path: root/umbrello/umbrello/codegenerators/javaclassifiercodedocument.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'umbrello/umbrello/codegenerators/javaclassifiercodedocument.cpp')
1 files changed, 583 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/umbrello/umbrello/codegenerators/javaclassifiercodedocument.cpp b/umbrello/umbrello/codegenerators/javaclassifiercodedocument.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..44e6f242
--- /dev/null
+++ b/umbrello/umbrello/codegenerators/javaclassifiercodedocument.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * copyright (C) 2004-2007 *
+ * Umbrello UML Modeller Authors <> *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+/* This code generated by:
+ * Author : thomas
+ * Date : Mon Jun 23 2003
+ */
+ We carve the Java document up into sections as follows:
+ * header
+ * package declaration
+ * import statements
+ * class declaration
+ * guts of the class (e.g. field decl, accessor methods, operations, dependant classes)
+// own header
+#include "javaclassifiercodedocument.h"
+// qt/kde includes
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+// local includes
+#include "javacodegenerator.h"
+#include "javacodecomment.h"
+#include "javaclassdeclarationblock.h"
+#include "javacodeclassfielddeclarationblock.h"
+#include "codegen_utils.h"
+#include "../classifier.h"
+#include "../codegenerationpolicy.h"
+#include "../uml.h"
+// Constructors/Destructors
+JavaClassifierCodeDocument::JavaClassifierCodeDocument ( UMLClassifier * concept )
+ : ClassifierCodeDocument (concept) {
+ init();
+JavaClassifierCodeDocument::~JavaClassifierCodeDocument ( ) { }
+// Methods
+// Accessor methods
+// Make it easier on ourselves
+JavaCodeGenerationPolicy * JavaClassifierCodeDocument::getJavaPolicy() {
+ CodeGenPolicyExt *pe = UMLApp::app()->getPolicyExt();
+ JavaCodeGenerationPolicy * policy = dynamic_cast<JavaCodeGenerationPolicy*>(pe);
+ return policy;
+ * Get the dialog widget which allows user interaction with the object parameters.
+ * @return CodeDocumentDialog
+ */
+CodeDocumentDialog JavaClassifierCodeDocument::getDialog ( ) {
+bool JavaClassifierCodeDocument::forceDoc () {
+ return UMLApp::app()->getCommonPolicy()->getCodeVerboseDocumentComments();
+// We overwritten by Java language implementation to get lowercase path
+QString JavaClassifierCodeDocument::getPath ( )
+ QString path = getPackage();
+ // Replace all white spaces with blanks
+ path.simplifyWhiteSpace();
+ // Replace all blanks with underscore
+ path.replace(QRegExp(" "), "_");
+ path.replace(QRegExp("\\."),"/");
+ path.replace(QRegExp("::"), "/");
+ path.lower();
+ return path;
+// Other methods
+QString JavaClassifierCodeDocument::getJavaClassName (const QString &name) {
+ return Codegen_Utils::capitalizeFirstLetter(CodeGenerator::cleanName(name));
+// Initialize this java classifier code document
+void JavaClassifierCodeDocument::init ( ) {
+ setFileExtension(".java");
+ //initCodeClassFields(); // this is dubious because it calls down to
+ // CodeGenFactory::newCodeClassField(this)
+ // but "this" is still in construction at that time.
+ classDeclCodeBlock = 0;
+ operationsBlock = 0;
+ constructorBlock = 0;
+ // this will call updateContent() as well as other things that sync our document.
+ synchronize();
+ * @param op
+ */
+// in the vannilla version, we just tack all operations on the end
+// of the document
+bool JavaClassifierCodeDocument::addCodeOperation (CodeOperation * op ) {
+ if(!op->getParentOperation()->isLifeOperation())
+ return operationsBlock->addTextBlock(op);
+ else
+ return constructorBlock->addTextBlock(op);
+// Sigh. NOT optimal. The only reason that we need to have this
+// is so we can create the JavaClassDeclarationBlock.
