/* This file is part of KCachegrind. Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Josef Weidendorfer KCachegrind is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* * For function selection, to be put into a TQDockWindow */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "traceitemview.h" #include "stackbrowser.h" #include "functionselection.h" #include "partgraph.h" #include "functionitem.h" #include "costlistitem.h" #include "configuration.h" #include "toplevel.h" FunctionSelection::FunctionSelection( TopLevel* top, TQWidget* parent, const char* name) : FunctionSelectionBase(parent, name), TraceItemView(0, top) { _group = 0; _inSetGroup = false; _inSetFunction = false; TQStringList args; args << i18n("(No Grouping)") << TraceCost::i18nTypeName(TraceItem::Object) << TraceCost::i18nTypeName(TraceItem::File) << TraceCost::i18nTypeName(TraceItem::Class) << TraceCost::i18nTypeName(TraceItem::FunctionCycle); groupBox->insertStringList(args); // this needs same order of grouptype actionlist! connect(groupBox, TQ_SIGNAL(activated(int)), top, TQ_SLOT(groupTypeSelected(int))); // search while typing... connect(searchEdit, TQ_SIGNAL(textChanged(const TQString&)), this, TQ_SLOT(searchChanged(const TQString&))); connect(&_searchTimer, TQ_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQ_SLOT(queryDelayed())); // select first matching group/function on return connect(searchEdit, TQ_SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, TQ_SLOT(searchReturnPressed())); searchEdit->setMinimumWidth(50); // we start with desending cost sorting functionList->setSorting(0,false); functionList->setColumnAlignment(0, TQt::AlignRight); functionList->setColumnAlignment(1, TQt::AlignRight); functionList->setColumnAlignment(2, TQt::AlignRight); functionList->setAllColumnsShowFocus(true); // functionList->setShowSortIndicator(true); // we can have very long function and location names functionList->setColumnWidthMode(3, TQListView::Manual); functionList->setColumnWidth(3, 200); functionList->setColumnWidthMode(4, TQListView::Manual); functionList->setColumnWidth(4, 200); groupList->setSorting(0,false); groupList->setColumnAlignment(0, TQt::AlignRight); groupList->setAllColumnsShowFocus(true); // groupList->setShowSortIndicator(true); groupList->setResizeMode(TQListView::LastColumn); #if 0 // single click press activation connect(functionList, TQ_SIGNAL(selectionChanged(TQListViewItem*)), this, TQ_SLOT(functionActivated(TQListViewItem*))); connect(functionList, TQ_SIGNAL(contextMenuRequested(TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint &, int)), this, TQ_SLOT(functionContext(TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint &, int))); #else // single click release activation connect(functionList, TQ_SIGNAL(selectionChanged(TQListViewItem*)), this, TQ_SLOT(functionSelected(TQListViewItem*))); connect(functionList, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked(TQListViewItem*)), this, TQ_SLOT(functionActivated(TQListViewItem*))); connect(functionList, TQ_SIGNAL(returnPressed(TQListViewItem*)), this, TQ_SLOT(functionActivated(TQListViewItem*))); connect(functionList, TQ_SIGNAL(contextMenuRequested(TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint &, int)), this, TQ_SLOT(functionContext(TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint &, int))); #endif connect(groupList, TQ_SIGNAL(selectionChanged(TQListViewItem*)), this, TQ_SLOT(groupSelected(TQListViewItem*))); connect(groupList, TQ_SIGNAL(doubleClicked(TQListViewItem*)), this, TQ_SLOT(groupDoubleClicked(TQListViewItem*))); connect(groupList, TQ_SIGNAL(returnPressed(TQListViewItem*)), this, TQ_SLOT(groupDoubleClicked(TQListViewItem*))); connect(groupList, TQ_SIGNAL(contextMenuRequested(TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint &, int)), this, TQ_SLOT(groupContext(TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint &, int))); // start hidden groupList->hide(); } FunctionSelection::~FunctionSelection() { } void FunctionSelection::searchReturnPressed() { query(searchEdit->text()); TQListViewItem* item; if (_groupType != TraceItem::Function) { // if current group not matching, select