path: root/amarok/src/app.cpp
diff options
authortpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2010-01-09 23:52:48 +0000
committertpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2010-01-09 23:52:48 +0000
commit3ce9174229de91411a9abf5381a1f335fe0c6a98 (patch)
tree84b2736fa1b0d3fbf9c60fc04f510d2a13916b09 /amarok/src/app.cpp
Added abandoned KDE3 version of Amarok
git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'amarok/src/app.cpp')
1 files changed, 1487 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/amarok/src/app.cpp b/amarok/src/app.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..32f20f24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amarok/src/app.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1487 @@
+ app.cpp - description
+ -------------------
+begin : Mit Okt 23 14:35:18 CEST 2002
+copyright : (C) 2002 by Mark Kretschmann
+email :
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "amarok.h"
+#include "amarokconfig.h"
+#include "amarokdcophandler.h"
+#include "app.h"
+#include "atomicstring.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "configdialog.h"
+#include "contextbrowser.h"
+#include "collectionbrowser.h"
+#include "dbsetup.h" //firstRunWizard()
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "devicemanager.h"
+#include "mediadevicemanager.h"
+#include "enginebase.h"
+#include "enginecontroller.h"
+#include "equalizersetup.h"
+#include "firstrunwizard.h"
+#include "mediabrowser.h"
+#include "metabundle.h"
+#include "mountpointmanager.h"
+#include "osd.h"
+#include "playerwindow.h"
+#include "playlist.h"
+#include "playlistbrowser.h"
+#include "playlistwindow.h"
+#include "pluginmanager.h"
+#include "refreshimages.h"
+#include "scriptmanager.h"
+#include "scrobbler.h"
+#include "statusbar.h"
+#include "systray.h"
+#include "threadmanager.h"
+#include "tracktooltip.h" //engineNewMetaData()
+#include <iostream>
+#include <kconfigdialogmanager.h>
+#include <kcombobox.h> //firstRunWizard()
+#include <kcmdlineargs.h> //initCliArgs()
+#include <kcursor.h> //Amarok::OverrideCursor
+#include <kedittoolbar.h> //slotConfigToolbars()
+#include <kglobalaccel.h> //initGlobalShortcuts()
+#include <kglobalsettings.h> //applyColorScheme()
+#include <kiconloader.h> //amarok Icon
+#include <kkeydialog.h> //slotConfigShortcuts()
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kmessagebox.h> //applySettings(), genericEventHandler()
+#include <krun.h> //Amarok::invokeBrowser()
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include <kurldrag.h> //genericEventHandler()
+#include <kaboutdata.h>
+#include <kio/job.h>
+#include <qevent.h> //genericEventHandler()
+#include <qeventloop.h> //applySettings()
+#include <qfile.h>
+#include <qobjectlist.h> //applyColorScheme()
+#include <qpalette.h> //applyColorScheme()
+#include <qpixmap.h> //QPixmap::setDefaultOptimization()
+#include <qpopupmenu.h> //genericEventHandler
+#include <qtimer.h> //showHyperThreadingWarning()
+#include <qtooltip.h> //default tooltip for trayicon
+// For the HyperThreading fix
+#ifdef __linux__
+ #include <errno.h>
+ #include <sched.h>
+#endif //__linux__
+QMutex Debug::mutex;
+QMutex Amarok::globalDirsMutex;
+int App::mainThreadId = 0;
+#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
+#include <qt_mac.h>
+static AEEventHandlerUPP appleEventProcessorUPP = 0;
+appleEventProcessor(const AppleEvent *ae, AppleEvent *, long /*handlerRefCon*/)
+ OSType aeID = typeWildCard;
+ OSType aeClass = typeWildCard;
+ AEGetAttributePtr(ae, keyEventClassAttr, typeType, 0, &aeClass, sizeof(aeClass), 0);
+ AEGetAttributePtr(ae, keyEventIDAttr, typeType, 0, &aeID, sizeof(aeID), 0);
+ if(aeClass == kCoreEventClass)
+ {
+ if(aeID == kAEReopenApplication)
+ {
+ if( PlaylistWindow::self() )
+ PlaylistWindow::self()->show();
+ }
+ return noErr;
+ }
+ return eventNotHandledErr;
+LIBAMAROK_EXPORT KAboutData aboutData( "amarok",
+ I18N_NOOP( "Amarok" ), APP_VERSION,
+ I18N_NOOP( "The audio player for KDE" ), KAboutData::License_GPL,
+ I18N_NOOP( "(C) 2002-2003, Mark Kretschmann\n(C) 2003-2007, The Amarok Development Squad" ),
+ I18N_NOOP( "IRC:\ - #amarok,,\n\nFeedback:\\n\n(Build Date: " __DATE__ ")" ),
+ ( "" ) );
+ : KApplication()
+ , m_pPlayerWindow( 0 ) //will be created in applySettings()
+#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
+ // this is inspired by OpenSceneGraph: osgDB/FilePath.cpp
+ // Start with the the Bundle PlugIns directory.
+ // Get the main bundle first. No need to retain or release it since
+ // we are not keeping a reference
+ CFBundleRef myBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
+ if( myBundle )
+ {
+ // CFBundleGetMainBundle will return a bundle ref even if
+ // the application isn't part of a bundle, so we need to
+ // check
+ // if the path to the bundle ends in ".app" to see if it is
+ // a
+ // proper application bundle. If it is, the plugins path is
+ // added
+ CFURLRef urlRef = CFBundleCopyBundleURL(myBundle);
+ if(urlRef)
+ {
+ char bundlePath[1024];
+ if( CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation( urlRef, true, (UInt8 *)bundlePath, sizeof(bundlePath) ) )
+ {
+ QCString bp( bundlePath );
+ size_t len = bp.length();
+ if( len > 4 && bp.right( 4 ) == ".app" )
+ {
+ bp.append( "/Contents/MacOS" );
+ QCString path = getenv( "PATH" );
+ if( path.length() > 0 )
+ {
+ path.prepend( ":" );
+ }
+ path.prepend( bp );
+ debug() << "setting PATH=" << path << endl;
+ setenv("PATH", path, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ // docs say we are responsible for releasing CFURLRef
+ CFRelease(urlRef);
+ }
+ }
+ QPixmap::setDefaultOptimization( QPixmap::MemoryOptim );
+ //needs to be created before the wizard
+ new Amarok::DcopPlayerHandler(); // Must be created first
+ new Amarok::DcopPlaylistHandler();
+ new Amarok::DcopPlaylistBrowserHandler();
+ new Amarok::DcopContextBrowserHandler();
+ new Amarok::DcopCollectionHandler();
+ new Amarok::DcopMediaBrowserHandler();
+ new Amarok::DcopScriptHandler();
+ new Amarok::DcopDevicesHandler();
+ fixHyperThreading();
+ // tell AtomicString that this is the GUI thread
+ if ( !AtomicString::isMainThread() )
+ qWarning("AtomicString was initialized from a thread other than the GUI "
+ "thread. This could lead to memory leaks.");
+#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
+ appleEventProcessorUPP = AEEventHandlerUPP(appleEventProcessor);
+ AEInstallEventHandler(kCoreEventClass, kAEReopenApplication, appleEventProcessorUPP, (long)this, true);
+ QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( continueInit() ) );
+ // Hiding the OSD before exit prevents crash
+ Amarok::OSD::instance()->hide();
+ EngineBase* const engine = EngineController::engine();
+ if ( AmarokConfig::resumePlayback() ) {
+ if ( engine->state() != Engine::Empty ) {
+ AmarokConfig::setResumeTrack( EngineController::instance()->playingURL().prettyURL() );
+ AmarokConfig::setResumeTime( engine->position() );
+ }
+ else AmarokConfig::setResumeTrack( QString::null ); //otherwise it'll play previous resume next time!
