path: root/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htnet/Transport.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htnet/Transport.h')
1 files changed, 371 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htnet/Transport.h b/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htnet/Transport.h
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+// Transport.h
+// Transport: A virtual transport interface class for accessing
+// remote documents. Used to grab URLs based on the
+// scheme (e.g. http://, ftp://...)
+// Part of the ht://Dig package <>
+// Copyright (c) 1995-2004 The ht://Dig Group
+// For copyright details, see the file COPYING in your distribution
+// or the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL) version 2 or later
+// <>
+// $Id: Transport.h,v 1.12 2004/05/28 13:15:23 lha Exp $
+#ifndef _Transport_H
+#define _Transport_H
+#include "htconfig.h"
+#include "Object.h"
+#include "HtDateTime.h"
+#include "htString.h"
+#include "URL.h"
+#include "Connection.h"
+#ifdef HAVE_STD
+#include <iostream>
+using namespace std;
+#include <iostream.h>
+#endif /* HAVE_STD */
+// Declare in advance
+class Transport;
+// But first, something completely different. Here's the response class
+class Transport_Response : public Object
+ friend class Transport; // declaring friendship
+ public:
+ // Construction / Destruction
+ Transport_Response();
+ virtual ~Transport_Response();
+ // Reset the information stored
+ virtual void Reset(); // This function must be defined
+ // Get the contents
+ virtual const String &GetContents() const { return _contents; }
+ // Get the modification time object pointer
+ virtual HtDateTime *GetModificationTime() const { return _modification_time; }
+ // Get the access time object pointer
+ virtual HtDateTime *GetAccessTime() const { return _access_time; }
+ // Get the Content type
+ virtual const String &GetContentType() const { return _content_type; }
+ // Get the Content length
+ virtual int GetContentLength() const { return _content_length; }
+ // Get the Document length (really stored)
+ virtual int GetDocumentLength() const { return _document_length; }
+ // Get the Status Code
+ virtual int GetStatusCode() const { return _status_code; }
+ // Get the Status Code reason phrase
+ virtual const String &GetReasonPhrase() { return _reason_phrase; }
+ // Get the location (redirect)
+ virtual const String &GetLocation() { return _location; }
+ protected:
+ // Body of the response message
+ String _contents; // Contents of the document
+ HtDateTime *_modification_time; // Modification time returned by the server
+ HtDateTime *_access_time; // Access time returned by the server
+ String _content_type; // Content-type returned by the server
+ int _content_length; // Content-length returned by the server
+ int _document_length; // Length really stored
+ int _status_code; // return Status code
+ String _reason_phrase; // status code reason phrase
+ String _location; // Location (in case of redirect)
+ // Transport class declaration
+class Transport : public Object
+ public:
+ // Construction / Destruction
+ Transport(Connection* _connection = 0);
+ virtual ~Transport();
+ // Enumeration of possible return status of a resource retrieving
+ enum DocStatus
+ {
+ Document_ok,
+ Document_not_changed,
+ Document_not_found,
+ Document_not_parsable,
+ Document_redirect,
+ Document_not_authorized,
+ Document_no_connection,
+ Document_connection_down,
+ Document_no_header,
+ Document_no_host,
+ Document_no_port,
+ Document_not_local,
+ Document_not_recognized_service, // Transport service not recognized
+ Document_other_error // General error (memory)
+ };
+ // Connects to an host and a port
+ // Overloaded methods provided in order to take
+ // the info from a URL obj or ptr
+ // Set Connection parameters
+ virtual void SetConnection (const String &host, int port);
+ // from a URL pointer
+ virtual void SetConnection (URL *u)
+ { SetConnection (u->host(), u->port()); }
+ // from a URL object
+ virtual void SetConnection (URL &u)
+ { SetConnection (&u); }
+ // Make the request
+ virtual DocStatus Request() = 0; // different in derived classes
+ // Get the date time information about the request
+ const HtDateTime *GetStartTime() const { return &_start_time; }
+ const HtDateTime *GetEndTime() const { return &_end_time; }
+ // Set and get the connection time out value
+ void SetTimeOut ( int t ) { _timeout=t; }
+ int GetTimeOut () { return _timeout; }
+ // Set and get the connection retry number
+ void SetRetry ( int r ) { _retries=r; }
+ int GetRetry () { return _retries; }
+ // Set and get the wait time after a failed connection
+ void SetWaitTime ( unsigned int t ) { _wait_time = t; }
+ unsigned int GetWaitTime () { return _wait_time; }
+ // Get the Connection Host
+ const String &GetHost() { return _host; }
+ // Get the Connection IP Address
+ const String &GetHostIPAddress() { return _ip_address; }
+ // Get the Connection Port
+ int GetPort() { return _port; }
+ // Set and get the credentials
+ // Likely to vary based on transport protocol
+ virtual void SetCredentials (const String& s) { _credentials = s;}
+ virtual String GetCredentials () { return _credentials;}
+ // Proxy settings
+ virtual void SetProxy(int aUse) { _useproxy=aUse; }
+ // Proxy credentials
+ virtual void SetProxyCredentials (const String& s) { _proxy_credentials = s;}
+ virtual String GetProxyCredentials () { return _proxy_credentials;}
+ // Set the modification date and time for If-Modified-Since
+ void SetRequestModificationTime (HtDateTime *p) { _modification_time=p; }
+ void SetRequestModificationTime (HtDateTime &p)
+ { SetRequestModificationTime (&p) ;}
+ // Get the modification date time
+ HtDateTime *GetRequestModificationTime () { return _modification_time; }
+ // Get and set the max document size to be retrieved
+ void SetRequestMaxDocumentSize (int s) { _max_document_size=s; }
+ int GetRequestMaxDocumentSize() const { return _max_document_size; }
+ virtual Transport_Response *GetResponse() = 0;
+ virtual DocStatus GetDocumentStatus() = 0;
+ // Querying the status of the connection
+ // Are we still connected?
