path: root/debian/pyrex/pyrex-0.9.9/Pyrex/Compiler/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'debian/pyrex/pyrex-0.9.9/Pyrex/Compiler/')
1 files changed, 564 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian/pyrex/pyrex-0.9.9/Pyrex/Compiler/ b/debian/pyrex/pyrex-0.9.9/Pyrex/Compiler/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2769b771
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/pyrex/pyrex-0.9.9/Pyrex/Compiler/
@@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
+# Pyrex Top Level
+import os, re, sys
+if sys.version_info[:2] < (2, 3):
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Sorry, Pyrex requires Python 2.3 or later"
+ sys.exit(1)
+import os
+from time import time
+import Builtin
+import Code
+import Errors
+import Parsing
+import Version
+from Errors import PyrexError, CompileError, error
+from Scanning import PyrexScanner
+from Symtab import BuiltinScope, DefinitionScope, ImplementationScope
+from Pyrex.Utils import set, replace_suffix, modification_time, \
+ file_newer_than, castrate_file, map_suffix
+from Filenames import cplus_suffix, pxd_suffixes, pyx_suffixes, \
+ package_init_files, pyx_to_c_suffix
+verbose = 0
+debug_timestamps = 0
+module_name_pattern = re.compile(
+ r"[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*(\.[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)*$")
+class Context:
+ # This class encapsulates the context needed for compiling
+ # one or more Pyrex implementation files along with their
+ # associated and imported declaration files. It holds
+ # the root of the module import namespace and the list
+ # of directories to search for include files.
+ #
+ # modules {string : DefinitionScope}
+ # include_directories [string]
+ def __init__(self, include_directories):
+ self.modules = {"__builtin__" : Builtin.builtin_scope}
+ self.include_directories = include_directories
+ def find_module(self, module_name,
+ relative_to = None, pos = None, need_pxd = 1):
+ # Finds and returns the module scope corresponding to
+ # the given relative or absolute module name. If this
+ # is the first time the module has been requested, finds
+ # the corresponding .pxd file and process it.
+ # If relative_to is not None, it must be a module scope,
+ # and the module will first be searched for relative to
+ # that module, provided its name is not a dotted name.
+ debug_find_module = 0
+ if debug_find_module:
+ print "Context.find_module: module_name =", module_name, \
+ "relative_to =", relative_to, "pos =", pos, "need_pxd =", need_pxd
+ scope = None
+ pxd_pathname = None
+ if "." not in module_name and relative_to:
+ if debug_find_module:
+ print "...trying relative import"
+ scope = relative_to.lookup_submodule(module_name)
+ if not scope:
+ qualified_name = relative_to.qualify_name(module_name)
+ pxd_pathname = self.find_pxd_file(qualified_name, pos)
+ if pxd_pathname:
+ scope = relative_to.find_submodule(module_name)
+ if not scope:
+ if debug_find_module:
+ print "...trying absolute import"
+ scope = self
+ for name in module_name.split("."):
+ scope = scope.find_submodule(name)
+ if debug_find_module:
+ print "...scope =", scope
+ if not scope.pxd_file_loaded:
+ if debug_find_module:
+ print "...pxd not loaded"
+ scope.pxd_file_loaded = 1
+ if not pxd_pathname:
+ if debug_find_module:
+ print "...looking for pxd file"
+ pxd_pathname = self.find_pxd_file(module_name, pos)
+ if debug_find_module:
+ print "......found ", pxd_pathname
+ if not pxd_pathname and need_pxd:
+ error(pos, "Cannot find .pxd file for module '%s'" % module_name)
+ if pxd_pathname:
+ try:
+ if debug_find_module:
+ print "Context.find_module: Parsing", pxd_pathname
+ pxd_tree = self.parse(pxd_pathname, scope, pxd = 1)
+ pxd_tree.analyse_declarations(scope)
+ except CompileError:
+ pass
+ return scope
+ def find_pxd_file(self, qualified_name, pos):
+ # Search include path for the .pxd file corresponding to the
+ # given fully-qualified module name.
+ # Will find either a dotted filename or a file in a
+ # package directory. If a source file position is given,
+ # the directory containing the source file is searched first
+ # for a dotted filename, and its containing package root
+ # directory is searched first for a non-dotted filename.
+ return self.search_package_directories(qualified_name, pxd_suffixes, pos)
+ def find_pyx_file(self, qualified_name, pos):
+ # Search include path for the .pyx file corresponding to the
+ # given fully-qualified module name, as for find_pxd_file().
