path: root/kftpgrabber/src/widgets/browser/actions.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'kftpgrabber/src/widgets/browser/actions.cpp')
1 files changed, 764 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kftpgrabber/src/widgets/browser/actions.cpp b/kftpgrabber/src/widgets/browser/actions.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc9fc8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kftpgrabber/src/widgets/browser/actions.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,764 @@
+ * This file is part of the KFTPGrabber project
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 by the KFTPGrabber developers
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Jernej Kos <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * is provided AS IS, WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+ * NON-INFRINGEMENT. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Steet, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+ * MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
+ * permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
+ * OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
+ * individual source file, and distribute linked combinations
+ * including the two.
+ * You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects
+ * for all of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify
+ * file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your
+ * version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you
+ * do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
+ * version. If you delete this exception statement from all source
+ * files in the program, then also delete it here.
+ */
+#include "browser/actions.h"
+#include "browser/view.h"
+#include "browser/detailsview.h"
+#include "browser/propsplugin.h"
+#include "browser/filterwidget.h"
+#include "widgets/quickconnect.h"
+#include "widgets/popupmessage.h"
+#include "kftpbookmarks.h"
+#include "kftpqueue.h"
+#include "kftpapi.h"
+#include "kftpsession.h"
+#include "verifier.h"
+#include "mainactions.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "misc/config.h"
+#include "misc/filter.h"
+#include "misc/customcommands/manager.h"
+#include <kglobal.h>
+#include <kcharsets.h>
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kmainwindow.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kmessagebox.h>
+#include <kpopupmenu.h>
+#include <kinputdialog.h>
+#include <kpropertiesdialog.h>
+#include <kio/job.h>
+#include <kshred.h>
+#include <klineedit.h>
+#include <kfiledialog.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include <qdir.h>
+#include <qclipboard.h>
+using namespace KFTPGrabberBase;
+using namespace KFTPEngine;
+using namespace KFTPCore;
+using namespace KFTPCore::Filter;
+namespace KFTPWidgets {
+namespace Browser {
+Actions::Actions(View *parent)
+ : QObject(parent),
+ m_view(parent)
+void Actions::initActions()
+ m_actionCollection = new KActionCollection(m_view, this);
+ // Create all the actions
+ m_goUpAction = KStdAction::up(this, SLOT(slotGoUp()), m_actionCollection, "go_up");
+ m_goBackAction = KStdAction::back(this, SLOT(slotGoBack()), m_actionCollection, "go_back");
+ m_goForwardAction = KStdAction::forward(this, SLOT(slotGoForward()), m_actionCollection, "go_forward");
+ m_goHomeAction = KStdAction::home(this, SLOT(slotGoHome()), m_actionCollection, "go_home");
+ m_reloadAction = KStdAction::redisplay(this, SLOT(slotReload()), m_actionCollection, "reload");
+ m_reloadAction->setText(i18n("&Reload"));
+ m_reloadAction->setShortcut(KShortcut(Qt::Key_F5));
+ m_abortAction = new KAction(i18n("&Abort"), "stop", KShortcut(), this, SLOT(slotAbort()), m_actionCollection, "abort");