+ }
+ EngineController::instance()->endSession(); //records final statistics
+ EngineController::instance()->detach( this );
+ // do even if trayicon is not shown, it is safe
+ Amarok::config()->writeEntry( "HiddenOnExit", mainWindow()->isHidden() );
+ CollectionDB::instance()->stopScan();
+ delete m_pPlayerWindow; //sets some XT keys
+ delete m_pPlaylistWindow; //sets some XT keys
+ ThreadManager::deleteInstance(); //waits for jobs to finish
+ // this must be deleted before the connection to the Xserver is
+ // severed, or we risk a crash when the QApplication is exited,
+ // I asked Trolltech! *smug*
+ delete Amarok::OSD::instance();
+ AmarokConfig::setVersion( APP_VERSION );
+ AmarokConfig::writeConfig();
+ //need to unload the engine before the kapplication is destroyed
+ PluginManager::unload( engine );
+#include <dcopref.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+ // grabbed from KsCD source, kompatctdisk.cpp
+ QString urlToDevice(const QString& device)
+ {
+ KURL deviceUrl(device);
+ if (deviceUrl.protocol() == "media" || deviceUrl.protocol() == "system")
+ {
+ DCOPRef mediamanager( "kded", "mediamanager" );
+ DCOPReply reply = "properties(QString)", deviceUrl.fileName() );
+ QStringList properties = reply;
+ if (!reply.isValid() || properties.count() < 6)
+ {
+ debug() << "Invalid reply from mediamanager" << endl;
+ return QString();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ debug() << "Reply from mediamanager " << properties[5] << endl;
+ return properties[5];
+ }
+ }
+ return device;
+ }
+void App::handleCliArgs() //static
+ static char cwd[PATH_MAX];
+ KCmdLineArgs* const args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs();
+ if ( args->isSet( "cwd" ) )
+ {
+ strncpy(cwd, args->getOption( "cwd" ), sizeof(cwd) );
+ cwd[sizeof(cwd)-1] = '\0';
+ KCmdLineArgs::setCwd( cwd );
+ }
+ bool haveArgs = false;
+ if ( args->count() > 0 )
+ {
+ haveArgs = true;
+ KURL::List list;
+ for( int i = 0; i < args->count(); i++ )
+ {
+ KURL url = args->url( i );
+ if( url.protocol() == "itpc" || url.protocol() == "pcast" )
+ PlaylistBrowser::instance()->addPodcast( url );
+ else
+ list << url;
+ }
+ int options = Playlist::DefaultOptions;
+ if( args->isSet( "queue" ) )
+ options = Playlist::Queue;
+ else if( args->isSet( "append" ) || args->isSet( "enqueue" ) )
+ options = Playlist::Append;
+ else if( args->isSet( "load" ) )
+ options = Playlist::Replace;
+ if( args->isSet( "play" ) )
+ options |= Playlist::DirectPlay;
+ Playlist::instance()->insertMedia( list, options );
+ }
+ //we shouldn't let the user specify two of these since it is pointless!
+ //so we prioritise, pause > stop > play > next > prev
+ //thus pause is the least destructive, followed by stop as brakes are the most important bit of a car(!)
+ //then the others seemed sensible. Feel free to modify this order, but please leave justification in the cvs log
+ //I considered doing some sanity checks (eg only stop if paused or playing), but decided it wasn't worth it
+ else if ( args->isSet( "pause" ) )
+ {
+ haveArgs = true;
+ EngineController::instance()->pause();
+ }
+ else if ( args->isSet( "stop" ) )
+ {
+ haveArgs = true;
+ EngineController::instance()->stop();
+ }
+ else if ( args->isSet( "play-pause" ) )
+ {
+ haveArgs = true;
+ EngineController::instance()->playPause();
+ }
+ else if ( args->isSet( "play" ) ) //will restart if we are playing
+ {
+ haveArgs = true;
+ EngineController::instance()->play();
+ }
+ else if ( args->isSet( "next" ) )
+ {
+ haveArgs = true;
+ EngineController::instance()->next();
+ }
+ else if ( args->isSet( "previous" ) )
+ {
+ haveArgs = true;
+ EngineController::instance()->previous();
+ }
+ else if (args->isSet("cdplay"))
+ {
+ haveArgs = true;
+ QString device = args->getOption("cdplay");
+ device = DeviceManager::instance()->convertMediaUrlToDevice( device );
+ KURL::List urls;
+ if (EngineController::engine()->getAudioCDContents(device, urls)) {
+ Playlist::instance()->insertMedia(
+ urls, Playlist::Replace|Playlist::DirectPlay);
+ } else { // Default behaviour
+ debug() <<
+ "Sorry, the engine doesn't support direct play from AudioCD..."
