and inclass-p
+ c-access-key
+ (looking-at c-access-key))
+ (c-add-syntax 'access-label (c-point 'bonl))
+ (c-add-class-syntax 'inclass inclass-p paren-state)
+ )
+ ;; CASE 5C.3: in a Java implements/extends
+ (injava-inher
+ (let ((where (cdr injava-inher))
+ (cont (car injava-inher)))
+ (goto-char where)
+ (cond ((looking-at "throws\\>[^_]")
+ (c-add-syntax 'func-decl-cont
+ (progn (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (c-point 'boi))))
+ (cont (c-add-syntax 'inher-cont where))
+ (t (c-add-syntax 'inher-intro
+ (progn (goto-char (cdr injava-inher))
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (point))))
+ )))
+ ;; CASE 5C.4: a continued inheritance line
+ (t
+ (c-beginning-of-inheritance-list lim)
+ (c-add-syntax 'inher-cont (point))
+ ;; don't add inclass symbol since relative point already
+ ;; contains any class offset
+ )))
+ ;; CASE 5D: this could be a top-level initialization, a
+ ;; member init list continuation, or a template argument
+ ;; list continuation.
+ ((c-with-syntax-table (if (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
+ c++-template-syntax-table
+ (syntax-table))
+ (save-excursion
+ ;; Note: We use the fact that lim is always after any
+ ;; preceding brace sexp.
+ (while (and (zerop (c-backward-token-2 1 t lim))
+ (not (looking-at "[;<,=]"))))
+ (or (memq (char-after) '(?, ?=))
+ (and (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
+ (zerop (c-backward-token-2 1 nil lim))
+ (eq (char-after) ?<)))))
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (setq placeholder
+ (c-beginning-of-member-init-list lim))
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 5D.1: hanging member init colon, but watch out
+ ;; for bogus matches on access specifiers inside classes.
+ ((and placeholder
+ (save-excursion
+ (setq placeholder (point))
+ (c-backward-token-2 1 t lim)
+ (and (eq (char-after) ?:)
+ (not (eq (char-before) ?:))))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (or
+ (/= (car (save-excursion
+ (parse-partial-sexp (point) placeholder)))
+ 0)
+ (and
+ (if c-opt-access-key
+ (not (looking-at c-opt-access-key)) t)
+ (not (looking-at c-class-key))
+ (if c-opt-bitfield-key
+ (not (looking-at c-opt-bitfield-key)) t))
+ )))
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
+ (c-add-syntax 'member-init-cont (point))
+ ;; we do not need to add class offset since relative
+ ;; point is the member init above us
+ )
+ ;; CASE 5D.2: non-hanging member init colon
+ ((progn
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point)
+ (eq (char-after) ?:))
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t:")
+ (c-add-syntax 'member-init-cont (point)))
+ ;; CASE 5D.3: perhaps a template list continuation?
+ ((and (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
+ (save-excursion
+ (save-restriction
+ (c-with-syntax-table c++-template-syntax-table
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (setq placeholder (c-up-list-backward (point)))
+ (and placeholder
+ (eq (char-after placeholder) ?<))))))
+ ;; we can probably indent it just like an arglist-cont
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim t)
+ (c-add-syntax 'template-args-cont (c-point 'boi)))
+ ;; CASE 5D.4: perhaps a multiple inheritance line?
+ ((and (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
+ (save-excursion
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (setq placeholder (point))
+ (if (looking-at "static\\>[^_]")
+ (c-forward-token-2 1 nil indent-point))
+ (and (looking-at c-class-key)
+ (zerop (c-forward-token-2 2 nil indent-point))
+ (if (eq (char-after) ?<)
+ (c-with-syntax-table c++-template-syntax-table
+ (zerop (c-forward-token-2 1 t indent-point)))
+ t)
+ (eq (char-after) ?:))))
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (c-add-syntax 'inher-cont (c-point 'boi)))
+ ;; CASE 5D.5: Continuation of the "expression part" of a
+ ;; top level construct.
+ (t
+ (while (and (eq (car (c-beginning-of-decl-1 containing-sexp))
+ 'same)
+ (save-excursion
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
+ (eq (char-before) ?}))))
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax
+ (if (eq char-before-ip ?,)
+ ;; A preceding comma at the top level means that a
+ ;; new variable declaration starts here. Use
+ ;; topmost-intro-cont for it, for consistency with
+ ;; the first variable declaration. C.f. case 5N.
+ 'topmost-intro-cont
+ 'statement-cont)
+ nil nil nil containing-sexp paren-state))
+ ))
+ ;; CASE 5E: we are looking at a access specifier
+ ((and inclass-p
+ c-opt-access-key
+ (looking-at c-opt-access-key))
+ (setq placeholder (c-add-class-syntax 'inclass inclass-p
+ paren-state))
+ ;; Append access-label with the same anchor point as inclass gets.
+ (c-append-syntax 'access-label placeholder))
+ ;; CASE 5F: Close of a non-class declaration level block.
+ ((and inenclosing-p
+ (eq char-after-ip ?}))
+ (c-add-syntax (intern (concat inenclosing-p "-close"))
+ (aref inclass-p 0)))
+ ;; CASE 5G: we are looking at the brace which closes the
+ ;; enclosing nested class decl
+ ((and inclass-p
+ (eq char-after-ip ?})
+ (save-excursion
+ (save-restriction
+ (widen)
+ (forward-char 1)
+ (and (c-safe (c-backward-sexp 1) t)
+ (= (point) (aref inclass-p 1))
+ ))))
+ (c-add-class-syntax 'class-close inclass-p paren-state))
+ ;; CASE 5H: we could be looking at subsequent knr-argdecls
+ ((and c-recognize-knr-p
+ (not (eq char-before-ip ?}))
+ (save-excursion
+ (setq placeholder (cdr (c-beginning-of-decl-1 lim)))
+ (and placeholder
+ ;; Do an extra check to avoid tripping up on
+ ;; statements that occur in invalid contexts
+ ;; (e.g. in macro bodies where we don't really
+ ;; know the context of what we're looking at).
+ (not (and c-opt-block-stmt-key
+ (looking-at c-opt-block-stmt-key)))))
+ (< placeholder indent-point))
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (c-add-syntax 'knr-argdecl (point)))
+ ;; CASE 5I: ObjC method definition.
+ ((and c-opt-method-key
+ (looking-at c-opt-method-key))
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (c-add-syntax 'objc-method-intro (c-point 'boi)))
+ ;; CASE 5P: AWK pattern or function or continuation
+ ;; thereof.
+ ((c-mode-is-new-awk-p)
+ (setq placeholder (point))
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax
+ (if (and (eq (c-beginning-of-statement-1) 'same)
+ (/= (point) placeholder))
+ 'topmost-intro-cont
+ 'topmost-intro)
+ nil nil nil
+ containing-sexp paren-state))
+ ;; CASE 5N: At a variable declaration that follows a class
+ ;; definition or some other block declaration that doesn't
+ ;; end at the closing '}'. C.f. case 5D.5.
+ ((progn
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
+ (and (eq (char-before) ?})
+ (save-excursion
+ (let ((start (point)))
+ (if paren-state
+ ;; Speed up the backward search a bit.
+ (goto-char (car (car paren-state))))
+ (c-beginning-of-decl-1 containing-sexp)
+ (setq placeholder (point))
+ (if (= start (point))
+ ;; The '}' is unbalanced.
+ nil
+ (c-end-of-decl-1)
+ (>= (point) indent-point))))))
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'topmost-intro-cont nil nil nil
+ containing-sexp paren-state))
+ ;; CASE 5J: we are at the topmost level, make
+ ;; sure we skip back past any access specifiers
+ ((progn
+ (while (and inclass-p
+ c-opt-access-key
+ (not (bobp))
+ (save-excursion
+ (c-safe (progn (c-backward-sexp 1) t))
+ (and (looking-at "slots:")
+ (c-backward-sexp 1))
+ (looking-at c-opt-access-key)))
+ (c-backward-sexp 1)
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim))
+ (or (bobp)
+ (if (c-mode-is-new-awk-p)
+ (not (c-awk-prev-line-incomplete-p))
+ (memq (char-before) '(?\; ?})))
+ (and (c-major-mode-is 'objc-mode)
+ (progn
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (eq (char-after) ?@)))))
+ ;; real beginning-of-line could be narrowed out due to
+ ;; enclosure in a class block
+ (save-restriction
+ (widen)
+ (c-add-syntax 'topmost-intro (c-point 'bol))
+ ;; Using bol instead of boi above is highly bogus, and
+ ;; it makes our lives hard to remain compatible. :P
+ (if inclass-p
+ (progn
+ (goto-char (aref inclass-p 1))
+ (or (= (point) (c-point 'boi))
+ (goto-char (aref inclass-p 0)))
+ (if inenclosing-p
+ (c-add-syntax (intern (concat "in" inenclosing-p))
+ (c-point 'boi))
+ (c-add-class-syntax 'inclass inclass-p paren-state))
+ ))
+ (when (and c-syntactic-indentation-in-macros
+ macro-start
+ (/= macro-start (c-point 'boi indent-point)))
+ (c-add-syntax 'cpp-define-intro)
+ (setq macro-start nil))
+ ))
+ ;; CASE 5K: we are at an ObjC method definition
+ ;; continuation line.
+ ((and c-opt-method-key
+ (progn
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (looking-at c-opt-method-key)))
+ (c-add-syntax 'objc-method-args-cont (point)))
+ ;; CASE 5L: we are at the first argument of a template
+ ;; arglist that begins on the previous line.
+ ((eq (char-before) ?<)
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 (c-safe-position (point) paren-state))
+ (c-add-syntax 'template-args-cont (c-point 'boi)))
+ ;; CASE 5M: we are at a topmost continuation line
+ (t
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 (c-safe-position (point) paren-state))
+ (c-add-syntax 'topmost-intro-cont (c-point 'boi)))
+ ))
+ ;; (CASE 6 has been removed.)
+ ;; CASE 7: line is an expression, not a statement. Most
+ ;; likely we are either in a function prototype or a function
+ ;; call argument list
+ ((not (or (and c-special-brace-lists
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (c-looking-at-special-brace-list)))
+ (eq (char-after containing-sexp) ?{)))
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 7A: we are looking at the arglist closing paren.
+ ;; C.f. case 7F.
+ ((memq char-after-ip '(?\) ?\]))
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (setq placeholder (c-point 'boi))
+ (if (and (c-safe (backward-up-list 1) t)
+ (> (point) placeholder))
+ (progn
+ (forward-char)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t"))
+ (goto-char placeholder))
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'arglist-close (list containing-sexp) t nil
+ (c-most-enclosing-brace paren-state (point))
+ (c-whack-state-after (point) paren-state)))
+ ;; CASE 7B: Looking at the opening brace of an
+ ;; in-expression block or brace list. C.f. cases 4, 16A
+ ;; and 17E.
+ ((and (eq char-after-ip ?{)
+ (progn
+ (setq placeholder (c-inside-bracelist-p (point)
+ c-state-cache))
+ (if placeholder
+ (setq tmpsymbol '(brace-list-open . inexpr-class))
+ (setq tmpsymbol '(block-open . inexpr-statement)
+ placeholder
+ (cdr-safe (c-looking-at-inexpr-block
+ (c-safe-position containing-sexp
+ paren-state)
+ containing-sexp)))
+ ;; placeholder is nil if it's a block directly in
+ ;; a function arglist. That makes us skip out of
+ ;; this case.
+ )))
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax (car tmpsymbol) nil t nil
+ (c-most-enclosing-brace paren-state (point))
+ (c-whack-state-after (point) paren-state))
+ (if (/= (point) placeholder)
+ (c-add-syntax (cdr tmpsymbol))))
+ ;; CASE 7C: we are looking at the first argument in an empty
+ ;; argument list. Use arglist-close if we're actually
+ ;; looking at a close paren or bracket.
+ ((memq char-before-ip '(?\( ?\[))
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (setq placeholder (c-point 'boi))
+ (when (and (c-safe (backward-up-list 1) t)
+ (> (point) placeholder))
+ (forward-char)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ (setq placeholder (point)))
+ (c-add-syntax 'arglist-intro placeholder))
+ ;; CASE 7D: we are inside a conditional test clause. treat
+ ;; these things as statements
+ ((progn
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (and (c-safe (c-forward-sexp -1) t)
+ (looking-at "\\<for\\>[^_]")))
+ (goto-char (1+ containing-sexp))
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point)
+ (if (eq char-before-ip ?\;)
+ (c-add-syntax 'statement (point))
+ (c-add-syntax 'statement-cont (point))
+ ))
+ ;; CASE 7E: maybe a continued ObjC method call. This is the
+ ;; case when we are inside a [] bracketed exp, and what
+ ;; precede the opening bracket is not an identifier.
+ ((and c-opt-method-key
+ (eq (char-after containing-sexp) ?\[)
+ (progn
+ (goto-char (1- containing-sexp))
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws (c-point 'bod))
+ (if (not (looking-at c-symbol-key))
+ (c-add-syntax 'objc-method-call-cont containing-sexp))
+ )))
+ ;; CASE 7F: we are looking at an arglist continuation line,
+ ;; but the preceding argument is on the same line as the
+ ;; opening paren. This case includes multi-line
+ ;; mathematical paren groupings, but we could be on a
+ ;; for-list continuation line. C.f. case 7A.
+ ((progn
+ (goto-char (1+ containing-sexp))
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ (and (not (eolp))
+ (not (looking-at "\\\\$"))))
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (setq placeholder (c-point 'boi))
+ (if (and (c-safe (backward-up-list 1) t)
+ (> (point) placeholder))
+ (progn
+ (forward-char)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t"))
+ (goto-char placeholder))
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'arglist-cont-nonempty (list containing-sexp)
+ t nil
+ (c-most-enclosing-brace c-state-cache (point))
+ (c-whack-state-after (point) paren-state)))
+ ;; CASE 7G: we are looking at just a normal arglist
+ ;; continuation line
+ (t (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point)
+ (c-add-syntax 'arglist-cont (c-point 'boi)))
+ ))
+ ;; CASE 8: func-local multi-inheritance line
+ ((and (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ (looking-at c-opt-postfix-decl-spec-key)))
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 8A: non-hanging colon on an inher intro
+ ((eq char-after-ip ?:)
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
+ (c-add-syntax 'inher-intro (c-point 'boi)))
+ ;; CASE 8B: hanging colon on an inher intro
+ ((eq char-before-ip ?:)
+ (c-add-syntax 'inher-intro (c-point 'boi)))
+ ;; CASE 8C: a continued inheritance line
+ (t
+ (c-beginning-of-inheritance-list lim)
+ (c-add-syntax 'inher-cont (point))
+ )))
+ ;; CASE 9: we are inside a brace-list
+ ((and (not (c-mode-is-new-awk-p)) ; Maybe this isn't needed (ACM, 2002/3/29)
+ (setq special-brace-list
+ (or (and c-special-brace-lists
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (c-looking-at-special-brace-list)))
+ (c-inside-bracelist-p containing-sexp paren-state))))
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 9A: In the middle of a special brace list opener.