first matching group item = groupList->currentItem(); if (!item || !item->isVisible()) { item = groupList->firstChild(); for (;item;item = item->nextSibling()) if (item->isVisible()) break; if (!item) return; setGroup(((CostListItem*)item)->costItem()); return; } } functionActivated(functionList->firstChild()); } // trigger the query after some delay, dependent on length void FunctionSelection::searchChanged(const TQString& q) { _searchDelayed = q; int ms = 100; if (q.length()<5) ms = 200; if (q.length()<2) ms = 300; _searchTimer.start(ms,true); } void FunctionSelection::queryDelayed() { query(_searchDelayed); } void FunctionSelection::functionContext(TQListViewItem* i, const TQPoint & p, int c) { TQPopupMenu popup; TraceFunction* f = 0; if (i) { f = ((FunctionItem*) i)->function(); if (f) { popup.insertItem(i18n("Go to %1").arg(f->prettyName()), 93); popup.insertSeparator(); } } if ((c == 0) || (c == 1)) { addCostMenu(&popup,false); popup.insertSeparator(); } addGroupMenu(&popup); popup.insertSeparator(); addGoMenu(&popup); int r = popup.exec(p); if (r == 93) activated(f); } void FunctionSelection::groupContext(TQListViewItem* /*i*/, const TQPoint & p, int c) { TQPopupMenu popup; #if 0 TraceCostItem* g = 0; if (i) { g = ((CostListItem*) i)->costItem(); if (!g) { popup.insertItem(i18n("Show All Items"), 93); popup.insertSeparator(); } } #endif if (c == 0) { addCostMenu(&popup,false); popup.insertSeparator(); } addGroupMenu(&popup); popup.insertSeparator(); addGoMenu(&popup); popup.exec(p); } void FunctionSelection::addGroupMenu(TQPopupMenu* popup) { TQPopupMenu *popup1 = new TQPopupMenu(popup); popup1->setCheckable(true); if (_groupType != TraceItem::Function) { popup1->insertItem(i18n("No Grouping"),0); popup1->insertSeparator(); } popup1->insertItem(TraceCost::i18nTypeName(TraceItem::Object),1); popup1->insertItem(TraceCost::i18nTypeName(TraceItem::File),2); popup1->insertItem(TraceCost::i18nTypeName(TraceItem::Class),3); popup1->insertItem(TraceCost::i18nTypeName(TraceItem::FunctionCycle),4); switch(_groupType) { case TraceItem::Object: popup1->setItemChecked(1, true); break; case TraceItem::File: popup1->setItemChecked(2, true); break; case TraceItem::Class: popup1->setItemChecked(3, true); break; case TraceItem::FunctionCycle: popup1->setItemChecked(4, true); break; default: break; } connect(popup1,TQ_SIGNAL(activated(int)), _topLevel,TQ_SLOT(groupTypeSelected(int))); popup->insertItem(i18n("Grouping"), popup1); } TraceItem* FunctionSelection::canShow(TraceItem* i) { TraceItem::CostType t = i ? i->type() : TraceItem::NoCostType; switch(t) { case TraceItem::Function: case TraceItem::FunctionCycle: case TraceItem::Object: case TraceItem::File: case TraceItem::Class: break; case TraceItem::Instr: i = ((TraceInstr*)i)->function(); break; case TraceItem::Line: i = ((TraceLine*)i)->functionSource()->function(); break; default: i = 0; break; } return i; } void FunctionSelection::doUpdate(int changeType) { // Special case ? if (changeType == selectedItemChanged) return; // we don't show cost 2 at all... if (changeType == costType2Changed) return; if (changeType == activeItemChanged) { if (_activeItem ==0) { functionList->clearSelection(); return; } switch(_activeItem->type()) { case TraceItem::Object: case TraceItem::File: case TraceItem::Class: setGroup((TraceCostItem*)_activeItem); return; default: break; } // active item is a function TraceFunction* f = (TraceFunction*) _activeItem; // if already current, nothing to do TQListViewItem* i = functionList->currentItem(); if (i && (((FunctionItem*)i)->function() == f)) { functionList->setSelected(i,true); return; } // reset searchEdit (as not activated from this view) _searchString = TQString(); query(TQString()); // select cost item group of function switch(_groupType) { case TraceItem::Object: setGroup(f->object()); break; case TraceItem::Class: setGroup(f->cls()); break; case TraceItem::File: setGroup(f->file()); break; case TraceItem::FunctionCycle: setGroup(f->cycle()); break; default: break; } TQListViewItem* item = functionList->firstChild(); for (;item;item = item->nextSibling()) if (((FunctionItem*)item)->function() == f) break; if (!item) item = new FunctionItem(functionList, f, _costType, _groupType); functionList->ensureItemVisible(item); // prohibit signalling of a function selection _inSetFunction = true; functionList->setSelected(item, true); _inSetFunction = false; return; } if (changeType & groupTypeChanged) { if (_activeItem && (_activeItem->type() == TraceItem::Function)) { TraceFunction* f = (TraceFunction*) _activeItem; // select cost item group of function switch(_groupType) { case TraceItem::Object: _group = f->object(); break; case TraceItem::Class: _group = f->cls(); break; case TraceItem::File: _group = f->file(); break; case TraceItem::FunctionCycle: _group = f->cycle(); break; default: _group = 0; break; } } int id; switch(_groupType) { case TraceItem::Object: id = 1; break; case TraceItem::File: id = 2; break; case TraceItem::Class: id = 3; break; case TraceItem::FunctionCycle: id = 4; break; default: id = 0; break; } groupBox->setCurrentItem(id); if (_groupType == TraceItem::Function) groupList->hide(); else groupList->show(); } // reset searchEdit _searchString = TQString(); query(TQString()); refresh(); } /* * This set/selects a group of the set available within the * current group type */ void FunctionSelection::setGroup(TraceCostItem* g) { if (!g) return; if (g->type() != _groupType) return; if (g == _group) return; _group = g; TQListViewItem* item = groupList->firstChild(); for (;item;item = item->nextSibling()) if (((CostListItem*)item)->costItem() == g) break; if (item) { groupList->ensureItemVisible(item); // prohibit signalling of a group selection _inSetGroup = true; groupList->setSelected(item, true); _inSetGroup = false; } else groupList->clearSelection(); } void FunctionSelection::refresh() { groupList->setUpdatesEnabled(false); groupList->clear(); // make cost columns as small as possible: // the new functions make them as wide as needed groupList->setColumnWidth(0, 50); groupList->setColumnText(1, TraceItem::i18nTypeName(_groupType)); if (!_data || _data->parts().count()==0) { functionList->clear(); groupList->setUpdatesEnabled(true); groupList->repaint(); // this clears all other lists functionList->setSelected(functionList->firstChild(), true); return; } /* tqDebug("FunctionSelection::fillLists (%s)", _data->command().ascii()); */ TraceObjectMap::Iterator oit; TraceClassMap::Iterator cit; TraceFileMap::Iterator fit; TQListViewItem *i = 0, *item = 0, *fitem = 0; // Fill up group list. // Always show group of current function, even if cost below low limit. // _hc.clear(Configuration::maxListCount()); TraceCostItem *group; // update group from _activeItem if possible if (_activeItem && (_activeItem->type() == _groupType)) _group = (TraceCostItem*) _activeItem; switch(_groupType) { case TraceItem::Object: for ( oit = _data->objectMap().begin(); oit != _data->objectMap().end(); ++oit ) _hc.addCost(&(*oit), (*oit).subCost(_costType)); break; case TraceItem::Class: for ( cit = _data->classMap().begin(); cit != _data->classMap().end(); ++cit ) _hc.addCost(&(*cit), (*cit).subCost(_costType)); break; case TraceItem::File: for ( fit = _data->fileMap().begin(); fit != _data->fileMap().end(); ++fit ) _hc.addCost(&(*fit), (*fit).subCost(_costType)); break; case TraceItem::FunctionCycle: { // add all cycles TraceFunctionCycleList l = _data->functionCycles(); for (group=l.first();group;group=l.next()) _hc.addCost(group, group->subCost(_costType)); } break; default: { TQListViewItem* oldItem = functionList->selectedItem(); TraceFunction* oldFunction = 0; int oldPos = 0; if (oldItem) { oldFunction = ((FunctionItem*)oldItem)->function(); oldPos = oldItem->itemPos(); oldPos -= functionList->contentsY(); if (oldPos < 0 || oldPos > functionList->height()) oldFunction = 0; } // switching off TQListView updates is buggy with some QT versions... //functionList->setUpdatesEnabled(false); functionList->clear(); setCostColumnWidths(); if (0) tqDebug("Function %s at %d, Item %p", oldFunction ? oldFunction->name().ascii() : "-", oldPos, (void*)oldItem); TraceFunctionMap::Iterator it; TraceFunction *f; i = 0; fitem = 0; for ( it = _data->functionMap().begin(); it != _data->functionMap().end(); ++it ) _hc.addCost(&(*it), (*it).inclusive()->subCost(_costType)); TraceFunctionCycleList l = _data->functionCycles(); for (f=l.first();f;f=l.next()) _hc.addCost(f, f->inclusive()->subCost(_costType)); if (_activeItem && ((_activeItem->type() == TraceItem::Function) || (_activeItem->type() == TraceItem::FunctionCycle))) fitem = new FunctionItem(functionList, (TraceFunction*)_activeItem, _costType, _groupType); for(int i=0;i<_hc.realCount();i++) { f = (TraceFunction*)_hc[i]; if (f == _activeItem) continue; new FunctionItem(functionList, f, _costType, _groupType); } if (_hc.hasMore()) { // a placeholder for all the cost items skipped ... new FunctionItem(functionList, _hc.count() - _hc.maxSize(), (TraceFunction*)_hc[_hc.maxSize()-1], _costType); } functionList->sort(); if (fitem && oldFunction) { _inSetFunction = true; functionList->setSelected(fitem, true); _inSetFunction = false; int newPos = functionList->itemPos(fitem) - functionList->contentsY(); functionList->scrollBy(0, newPos-oldPos); } else if (fitem) { functionList->ensureItemVisible(fitem); _inSetFunction = true; functionList->setSelected(fitem, true); _inSetFunction = false; } else functionList->clearSelection(); //functionList->setUpdatesEnabled(true); //functionList->repaint(); groupList->setUpdatesEnabled(true); groupList->repaint(); return; } } // we always put group of active item in list, even if // it would be skipped because of small costs if (_group) item = new CostListItem(groupList, _group, _costType); for(int i=0;i<_hc.realCount();i++) { group = (TraceCostItem*)_hc[i]; // don't put group of active item twice into list if (group == _group) continue; new CostListItem(groupList, group, _costType); } if (_hc.hasMore()) { // a placeholder for all the cost items skipped ... new CostListItem(groupList, _hc.count() - _hc.maxSize(), (TraceCostItem*)_hc[_hc.maxSize()-1], _costType); } groupList->sort(); if (item) { groupList->ensureItemVisible(item); _inSetGroup = true; groupList->setSelected(item, true); _inSetGroup = false; } else groupList->clearSelection(); groupList->setUpdatesEnabled(true); groupList->repaint(); } void FunctionSelection::groupSelected(TQListViewItem* i) { if (!i) return; if (!_data) return; TraceCostItem* g = ((CostListItem*) i)->costItem(); if (!g) return; _group = g; TraceFunctionList list; switch(g->type()) { case TraceItem::Object: list = ((TraceObject*)g)->functions(); break; case TraceItem::Class: list = ((TraceClass*)g)->functions(); break; case TraceItem::File: list = ((TraceFile*)g)->functions(); break; case TraceItem::FunctionCycle: list = ((TraceFunctionCycle*)g)->members(); break; default: return; } // switching off TQListView updates is buggy with some QT versions... //functionList->setUpdatesEnabled(false); functionList->clear(); setCostColumnWidths(); double total; if (Configuration::showExpanded()) total = (double) g->subCost(_costType); else total = (double) _data->subCost(_costType); #if 0 if (total == 0.0) { functionList->setUpdatesEnabled(true); functionList->repaint(); return; } #endif TQRegExp re(_searchString, false, true); FunctionItem* fitem = 0; TraceFunction *f; _hc.clear(Configuration::maxListCount()); for (f=list.first();f;f=list.next()) { if (re.search(f->prettyName())<0) continue; _hc.addCost(f, f->inclusive()->subCost(_costType)); if (_activeItem == f) fitem = new FunctionItem(functionList, (TraceFunction*)_activeItem, _costType, _groupType); } for(int i=0;i<_hc.realCount();i++) { if (_activeItem == (TraceFunction*)_hc[i]) continue; new FunctionItem(functionList, (TraceFunction*)_hc[i], _costType, _groupType); } if (_hc.hasMore()) { // a placeholder for all the functions skipped ... new FunctionItem(functionList, _hc.count() - _hc.maxSize(), (TraceFunction*)_hc[_hc.maxSize()-1], _costType); } functionList->sort(); if (fitem) { functionList->ensureItemVisible(fitem); _inSetFunction = true; functionList->setSelected(fitem, true); _inSetFunction = false; } //functionList->setUpdatesEnabled(true); //functionList->repaint(); // Don't emit signal if cost item was changed programatically if (!_inSetGroup) { _selectedItem = g; selected(g); } } void FunctionSelection::groupDoubleClicked(TQListViewItem* i) { if (!i) return; if (!