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( args->isSet( "toggle-playlist-window" ) )
+ {
+ haveArgs = true;
+ pApp->m_pPlaylistWindow->showHide();
+ }
+ static bool firstTime = true;
+ if( !firstTime && !haveArgs )
+ pApp->m_pPlaylistWindow->activate();
+ firstTime = false;
+ args->clear(); //free up memory
+// INIT
+void App::initCliArgs( int argc, char *argv[] ) //static
+ static KCmdLineOptions options[] =
+ {
+ { "+[URL(s)]", I18N_NOOP( "Files/URLs to open" ), 0 },
+ { "r", 0, 0 },
+ { "previous", I18N_NOOP( "Skip backwards in playlist" ), 0 },
+ { "p", 0, 0 },
+ { "play", I18N_NOOP( "Start playing current playlist" ), 0 },
+ { "t", 0, 0 },
+ { "play-pause", I18N_NOOP( "Play if stopped, pause if playing" ), 0 },
+ { "pause", I18N_NOOP( "Pause playback" ), 0 },
+ { "s", 0, 0 },
+ { "stop", I18N_NOOP( "Stop playback" ), 0 },
+ { "f", 0, 0 },
+ { "next", I18N_NOOP( "Skip forwards in playlist" ), 0 },
+ { ":", I18N_NOOP("Additional options:"), 0 },
+ { "a", 0, 0 },
+ { "append", I18N_NOOP( "Append files/URLs to playlist" ), 0 },
+ { "e", 0, 0 },
+ { "enqueue", I18N_NOOP("See append, available for backwards compatability"), 0 },
+ { "queue", I18N_NOOP("Queue URLs after the currently playing track"), 0 },
+ { "l", 0, 0 },
+ { "load", I18N_NOOP("Load URLs, replacing current playlist"), 0 },
+ { "m", 0, 0 },
+ { "toggle-playlist-window", I18N_NOOP("Toggle the Playlist-window"), 0 },
+ { "wizard", I18N_NOOP( "Run first-run wizard" ), 0 },
+ { "engine <name>", I18N_NOOP( "Use the <name> engine" ), 0 },
+ { "cwd <directory>", I18N_NOOP( "Base for relative filenames/URLs" ), 0 },
+ { "cdplay <device>", I18N_NOOP("Play an AudioCD from <device>"), 0 },
+ //FIXME: after string freeze { "cdplay <device>", I18N_NOOP("Play an AudioCD from <device> or system:/media/<device>"), 0 },
+ { 0, 0, 0 }
+ };
+ KCmdLineArgs::reset();
+ KCmdLineArgs::init( argc, argv, &::aboutData ); //calls KApplication::addCmdLineOptions()
+ KCmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions( options ); //add our own options
+#include <kaction.h>
+#include <kshortcutlist.h>
+void App::initGlobalShortcuts()
+ EngineController* const ec = EngineController::instance();
+ m_pGlobalAccel->insert( "play", i18n( "Play" ), 0, KKey("WIN+x"), 0,
+ ec, SLOT( play() ), true, true );
+ m_pGlobalAccel->insert( "pause", i18n( "Pause" ), 0, 0, 0,
+ ec, SLOT( pause() ), true, true );
+ m_pGlobalAccel->insert( "play_pause", i18n( "Play/Pause" ), 0, KKey("WIN+c"), 0,
+ ec, SLOT( playPause() ), true, true );
+ m_pGlobalAccel->insert( "stop", i18n( "Stop" ), 0, KKey("WIN+v"), 0,
+ ec, SLOT( stop() ), true, true );
+ m_pGlobalAccel->insert( "stop_after_global", i18n( "Stop Playing After Current Track" ), 0, KKey("WIN+CTRL+v"), 0,
+ Playlist::instance()->qscrollview(), SLOT( toggleStopAfterCurrentTrack() ), true, true );
+ m_pGlobalAccel->insert( "next", i18n( "Next Track" ), 0, KKey("WIN+b"), 0,
+ ec, SLOT( next() ), true, true );
+ m_pGlobalAccel->insert( "prev", i18n( "Previous Track" ), 0, KKey("WIN+z"), 0,
+ ec, SLOT( previous() ), true, true );
+ m_pGlobalAccel->insert( "volup", i18n( "Increase Volume" ), 0, KKey("WIN+KP_Add"), 0,
+ ec, SLOT( increaseVolume() ), true, true );
+ m_pGlobalAccel->insert( "voldn", i18n( "Decrease Volume" ), 0, KKey("WIN+KP_Subtract"), 0,
+ ec, SLOT( decreaseVolume() ), true, true );
+ m_pGlobalAccel->insert( "seekforward", i18n( "Seek Forward" ), 0, KKey("WIN+Shift+KP_Add"), 0,
+ ec, SLOT( seekForward() ), true, true );
+ m_pGlobalAccel->insert( "seekbackward", i18n( "Seek Backward" ), 0, KKey("WIN+Shift+KP_Subtract"), 0,
+ ec, SLOT( seekBackward() ), true, true );
+ m_pGlobalAccel->insert( "playlist_add", i18n( "Add Media..." ), 0, KKey("WIN+a"), 0,
+ m_pPlaylistWindow, SLOT( slotAddLocation() ), true, true );
+ m_pGlobalAccel->insert( "show", i18n( "Toggle Playlist Window" ), 0, KKey("WIN+p"), 0,
+ m_pPlaylistWindow, SLOT( showHide() ), true, true );
+#ifdef Q_WS_X11
+ m_pGlobalAccel->insert( "osd", i18n( "Show OSD" ), 0, KKey("WIN+o"), 0,
+ Amarok::OSD::instance(), SLOT( forceToggleOSD() ), true, true );
+ m_pGlobalAccel->insert( "mute", i18n( "Mute Volume" ), 0, KKey("WIN+m"), 0,
+ ec, SLOT( mute() ), true, true );
+ m_pGlobalAccel->insert( "rating1", i18n( "Rate Current Track: 1" ), 0, KKey("WIN+1"), 0,
+ this, SLOT( setRating1() ), true, true );
+ m_pGlobalAccel->insert( "rating2", i18n( "Rate Current Track: 2" ), 0, KKey("WIN+2"), 0,
+ this, SLOT( setRating2() ), true, true );
+ m_pGlobalAccel->insert( "rating3", i18n( "Rate Current Track: 3" ), 0, KKey("WIN+3"), 0,
+ this, SLOT( setRating3() ), true, true );
+ m_pGlobalAccel->insert( "rating4", i18n( "Rate Current Track: 4" ), 0, KKey("WIN+4"), 0,
+ this, SLOT( setRating4() ), true, true );
+ m_pGlobalAccel->insert( "rating5", i18n( "Rate Current Track: 5" ), 0, KKey("WIN+5"), 0,
+ this, SLOT( setRating5() ), true, true );
+ m_pGlobalAccel->setConfigGroup( "Shortcuts" );
+ m_pGlobalAccel->readSettings( kapp->config() );
+ m_pGlobalAccel->updateConnections();
+ //TODO fix kde accel system so that kactions find appropriate global shortcuts
+ // and there is only one configure shortcuts dialog
+ KActionCollection* const ac = Amarok::actionCollection();
+ KAccelShortcutList list( m_pGlobalAccel );
+ for( uint i = 0; i < list.count(); ++i )
+ {
+ KAction *action = ac->action( i ).latin1() );
+ if( action )
+ {
+ //this is a hack really, also it means there may be two calls to the slot for the shortcut
+ action->setShortcutConfigurable( false );
+ action->setShortcut( list.shortcut( i ) );
+ }
+ }
+void App::fixHyperThreading()
+ /** Workaround for stability issues with HyperThreading CPU's, @see BUG 99199.
+ * First we detect the presence of HyperThreading. If active, we bind amarokapp
+ * to the first CPU only (hard affinity).
+ *
+ * @see
+ * @see
+ * (articles on processor affinity with the linux kernel)
+ */
+ #ifdef __linux__
+ QString line;
+ uint cpuCount = 0;
+ QFile cpuinfo( "/proc/cpuinfo" );
+ if ( IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
+ while ( cpuinfo.readLine( line, 20000 ) != -1 ) {
+ if ( line.startsWith( "flags" ) )
+ cpuCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ // If multiple CPUs are listed with the HT flag, we got HyperThreading enabled
+ if ( cpuCount > 1 ) {
+ debug() << "SMP system detected. Enabling WORKAROUND.\n";
+ // If the library is new enough try and call sched_setaffinity.