+ return self.search_package_directories(qualified_name, pyx_suffixes, pos)
+ def search_package_directories(self, qualified_name, suffixes, pos):
+ dotted_filenames = [qualified_name + suffix for suffix in suffixes]
+ if pos:
+ here = os.path.dirname(pos[0])
+ for dotted_filename in dotted_filenames:
+ path = os.path.join(here, dotted_filename)
+ if os.path.exists(path):
+ return path
+ dirs = self.include_directories
+ if pos:
+ here = self.find_root_package_dir(pos[0])
+ dirs = [here] + dirs
+ names = qualified_name.split(".")
+ package_names = names[:-1]
+ module_name = names[-1]
+ filenames = [module_name + suffix for suffix in suffixes]
+ for root in dirs:
+ for dotted_filename in dotted_filenames:
+ path = os.path.join(root, dotted_filename)
+ if os.path.exists(path):
+ return path
+ dir = self.descend_to_package_dir(root, package_names)
+ if dir:
+ for filename in filenames:
+ path = os.path.join(dir, filename)
+ if os.path.exists(path):
+ return path
+ for init_filename in package_init_files:
+ path = os.path.join(dir, module_name, init_filename)
+ if os.path.exists(path):
+ return path
+ def find_root_package_dir(self, file_path):
+ # Given the full pathname of a source file, find the directory
+ # containing the top-level package that it ultimately belongs to.
+ dir = os.path.dirname(file_path)
+ while 1:
+ if not self.is_package_dir(dir):
+ return dir
+ parent = os.path.dirname(dir)
+ if parent == dir:
+ return dir
+ dir = parent
+ def descend_to_package_dir(self, root_dir, package_names):
+ # Starting from the given root directory, look for a nested
+ # succession of package directories. Returns the full pathname
+ # of the innermost one, or None.
+ dir = root_dir
+ for name in package_names:
+ dir = os.path.join(dir, name)
+ if self.is_package_dir(dir):
+ return dir
+ def is_package_dir(self, dir_path):
+ # Return true if the given directory is a package directory.
+ for filename in package_init_files:
+ path = os.path.join(dir_path, filename)
+ if os.path.exists(path):
+ return 1
+ def find_include_file(self, filename, pos):
+ # Search list of include directories for filename.
+ # Reports an error and returns None if not found.
+ path = self.search_include_directories(filename, pos)
+ if not path:
+ error(pos, "'%s' not found" % filename)
+ return path
+ def search_include_directories(self, filename, pos):
+ # Search the list of include directories for the given
+ # file name. If a source file position is given, first
+ # searches the directory containing that file. Returns
+ # None if not found, but does not report an error.
+ dirs = self.include_directories
+ if pos:
+ here_dir = os.path.dirname(pos[0])
+ dirs = [here_dir] + dirs
+ for dir in dirs:
+ path = os.path.join(dir, filename)
+ if os.path.exists(path):
+ return path
+ return None
+ def lookup_submodule(self, name):
+ # Look up a top-level module. Returns None if not found.
+ return self.modules.get(name, None)
+ def find_submodule(self, name):
+ # Find a top-level module, creating a new one if needed.
+ scope = self.lookup_submodule(name)
+ if not scope:
+ scope = DefinitionScope(name,
+ parent_module = None, context = self)
+ self.modules[name] = scope
+ return scope
+ def parse(self, source_filename, scope, pxd):
+ # Parse the given source file and return a parse tree.
+ f = open(source_filename, "rU")
+ s = PyrexScanner(f, source_filename, scope = scope, context = self)
+ try:
+ tree = Parsing.p_module(s, pxd)
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+ if Errors.num_errors > 0:
+ raise CompileError
+ return tree
+ def extract_module_name(self, path):
+ # Find fully_qualified module name from the full pathname
+ # of a source file.