+ m_toggleTreeViewAction = new KToggleAction(i18n("&Show Tree View"), "view_tree", KShortcut(), this, SLOT(slotShowHideTree()), m_actionCollection, "toggle_tree_view");
+ m_toggleFilterAction = new KToggleAction(i18n("Show &Filter"), "filter", KShortcut(), this, SLOT(slotShowHideFilter()), m_actionCollection, "toggle_filter");
+ m_renameAction = new KAction(i18n("&Rename"), KShortcut(Qt::Key_F2), this, SLOT(slotRename()), m_actionCollection, "edit_rename");
+ m_deleteAction = new KAction(i18n("&Delete"), "editdelete", KShortcut(Qt::Key_Delete), this, SLOT(slotDelete()), m_actionCollection, "edit_delete");
+ m_propsAction = new KAction(i18n("&Properties"), KShortcut(), this, SLOT(slotProps()), m_actionCollection, "edit_properties");
+ m_shredAction = new KAction(i18n("&Shred"), "editshred", KShortcut(), this, SLOT(slotShred()), m_actionCollection, "edit_shred");
+ m_copyAction = KStdAction::copy(this, SLOT(slotCopy()), m_actionCollection, "edit_copy");
+ m_pasteAction = KStdAction::paste(this, SLOT(slotPaste()), m_actionCollection, "edit_paste");
+ m_filterActions = new KActionMenu(i18n("&Filter Options"), "", m_actionCollection, "edit_filter_options");
+ m_alwaysSkipAction = new KAction(i18n("Always &skip this file when queuing"), KShortcut(), this, SLOT(slotAlwaysSkip()), m_actionCollection);
+ m_topPriorityAction = new KAction(i18n("Make this file &top priority"), KShortcut(), this, SLOT(slotTopPriority()), m_actionCollection);
+ m_lowPriorityAction = new KAction(i18n("Make this file &lowest priority"), KShortcut(), this, SLOT(slotLowPriority()), m_actionCollection);
+ m_filterActions->insert(m_alwaysSkipAction);
+ m_filterActions->insert(m_topPriorityAction);
+ m_filterActions->insert(m_lowPriorityAction);
+ m_transferAction = new KAction(i18n("&Transfer"), KShortcut(), this, SLOT(slotTransfer()), m_actionCollection, "transfer");
+ m_queueTransferAction = new KAction(i18n("&Queue Transfer"), "queue", KShortcut(), this, SLOT(slotQueueTransfer()), m_actionCollection, "queue_transfer");
+ m_createDirAction = new KAction(i18n("&Create Directory..."), "folder_new", KShortcut(), this, SLOT(slotCreateDir()), m_actionCollection, "create_dir");
+ m_fileEditAction = new KAction(i18n("&Open file"), "fileopen", KShortcut(), this, SLOT(slotFileEdit()), m_actionCollection, "open_file");
+ m_verifyAction = new KAction(i18n("&Verify..."), "ok", KShortcut(), this, SLOT(slotVerify()), m_actionCollection, "verify");
+ populateEncodings();
+ m_moreActions = new KActionMenu(i18n("&More Actions"), "configure", this);
+ m_rawCmdAction = new KAction(i18n("&Manual Command Entry..."), "openterm", KShortcut(), this, SLOT(slotRawCmd()), m_actionCollection, "send_raw_cmd");
+ m_exportListingAction = new KAction(i18n("&Export Directory Listing..."), "", KShortcut(), this, SLOT(slotExportListing()), m_actionCollection, "export_listing");
+ m_showHiddenFilesAction = new KToggleAction(i18n("Show &Hidden Files && Directories"), KShortcut(), this, SLOT(slotShowHiddenFiles()), m_actionCollection, "show_hidden");
+ m_openExternalAction = new KAction(i18n("Open current directory in &Konqueror..."), "konqueror", KShortcut(), this, SLOT(slotOpenExternal()), m_actionCollection, "open_konqi");
+ m_markItemsAction = new KAction(i18n("Compare &selected items"), "", KShortcut(Qt::Key_Space), this, SLOT(slotMarkItems()), m_actionCollection, "compare_selected");
+ m_compareAction = new KAction(i18n("Compare &directories"), "", KShortcut(), this, SLOT(slotCompare()), m_actionCollection, "compare_dirs");
+ m_showHiddenFilesAction->setChecked(KFTPCore::Config::showHiddenFiles());
