path: root/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htword/WordList.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htword/WordList.h')
1 files changed, 372 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htword/WordList.h b/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htword/WordList.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1aa87864
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htword/WordList.h
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+// WordList.h
+// NAME
+// manage and use an inverted index file.
+// #include <mifluz.h>
+// Configuration* config;
+// WordReference wordRef;
+// ...
+// WordList* words = new WordList(config)
+// delete words;
+// WordList is the <i>mifluz</i> equivalent of a database handler. Each
+// WordList object is bound to an inverted index file and implements the
+// operations to create it, fill it with word occurrences and search
+// for an entry matching a given criterion.
+// wordlist_extend {true|false} (default false)
+// If <b>true</b> maintain reference count of unique
+// words. The <b>Noccurrence</b> method gives access to this count.
+// wordlist_verbose <number> (default 0)
+// Set the verbosity level of the WordList class.
+// <br>
+// 1 walk logic
+// <br>
+// 2 walk logic details
+// <br>
+// 3 walk logic lots of details
+// wordlist_page_size <bytes> (default 8192)
+// Berkeley DB page size (see Berkeley DB documentation)
+// wordlist_cache_size <bytes> (default 500K)
+// Berkeley DB cache size (see Berkeley DB documentation)
+// Cache makes a huge difference in performance. It must be at least 2%
+// of the expected total data size. Note that if compression is activated
+// the data size is eight times larger than the actual file size. In this
+// case the cache must be scaled to 2% of the data size, not 2%
+// of the file size. See <b>Cache tuning</b> in the mifluz guide for
+// more hints.
+// wordlist_compress {true|false} (default false)
+// Activate compression of the index. The resulting index is eight times
+// smaller than the uncompressed index.
+// END
+// Part of the ht://Dig package <>
+// Copyright (c) 1999-2004 The ht://Dig Group
+// For copyright details, see the file COPYING in your distribution
+// or the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL) version 2 or later
+// <>
+// $Id: WordList.h,v 1.10 2004/05/28 13:15:28 lha Exp $
+#ifndef _WordList_h_
+#define _WordList_h_
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#ifndef SWIG
+#include "Dictionary.h"
+#include "List.h"
+#include "htString.h"
+#include "WordRecord.h"
+#include "WordReference.h"
+#include "WordType.h"
+#include "WordDB.h"
+#include "WordDBCompress.h"
+#include "Configuration.h"
+#include "WordCursor.h"
+#endif /* SWIG */
+class List;
+class WordList;
+class WordDBCursor;
+// Inverted index interface
+class WordList
+ //-
+ // Constructor. Build inverted index handling object using
+ // run time configuration parameters listed in the <b>CONFIGURATION</b>
+ // section.
+ //
+ WordList(const Configuration& config_arg);
+ virtual ~WordList();
+ //-
+ // Insert <b>wordRef</b> in index. It is an error to insert
+ // the same <b>wordRef</b> twice. This requires a lookup in the index
+ // prior to the insertion.
+ // Returns OK on success, NOTOK on error.
+ //
+ int Insert(const WordReference& wordRef) { return Put(wordRef, DB_NOOVERWRITE); }
+ //-
+ // Insert <b>wordRef</b> in index. If the <i>Key()</i> part of
+ // the <b>wordRef</b> exists in the index, override it.
+ // Returns OK on success, NOTOK on error.
+ //
+ int Override(const WordReference& wordRef) { return Put(wordRef, 0); }
+#ifndef SWIG
+ int Put(const WordReference& wordRef, int flags);
+#endif /* SWIG */
+ //-
+ // Returns OK if <b>wordRef</b> exists in the index, NOTOK otherwise.
+ //
+ int Exists(const WordReference& wordRef) { return db.Exists(wordRef) == 0 ? OK : NOTOK; }
+#ifndef SWIG
+ //-
+ // Returns OK if <b>word</b> exists in the index, NOTOK otherwise.
+ //
+ int Exists(const String& word) { return Exists(WordReference(word)); }
+#endif /* SWIG */
+ //
+ // Delete permanently
+ //
+ //-
+ // Delete all entries in the index whose key matches the
+ // <i>Key()</i> part of <b>wordRef</b>, using the <i>Walk</i>
+ // method.
+ // Returns the number of entries successfully deleted.
