path: root/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htword/WordDict.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htword/WordDict.h')
1 files changed, 252 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htword/WordDict.h b/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htword/WordDict.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..86b45717
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htword/WordDict.h
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+// WordDict.h
+// NAME
+// manage and use an inverted index dictionary.
+// #include <mifluz.h>
+// WordList* words = ...;
+// WordDict* dict = words->Dict();
+// WordDict maps strings to unique identifiers and frequency in the
+// inverted index. Whenever a new word is found, the WordDict class
+// can be asked to assign it a serial number. When doing so, an entry
+// is created in the dictionary with a frequency of zero. The application
+// may then increment or decrement the frequency to reflect the inverted
+// index content.
+// The serial numbers range from 1 to 2^32 inclusive.
+// A WordDict object is automatically created by the WordList object and
+// should not be created directly by the application.
+// END
+// Part of the ht://Dig package <>
+// Copyright (c) 1999-2004 The ht://Dig Group
+// For copyright details, see the file COPYING in your distribution
+// or the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL) version 2 or later
+// <>
+// $Id: WordDict.h,v 1.4 2004/05/28 13:15:26 lha Exp $
+#ifndef _WordDict_h_
+#define _WordDict_h_
+#include <stdio.h>
+#ifndef SWIG
+#include "htString.h"
+#include "WordDB.h"
+class WordList;
+class WordDictCursor;
+class WordDictRecord {
+ public:
+ inline WordDictRecord() { count = 0; id = WORD_DICT_SERIAL_INVALID; }
+ inline int Unpack(const String& coded) {
+ int offset = 0;
+ coded.ber_shift(offset, count);
+ coded.ber_shift(offset, id);
+ return OK;
+ }
+ inline int Pack(String& coded) const {
+ int offset = 0;
+ coded.ber_push(offset, count);
+ coded.ber_push(offset, id);
+ return OK;
+ }
+ inline int Get(WordDB* db, const String& word) {
+ String tmp_word = word;
+ String coded(BER_MAX_BYTES * 2);
+ int ret;
+ if((ret = db->Get(0, tmp_word, coded, 0)) != 0) return ret;
+ Unpack(coded);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ inline int Put(WordDB* db, const String& word) {
+ String coded(BER_MAX_BYTES * 2);
+ Pack(coded);
+ return db->Put(0, word, coded, 0);
+ }
+ inline int Del(WordDB* db, const String& word) {
+ return db->Del(0, word);
+ }
+ inline unsigned int Count() { return count; }
+ inline unsigned int Id() { return id; }
+ unsigned int count;
+ unsigned int id;
+#endif /* SWIG */
+class WordDict
+ public:
+#ifndef SWIG
+ //-
+ // Private constructor.
+ //
+ WordDict() { words = 0; db = 0; }
+ ~WordDict();
+ //-
+ // Bind the object a WordList inverted index. Return OK on success,
+ // NOTOK otherwise.
+ //
+ int Initialize(WordList* words);
+ //-
+ // Open the underlying Berkeley DB sub-database. The enclosing
+ // file is given by the <i>words</i> data member. Return OK on success,
+ // NOTOK otherwise.
+ //
+ int Open();
+ //-
+ // Destroy the underlying Berkeley DB sub-database. Return OK on success,
+ // NOTOK otherwise.
+ //
+ int Remove();
+ //-
+ // Close the underlying Berkeley DB sub-database. Return OK on success,
+ // NOTOK otherwise.
+ //
+ int Close();
+ //-
+ // If the <b>word</b> argument exists in the dictionnary, return its
+ // serial number in the <b>serial</b> argument. If it does not already
+ // exists, assign it a serial number, create an entry with a frequency
+ // of zero and return the new serial in the <b>serial</b> argument.
+ // Return OK on success, NOTOK otherwise.
+ //
+ int Serial(const String& word, unsigned int& serial);
+ //-
+ // If the <b>word</b> argument exists in the dictionnary, return its
+ // serial number in the <b>serial</b> argument. If it does not exists
+ // set the <b>serial</b> argument to WORD_DICT_SERIAL_INVALID.