+ ((and (consp special-brace-list)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (eq (char-after) ?\())
+ (eq char-after-ip (car (cdr special-brace-list))))
+ (goto-char (car (car special-brace-list)))
+ (skip-chars-backward " \t")
+ (if (and (bolp)
+ (assoc 'statement-cont
+ (setq placeholder (c-guess-basic-syntax))))
+ (setq c-syntactic-context placeholder)
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1
+ (c-safe-position (1- containing-sexp) paren-state))
+ (c-forward-token-2 0)
+ (while (looking-at c-specifier-key)
+ (goto-char (match-end 1))
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws))
+ (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-open (c-point 'boi))))
+ ;; CASE 9B: brace-list-close brace
+ ((if (consp special-brace-list)
+ ;; Check special brace list closer.
+ (progn
+ (goto-char (car (car special-brace-list)))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (or
+ ;; We were between the special close char and the `)'.
+ (and (eq (char-after) ?\))
+ (eq (1+ (point)) (cdr (car special-brace-list))))
+ ;; We were before the special close char.
+ (and (eq (char-after) (cdr (cdr special-brace-list)))
+ (zerop (c-forward-token-2))
+ (eq (1+ (point)) (cdr (car special-brace-list)))))))
+ ;; Normal brace list check.
+ (and (eq char-after-ip ?})
+ (c-safe (goto-char (c-up-list-backward (point))) t)
+ (= (point) containing-sexp)))
+ (if (eq (point) (c-point 'boi))
+ (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-close (point))
+ (setq lim (c-most-enclosing-brace c-state-cache (point)))
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'brace-list-close nil t t lim
+ (c-whack-state-after (point) paren-state))))
+ (t
+ ;; Prepare for the rest of the cases below by going to the
+ ;; token following the opening brace
+ (if (consp special-brace-list)
+ (progn
+ (goto-char (car (car special-brace-list)))
+ (c-forward-token-2 1 nil indent-point))
+ (goto-char containing-sexp))
+ (forward-char)
+ (let ((start (point)))
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point)
+ (goto-char (max start (c-point 'bol))))
+ (c-skip-ws-forward indent-point)
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 9C: we're looking at the first line in a brace-list
+ ((= (point) indent-point)
+ (if (consp special-brace-list)
+ (goto-char (car (car special-brace-list)))
+ (goto-char containing-sexp))
+ (if (eq (point) (c-point 'boi))
+ (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-intro (point))
+ (setq lim (c-most-enclosing-brace c-state-cache (point)))
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'brace-list-intro nil t t lim
+ (c-whack-state-after (point) paren-state))))
+ ;; CASE 9D: this is just a later brace-list-entry or
+ ;; brace-entry-open
+ (t (if (or (eq char-after-ip ?{)
+ (and c-special-brace-lists
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws (c-point 'eol))
+ (c-looking-at-special-brace-list (point)))))
+ (c-add-syntax 'brace-entry-open (point))
+ (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-entry (point))
+ ))
+ ))))
+ ;; CASE 10: A continued statement or top level construct.
+ ((and (if (c-mode-is-new-awk-p)
+ (c-awk-prev-line-incomplete-p containing-sexp) ; ACM 2002/3/29
+ (and (not (memq char-before-ip '(?\; ?:)))
+ (or (not (eq char-before-ip ?}))
+ (c-looking-at-inexpr-block-backward c-state-cache))))
+ (> (point)
+ (save-excursion
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 containing-sexp)
+ (setq placeholder (point))))
+ (/= placeholder containing-sexp))
+ ;; This is shared with case 18.
+ (c-guess-continued-construct indent-point
+ char-after-ip
+ placeholder
+ containing-sexp
+ paren-state))
+ ;; CASE 14: A case or default label
+ ((looking-at c-label-kwds-regexp)
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (setq lim (c-most-enclosing-brace c-state-cache containing-sexp))
+ (c-backward-to-block-anchor lim)
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'case-label nil t nil
+ lim paren-state))
+ ;; CASE 15: any other label
+ ((looking-at c-label-key)
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (setq lim (c-most-enclosing-brace c-state-cache containing-sexp))
+ (save-excursion
+ (setq tmpsymbol
+ (if (and (eq (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim) 'up)
+ (looking-at "switch\\>[^_]"))
+ ;; If the surrounding statement is a switch then
+ ;; let's analyze all labels as switch labels, so
+ ;; that they get lined up consistently.
+ 'case-label
+ 'label)))
+ (c-backward-to-block-anchor lim)
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax tmpsymbol nil t nil
+ lim paren-state))
+ ;; CASE 16: block close brace, possibly closing the defun or
+ ;; the class
+ ((eq char-after-ip ?})
+ ;; From here on we have the next containing sexp in lim.
+ (setq lim (c-most-enclosing-brace paren-state))
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 16E: Closing a statement block? This catches
+ ;; cases where it's preceded by a statement keyword,
+ ;; which works even when used in an "invalid" context,
+ ;; e.g. a macro argument.
+ ((c-after-conditional)
+ (c-backward-to-block-anchor lim)
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'block-close nil t nil
+ lim paren-state))
+ ;; CASE 16A: closing a lambda defun or an in-expression
+ ;; block? C.f. cases 4, 7B and 17E.
+ ((setq placeholder (c-looking-at-inexpr-block
+ (c-safe-position containing-sexp paren-state)
+ nil))
+ (setq tmpsymbol (if (eq (car placeholder) 'inlambda)
+ 'inline-close
+ 'block-close))
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (if (= containing-sexp (point))
+ (c-add-syntax tmpsymbol (point))
+ (goto-char (cdr placeholder))
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax tmpsymbol nil t nil
+ (c-most-enclosing-brace paren-state (point))
+ (c-whack-state-after (point) paren-state))
+ (if (/= (point) (cdr placeholder))
+ (c-add-syntax (car placeholder)))))
+ ;; CASE 16B: does this close an inline or a function in
+ ;; a non-class declaration level block?
+ ((setq placeholder (c-search-uplist-for-classkey paren-state))
+ (c-backward-to-decl-anchor lim)
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (if (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (aref placeholder 0))
+ (looking-at c-other-decl-block-key))
+ (c-add-syntax 'defun-close (point))
+ (c-add-syntax 'inline-close (point))))
+ ;; CASE 16F: Can be a defun-close of a function declared
+ ;; in a statement block, e.g. in Pike or when using gcc
+ ;; extensions. Might also trigger it with some macros
+ ;; followed by blocks, and this gives sane indentation
+ ;; then too. Let it through to be handled below.
+ ;; C.f. cases B.3 and 17G.
+ ((and (not inenclosing-p)
+ lim
+ (save-excursion
+ (and (not (c-looking-at-bos))
+ (eq (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim nil nil t) 'same)
+ (setq placeholder (point)))))
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (if (/= (point) containing-sexp)
+ (goto-char placeholder))
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'defun-close nil t nil
+ lim paren-state))
+ ;; CASE 16C: if there an enclosing brace that hasn't
+ ;; been narrowed out by a class, then this is a
+ ;; block-close. C.f. case 17H.
+ ((and (not inenclosing-p) lim)
+ ;; If the block is preceded by a case/switch label on
+ ;; the same line, we anchor at the first preceding label
+ ;; at boi. The default handling in c-add-stmt-syntax is
+ ;; really fixes it better, but we do like this to keep
+ ;; the indentation compatible with version 5.28 and
+ ;; earlier.
+ (while (and (/= (setq placeholder (point)) (c-point 'boi))
+ (eq (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim) 'label)))
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (if (looking-at c-label-kwds-regexp)
+ (c-add-syntax 'block-close (point))
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ ;; c-backward-to-block-anchor not necessary here; those
+ ;; situations are handled in case 16E above.
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'block-close nil t nil
+ lim paren-state)))
+ ;; CASE 16D: find out whether we're closing a top-level
+ ;; class or a defun
+ (t
+ (save-restriction
+ (narrow-to-region (point-min) indent-point)
+ (let ((decl (c-search-uplist-for-classkey (c-parse-state))))
+ (if decl
+ (c-add-class-syntax 'class-close decl paren-state)
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (c-backward-to-decl-anchor lim)
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (c-add-syntax 'defun-close (point)))))
+ )))
+ ;; CASE 17: Statement or defun catchall.
+ (t
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ ;; Back up statements until we find one that starts at boi.
+ (while (let* ((prev-point (point))
+ (last-step-type (c-beginning-of-statement-1
+ containing-sexp)))
+ (if (= (point) prev-point)
+ (progn
+ (setq step-type (or step-type last-step-type))
+ nil)
+ (setq step-type last-step-type)
+ (/= (point) (c-point 'boi)))))
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 17B: continued statement
+ ((and (eq step-type 'same)
+ (/= (point) indent-point))
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'statement-cont nil nil nil
+ containing-sexp paren-state))
+ ;; CASE 17A: After a case/default label?
+ ((progn
+ (while (and (eq step-type 'label)
+ (not (looking-at c-label-kwds-regexp)))
+ (setq step-type
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 containing-sexp)))
+ (eq step-type 'label))
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax (if (eq char-after-ip ?{)
+ 'statement-case-open
+ 'statement-case-intro)
+ nil t nil containing-sexp paren-state))
+ ;; CASE 17D: any old statement
+ ((progn
+ (while (eq step-type 'label)
+ (setq step-type
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 containing-sexp)))
+ (eq step-type 'previous))
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'statement nil t nil
+ containing-sexp paren-state)
+ (if (eq char-after-ip ?{)
+ (c-add-syntax 'block-open)))
+ ;; CASE 17I: Inside a substatement block.
+ ((progn
+ ;; The following tests are all based on containing-sexp.
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ ;; From here on we have the next containing sexp in lim.
+ (setq lim (c-most-enclosing-brace paren-state containing-sexp))
+ (c-after-conditional))
+ (c-backward-to-block-anchor lim)
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'statement-block-intro nil t nil
+ lim paren-state)
+ (if (eq char-after-ip ?{)
+ (c-add-syntax 'block-open)))
+ ;; CASE 17E: first statement in an in-expression block.
+ ;; C.f. cases 4, 7B and 16A.
+ ((setq placeholder (c-looking-at-inexpr-block
+ (c-safe-position containing-sexp paren-state)
+ nil))
+ (setq tmpsymbol (if (eq (car placeholder) 'inlambda)
+ 'defun-block-intro
+ 'statement-block-intro))
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (if (= containing-sexp (point))
+ (c-add-syntax tmpsymbol (point))
+ (goto-char (cdr placeholder))
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax tmpsymbol nil t nil
+ (c-most-enclosing-brace c-state-cache (point))
+ (c-whack-state-after (point) paren-state))
+ (if (/= (point) (cdr placeholder))
+ (c-add-syntax (car placeholder))))
+ (if (eq char-after-ip ?{)
+ (c-add-syntax 'block-open)))
+ ;; CASE 17F: first statement in an inline, or first
+ ;; statement in a top-level defun. we can tell this is it
+ ;; if there are no enclosing braces that haven't been
+ ;; narrowed out by a class (i.e. don't use bod here).
+ ((save-excursion
+ (save-restriction
+ (widen)
+ (c-narrow-out-enclosing-class paren-state containing-sexp)
+ (not (c-most-enclosing-brace paren-state))))
+ (c-backward-to-decl-anchor lim)
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (c-add-syntax 'defun-block-intro (point)))
+ ;; CASE 17G: First statement in a function declared inside
+ ;; a normal block. This can occur in Pike and with
+ ;; e.g. the gcc extensions. Might also trigger it with
+ ;; some macros followed by blocks, and this gives sane
+ ;; indentation then too. C.f. cases B.3 and 16F.
+ ((save-excursion
+ (and (not (c-looking-at-bos))
+ (eq (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim nil nil t) 'same)
+ (setq placeholder (point))))
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (if (/= (point) containing-sexp)
+ (goto-char placeholder))
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'defun-block-intro nil t nil
+ lim paren-state))
+ ;; CASE 17H: First statement in a block. C.f. case 16C.
+ (t
+ ;; If the block is preceded by a case/switch label on the
+ ;; same line, we anchor at the first preceding label at
+ ;; boi. The default handling in c-add-stmt-syntax is
+ ;; really fixes it better, but we do like this to keep the
+ ;; indentation compatible with version 5.28 and earlier.
+ (while (and (/= (setq placeholder (point)) (c-point 'boi))
+ (eq (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim) 'label)))
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (if (looking-at c-label-kwds-regexp)
+ (c-add-syntax 'statement-block-intro (point))
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ ;; c-backward-to-block-anchor not necessary here; those
+ ;; situations are handled in case 17I above.
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'statement-block-intro nil t nil
+ lim paren-state))
+ (if (eq char-after-ip ?{)
+ (c-add-syntax 'block-open)))
+ ))
+ )
+ ;; now we need to look at any modifiers
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ ;; are we looking at a comment only line?
+ (when (and (looking-at c-comment-start-regexp)
+ (/= (c-forward-token-2 0 nil (c-point 'eol)) 0))
+ (c-append-syntax 'comment-intro))
+ ;; we might want to give additional offset to friends (in C++).
+ (when (and c-opt-friend-key
+ (looking-at c-opt-friend-key))
+ (c-append-syntax 'friend))
+ ;; Set syntactic-relpos.
+ (let ((p c-syntactic-context))
+ (while (and p
+ (if (integerp (car-safe (cdr-safe (car p))))
+ (progn
+ (setq syntactic-relpos (car (cdr (car p))))
+ nil)
+ t))
+ (setq p (cdr p))))
+ ;; Start of or a continuation of a preprocessor directive?
+ (if (and macro-start
+ (eq macro-start (c-point 'boi))
+ (not (and (c-major-mode-is 'pike-mode)
+ (eq (char-after (1+ macro-start)) ?\"))))
+ (c-append-syntax 'cpp-macro)
+ (when (and c-syntactic-indentation-in-macros macro-start)
+ (if in-macro-expr
+ (when (or
+ (< syntactic-relpos macro-start)
+ (not (or
+ (assq 'arglist-intro c-syntactic-context)
+ (assq 'arglist-cont c-syntactic-context)
+ (assq 'arglist-cont-nonempty c-syntactic-context)
+ (assq 'arglist-close c-syntactic-context))))
+ ;; If inside a cpp expression, i.e. anywhere in a
+ ;; cpp directive except a #define body, we only let
+ ;; through the syntactic analysis that is internal
+ ;; in the expression. That means the arglist
+ ;; elements, if they are anchored inside the cpp
+ ;; expression.
