path: root/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htdig/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htdig/')
1 files changed, 1002 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htdig/ b/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htdig/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..56e1d00f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htdig/
@@ -0,0 +1,1002 @@
+// HTML: Class to parse HTML documents and return useful information
+// to the Retriever
+// Part of the ht://Dig package <>
+// Copyright (c) 1995-2004 The ht://Dig Group
+// For copyright details, see the file COPYING in your distribution
+// or the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL) version 2 or later
+// <>
+// $Id:,v 1.76 2004/06/09 17:35:34 grdetil Exp $
+#include "htconfig.h"
+#endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */
+#include "htdig.h"
+#include "HTML.h"
+#include "HtSGMLCodec.h"
+#include "HtConfiguration.h"
+#include "StringMatch.h"
+#include "StringList.h"
+#include "QuotedStringList.h"
+#include "URL.h"
+#include "WordType.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "defaults.h"
+// Flags for noindex & nofollow, indicating who turned indexing off/on...
+#define TAGnoindex 0x0001
+#define TAGstyle 0x0002
+#define TAGscript 0x0004
+#define TAGmeta_htdig_noindex 0x0008
+#define TAGmeta_robots 0x0010
+static StringMatch tags;
+static StringMatch nobreaktags;
+static StringMatch spacebeforetags;
+static StringMatch spaceaftertags;
+static StringMatch metadatetags;
+static StringMatch descriptionMatch;
+static StringMatch keywordsMatch;
+//static int keywordsCount;
+//static int max_keywords;
+// ADDSPACE() macro, to insert space where needed in various strings
+// Reduces all multiple whitespace to a single space
+#define ADDSPACE(in_space) \
+ if (!in_space) \
+ { \
+ if (in_title && !noindex) \
+ { \
+ title << ' '; \
+ } \
+ if (in_ref && description.length() < max_description_length) \
+ { \
+ description << ' '; \
+ } \
+ if (head.length() < max_head_length && !noindex && !in_title) \
+ { \
+ head << ' '; \
+ } \
+ in_space = 1; \
+ }
+// HTML::HTML()
+ skip_start (HtConfiguration::config()->Find("noindex_start")," \t"),
+ skip_end (HtConfiguration::config()->Find("noindex_end"), " \t")
+ HtConfiguration *config= HtConfiguration::config();
+ //
+ // Initialize the patterns that we will try to match.
+ // The tags Match object is used to match tag commands while
+ //
+ tags.IgnoreCase();
+ tags.Pattern("title|/title|a|/a|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|/h1|/h2|/h3|/h4|/h5|/h6|noindex|/noindex|img|li|meta|frame|area|base|embed|object|link|style|/style|script|/script");
+ // These tags don't cause a word break. They may also be in "tags" above,
+ // except for the "a" tag, which must be handled as a special case.
+ // Note that <sup> & <sub> should cause a word break.
+ nobreaktags.IgnoreCase();
+ nobreaktags.Pattern("font|/font|em|/em|strong|/strong|i|/i|b|/b|u|/u|tt|/tt|abbr|/abbr|code|/code|q|/q|samp|/samp|kbd|/kbd|var|/var|dfn|/dfn|cite|/cite|blink|/blink|big|/big|small|/small|s|/s");
+ // These tags, which may also be in "tags" above, cause word breaks and
+ // therefore cause space to be inserted before (or after) do_tag() is done.
+ spacebeforetags.IgnoreCase();
+ spacebeforetags.Pattern("title|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|address|blockquote|noindex|img|li|th|td|dt|dd|p|br|hr|center|spacer");
+ spaceaftertags.IgnoreCase();
+ spaceaftertags.Pattern("/title|/h1|/h2|/h3|/h4|/h5|/h6|/address|/blockquote");
+ // These are the name values of meta tags that carry date information.
+ metadatetags.IgnoreCase();
+ metadatetags.Pattern("date|||");
+ // These are the name values of meta tags that carry descriptions.
+ StringList descrNames(config->Find("description_meta_tag_names"), " \t");
+ descriptionMatch.IgnoreCase();
+ descriptionMatch.Pattern(descrNames.Join('|'));
+ // These are the name values of meta tags that carry keywords.