+ // Return OK on success, NOTOK otherwise.
+ //
+ int SerialExists(const String& word, unsigned int& serial);
+ //-
+ // Short hand for Serial() followed by Ref().
+ // Return OK on success, NOTOK otherwise.
+ //
+ int SerialRef(const String& word, unsigned int& serial);
+ //-
+ // Return the frequency of the <b>word</b> argument
+ // in the <b>noccurrence</b> argument.
+ // Return OK on success, NOTOK otherwise.
+ //
+ int Noccurrence(const String& word, unsigned int& noccurrence) const;
+#endif /* SWIG */
+ //-
+ // Short hand for words->GetContext()->GetType()->Normalize(word).
+ // Return OK on success, NOTOK otherwise.
+ //
+ int Normalize(String& word) const;
+ //-
+ // Short hand for Incr(word, 1)
+ //
+ int Ref(const String& word) { return Incr(word, 1); }
+ //-
+ // Add <b>incr</b> to the frequency of the <b>word</b>.
+ // Return OK on success, NOTOK otherwise.
+ //
+ int Incr(const String& word, unsigned int incr);
+ //-
+ // Short hand for Decr(word, 1)
+ //
+ int Unref(const String& word) { return Decr(word, 1); }
+ //-
+ // Subtract <b>decr</b> to the frequency of the <b>word</b>. If
+ // the frequency becomes lower or equal to zero, remove the entry
+ // from the dictionnary and lose the association between the word and its
+ // serial number.
+ // Return OK on success, NOTOK otherwise.
+ //
+ int Decr(const String& word, unsigned int decr);
+ //-
+ // Set the frequency of <b>word</b> with the value of the <b>noccurrence</b>
+ // argument.
+ //
+ int Put(const String& word, unsigned int noccurrence);
+ //-
+ // Return true if <b>word</b> exists in the dictionnary, false otherwise.
+ //
+ int Exists(const String& word) const;
+#ifndef SWIG
+ //-
+ // Return a pointer to the associated WordList object.
+ //
+ List* Words() const;
+ //-
+ // Return a cursor to sequentially walk the dictionnary using the
+ // <b>Next</b> method.
+ //
+ WordDictCursor* Cursor() const;
+ //-
+ // Return the next entry in the dictionnary. The <b>cursor</b> argument
+ // must have been created using the <i>Cursor</i> method. The word is
+ // returned in the <b>word</b> argument and the record is returned in
+ // the <b>record</b> argument.
+ // On success the function returns 0, at the end of the dictionnary it
+ // returns DB_NOTFOUND. The <b>cursor</b> argument is deallocated when
+ // the function hits the end of the dictionnary or an error occurs.
+ //
+ int Next(WordDictCursor* cursor, String& word, WordDictRecord& record);
+ //-
+ // Return a cursor to sequentially walk the entries of the dictionnary
+ // that start with the <b>prefix</b> argument, using the
+ // <b>NextPrefix</b> method.
+ //
+ WordDictCursor* CursorPrefix(const String& prefix) const;
+ //-
+ // Return the next prefix from the dictionnary. The <b>cursor</b> argument
+ // must have been created using the <i>CursorPrefix</i> method. The word is
+ // returned in the <b>word</b> argument and the record is returned in
+ // the <b>record</b> argument. The <b>word</b> is guaranteed to start with
+ // the prefix specified to the <b>CursorPrefix</b> method.
+ // On success the function returns 0, at the end of the dictionnary it
+ // returns DB_NOTFOUND. The <b>cursor</b> argument is deallocated when
+ // the function hits the end of the dictionnary or an error occurs.
+ //
+ int NextPrefix(WordDictCursor* cursor, String& word, WordDictRecord& record);
+ //-
+ // Dump the complete dictionary in the file descriptor <b>f.</b> The
+ // format of the dictionary is <i>word serial frequency</i>, one by
+ // line.
+ //
+ int Write(FILE* f);
+ private:
+ WordList* words;
+ WordDB* db;
+#endif /* SWIG */
+#endif /* _WordDict_h_ */