+ (setq c-syntactic-context nil)
+ (c-add-syntax 'cpp-macro-cont macro-start))
+ (when (and (eq macro-start syntactic-relpos)
+ (not (assq 'cpp-define-intro c-syntactic-context))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char macro-start)
+ (or (not (c-forward-to-cpp-define-body))
+ (<= (point) (c-point 'boi indent-point)))))
+ ;; Inside a #define body and the syntactic analysis is
+ ;; anchored on the start of the #define. In this case
+ ;; we add cpp-define-intro to get the extra
+ ;; indentation of the #define body.
+ (c-add-syntax 'cpp-define-intro)))))
+ ;; return the syntax
+ c-syntactic-context)))))
+ ((>= (string-to-number c-version) 5.29)
+ (defun c-guess-basic-syntax ()
+ "Return the syntactic context of the current line."
+ (save-excursion
+ (save-restriction
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (let* ((indent-point (point))
+ (case-fold-search nil)
+ (paren-state (c-parse-state))
+ literal containing-sexp char-before-ip char-after-ip lim
+ syntax placeholder c-in-literal-cache step-type
+ tmpsymbol keyword injava-inher special-brace-list
+ ;; narrow out any enclosing class or extern "C" block
+ (inclass-p (c-narrow-out-enclosing-class paren-state
+ indent-point))
+ ;; c-state-cache is shadowed here. That means we must
+ ;; not do any changes during the execution of this
+ ;; function, since c-check-state-cache then would change
+ ;; this local variable and leave a bogus value in the
+ ;; global one.
+ (c-state-cache (if inclass-p
+ (c-whack-state-before (point-min) paren-state)
+ paren-state))
+ (c-state-cache-start (point-min))
+ inenclosing-p macro-start in-macro-expr
+ ;; There's always at most one syntactic element which got
+ ;; a relpos. It's stored in syntactic-relpos.
+ syntactic-relpos
+ (c-stmt-delim-chars c-stmt-delim-chars))
+ ;; check for meta top-level enclosing constructs, possible
+ ;; extern language definitions, possibly (in C++) namespace
+ ;; definitions.
+ (save-excursion
+ (save-restriction
+ (widen)
+ (if (and inclass-p
+ (progn
+ (goto-char (aref inclass-p 0))
+ (looking-at c-other-decl-block-key)))
+ (let ((enclosing (match-string 1)))
+ (cond
+ ((string-equal enclosing "extern")
+ (setq inenclosing-p 'extern))
+ ((string-equal enclosing "namespace")
+ (setq inenclosing-p 'namespace))
+ )))))
+ ;; Init some position variables:
+ ;;
+ ;; containing-sexp is the open paren of the closest
+ ;; surrounding sexp or nil if there is none that hasn't been
+ ;; narrowed out.
+ ;;
+ ;; lim is the position after the closest preceding brace sexp
+ ;; (nested sexps are ignored), or the position after
+ ;; containing-sexp if there is none, or (point-min) if
+ ;; containing-sexp is nil.
+ ;;
+ ;; c-state-cache is the state from c-parse-state at
+ ;; indent-point, without any parens outside the region
+ ;; narrowed by c-narrow-out-enclosing-class.
+ ;;
+ ;; paren-state is the state from c-parse-state outside
+ ;; containing-sexp, or at indent-point if containing-sexp is
+ ;; nil. paren-state is not limited to the narrowed region, as
+ ;; opposed to c-state-cache.
+ (if c-state-cache
+ (progn
+ (setq containing-sexp (car paren-state)
+ paren-state (cdr paren-state))
+ (if (consp containing-sexp)
+ (progn
+ (setq lim (cdr containing-sexp))
+ (if (cdr c-state-cache)
+ ;; Ignore balanced paren. The next entry
+ ;; can't be another one.
+ (setq containing-sexp (car (cdr c-state-cache))
+ paren-state (cdr paren-state))
+ ;; If there is no surrounding open paren then
+ ;; put the last balanced pair back on paren-state.
+ (setq paren-state (cons containing-sexp paren-state)
+ containing-sexp nil)))
+ (setq lim (1+ containing-sexp))))
+ (setq lim (point-min)))
+ ;; If we're in a parenthesis list then ',' delimits the
+ ;; "statements" rather than being an operator (with the
+ ;; exception of the "for" clause). This difference is
+ ;; typically only noticeable when statements are used in macro
+ ;; arglists.
+ (when (and containing-sexp
+ (eq (char-after containing-sexp) ?\())
+ (setq c-stmt-delim-chars c-stmt-delim-chars-with-comma))
+ ;; cache char before and after indent point, and move point to
+ ;; the most likely position to perform the majority of tests
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
+ (setq char-before-ip (char-before))
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ (setq char-after-ip (char-after))
+ ;; are we in a literal?
+ (setq literal (c-in-literal lim))
+ ;; now figure out syntactic qualities of the current line
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 1: in a string.
+ ((eq literal 'string)
+ (c-add-syntax 'string (c-point 'bopl)))
+ ;; CASE 2: in a C or C++ style comment.
+ ((memq literal '(c c++))
+ (c-add-syntax literal (car (c-literal-limits lim))))
+ ;; CASE 3: in a cpp preprocessor macro continuation.
+ ((and (save-excursion
+ (when (c-beginning-of-macro)
+ (setq macro-start (point))))
+ (/= macro-start (c-point 'boi))
+ (progn
+ (setq tmpsymbol 'cpp-macro-cont)
+ (or (not c-syntactic-indentation-in-macros)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char macro-start)
+ ;; If at the beginning of the body of a #define
+ ;; directive then analyze as cpp-define-intro
+ ;; only. Go on with the syntactic analysis
+ ;; otherwise. in-macro-expr is set if we're in a
+ ;; cpp expression, i.e. before the #define body
+ ;; or anywhere in a non-#define directive.
+ (if (c-forward-to-cpp-define-body)
+ (let ((indent-boi (c-point 'boi indent-point)))
+ (setq in-macro-expr (> (point) indent-boi)
+ tmpsymbol 'cpp-define-intro)
+ (= (point) indent-boi))
+ (setq in-macro-expr t)
+ nil)))))
+ (c-add-syntax tmpsymbol macro-start)
+ (setq macro-start nil))
+ ;; CASE 11: an else clause?
+ ((looking-at "else\\>[^_]")
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 containing-sexp)
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'else-clause t containing-sexp paren-state))
+ ;; CASE 12: while closure of a do/while construct?
+ ((and (looking-at "while\\>[^_]")
+ (save-excursion
+ (prog1 (eq (c-beginning-of-statement-1 containing-sexp)
+ 'beginning)
+ (setq placeholder (point)))))
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'do-while-closure t containing-sexp paren-state))
+ ;; CASE 13: A catch or finally clause? This case is simpler
+ ;; than if-else and do-while, because a block is required
+ ;; after every try, catch and finally.
+ ((save-excursion
+ (and (cond ((c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
+ (looking-at "catch\\>[^_]"))
+ ((c-major-mode-is 'java-mode)
+ (looking-at "\\(catch\\|finally\\)\\>[^_]")))
+ (and (c-safe (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
+ (c-backward-sexp)
+ t)
+ (eq (char-after) ?{)
+ (c-safe (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
+ (c-backward-sexp)
+ t)
+ (if (eq (char-after) ?\()
+ (c-safe (c-backward-sexp) t)
+ t))
+ (looking-at "\\(try\\|catch\\)\\>[^_]")
+ (setq placeholder (point))))
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'catch-clause t containing-sexp paren-state))
+ ;; CASE 18: A substatement we can recognize by keyword.
+ ((save-excursion
+ (and c-opt-block-stmt-key
+ (not (eq char-before-ip ?\;))
+ (not (memq char-after-ip '(?\) ?\] ?,)))
+ (or (not (eq char-before-ip ?}))
+ (c-looking-at-inexpr-block-backward c-state-cache))
+ (> (point)
+ (progn
+ ;; Ought to cache the result from the
+ ;; c-beginning-of-statement-1 calls here.
+ (setq placeholder (point))
+ (while (eq (setq step-type
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim))
+ 'label))
+ (if (eq step-type 'previous)
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (setq placeholder (point))
+ (if (and (eq step-type 'same)
+ (not (looking-at c-opt-block-stmt-key)))
+ ;; Step up to the containing statement if we
+ ;; stayed in the same one.
+ (let (step)
+ (while (eq
+ (setq step
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim))
+ 'label))
+ (if (eq step 'up)
+ (setq placeholder (point))
+ ;; There was no containing statement afterall.
+ (goto-char placeholder)))))
+ placeholder))
+ (if (looking-at c-block-stmt-2-key)
+ ;; Require a parenthesis after these keywords.
+ ;; Necessary to catch e.g. synchronized in Java,
+ ;; which can be used both as statement and
+ ;; modifier.
+ (and (= (c-forward-token-1 1 nil) 0)
+ (eq (char-after) ?\())
+ (looking-at c-opt-block-stmt-key))))
+ (if (eq step-type 'up)
+ ;; CASE 18A: Simple substatement.
+ (progn
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (cond
+ ((eq char-after-ip ?{)
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'substatement-open nil
+ containing-sexp paren-state))
+ ((save-excursion
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (looking-at c-label-key))
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'substatement-label nil
+ containing-sexp paren-state))
+ (t
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'substatement nil
+ containing-sexp paren-state))))
+ ;; CASE 18B: Some other substatement. This is shared
+ ;; with case 10.
+ (c-guess-continued-construct indent-point
+ char-after-ip
+ placeholder
+ lim
+ paren-state)))
+ ;; CASE 4: In-expression statement. C.f. cases 7B, 16A and
+ ;; 17E.
+ ((and (or c-opt-inexpr-class-key
+ c-opt-inexpr-block-key
+ c-opt-lambda-key)
+ (setq placeholder (c-looking-at-inexpr-block
+ (c-safe-position containing-sexp paren-state)
+ containing-sexp)))
+ (setq tmpsymbol (assq (car placeholder)
+ '((inexpr-class . class-open)
+ (inexpr-statement . block-open))))
+ (if tmpsymbol
+ ;; It's a statement block or an anonymous class.
+ (setq tmpsymbol (cdr tmpsymbol))
+ ;; It's a Pike lambda. Check whether we are between the
+ ;; lambda keyword and the argument list or at the defun
+ ;; opener.
+ (setq tmpsymbol (if (eq char-after-ip ?{)
+ 'inline-open
+ 'lambda-intro-cont)))
+ (goto-char (cdr placeholder))
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax tmpsymbol t
+ (c-most-enclosing-brace c-state-cache (point))
+ (c-whack-state-after (point) paren-state))
+ (unless (eq (point) (cdr placeholder))
+ (c-add-syntax (car placeholder))))
+ ;; CASE 5: Line is at top level.
+ ((null containing-sexp)
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 5A: we are looking at a defun, brace list, class,
+ ;; or inline-inclass method opening brace
+ ((setq special-brace-list
+ (or (and c-special-brace-lists
+ (c-looking-at-special-brace-list))
+ (eq char-after-ip ?{)))
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 5A.1: extern language or namespace construct
+ ((save-excursion
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ (and (c-safe (progn (c-backward-sexp 2) t))
+ (looking-at c-other-decl-block-key)
+ (setq keyword (match-string 1)
+ placeholder (point))
+ (or (and (string-equal keyword "namespace")
+ (setq tmpsymbol 'namespace-open))
+ (and (string-equal keyword "extern")
+ (progn
+ (c-forward-sexp 1)
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
+ (eq (char-after) ?\"))
+ (setq tmpsymbol 'extern-lang-open)))
+ ))
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (c-add-syntax tmpsymbol (c-point 'boi)))
+ ;; CASE 5A.2: we are looking at a class opening brace
+ ((save-excursion
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t{")
+ (let ((decl (c-search-uplist-for-classkey (c-parse-state))))
+ (and decl
+ (setq placeholder (aref decl 0)))
+ ))
+ (c-add-syntax 'class-open placeholder))
+ ;; CASE 5A.3: brace list open
+ ((save-excursion
+ (c-beginning-of-decl-1 lim)
+ (if (looking-at "typedef\\>[^_]")
+ (progn (c-forward-sexp 1)
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point)))
+ (setq placeholder (c-point 'boi))
+ (or (consp special-brace-list)
+ (and (or (save-excursion
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (setq tmpsymbol nil)
+ (while (and (> (point) placeholder)
+ (= (c-backward-token-1 1 t) 0)
+ (/= (char-after) ?=))
+ (if (and (not tmpsymbol)
+ (looking-at "new\\>[^_]"))
+ (setq tmpsymbol 'topmost-intro-cont)))
+ (eq (char-after) ?=))
+ (looking-at "enum\\>[^_]"))
+ (save-excursion
+ (while (and (< (point) indent-point)
+ (= (c-forward-token-1 1 t) 0)
+ (not (memq (char-after) '(?\; ?\()))))
+ (not (memq (char-after) '(?\; ?\()))
+ ))))
+ (if (and (c-major-mode-is 'java-mode)
+ (eq tmpsymbol 'topmost-intro-cont))
+ ;; We're in Java and have found that the open brace
+ ;; belongs to a "new Foo[]" initialization list,
+ ;; which means the brace list is part of an
+ ;; expression and not a top level definition. We
+ ;; therefore treat it as any topmost continuation
+ ;; even though the semantically correct symbol still
+ ;; is brace-list-open, on the same grounds as in
+ ;; case 10B.2.
+ (progn
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (c-add-syntax 'topmost-intro-cont (c-point 'boi)))
+ (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-open placeholder)))
+ ;; CASE 5A.4: inline defun open
+ ((and inclass-p (not inenclosing-p))
+ (c-add-syntax 'inline-open)
+ (c-add-class-syntax 'inclass inclass-p paren-state))
+ ;; CASE 5A.5: ordinary defun open
+ (t
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (if (or inclass-p macro-start)
+ (c-add-syntax 'defun-open (c-point 'boi))
+ ;; Bogus to use bol here, but it's the legacy.
+ (c-add-syntax 'defun-open (c-point 'bol)))
+ )))
+ ;; CASE 5B: first K&R arg decl or member init
+ ((c-just-after-func-arglist-p nil lim)
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 5B.1: a member init
+ ((or (eq char-before-ip ?:)
+ (eq char-after-ip ?:))
+ ;; this line should be indented relative to the beginning
+ ;; of indentation for the topmost-intro line that contains
+ ;; the prototype's open paren
+ ;; TBD: is the following redundant?
