KFTPSearchLayout KFTPSearchLayout 0 0 550 409 500 400 Queue Search & Replace unnamed 0 textLabel1 Using this dialog, you can do massive replacing of source/destination paths of the queued transfers. <b>Changes cannot be undone.</b> groupBox3 Search What unnamed textLabel3 Destination: textLabel2 Source: searchServer Search only for transfers on specific server groupBox1 false Server Info unnamed textLabel4_2 Server name: textLabel5 Host: textLabel7 Password: textLabel6 Username: searchServerName searchServerHost searchServerUser searchServerPass textLabel8 Port: searchServerPort 65535 1 21 searchSrcPath searchDstPath groupBox3_2 Replace With unnamed textLabel3_2 Destination: textLabel2_2 Source: replaceSrcPath replaceDstPath KFTPServerLineEdit
0 18 0 7 0 0 0 image0 serverChanged(TQDomNode server)
789c534e494dcbcc4b554829cdcdad8c2fcf4c29c95030e0524611cd48cd4ccf28010a1797249664262b2467241641a592324b8aa363156c15aab914146aadb90067111b1f kpassdlg.h