+ StringList keywordNames(config->Find("keywords_meta_tag_names"), " \t");
+ keywordsMatch.IgnoreCase();
+ keywordsMatch.Pattern(keywordNames.Join('|'));
+// (now in Parser)
+// max_keywords = config->Value("max_keywords", -1);
+// if (max_keywords < 0)
+// max_keywords = (int) ((unsigned int) ~1 >> 1);
+ // skip_start/end mark sections of text to be ignored by ht://Dig
+ // Make sure there are equal numbers of each, and warn of deprecated
+ // syntax.
+ if (skip_start.Count() > 1 || skip_end.Count() > 1)
+ {
+ if (skip_start.Count() != 0 && skip_end.Count() != 0)
+ {
+ // check for old-style start/end which allowed unquoted spaces
+ // (Check noindex_start/end for exactly one "<" or/followed-by
+ // exactly one ">", and no leading quotes.)
+ // Can someone think of a better (or simpler) check??
+ String noindex_end (config->Find ("noindex_end"));
+ char *first_left = strchr (noindex_end.get(), '<');
+ char *secnd_left = first_left ? strchr(first_left+1,'<') : (char*)0;
+ char *first_right= strchr (noindex_end.get(), '>');
+ char *secnd_right= first_right? strchr(first_right+1,'>'): (char*)0;
+ String noindex_start (config->Find ("noindex_start"));
+ char *first_lft = strchr (noindex_start.get(), '<');
+ char *secnd_lft = first_left ? strchr (first_lft +1,'<') : (char*)0;
+ char *first_rght= strchr (noindex_start.get(), '>');
+ char *secnd_rght= first_right? strchr (first_rght+1,'>') : (char*)0;
+ if (((first_right && !secnd_right && first_right < first_left) ||
+ (first_left && !secnd_left && !first_right) ||
+ (first_rght && !secnd_rght && first_rght < first_lft) ||
+ (first_lft && !secnd_lft && !first_rght)) &&
+ noindex_end[0] != '\"' && noindex_start[0] != '\"')
+ {
+ cout << "\nWarning: To allow multiple noindex_start/end patterns, patterns containing\nspaces should now be in quotation marks. (If the entries are indended to be\nmultiple patterns, this warning can be suppressed by placing the first pattern\nin quotes.)\n\n";
+ // Should we treat the patterns as if they had been quoted
+ // (as we assume was intended)?
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // check each start has an end
+ if (skip_start.Count() < skip_end.Count())
+ {
+ cout << "Warning: " << skip_end.Count()
+ << " noindex_end patterns, but only " << skip_start.Count()
+ << " noindex_start patterns.\n";
+ } else
+ {
+ while (skip_start.Count () > skip_end.Count())
+ {
+ int missing = skip_end.Count() - 1;
+ skip_end.Add ((missing >= 0) ? skip_end [missing]
+ : "<!--/htdig_noindex-->");
+ cout << "Warning: Copying " << skip_end [missing+1]
+ << " as noindex_end match for " << skip_start [missing+1]
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ word = 0;
+ href = 0;
+ title = 0;
+ description = 0;
+ head = 0;
+ meta_dsc = 0;
+ tag = 0;
+ in_title = 0;
+ in_ref = 0;
+ in_heading = 0;
+ base = 0;
+ noindex = 0;
+ nofollow = 0;
+// minimumWordLength = config->Value("minimum_word_length", 3);
+// HTML::~HTML()
+// void HTML::parse(Retriever &retriever, URL &baseURL)
+// Parse the HTML document using the Retriever object for all the callbacks.
+// The HTML document contents are contained in the contents String.