+ m_rawCommandsMenu = CustomCommands::Manager::self()->categories(i18n("Send &Raw Command"), m_view->getSession());
+ m_rawCommandsMenu->insert(m_rawCmdAction, 0);
+ m_rawCommandsMenu->popupMenu()->insertSeparator(1);
+ m_moreActions->insert(m_rawCommandsMenu);
+ m_moreActions->insert(m_changeEncodingAction);
+ m_moreActions->popupMenu()->insertSeparator();
+ m_moreActions->insert(m_exportListingAction);
+ m_moreActions->insert(m_openExternalAction);
+ m_moreActions->insert(m_markItemsAction);
+ m_moreActions->insert(m_compareAction);
+ m_moreActions->popupMenu()->insertSeparator();
+ m_moreActions->insert(m_showHiddenFilesAction);
+ m_moreActions->setStickyMenu(true);
+ m_moreActions->setDelayed(false);
+ m_siteChangeAction = new KActionMenu(i18n("&Change Site"), "goto", this);
+ m_quickConnectAction = new KAction(i18n("&Quick Connect..."), "connect_creating", KShortcut(), this, SLOT(slotQuickConnect()), m_actionCollection, "quick_connect");
+ m_connectAction = new KActionMenu(i18n("&Connect To"), this);
+ m_disconnectAction = new KAction(i18n("&Disconnect"), "connect_no", KShortcut(), this, SLOT(slotDisconnect()), m_actionCollection, "disconnect");
+ m_siteChangeAction->insert(m_quickConnectAction);
+ m_siteChangeAction->insert(m_connectAction);
+ m_siteChangeAction->insert(m_disconnectAction);
+ m_siteChangeAction->setStickyMenu(true);
+ m_siteChangeAction->setDelayed(false);
+ // Populate bookmarks
+ KFTPBookmarks::Manager::self()->guiPopulateBookmarksMenu(m_connectAction, QDomNode(), false, m_view->m_session);
+void Actions::populateEncodings()
+ // Charsets
+ m_changeEncodingAction = new KActionMenu(i18n("Change Remote &Encoding"), "charset", m_actionCollection, "changeremoteencoding");
+ m_changeEncodingAction->setDelayed(false);
+ KPopupMenu *menu = m_changeEncodingAction->popupMenu();
+ menu->clear();
+ QStringList charsets = KGlobal::charsets()->descriptiveEncodingNames();
+ int count = 0;
+ for (QStringList::iterator i = charsets.begin(); i != charsets.end(); ++i)
+ menu->insertItem(*i, this, SLOT(slotCharsetChanged(int)), 0, ++count);
+ menu->insertSeparator();
+ menu->insertItem(i18n("Default"), this, SLOT(slotCharsetReset(int)), 0, ++count);
+ menu->setItemChecked(count, true);
+ m_defaultCharsetOption = count;
+ m_curCharsetOption = count;
+void Actions::updateActions()
+ m_goUpAction->setEnabled(m_view->url().upURL() != m_view->url());
+ // History
+ int index = 0;
+ const QValueList<LocationNavigator::Element> list = m_view->history(index);
+ m_goBackAction->setEnabled(index < static_cast<int>(list.count()) - 1);
+ m_goForwardAction->setEnabled(index > 0);
+ m_abortAction->setEnabled(m_view->m_ftpClient->socket()->isBusy());
+ m_toggleTreeViewAction->setEnabled(true);
+ m_toggleFilterAction->setEnabled(true);
+ m_quickConnectAction->setEnabled(m_view->url().isLocalFile());
+ m_connectAction->setEnabled(true);
+ m_disconnectAction->setEnabled(m_view->m_ftpClient->socket()->isConnected());
+ const KFileItemList *selectedItems = m_view->selectedItems();
+ if (selectedItems->count() == 1) {
+ m_fileEditAction->setEnabled(!selectedItems->getFirst()->isDir());
+ m_verifyAction->setEnabled(selectedItems->getFirst()->isLocalFile() && selectedItems->getFirst()->name(true).right(3) == "sfv");
+ } else {
+ m_fileEditAction->setEnabled(false);
+ m_verifyAction->setEnabled(false);
+ }
+ // Check if we can transfer anything
+ KFTPSession::Session *session = m_view->m_session;
+ KFTPSession::Session *opposite = KFTPSession::Manager::self()->getActive(oppositeSide(m_view->m_session->getSide()));
+ m_renameAction->setEnabled(session->isConnected());
+ m_deleteAction->setEnabled(session->isConnected());
+ m_propsAction->setEnabled(true);
+ m_shredAction->setEnabled(!session->isRemote());
