path: root/kftpgrabber/src/misc/libs/ssh/priv.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'kftpgrabber/src/misc/libs/ssh/priv.h')
1 files changed, 384 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kftpgrabber/src/misc/libs/ssh/priv.h b/kftpgrabber/src/misc/libs/ssh/priv.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c93081
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kftpgrabber/src/misc/libs/ssh/priv.h
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+Copyright 2003,04 Aris Adamantiadis
+This file is part of the SSH Library
+The SSH Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your
+option) any later version.
+The SSH Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
+License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+along with the SSH Library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Steet, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+MA 02110-1301, USA. */
+/* priv.h file */
+/* This include file contains everything you shouldn't deal with in user programs. */
+/* Consider that anything in this file might change without notice; libssh.h file will keep */
+/* backward compatibility on binary & source */
+#ifndef _LIBSSH_PRIV_H
+#define _LIBSSH_PRIV_H
+#include "libssh.h"
+/* Debugging constants */
+/* Define this if you want to debug crypto systems */
+/* it's usefull when you are debugging the lib */
+/*#define DEBUG_CRYPTO */
+/* some constants */
+#define MAX_PACKET_LEN 262144
+#define ERROR_BUFFERLEN 1024
+#define KBDINT_MAX_PROMPT 256 /* more than openssh's :) */
+/* some types for public keys */
+#define TYPE_DSS 1
+#define TYPE_RSA 2
+#define TYPE_RSA1 3
+/* profiling constants. Don't touch them unless you know what you do */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* wrapper things */
+#include <openssl/dsa.h>
+#include <openssl/rsa.h>
+#include <openssl/sha.h>
+#include <openssl/md5.h>
+#include <openssl/hmac.h>
+typedef SHA_CTX SHACTX;
+typedef MD5_CTX MD5CTX;
+#ifdef MD5_DIGEST_LEN
+ #undef MD5_DIGEST_LEN
+#endif /* OPENSSL_CRYPTO */
+#include <openssl/bn.h>
+typedef BIGNUM* bignum;
+typedef BN_CTX* bignum_CTX;
+#define bignum_new() BN_new()
+#define bignum_free(num) BN_clear_free(num)
+#define bignum_set_word(bn,n) BN_set_word(bn,n)
+#define bignum_bin2bn(bn,datalen,data) BN_bin2bn(bn,datalen,data)
+#define bignum_bn2hex(num) BN_bn2hex(num)
+#define bignum_rand(rnd, bits, top, bottom) BN_rand(rnd,bits,top,bottom)
+#define bignum_ctx_new() BN_CTX_new()
+#define bignum_ctx_free(num) BN_CTX_free(num)
+#define bignum_mod_exp(dest,generator,exp,modulo,ctx) BN_mod_exp(dest,generator,exp,modulo,ctx)
+#define bignum_num_bytes(num) BN_num_bytes(num)
+#define bignum_num_bits(num) BN_num_bits(num)
+#define bignum_is_bit_set(num,bit) BN_is_bit_set(num,bit)
+#define bignum_bn2bin(num,ptr) BN_bn2bin(num,ptr)
+#endif /* OPENSSL_BIGNUMS */
+#include <sys/time.h>
+/* wrapper.c */
+MD5CTX *md5_init(void);
+void md5_update(MD5CTX *c, const void *data, unsigned long len);
+void md5_final(unsigned char *md,MD5CTX *c);
+SHACTX *sha1_init(void);
+void sha1_update(SHACTX *c, const void *data, unsigned long len);
+void sha1_final(unsigned char *md,SHACTX *c);
+void sha1(unsigned char *digest,int len,unsigned char *hash);
+#define HMAC_SHA1 1
+#define HMAC_MD5 2
+HMACCTX *hmac_init(const void *key,int len,int type);
+void hmac_update(HMACCTX *c, const void *data, unsigned long len);
+void hmac_final(HMACCTX *ctx,unsigned char *hashmacbuf,int *len);
+/* strings and buffers */
+/* must be 32 bits number + immediatly our data */
+struct string_struct {
+ u32 size;
+ char string[MAX_PACKET_LEN];
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+struct buffer_struct {
+ char *data;
+ int used;
+ int allocated;
+ int pos;
+/* i should remove it one day */
+typedef struct packet_struct {
+ int valid;
+ u32 len;
+ u8 type;
+typedef struct kex_struct {
+ char cookie[16];
+ char **methods;
+} KEX;
+struct public_key_struct {
+ int type;
+ char *type_c; /* Don't free it ! it is static */
+ DSA *dsa_pub;
+ RSA *rsa_pub;
+struct private_key_struct {
+ int type;
+ DSA *dsa_priv;
+ RSA *rsa_priv;
+typedef struct signature_struct {