+ dir, filename = os.path.split(path)
+ module_name, _ = os.path.splitext(filename)
+ if "." not in module_name:
+ if module_name == "__init__":
+ dir, module_name = os.path.split(dir)
+ names = [module_name]
+ while self.is_package_dir(dir):
+ parent, package_name = os.path.split(dir)
+ if parent == dir:
+ break
+ names.insert(0, package_name)
+ dir = parent
+ module_name = ".".join(names)
+ if not module_name_pattern.match(module_name):
+ raise CompileError((path, 0, 0),
+ "'%s' is not a valid module name" % module_name)
+ return module_name
+ def dep_file_out_of_date(self, source_path):
+ dep_path = replace_suffix(source_path, ".dep")
+ if not os.path.exists(dep_path):
+ return 1
+ dep_time = modification_time(dep_path)
+ return file_newer_than(source_path, dep_time)
+ def c_file_out_of_date(self, source_path):
+ if debug_timestamps:
+ print "Checking whether", source_path, "is out of date"
+ c_path = map_suffix(source_path, pyx_to_c_suffix, ".c")
+ if not os.path.exists(c_path):
+ if debug_timestamps:
+ print "...yes, c file doesn't exist"
+ return 1
+ c_time = modification_time(c_path)
+ if file_newer_than(source_path, c_time):
+ if debug_timestamps:
+ print "...yes, newer than c file"
+ return 1
+ pos = [source_path]
+ module_name = self.extract_module_name(source_path)
+ pxd_path = self.find_pxd_file(module_name, pos)
+ if pxd_path and file_newer_than(pxd_path, c_time):
+ if debug_timestamps:
+ print "...yes, pxd file newer than c file"
+ return 1
+ dep_path = replace_suffix(source_path, ".dep")
+ if not os.path.exists(dep_path):
+ if debug_timestamps:
+ print "...yes, dep file does not exist"
+ return 1
+ for kind, name in self.read_dependency_file(source_path):
+ if kind == "cimport":
+ dep_path = self.find_pxd_file(name, pos)
+ elif kind == "include":
+ dep_path = self.search_include_directories(name, pos)
+ else:
+ continue
+ if dep_path and file_newer_than(dep_path, c_time):
+ if debug_timestamps:
+ print "...yes,", dep_path, "newer than c file"
+ return 1
+ if debug_timestamps:
+ print ""
+ def find_cimported_module_names(self, source_path):
+ for kind, name in self.read_dependency_file(source_path):
+ if kind == "cimport":
+ yield name
+ def read_dependency_file(self, source_path):
+ dep_path = replace_suffix(source_path, ".dep")
+ if os.path.exists(dep_path):
+ f = open(dep_path, "rU")
+ for line in f.readlines():
+ chunks = line.strip().split(" ", 1)
+ if len(chunks) == 2:
+ yield chunks
+ f.close()
+ def compile(self, source, options = None):
+ # Compile a Pyrex implementation file in this context
+ # and return a CompilationResult.
+ if not options:
+ options = default_options
+ result = CompilationResult()
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ source = os.path.join(cwd, source)
+ if options.use_listing_file:
+ result.listing_file = replace_suffix(source, ".lis")
+ Errors.open_listing_file(result.listing_file,
+ echo_to_stderr = options.errors_to_stderr)
+ else:
+ Errors.open_listing_file(None)
+ if options.output_file:
+ result.c_file = os.path.join(cwd, options.output_file)
+ else:
+ if options.cplus:
+ result.c_file = replace_suffix(source, cplus_suffix)
+ else:
+ result.c_file = map_suffix(source, pyx_to_c_suffix, ".c")
+ module_name = self.extract_module_name(source)
+ initial_pos = (source, 1, 0)
+ def_scope = self.find_module(module_name, pos = initial_pos, need_pxd = 0)
+ imp_scope = ImplementationScope(def_scope)
+ errors_occurred = False
+ try:
+ tree = self.parse(source, imp_scope, pxd = 0)
+ tree.process_implementation(imp_scope, options, result)
+ except CompileError:
+ errors_occurred = True
+ Errors.close_listing_file()
+ result.num_errors = Errors.num_errors
+ if result.num_errors > 0:
+ errors_occurred = True
+ if errors_occurred and result.c_file:
+ try:
+ st = os.stat(source)
+ castrate_file(result.c_file, st)
+ except EnvironmentError:
+ pass
+ result.c_file = None
+ if result.c_file and not options.c_only and c_compile:
+ result.object_file = c_compile(result.c_file,
+ verbose_flag = options.show_version,
+ cplus = options.cplus)
+ if not options.obj_only and c_link:
+ result.extension_file = c_link(result.object_file,
+ extra_objects = options.objects,
+ verbose_flag = options.show_version,
+ cplus = options.cplus)
+ return result
+# Main Python entry points
+class CompilationOptions:
+ """
+ Options to the Pyrex compiler:
+ show_version boolean Display version number
+ use_listing_file boolean Generate a .lis file
+ errors_to_stderr boolean Echo errors to stderr when using .lis
+ include_path [string] Directories to search for include files
+ output_file string Name of generated .c file
+ generate_pxi boolean Generate .pxi file for public declarations
+ recursive boolean Recursively find and compile dependencies
+ timestamps boolean Only compile changed source files. If None,
+ defaults to true when recursive is true.