+ m_copyAction->setEnabled(true);
+ m_pasteAction->setEnabled(true);
+ if ((!session->isRemote() && !opposite->isRemote()) ||
+ (
+ (session->isRemote() && opposite->isRemote()) &&
+ (
+ session->getClient()->socket()->protocolName() != opposite->getClient()->socket()->protocolName() ||
+ !(session->getClient()->socket()->features() & SF_FXP_TRANSFER)
+ )
+ )
+ ) {
+ m_queueTransferAction->setEnabled(false);
+ m_transferAction->setEnabled(false);
+ } else {
+ m_queueTransferAction->setEnabled(true);
+ m_transferAction->setEnabled(true);
+ }
+ if (!session->isRemote() || session->getClient()->socket()->isConnected())
+ m_createDirAction->setEnabled(true);
+ else
+ m_createDirAction->setEnabled(false);
+ m_changeEncodingAction->setEnabled(session->isRemote());
+ m_rawCmdAction->setEnabled(!m_view->url().isLocalFile() && m_view->m_ftpClient->socket()->features() & SF_RAW_COMMAND);
+ m_rawCommandsMenu->setEnabled(m_rawCmdAction->isEnabled());
+ m_openExternalAction->setEnabled(!session->isRemote());
+void Actions::slotGoUp()
+ m_view->goUp();
+void Actions::slotGoBack()
+ m_view->goBack();
+void Actions::slotGoForward()
+ m_view->goForward();
+void Actions::slotReload()
+ m_view->reload();
+void Actions::slotGoHome()
+ m_view->goHome();
+void Actions::slotQuickConnect()
+ // Create/get the new dialog
+ QuickConnectDialog *quickConnect = new QuickConnectDialog(m_view);
+ if (quickConnect->exec() == KDialogBase::Accepted) {
+ // Get the url and connect
+ if (m_view->m_ftpClient->socket()->isConnected()) {
+ if (KFTPCore::Config::confirmDisconnects() && KMessageBox::warningYesNo(0, i18n("Do you want to drop current connection?")) == KMessageBox::No)
+ return;
+ m_view->m_session->disconnectAllConnections();
+ }
+ m_view->m_session->setSite(0);
+ quickConnect->setupClient(m_view->m_ftpClient);
+ m_view->m_ftpClient->connect(quickConnect->getUrl());
+ }
+ delete quickConnect;
+void Actions::slotDisconnect()
+ if (m_view->m_ftpClient->socket()->isConnected()) {
+ if (KFTPCore::Config::confirmDisconnects() && KMessageBox::warningYesNo(0, i18n("Do you want to drop current connection?")) == KMessageBox::No)
+ return;
+ m_view->m_session->disconnectAllConnections();
+ }
+void Actions::slotShred()
+ // Shred the file
+ if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(0, i18n("Are you sure you want to SHRED this file?"), i18n("Shred File"),KGuiItem(i18n("&Shred"), "editshred")) == KMessageBox::Cancel)
+ return;
+ KShred::shred(m_view->selectedItems()->getFirst()->url().path());
+void Actions::slotRename()
+ KFTPWidgets::Browser::DetailsView *view = m_view->getDetailsView();
+ // Rename the first file in the current selection
+ view->rename(view->KListView::selectedItems().at(0), 0);
+ // Enhanced rename: Don't highlight the file extension. (from Konqueror)
+ KLineEdit *le = view->renameLineEdit();
+ if (le) {
+ const QString txt = le->text();
+ QString pattern;
+ KMimeType::diagnoseFileName(txt, pattern);
+ if (!pattern.isEmpty() && == '*' && pattern.find('*',1) == -1)
+ le->setSelection(0, txt.length()-pattern.stripWhiteSpace().length()+1);
+ else {
+ int lastDot = txt.findRev('.');
+ if (lastDot > 0)
+ le->setSelection(0, lastDot);
+ }
+ }
+void Actions::slotDelete()
+ KFTPSession::Session *session = m_view->getSession();
+ // Delete a file or directory
+ KURL::List selection = m_view->selectedURLs();
+ KURL::List::ConstIterator i = selection.begin();
+ QStringList prettyList;
+ for (; i != selection.end(); ++i) {
+ prettyList.append((*i).pathOrURL());
+ }
+ if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancelList(0,
+ i18n("Do you really want to delete this item?", "Do you really want to delete these %n items?", prettyList.count()),