+ int type;
+ DSA_SIG *dsa_sign;
+ STRING *rsa_sign;
+struct ssh_options_struct {
+ char *clientbanner; /* explicit banner to send */
+ char *username;
+ char *host;
+ char *bindaddr;
+ char *identity;
+ char *ssh_dir;
+ char *known_hosts_file;
+ int fd; /* specificaly wanted file descriptor, don't connect host */
+ int port;
+ int dont_verify_hostkey; /* Don't spare time, don't check host key ! unneeded to say it's dangerous and not safe */
+ int use_nonexisting_algo; /* if user sets a not supported algorithm for kex, don't complain */
+ char *wanted_methods[10]; /* the kex methods can be choosed. better use the kex fonctions to do that */
+ void *wanted_cookie; /* wants a specific cookie to be sent ? if null, generate a new one */
+ void *passphrase_function; /* this functions will be called if a keyphrase is needed. look keyfiles.c for more info */
+ void (*connect_status_function)(void *arg, float status); /* status callback function */
+ void *connect_status_arg; /* arbitrary argument */
+ long timeout; /* seconds */
+ long timeout_usec;
+ };
+typedef struct ssh_crypto_struct {
+ bignum e,f,x,k;
+ char session_id[SHA_DIGEST_LEN];
+ char encryptIV[SHA_DIGEST_LEN];
+ char decryptIV[SHA_DIGEST_LEN];
+ char decryptkey[SHA_DIGEST_LEN*2];
+ char encryptkey[SHA_DIGEST_LEN*2];
+ char encryptMAC[SHA_DIGEST_LEN];
+ char decryptMAC[SHA_DIGEST_LEN];
+ char hmacbuf[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
+ struct crypto_struct *in_cipher, *out_cipher; /* the cipher structures/objects */
+ STRING *server_pubkey;
+ char *server_pubkey_type;
+ int do_compress_out; /* idem */
+ int do_compress_in; /* don't set them, set the option instead */
+ void *compress_out_ctx; /* don't touch it */
+ void *compress_in_ctx; /* really, don't */
+struct channel_struct {
+ struct channel_struct *prev;
+ struct channel_struct *next;
+ SSH_SESSION *session; /* SSH_SESSION pointer */
+ u32 local_channel;
+ u32 local_window;
+ int local_eof;
+ u32 local_maxpacket;
+ u32 remote_channel;
+ u32 remote_window;
+ int remote_eof; /* end of file received */
+ u32 remote_maxpacket;
+ int open; /* shows if the channel is still opened */
+ void (*write_fct)(struct channel_struct *channel, void *data, int len, void *userarg);
+ /* this write function is a callback on some userdefined function which is used for writing datas *coming from remote ssh* */
+ /* use channel_write() to write into a ssh pipe */
+ void (*write_err_fct)(struct channel_struct *channel, void *data, int len, void *userarg);
+ /* same as write_fct for stderr */
+ BUFFER *stdout_buffer;
+ BUFFER *stderr_buffer;
+ void *userarg;
+struct ssh_session {
+ int fd;
+ SSH_OPTIONS *options;
+ char *serverbanner;
+ char *clientbanner;
+ int protoversion;
+ u32 send_seq;
+ u32 recv_seq;
+ int connected; /* !=0 when the user got a session handle */
+ int alive;
+ int auth_service_asked;
+ int datatoread; /* reading now on socket will not block */
+ STRING *banner; /* that's the issue banner from the server */
+ BUFFER *in_buffer;
+ PACKET in_packet;
+ BUFFER *out_buffer;
+ KEX server_kex;
+ KEX client_kex;
+ BUFFER *in_hashbuf;
+ BUFFER *out_hashbuf;
+ CRYPTO *current_crypto;
+ CRYPTO *next_crypto; /* next_crypto is going to be used after a SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS */
+ CHANNEL *channels; /* linked list of channels */
+ int maxchannel;
+ int error_code;
+ char error_buffer[ERROR_BUFFERLEN];
+ struct ssh_kbdint *kbdint;
+struct ssh_kbdint {
+ u32 nprompts;
+ char *name;
+ char *instruction;
+ char **prompts;
+ char *echo; /* bool array */
+ char **answers;
+/* errors.c */
+void ssh_set_error(SSH_SESSION *session,enum ssh_error code,char *descr,...);
+/* in dh.c */
+/* DH key generation */
+void dh_generate_e(SSH_SESSION *session);
+void dh_generate_x(SSH_SESSION *session);
+STRING *dh_get_e(SSH_SESSION *session);
+void dh_import_f(SSH_SESSION *session,STRING *f_string);
+void dh_import_pubkey(SSH_SESSION *session,STRING *pubkey_string);
+void dh_build_k(SSH_SESSION *session);
+void make_sessionid(SSH_SESSION *session);
+/* add data for the final cookie */
+void hashbufin_add_cookie(SSH_SESSION *session,unsigned char *cookie);