+ cpu_set_t mask;
+ CPU_ZERO( &mask ); // Initializes all the bits in the mask to zero
+ CPU_SET( 0, &mask ); // Sets only the bit corresponding to cpu
+ if ( sched_setaffinity( 0, sizeof(mask), &mask ) == -1 )
+ if ( sched_setaffinity( 0, &mask ) == -1 )
+ {
+ warning() << "sched_setaffinity() call failed with error code: " << errno << endl;
+ QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( showHyperThreadingWarning() ) );
+ return;
+ }
+ warning()<<"glibc failed checks for sched_setaffinity" << endl;
+ QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( showHyperThreadingWarning() ) );
+ }
+ else { debug() << "Workaround not enabled" << endl; }
+ #else //__linux__
+ debug() << "SCHEDAFFINITY_SUPPORT disabled since this isn't Linux" << endl;
+ #endif //__linux__
+void App::showHyperThreadingWarning() // SLOT
+ const QString text =
+ i18n( "<p>You are using a system with multiple CPUs. "
+ "Please note that Amarok may be unstable with this "
+ "configuration.</p>"
+ "<p>If your system has hyperthreading, you can improve Amarok's stability by using the Linux kernel option 'NOHT', "
+ "or by disabling <i>HyperThreading</i> in your BIOS setup.</p>"
+ "<p>More information can be found in the README file. For further assistance "
+ "join us at #amarok on</p>" );
+ KMessageBox::information( 0, text, i18n( "Warning" ), "showHyperThreadingWarning" );
+#include <taglib/id3v1tag.h>
+#include <taglib/tbytevector.h>
+#include <qtextcodec.h>
+//this class is only used in this module, so I figured I may as well define it
+//here and save creating another header/source file combination
+class ID3v1StringHandler : public TagLib::ID3v1::StringHandler
+ QTextCodec *m_codec;
+ virtual TagLib::String parse( const TagLib::ByteVector &data ) const
+ {
+ return QStringToTString( m_codec->toUnicode(, data.size() ) );
+ }
+ virtual TagLib::ByteVector render( const TagLib::String &ts ) const
+ {
+ const QCString qcs = m_codec->fromUnicode( TStringToQString(ts) );
+ return TagLib::ByteVector( qcs, qcs.length() );
+ }
+ ID3v1StringHandler( int codecIndex )
+ : m_codec( QTextCodec::codecForIndex( codecIndex ) )
+ {
+ debug() << "codec: " << m_codec << endl;
+ debug() << "codec-name: " << m_codec->name() << endl;
+ }
+ ID3v1StringHandler( QTextCodec *codec )
+ : m_codec( codec )
+ {
+ debug() << "codec: " << m_codec << endl;
+ debug() << "codec-name: " << m_codec->name() << endl;
+ }
+void App::applySettings( bool firstTime )
+ ///Called when the configDialog is closed with OK or Apply
+ //determine and apply colors first
+ applyColorScheme();
+#ifdef Q_WS_X11
+ TrackToolTip::instance()->removeFromWidget( m_pTray );
+ if( AmarokConfig::showPlayerWindow() )
+ {
+ if( !m_pPlayerWindow )
+ {
+ //the player Window becomes the main Window
+ //it is the focus for hideWithMainWindow behaviour etc.
+ //it gets the majestic "Amarok" caption
+ m_pPlaylistWindow->setCaption( kapp->makeStdCaption( i18n("Playlist") ) );
+ m_pPlayerWindow = new PlayerWidget( m_pPlaylistWindow, "PlayerWindow", firstTime && AmarokConfig::playlistWindowEnabled() );
+ //don't show PlayerWindow on firstTime, that is done below
+ //we need to explicately set the PL button if it's the first time
+ if( !firstTime ) m_pPlayerWindow->show();
+ connect( m_pPlayerWindow, SIGNAL(playlistToggled( bool )), m_pPlaylistWindow, SLOT(showHide()) );
+#ifdef Q_WS_X11
+ //TODO get this to work!
+ //may work if you set no parent for the systray?
+ //KWin::setSystemTrayWindowFor( m_pTray->winId(), m_pPlayerWindow->winId() );
+ delete m_pTray; m_pTray = new Amarok::TrayIcon( m_pPlayerWindow );
+ //make tray icon behave properly after selecting to show or hide player window
+ m_pTray->engineStateChanged(EngineController::instance()->engine()->state(), EngineController::instance()->engine()->state());
+ m_pTray->engineNewMetaData(EngineController::instance()->bundle(), false);
+ //make player window minimal if it was last time
+ if( AmarokConfig::playerWindowMinimalView() ){
+ m_pPlayerWindow->setMinimalView( true );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ //this is called in the PlayerWindow ctor, hence the else
+ m_pPlayerWindow->applySettings();
+ } else if( m_pPlayerWindow ) {
+#ifdef Q_WS_X11
+ delete m_pTray; m_pTray = new Amarok::TrayIcon( m_pPlaylistWindow );
+ m_pTray->engineStateChanged(EngineController::instance()->engine()->state(), EngineController::instance()->engine()->state());
+ m_pTray->engineNewMetaData(EngineController::instance()->bundle(), false);
+ delete m_pPlayerWindow; m_pPlayerWindow = 0;
+ //Set the caption correctly.