+ //
+ int WalkDelete(const WordReference& wordRef);
+ //-
+ // Delete the entry in the index that exactly matches the
+ // <i>Key()</i> part of <b>wordRef.</b>
+ // Returns OK if deletion is successfull, NOTOK otherwise.
+ //
+ int Delete(const WordReference& wordRef) {
+ if(db.Del(wordRef) == 0)
+ return Unref(wordRef);
+ else
+ return NOTOK;
+ }
+#ifdef SWIG
+#endif /* SWIG */
+ //-
+ // Delete the inverted index entry currently pointed to by the
+ // <b>cursor.</b>
+ // Returns 0 on success, Berkeley DB error code on error. This
+ // is mainly useful when implementing a callback function for
+ // a <b>WordCursor.</b>
+ //
+ int Delete(WordDBCursor& cursor) { return cursor.Del(); }
+ //-
+ // Open inverted index <b>filename.</b> <b>mode</b>
+ // may be <i>O_RDONLY</i> or <i>O_RDWR.</i> If mode is
+ // <i>O_RDWR</i> it can be or'ed with <i>O_TRUNC</i> to reset
+ // the content of an existing inverted index.
+ // If word_only is true, entries will compare equal if the "word" part
+ // of the key is equal, even if the numeric fields aren't. (What are the
+ // numeric fields, anyway??)
+ // Return OK on success, NOTOK otherwise.
+ //
+ int Open(const String& filename, int mode, int word_only=false);
+ //-
+ // Close inverted index.
+ //
+ int Close();
+ //
+ // These returns a list of all the WordReference * matching
+ // the constraint.
+ //-
+ // Returns the list of word occurrences exactly matching the
+ // <i>Key()</i> part of <b>wordRef.</b> The <i>List</i> returned
+ // contains pointers to <i>WordReference</i> objects. It is
+ // the responsibility of the caller to free the list. See List.h
+ // header for usage.
+ //
+ List *Find(const WordReference& wordRef) { return (*this)[wordRef]; }
+ //-
+ // Returns the list of word occurrences exactly matching the
+ // <b>word.</b> The <i>List</i> returned
+ // contains pointers to <i>WordReference</i> objects. It is
+ // the responsibility of the caller to free the list. See List.h
+ // header for usage.
+ //
+ List *FindWord(const String& word) { return (*this)[word]; }
+#ifndef SWIG
+ //-
+ // Alias to the <b>Find</b> method.
+ //
+ List *operator [] (const WordReference& wordRef);
+ //-
+ // Alias to the <b>FindWord</b> method.
+ //
+ List *operator [] (const String& word) { return (*this)[WordReference(word)]; }
+#endif /* SWIG */
+ //-
+ // Returns the list of word occurrences matching the <i>Key()</i>
+ // part of <b>wordRef.</b> In the <i>Key()</i>, the string
+ // (accessed with <i>GetWord()</i>) matches any string that begins
+ // with it. The <i>List</i> returned contains pointers to
+ // <i>WordReference</i> objects. It is the responsibility of the
+ // caller to free the list.
+ //
+ List *Prefix (const WordReference& prefix);
+#ifndef SWIG
+ //-
+ // Returns the list of word occurrences matching the
+ // <b>word.</b> In the <i>Key()</i>, the string (accessed with
+ // <i>GetWord()</i>) matches any string that begins with it. The
+ // <i>List</i> returned contains pointers to <i>WordReference</i>
+ // objects. It is the responsibility of the caller to free the
+ // list.
+ //
+ List *Prefix (const String& prefix) { return this->Prefix(WordReference(prefix)); }
+#endif /* SWIG */
+ //
+ // Iterate over the complete database.
+ //
+#ifndef SWIG
+ //-
+ // Returns a list of all unique words contained in the inverted
+ // index. The <i>List</i> returned contains pointers to
+ // <i>String</i> objects. It is the responsibility of the caller
+ // to free the list. See List.h header for usage.
+ //
+ List *Words();
+#endif /* SWIG */
+ //-
+ // Returns a list of all entries contained in the
+ // inverted index. The <i>List</i> returned contains pointers to
+ // <i>WordReference</i> objects. It is the responsibility of
+ // the caller to free the list. See List.h header for usage.