+HTML::parse(Retriever &retriever, URL &baseURL)
+ if (contents == 0 || contents->length() == 0)
+ return;
+ base = &baseURL;
+ //
+ // We have some variables which will contain the various items we
+ // are looking for
+ //
+ int wordindex = 1;
+ int in_space;
+ int in_punct;
+ String scratch, textified;
+ unsigned char *q, *start;
+ unsigned char *position = (unsigned char *) contents->get();
+ unsigned char *text = (unsigned char *)new char[contents->length()+1];
+ unsigned char *ptext = text;
+ keywordsCount = 0;
+ title = 0;
+ head = 0;
+ meta_dsc = 0;
+ noindex = 0;
+ nofollow = 0;
+ in_heading = 0;
+ in_title = 0;
+ in_ref = 0;
+ in_space = 0;
+ in_punct = 0;
+ while (*position)
+ {
+ //
+ // Filter out section marked to be ignored for indexing.
+ // This can contain any HTML.
+ // On finding a noindex_start, skip to first occurrence of matching
+ // noindex_end. Any noindex_start within will be ignored.
+ //
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < skip_start.Count(); i++)
+ {
+ if (mystrncasecmp((char *)position, skip_start[i],
+ ((String*)skip_start.Nth(i))->length()) == 0)
+ break; // break from this loop for "continue" below...
+ }
+ if (i < skip_start.Count()) // found a match;
+ {
+ q = (unsigned char*)mystrcasestr((char *)position, skip_end[i]);
+ if (!q)
+ *position = '\0'; // Rest of document will be skipped...
+ else
+ position = q + ((String*)skip_end.Nth(i))->length();
+ continue;
+ }
+ // end of noindex_start/end code
+ if (strncmp((char *)position, "<!", 2) == 0)
+ {
+ //
+ // Possible comment declaration (but could be DTD declaration!)
+ // A comment can contain other '<' and '>':
+ // we have to ignore complete comment declarations
+ // but of course also DTD declarations.
+ //
+ position += 2; // Get past declaration start
+ if (strncmp((char *)position, "--", 2) == 0)
+ {
+ // Found start of comment - now find the end
+ position += 2;
+ do
+ {
+ q = (unsigned char*)strstr((char *)position, "--");
+ if (!q)
+ {
+ *position = '\0';
+ break; // Rest of document seems to be a comment...
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ position = q + 2;
+ // Skip extra dashes after a badly formed comment
+ while (*position == '-')
+ position++;
+ // Skip whitespace after an individual comment
+ while (isspace(*position))
+ position++;
+ }
+ // if comment declaration hasn't ended, skip another comment
+ }
+ while (*position && *position != '>');
+ if (*position == '>')
+ {
+ position++; // End of comment declaration
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Not a comment declaration after all
+ // but possibly DTD: get to the end
+ q = (unsigned char*)strchr((char *)position, '>');
+ if (q)
+ {
+ position = q + 1;
+ // End of (whatever) declaration
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *position = '\0'; // Rest of document is DTD?
+ }
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (*position == '<')
+ {
+ //
+ // Start of a tag. Since tags cannot be nested, we can simply
+ // search for the closing '>'
+ //
+ q = (unsigned char*)strchr((char *)position, '>');
+ if (q)
+ { // copy tag
+ while (position <= q)
+ *ptext++ = *position++;
+ }
+ else
+ { // copy rest of text, as tag does not end
+ while (*position)
+ *ptext++ = *position++;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (*position == '&')
+ {
+ q = (unsigned char*)strchr((char *)position, ';');
+ if (q && q <= position+10)
+ { // got ending, looks like valid SGML entity
+ scratch = 0;
+ scratch.append((char*)position, q+1 - position);
+ textified = HtSGMLCodec::instance()->encode(scratch);
+ if (textified[0] != '&' || textified.length() == 1)
+ { // it was decoded, copy it
+ position = (unsigned char *)textified.get();
+ while (*position)
+ {
+ if (*position == '<')
+ { // got a decoded &lt;, make a fake tag for it
+ // to avoid confusing it with real tag start
+ *ptext++ = '<';
+ *ptext++ = '~';
+ *ptext++ = '>';
+ position++;
+ }
+ else
+ *ptext++ = *position++;
+ }
+ position = q+1;
+ }
+ else // it wasn't decoded, copy '&', and rest will follow
+ *ptext++ = *position++;
+ }
+ else // not SGML entity, copy bare '&'
+ *ptext++ = *position++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *ptext++ = *position++;
+ }
+ }
+ *ptext++ = '\0';
+ position = text;
+ start = position;
+ while (*position)
+ {
+ if (*position == '<' && (position[1] != '~' || position[2] != '>'))
+ {
+ //
+ // Start of a tag. Since tags cannot be nested, we can simply
+ // search for the closing '>'
+ //
+ q = (unsigned char*)strchr((char *)position, '>');
+ if (!q)
+ break; // Syntax error in the doc. Tag never ends.