+ if ( !EngineController::instance()->bundle().prettyTitle().isEmpty() )
+ m_pPlaylistWindow->setCaption( i18n("Amarok - %1").arg( EngineController::instance()->bundle().veryNiceTitle() ) );
+ else
+ m_pPlaylistWindow->setCaption( "Amarok" );
+ }
+ playlistWindow()->applySettings();
+ Scrobbler::instance()->applySettings();
+ Amarok::OSD::instance()->applySettings();
+ CollectionDB::instance()->applySettings();
+#ifdef Q_WS_X11
+ m_pTray->setShown( AmarokConfig::showTrayIcon() );
+ TrackToolTip::instance()->addToWidget( m_pTray );
+ //on startup we need to show the window, but only if it wasn't hidden on exit
+ //and always if the trayicon isn't showing
+ QWidget* main_window = mainWindow();
+#ifdef Q_WS_X11
+ if( ( main_window && firstTime && !Amarok::config()->readBoolEntry( "HiddenOnExit", false ) ) || ( main_window && !AmarokConfig::showTrayIcon() ) )
+ {
+ main_window->show();
+ //takes longer but feels shorter. Crazy eh? :)
+ kapp->eventLoop()->processEvents( QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInput );
+ }
+ { //<Engine>
+ EngineBase *engine = EngineController::engine();
+ if( firstTime || AmarokConfig::soundSystem() !=
+ PluginManager::getService( engine )->property( "X-KDE-Amarok-name" ).toString() )
+ {
+ //will unload engine for us first if necessary
+ engine = EngineController::instance()->loadEngine();
+ }
+ engine->setXfadeLength( AmarokConfig::crossfade() ? AmarokConfig::crossfadeLength() : 0 );
+ engine->setVolume( AmarokConfig::masterVolume() );
+ engine->setEqualizerEnabled( AmarokConfig::equalizerEnabled() );
+ if ( AmarokConfig::equalizerEnabled() )
+ engine->setEqualizerParameters( AmarokConfig::equalizerPreamp(), AmarokConfig::equalizerGains() );
+ Amarok::actionCollection()->action("play_audiocd")->setEnabled( EngineController::hasEngineProperty( "HasKIO" ) || EngineController::hasEngineProperty("HasCDDA"));
+ } //</Engine>
+ { //<Collection>
+ CollectionView::instance()->renderView(true);
+ } //</Collection>
+ { //<Context>
+ ContextBrowser::instance()->renderView();
+ } //</Context>
+ { // delete unneeded cover images from cache
+ const QString size = QString::number( AmarokConfig::coverPreviewSize() ) + '@';
+ const QDir cacheDir = Amarok::saveLocation( "albumcovers/cache/" );
+ const QStringList obsoleteCovers = cacheDir.entryList( "*" );
+ foreach( obsoleteCovers )
+ if ( !(*it).startsWith( size ) && !(*it).startsWith( "50@" ) )
+ QFile( cacheDir.filePath( *it ) ).remove();
+ }
+ //if ( !firstTime )
+ // Bizarrely and ironically calling this causes crashes for
+ // some people! FIXME
+ //AmarokConfig::writeConfig();
+ const KCmdLineArgs* const args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs();
+ bool restoreSession = args->count() == 0 || args->isSet( "append" ) || args->isSet( "enqueue" )
+ || Amarok::config()->readBoolEntry( "AppendAsDefault", false );
+ // Make this instance so it can start receiving signals
+ MoodServer::instance();
+ // Remember old folder setup, so we can detect changes after the wizard was used
+ //const QStringList oldCollectionFolders = MountPointManager::instance()->collectionFolders();
+ if ( Amarok::config()->readBoolEntry( "First Run", true ) || args->isSet( "wizard" ) ) {
+ std::cout << "STARTUP\n" << std::flush; //hide the splashscreen
+ firstRunWizard();
+ Amarok::config()->writeEntry( "First Run", false );
+ Amarok::config()->sync();
+ }
+ CollectionDB::instance()->checkDatabase();
+ m_pMediaDeviceManager = MediaDeviceManager::instance();
+ m_pGlobalAccel = new KGlobalAccel( this );
+ m_pPlaylistWindow = new PlaylistWindow();
+#ifdef Q_WS_X11
+ m_pTray = new Amarok::TrayIcon( m_pPlaylistWindow );
+ m_pPlaylistWindow->init(); //creates the playlist, browsers, etc.
+ //init playlist window as soon as the database is guaranteed to be usable
+ //connect( CollectionDB::instance(), SIGNAL( databaseUpdateDone() ), m_pPlaylistWindow, SLOT( init() ) );
+ initGlobalShortcuts();
+ //load previous playlist in separate thread
+ if ( restoreSession && AmarokConfig::savePlaylist() )
+ {
+ Playlist::instance()->restoreSession();
+ //Debug::stamp();
+ //p->restoreSession();
+ }
+ if( args->isSet( "engine" ) ) {
+ // we correct some common errors (case issues, missing -engine off the end)
+ QString engine = args->getOption( "engine" ).lower();
+ if( engine.startsWith( "gstreamer" ) ) engine = "gst-engine";
+ if( !engine.endsWith( "engine" ) ) engine += "-engine";
+ AmarokConfig::setSoundSystem( engine );
+ }
+ Debug::stamp();
+ //create engine, show PlayerWindow, show TrayIcon etc.
+ applySettings( true );
+ Debug::stamp();
+ // Start ScriptManager. Must be created _after_ PlaylistWindow.
+ ScriptManager::instance();
+ Debug::stamp();
+ //notify loader application that we have started
+ std::cout << "STARTUP\n" << std::flush;
+ //after this point only analyzer and temporary pixmaps will be created
+ QPixmap::setDefaultOptimization( QPixmap::BestOptim );
+ //do after applySettings(), or the OSD will flicker and other wierdness!
+ //do before restoreSession()!
+ EngineController::instance()->attach( this );
+ //set a default interface
+ engineStateChanged( Engine::Empty );
+ if ( AmarokConfig::resumePlayback() && restoreSession && !args->isSet( "stop" ) ) {
+ //restore session as long as the user didn't specify media to play etc.
+ //do this after applySettings() so OSD displays correctly
+ EngineController::instance()->restoreSession();
+ }
+ CollectionDB *collDB = CollectionDB::instance();
+ //Collection scan is triggered in firstRunWizard if the colelction folder setup was changed in the wizard
+ // If database version is updated, the collection needs to be rescanned.
+ // Works also if the collection is empty for some other reason
+ // (e.g. deleted collection.db)
+ if ( CollectionDB::instance()->isEmpty() )
+ {
+ //connect( collDB, SIGNAL( databaseUpdateDone() ), collDB, SLOT( startScan() ) );
+ collDB->startScan();
+ }
+ else if ( AmarokConfig::monitorChanges() )
+ //connect( collDB, SIGNAL( databaseUpdateDone() ), collDB, SLOT( scanModifiedDirs() ) );
+ collDB->scanModifiedDirs();
+ handleCliArgs();
+ QColorGroup group;
+ using Amarok::ColorScheme::AltBase;
+ int h, s, v;
+ QWidget* const browserBar = static_cast<QWidget*>( playlistWindow()->child( "BrowserBar" ) );
+ QWidget* const contextBrowser = static_cast<QWidget*>( ContextBrowser::instance() );
+ if( AmarokConfig::schemeKDE() )
+ {
+ AltBase = KGlobalSettings::alternateBackgroundColor();
+ playlistWindow()->unsetPalette();
+ browserBar->unsetPalette();
+ contextBrowser->unsetPalette();
+ PlayerWidget::determineAmarokColors();
+ }
+ else if( AmarokConfig::schemeAmarok() )
+ {
+ group = QApplication::palette().active();
+ const QColor bg( Amarok::blue );
+ AltBase.setRgb( 57, 64, 98 );
+ group.setColor( QColorGroup::Text, Qt::white );
+ group.setColor( QColorGroup::Link, 0xCCCCCC );
+ group.setColor( QColorGroup::Base, bg );
+ group.setColor( QColorGroup::Foreground, 0xd7d7ef );
+ group.setColor( QColorGroup::Background, AltBase );
+ group.setColor( QColorGroup::Button, AltBase );
+ group.setColor( QColorGroup::ButtonText, 0xd7d7ef );
+// group.setColor( QColorGroup::Light, Qt::cyan /*lighter than Button color*/ );
+// group.setColor( QColorGroup::Midlight, Qt::blue /*between Button and Light*/ );
+// group.setColor( QColorGroup::Dark, Qt::green /*darker than Button*/ );
+// group.setColor( QColorGroup::Mid, Qt::red /*between Button and Dark*/ );
+// group.setColor( QColorGroup::Shadow, Qt::yellow /*a very dark color. By default, the shadow color is Qt::black*/ );
+ group.setColor( QColorGroup::Highlight, Qt::white );
+ group.setColor( QColorGroup::HighlightedText, bg );