+ (if (eq char-before-ip ?:)
+ (forward-char -1))
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
+ ;; TBD: is the preceding redundant?
+ (if (eq (char-before) ?:)
+ (progn (forward-char -1)
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)))
+ (if (eq (char-before) ?\))
+ (c-backward-sexp 1))
+ (setq placeholder (point))
+ (save-excursion
+ (and (c-safe (c-backward-sexp 1) t)
+ (looking-at "throw[^_]")
+ (c-safe (c-backward-sexp 1) t)
+ (setq placeholder (point))))
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (c-add-syntax 'member-init-intro (c-point 'boi))
+ ;; we don't need to add any class offset since this
+ ;; should be relative to the ctor's indentation
+ )
+ ;; CASE 5B.2: K&R arg decl intro
+ (c-recognize-knr-p
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (c-add-syntax 'knr-argdecl-intro (c-point 'boi))
+ (if inclass-p
+ (c-add-class-syntax 'inclass inclass-p paren-state)))
+ ;; CASE 5B.3: Inside a member init list.
+ ((c-beginning-of-member-init-list lim)
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
+ (c-add-syntax 'member-init-cont (point)))
+ ;; CASE 5B.4: Nether region after a C++ or Java func
+ ;; decl, which could include a `throws' declaration.
+ (t
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (c-add-syntax 'func-decl-cont (c-point 'boi))
+ )))
+ ;; CASE 5C: inheritance line. could be first inheritance
+ ;; line, or continuation of a multiple inheritance
+ ((or (and (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
+ (progn
+ (when (eq char-after-ip ?,)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ (forward-char))
+ (looking-at c-opt-decl-spec-key)))
+ (and (or (eq char-before-ip ?:)
+ ;; watch out for scope operator
+ (save-excursion
+ (and (eq char-after-ip ?:)
+ (c-safe (progn (forward-char 1) t))
+ (not (eq (char-after) ?:))
+ )))
+ (save-excursion
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
+ (if (eq char-before-ip ?:)
+ (progn
+ (forward-char -1)
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)))
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (looking-at c-class-key)))
+ ;; for Java
+ (and (c-major-mode-is 'java-mode)
+ (let ((fence (save-excursion
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (point)))
+ cont done)
+ (save-excursion
+ (while (not done)
+ (cond ((looking-at c-opt-decl-spec-key)
+ (setq injava-inher (cons cont (point))
+ done t))
+ ((or (not (c-safe (c-forward-sexp -1) t))
+ (<= (point) fence))
+ (setq done t))
+ )
+ (setq cont t)))
+ injava-inher)
+ (not (c-crosses-statement-barrier-p (cdr injava-inher)
+ (point)))
+ ))
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 5C.1: non-hanging colon on an inher intro
+ ((eq char-after-ip ?:)
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (c-add-syntax 'inher-intro (c-point 'boi))
+ ;; don't add inclass symbol since relative point already
+ ;; contains any class offset
+ )
+ ;; CASE 5C.2: hanging colon on an inher intro
+ ((eq char-before-ip ?:)
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (c-add-syntax 'inher-intro (c-point 'boi))
+ (if inclass-p
+ (c-add-class-syntax 'inclass inclass-p paren-state)))
+ ;; KDE Hack Start:
+ ((and inclass-p
+ c-access-key
+ (looking-at c-access-key))
+ (c-add-syntax 'access-label (c-point 'bonl))
+ (setq placeholder (c-add-class-syntax 'inclass inclass-p
+ paren-state)))
+ ;;(nconc syntax (list (cons 'access-label placeholder))))
+ ;; KDE Hack End.
+ ;; CASE 5C.3: in a Java implements/extends
+ (injava-inher
+ (let ((where (cdr injava-inher))
+ (cont (car injava-inher)))
+ (goto-char where)
+ (cond ((looking-at "throws\\>[^_]")
+ (c-add-syntax 'func-decl-cont
+ (progn (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (c-point 'boi))))
+ (cont (c-add-syntax 'inher-cont where))
+ (t (c-add-syntax 'inher-intro
+ (progn (goto-char (cdr injava-inher))
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (point))))
+ )))
+ ;; CASE 5C.4: a continued inheritance line
+ (t
+ (c-beginning-of-inheritance-list lim)
+ (c-add-syntax 'inher-cont (point))
+ ;; don't add inclass symbol since relative point already
+ ;; contains any class offset
+ )))
+ ;; CASE 5D: this could be a top-level initialization, a
+ ;; member init list continuation, or a template argument
+ ;; list continuation.
+ ((c-with-syntax-table (if (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
+ c++-template-syntax-table
+ (syntax-table))
+ (save-excursion
+ ;; Note: We use the fact that lim is always after any
+ ;; preceding brace sexp.
+ (while (and (= (c-backward-token-1 1 t lim) 0)
+ (not (looking-at "[;<,=]"))))
+ (or (memq (char-after) '(?, ?=))
+ (and (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
+ (= (c-backward-token-1 1 nil lim) 0)
+ (eq (char-after) ?<)))))
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (c-beginning-of-member-init-list lim)
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 5D.1: hanging member init colon, but watch out
+ ;; for bogus matches on access specifiers inside classes.
+ ((and (save-excursion
+ (setq placeholder (point))
+ (c-backward-token-1 1 t lim)
+ (and (eq (char-after) ?:)
+ (not (eq (char-before) ?:))))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (or
+ (/= (car (save-excursion
+ (parse-partial-sexp (point) placeholder)))
+ 0)
+ (and
+ (if c-opt-access-key
+ (not (looking-at c-opt-access-key)) t)
+ (not (looking-at c-class-key))
+ (if c-opt-bitfield-key
+ (not (looking-at c-opt-bitfield-key)) t))
+ )))
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
+ (c-add-syntax 'member-init-cont (point))
+ ;; we do not need to add class offset since relative
+ ;; point is the member init above us
+ )
+ ;; CASE 5D.2: non-hanging member init colon
+ ((progn
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point)
+ (eq (char-after) ?:))
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t:")
+ (c-add-syntax 'member-init-cont (point)))
+ ;; CASE 5D.3: perhaps a template list continuation?
+ ((and (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
+ (save-excursion
+ (save-restriction
+ (c-with-syntax-table c++-template-syntax-table
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (setq placeholder (c-up-list-backward (point)))
+ (and placeholder
+ (eq (char-after placeholder) ?<))))))
+ ;; we can probably indent it just like an arglist-cont
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim t)
+ (c-add-syntax 'template-args-cont (c-point 'boi)))
+ ;; CASE 5D.4: perhaps a multiple inheritance line?
+ ((and (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
+ (save-excursion
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (setq placeholder (point))
+ (if (looking-at "static\\>[^_]")
+ (c-forward-token-1 1 nil indent-point))
+ (and (looking-at c-class-key)
+ (= (c-forward-token-1 2 nil indent-point) 0)
+ (if (eq (char-after) ?<)
+ (c-with-syntax-table c++-template-syntax-table
+ (= (c-forward-token-1 1 t indent-point) 0))
+ t)
+ (eq (char-after) ?:))))
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (c-add-syntax 'inher-cont (c-point 'boi)))
+ ;; CASE 5D.5: Continuation of the "expression part" of a
+ ;; top level construct.
+ (t
+ (while (and (eq (car (c-beginning-of-decl-1 containing-sexp))
+ 'same)
+ (save-excursion
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
+ (eq (char-before) ?}))))
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax
+ (if (eq char-before-ip ?,)
+ ;; A preceding comma at the top level means that a
+ ;; new variable declaration starts here. Use
+ ;; topmost-intro-cont for it, for consistency with
+ ;; the first variable declaration. C.f. case 5N.
+ 'topmost-intro-cont
+ 'statement-cont)
+ nil containing-sexp paren-state))
+ ))
+ ;; CASE 5E: we are looking at a access specifier
+ ((and inclass-p
+ c-opt-access-key
+ (looking-at c-opt-access-key))
+ (setq placeholder (c-add-class-syntax 'inclass inclass-p
+ paren-state))
+ ;; Append access-label with the same anchor point as inclass gets.
+ (nconc syntax (list (cons 'access-label placeholder))))
+ ;; CASE 5F: extern-lang-close or namespace-close?
+ ((and inenclosing-p
+ (eq char-after-ip ?}))
+ (setq tmpsymbol (if (eq inenclosing-p 'extern)
+ 'extern-lang-close
+ 'namespace-close))
+ (c-add-syntax tmpsymbol (aref inclass-p 0)))
+ ;; CASE 5G: we are looking at the brace which closes the
+ ;; enclosing nested class decl
+ ((and inclass-p
+ (eq char-after-ip ?})
+ (save-excursion
+ (save-restriction
+ (widen)
+ (forward-char 1)
+ (and (c-safe (progn (c-backward-sexp 1) t))
+ (= (point) (aref inclass-p 1))
+ ))))
+ (c-add-class-syntax 'class-close inclass-p paren-state))
+ ;; CASE 5H: we could be looking at subsequent knr-argdecls
+ ((and c-recognize-knr-p
+ (not (eq char-before-ip ?}))
+ (save-excursion
+ (setq placeholder (cdr (c-beginning-of-decl-1 lim)))
+ (and placeholder
+ ;; Do an extra check to avoid tripping up on
+ ;; statements that occur in invalid contexts
+ ;; (e.g. in macro bodies where we don't really
+ ;; know the context of what we're looking at).
+ (not (and c-opt-block-stmt-key
+ (looking-at c-opt-block-stmt-key)))))
+ (< placeholder indent-point))
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (c-add-syntax 'knr-argdecl (point)))
+ ;; CASE 5I: ObjC method definition.
+ ((and c-opt-method-key
+ (looking-at c-opt-method-key))
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (c-add-syntax 'objc-method-intro (c-point 'boi)))
+ ;; CASE 5N: At a variable declaration that follows a class
+ ;; definition or some other block declaration that doesn't
+ ;; end at the closing '}'. C.f. case 5D.5.
+ ((progn
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
+ (and (eq (char-before) ?})
+ (save-excursion
+ (let ((start (point)))
+ (if paren-state
+ ;; Speed up the backward search a bit.
+ (goto-char (car (car paren-state))))
+ (c-beginning-of-decl-1 containing-sexp)
+ (setq placeholder (point))
+ (if (= start (point))
+ ;; The '}' is unbalanced.
+ nil
+ (c-end-of-decl-1)
+ (> (point) indent-point))))))
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'topmost-intro-cont nil
+ containing-sexp paren-state))
+ ;; CASE 5J: we are at the topmost level, make
+ ;; sure we skip back past any access specifiers
+ ((progn
+ (while (and inclass-p
+ c-opt-access-key
+ (not (bobp))
+ (save-excursion
+ (c-safe (progn (c-backward-sexp 1) t))
+ (and (looking-at "slots:")
+ (c-backward-sexp 1))
+ (looking-at c-opt-access-key)))
+ (c-backward-sexp 1)
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim))
+ (or (bobp)
+ (memq (char-before) '(?\; ?}))
+ (and (c-major-mode-is 'objc-mode)
+ (progn
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (eq (char-after) ?@)))))
+ ;; real beginning-of-line could be narrowed out due to
+ ;; enclosure in a class block
+ (save-restriction
+ (widen)
+ (c-add-syntax 'topmost-intro (c-point 'bol))
+ ;; Using bol instead of boi above is highly bogus, and
+ ;; it makes our lives hard to remain compatible. :P
+ (if inclass-p
+ (progn
+ (goto-char (aref inclass-p 1))
+ (or (= (point) (c-point 'boi))
+ (goto-char (aref inclass-p 0)))
+ (cond
+ ((eq inenclosing-p 'extern)
+ (c-add-syntax 'inextern-lang (c-point 'boi)))
+ ((eq inenclosing-p 'namespace)
+ (c-add-syntax 'innamespace (c-point 'boi)))
+ (t (c-add-class-syntax 'inclass inclass-p paren-state)))
+ ))
+ (when (and c-syntactic-indentation-in-macros
+ macro-start
+ (/= macro-start (c-point 'boi indent-point)))
+ (c-add-syntax 'cpp-define-intro)
+ (setq macro-start nil))
+ ))
+ ;; CASE 5K: we are at an ObjC method definition
+ ;; continuation line.
+ ((and c-opt-method-key
+ (progn
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (looking-at c-opt-method-key)))
+ (c-add-syntax 'objc-method-args-cont (point)))
+ ;; CASE 5L: we are at the first argument of a template
+ ;; arglist that begins on the previous line.
+ ((eq (char-before) ?<)
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 (c-safe-position (point) paren-state))
+ (c-add-syntax 'template-args-cont (c-point 'boi)))
+ ;; CASE 5M: we are at a topmost continuation line
+ ;; KDE Hack 2
+ ;; NOTE: is there a way to detect these sooner ?
+ (t
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 (c-safe-position (point) paren-state))
+ (if (re-search-forward c-access-key (point-at-eol) t)
+ (progn
+ (c-add-syntax 'topmost-intro (c-point 'bol))
+ (c-add-class-syntax 'inclass inclass-p paren-state)
+ )
+ (progn
+ (c-add-syntax 'topmost-intro-cont (c-point 'boi))
+ ))
+ )
+ ))
+ ;; (CASE 6 has been removed.)
+ ;; CASE 7: line is an expression, not a statement. Most
+ ;; likely we are either in a function prototype or a function
+ ;; call argument list
+ ((not (or (and c-special-brace-lists
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (c-looking-at-special-brace-list)))
+ (eq (char-after containing-sexp) ?{)))
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 7A: we are looking at the arglist closing paren
+ ((memq char-after-ip '(?\) ?\]))
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (setq placeholder (c-point 'boi))
+ (when (and (c-safe (backward-up-list 1) t)
+ (> (point) placeholder))
+ (forward-char)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ (setq placeholder (point)))
+ (c-add-syntax 'arglist-close placeholder))
+ ;; CASE 7B: Looking at the opening brace of an
+ ;; in-expression block or brace list. C.f. cases 4, 16A
+ ;; and 17E.
+ ((and (eq char-after-ip ?{)
+ (progn
+ (setq placeholder (c-inside-bracelist-p (point)
+ c-state-cache))
+ (if placeholder
+ (setq tmpsymbol '(brace-list-open . inexpr-class))
+ (setq tmpsymbol '(block-open . inexpr-statement)
+ placeholder
+ (cdr-safe (c-looking-at-inexpr-block
+ (c-safe-position containing-sexp
+ paren-state)
+ containing-sexp)))
+ ;; placeholder is nil if it's a block directly in
+ ;; a function arglist. That makes us skip out of
+ ;; this case.