+ prettyList,
+ i18n("Delete Files"),
+ KStdGuiItem::del(),
+ QString::null,
+ KMessageBox::Dangerous) == KMessageBox::Cancel)
+ return;
+ // Go trough all files and delete them
+ if (!session->isRemote()) {
+ KIO::del(selection);
+ } else {
+ KURL::List::Iterator end(selection.end());
+ for (KURL::List::Iterator i(selection.begin()); i != end; ++i) {
+ if (!(*i).isLocalFile())
+ session->getClient()->remove(KURL((*i).url()));
+ }
+ }
+void Actions::slotCopy()
+ QClipboard *cb = QApplication::clipboard();
+ cb->setData(m_view->getDetailsView()->dragObject(), QClipboard::Clipboard);
+void Actions::slotPaste()
+ // Decode the data and try to init transfer
+ KIO::MetaData p_meta;
+ KURL::List p_urls;
+ if (KURLDrag::decode(QApplication::clipboard()->data(), p_urls, p_meta)) {
+ // Add destination url and call the QueueManager
+ p_meta.insert("DestURL", m_view->url().url());
+ KURLDrag *drag = new KURLDrag(p_urls, p_meta, m_view, name());
+ KFTPQueue::Manager::self()->insertTransfer(drag);
+ }
+void Actions::slotProps()
+ // Show file properties
+ const KFileItemList *selectedItems = m_view->selectedItems();
+ KFileItem *item = selectedItems->getFirst();
+ if (selectedItems->count() == 0) {
+ if (m_view->url().isLocalFile())
+ item = new KFileItem(m_view->url(), 0, 0);
+ else
+ return;
+ }
+ // Show the dialog
+ KPropertiesDialog *propsDialog;
+ if (item->isLocalFile()) {
+ if (selectedItems->count() == 0)
+ propsDialog = new KPropertiesDialog(item);
+ else
+ propsDialog = new KPropertiesDialog(*selectedItems);
+ } else {
+ propsDialog = new KPropertiesDialog(item->name());
+ propsDialog->insertPlugin(new KFTPWidgets::Browser::PropsPlugin(propsDialog, *selectedItems));
+ propsDialog->insertPlugin(new KFTPWidgets::Browser::PermissionsPropsPlugin(propsDialog, *selectedItems, m_view->getSession()));
+ }
+ propsDialog->exec();
+void Actions::addPriorityItems(int priority)
+ // Add the files to skiplist
+ KURL::List selection = m_view->selectedURLs();
+ KURL::List::Iterator end(selection.end());
+ for (KURL::List::Iterator i(selection.begin()); i != end; ++i) {
+ Rule *rule = new Rule();
+ if (priority == 0) {
+ rule->setName(i18n("Skip '%1'").arg((*i).filename()));
+ const_cast<ConditionChain*>(rule->conditions())->append(new Condition(Filename, Condition::Is, (*i).filename()));
+ const_cast<ActionChain*>(rule->actions())->append(new Action(Action::Skip, QVariant()));
+ } else {
+ rule->setName(i18n("Priority '%1'").arg((*i).filename()));
+ const_cast<ConditionChain*>(rule->conditions())->append(new Condition(Filename, Condition::Is, (*i).filename()));
+ const_cast<ActionChain*>(rule->actions())->append(new Action(Action::Priority, priority));
+ }
+ Filters::self()->append(rule);
+ }
+void Actions::slotAlwaysSkip()
+ addPriorityItems(0);
+void Actions::slotTopPriority()
+ addPriorityItems(1);
+void Actions::slotLowPriority()
+ addPriorityItems(-1);
+void Actions::slotTransfer()
+ // Queue a transfer
+ KFileItemList list(*m_view->selectedItems());
+ KFileItemListIterator i(list);
+ KFileItem *item;
+ KFTPSession::Session *opposite = KFTPSession::Manager::self()->getActive(oppositeSide(m_view->m_session->getSide()));
+ KFTPQueue::Transfer *transfer = 0L;
+ while ((item = i.current()) != 0) {
+ KURL destinationUrl = opposite->getFileView()->url();
+ destinationUrl.addPath(item->name());
+ transfer = KFTPQueue::Manager::self()->spawnTransfer(
+ item->url(),
+ destinationUrl,
+ item->size(),
+ item->isDir(),
+ list.count() == 1,
+ true,
+ 0L,
+ true
+ );
+ ++i;
+ }
+ // Execute transfer
+ if (transfer)
+ static_cast<KFTPQueue::Site*>(transfer->parentObject())->delayedExecute();