+void hashbufout_add_cookie(SSH_SESSION *session);
+void generate_session_keys(SSH_SESSION *session);
+/* returns 1 if server signature ok, 0 otherwise. The NEXT crypto is checked, not the current one */
+int signature_verify(SSH_SESSION *session,STRING *signature);
+bignum make_string_bn(STRING *string);
+STRING *make_bignum_string(bignum num);
+/* in crypt.c */
+u32 packet_decrypt_len(SSH_SESSION *session,char *crypted);
+int packet_decrypt(SSH_SESSION *session, void *packet,unsigned int len);
+char *packet_encrypt(SSH_SESSION *session,void *packet,unsigned int len);
+ /* it returns the hmac buffer if exists*/
+int packet_hmac_verify(SSH_SESSION *session,BUFFER *buffer,char *mac);
+/* in packet.c */
+void packet_clear_out(SSH_SESSION *session);
+void packet_parse(SSH_SESSION *session);
+int packet_send(SSH_SESSION *session);
+int packet_read(SSH_SESSION *session);
+int packet_translate(SSH_SESSION *session);
+int packet_wait(SSH_SESSION *session,int type,int blocking);
+/* connect.c */
+SSH_SESSION *ssh_session_new();
+int ssh_connect_host(const char *host,const char *bind_addr, int port, long timeout, long usec);
+/* in kex.c */
+extern char *ssh_kex_nums[];
+void send_kex(SSH_SESSION *session,int server_kex);
+void list_kex(KEX *kex);
+int set_kex(SSH_SESSION *session);
+int ssh_get_kex(SSH_SESSION *session, int server_kex);
+int verify_existing_algo(int algo,char *name);
+char **space_tokenize(char *chain);
+/* in keys.c */
+char *ssh_type_to_char(int type);
+PUBLIC_KEY *publickey_make_dss(BUFFER *buffer);
+PUBLIC_KEY *publickey_make_rsa(BUFFER *buffer);
+PUBLIC_KEY *publickey_from_string(STRING *pubkey_s);
+SIGNATURE *signature_from_string(STRING *signature,PUBLIC_KEY *pubkey,int needed_type);
+void signature_free(SIGNATURE *sign);
+STRING *ssh_do_sign(SSH_SESSION *session,BUFFER *sigbuf, PRIVATE_KEY *privatekey);
+/* channel.c */
+void channel_handle(SSH_SESSION *session, int type);
+/* options.c */
+void options_free(SSH_OPTIONS *opt);
+/* this function must be called when no specific username has been asked. it has to guess it */
+int options_default_username(SSH_OPTIONS *opt);
+int options_default_ssh_dir(SSH_OPTIONS *opt);
+int options_default_known_hosts_file(SSH_OPTIONS *opt);
+/* buffer.c */
+void buffer_add_ssh_string(BUFFER *buffer,STRING *string);
+void buffer_add_u8(BUFFER *buffer, u8 data);
+void buffer_add_u32(BUFFER *buffer, u32 data);
+void buffer_add_u64(BUFFER *buffer,u64 data);
+void buffer_add_data(BUFFER *buffer, void *data, int len);
+void buffer_add_data_begin(BUFFER *buffer,void *data,int len);
+void buffer_add_buffer(BUFFER *buffer, BUFFER *source);
+void buffer_reinit(BUFFER *buffer);
+/* buffer_get_rest returns a pointer to the current position into the buffer */
+void *buffer_get_rest(BUFFER *buffer);
+/* buffer_get_rest_len returns the number of bytes which can be read */
+int buffer_get_rest_len(BUFFER *buffer);
+/* buffer_read_*() returns the number of bytes read, except for ssh strings */
+int buffer_get_u8(BUFFER *buffer,u8 *data);
+int buffer_get_u32(BUFFER *buffer,u32 *data);
+int buffer_get_u64(BUFFER *buffer, u64 *data);
+int buffer_get_data(BUFFER *buffer,void *data,int requestedlen);
+/* buffer_get_ssh_string() is an exception. if the String read is too large or invalid, it will answer NULL. */
+STRING *buffer_get_ssh_string(BUFFER *buffer);
+/* buffer_pass_bytes acts as if len bytes have been read (used for padding) */
+int buffer_pass_bytes_end(BUFFER *buffer,int len);
+int buffer_pass_bytes(BUFFER *buffer, int len);
+/* in base64.c */
+BUFFER *base64_to_bin(char *source);
+char *bin_to_base64(unsigned char *source, int len);
+/* gzip.c */
+int compress_buffer(SSH_SESSION *session,BUFFER *buf);
+int decompress_buffer(SSH_SESSION *session,BUFFER *buf);
+/* wrapper.c */
+int crypt_set_algorithms(SSH_SESSION *);
+CRYPTO *crypto_new();
+void crypto_free(CRYPTO *crypto);
+bignum bignum_new();
+/* in misc.c */
+/* gets the user home dir. */
+char *ssh_get_user_home_dir();
+int ssh_file_readaccess_ok(char *file);
+/* macro for byte ordering */
+u64 ntohll(u64);
+#define htonll(x) ntohll(x)
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} ;
+#endif /* _LIBSSH_PRIV_H */