+ )))
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax (car tmpsymbol) t
+ (c-most-enclosing-brace paren-state (point))
+ (c-whack-state-after (point) paren-state))
+ (if (/= (point) placeholder)
+ (c-add-syntax (cdr tmpsymbol))))
+ ;; CASE 7C: we are looking at the first argument in an empty
+ ;; argument list. Use arglist-close if we're actually
+ ;; looking at a close paren or bracket.
+ ((memq char-before-ip '(?\( ?\[))
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (setq placeholder (c-point 'boi))
+ (when (and (c-safe (backward-up-list 1) t)
+ (> (point) placeholder))
+ (forward-char)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ (setq placeholder (point)))
+ (c-add-syntax 'arglist-intro placeholder))
+ ;; CASE 7D: we are inside a conditional test clause. treat
+ ;; these things as statements
+ ((progn
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (and (c-safe (progn (c-forward-sexp -1) t))
+ (looking-at "\\<for\\>[^_]")))
+ (goto-char (1+ containing-sexp))
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point)
+ (if (eq char-before-ip ?\;)
+ (c-add-syntax 'statement (point))
+ (c-add-syntax 'statement-cont (point))
+ ))
+ ;; CASE 7E: maybe a continued ObjC method call. This is the
+ ;; case when we are inside a [] bracketed exp, and what
+ ;; precede the opening bracket is not an identifier.
+ ((and c-opt-method-key
+ (eq (char-after containing-sexp) ?\[)
+ (progn
+ (goto-char (1- containing-sexp))
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws (c-point 'bod))
+ (if (not (looking-at c-symbol-key))
+ (c-add-syntax 'objc-method-call-cont containing-sexp))
+ )))
+ ;; CASE 7F: we are looking at an arglist continuation line,
+ ;; but the preceding argument is on the same line as the
+ ;; opening paren. This case includes multi-line
+ ;; mathematical paren groupings, but we could be on a
+ ;; for-list continuation line
+ ((progn
+ (goto-char (1+ containing-sexp))
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ (and (not (eolp))
+ (not (looking-at "\\\\$"))))
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (setq placeholder (c-point 'boi))
+ (when (and (c-safe (backward-up-list 1) t)
+ (> (point) placeholder))
+ (forward-char)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ (setq placeholder (point)))
+ (c-add-syntax 'arglist-cont-nonempty placeholder))
+ ;; CASE 7G: we are looking at just a normal arglist
+ ;; continuation line
+ (t (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point)
+ (c-add-syntax 'arglist-cont (c-point 'boi)))
+ ))
+ ;; CASE 8: func-local multi-inheritance line
+ ((and (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ (looking-at c-opt-decl-spec-key)))
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 8A: non-hanging colon on an inher intro
+ ((eq char-after-ip ?:)
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
+ (c-add-syntax 'inher-intro (c-point 'boi)))
+ ;; CASE 8B: hanging colon on an inher intro
+ ((eq char-before-ip ?:)
+ (c-add-syntax 'inher-intro (c-point 'boi)))
+ ;; CASE 8C: a continued inheritance line
+ (t
+ (c-beginning-of-inheritance-list lim)
+ (c-add-syntax 'inher-cont (point))
+ )))
+ ;; CASE 9: we are inside a brace-list
+ ((setq special-brace-list
+ (or (and c-special-brace-lists
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (c-looking-at-special-brace-list)))
+ (c-inside-bracelist-p containing-sexp paren-state)))
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 9A: In the middle of a special brace list opener.
+ ((and (consp special-brace-list)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (eq (char-after) ?\())
+ (eq char-after-ip (car (cdr special-brace-list))))
+ (goto-char (car (car special-brace-list)))
+ (skip-chars-backward " \t")
+ (if (and (bolp)
+ (assoc 'statement-cont
+ (setq placeholder (c-guess-basic-syntax))))
+ (setq syntax placeholder)
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1
+ (c-safe-position (1- containing-sexp) paren-state))
+ (c-forward-token-1 0)
+ (if (looking-at "typedef\\>[^_]") (c-forward-token-1 1))
+ (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-open (c-point 'boi))))
+ ;; CASE 9B: brace-list-close brace
+ ((if (consp special-brace-list)
+ ;; Check special brace list closer.
+ (progn
+ (goto-char (car (car special-brace-list)))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (or
+ ;; We were between the special close char and the `)'.
+ (and (eq (char-after) ?\))
+ (eq (1+ (point)) (cdr (car special-brace-list))))
+ ;; We were before the special close char.
+ (and (eq (char-after) (cdr (cdr special-brace-list)))
+ (= (c-forward-token-1) 0)
+ (eq (1+ (point)) (cdr (car special-brace-list)))))))
+ ;; Normal brace list check.
+ (and (eq char-after-ip ?})
+ (c-safe (progn (goto-char (c-up-list-backward (point)))
+ t))
+ (= (point) containing-sexp)))
+ (if (eq (point) (c-point 'boi))
+ (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-close (point))
+ (setq lim (c-most-enclosing-brace c-state-cache (point)))
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'brace-list-close t lim
+ (c-whack-state-after (point) paren-state)
+ t)))
+ (t
+ ;; Prepare for the rest of the cases below by going to the
+ ;; token following the opening brace
+ (if (consp special-brace-list)
+ (progn
+ (goto-char (car (car special-brace-list)))
+ (c-forward-token-1 1 nil indent-point))
+ (goto-char containing-sexp))
+ (forward-char)
+ (let ((start (point)))
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point)
+ (goto-char (max start (c-point 'bol))))
+ (c-skip-ws-forward indent-point)
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 9C: we're looking at the first line in a brace-list
+ ((= (point) indent-point)
+ (if (consp special-brace-list)
+ (goto-char (car (car special-brace-list)))
+ (goto-char containing-sexp))
+ (if (eq (point) (c-point 'boi))
+ (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-intro (point))
+ (setq lim (c-most-enclosing-brace c-state-cache (point)))
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'brace-list-intro t lim
+ (c-whack-state-after (point) paren-state)
+ t)))
+ ;; CASE 9D: this is just a later brace-list-entry or
+ ;; brace-entry-open
+ (t (if (or (eq char-after-ip ?{)
+ (and c-special-brace-lists
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws (c-point 'eol))
+ (c-looking-at-special-brace-list (point)))))
+ (c-add-syntax 'brace-entry-open (point))
+ (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-entry (point))
+ ))
+ ))))
+ ;; CASE 10: A continued statement or top level construct.
+ ((and (not (memq char-before-ip '(?\; ?:)))
+ (or (not (eq char-before-ip ?}))
+ (c-looking-at-inexpr-block-backward c-state-cache))
+ (> (point)
+ (save-excursion
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 containing-sexp)
+ (setq placeholder (point))))
+ (/= placeholder containing-sexp))
+ ;; This is shared with case 18.
+ (c-guess-continued-construct indent-point
+ char-after-ip
+ placeholder
+ containing-sexp
+ paren-state))
+ ;; CASE 14: A case or default label
+ ((looking-at c-label-kwds-regexp)
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (setq lim (c-most-enclosing-brace c-state-cache containing-sexp))
+ (c-backward-to-block-anchor lim)
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'case-label t lim paren-state))
+ ;; CASE 15: any other label
+ ((looking-at c-label-key)
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (setq lim (c-most-enclosing-brace c-state-cache containing-sexp))
+ (save-excursion
+ (setq tmpsymbol
+ (if (and (eq (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim) 'up)
+ (looking-at "switch\\>[^_]"))
+ ;; If the surrounding statement is a switch then
+ ;; let's analyze all labels as switch labels, so
+ ;; that they get lined up consistently.
+ 'case-label
+ 'label)))
+ (c-backward-to-block-anchor lim)
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax tmpsymbol t lim paren-state))
+ ;; CASE 16: block close brace, possibly closing the defun or
+ ;; the class
+ ((eq char-after-ip ?})
+ ;; From here on we have the next containing sexp in lim.
+ (setq lim (c-most-enclosing-brace paren-state))
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 16E: Closing a statement block? This catches
+ ;; cases where it's preceded by a statement keyword,
+ ;; which works even when used in an "invalid" context,
+ ;; e.g. a macro argument.
+ ((c-after-conditional)
+ (c-backward-to-block-anchor lim)
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'block-close t lim paren-state))
+ ;; CASE 16A: closing a lambda defun or an in-expression
+ ;; block? C.f. cases 4, 7B and 17E.
+ ((setq placeholder (c-looking-at-inexpr-block
+ (c-safe-position containing-sexp paren-state)
+ nil))
+ (setq tmpsymbol (if (eq (car placeholder) 'inlambda)
+ 'inline-close
+ 'block-close))
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (if (= containing-sexp (point))
+ (c-add-syntax tmpsymbol (point))
+ (goto-char (cdr placeholder))
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax tmpsymbol t
+ (c-most-enclosing-brace paren-state (point))
+ (c-whack-state-after (point) paren-state))
+ (if (/= (point) (cdr placeholder))
+ (c-add-syntax (car placeholder)))))
+ ;; CASE 16B: does this close an inline or a function in
+ ;; an extern block or namespace?
+ ((setq placeholder (c-search-uplist-for-classkey paren-state))
+ (c-backward-to-decl-anchor lim)
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (if (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (aref placeholder 0))
+ (looking-at c-other-decl-block-key))
+ (c-add-syntax 'defun-close (point))
+ (c-add-syntax 'inline-close (point))))
+ ;; CASE 16F: Can be a defun-close of a function declared
+ ;; in a statement block, e.g. in Pike or when using gcc
+ ;; extensions. Might also trigger it with some macros
+ ;; followed by blocks, and this gives sane indentation
+ ;; then too. Let it through to be handled below.
+ ;; C.f. cases B.3 and 17G.
+ ((and (not inenclosing-p)
+ lim
+ (save-excursion
+ (and (not (c-looking-at-bos))
+ (eq (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim nil nil t) 'same)
+ (setq placeholder (point)))))
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (if (/= (point) containing-sexp)
+ (goto-char placeholder))
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'defun-close t lim paren-state))
+ ;; CASE 16C: if there an enclosing brace that hasn't
+ ;; been narrowed out by a class, then this is a
+ ;; block-close. C.f. case 17H.
+ ((and (not inenclosing-p) lim)
+ ;; If the block is preceded by a case/switch label on
+ ;; the same line, we anchor at the first preceding label
+ ;; at boi. The default handling in c-add-stmt-syntax is
+ ;; really fixes it better, but we do like this to keep
+ ;; the indentation compatible with version 5.28 and
+ ;; earlier.
+ (while (and (/= (setq placeholder (point)) (c-point 'boi))
+ (eq (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim) 'label)))
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (if (looking-at c-label-kwds-regexp)
+ (c-add-syntax 'block-close (point))
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ ;; c-backward-to-block-anchor not necessary here; those
+ ;; situations are handled in case 16E above.
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'block-close t lim paren-state)))
+ ;; CASE 16D: find out whether we're closing a top-level
+ ;; class or a defun
+ (t
+ (save-restriction
+ (narrow-to-region (point-min) indent-point)
+ (let ((decl (c-search-uplist-for-classkey (c-parse-state))))
+ (if decl
+ (c-add-class-syntax 'class-close decl paren-state)
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (c-backward-to-decl-anchor lim)
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (c-add-syntax 'defun-close (point)))))
+ )))
+ ;; CASE 17: Statement or defun catchall.
+ (t
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ ;; Back up statements until we find one that starts at boi.
+ (while (let* ((prev-point (point))
+ (last-step-type (c-beginning-of-statement-1
+ containing-sexp)))
+ (if (= (point) prev-point)
+ (progn
+ (setq step-type (or step-type last-step-type))
+ nil)
+ (setq step-type last-step-type)
+ (/= (point) (c-point 'boi)))))
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 17B: continued statement
+ ((and (eq step-type 'same)
+ (/= (point) indent-point))
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'statement-cont nil
+ containing-sexp paren-state))
+ ;; CASE 17A: After a case/default label?
+ ((progn
+ (while (and (eq step-type 'label)
+ (not (looking-at c-label-kwds-regexp)))
+ (setq step-type
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 containing-sexp)))
+ (eq step-type 'label))
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax (if (eq char-after-ip ?{)
+ 'statement-case-open
+ 'statement-case-intro)
+ t containing-sexp paren-state))
+ ;; CASE 17D: any old statement
+ ((progn
+ (while (eq step-type 'label)
+ (setq step-type
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 containing-sexp)))
+ (eq step-type 'previous))
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'statement t containing-sexp paren-state)
+ (if (eq char-after-ip ?{)
+ (c-add-syntax 'block-open)))
+ ;; CASE 17I: Inside a substatement block.
+ ((progn
+ ;; The following tests are all based on containing-sexp.
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ ;; From here on we have the next containing sexp in lim.
+ (setq lim (c-most-enclosing-brace paren-state containing-sexp))
+ (c-after-conditional))
+ (c-backward-to-block-anchor lim)
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'statement-block-intro t lim paren-state)
+ (if (eq char-after-ip ?{)
+ (c-add-syntax 'block-open)))
+ ;; CASE 17E: first statement in an in-expression block.
+ ;; C.f. cases 4, 7B and 16A.
+ ((setq placeholder (c-looking-at-inexpr-block
+ (c-safe-position containing-sexp paren-state)
+ nil))
+ (setq tmpsymbol (if (eq (car placeholder) 'inlambda)
+ 'defun-block-intro
+ 'statement-block-intro))
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (if (= containing-sexp (point))
+ (c-add-syntax tmpsymbol (point))
+ (goto-char (cdr placeholder))
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax tmpsymbol t
+ (c-most-enclosing-brace c-state-cache (point))
+ (c-whack-state-after (point) paren-state))
+ (if (/= (point) (cdr placeholder))
+ (c-add-syntax (car placeholder))))
+ (if (eq char-after-ip ?{)
+ (c-add-syntax 'block-open)))
+ ;; CASE 17F: first statement in an inline, or first
+ ;; statement in a top-level defun. we can tell this is it
+ ;; if there are no enclosing braces that haven't been
+ ;; narrowed out by a class (i.e. don't use bod here).
+ ;; However, we first check for statements that we can
+ ;; recognize by keywords. That increases the robustness in
+ ;; cases where statements are used on the top level,
+ ;; e.g. in macro definitions.
+ ((save-excursion
+ (save-restriction
+ (widen)
+ (c-narrow-out-enclosing-class paren-state containing-sexp)
+ (not (c-most-enclosing-brace paren-state))))
+ (c-backward-to-decl-anchor lim)
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (c-add-syntax 'defun-block-intro (point)))
+ ;; CASE 17G: First statement in a function declared inside
+ ;; a normal block. This can occur in Pike and with
+ ;; e.g. the gcc extensions. Might also trigger it with
+ ;; some macros followed by blocks, and this gives sane
+ ;; indentation then too. C.f. cases B.3 and 16F.