+// would be better if we could create a handler interface that each
+// codeblock used so all we have to do here is add the handler
+// for "javaclassdeclarationblock"
+void JavaClassifierCodeDocument::loadChildTextBlocksFromNode ( QDomElement & root)
+ QDomNode tnode = root.firstChild();
+ QDomElement telement = tnode.toElement();
+ bool loadCheckForChildrenOK = false;
+ while( !telement.isNull() ) {
+ QString nodeName = telement.tagName();
+ if( nodeName == "textblocks" ) {
+ QDomNode node = telement.firstChild();
+ QDomElement element = node.toElement();
+ // if there is nothing to begin with, then we don't worry about it
+ loadCheckForChildrenOK = element.isNull() ? true : false;
+ while( !element.isNull() ) {
+ QString name = element.tagName();
+ if( name == "codecomment" ) {
+ CodeComment * block = new JavaCodeComment(this);
+ block->loadFromXMI(element);
+ if(!addTextBlock(block))
+ {
+ kError()<<"loadFromXMI : unable to add codeComment to :"<<this<<endl;
+ block->deleteLater();
+ } else
+ loadCheckForChildrenOK= true;
+ } else
+ if( name == "codeaccessormethod" ||
+ name == "ccfdeclarationcodeblock"
+ ) {
+ QString acctag = element.attribute("tag","");
+ // search for our method in the
+ TextBlock * tb = findCodeClassFieldTextBlockByTag(acctag);
+ if(!tb || !addTextBlock(tb))
+ {
+ kError()<<"loadFromXMI : unable to add codeclassfield child method to:"<<this<<endl;
+ // DON'T delete
+ } else
+ loadCheckForChildrenOK= true;
+ } else
+ if( name == "codeblock" ) {
+ CodeBlock * block = newCodeBlock();
+ block->loadFromXMI(element);
+ if(!addTextBlock(block))
+ {
+ kError()<<"loadFromXMI : unable to add codeBlock to :"<<this<<endl;
+ block->deleteLater();
+ } else
+ loadCheckForChildrenOK= true;
+ } else
+ if( name == "codeblockwithcomments" ) {
+ CodeBlockWithComments * block = newCodeBlockWithComments();
+ block->loadFromXMI(element);
+ if(!addTextBlock(block))
+ {
+ kError()<<"loadFromXMI : unable to add codeBlockwithcomments to:"<<this<<endl;
+ block->deleteLater();
+ } else
+ loadCheckForChildrenOK= true;
+ } else
+ if( name == "header" ) {
+ // do nothing.. this is treated elsewhere
+ } else
+ if( name == "hierarchicalcodeblock" ) {
+ HierarchicalCodeBlock * block = newHierarchicalCodeBlock();
+ block->loadFromXMI(element);
+ if(!addTextBlock(block))
+ {
+ kError()<<"Unable to add hierarchicalcodeBlock to:"<<this<<endl;
+ block->deleteLater();
+ } else
+ loadCheckForChildrenOK= true;
+ } else
+ if( name == "codeoperation" ) {
+ // find the code operation by id
+ QString id = element.attribute("parent_id","-1");
+ UMLObject * obj = UMLApp::app()->getDocument()->findObjectById(STR2ID(id));
+ UMLOperation * op = dynamic_cast<UMLOperation*>(obj);
+ if(op) {
+ CodeOperation * block = new JavaCodeOperation(this, op);
+ block->loadFromXMI(element);
+ if(addTextBlock(block))
+ loadCheckForChildrenOK= true;
+ else
+ {
+ kError()<<"Unable to add codeoperation to:"<<this<<endl;
+ block->deleteLater();
+ }
+ } else
+ kError()<<"Unable to find operation create codeoperation for:"<<this<<endl;
+ } else
+ if( name == "javaclassdeclarationblock" )
+ {
+ JavaClassDeclarationBlock * block = getClassDecl();
+ block->loadFromXMI(element);
+ if(!addTextBlock(block))
+ {
+ kError()<<"Unable to add java code declaration block to:"<<this<<endl;
+ // DON'T delete.
