BookmarkProperties BookmarkProperties 0 0 458 475 ftpSiteProperties unnamed 0 tabList 1 1 0 0 general &General unnamed layout23 unnamed textLabel2 Hostname: textLabel4_2 Protocol: layout22 unnamed FTP FTP over TLS/SSL (explicit) FTP over TLS/SSL (implicit) SFTP over SSH2 serverProtocol 7 0 0 0 protoAdvanced textLabel5 Password: defRemoteDir textLabel4 Username: layout21 unnamed serverAddress textLabel2_2 Port: serverPort 65535 21 textLabel1 Site label: serverName textLabel7 Remote directory: textLabel6 Local directory: downUser defLocalDir downPass anonLogin &Anonymous login groupBox5_2 Description unnamed description advanced &Advanced unnamed disableEPSV Disa&ble use of extended passive mode disablePASV Disable use of passive mode pasvSiteIp Use site IP for passive mode connections disableForceIp Disable "force active mode to use this IP" for this site statListings Use STAT for directory listings groupBox4 Multiple Transfer Threads unnamed threadsDisable Do not use multiple threads for this site groupBox8 Server Encoding textLabel1_2 11 21 61 22 Encoding: serverEncoding 78 21 341 22 3 0 0 0 spacer11 Vertical Expanding 430 30 keepalive Retry && &Keepalive unnamed doRetry Retr&y to connect on failure retryGroup 5 0 0 0 Retry unnamed textLabel12 Number of retries (0 = infinite): textLabel11 Retry delay: retryCount 10 spacer7 Horizontal Expanding 240 21 spacer8 Horizontal Expanding 140 21 retryDelay 9999 60 doKeepalive Use keepalive packets to keep the connection open keepaliveGroup Keepalive unnamed layout4 unnamed textLabel1_3 Keepalive frequency (seconds): spacer6 Horizontal Expanding 141 21 keepaliveTimeout 600 30 spacer7_2 Vertical Expanding 31 60 tabList serverName serverAddress serverPort serverProtocol protoAdvanced anonLogin downUser downPass defLocalDir defRemoteDir description disableEPSV disablePASV pasvSiteIp kcombobox.h kpushbutton.h klineedit.h klineedit.h klineedit.h klineedit.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h kpassdlg.h kcombobox.h