+ position++;
+ if (noindex & TAGscript)
+ { // Special handling in case '<' is part of JavaScript code
+ while (isspace(*position))
+ position++;
+ if (mystrncasecmp((char *)position, "/script", 7) != 0)
+ continue;
+ }
+ tag = 0;
+ tag.append((char*)position, q - position);
+ while (isspace(*position))
+ position++;
+ if (!in_space && spacebeforetags.CompareWord((char *)position)
+ || !in_space && !in_punct && *position != '/')
+ {
+ // These opening tags cause a space to be inserted
+ // before anything they insert.
+ // Tags processed here (i.e. not in nobreaktags), like <a ...>
+ // tag, are a special case: they don't actually add space in
+ // formatted text, but because in our processing it causes
+ // a word break, we avoid word concatenation in "head" string.
+ ADDSPACE(in_space);
+ in_punct = 0;
+ }
+ do_tag(retriever, tag);
+ if (!in_space && spaceaftertags.CompareWord((char *)position))
+ {
+ // These closing tags cause a space to be inserted
+ // after anything they insert.
+ ADDSPACE(in_space);
+ in_punct = 0;
+ }
+ position = q+1;
+ }
+ else if (*position > 0 && HtIsStrictWordChar(*position))
+ {
+ //
+ // Start of a word. Try to find the whole thing
+ //
+ word = 0;
+ in_space = 0;
+ in_punct = 0;
+ while (*position && HtIsWordChar(*position))
+ {
+ word << (char)*position;
+ // handle case where '<' is in extra_word_characters...
+ if (strncmp((char *)position, "<~>", 3) == 0)
+ position += 2; // skip over fake tag for decoded '<'
+ position++;
+ if (*position == '<')
+ {
+ q = position+1;
+ while (isspace(*q))
+ q++;
+ // Does this tag cause a word break?
+ if (nobreaktags.CompareWord((char *)q))
+ {
+ // These tags just change character formatting and
+ // don't break words.
+ q = (unsigned char*)strchr((char *)position, '>');
+ if (q)
+ {
+ position++;
+ tag = 0;
+ tag.append((char*)position, q - position);
+ do_tag(retriever, tag);
+ position = q+1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (in_title && !noindex)
+ {
+ title << word;
+ }
+ if (in_ref)
+ {
+ if (description.length() < max_description_length)
+ {
+ description << word;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ description << " ...";
+ if (!nofollow)
+ retriever.got_href(*href, (char*)description);
+ in_ref = 0;
+ description = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (head.length() < max_head_length && !noindex && !in_title)
+ {
+ //
+ // Capitalize H1 and H2 blocks
+ //
+ if (in_heading > 1 && in_heading < 4)
+ {
+ word.uppercase();
+ }
+ //
+ // Append the word to the head (excerpt)
+ //
+ head << word;
+ }
+ if (word.length() >= (int)minimum_word_length && !noindex)
+ {
+ retriever.got_word((char*)word, wordindex++, in_heading);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //
+ // Characters that are not part of a word
+ //
+ if (isspace(*position))
+ {
+ ADDSPACE(in_space);
+ in_punct = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //
+ // Not whitespace
+ //
+ if (head.length() < max_head_length && !noindex && !in_title)
+ {
+ // We don't want to add random chars to the
+ // excerpt if we're in the title.
+ head << *position;
+ }
+ if (in_ref && description.length() < max_description_length)
+ {
+ description << *position;
+ }
+ if (in_title && !noindex)
+ {
+ title << *position;
+ }
+ in_space = 0;
+ in_punct = 1;
+ // handle normal case where decoded '<' is punctuation...