+ ((save-excursion
+ (and (not (c-looking-at-bos))
+ (eq (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim nil nil t) 'same)
+ (setq placeholder (point))))
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (if (/= (point) containing-sexp)
+ (goto-char placeholder))
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'defun-block-intro t lim paren-state))
+ ;; CASE 17H: First statement in a block. C.f. case 16C.
+ (t
+ ;; If the block is preceded by a case/switch label on the
+ ;; same line, we anchor at the first preceding label at
+ ;; boi. The default handling in c-add-stmt-syntax is
+ ;; really fixes it better, but we do like this to keep the
+ ;; indentation compatible with version 5.28 and earlier.
+ (while (and (/= (setq placeholder (point)) (c-point 'boi))
+ (eq (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim) 'label)))
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (if (looking-at c-label-kwds-regexp)
+ (c-add-syntax 'statement-block-intro (point))
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ ;; c-backward-to-block-anchor not necessary here; those
+ ;; situations are handled in case 17I above.
+ (c-add-stmt-syntax 'statement-block-intro t lim paren-state))
+ (if (eq char-after-ip ?{)
+ (c-add-syntax 'block-open)))
+ ))
+ )
+ ;; now we need to look at any modifiers
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ ;; are we looking at a comment only line?
+ (when (and (looking-at c-comment-start-regexp)
+ (/= (c-forward-token-1 0 nil (c-point 'eol)) 0))
+ (c-add-syntax 'comment-intro))
+ ;; we might want to give additional offset to friends (in C++).
+ (when (and c-opt-friend-key
+ (looking-at c-opt-friend-key))
+ (c-add-syntax 'friend))
+ ;; Start of or a continuation of a preprocessor directive?
+ (if (and macro-start
+ (eq macro-start (c-point 'boi))
+ (not (and (c-major-mode-is 'pike-mode)
+ (eq (char-after (1+ macro-start)) ?\"))))
+ (c-add-syntax 'cpp-macro)
+ (when (and c-syntactic-indentation-in-macros macro-start)
+ (if in-macro-expr
+ (when (or (< syntactic-relpos macro-start)
+ (not (or (assq 'arglist-intro syntax)
+ (assq 'arglist-cont syntax)
+ (assq 'arglist-cont-nonempty syntax)
+ (assq 'arglist-close syntax))))
+ ;; If inside a cpp expression, i.e. anywhere in a
+ ;; cpp directive except a #define body, we only let
+ ;; through the syntactic analysis that is internal
+ ;; in the expression. That means the arglist
+ ;; elements, if they are anchored inside the cpp
+ ;; expression.
+ (setq syntax `((cpp-macro-cont . ,macro-start))))
+ (when (and (eq macro-start syntactic-relpos)
+ (not (assq 'cpp-define-intro syntax))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char macro-start)
+ (or (not (c-forward-to-cpp-define-body))
+ (<= (point) (c-point 'boi indent-point)))))
+ ;; Inside a #define body and the syntactic analysis is
+ ;; anchored on the start of the #define. In this case
+ ;; we add cpp-define-intro to get the extra
+ ;; indentation of the #define body.
+ (c-add-syntax 'cpp-define-intro)))))
+ ;; return the syntax
+ syntax)))))
+ ((defun c-guess-basic-syntax ()
+ (save-excursion
+ (save-restriction
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (let* ((indent-point (point))
+ (case-fold-search nil)
+ (fullstate (c-parse-state))
+ (state fullstate)
+ literal containing-sexp char-before-ip char-after-ip lim
+ syntax placeholder c-in-literal-cache inswitch-p
+ tmpsymbol keyword injava-inher special-brace-list
+ ;; narrow out any enclosing class or extern "C" block
+ (inclass-p (c-narrow-out-enclosing-class state indent-point))
+ inenclosing-p)
+ ;; check for meta top-level enclosing constructs, possible
+ ;; extern language definitions, possibly (in C++) namespace
+ ;; definitions.
+ (save-excursion
+ (save-restriction
+ (widen)
+ (if (and inclass-p
+ (progn
+ (goto-char (aref inclass-p 0))
+ (looking-at (concat c-extra-toplevel-key "[^_]"))))
+ (let ((enclosing (match-string 1)))
+ (cond
+ ((string-equal enclosing "extern")
+ (setq inenclosing-p 'extern))
+ ((string-equal enclosing "namespace")
+ (setq inenclosing-p 'namespace))
+ )))))
+ ;; get the buffer position of the most nested opening brace,
+ ;; if there is one, and it hasn't been narrowed out
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t}")
+ (skip-chars-backward " \t")
+ (while (and state
+ (not containing-sexp))
+ (setq containing-sexp (car state)
+ state (cdr state))
+ (if (consp containing-sexp)
+ ;; if cdr == point, then containing sexp is the brace
+ ;; that opens the sexp we close
+ (if (= (cdr containing-sexp) (point))
+ (setq containing-sexp (car containing-sexp))
+ ;; otherwise, ignore this element
+ (setq containing-sexp nil))
+ ;; ignore the bufpos if its been narrowed out by the
+ ;; containing class or does not contain the indent point
+ (if (or (<= containing-sexp (point-min))
+ (>= containing-sexp indent-point))
+ (setq containing-sexp nil)))))
+ ;; (imenu "agulbra-c++-tab")
+ ;; set the limit on the farthest back we need to search
+ (setq lim (or containing-sexp
+ (if (consp (car fullstate))
+ (cdr (car fullstate))
+ nil)
+ (point-min)))
+ ;; cache char before and after indent point, and move point to
+ ;; the most likely position to perform the majority of tests
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ (setq char-after-ip (char-after))
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
+ (setq char-before-ip (char-before))
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ ;; are we in a literal?
+ (setq literal (c-in-literal lim))
+ ;; now figure out syntactic qualities of the current line
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 1: in a string.
+ ((memq literal '(string))
+ (c-add-syntax 'string (c-point 'bopl)))
+ ;; CASE 2: in a C or C++ style comment.
+ ((memq literal '(c c++))
+ (c-add-syntax literal (car (c-literal-limits lim))))
+ ;; CASE 3: in a cpp preprocessor macro continuation.
+ ((and (eq literal 'pound)
+ (/= (save-excursion
+ (c-beginning-of-macro lim)
+ (setq placeholder (point)))
+ (c-point 'boi)))
+ (c-add-syntax 'cpp-macro-cont placeholder))
+ ;; CASE 4: In-expression statement.
+ ((and (or c-inexpr-class-key c-inexpr-block-key c-lambda-key)
+ (setq placeholder (c-looking-at-inexpr-block)))
+ (setq tmpsymbol (assq (car placeholder)
+ '((inexpr-class . class-open)
+ (inexpr-statement . block-open))))
+ (if tmpsymbol
+ ;; It's a statement block or an anonymous class.
+ (setq tmpsymbol (cdr tmpsymbol))
+ ;; It's a Pike lambda. Check whether we are between the
+ ;; lambda keyword and the argument list or at the defun
+ ;; opener.
+ (setq tmpsymbol (if (eq char-after-ip ?{)
+ 'inline-open
+ 'lambda-intro-cont)))
+ (goto-char (cdr placeholder))
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (c-add-syntax tmpsymbol (point))
+ (unless (eq (point) (cdr placeholder))
+ (c-add-syntax (car placeholder))))
+ ;; CASE 5: Line is at top level.
+ ((null containing-sexp)
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 5A: we are looking at a defun, brace list, class,
+ ;; or inline-inclass method opening brace
+ ((setq special-brace-list
+ (or (and c-special-brace-lists
+ (c-looking-at-special-brace-list))
+ (eq char-after-ip ?{)))
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 5A.1: extern language or namespace construct
+ ((save-excursion
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ (and (c-safe (progn (c-backward-sexp 2) t))
+ (looking-at (concat c-extra-toplevel-key "[^_]"))
+ (setq keyword (match-string 1)
+ placeholder (point))
+ (or (and (string-equal keyword "namespace")
+ (setq tmpsymbol 'namespace-open))
+ (and (string-equal keyword "extern")
+ (progn
+ (c-forward-sexp 1)
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
+ (eq (char-after) ?\"))
+ (setq tmpsymbol 'extern-lang-open)))
+ ))
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (c-add-syntax tmpsymbol (c-point 'boi)))
+ ;; CASE 5A.2: we are looking at a class opening brace
+ ((save-excursion
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t{")
+ ;; TBD: watch out! there could be a bogus
+ ;; c-state-cache in place when we get here. we have
+ ;; to go through much chicanery to ignore the cache.
+ ;; But of course, there may not be! BLECH! BOGUS!
+ (let ((decl
+ (let ((c-state-cache nil))
+ (c-search-uplist-for-classkey (c-parse-state))
+ )))
+ (and decl
+ (setq placeholder (aref decl 0)))
+ ))
+ (c-add-syntax 'class-open placeholder))
+ ;; CASE 5A.3: brace list open
+ ((save-excursion
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ ;; c-b-o-s could have left us at point-min
+ (and (bobp)
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point))
+ (if (looking-at "typedef[^_]")
+ (progn (c-forward-sexp 1)
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point)))
+ (setq placeholder (c-point 'boi))
+ (or (consp special-brace-list)
+ (and (or (save-excursion
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (setq tmpsymbol nil)
+ (while (and (> (point) placeholder)
+ (= (c-backward-token-1 1 t) 0)
+ (/= (char-after) ?=))
+ (if (and (not tmpsymbol)
+ (looking-at "new\\>[^_]"))
+ (setq tmpsymbol 'topmost-intro-cont)))
+ (eq (char-after) ?=))
+ (looking-at "enum[ \t\n]+"))
+ (save-excursion
+ (while (and (< (point) indent-point)
+ (= (c-forward-token-1 1 t) 0)
+ (not (memq (char-after) '(?\; ?\()))))
+ (not (memq (char-after) '(?\; ?\()))
+ ))))
+ (if (and (c-major-mode-is 'java-mode)
+ (eq tmpsymbol 'topmost-intro-cont))
+ ;; We're in Java and have found that the open brace
+ ;; belongs to a "new Foo[]" initialization list,
+ ;; which means the brace list is part of an
+ ;; expression and not a top level definition. We
+ ;; therefore treat it as any topmost continuation
+ ;; even though the semantically correct symbol still
+ ;; is brace-list-open, on the same grounds as in
+ ;; case 10B.2.
+ (progn
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
+ (c-add-syntax 'topmost-intro-cont (c-point 'boi)))
+ (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-open placeholder)))
+ ;; CASE 5A.4: inline defun open
+ ((and inclass-p (not inenclosing-p))
+ (c-add-syntax 'inline-open)
+ (c-add-class-syntax 'inclass inclass-p))
+ ;; CASE 5A.5: ordinary defun open
+ (t
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (if inclass-p
+ (c-add-syntax 'defun-open (c-point 'boi))
+ (c-add-syntax 'defun-open (c-point 'bol)))
+ )))
+ ;; CASE 5B: first K&R arg decl or member init
+ ((c-just-after-func-arglist-p)
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 5B.1: a member init
+ ((or (eq char-before-ip ?:)
+ (eq char-after-ip ?:))
+ ;; this line should be indented relative to the beginning
+ ;; of indentation for the topmost-intro line that contains
+ ;; the prototype's open paren
+ ;; TBD: is the following redundant?
+ (if (eq char-before-ip ?:)
+ (forward-char -1))
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
+ ;; TBD: is the preceding redundant?
+ (if (eq (char-before) ?:)
+ (progn (forward-char -1)
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)))
+ (if (eq (char-before) ?\))
+ (c-backward-sexp 1))
+ (setq placeholder (point))
+ (save-excursion
+ (and (c-safe (c-backward-sexp 1) t)
+ (looking-at "throw[^_]")
+ (c-safe (c-backward-sexp 1) t)
+ (setq placeholder (point))))
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (c-add-syntax 'member-init-intro (c-point 'boi))
+ ;; we don't need to add any class offset since this
+ ;; should be relative to the ctor's indentation
+ )
+ ;; CASE 5B.2: K&R arg decl intro
+ (c-recognize-knr-p
+ (c-add-syntax 'knr-argdecl-intro (c-point 'boi))
+ (if inclass-p (c-add-class-syntax 'inclass inclass-p)))
+ ;; CASE 5B.3: Inside a member init list.
+ ((c-beginning-of-member-init-list lim)
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
+ (c-add-syntax 'member-init-cont (point)))
+ ;; CASE 5B.4: Nether region after a C++ or Java func
+ ;; decl, which could include a `throws' declaration.
+ (t
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (c-add-syntax 'func-decl-cont (c-point 'boi))
+ )))
+ ;; CASE 5C: inheritance line. could be first inheritance
+ ;; line, or continuation of a multiple inheritance
+ ((or (and c-baseclass-key
+ (progn
+ (when (eq char-after-ip ?,)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ (forward-char))
+ (looking-at c-baseclass-key)))
+ (and (or (eq char-before-ip ?:)
+ ;; watch out for scope operator
+ (save-excursion
+ (and (eq char-after-ip ?:)
+ (c-safe (progn (forward-char 1) t))
+ (not (eq (char-after) ?:))
+ )))
+ (save-excursion
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
+ (if (eq char-before-ip ?:)
+ (progn
+ (forward-char -1)
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)))
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (looking-at c-class-key)))
+ ;; for Java
+ (and (c-major-mode-is 'java-mode)
+ (let ((fence (save-excursion
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (point)))
+ cont done)
+ (save-excursion
+ (while (not done)
+ (cond ((looking-at c-Java-special-key)
+ (setq injava-inher (cons cont (point))
+ done t))
+ ((or (not (c-safe (c-forward-sexp -1) t))
+ (<= (point) fence))
+ (setq done t))
+ )
+ (setq cont t)))
+ injava-inher)
+ (not (c-crosses-statement-barrier-p (cdr injava-inher)
+ (point)))
+ ))
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 5C.1: non-hanging colon on an inher intro
+ ((eq char-after-ip ?:)
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
+ (c-add-syntax 'inher-intro (c-point 'boi))
+ ;; don't add inclass symbol since relative point already
+ ;; contains any class offset
+ )
+ ;; CASE 5C.2: hanging colon on an inher intro
+ ((eq char-before-ip ?:)
+ (c-add-syntax 'inher-intro (c-point 'boi))
+ (if inclass-p (c-add-class-syntax 'inclass inclass-p)))
+ ;; CASE agulbrahack.1:
+ ((and inclass-p
+ c-access-key
+ (looking-at c-access-key))
+ (c-add-syntax 'access-label (c-point 'bonl))
+ (c-add-class-syntax 'inclass inclass-p)
+ )
+ ;; CASE 5C.3: in a Java implements/extends
+ (injava-inher
+ (let ((where (cdr injava-inher))
+ (cont (car injava-inher)))
+ (goto-char where)
+ (cond ((looking-at "throws[ \t\n]")
+ (c-add-syntax 'func-decl-cont
+ (progn (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (c-point 'boi))))
+ (cont (c-add-syntax 'inher-cont where))
+ (t (c-add-syntax 'inher-intro
+ (progn (goto-char (cdr injava-inher))
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (point))))
+ )))
+ ;; CASE 5C.4: a continued inheritance line
+ (t
+ (c-beginning-of-inheritance-list lim)
+ (c-add-syntax 'inher-cont (point))
+ ;; don't add inclass symbol since relative point already
+ ;; contains any class offset
+ )))
+ ;; CASE 5D: this could be a top-level compound statement, a
+ ;; member init list continuation, or a template argument
+ ;; list continuation.
