// (c) 2004 Mark Kretschmann // (c) 2004 Christian Muehlhaeuser // (c) 2005 Gábor Lehel // (c) 2005 Christan Baumgart // See COPYING file for licensing information. #ifndef AMAROK_COLLECTIONBROWSER_H #define AMAROK_COLLECTIONBROWSER_H #include #include //stack allocated #include //baseclass #include //baseclass #include //stack allocated #include //stack allocated #include //baseclass #include #include "multitabbar.h" //baseclass #include "collectiondb.h" #include "amarok_export.h" class ClickLineEdit; class CollectionDB; class TQCString; class TQDragObject; class TQPixmap; class TQPoint; class TQStringList; class TDEAction; class KComboBox; class TDEPopupMenu; class TDERadioAction; class KTabBar; class TDEToolBar; class TDEToggleAction; class CollectionView; class CollectionItem; class DividerItem; class OrganizeCollectionDialog; namespace CollectionBrowserIds { enum CatMenuId { IdAlbum = QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, IdArtist = QueryBuilder::tabArtist, IdComposer = QueryBuilder::tabComposer, IdGenre = QueryBuilder::tabGenre, IdYear = QueryBuilder::tabYear , IdScan = 32, IdNone = 64, IdArtistAlbum = 128, IdGenreArtist = 256, IdGenreArtistAlbum = 512, IdVisYearAlbum = 1024, IdArtistVisYearAlbum = 2048, IdLabel = QueryBuilder::tabLabels //=8192 }; } class CollectionBrowser: public TQVBox { Q_OBJECT friend class CollectionView; public: CollectionBrowser( const char* name ); virtual bool eventFilter( TQObject*, TQEvent* ); TDEToolBar* getToolBar() const { return m_toolbar; } static CollectionBrowser *instance() { return s_instance; } public slots: void setupDirs(); void toggleDivider(); private slots: void slotClearFilter(); void slotSetFilterTimeout(); void slotSetFilter(); void slotSetFilter( const TQString &filter ); void slotEditFilter(); private: void layoutToolbar(); void ipodToolbar( bool activate ); void appendSearchResults(); //attributes: KTabBar* m_tabs; //tree-view, flat-view tabs class TDEToolBar *m_toolbar; TDEAction *m_configureAction; // For iPod-style browsing TDEAction *m_ipodIncrement, *m_ipodDecrement; class TDEToolBar *m_ipodToolbar; class TQHBox *m_ipodHbox; TDEToggleAction *m_showDividerAction; TDERadioAction *m_treeViewAction; TDERadioAction *m_flatViewAction; TDERadioAction *m_ipodViewAction; class TDEActionMenu *m_tagfilterMenuButton; TDEPopupMenu* m_categoryMenu; TDEPopupMenu* m_cat1Menu; TDEPopupMenu* m_cat2Menu; TDEPopupMenu* m_cat3Menu; KLineEdit* m_searchEdit; KComboBox* m_timeFilter; CollectionView* m_view; TQTimer* m_timer; bool m_returnPressed; static CollectionBrowser *s_instance; // for CatMenuId friend class CollectionItem; friend class DividerItem; }; class DividerItem : public TDEListViewItem { public: static TQString createGroup(const TQString& src, int cat); static bool shareTheSameGroup(const TQString& a, const TQString& b, int cat); public: DividerItem( TQListView* parent, TQString txt, int cat); virtual void paintCell ( TQPainter * p, const TQColorGroup & cg, int column, int width, int align ); virtual void paintFocus ( TQPainter * p, const TQColorGroup & cg, const TQRect & r ); virtual TQString text(int column) const; void setBlockText(bool block) { m_blockText = block; } private: virtual int compare( TQListViewItem*, int, bool ) const; private: bool m_blockText; TQString m_text; int m_cat; }; class CollectionItem : public TDEListViewItem { public: CollectionItem( TQListView* parent, int cat = 0, bool unknown = false, bool sampler=false ) : TDEListViewItem( parent ) , m_cat( cat ) , m_isUnknown( unknown ) , m_isSampler( sampler ) {}; CollectionItem( TQListViewItem* parent, int cat = 0, bool unknown = false, bool sampler=false ) : TDEListViewItem( parent ) , m_cat( cat ) , m_isUnknown( unknown ) , m_isSampler( sampler ) {}; void setUrl( const TQString& url ) { m_url.setPath( url ); } const KURL& url() const { return m_url; } virtual void sortChildItems ( int column, bool ascending ); //reimplemented inline TQString getSQLText( int column ) { return ( !column && m_isUnknown ) ? "" : text( column ); } inline bool isUnknown() {return m_isUnknown;} inline bool isSampler() {return m_isSampler;} virtual void setPixmap(int column, const TQPixmap & pix); /// convenience functions CollectionView *listView() const { return reinterpret_cast( TDEListViewItem::listView() ); } private: friend class CollectionView; virtual void paintCell ( TQPainter * painter, const TQColorGroup & cg, int column, int width, int align ); //for sorting virtual int compare( TQListViewItem*, int, bool ) const; //reimplemented //attributes: KURL m_url; int m_cat; bool m_isUnknown; bool m_isSampler; }; class CollectionView : public TDEListView, public DropProxyTarget { Q_OBJECT friend class CollectionBrowser; public: enum ViewMode { modeTreeView, modeFlatView, modeIpodView }; friend class CollectionItem; // for access to m_cat2 friend class ContextBrowser; // for setupDirs() CollectionView( CollectionBrowser* parent ); ~CollectionView(); LIBAMAROK_EXPORT static CollectionView* instance() { return m_instance; } void setFilter( const TQString &filter ) { m_filter = filter; } void setTimeFilter( const uint timeFilter ) { m_timeFilter = timeFilter; } TQString filter() { return m_filter; } uint timeFilter() { return m_timeFilter; } CollectionItem* currentItem() { return static_cast( TDEListView::currentItem() ); } int trackDepth() { return m_trackDepth; } int viewMode() const { return m_viewMode; } // Transform "The Who" -> "Who, The" or the other way static void manipulateThe( TQString &str, bool reverse ); void setShowDivider(bool show); bool isOrganizingFiles() const; //Useful helper function to avoid duplicating code static inline void yearAlbumCalc( TQString &year, TQString &text ); protected: // Reimplemented for iPod-style navigation, etc. virtual void keyPressEvent( TQKeyEvent *e ); public slots: /** Rebuilds and displays the treeview by querying the database. */ void renderView(bool force = false); void databaseChanged() { m_dirty = true; renderView(); }; void setTreeMode() { setViewMode( modeTreeView ); }; void setFlatMode() { setViewMode( modeFlatView ); }; void setIpodMode() { setViewMode( modeIpodView ); }; void presetMenu( int id ); void cat1Menu( int id, bool rerender = true ); void cat2Menu( int id, bool rerender = true ); void cat3Menu( int id, bool rerender = true ); void organizeFiles( const KURL::List &list, const TQString &caption, bool addToCollection=false ) LIBAMAROK_EXPORT; private slots: void setupDirs(); void slotEnsureSelectedItemVisible(); void renderFlatModeView(bool force = false); void renderTreeModeView(bool force = false); void renderIpodModeView(bool force = false); void scanStarted(); void scanDone( bool changed = true ); void slotExpand( TQListViewItem* ); void slotCollapse( TQListViewItem* ); void enableCat3Menu( bool ); void invokeItem( TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint &, int column ); void invokeItem( TQListViewItem* ); // ipod-style navigation slots void ipodItemClicked( TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint&, int ); void incrementDepth ( bool rerender = true ); void decrementDepth ( bool rerender = true ); void rmbPressed( TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint&, int ); void selectAll() {TQListView::selectAll(true); } /** Tries to download the cover image from Amazon.com */ void fetchCover(); /** Shows dialog with information on selected track */ void showTrackInfo(); /** * Cancel Organizing files */ void cancelOrganizingFiles(); void