+ // This is the only part regarding
+ // a connection that's got a public access
+ virtual bool isConnected(){ return _connection?_connection->IsConnected():0; }
+// Set the default parser string for the content-type
+ static void SetDefaultParserContentType (const String &ct)
+ { _default_parser_content_type = ct; }
+// Set the debug level
+ static void SetDebugLevel (int d) { debug=d;}
+// Get statistics info
+ static int GetTotOpen () { return _tot_open; }
+ static int GetTotClose () { return _tot_close; }
+ static int GetTotServerChanges () { return _tot_changes; }
+ ///////
+ // Services about a Transport layer connection
+ // They're invisible from outside
+ ///////
+ // Open the connection
+ virtual int OpenConnection();
+ // Assign the host and the port for the connection
+ int AssignConnectionServer();
+ int AssignConnectionPort();
+ // Connect to the specified host and port
+ int Connect();
+ // Write a message
+ inline int ConnectionWrite(char *cmd)
+ { return _connection?_connection->Write(cmd):0; }
+ // Assign the timeout to the connection (returns the old value)
+ inline int AssignConnectionTimeOut()
+ { return _connection?_connection->Timeout(_timeout):0; }
+ // Assign the retry number to the connection (returns the old value)
+ inline int AssignConnectionRetries()
+ { return _connection?_connection->Retries(_retries):0; }
+ // Assign the wait time (after a failure) to the connection
+ inline int AssignConnectionWaitTime()
+ { return _connection?_connection->WaitTime(_wait_time):0; }
+ // Flush the connection
+ void FlushConnection();
+ // Close the connection
+ int CloseConnection();
+ // Reset Stats
+ static void ResetStatistics ()
+ { _tot_open=0; _tot_close=0; _tot_changes=0;}
+ // Show stats
+ static ostream &ShowStatistics (ostream &out);
+ // Methods for manipulating date strings -- useful for subclasses
+ enum DateFormat
+ {
+ DateFormat_RFC1123,
+ DateFormat_RFC850,
+ DateFormat_AscTime,
+ DateFormat_NotRecognized
+ };
+ // Create a new HtDateTime object
+ HtDateTime *NewDate(const char *);
+ // Recognize Date Format
+ DateFormat RecognizeDateFormat (const char *);
+ protected:
+ Connection *_connection; // Connection object
+ String _host; // TCP Connection host
+ String _ip_address; // TCP Connection host (IP Address)
+ int _port; // TCP Connection port
+ int _timeout; // Connection timeout
+ int _retries; // Connection retry limit
+ unsigned int _wait_time; // Connection wait time (if failed)
+ HtDateTime *_modification_time; // Stored modification time if avail.
+ int _max_document_size; // Max document size to retrieve
+ String _credentials; // Credentials for this connection
+ int _useproxy; // if true, GET should include full url,
+ // not path only
+ String _proxy_credentials; // Credentials for this proxy connection
+ HtDateTime _start_time; // Start time of the request
+ HtDateTime _end_time; // end time of the request
+ ///////
+ // Default parser content-type
+ // This string is matched in order to determine
+ // what content type can be considered parsed
+ // directly by the internal indexer (not by using
+ // any external parser)
+ ///////
+ static String _default_parser_content_type;
+ ///////
+ // Debug level
+ ///////
+ static int debug;
+ // Statistics about requests
+ static int _tot_open; // Number of connections opened
+ static int _tot_close; // Number of connections closed
+ static int _tot_changes; // Number of server changes
+ // Use the HTTP Basic Digest Access Authentication method to write a String
+ // to be used for credentials (both HTTP and HTTP PROXY authentication)
+ static void SetHTTPBasicAccessAuthorizationString(String &dest, const String& s);