+ ((c-with-syntax-table (if (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
+ c++-template-syntax-table
+ (syntax-table))
+ (save-excursion
+ (while (and (= (c-backward-token-1 1 t lim) 0)
+ (not (looking-at "[;{<,]"))))
+ (eq (char-after) ?,)))
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (c-beginning-of-member-init-list lim)
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 5D.1: hanging member init colon, but watch out
+ ;; for bogus matches on access specifiers inside classes.
+ ((and (save-excursion
+ (setq plaaceholder (point))
+ (c-backward-token-1 1 t lim)
+ (and (eq (char-after) ?:)
+ (not (eq (char-before) ?:))))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (or
+ (/= (car (save-excursion
+ (parse-partial-sexp (point) placeholder)))
+ 0)
+ (and
+ (if c-access-key (not (looking-at c-access-key)) t)
+ (not (looking-at c-class-key))
+ (if c-bitfield-key (not (looking-at c-bitfield-key)) t))
+ )))
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
+ (c-add-syntax 'member-init-cont (point))
+ ;; we do not need to add class offset since relative
+ ;; point is the member init above us
+ )
+ ;; CASE 5D.2: non-hanging member init colon
+ ((progn
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point)
+ (eq (char-after) ?:))
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t:")
+ (c-add-syntax 'member-init-cont (point)))
+ ;; CASE 5D.3: perhaps a multiple inheritance line?
+ ((save-excursion
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (setq placeholder (point))
+ (looking-at c-inher-key))
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (c-add-syntax 'inher-cont (c-point 'boi)))
+ ;; CASE 5D.4: perhaps a template list continuation?
+ ((save-excursion
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (skip-chars-backward "^<" lim)
+ ;; not sure if this is the right test, but it should
+ ;; be fast and mostly accurate.
+ (setq placeholder (point))
+ (and (eq (char-before) ?<)
+ (not (c-in-literal lim))))
+ ;; we can probably indent it just like an arglist-cont
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (c-add-syntax 'template-args-cont (c-point 'boi)))
+ ;; CASE 5D.5: perhaps a top-level statement-cont
+ (t
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ ;; skip over any access-specifiers
+ (and inclass-p c-access-key
+ (while (looking-at c-access-key)
+ (forward-line 1)))
+ ;; skip over comments, whitespace
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point)
+ (c-add-syntax 'statement-cont (c-point 'boi)))
+ ))
+ ;; CASE 5E: we are looking at a access specifier
+ ((and inclass-p
+ c-access-key
+ (looking-at c-access-key))
+ (c-add-syntax 'access-label (c-point 'bonl))
+ (c-add-class-syntax 'inclass inclass-p))
+ ;; CASE 5F: extern-lang-close or namespace-close?
+ ((and inenclosing-p
+ (eq char-after-ip ?}))
+ (setq tmpsymbol (if (eq inenclosing-p 'extern)
+ 'extern-lang-close
+ 'namespace-close))
+ (c-add-syntax tmpsymbol (aref inclass-p 0)))
+ ;; CASE 5G: we are looking at the brace which closes the
+ ;; enclosing nested class decl
+ ((and inclass-p
+ (eq char-after-ip ?})
+ (save-excursion
+ (save-restriction
+ (widen)
+ (forward-char 1)
+ (and (c-safe (progn (c-backward-sexp 1) t))
+ (= (point) (aref inclass-p 1))
+ ))))
+ (c-add-class-syntax 'class-close inclass-p))
+ ;; CASE 5H: we could be looking at subsequent knr-argdecls
+ ((and c-recognize-knr-p
+ ;; here we essentially use the hack that is used in
+ ;; Emacs' c-mode.el to limit how far back we should
+ ;; look. The assumption is made that argdecls are
+ ;; indented at least one space and that function
+ ;; headers are not indented.
+ (let ((limit (save-excursion
+ (re-search-backward "^[^ \^L\t\n#]" nil 'move)
+ (point))))
+ (save-excursion
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws limit)
+ (setq placeholder (point))
+ (while (and (memq (char-before) '(?\; ?,))
+ (> (point) limit))
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (setq placeholder (point))
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws limit))
+ (and (eq (char-before) ?\))
+ (or (not c-method-key)
+ (progn
+ (c-forward-sexp -1)
+ (forward-char -1)
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
+ (not (or (memq (char-before) '(?- ?+))
+ ;; or a class category
+ (progn
+ (c-forward-sexp -2)
+ (looking-at c-class-key))
+ )))))
+ ))
+ (save-excursion
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1)
+ (not (looking-at "typedef[ \t\n]+"))))
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (c-add-syntax 'knr-argdecl (c-point 'boi)))
+ ;; CASE 5I: ObjC method definition.
+ ((and c-method-key
+ (looking-at c-method-key))
+ (c-add-syntax 'objc-method-intro (c-point 'boi)))
+ ;; CASE 5J: we are at the topmost level, make sure we skip
+ ;; back past any access specifiers
+ ((progn
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
+ (while (and inclass-p
+ c-access-key
+ (not (bobp))
+ (save-excursion
+ (c-safe (progn (c-backward-sexp 1) t))
+ ;; agulbrahack 2
+ (and (looking-at "slots:")
+ (c-backward-sexp 1))
+ (looking-at c-access-key)))
+ (c-backward-sexp 1)
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim))
+ (or (bobp)
+ (memq (char-before) '(?\; ?\}))))
+ ;; real beginning-of-line could be narrowed out due to
+ ;; enclosure in a class block
+ (save-restriction
+ (widen)
+ (c-add-syntax 'topmost-intro (c-point 'bol))
+ (if inclass-p
+ (progn
+ (goto-char (aref inclass-p 1))
+ (or (= (point) (c-point 'boi))
+ (goto-char (aref inclass-p 0)))
+ (cond
+ ((eq inenclosing-p 'extern)
+ (c-add-syntax 'inextern-lang (c-point 'boi)))
+ ((eq inenclosing-p 'namespace)
+ (c-add-syntax 'innamespace (c-point 'boi)))
+ (t (c-add-class-syntax 'inclass inclass-p)))
+ ))
+ ))
+ ;; CASE 5K: we are at an ObjC or Java method definition
+ ;; continuation line.
+ ((and c-method-key
+ (progn
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (looking-at c-method-key)))
+ (c-add-syntax 'objc-method-args-cont (point)))
+ ;; CASE 5L: we are at the first argument of a template
+ ;; arglist that begins on the previous line.
+ ((eq (char-before) ?<)
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
+ (c-add-syntax 'template-args-cont (c-point 'boi)))
+ ;; CASE 5M: we are at a topmost continuation line
+ (t
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
+ (c-add-syntax 'topmost-intro-cont (c-point 'boi)))
+ )) ; end CASE 5
+ ;; (CASE 6 has been removed.)
+ ;; CASE 7: line is an expression, not a statement. Most
+ ;; likely we are either in a function prototype or a function
+ ;; call argument list
+ ((not (or (and c-special-brace-lists
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (c-looking-at-special-brace-list)))
+ (eq (char-after containing-sexp) ?{)))
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws containing-sexp)
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 7A: we are looking at the arglist closing paren
+ ((and (or (c-major-mode-is 'pike-mode)
+ ;; Don't check this in Pike since it allows a
+ ;; comma after the last arg.
+ (not (eq char-before-ip ?,)))
+ (memq char-after-ip '(?\) ?\])))
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (setq placeholder (c-point 'boi))
+ (when (and (c-safe (backward-up-list 1) t)
+ (> (point) placeholder))
+ (forward-char)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ (setq placeholder (point)))
+ (c-add-syntax 'arglist-close placeholder))
+ ;; CASE 7B: Looking at the opening brace of an
+ ;; in-expression block or brace list.
+ ((eq char-after-ip ?{)
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (setq placeholder (c-point 'boi))
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (if (c-inside-bracelist-p placeholder
+ (cons containing-sexp state))
+ (progn
+ (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-open (c-point 'boi))
+ (c-add-syntax 'inexpr-class))
+ (c-add-syntax 'block-open (c-point 'boi))
+ (c-add-syntax 'inexpr-statement)))
+ ;; CASE 7C: we are looking at the first argument in an empty
+ ;; argument list. Use arglist-close if we're actually
+ ;; looking at a close paren or bracket.
+ ((memq char-before-ip '(?\( ?\[))
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (setq placeholder (c-point 'boi))
+ (when (and (c-safe (backward-up-list 1) t)
+ (> (point) placeholder))
+ (forward-char)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ (setq placeholder (point)))
+ (c-add-syntax 'arglist-intro placeholder))
+ ;; CASE 7D: we are inside a conditional test clause. treat
+ ;; these things as statements
+ ((save-excursion
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (and (c-safe (progn (c-forward-sexp -1) t))
+ (looking-at "\\<for\\>[^_]")))
+ (goto-char (1+ containing-sexp))
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point)
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 containing-sexp)
+ (if (eq char-before-ip ?\;)
+ (c-add-syntax 'statement (point))
+ (c-add-syntax 'statement-cont (point))
+ ))
+ ;; CASE 7E: maybe a continued method call. This is the case
+ ;; when we are inside a [] bracketed exp, and what precede
+ ;; the opening bracket is not an identifier.
+ ((and c-method-key
+ (eq (char-after containing-sexp) ?\[)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (1- containing-sexp))
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws (c-point 'bod))
+ (if (not (looking-at c-symbol-key))
+ (c-add-syntax 'objc-method-call-cont containing-sexp))
+ )))
+ ;; CASE 7F: we are looking at an arglist continuation line,
+ ;; but the preceding argument is on the same line as the
+ ;; opening paren. This case includes multi-line
+ ;; mathematical paren groupings, but we could be on a
+ ;; for-list continuation line
+ ((save-excursion
+ (goto-char (1+ containing-sexp))
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ (not (eolp)))
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (setq placeholder (c-point 'boi))
+ (when (and (c-safe (backward-up-list 1) t)
+ (> (point) placeholder))
+ (forward-char)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ (setq placeholder (point)))
+ (c-add-syntax 'arglist-cont-nonempty placeholder))
+ ;; CASE 7G: we are looking at just a normal arglist
+ ;; continuation line
+ (t (c-beginning-of-statement-1 containing-sexp)
+ (forward-char 1)
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point)
+ (c-add-syntax 'arglist-cont (c-point 'boi)))
+ ))
+ ;; CASE 8: func-local multi-inheritance line
+ ((and c-baseclass-key
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ (looking-at c-baseclass-key)))
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 8A: non-hanging colon on an inher intro
+ ((eq char-after-ip ?:)
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
+ (c-add-syntax 'inher-intro (c-point 'boi)))
+ ;; CASE 8B: hanging colon on an inher intro
+ ((eq char-before-ip ?:)
+ (c-add-syntax 'inher-intro (c-point 'boi)))
+ ;; CASE 8C: a continued inheritance line
+ (t
+ (c-beginning-of-inheritance-list lim)
+ (c-add-syntax 'inher-cont (point))
+ )))
+ ;; CASE 9: we are inside a brace-list
+ ((setq special-brace-list
+ (or (and c-special-brace-lists
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (c-looking-at-special-brace-list)))
+ (c-inside-bracelist-p containing-sexp state)))
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 9A: In the middle of a special brace list opener.
+ ((and (consp special-brace-list)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (eq (char-after) ?\())
+ (eq char-after-ip (car (cdr special-brace-list))))
+ (goto-char (car (car special-brace-list)))
+ (skip-chars-backward " \t")
+ (if (and (bolp)
+ (assoc 'statement-cont
+ (setq placeholder (c-guess-basic-syntax))))
+ (setq syntax placeholder)
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
+ (c-forward-token-1 0)
+ (if (looking-at "typedef\\>") (c-forward-token-1 1))
+ (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-open (c-point 'boi))))
+ ;; CASE 9B: brace-list-close brace
+ ((if (consp special-brace-list)
+ ;; Check special brace list closer.
+ (progn
+ (goto-char (car (car special-brace-list)))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (or
+ ;; We were between the special close char and the `)'.
+ (and (eq (char-after) ?\))
+ (eq (1+ (point)) (cdr (car special-brace-list))))
+ ;; We were before the special close char.
+ (and (eq (char-after) (cdr (cdr special-brace-list)))
+ (= (c-forward-token-1) 0)
+ (eq (1+ (point)) (cdr (car special-brace-list)))))))
+ ;; Normal brace list check.