ratingChanged( const TQString&, int ); private: enum Tag { Title = 0, Artist, Composer, Album, Genre, Length, DiscNumber, Track, Year, Comment, Playcount, Score, Rating, Filename, Firstplay, Lastplay, Modified, Bitrate, Filesize, BPM, NUM_TAGS }; void setViewMode( int mode, bool rerender = true ); void removeDuplicatedHeaders(); void startDrag(); TQString getTrueItemText( int, TQListViewItem* ) const; TQStringList listSelectedSiblingsOf( int, TQListViewItem* ); KURL::List listSelected(); void playlistFromURLs( const KURL::List &urls ); TQPixmap iconForCategory( const int cat ) const; TQString captionForCategory( const int cat ) const; inline TQString captionForTag( const Tag ) const; // For iPod-style navigation TQString allForCategory( const int cat, const int num ) const; void resetIpodDepth ( void ); void buildIpodQuery ( QueryBuilder &qb, int depth, TQStringList filters[3], TQStringList filterYear, bool recursiveSort = false, bool compilationsOnly = false ); void selectIpodItems ( void ); TQPixmap ipodIncrementIcon ( void ); TQPixmap ipodDecrementIcon ( void ); void setCompilation( const KURL::List &urls, bool compilation ); /** Rebuild selections, viewport and expanded items after reloads */ void cacheView(); void restoreView(); //Used to store the name of an item (and its parents), so it can be recalled later //even if the pointer to the item has been invalidated. TQStringList makeStructuredNameList( TQListViewItem* ) const; TQListViewItem* findFromStructuredNameList( const TQStringList& ) const; // avoid duplicated code static inline bool endsInThe( const TQString & text ); inline void updateTrackDepth(); uint translateTimeFilter( uint filterMode ); /**Call when a category has changed **/ void updateColumnHeader(); // Reimplemented from TDEListView void viewportPaintEvent( TQPaintEvent* ); void viewportResizeEvent( TQResizeEvent* ); bool eventFilter( TQObject*, TQEvent* ); void contentsDragEnterEvent( TQDragEnterEvent* ); void contentsDragMoveEvent( TQDragMoveEvent* ); void contentsDropEvent( TQDropEvent *e ); // Reimplemented from DropProxyTarget void dropProxyEvent( TQDropEvent *e ); void safeClear(); //attributes: LIBAMAROK_EXPORT static CollectionView* m_instance; CollectionBrowser* m_parent; TQString m_filter; uint m_timeFilter; int m_cat1; int m_cat2; int m_cat3; int m_trackDepth; int m_viewMode; // The iPod-style viewing attributes int m_currentDepth; // Current viewing depth TQStringList m_ipodFilters[3]; // Selections at each stage TQStringList m_ipodFilterYear; // See the comment for incrementDepth() // For auto-selection int m_ipodIncremented; // 0 = nothing, 1 = just incremented, 2 = just decremented TQStringList m_ipodSelected[3]; // Saved selections at lower levels TQString m_ipodCurrent[3]; // Saved current selections TQString m_ipodTopItem[3]; // Saved viewport positions bool m_dirty; // we use this to avoid re-rendering the view when unnecessary (eg, browser is not visible) TQValueList m_cacheOpenItemPaths; TQStringList m_cacheViewportTopItem; TQStringList m_cacheCurrentItem; KURL::List m_organizeURLs; bool m_organizeCopyMode; bool m_organizingFileCancelled; bool m_showDivider; TQValueList m_flatColumnWidths; }; // why is signal detailsClicked() missing from KDialogBase? class OrganizeCollectionDialogBase : public KDialogBase { Q_OBJECT public: OrganizeCollectionDialogBase( TQWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0, bool modal=true, const TQString &caption=TQString(), int buttonMask=Ok|Apply|Cancel ) : KDialogBase( parent, name, modal, caption, buttonMask ) { } signals: void detailsClicked(); public slots: void slotDetails() { KDialogBase::slotDetails(); emit detailsClicked(); adjustSize(); } }; #endif /* AMAROK_COLLECTIONBROWSER_H */