KileWidgetHelpConfig KileWidgetHelpConfig 0 0 436 309 Help unnamed m_lbLocation &Location of TeX documentation: kcfg_location Insert the path to the TeX documentation directory here. For example /usr/share/texmf/doc. kcfg_location kcfg_use Context Sensitive Help m_rbTeTeX 11 59 358 26 Use your system's &TeX documentation 1 m_rbKileRef 11 27 358 26 Use the &Kile LaTeX reference 0 kcfg_embedded User Help m_rbEmbedded 10 80 358 26 Use &embedded viewer m_rbExternal 10 110 401 26 Show help file in a &separate window true m_pbConfigure 10 30 130 34 Con&figure... m_pbConfigure clicked() KileWidgetHelpConfig slotConfigure() kilehelp.h helpconfigwidget.ui.h namespace KileHelp { class Help; } class avoid_compile_error KileHelp::Help *m_help; slotConfigure() setHelp( KileHelp::Help * help ) klineedit.h