+ // block->deleteLater();
+ } else
+ loadCheckForChildrenOK= true;
+ }
+ // This last item is only needed for extreme debugging conditions
+ // (E.g. making new codeclassdocument loader)
+ // else
+ // kDebug()<<" LoadFromXMI: Got strange tag in text block stack:"<<name<<", ignorning"<<endl;
+ node = element.nextSibling();
+ element = node.toElement();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ tnode = telement.nextSibling();
+ telement = tnode.toElement();
+ }
+ if(!loadCheckForChildrenOK)
+ {
+ CodeDocument * test = dynamic_cast<CodeDocument*>(this);
+ if(test)
+ {
+ kWarning()<<" loadChildBlocks : unable to initialize any child blocks in doc: "<<test->getFileName()<<" "<<this<<endl;
+ } else {
+ HierarchicalCodeBlock * hb = dynamic_cast<HierarchicalCodeBlock*>(this);
+ if(hb)
+ kWarning()<<" loadChildBlocks : unable to initialize any child blocks in Hblock: "<<hb->getTag()<<" "<<this<<endl;
+ else
+ kDebug()<<" loadChildBlocks : unable to initialize any child blocks in UNKNOWN OBJ:"<<this<<endl;
+ }
+ }
+QString JavaClassifierCodeDocument::scopeToJavaDecl(Uml::Visibility scope)
+ QString scopeString;
+ switch(scope)
+ {
+ case Uml::Visibility::Public:
+ scopeString = "public";
+ break;
+ case Uml::Visibility::Protected:
+ scopeString = "protected";
+ break;
+ case Uml::Visibility::Private:
+ case Uml::Visibility::Implementation:
+ default:
+ scopeString = "private";
+ break;
+ }
+ return scopeString;
+JavaClassDeclarationBlock * JavaClassifierCodeDocument::getClassDecl()
+ if(!classDeclCodeBlock)
+ {
+ classDeclCodeBlock = new JavaClassDeclarationBlock (this);
+ classDeclCodeBlock->setTag("ClassDeclBlock");
+ }
+ return classDeclCodeBlock;
+void JavaClassifierCodeDocument::resetTextBlocks()
+ // all special pointers to text blocks need to be zero'd out
+ operationsBlock = 0;
+ constructorBlock = 0;
+ classDeclCodeBlock = 0;
+ // now do traditional release of text blocks.
+ ClassifierCodeDocument::resetTextBlocks();
+// This method will cause the class to rebuild its text representation.
+// based on the parent classifier object.
+// For any situation in which this is called, we are either building the code
+// document up, or replacing/regenerating the existing auto-generated parts. As
+// such, we will want to insert everything we resonablely will want
+// during creation. We can set various parts of the document (esp. the
+// comments) to appear or not, as needed.
+void JavaClassifierCodeDocument::updateContent( )
+ // Gather info on the various fields and parent objects of this class...
+ UMLClassifier * c = getParentClassifier();
+ CodeGenerationPolicy * commonPolicy = UMLApp::app()->getCommonPolicy();
+ CodeGenPolicyExt * pe = UMLApp::app()->getPolicyExt();
+ JavaCodeGenerationPolicy * policy = dynamic_cast<JavaCodeGenerationPolicy*>(pe);
+ // first, set the global flag on whether or not to show classfield info
+ // This depends on whether or not we have attribute/association classes
+ CodeClassFieldList * cfList = getCodeClassFieldList();
+ for(CodeClassField * field = cfList->first(); field; field = cfList->next())
+ if(field->parentIsAttribute())
+ field->setWriteOutMethods(policy->getAutoGenerateAttribAccessors());
+ else
+ field->setWriteOutMethods(policy->getAutoGenerateAssocAccessors());
+ // attribute-based ClassFields
+ // we do it this way to have the static fields sorted out from regular ones
+ CodeClassFieldList staticAttribClassFields = getSpecificClassFields (CodeClassField::Attribute, true);
+ CodeClassFieldList attribClassFields = getSpecificClassFields (CodeClassField::Attribute, false);
+ // association-based ClassFields
+ // don't care if they are static or not..all are lumped together
+ CodeClassFieldList plainAssocClassFields = getSpecificClassFields ( CodeClassField::PlainAssociation );
+ CodeClassFieldList aggregationClassFields = getSpecificClassFields ( CodeClassField::Aggregation );
+ CodeClassFieldList compositionClassFields = getSpecificClassFields ( CodeClassField::Composition );
+ bool isInterface = parentIsInterface();
+ bool hasOperationMethods = c->getOpList().last() ? true : false;
+ QString endLine = commonPolicy->getNewLineEndingChars(); // a we don't have to call this all the time
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ QString pkgs = getPackage();
+ pkgs.replace(QRegExp("::"), ".");
+ QString packageText = getPackage().isEmpty() ? "" : "package "+pkgs+';'+endLine;
+ CodeBlockWithComments * pblock = addOrUpdateTaggedCodeBlockWithComments("packages", packageText, "", 0, false);
+ if(packageText.isEmpty() && pblock->getContentType() == CodeBlock::AutoGenerated)
+ pblock->setWriteOutText(false);
+ else
+ pblock->setWriteOutText(true);
+ //
+ // Q: Why all utils? Isnt just List and Vector the only classes we are using?