+ if (strncmp((char *)position, "<~>", 3) == 0)
+ position += 2; // skip over fake tag for decoded '<'
+ }
+ position++;
+ }
+ }
+ retriever.got_head((char*)head);
+ delete [] text;
+// void HTML::do_tag(Retriever &retriever, String &tag)
+HTML::do_tag(Retriever &retriever, String &tag)
+ HtConfiguration* config= HtConfiguration::config();
+ int wordindex = 1;
+ char *position = tag.get();
+ int which, length;
+ static int ignore_alt_text = config->Boolean("ignore_alt_text", 0);
+ while (isspace(*position))
+ position++;
+ which = -1;
+ if (tags.CompareWord(position, which, length) < 0)
+ return; // Nothing matched.
+ // Use the configuration code to match attributes as key-value pairs
+ HtConfiguration attrs;
+ attrs.NameValueSeparators("=");
+ attrs.Add(position);
+ if (debug > 3)
+ cout << "Tag: <" << tag << ">, matched " << which << endl;
+ switch (which)
+ {
+ case 0: // "title"
+ if (title.length())
+ {
+ if (debug)
+ cout << "More than one <title> tag in document!"
+ << " (possible search engine spamming)" << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ in_title = 1;
+ in_heading = 1;
+ break;
+ case 1: // "/title"
+ if (!in_title)
+ break;
+ in_title = 0;
+ in_heading = 0;
+ retriever.got_title((char*)title);
+ break;
+ case 2: // "a"
+ {
+ if (!attrs["href"].empty())
+ {
+ //
+ // a href seen
+ //
+ if (in_ref)
+ {
+ if (debug > 1)
+ cout << "Terminating previous <a href=...> tag,"
+ << " which didn't have a closing </a> tag."
+ << endl;
+ if (!nofollow)
+ retriever.got_href(*href, (char*)description);
+ in_ref = 0;
+ }
+ if (href)
+ delete href;
+ href = new URL(transSGML(attrs["href"]), *base);
+ in_ref = 1;
+ description = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!attrs["title"].empty() && !attrs["href"].empty())
+ {
+ //
+ // a title seen for href
+ //
+ retriever.got_href(*href, transSGML(attrs["title"]));
+ }
+ if (!attrs["name"].empty())
+ {
+ //
+ // a name seen
+ //
+ retriever.got_anchor(transSGML(attrs["name"]));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 3: // "/a"
+ if (in_ref)
+ {
+ if (!nofollow)
+ retriever.got_href(*href, (char*)description);
+ in_ref = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4: // "h1"
+ in_heading = 2;
+ break;
+ case 5: // "h2"
+ in_heading = 3;
+ break;
+ case 6: // "h3"
+ in_heading = 4;
+ break;
+ case 7: // "h4"
+ in_heading = 5;
+ break;
+ case 8: // "h5"
+ in_heading = 6;
+ break;
+ case 9: // "h6"
+ in_heading = 7;
+ break;
+ case 10: // "/h1"
+ case 11: // "/h2"
+ case 12: // "/h3"
+ case 13: // "/h4"
+ case 14: // "/h5"
+ case 15: // "/h6"
+ in_heading = 0;
+ break;
+ case 16: // "noindex"
+ noindex |= TAGnoindex;
+ nofollow |= TAGnoindex;
+ if (!attrs["follow"].empty())
+ nofollow &= ~TAGnoindex;
+ break;
+ case 27: // "style"
+ noindex |= TAGstyle;
+ nofollow |= TAGstyle;
+ break;
+ case 29: // "script"
+ noindex |= TAGscript;
+ nofollow |= TAGscript;
+ break;
+ case 17: // "/noindex"
+ noindex &= ~TAGnoindex;
+ nofollow &= ~TAGnoindex;
+ break;
+ case 28: // "/style"
+ noindex &= ~TAGstyle;
+ nofollow &= ~TAGstyle;
+ break;
+ case 30: // "/script"
+ noindex &= ~TAGscript;
+ nofollow &= ~TAGscript;
+ break;
+ case 19: // "li"
+ if (!noindex && !in_title && head.length() < max_head_length)
+ head << "* ";
+ break;
+ case 20: // "meta"
+ {
+ //
+ // First test for old-style meta tags (these break any
+ // reasonable DTD...)