+void Actions::slotQueueTransfer()
+ // Queue a transfer
+ KFileItemList list(*m_view->selectedItems());
+ KFileItemListIterator i(list);
+ KFileItem *item;
+ KFTPSession::Session *opposite = KFTPSession::Manager::self()->getActive(oppositeSide(m_view->m_session->getSide()));
+ while ((item = i.current()) != 0) {
+ KURL destinationUrl = opposite->getFileView()->url();
+ destinationUrl.addPath(item->name());
+ KFTPQueue::Manager::self()->spawnTransfer(
+ item->url(),
+ destinationUrl,
+ item->size(),
+ item->isDir(),
+ list.count() == 1,
+ true,
+ 0L,
+ list.count() > 1
+ );
+ ++i;
+ }
+void Actions::slotCreateDir()
+ // Create new directory
+ bool ok;
+ QString newDirName = KInputDialog::getText(i18n("Create Directory"), i18n("Directory name:"), "", &ok);
+ if (ok) {
+ KURL url = m_view->url();
+ url.addPath(newDirName);
+ if (url.isLocalFile())
+ KIO::mkdir(url);
+ else
+ m_view->m_ftpClient->mkdir(url);
+ }
+void Actions::slotFileEdit()
+ KFileItem *item = m_view->selectedItems()->getFirst();
+ if (!item->isDir()) {
+ if (item->isLocalFile()) {
+ item->run();
+ } else {
+ // Create a new transfer to download the file and open it
+ KFTPQueue::TransferFile *transfer = new KFTPQueue::TransferFile(KFTPQueue::Manager::self());
+ transfer->setSourceUrl(item->url());
+ transfer->setDestUrl(KURL(KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation("tmp") + QString("%1-%2").arg(KApplication::randomString(7)).arg(item->name())));
+ transfer->addSize(item->size());
+ transfer->setTransferType(KFTPQueue::Download);
+ transfer->setOpenAfterTransfer(true);
+ KFTPQueue::Manager::self()->insertTransfer(transfer);
+ // Execute the transfer
+ transfer->delayedExecute();
+ }
+ }
+void Actions::slotAbort()
+ KFTPSession::Session *session = KFTPSession::Manager::self()->find(m_view);
+ // Abort the session
+ if (session)
+ session->abort();
+void Actions::slotRawCmd()
+ bool ok;
+ QString rawCmd = KInputDialog::getText(i18n("Send Raw Command"), i18n("Command:"), "", &ok);
+ if (ok)
+ m_view->m_ftpClient->raw(rawCmd);
+void Actions::slotShowHideTree()
+ m_view->setTreeVisible(m_toggleTreeViewAction->isChecked());
+void Actions::slotShowHideFilter()
+ if (m_toggleFilterAction->isChecked()) {
+ m_view->m_searchToolBar->show();
+ m_view->m_searchFilter->clear();
+ m_view->m_searchFilter->setFocus();
+ } else {
+ m_view->m_searchFilter->clear();
+ m_view->m_searchToolBar->hide();
+ }
+void Actions::slotCharsetChanged(int id)
+ if (!m_changeEncodingAction->popupMenu()->isItemChecked(id)) {
+ QStringList charsets = KGlobal::charsets()->descriptiveEncodingNames();
+ QString charset = KGlobal::charsets()->encodingForName(charsets[id - 1]);
+ // Set the current socket's charset
+ m_view->m_ftpClient->socket()->changeEncoding(charset);
+ // Update checked items
+ m_changeEncodingAction->popupMenu()->setItemChecked(id, true);
+ m_changeEncodingAction->popupMenu()->setItemChecked(m_curCharsetOption, false);
+ m_curCharsetOption = id;
+ }
+void Actions::slotCharsetReset(int id)
+ // Revert to default charset if possible
+ KFTPBookmarks::Site *site = m_view->m_session->getSite();
+ if (site) {
+ // Set the current socket's charset
+ m_view->m_ftpClient->socket()->changeEncoding(site->getProperty("encoding"));
+ // Update checked items
+ m_changeEncodingAction->popupMenu()->setItemChecked(id, true);
+ m_changeEncodingAction->popupMenu()->setItemChecked(m_curCharsetOption, false);
+ m_curCharsetOption = id;
+ }
+void Actions::slotExportListing()
+ QString savePath = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName(QString::null, "*.txt|Directory Dump", 0, i18n("Export Directory Listing"));
+ if (!savePath.isEmpty()) {
+ QFile file(savePath);
+ if (!