+ (and (eq char-after-ip ?})
+ (c-safe (progn (forward-char 1)
+ (c-backward-sexp 1)
+ t))
+ (= (point) containing-sexp)))
+ (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-close (c-point 'boi)))
+ (t
+ ;; Prepare for the rest of the cases below by going to the
+ ;; token following the opening brace
+ (if (consp special-brace-list)
+ (progn
+ (goto-char (car (car special-brace-list)))
+ (c-forward-token-1 1 nil indent-point))
+ (goto-char containing-sexp))
+ (forward-char)
+ (let ((start (point)))
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point)
+ (goto-char (max start (c-point 'bol))))
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t\n\r" indent-point)
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 9C: we're looking at the first line in a brace-list
+ ((= (point) indent-point)
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-intro (c-point 'boi))
+ ) ; end CASE 9C
+ ;; CASE 9D: this is just a later brace-list-entry or
+ ;; brace-entry-open
+ (t (if (or (eq char-after-ip ?{)
+ (and c-special-brace-lists
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws (c-point 'eol))
+ (c-looking-at-special-brace-list (point)))))
+ (c-add-syntax 'brace-entry-open (point))
+ (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-entry (point))
+ )) ; end CASE 9D
+ )))) ; end CASE 9
+ ;; CASE 10: A continued statement
+ ((and (not (memq char-before-ip '(?\; ?:)))
+ (or (not (eq char-before-ip ?}))
+ (c-looking-at-inexpr-block-backward containing-sexp))
+ (> (point)
+ (save-excursion
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 containing-sexp)
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
+ (setq placeholder (point))))
+ (/= placeholder containing-sexp))
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ (let ((after-cond-placeholder
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (if (and c-conditional-key (looking-at c-conditional-key))
+ (progn
+ (c-safe (c-skip-conditional))
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
+ (if (eq (char-after) ?\;)
+ (progn
+ (forward-char 1)
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws)))
+ (point))
+ nil))))
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 10A: substatement
+ ((and after-cond-placeholder
+ (>= after-cond-placeholder indent-point))
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (if (eq char-after-ip ?{)
+ (c-add-syntax 'substatement-open (c-point 'boi))
+ (c-add-syntax 'substatement (c-point 'boi))))
+ ;; CASE 10B: open braces for class or brace-lists
+ ((setq special-brace-list
+ (or (and c-special-brace-lists
+ (c-looking-at-special-brace-list))
+ (eq char-after-ip ?{)))
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 10B.1: class-open
+ ((save-excursion
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t{")
+ (let ((decl (c-search-uplist-for-classkey (c-parse-state))))
+ (and decl
+ (setq placeholder (aref decl 0)))
+ ))
+ (c-add-syntax 'class-open placeholder))
+ ;; CASE 10B.2: brace-list-open
+ ((or (consp special-brace-list)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (looking-at "\\<enum\\>"))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (while (and (> (point) placeholder)
+ (= (c-backward-token-1 1 t) 0)
+ (/= (char-after) ?=)))
+ (eq (char-after) ?=)))
+ ;; The most semantically accurate symbol here is
+ ;; brace-list-open, but we report it simply as a
+ ;; statement-cont. The reason is that one normally
+ ;; adjusts brace-list-open for brace lists as
+ ;; top-level constructs, and brace lists inside
+ ;; statements is a completely different context.
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (c-beginning-of-closest-statement)
+ (c-add-syntax 'statement-cont (c-point 'boi)))
+ ;; CASE 10B.3: The body of a function declared inside a
+ ;; normal block. This can only occur in Pike.
+ ((and (c-major-mode-is 'pike-mode)
+ (progn
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (not (c-looking-at-bos))))
+ (c-beginning-of-closest-statement)
+ (c-add-syntax 'defun-open (c-point 'boi)))
+ ;; CASE 10B.4: catch-all for unknown construct.
+ (t
+ ;; Can and should I add an extensibility hook here?
+ ;; Something like c-recognize-hook so support for
+ ;; unknown constructs could be added. It's probably a
+ ;; losing proposition, so I dunno.
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (c-add-syntax 'statement-cont (c-point 'boi))
+ (c-add-syntax 'block-open))
+ ))
+ ;; CASE 10C: iostream insertion or extraction operator
+ ((looking-at "<<\\|>>")
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (and after-cond-placeholder
+ (goto-char after-cond-placeholder))
+ (while (and (re-search-forward "<<\\|>>" indent-point 'move)
+ (c-in-literal placeholder)))
+ ;; if we ended up at indent-point, then the first
+ ;; streamop is on a separate line. Indent the line like
+ ;; a statement-cont instead
+ (if (/= (point) indent-point)
+ (c-add-syntax 'stream-op (c-point 'boi))
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
+ (c-add-syntax 'statement-cont (c-point 'boi))))
+ ;; CASE 10D: continued statement. find the accurate
+ ;; beginning of statement or substatement
+ (t
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 after-cond-placeholder)
+ ;; KLUDGE ALERT! c-beginning-of-statement-1 can leave
+ ;; us before the lim we're passing in. It should be
+ ;; fixed, but I'm worried about side-effects at this
+ ;; late date. Fix for v5.
+ (goto-char (or (and after-cond-placeholder
+ (max after-cond-placeholder (point)))
+ (point)))
+ (c-add-syntax 'statement-cont (point)))
+ )))
+ ;; CASE 11: an else clause?
+ ((looking-at "\\<else\\>[^_]")
+ (c-backward-to-start-of-if containing-sexp)
+ (c-add-syntax 'else-clause (c-point 'boi)))
+ ;; CASE 12: Statement. But what kind? Lets see if its a
+ ;; while closure of a do/while construct
+ ((progn
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ (and (looking-at "while\\b[^_]")
+ (save-excursion
+ (c-backward-to-start-of-do containing-sexp)
+ (setq placeholder (point))
+ (looking-at "do\\b[^_]"))
+ ))
+ (goto-char placeholder)
+ (c-add-syntax 'do-while-closure (c-point 'boi)))
+ ;; CASE 13: A catch or finally clause? This case is simpler
+ ;; than if-else and do-while, because a block is required
+ ;; after every try, catch and finally.
+ ((save-excursion
+ (and (cond ((c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
+ (looking-at "\\<catch\\>[^_]"))
+ ((c-major-mode-is 'java-mode)
+ (looking-at "\\<\\(catch\\|finally\\)\\>[^_]")))
+ (c-safe (c-backward-sexp) t)
+ (eq (char-after) ?{)
+ (c-safe (c-backward-sexp) t)
+ (if (eq (char-after) ?\()
+ (c-safe (c-backward-sexp) t)
+ t)
+ (looking-at "\\<\\(try\\|catch\\)\\>[^_]")
+ (setq placeholder (c-point 'boi))))
+ (c-add-syntax 'catch-clause placeholder))
+ ;; CASE 14: A case or default label
+ ((looking-at c-switch-label-key)
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ ;; check for hanging braces
+ (if (/= (point) (c-point 'boi))
+ (c-forward-sexp -1))
+ (c-add-syntax 'case-label (c-point 'boi)))
+ ;; CASE 15: any other label
+ ((looking-at c-label-key)
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ ;; check for hanging braces
+ (if (/= (point) (c-point 'boi))
+ (c-forward-sexp -1))
+ (c-add-syntax 'label (c-point 'boi)))
+ ;; CASE 16: block close brace, possibly closing the defun or
+ ;; the class
+ ((eq char-after-ip ?})
+ (let* ((lim (c-safe-position containing-sexp fullstate))
+ (relpos (save-excursion
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (if (/= (point) (c-point 'boi))
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim))
+ (c-point 'boi))))
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 16A: closing a lambda defun or an in-expression
+ ;; block?
+ ((save-excursion
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (setq placeholder (c-looking-at-inexpr-block)))
+ (setq tmpsymbol (if (eq (car placeholder) 'inlambda)
+ 'inline-close
+ 'block-close))
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (if (= containing-sexp (point))
+ (c-add-syntax tmpsymbol (point))
+ (goto-char (cdr placeholder))
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (c-add-syntax tmpsymbol (point))
+ (if (/= (point) (cdr placeholder))
+ (c-add-syntax (car placeholder)))))
+ ;; CASE 16B: does this close an inline or a function in
+ ;; an extern block or namespace?
+ ((progn
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (setq placeholder (c-search-uplist-for-classkey state)))
+ (goto-char (aref placeholder 0))
+ (if (looking-at (concat c-extra-toplevel-key "[^_]"))
+ (c-add-syntax 'defun-close relpos)
+ (c-add-syntax 'inline-close relpos)))
+ ;; CASE 16C: if there an enclosing brace that hasn't
+ ;; been narrowed out by a class, then this is a
+ ;; block-close
+ ((and (not inenclosing-p)
+ (c-most-enclosing-brace state)
+ (or (not (c-major-mode-is 'pike-mode))
+ ;; In Pike it can be a defun-close of a
+ ;; function declared in a statement block. Let
+ ;; it through to be handled below.
+ (or (c-looking-at-bos)
+ (progn
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1)
+ (looking-at c-conditional-key)))))
+ (c-add-syntax 'block-close relpos))
+ ;; CASE 16D: find out whether we're closing a top-level
+ ;; class or a defun
+ (t
+ (save-restriction
+ (narrow-to-region (point-min) indent-point)
+ (let ((decl (c-search-uplist-for-classkey (c-parse-state))))
+ (if decl
+ (c-add-class-syntax 'class-close decl)
+ (c-add-syntax 'defun-close relpos)))))
+ )))
+ ;; CASE 17: statement catchall
+ (t
+ ;; we know its a statement, but we need to find out if it is
+ ;; the first statement in a block
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (forward-char 1)
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point)
+ ;; now skip forward past any case/default clauses we might find.
+ (while (or (c-skip-case-statement-forward fullstate indent-point)
+ (and (looking-at c-switch-label-key)
+ (not inswitch-p)))
+ (setq inswitch-p t))
+ ;; we want to ignore non-case labels when skipping forward
+ (while (and (looking-at c-label-key)
+ (goto-char (match-end 0)))
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point))
+ (cond
+ ;; CASE 17A: we are inside a case/default clause inside a
+ ;; switch statement. find out if we are at the statement
+ ;; just after the case/default label.
+ ((and inswitch-p
+ (progn
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 containing-sexp)
+ (setq placeholder (point))
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (when (re-search-forward c-switch-label-key
+ (max placeholder (c-point 'eol)) t)
+ (setq placeholder (match-beginning 0)))))
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ (if (eq (char-after) ?{)
+ (c-add-syntax 'statement-case-open placeholder)
+ (c-add-syntax 'statement-case-intro placeholder)))
+ ;; CASE 17B: continued statement
+ ((eq char-before-ip ?,)
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (c-beginning-of-closest-statement)
+ (c-add-syntax 'statement-cont (c-point 'boi)))
+ ;; CASE 17C: a question/colon construct? But make sure
+ ;; what came before was not a label, and what comes after
+ ;; is not a globally scoped function call!
+ ((or (and (memq char-before-ip '(?: ??))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (not (looking-at c-label-key))))
+ (and (memq char-after-ip '(?: ??))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ ;; watch out for scope operator
+ (not (looking-at "::")))))
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (c-beginning-of-closest-statement)
+ (c-add-syntax 'statement-cont (c-point 'boi)))
+ ;; CASE 17D: any old statement
+ ((< (point) indent-point)
+ (let ((safepos (c-most-enclosing-brace fullstate))
+ relpos done)
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 safepos)
+ ;; It is possible we're on the brace that opens a nested
+ ;; function.
+ (if (and (eq (char-after) ?{)
+ (save-excursion
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws safepos)
+ (not (eq (char-before) ?\;))))
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 safepos))
+ (if (and inswitch-p
+ (looking-at c-switch-label-key))
+ (progn
+ (goto-char (match-end 0))
+ (c-forward-syntactic-ws)))
+ (setq relpos (c-point 'boi))
+ (while (and (not done)
+ (<= safepos (point))
+ (/= relpos (point)))
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1 safepos)
+ (if (= relpos (c-point 'boi))
+ (setq done t))
+ (setq relpos (c-point 'boi)))
+ (c-add-syntax 'statement relpos)
+ (if (eq char-after-ip ?{)
+ (c-add-syntax 'block-open))))
+ ;; CASE 17E: first statement in an in-expression block
+ ((setq placeholder
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (c-looking-at-inexpr-block)))
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (let ((block-intro (if (eq (car placeholder) 'inlambda)
+ 'defun-block-intro
+ 'statement-block-intro)))
+ (if (= containing-sexp (point))
+ (c-add-syntax block-intro (point))
+ (goto-char (cdr placeholder))
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (c-add-syntax block-intro (point))
+ (if (/= (point) (cdr placeholder))
+ (c-add-syntax (car placeholder)))))
+ (if (eq char-after-ip ?{)
+ (c-add-syntax 'block-open)))
+ ;; CASE 17F: first statement in an inline, or first
+ ;; statement in a top-level defun. we can tell this is it
+ ;; if there are no enclosing braces that haven't been
+ ;; narrowed out by a class (i.e. don't use bod here!)
+ ((save-excursion
+ (save-restriction
+ (widen)
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (c-narrow-out-enclosing-class state containing-sexp)
+ (not (c-most-enclosing-brace state))))
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ ;; if not at boi, then defun-opening braces are hung on
+ ;; right side, so we need a different relpos
+ (if (/= (point) (c-point 'boi))
+ (progn
+ (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
+ (c-safe (c-forward-sexp (if (eq (char-before) ?\))
+ -1 -2)))
+ ;; looking at a Java throws clause following a
+ ;; method's parameter list
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1)
+ ))
+ (c-add-syntax 'defun-block-intro (c-point 'boi)))
+ ;; CASE 17G: First statement in a function declared inside
+ ;; a normal block. This can only occur in Pike.
+ ((and (c-major-mode-is 'pike-mode)
+ (progn
+ (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (and (not (c-looking-at-bos))
+ (progn
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1)
+ (not (looking-at c-conditional-key))))))
+ (c-add-syntax 'defun-block-intro (c-point 'boi)))
+ ;; CASE 17H: first statement in a block
+ (t (goto-char containing-sexp)
+ (if (/= (point) (c-point 'boi))
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1
+ (if (= (point) lim)
+ (c-safe-position (point) state) lim)))
+ (c-add-syntax 'statement-block-intro (c-point 'boi))
+ (if (eq char-after-ip ?{)
+ (c-add-syntax 'block-open)))
+ ))
+ )
+ ;; now we need to look at any modifiers
+ (goto-char indent-point)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ (cond
+ ;; are we looking at a comment only line?
+ ((and (looking-at c-comment-start-regexp)
+ (/= (c-forward-token-1 0 nil (c-point 'eol)) 0))
+ (c-add-syntax 'comment-intro))
+ ;; we might want to give additional offset to friends (in C++).
+ ((and (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
+ (looking-at c-C++-friend-key))
+ (c-add-syntax 'friend))
+ ;; Start of a preprocessor directive?
+ ((and (eq literal 'pound)
+ (= (save-excursion
+ (c-beginning-of-macro lim)
+ (setq placeholder (point)))
+ (c-point 'boi))
+ (not (and (c-major-mode-is 'pike-mode)
+ (eq (char-after (1+ placeholder)) ?\"))))
+ (c-add-syntax 'cpp-macro)))
+ ;; return the syntax
+ syntax))))))
+(add-hook 'find-file-hooks 'agulbra-c++-clean-out-spaces)
+(add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'agulbra-c++-clean-out-spaces)
+(add-hook 'c++-mode-hook 'kde-c++-mode-hook)
+(add-hook 'c-mode-hook 'kde-c-mode-hook)
+; always end a file with a newline
+(setq-default require-final-newline t)
+; 'next-line won't be adding newlines
+(setq-default next-line-add-newlines nil)
+(setq compilation-error-regexp-systems-list '(gnu of comma 4bsd)
+ compilation-ask-about-save nil)
+(provide 'kde-emacs-core)