+ verbose boolean Always print source names being compiled
+ quiet boolean Don't print source names in recursive mode
+ Following options are experimental and only used on MacOSX:
+ c_only boolean Stop after generating C file (default)
+ obj_only boolean Stop after compiling to .o file
+ objects [string] Extra .o files to link with
+ cplus boolean Compile as c++ code
+ """
+ def __init__(self, defaults = None, c_compile = 0, c_link = 0, **kw):
+ self.include_path = []
+ self.objects = []
+ if defaults:
+ if isinstance(defaults, CompilationOptions):
+ defaults = defaults.__dict__
+ else:
+ defaults = default_options
+ self.__dict__.update(defaults)
+ self.__dict__.update(kw)
+ if c_compile:
+ self.c_only = 0
+ if c_link:
+ self.obj_only = 0
+class CompilationResult:
+ """
+ Results from the Pyrex compiler:
+ c_file string or None The generated C source file
+ h_file string or None The generated C header file
+ i_file string or None The generated .pxi file
+ api_file string or None The generated C API .h file
+ listing_file string or None File of error messages
+ object_file string or None Result of compiling the C file
+ extension_file string or None Result of linking the object file
+ num_errors integer Number of compilation errors
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.c_file = None
+ self.h_file = None
+ self.i_file = None
+ self.api_file = None
+ self.listing_file = None
+ self.object_file = None
+ self.extension_file = None
+class CompilationResultSet(dict):
+ """
+ Results from compiling multiple Pyrex source files. A mapping
+ from source file paths to CompilationResult instances. Also
+ has the following attributes:
+ num_errors integer Total number of compilation errors
+ """
+ num_errors = 0
+ def add(self, source, result):
+ self[source] = result
+ self.num_errors += result.num_errors
+def compile_single(source, options):
+ """
+ compile_single(source, options)
+ Compile the given Pyrex implementation file and return a CompilationResult.
+ Always compiles a single file; does not perform timestamp checking or
+ recursion.
+ """
+ context = Context(options.include_path)
+ return context.compile(source, options)
+def compile_multiple(sources, options):
+ """
+ compile_multiple(sources, options)
+ Compiles the given sequence of Pyrex implementation files and returns
+ a CompilationResultSet. Performs timestamp checking and/or recursion
+ if these are specified in the options.
+ """
+ sources = [os.path.abspath(source) for source in sources]
+ processed = set()
+ results = CompilationResultSet()
+ context = Context(options.include_path)
+ recursive = options.recursive
+ timestamps = options.timestamps
+ if timestamps is None:
+ timestamps = recursive
+ verbose = options.verbose or ((recursive or timestamps) and not options.quiet)
+ for source in sources:
+ if source not in processed:
+ if not timestamps or context.c_file_out_of_date(source):
+ if verbose:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Compiling", source
+ result = context.compile(source, options)
+ results.add(source, result)
+ processed.add(source)
+ if recursive:
+ for module_name in context.find_cimported_module_names(source):
+ path = context.find_pyx_file(module_name, [source])
+ if path:
+ sources.append(path)
+ else:
+ print >>sys.stderr, \
+ "Cannot find .pyx file for cimported module '%s'" % module_name
+ return results
+def compile(source, options = None, c_compile = 0, c_link = 0, **kwds):
+ """
+ compile(source [, options], [, <option> = <value>]...)
+ Compile one or more Pyrex implementation files, with optional timestamp
+ checking and recursing on dependecies. The source argument may be a string
+ or a sequence of strings. If it is a string and no recursion or timestamp
+ checking is requested, a CompilationResult is returned, otherwise a
+ CompilationResultSet is returned.
+ """
+ options = CompilationOptions(defaults = options, c_compile = c_compile,
+ c_link = c_link, **kwds)
+ if isinstance(source, basestring) and not options.timestamps \
+ and not options.recursive:
+ return compile_single(source, options)
+ else:
+ return compile_multiple(source, options)
+# Main command-line entry point
+def main(command_line = 0):
+ args = sys.argv[1:]
+ any_failures = 0
+ if command_line:
+ from CmdLine import parse_command_line
+ options, sources = parse_command_line(args)
+ else:
+ options = CompilationOptions(default_options)
+ sources = args
+ if options.show_version:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Pyrex version %s" % Version.version
+ try:
+ result = compile(sources, options)
+ if result.num_errors > 0:
+ any_failures = 1
+ except EnvironmentError, e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, e
+ any_failures = 1
+ if any_failures:
+ sys.exit(1)
+# Set the default options depending on the platform
+default_options = dict(
+ show_version = 0,
+ use_listing_file = 0,
+ errors_to_stderr = 1,
+ c_only = 1,
+ obj_only = 1,
+ cplus = 0,
+ output_file = None,
+ generate_pxi = 0,
+ recursive = 0,
+ timestamps = None,
+ verbose = 0,
+ quiet = 0)
+if sys.platform == "mac":
+ from Pyrex.Mac.MacSystem import c_compile, c_link, CCompilerError
+ default_options['use_listing_file'] = 1
+elif sys.platform == "darwin":
+ from Pyrex.Mac.DarwinSystem import c_compile, c_link, CCompilerError
+ c_compile = None
+ c_link = None