+ //
+ if (!attrs["htdig-noindex"].empty())
+ {
+ retriever.got_noindex();
+ noindex |= TAGmeta_htdig_noindex;
+ nofollow |= TAGmeta_htdig_noindex;
+ }
+ if (!attrs["htdig-index"].empty())
+ {
+ noindex &= ~TAGmeta_htdig_noindex;
+ nofollow &= ~TAGmeta_htdig_noindex;
+ }
+ if (!attrs["htdig-email"].empty())
+ retriever.got_meta_email(transSGML(attrs["htdig-email"]));
+ if (!attrs["htdig-notification-date"].empty())
+ retriever.got_meta_notification(transSGML(attrs["htdig-notification-date"]));
+ if (!attrs["htdig-email-subject"].empty())
+ retriever.got_meta_subject(transSGML(attrs["htdig-email-subject"]));
+ if (!attrs["htdig-keywords"].empty() || !attrs["keywords"].empty())
+ {
+ //
+ // Keywords are added as being at the very top of the
+ // document and have a weight factor of
+ // keywords-factor which is assigned to slot 9 in the
+ // factor table.
+ //
+ const String keywords = attrs["htdig-keywords"].empty() ?
+ attrs["htdig-keywords"] :
+ attrs["keywords"];
+ if (!noindex)
+ {
+ String tmp = transSGML(keywords);
+ addKeywordString (retriever, tmp, wordindex);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!attrs["http-equiv"].empty())
+ {
+ if (mystrcasecmp(attrs["http-equiv"], "refresh") == 0
+ && !attrs["content"].empty())
+ {
+ String content = attrs["content"];
+ char *q = (char*)mystrcasestr((char*)content, "url");
+ if (q && *q)
+ {
+ q += 3; // skiping "URL"
+ while (*q && ((*q == '=') || isspace(*q))) q++;
+ char *qq = q;
+ while (*qq && (*qq != ';') && (*qq != '"') &&
+ !isspace(*qq))qq++;
+ *qq = 0;
+ if (href)
+ delete href;
+ href = new URL(transSGML(q), *base);
+ // I don't know why anyone would do this, but hey...
+ if (!nofollow)
+ retriever.got_href(*href, "");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Now check for <meta name=... content=...> tags that
+ // fly with any reasonable DTD out there
+ //
+ if (!attrs["name"].empty() && !attrs["content"].empty())
+ {
+ const String cache = attrs["name"];
+ // First of all, check for META description
+ if (descriptionMatch.CompareWord(cache)
+ && !attrs["content"].empty())
+ {
+ //
+ // We need to do two things. First grab the description
+ // and clean it up
+ //
+ meta_dsc = transSGML(attrs["content"]);
+ meta_dsc.replace('\n', ' ');
+ meta_dsc.replace('\r', ' ');
+ meta_dsc.replace('\t', ' ');
+ if (meta_dsc.length() > max_meta_description_length)
+ meta_dsc = meta_dsc.sub(0, max_meta_description_length).get();
+ if (debug > 1)
+ cout << "META Description: " << attrs["content"] << endl;
+ retriever.got_meta_dsc((char*)meta_dsc);
+ //
+ // Now add the words to the word list
+ // Slot 10 is the current slot for this
+ //
+ if (!noindex)
+ {
+ String tmp = transSGML(attrs["content"]);
+ addString (retriever, tmp, wordindex, 10);
+ }
+ }
+ if (keywordsMatch.CompareWord(cache) && !noindex)
+ {
+ String tmp = transSGML(attrs["content"]);
+ addKeywordString (retriever, tmp, wordindex);
+ }
+ else if (mystrcasecmp(cache, "author") == 0)
+ {
+ String author = transSGML(attrs["content"]);
+ retriever.got_author(author.get());
+ if (!noindex)
+ addString (retriever, author, wordindex, 11);
+ }
+ else if (mystrcasecmp(cache, "htdig-email") == 0)
+ {
+ retriever.got_meta_email(transSGML(attrs["content"]));
+ }
+ else if (metadatetags.CompareWord(cache, which, length) &&