_data) return; TraceCostItem* g = ((CostListItem*) i)->costItem(); if (!g) return; // group must be selected first if (g != _group) return; activated(g); } TraceCostItem* FunctionSelection::group(TQString s) { TQListViewItem *item; item = groupList->firstChild(); for(;item;item = item->nextSibling()) if (((CostListItem*)item)->costItem()->name() == s) return ((CostListItem*)item)->costItem(); return 0; } void FunctionSelection::functionSelected(TQListViewItem* i) { if (!i) return; if (!_data) return; TraceFunction* f = ((FunctionItem*) i)->function(); if (!f) return; //tqDebug("FunctionSelection::functionSelected %s", f->name().ascii()); // Don't emit signal if function was changed programatically if (!_inSetFunction) { _selectedItem = f; selected(f); } } void FunctionSelection::functionActivated(TQListViewItem* i) { if (!i) return; if (!_data) return; TraceFunction* f = ((FunctionItem*) i)->function(); if (!f) return; if (!_inSetFunction) activated(f); } void FunctionSelection::updateGroupSizes(bool hideEmpty) { TQListViewItem* item = groupList->firstChild(); for (;item;item = item->nextSibling()) { CostListItem* i = (CostListItem*)item; int size = (_groupSize.contains(i->costItem())) ? _groupSize[i->costItem()] : -1; i->setSize(size); i->setVisible(!hideEmpty || (size>0)); } } void FunctionSelection::query(TQString query) { if (searchEdit->text() != query) searchEdit->setText(query); if (_searchString == query) { // when resetting query, get rid of group sizes if (query.isEmpty()) { _groupSize.clear(); updateGroupSizes(false); } return; } _searchString = query; TQRegExp re(query, false, true); _groupSize.clear(); TraceFunction* f = 0; TraceFunctionList list2; _hc.clear(Configuration::maxListCount()); TraceFunctionMap::Iterator it; for ( it = _data->functionMap().begin(); it != _data->functionMap().end(); ++it ) { f = &(*it); if (re.search(f->prettyName())>=0) { if (_group) { if (_groupType==TraceItem::Object) { if (_groupSize.contains(f->object())) _groupSize[f->object()]++; else _groupSize[f->object()] = 1; if (f->object() != _group) continue; } else if (_groupType==TraceItem::Class) { if (_groupSize.contains(f->cls())) _groupSize[f->cls()]++; else _groupSize[f->cls()] = 1; if (f->cls() != _group) continue; } else if (_groupType==TraceItem::File) { if (_groupSize.contains(f->file())) _groupSize[f->file()]++; else _groupSize[f->file()] = 1; if (f->file() != _group) continue; } else if (_groupType==TraceItem::FunctionCycle) { if (_groupSize.contains(f->cycle())) _groupSize[f->cycle()]++; else _groupSize[f->cycle()] = 1; if (f->cycle() != _group) continue; } } _hc.addCost(f, f->inclusive()->subCost(_costType)); } } updateGroupSizes(true); FunctionItem *fi, *item = 0; functionList->clear(); setCostColumnWidths(); for(int i=0;i<_hc.realCount();i++) { fi = new FunctionItem(functionList, (TraceFunction*)_hc[i], _costType, _groupType); if (_activeItem == f) item = fi; } if (_hc.hasMore()) { // a placeholder for all the functions skipped ... new FunctionItem(functionList, _hc.count() - _hc.maxSize(), (TraceFunction*)_hc[_hc.maxSize()-1], _costType); } functionList->sort(); if (item) { functionList->ensureItemVisible(item); _inSetFunction = true; functionList->setSelected(item, true); _inSetFunction = false; } else { // this emits a function selection functionList->setSelected(functionList->firstChild(), true); } } bool FunctionSelection::setTopFunction() { TQListViewItem* i = functionList->firstChild(); // this emits a function selection functionList->setSelected(i, true); functionActivated(i); return i!=0; } void FunctionSelection::setCostColumnWidths() { if (_costType && (_costType->subCost(_data->callMax())>0) ) { functionList->setColumnWidthMode(0, TQListView::Maximum); functionList->setColumnWidth(0,50); functionList->setColumnWidthMode(2, TQListView::Maximum); functionList->setColumnWidth(2,50); } else { functionList->setColumnWidthMode(0, TQListView::Manual); functionList->setColumnWidth(0,0); functionList->setColumnWidthMode(2, TQListView::Manual); functionList->setColumnWidth(2,0); } functionList->setColumnWidth(1, 50); } #include "functionselection.moc"