/*************************************************************************** imagemapeditor.h - description ------------------- begin : Wed Apr 4 2001 copyright : (C) 2001 by Jan SchÃ?fer email : janschaefer@users.sourceforge.net ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef KIMAGEMAPDIALOG_H #define KIMAGEMAPDIALOG_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kimearea.h" /** *@author Jan Schaefer */ class TQListView; class TQPushButton; class DrawZone; class TQComboBox; class TQListViewItem; class TDEToggleAction; /** * Stores an area tag and all its attributes */ typedef TQDict AreaTag; /** * Stores an image tag and all its attributes * the origcode attribute hold the original htmlcode * of this tag */ typedef TQDict ImageTag; /** * Only a small class to give a list of AreaTags a name */ class MapTag : public TQPtrList { public: MapTag(); TQString name; bool modified; }; class HtmlElement { public: HtmlElement(const TQString & s) { htmlCode = s; }; virtual ~HtmlElement() {} ; TQString htmlCode; }; class HtmlMapElement : public HtmlElement { public: HtmlMapElement(const TQString & s) : HtmlElement(s) { mapTag = 0L; }; virtual ~HtmlMapElement() {}; MapTag *mapTag; }; class HtmlImgElement : public HtmlElement { public: HtmlImgElement(const TQString & s) : HtmlElement(s) { imgTag = 0L; }; virtual ~HtmlImgElement() {} ; ImageTag *imgTag; }; /** * Stores the hole HTML content in a List. */ class HtmlContent : public TQPtrList {} ; class TDESelectAction; class TDERadioAction; class TDERecentFilesAction; class TDEAction; #if TDE_VERSION < 300 class TDEAccel; #endif ///class TQListViewItem; class KCommandHistory; class TDEApplication; class TQTabWidget; class AreaListView; class ImagesListView; class MapsListView; class KDockWidget; class KDockMainWindow; // needed by the statusbar #define STATUS_CURSOR 1000 #define STATUS_SELECTION 1001 class KImageMapEditor : public KParts::ReadWritePart { TQ_OBJECT public : enum ToolType { Selection, Rectangle, Circle, Polygon, Freehand, AddPoint, RemovePoint }; KImageMapEditor(TQWidget *parentWidget, const char *, TQObject *parent, const char *name, const TQStringList & args = TQStringList()); virtual ~KImageMapEditor(); static TDEAboutData *createAboutData(); static TDEConfig *config(); /** * Makes sure, that the actions cut, copy, delete and * show properties * can only be executed if sth. is selected. **/ void updateActionAccess(); DrawZone* getDrawZone() { return drawZone; }; void addAreaAndEdit(Area*); void addArea(Area*); AreaListIterator areaList() const; KImageMapEditor::ToolType currentToolType() const; void deleteSelected(); void deleteArea( Area * area); void deleteAllAreas(); void deselectAll(); void deselect(Area* s); void deselectWithoutUpdate(Area*); TQString getHTMLImageMap() const; Area* onArea(const TQPoint & p) const; TQPixmap makeListViewPix(Area &) ; TQString mapName() const; void select(Area*); void selectWithoutUpdate(Area*); void select(TQListViewItem*); AreaSelection* selected() const; void setPicture(const TQImage & pix); int showTagEditor(Area *); KCommandHistory *commandHistory() const; TDEApplication* app() const; // Only refreshes the listView void updateSelection() const; void readConfig(); void writeConfig(); virtual void readProperties(TDEConfig *); virtual void saveProperties(TDEConfig *); virtual bool closeURL(); bool queryClose(); virtual void setReadWrite(bool); TQString getHtmlCode(); /** * Reimplemented to disable and enable Save action */ virtual void setModified(bool); /** * Opens the given file. * If it's an HTML file openURL is called * If it's an Image, the image is added to the image list */ void openFile(const KURL &); /** * Opens the last URL the user worked with. * Sets also, the last map and the last image */ void openLastURL(TDEConfig*); void readConfig(TDEConfig*); void writeConfig(TDEConfig*); virtual bool openURL(const KURL & url); protected: void init(); bool openHTMLFile(const KURL &, const TQString & mapName = TQString(), const TQString & imagePath = TQString()); void saveImageMap(const KURL &); /** * Returns a language dependend background picture, with * the text : Drop an image or html file */ TQImage getBackgroundImage(); /** * Saves information to restore the last working state */ void saveLastURL(TDEConfig*); private: // Stores the hole html file in a List // The entries are either a MapTag an ImageTag or a TQString HtmlContent _htmlContent; // the url of the working image; KURL _imageUrl; TQString _mapName; TQImage _backgroundImage; bool backupFileCreated; KImageMapEditor::ToolType _currentToolType; AreaList *areas; AreaSelection *currentSelected; AreaSelection *copyArea; Area *defaultArea; DrawZone* drawZone; TQTabWidget* tabWidget; AreaListView *areaListView; ImagesListView* imagesListView; MapsListView* mapsListView; HtmlMapElement* currentMapElement; // // Actions // TDESelectAction* zoomAction; TDERadioAction *arrowAction; TDERadioAction *circleAction; TDERadioAction *rectangleAction; TDERadioAction *polygonAction; TDERadioAction *freehandAction; TDERadioAction *addPointAction; TDERadioAction *removePointAction; TDEAction *cutAction; TDEAction *deleteAction; TDEAction *copyAction; TDEAction *pasteAction; TDEAction *zoomInAction; TDEAction *zoomOutAction; TDEAction *mapNewAction; TDEAction *mapDeleteAction; TDEAction *mapNameAction; TDEAction *mapDefaultAreaAction; TDEAction *imageAddAction; TDEAction *imageRemoveAction; TDEAction *imageUsemapAction; TDEToggleAction *highlightAreasAction; TDEToggleAction *showAltAction; TDEAction *areaPropertiesAction; TDEAction *moveLeftAction; TDEAction *moveRightAction; TDEAction *moveUpAction; TDEAction *moveDownAction; TDEAction *increaseWidthAction; TDEAction *decreaseWidthAction; TDEAction *increaseHeightAction; TDEAction *decreaseHeightAction; TDEAction *toFrontAction; TDEAction *toBackAction; TDEAction *forwardOneAction; TDEAction *backOneAction; TDEToggleAction* configureShowAreaListAction; TDEToggleAction* configureShowMapListAction; TDEToggleAction* configureShowImageListAction; TDERecentFilesAction* recentFilesAction; #if TDE_VERSION < 300 TDEAccel *accel; #endif KDockMainWindow *mainDock; KDockWidget* areaDock; KDockWidget* mapsDock; KDockWidget* imagesDock; KCommandHistory *_commandHistory; int maxAreaPreviewHeight; TQString cursorStatusText; TQString selectionStatusText; void setupActions(); void setupStatusBar(); void updateStatusBar(); /* refreshes all Areas, only used by preferences dialog * updates only the preview pictures*/ void updateAllAreas(); void updateUpDownBtn(); TQDict getTagAttributes(TQTextStream & s,TQString &); void setMap(HtmlMapElement*); void setMap(MapTag*); void addMap(const TQString &); // Returns the entire html file as a String HtmlElement* findHtmlElement(const TQString &); HtmlImgElement* findHtmlImgElement(ImageTag*); HtmlMapElement* findHtmlMapElement(const TQString &); void deleteAllMaps(); void addImage(const KURL &); void setImageActionsEnabled(bool); void setMapActionsEnabled(bool); void saveAreasToMapTag(MapTag*); void showPopupMenu(const TQPoint &, const TQString &); void drawToCenter(TQPainter* p, const TQString & str, int y, int width); public slots: void slotChangeStatusCoords(int x,int y); void slotUpdateSelectionCoords(); void slotUpdateSelectionCoords( const TQRect &); void slotAreaChanged(Area *); void slotShowMainPopupMenu(const TQPoint &); void slotShowMapPopupMenu(TQListViewItem *, const TQPoint &); void slotShowImagePopupMenu(TQListViewItem *, const TQPoint &); void slotConfigChanged(); void setPicture(const KURL & url); void setMap(const TQString &); void setMapName(const TQString & s); protected slots: // overriden from KReadWritePart virtual bool openFile(); virtual bool saveFile() { saveImageMap( url() ); // setModified(false); return true; } void fileOpen(); void fileSaveAs(); void fileSave(); void fileClose(); void slotShowPopupMenu(TQListViewItem*,const TQPoint &); void slotShowPreferences(); void slotHightlightAreas(); void slotShowAltTag(); void slotSelectionChanged(); int showTagEditor(TQListViewItem *item); int showTagEditor(); void slotZoom(); void slotZoomIn(); void slotZoomOut(); void slotCut(); void slotCopy(); void slotPaste(); void slotDelete(); void slotDrawArrow(); void slotDrawCircle(); void slotDrawRectangle(); void slotDrawPolygon(); void slotDrawFreehand(); void slotDrawAddPoint(); void slotDrawRemovePoint(); void mapDefaultArea(); void mapNew(); void mapDelete(); void mapEditName(); void mapShowHTML(); void mapPreview(); void slotBackOne(); void slotForwardOne(); void slotToBack(); void slotToFront(); void slotMoveUp(); void slotMoveDown(); void slotMoveLeft(); void slotMoveRight(); void slotIncreaseHeight(); void slotDecreaseHeight(); void slotIncreaseWidth(); void slotDecreaseWidth(); void slotCancelDrawing(); void configureShowAreaList(); void configureShowMapList(); void configureShowImageList(); // void slotPreferences(); void imageAdd(); void imageRemove(); void imageUsemap(); void dockingStateChanged(); }; inline KImageMapEditor::ToolType KImageMapEditor::currentToolType() const { return _currentToolType; } inline TQString KImageMapEditor::mapName() const { return _mapName; } inline KCommandHistory* KImageMapEditor::commandHistory() const { return _commandHistory; } #endif