+ (cache.get())[length] == '\0' && config->Boolean("use_doc_date",0))
+ {
+ retriever.got_time(transSGML(attrs["content"]));
+ }
+ else if (mystrcasecmp(cache, "htdig-notification-date") == 0)
+ {
+ retriever.got_meta_notification(transSGML(attrs["content"]));
+ }
+ else if (mystrcasecmp(cache, "htdig-email-subject") == 0)
+ {
+ retriever.got_meta_subject(transSGML(attrs["content"]));
+ }
+ else if (mystrcasecmp(cache, "htdig-noindex") == 0)
+ {
+ retriever.got_noindex();
+ noindex |= TAGmeta_htdig_noindex;
+ nofollow |= TAGmeta_htdig_noindex;
+ }
+ else if (mystrcasecmp(cache, "robots") == 0
+ && !attrs["content"].empty())
+ {
+ String content_cache = attrs["content"];
+ content_cache.lowercase();
+ if (content_cache.indexOf("noindex") != -1)
+ {
+ noindex |= TAGmeta_robots;
+ retriever.got_noindex();
+ }
+ if (content_cache.indexOf("nofollow") != -1)
+ nofollow |= TAGmeta_robots;
+ if (content_cache.indexOf("none") != -1)
+ {
+ noindex |= TAGmeta_robots;
+ nofollow |= TAGmeta_robots;
+ retriever.got_noindex();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (mystrcasecmp(attrs["name"], "htdig-noindex") == 0)
+ {
+ retriever.got_noindex();
+ noindex |= TAGmeta_htdig_noindex;
+ nofollow |= TAGmeta_htdig_noindex;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 21: // frame
+ case 24: // embed
+ {
+ if (!attrs["src"].empty())
+ {
+ //
+ // src seen
+ //
+ if (!nofollow)
+ {
+ if (href)
+ delete href;
+ href = new URL(transSGML(attrs["src"]), *base);
+ // Frames have the same hopcount as the parent.
+ retriever.got_href(*href, transSGML(attrs["title"]), 0);
+ in_ref = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 25: // object
+ {
+ if (!attrs["data"].empty())
+ {
+ //
+ // data seen
+ //
+ if (!nofollow)
+ {
+ if (href)
+ delete href;
+ href = new URL(transSGML(attrs["data"]), *base);
+ // Assume objects have the same hopcount as the parent.
+ retriever.got_href(*href, transSGML(attrs["title"]), 0);
+ in_ref = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 22: // area
+ case 26: // link
+ {
+ if (!attrs["href"].empty())
+ {
+ // href seen
+ if (!nofollow)
+ {
+ if (href)
+ delete href;
+ href = new URL(transSGML(attrs["href"]), *base);
+ // area & link are like anchor tags -- one hopcount!
+ retriever.got_href(*href, transSGML(attrs["title"]), 1);
+ in_ref = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 23: // base
+ {
+ if (!attrs["href"].empty())
+ {
+ URL tempBase(transSGML(attrs["href"]));
+ *base = tempBase;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 18: // img
+ {
+ if (!ignore_alt_text && !attrs["alt"].empty())
+ {
+ String tmp = transSGML(attrs["alt"]);
+ if (!noindex && in_title)
+ title << tmp << " ";
+ if (in_ref && description.length() < max_description_length)
+ description << tmp << " ";
+ if (!noindex && !in_title && head.length() < max_head_length)
+ head << tmp << " ";
+ if (!noindex)
+ addString (retriever, tmp, wordindex, 8); // slot for img_alt
+ }
+ if (!attrs["src"].empty())
+ {
+ retriever.got_image(transSGML(attrs["src"]));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ return; // Nothing...
+ }
+// const String HTML::transSGML(const String& str)
+const String
+HTML::transSGML(const String& str)
+ return HtSGMLCodec::instance()->encode(str);