+ //group.setColor( QColorGroup::BrightText, QColor( 0xff, 0x40, 0x40 ) ); //GlowColor
+ AltBase.getHsv( &h, &s, &v );
+ group.setColor( QColorGroup::Midlight, QColor( h, s/3, (int)(v * 1.2), QColor::Hsv ) ); //column separator in playlist
+ //TODO set all colours, even button colours, that way we can change the dark,
+ //light, etc. colours and Amarok scheme will look much better
+ using namespace Amarok::ColorScheme;
+ Base = Amarok::blue;
+ Text = Qt::white;
+ Background = 0x002090;
+ Foreground = 0x80A0FF;
+ //all children() derive their palette from this
+ playlistWindow()->setPalette( QPalette( group, group, group ) );
+ browserBar->unsetPalette();
+ contextBrowser->setPalette( QPalette( group, group, group ) );
+ }
+ else if( AmarokConfig::schemeCustom() )
+ {
+ // we try to be smart: this code figures out contrasting colors for
+ // selection and alternate background rows
+ group = QApplication::palette().active();
+ const QColor fg( AmarokConfig::playlistWindowFgColor() );
+ const QColor bg( AmarokConfig::playlistWindowBgColor() );
+ //TODO use the ensureContrast function you devised in BlockAnalyzer
+ bg.hsv( &h, &s, &v );
+ v += (v < 128) ? +50 : -50;
+ v &= 255; //ensures 0 <= v < 256
+ AltBase.setHsv( h, s, v );
+ fg.hsv( &h, &s, &v );
+ v += (v < 128) ? +150 : -150;
+ v &= 255; //ensures 0 <= v < 256
+ QColor highlight( h, s, v, QColor::Hsv );
+ group.setColor( QColorGroup::Base, bg );
+ group.setColor( QColorGroup::Background, bg.dark( 115 ) );
+ group.setColor( QColorGroup::Text, fg );
+ group.setColor( QColorGroup::Link, fg.light( 120 ) );
+ group.setColor( QColorGroup::Highlight, highlight );
+ group.setColor( QColorGroup::HighlightedText, Qt::white );
+ group.setColor( QColorGroup::Dark, Qt::darkGray );
+ PlayerWidget::determineAmarokColors();
+ // we only colour the middle section since we only
+ // allow the user to choose two colours
+ browserBar->setPalette( QPalette( group, group, group ) );
+ contextBrowser->setPalette( QPalette( group, group, group ) );
+ playlistWindow()->unsetPalette();
+ }
+ // set the KListView alternate colours
+ QObjectList* const list = playlistWindow()->queryList( "KListView" );
+ for( QObject *o = list->first(); o; o = list->next() )
+ static_cast<KListView*>(o)->setAlternateBackground( AltBase );
+ delete list; //heap allocated!
+bool Amarok::genericEventHandler( QWidget *recipient, QEvent *e )
+ //this is used as a generic event handler for widgets that want to handle
+ //typical events in an Amarok fashion
+ //to use it just pass the event eg:
+ //
+ // void Foo::barEvent( QBarEvent *e )
+ // {
+ // Amarok::genericEventHandler( this, e );
+ // }
+ switch( e->type() )
+ {
+ case QEvent::DragEnter:
+ #define e static_cast<QDropEvent*>(e)
+ e->accept( KURLDrag::canDecode( e ) );
+ break;
+ case QEvent::Drop:
+ if( KURLDrag::canDecode( e ) )
+ {
+ QPopupMenu popup;
+ //FIXME this isn't a good way to determine if there is a currentTrack, need playlist() function
+ const bool b = EngineController::engine()->loaded();
+ popup.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "add_playlist" ) ), i18n( "&Append to Playlist" ),
+ Playlist::Append );
+ popup.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "add_playlist" ) ), i18n( "Append && &Play" ),
+ Playlist::DirectPlay | Playlist::Append );
+ if( b )
+ popup.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "fast_forward" ) ), i18n( "&Queue Track" ),
+ Playlist::Queue );
+ popup.insertSeparator();
+ popup.insertItem( i18n( "&Cancel" ), 0 );
+ const int id = popup.exec( recipient->mapToGlobal( e->pos() ) );
+ KURL::List list;
+ KURLDrag::decode( e, list );
+ if ( id > 0 )
+ Playlist::instance()->insertMedia( list, id );
+ }
+ else return false;
+ #undef e
+ break;
+ //this like every entry in the generic event handler is used by more than one widget
+ //please don't remove!
+ case QEvent::Wheel:
+ {
+ #define e static_cast<QWheelEvent*>(e)
+ //this behaviour happens for the systray and the player window
+ //to override one, override it in that class
+ switch( e->state() )
+ {
+ case Qt::ControlButton:
+ {
+ const bool up = e->delta() > 0;
+ //if this seems strange to you, please bring it up on #amarok
+ //for discussion as we can't decide which way is best!
+ if( up ) EngineController::instance()->previous();
+ else EngineController::instance()->next();
+ break;
+ }
+ case Qt::ShiftButton:
+ {
+ EngineController::instance()->seekRelative( ( e->delta() / 120 ) * 10000 ); // 10 seconds
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ EngineController::instance()->increaseVolume( e->delta() / Amarok::VOLUME_SENSITIVITY );
+ }
+ e->accept();
+ #undef e
+ break;
+ }
+ case QEvent::Close:
+ //KDE policy states we should hide to tray and not quit() when the
+ //close window button is pushed for the main widget
+ static_cast<QCloseEvent*>(e)->accept(); //if we don't do this the info box appears on quit()!
+ if( AmarokConfig::showTrayIcon() && !e->spontaneous() && !kapp->sessionSaving() )
+ {
+ KMessageBox::information( recipient,
+ i18n( "<qt>Closing the main-window will keep Amarok running in the System Tray. "
+ "Use <B>Quit</B> from the menu, or the Amarok tray-icon to exit the application.</qt>" ),
+ i18n( "Docking in System Tray" ), "hideOnCloseInfo" );
+ }
+ else pApp->quit();
+ break;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+void App::engineStateChanged( Engine::State state, Engine::State oldState )
+ const MetaBundle &bundle = EngineController::instance()->bundle();
+ switch( state )
+ {
+ case Engine::Empty:
+ if ( AmarokConfig::showPlayerWindow() )
+ m_pPlaylistWindow->setCaption( kapp->makeStdCaption( i18n("Playlist") ) );
+ else m_pPlaylistWindow->setCaption( "Amarok" );
+ TrackToolTip::instance()->clear();
+ Amarok::OSD::instance()->setImage( KIconLoader().iconPath( "amarok", -KIcon::SizeHuge ) );
+ break;
+ case Engine::Playing:
+ if ( oldState == Engine::Paused )
+ Amarok::OSD::instance()->OSDWidget::show( i18n( "state, as in playing", "Play" ) );
+ if ( !bundle.prettyTitle().isEmpty() )
+ m_pPlaylistWindow->setCaption( i18n("Amarok - %1").arg( bundle.veryNiceTitle() ) );
+ break;
+ case Engine::Paused:
+ Amarok::OSD::instance()->OSDWidget::show( i18n("Paused") );
+ break;
+ case Engine::Idle:
+ if ( AmarokConfig::showPlayerWindow() )
+ m_pPlaylistWindow->setCaption( kapp->makeStdCaption( i18n("Playlist") ) );
+ else m_pPlaylistWindow->setCaption( "Amarok" );
+ break;
+ default:
+ ;
+ }
+void App::engineNewMetaData( const MetaBundle &bundle, bool /*trackChanged*/ )
+ Amarok::OSD::instance()->show( bundle );
+ if ( !bundle.prettyTitle().isEmpty() )
+ m_pPlaylistWindow->setCaption( i18n("Amarok - %1").arg( bundle.veryNiceTitle() ) );
+ TrackToolTip::instance()->setTrack( bundle );
+void App::engineTrackPositionChanged( long position, bool /*userSeek*/ )
+ TrackToolTip::instance()->setPos( position );
+void App::engineVolumeChanged( int newVolume )
+ Amarok::OSD::instance()->OSDWidget::volChanged( newVolume );
+void App::slotConfigEqualizer() //SLOT
+ EqualizerSetup::instance()->show();
+ EqualizerSetup::instance()->raise();
+void App::slotConfigAmarok( const QCString& page )
+ AmarokConfigDialog* dialog = static_cast<AmarokConfigDialog*>( KConfigDialog::exists( "settings" ) );
+ if( !dialog )
+ {
+ //KConfigDialog didn't find an instance of this dialog, so lets create it :
+ dialog = new AmarokConfigDialog( m_pPlaylistWindow, "settings", AmarokConfig::self() );
+ connect( dialog, SIGNAL(settingsChanged()), SLOT(applySettings()) );
+ }
+ //FIXME it seems that if the dialog is on a different desktop it gets lost
+ // what do to? detect and move it?