+ // A: doesn't matter at all; its more readable to just include '*' and java compilers
+ // don't slow down or anything. (TZ)
+ QString importStatement = "";
+ if ( hasObjectVectorClassFields() )
+ importStatement.append("import java.util.*;");
+ //only import classes in a different package from this class
+ UMLPackageList imports;
+ QMap<UMLPackage*, QString> packageMap; // so we don't repeat packages
+ CodeGenerator::findObjectsRelated(c,imports);
+ for(UMLPackage *con = imports.first(); con ; con =
+ // NO (default) datatypes in the import statement.. use defined
+ // ones whould be possible, but no idea how to do least for now.
+ // Dynamic casting is slow..not an optimal way to do this.
+ if (!packageMap.contains(con) && con->getBaseType() != Uml::ot_Datatype)
+ {
+ packageMap.insert(con, con->getPackage());
+ // now, we DON'T need to import classes that are already in our own package
+ // (that is, IF a package is specified). Otherwise, we should have a declaration.
+ if (con->getPackage() != c->getPackage() ||
+ (c->getPackage().isEmpty() && con->getPackage().isEmpty()))
+ {
+ importStatement.append(endLine+"import ");
+ if(!con->getPackage().isEmpty())
+ importStatement.append(con->getPackage()+'.');
+ importStatement.append(CodeGenerator::cleanName(con->getName())+';');
+ }
+ }
+ // now, add/update the imports codeblock
+ CodeBlockWithComments * iblock = addOrUpdateTaggedCodeBlockWithComments("imports", importStatement, "", 0, false);
+ if(importStatement.isEmpty() && iblock->getContentType() == CodeBlock::AutoGenerated)
+ iblock->setWriteOutText(false);
+ else
+ iblock->setWriteOutText(true);
+ //
+ // get the declaration block. If its not already present, add it too
+ JavaClassDeclarationBlock * myClassDeclCodeBlock = getClassDecl();
+ addTextBlock(myClassDeclCodeBlock); // note: wont add if already present
+ // NOW create document in sections..
+ // now we want to populate the body of our class
+ // our layout is the following general groupings of code blocks:
+ // start java classifier document
+ // header comment
+ // package code block
+ // import code block
+ // class declaration
+ // section:
+ // - class field declaration section comment
+ // - class field declarations (0+ codeblocks)
+ // section:
+ // - methods section comment
+ // sub-section: constructor ops
+ // - constructor method section comment
+ // - constructor methods (0+ codeblocks)
+ // sub-section: accessors
+ // - accessor method section comment
+ // - static accessor methods (0+ codeblocks)
+ // - non-static accessor methods (0+ codeblocks)
+ // sub-section: non-constructor ops
+ // - operation method section comment
+ // - operations (0+ codeblocks)
+ // end class declaration
+ // end java classifier document
+ // Q: Why use the more complicated scheme of arranging code blocks within codeblocks?
+ // A: This will allow us later to preserve the format of our document so that if
+ // codeblocks are added, they may be easily added in the correct place, rather than at
+ // the end of the document, or by using a difficult algorithm to find the location of
+ // the last appropriate code block sibling (which may not exist.. for example user adds
+ // a constructor operation, but there currently are no constructor code blocks
+ // within the document).