+ return;
+ QTextStream stream(&file);
+ KFileItemList list(*m_view->items());
+ KFileItemListIterator i(list);
+ KFileItem *item;
+ while ((item = i.current()) != 0) {
+ stream << item->permissionsString() << "\t";
+ stream << item->user() << "\t" << item->group() << "\t";
+ stream << item->timeString() << "\t";
+ stream << item->name() << "\t";
+ stream << "\n";
+ ++i;
+ }
+ file.flush();
+ file.close();
+ }
+void Actions::slotVerify()
+ KFTPWidgets::Verifier *verifier = new KFTPWidgets::Verifier();
+ verifier->setFile(m_view->selectedItems()->getFirst()->url().path());
+ verifier->exec();
+ delete verifier;
+void Actions::slotShowHiddenFiles()
+ m_view->setShowHidden(m_showHiddenFilesAction->isChecked());
+ m_view->reload();
+void Actions::slotOpenExternal()
+ KFileItem *folder = new KFileItem(m_view->url(), "inode/directory", S_IFDIR);
+ folder->run();
+void Actions::slotMarkItems()
+ KFileItemList list(*m_view->selectedItems());
+ KFileItemListIterator i(list);
+ KFileItem *item;
+ KFTPSession::Session *opposite = KFTPSession::Manager::self()->getActive(oppositeSide(m_view->m_session->getSide()));
+ DetailsView *tView = m_view->getDetailsView();
+ DetailsView *oView = opposite->getFileView()->getDetailsView();
+ while ((item = i.current()) != 0) {
+ tView->markItem(item);
+ oView->markItem(item->name());
+ ++i;
+ }
+void Actions::slotCompare()
+ KFTPSession::Session *opposite = KFTPSession::Manager::self()->getActive(oppositeSide(m_view->m_session->getSide()));
+ DetailsView *tView = m_view->getDetailsView();
+ DetailsView *oView = opposite->getFileView()->getDetailsView();
+ // All items in the other list view should be visible by default
+ QListViewItemIterator j(oView);
+ while (j.current()) {
+ KFileItem *oItem = static_cast<KFileListViewItem*>(*j)->fileInfo();
+ oView->setItemVisibility(oItem, true);
+ ++j;
+ }
+ // Compare the two listviews
+ QListViewItemIterator i(tView);
+ while (i.current()) {
+ KFileItem *tItem = static_cast<KFileListViewItem*>(*i)->fileInfo();
+ if (tItem) {
+ KFileItem *oItem = oView->fileItem(tItem->name());
+ if (oItem && (oItem->size() == tItem->size() || oItem->isDir())) {
+ tView->setItemVisibility(tItem, false);
+ oView->setItemVisibility(oItem, false);
+ } else {
+ tView->setItemVisibility(tItem, true);
+ }
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ PopupMessage *popup = new PopupMessage(m_view->getStatusLabel(), m_view);
+ popup->setText(i18n("Identical files on both sides have been hidden. Only <b>different files</b> are now visible."));
+ popup->setImage(SmallIcon("info"));
+ popup->setShowCloseButton(false);
+ popup->setShowCounter(false);
+ popup->reposition();
+ popup->display();
+#include "actions.moc"