+ if ( page.isNull() )
+ dialog->showPage( AmarokConfigDialog::s_currentPage );
+ else
+ dialog->showPageByName( page );
+ dialog->show();
+ dialog->raise();
+ dialog->setActiveWindow();
+void App::slotConfigShortcuts()
+ KKeyDialog::configure( Amarok::actionCollection(), m_pPlaylistWindow );
+void App::slotConfigGlobalShortcuts()
+ KKeyDialog::configure( m_pGlobalAccel, true, m_pPlaylistWindow, true );
+void App::slotConfigToolBars()
+ PlaylistWindow* const pw = playlistWindow();
+ KEditToolbar dialog( pw->actionCollection(), pw->xmlFile(), true, pw );
+ dialog.showButtonApply( false );
+ if( dialog.exec() )
+ {
+ playlistWindow()->reloadXML();
+ playlistWindow()->createGUI();
+ }
+void App::firstRunWizard()
+ ///show firstRunWizard
+ FirstRunWizard wizard;
+ setTopWidget( &wizard );
+ KConfigDialogManager* config = new KConfigDialogManager(&wizard, AmarokConfig::self(), "wizardconfig");
+ config->updateWidgets();
+ // connect(config, SIGNAL(settingsChanged()), SLOT(updateSettings()));
+ wizard.setCaption( makeStdCaption( i18n( "First-Run Wizard" ) ) );
+ if( wizard.exec() != QDialog::Rejected )
+ {
+ //make sure that the DB config is stored in amarokrc before calling CollectionDB's ctor
+ AmarokConfig::setDatabaseEngine(
+ QString::number( Amarok::databaseTypeCode( wizard.dbSetup7->databaseEngine->currentText() ) ) );
+ config->updateSettings();
+ const QStringList oldCollectionFolders = MountPointManager::instance()->collectionFolders();
+ wizard.writeCollectionConfig();
+ // If wizard is invoked at runtime, rescan collection if folder setup has changed
+ if ( !Amarok::config()->readBoolEntry( "First Run", true ) &&
+ oldCollectionFolders != MountPointManager::instance()->collectionFolders() )
+ CollectionDB::instance()->startScan();
+ }
+void App::setUseScores( bool use )
+ AmarokConfig::setUseScores( use );
+ emit useScores( use );
+void App::setUseRatings( bool use )
+ AmarokConfig::setUseRatings( use );
+ emit useRatings( use );
+void App::setMoodbarPrefs( bool show, bool moodier, int alter, bool withMusic )
+ AmarokConfig::setShowMoodbar( show );
+ AmarokConfig::setMakeMoodier( moodier );
+ AmarokConfig::setAlterMood( alter );
+ AmarokConfig::setMoodsWithMusic( withMusic );
+ emit moodbarPrefs( show, moodier, alter, withMusic );
+KIO::Job *App::trashFiles( const KURL::List &files )
+#if KDE_IS_VERSION( 3, 3, 91 )
+ KIO::Job *job = KIO::trash( files, true /*show progress*/ );
+ Amarok::StatusBar::instance()->newProgressOperation( job ).setDescription( i18n("Moving files to trash") );
+ connect( job, SIGNAL( result( KIO::Job* ) ), this, SLOT( slotTrashResult( KIO::Job* ) ) );
+ return job;
+ KIO::Job* job = KIO::move( files, KGlobalSettings::trashPath() );
+ return job;
+void App::setRating( int n )
+ if( !AmarokConfig::useRatings() ) return;
+ n *= 2;
+ const Engine::State s = EngineController::instance()->engine()->state();
+ if( s == Engine::Playing || s == Engine::Paused || s == Engine::Idle )
+ {
+ const QString path = EngineController::instance()->playingURL().path();
+ CollectionDB::instance()->setSongRating( path, n, true );
+ const int rating = CollectionDB::instance()->getSongRating( path );
+ EngineController::instance()->updateBundleRating( rating );
+ Amarok::OSD::instance()->OSDWidget::ratingChanged( rating );
+ if( !Amarok::OSD::instance()->isShown() && !PlaylistWindow::self()->isReallyShown() )
+ Amarok::OSD::instance()->forceToggleOSD();
+ }
+ else if( PlaylistWindow::self()->isReallyShown() && Playlist::instance()->qscrollview()->hasFocus() )
+ Playlist::instance()->setSelectedRatings( n );
+void App::slotTrashResult( KIO::Job *job )
+ if( job->error() )
+ job->showErrorDialog( PlaylistWindow::self() );
+QWidget *App::mainWindow() const
+ return AmarokConfig::showPlayerWindow() ? static_cast<QWidget*>( m_pPlayerWindow )
+ : static_cast<QWidget*>( m_pPlaylistWindow );
+void App::quit()
+ emit prepareToQuit();
+ if( MediaBrowser::instance()->blockQuit() )
+ {
+ // don't quit yet, as some media devices still have to finish transferring data
+ QTimer::singleShot( 100, this, SLOT( quit() ) );
+ return;
+ }
+ KApplication::quit();
+namespace Amarok
+ /// @see amarok.h
+ QWidget *mainWindow()
+ {
+ return pApp->playlistWindow();
+ }
+ KActionCollection *actionCollection()
+ {
+ return pApp->playlistWindow()->actionCollection();
+ }
+ KConfig *config( const QString &group )
+ {
+ //Slightly more useful config() that allows setting the group simultaneously
+ kapp->config()->setGroup( group );
+ return kapp->config();
+ }
+ bool invokeBrowser( const QString& url )
+ {
+ //URL can be in whatever forms KURL::fromPathOrURL understands - ie most.
