/************************************************************************** synthout.cc - class synthOut which handles the /dev/sequencer device for synths (as AWE32) This file is part of LibKMid 0.9.5 Copyright (C) 1997,98 Antonio Larrosa Jimenez and P.J.Leonard 1999,2000 Antonio Larrosa Jimenez LibKMid's homepage : http://www.arrakis.es/~rlarrosa/libkmid.html This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Send comments and bug fixes to Antonio Larrosa ***************************************************************************/ #include "synthout.h" #include #include #include #include "sndcard.h" #include #include #include #include #include "awe_sup.h" #include "midispec.h" #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif SEQ_USE_EXTBUF(); SynthOut::SynthOut(int d) { seqfd = -1; devicetype=KMID_SYNTH; device= d; _ok=1; } SynthOut::~SynthOut() { closeDev(); } void SynthOut::openDev (int sqfd) { _ok=1; seqfd = sqfd; if (seqfd==-1) { printfdebug("ERROR: Could not open /dev/sequencer\n"); return; } #ifdef HAVE_OSS_SUPPORT /* int i=1; ioctl(seqfd,SNDCTL_SEQ_THRESHOLD,i); printfdebug("Threshold : %d\n",i); */ #ifdef SYNTHOUTDEBUG printfdebug("Number of synth devices : %d\n",ndevs); printfdebug("Number of midi ports : %d\n",nmidiports); printfdebug("Rate : %d\n",m_rate); #endif #ifdef HAVE_AWE32 struct synth_info info; // Should really collect the possible devices and let the user choose ? info.device = device; if (ioctl (seqfd, SNDCTL_SYNTH_INFO, &info) == -1) printfdebug(" ioctl SNDCTL_SYNTH_INFO FAILED \n"); if (info.synth_type == SYNTH_TYPE_SAMPLE && info.synth_subtype == SAMPLE_TYPE_AWE32) { // Enable layered patches .... AWE_SET_CHANNEL_MODE(device,1); #ifdef SYNTHOUTDEBUG printfdebug(" Found AWE32 dev=%d \n",device); #endif } #endif // HAVE_AWE32 #endif // HAVE_OSS_SUPPORT } void SynthOut::closeDev (void) { if (!ok()) return; //if (seqfd>=0) close(seqfd); seqfd=-1; } void SynthOut::initDev (void) { #ifdef HAVE_OSS_SUPPORT int chn; if (!ok()) return; uchar gm_reset[5]={0x7e, 0x7f, 0x09, 0x01, 0xf7}; sysex(gm_reset, sizeof(gm_reset)); for (chn=0;chn<16;chn++) { chnmute[chn]=0; chnPatchChange(chn,0); chnPressure(chn,127); chnPitchBender(chn, 0x00, 0x40); chnController(chn, CTL_MAIN_VOLUME,127); chnController(chn, CTL_EXT_EFF_DEPTH, 0); chnController(chn, CTL_CHORUS_DEPTH, 0); chnController(chn, 0x4a, 127); } #endif } void SynthOut::noteOn (uchar chn, uchar note, uchar vel) { if (vel==0) { noteOff(chn,note,vel); } else { SEQ_START_NOTE(device, map->channel(chn), map->key(chn,chnpatch[chn],note), vel); } #ifdef SYNTHOUTDEBUG printfdebug("Note ON >\t chn : %d\tnote : %d\tvel: %d\n",chn,note,vel); #endif } void SynthOut::noteOff (uchar chn, uchar note, uchar) { SEQ_STOP_NOTE(device, map->channel(chn), map->key(chn,chnpatch[chn],note), 0); #ifdef SYNTHOUTDEBUG printfdebug("Note OFF >\t chn : %d\tnote : %d\tvel: %d\n",chn,note,vel); #endif } void SynthOut::keyPressure (uchar chn, uchar note, uchar vel) { SEQ_KEY_PRESSURE(device, map->channel(chn), map->key(chn,chnpatch[chn],note),vel); } void SynthOut::chnPatchChange (uchar chn, uchar patch) { SEQ_SET_PATCH(device,map->channel(chn),map->patch(chn,patch)); chnpatch[chn]=patch; } void SynthOut::chnPressure (uchar chn, uchar vel) { SEQ_CHN_PRESSURE(device, map->channel(chn) , vel); chnpressure[chn]=vel; } void SynthOut::chnPitchBender(uchar chn,uchar lsb, uchar msb) { chnbender[chn]=((int)msb<<7) | (lsb & 0x7F); SEQ_BENDER(device, map->channel(chn), chnbender[chn]); } void SynthOut::chnController (uchar chn, uchar ctl, uchar v) { if ((ctl==11)||(ctl==7)) { v=(v*volumepercentage)/100; if (v>127) v=127; } SEQ_CONTROL(device, map->channel(chn), ctl, v); chncontroller[chn][ctl]=v; } void SynthOut::sysex(uchar *, ulong ) { // AWE32 doesn't respond to sysex (AFAIK) /* #ifndef HAVE_AWE32 ulong i=0; SEQ_MIDIOUT(device, MIDI_SYSTEM_PREFIX); while (i