+ //
+ List *WordRefs();
+#ifndef SWIG
+ //-
+ // Create a cursor that searches all the occurrences in the
+ // inverted index and call <b>ncallback</b> with
+ // <b>ncallback_data</b> for every match.
+ //
+ WordCursor *Cursor(wordlist_walk_callback_t callback, Object *callback_data) { return new WordCursor(this, callback, callback_data); }
+#endif /* SWIG */
+ //-
+ // Create a cursor that searches all the occurrences in the
+ // inverted index and that match <b>nsearchKey.</b> If
+ // <b>naction</b> is set to HTDIG_WORDLIST_WALKER calls
+ // <b>searchKey.callback</b> with <b>searchKey.callback_data</b>
+ // for every match. If <b>naction</b> is set to
+ // HTDIG_WORDLIST_COLLECT push each match in <b>searchKey.collectRes</b>
+ // data member as a <b>WordReference</b> object. It is the responsibility
+ // of the caller to free the <b>searchKey.collectRes</b> list.
+ //
+ WordCursor *Cursor(const WordKey &searchKey, int action = HTDIG_WORDLIST_WALKER) { return new WordCursor(this, searchKey, action); }
+#ifndef SWIG
+ //-
+ // Create a cursor that searches all the occurrences in the
+ // inverted index and that match <b>nsearchKey</b> and calls
+ // <b>ncallback</b> with <b>ncallback_data</b> for every match.
+ //
+ WordCursor *Cursor(const WordKey &searchKey, wordlist_walk_callback_t callback, Object * callback_data) { return new WordCursor(this, searchKey, callback, callback_data); }
+#endif /* SWIG */
+ //
+ // Update/get global word statistics statistics
+ //
+ //-
+ // Add one to the reference count for the string contained
+ // in the <i>Key().GetWord()</i> part of <b>wordRef.</b>
+ // Returns OK on success, NOTOK otherwise.
+ //
+ int Ref(const WordReference& wordRef);
+ //-
+ // Substract one to the reference count for the string contained
+ // in the <i>Key().GetWord()</i> part of <b>wordRef.</b>
+ // Returns OK on success, NOTOK otherwise.
+ //
+ int Unref(const WordReference& wordRef);
+#ifndef SWIG
+ //-
+ // Return in <b>noccurrence</b> the number of occurrences of the
+ // string contained in the <i>GetWord()</i> part of <b>key.</b>
+ // Returns OK on success, NOTOK otherwise.
+ //
+ int Noccurrence(const WordKey& key, unsigned int& noccurrence) const;
+ //
+ // Accessors
+ //
+ //
+ // Get the Berkeley DB object
+ //
+ const WordType& GetWordType() const { return wtype; }
+#endif /* SWIG */
+ //-
+ // Return the <i>Configuration</i> object used to initialize
+ // the <i>WordList</i> object.
+ //
+ const Configuration& GetConfiguration() const { return config; }
+#ifndef SWIG
+ //
+ // Input/Output
+ //
+ //-
+ // Write on file descriptor <b>f</b> an ASCII description of the
+ // index. Each line of the file contains a <i>WordReference</i>
+ // ASCII description.
+ // Returns 0 on success, not 0 otherwise.
+ //
+ int Write(FILE* f);
+ //
+ //-
+ // Read <i>WordReference</i> ASCII descriptions from <b>f</b>,
+ // returns the number of inserted WordReference or < 0 if an error
+ // occurs. Invalid descriptions are ignored as well as empty
+ // lines.
+ //
+ int Read(FILE* f);
+#endif /* SWIG */
+ //
+ // Retrieve WordReferences from the database.
+ // Backend of WordRefs, operator[], Prefix...
+ //
+ List *Collect(const WordReference& word);
+#ifndef SWIG
+ //
+ // Compressor object accessors
+ //
+ WordDBCompress *GetCompressor() { return compressor; }
+ void SetCompressor(WordDBCompress* compressor_arg) { compressor = compressor_arg; }
+ const WordType wtype;
+ const Configuration& config;
+ int isopen;
+ int isread;
+ //
+ // If true enable extended functionalities of WordList such
+ // as per-word statistics. Read from wordlist_extended configuration
+ // parameter.
+ //
+ int extended;
+ WordDB db;
+ WordDBCompress *compressor;
+ int verbose;
+#endif /* SWIG */
+#endif /* _WordList_h_ */