+ //
+ // * CLASS FIELD declaration section
+ //
+ // get/create the field declaration code block
+ HierarchicalCodeBlock * fieldDeclBlock = myClassDeclCodeBlock->getHierarchicalCodeBlock("fieldsDecl", "Fields", 1);
+ // Update the comment: we only set comment to appear under the following conditions
+ CodeComment * fcomment = fieldDeclBlock->getComment();
+ if (isInterface || (!forceDoc() && !hasClassFields()) )
+ fcomment->setWriteOutText(false);
+ else
+ fcomment->setWriteOutText(true);
+ // now actually declare the fields within the appropriate HCodeBlock
+ declareClassFields(staticAttribClassFields, fieldDeclBlock);
+ declareClassFields(attribClassFields, fieldDeclBlock);
+ declareClassFields(plainAssocClassFields, fieldDeclBlock);
+ declareClassFields(aggregationClassFields, fieldDeclBlock);
+ declareClassFields(compositionClassFields, fieldDeclBlock);
+ //
+ // METHODS section
+ //
+ // get/create the method codeblock
+ HierarchicalCodeBlock * methodsBlock = myClassDeclCodeBlock->getHierarchicalCodeBlock("methodsBlock", "Methods", 1);
+ // Update the section comment
+ CodeComment * methodsComment = methodsBlock->getComment();
+ // set conditions for showing this comment
+ if (!forceDoc() && !hasClassFields() && !hasOperationMethods)
+ methodsComment->setWriteOutText(false);
+ else
+ methodsComment->setWriteOutText(true);
+ // METHODS sub-section : constructor methods
+ //
+ // get/create the constructor codeblock
+ HierarchicalCodeBlock * constBlock = methodsBlock->getHierarchicalCodeBlock("constructorMethods", "Constructors", 1);
+ constructorBlock = constBlock; // record this codeblock for later, when operations are updated
+ // special condiions for showing comment: only when autogenerateding empty constructors
+ // Although, we *should* check for other constructor methods too
+ CodeComment * constComment = constBlock->getComment();
+ CodeGenerationPolicy *pol = UMLApp::app()->getCommonPolicy();
+ if (!forceDoc() && (isInterface || !pol->getAutoGenerateConstructors()))
+ constComment->setWriteOutText(false);
+ else
+ constComment->setWriteOutText(true);
+ // add/get the empty constructor
+ QString JavaClassName = getJavaClassName(c->getName());
+ QString emptyConstStatement = "public "+JavaClassName+" ( ) { }";
+ CodeBlockWithComments * emptyConstBlock =
+ constBlock->addOrUpdateTaggedCodeBlockWithComments("emptyconstructor", emptyConstStatement, "Empty Constructor", 1, false);
+ // Now, as an additional condition we only show the empty constructor block
+ // IF it was desired to be shown
+ if(parentIsClass() && pol->getAutoGenerateConstructors())
+ emptyConstBlock->setWriteOutText(true);
+ else
+ emptyConstBlock->setWriteOutText(false);
+ //
+ // get/create the accessor codeblock
+ HierarchicalCodeBlock * accessorBlock = methodsBlock->getHierarchicalCodeBlock("accessorMethods", "Accessor Methods", 1);
+ // set conditions for showing section comment
+ CodeComment * accessComment = accessorBlock->getComment();
+ if (!forceDoc() && !hasClassFields())
+ accessComment->setWriteOutText(false);
+ else
+ accessComment->setWriteOutText(true);
+ // now, 2 sub-sub sections in accessor block
+ // add/update accessor methods for attributes
+ HierarchicalCodeBlock * staticAccessors = accessorBlock->getHierarchicalCodeBlock("staticAccessorMethods", "", 1);
+ staticAccessors->getComment()->setWriteOutText(false); // never write block comment
+ staticAccessors->addCodeClassFieldMethods(staticAttribClassFields);
+ staticAccessors->addCodeClassFieldMethods(attribClassFields);
+ // add/update accessor methods for associations
+ HierarchicalCodeBlock * regularAccessors = accessorBlock->getHierarchicalCodeBlock("regularAccessorMethods", "", 1);
+ regularAccessors->getComment()->setWriteOutText(false); // never write block comment
+ regularAccessors->addCodeClassFieldMethods(plainAssocClassFields);
+ regularAccessors->addCodeClassFieldMethods(aggregationClassFields);
+ regularAccessors->addCodeClassFieldMethods(compositionClassFields);
+ // METHODS subsection : Operation methods (which arent constructors)
+ //
+ // get/create the operations codeblock
+ operationsBlock = methodsBlock->getHierarchicalCodeBlock("operationMethods", "Operations", 1);
+ // set conditions for showing section comment
+ CodeComment * ocomment = operationsBlock->getComment();
+ if (!forceDoc() && !hasOperationMethods )
+ ocomment->setWriteOutText(false);
+ else
+ ocomment->setWriteOutText(true);
+#include "javaclassifiercodedocument.moc"