+ const QString cmd = "%1 \"%2\"";
+ return KRun::runCommand( cmd.arg( AmarokConfig::externalBrowser(), KURL::fromPathOrURL( url ).url() ) ) > 0;
+ }
+ namespace ColorScheme
+ {
+ QColor Base;
+ QColor Text;
+ QColor Background;
+ QColor Foreground;
+ QColor AltBase;
+ }
+ OverrideCursor::OverrideCursor( Qt::CursorShape cursor )
+ {
+ QApplication::setOverrideCursor( cursor == Qt::WaitCursor ? KCursor::waitCursor() : KCursor::workingCursor() );
+ }
+ OverrideCursor::~OverrideCursor()
+ {
+ QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
+ }
+ QString saveLocation( const QString &directory )
+ {
+ globalDirsMutex.lock();
+ QString result = KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation( "data", QString("amarok/") + directory, true );
+ globalDirsMutex.unlock();
+ return result;
+ }
+ QString cleanPath( const QString &path )
+ {
+ QString result = path;
+ // german umlauts
+ result.replace( QChar(0x00e4), "ae" ).replace( QChar(0x00c4), "Ae" );
+ result.replace( QChar(0x00f6), "oe" ).replace( QChar(0x00d6), "Oe" );
+ result.replace( QChar(0x00fc), "ue" ).replace( QChar(0x00dc), "Ue" );
+ result.replace( QChar(0x00df), "ss" );
+ // some strange accents
+ result.replace( QChar(0x00e7), "c" ).replace( QChar(0x00c7), "C" );
+ result.replace( QChar(0x00fd), "y" ).replace( QChar(0x00dd), "Y" );
+ result.replace( QChar(0x00f1), "n" ).replace( QChar(0x00d1), "N" );
+ // czech letters with carons
+ result.replace( QChar(0x0161), "s" ).replace( QChar(0x0160), "S" );
+ result.replace( QChar(0x010d), "c" ).replace( QChar(0x010c), "C" );
+ result.replace( QChar(0x0159), "r" ).replace( QChar(0x0158), "R" );
+ result.replace( QChar(0x017e), "z" ).replace( QChar(0x017d), "Z" );
+ result.replace( QChar(0x0165), "t" ).replace( QChar(0x0164), "T" );
+ result.replace( QChar(0x0148), "n" ).replace( QChar(0x0147), "N" );
+ result.replace( QChar(0x010f), "d" ).replace( QChar(0x010e), "D" );
+ // accented vowels
+ QChar a[] = { 'a', 0xe0,0xe1,0xe2,0xe3,0xe5, 0 };
+ QChar A[] = { 'A', 0xc0,0xc1,0xc2,0xc3,0xc5, 0 };
+ QChar e[] = { 'e', 0xe8,0xe9,0xea,0xeb,0x11b, 0 };
+ QChar E[] = { 'E', 0xc8,0xc9,0xca,0xcb,0x11a, 0 };
+ QChar i[] = { 'i', 0xec,0xed,0xee,0xef, 0 };
+ QChar I[] = { 'I', 0xcc,0xcd,0xce,0xcf, 0 };
+ QChar o[] = { 'o', 0xf2,0xf3,0xf4,0xf5,0xf8, 0 };
+ QChar O[] = { 'O', 0xd2,0xd3,0xd4,0xd5,0xd8, 0 };
+ QChar u[] = { 'u', 0xf9,0xfa,0xfb,0x16f, 0 };
+ QChar U[] = { 'U', 0xd9,0xda,0xdb,0x16e, 0 };
+ QChar nul[] = { 0 };
+ QChar *replacements[] = { a, A, e, E, i, I, o, O, u, U, nul };
+ for( uint i = 0; i < result.length(); i++ )
+ {
+ QChar c = result.ref( i );
+ for( uint n = 0; replacements[n][0] != QChar(0); n++ )
+ {
+ for( uint k=0; replacements[n][k] != QChar(0); k++ )
+ {
+ if( replacements[n][k] == c )
+ {
+ c = replacements[n][0];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ result.ref( i ) = c;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ QString asciiPath( const QString &path )
+ {
+ QString result = path;
+ for( uint i = 0; i < result.length(); i++ )
+ {
+ QChar c = result.ref( i );
+ if( c > QChar(0x7f) || c == QChar(0) )
+ {
+ c = '_';
+ }
+ result.ref( i ) = c;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ QString vfatPath( const QString &path )
+ {
+ QString s = path;
+ for( uint i = 0; i < s.length(); i++ )
+ {
+ QChar c = s.ref( i );
+ if( c < QChar(0x20)
+ || c=='*' || c=='?' || c=='<' || c=='>'
+ || c=='|' || c=='"' || c==':' || c=='/'
+ || c=='\\' )
+ c = '_';
+ s.ref( i ) = c;
+ }
+ uint len = s.length();
+ if( len == 3 || (len > 3 && s[3] == '.') )
+ {
+ QString l = s.left(3).lower();
+ if( l=="aux" || l=="con" || l=="nul" || l=="prn" )
+ s = '_' + s;
+ }
+ else if( len == 4 || (len > 4 && s[4] == '.') )
+ {
+ QString l = s.left(3).lower();
+ QString d = s.mid(3,1);
+ if( (l=="com" || l=="lpt") &&
+ (d=="0" || d=="1" || d=="2" || d=="3" || d=="4" ||
+ d=="5" || d=="6" || d=="7" || d=="8" || d=="9") )
+ s = '_' + s;
+ }
+ while( s.startsWith( "." ) )
+ s = s.mid(1);
+ while( s.endsWith( "." ) )
+ s = s.left( s.length()-1 );
+ s = s.left(255);
+ len = s.length();
+ if( s[len-1] == ' ' )
+ s[len-1] = '_';
+ return s;
+ }
+ QString decapitateString( const QString &input, const QString &ref )
+ {
+ QString t = ref.upper();
+ int length = t.length();
+ int commonLength = 0;
+ while( length > 0 )
+ {
+ if ( input.upper().startsWith( t ) )
+ {
+ commonLength = t.length();
+ t = ref.upper().left( t.length() + length/2 );
+ length = length/2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ t = ref.upper().left( t.length() - length/2 );
+ length = length/2;
+ }
+ }
+ QString clean = input;
+ if( t.endsWith( " " ) || ! t.length() ).isLetterOrNumber() ) // common part ends with a space or complete word
+ clean = input.right( input.length() - commonLength ).stripWhiteSpace();
+ return clean;
+ }
+ void setUseScores( bool use ) { App::instance()->setUseScores( use ); }
+ void setUseRatings( bool use ) { App::instance()->setUseRatings( use ); }
+ void setMoodbarPrefs( bool show, bool moodier, int alter, bool withMusic )
+ { App::instance()->setMoodbarPrefs( show, moodier, alter, withMusic ); }
+ KIO::Job *trashFiles( const KURL::List &files ) { return App::instance()->trashFiles( files ); }
+#include "app.moc"