/* * This file is part of the KDE libraries * Copyright (c) 2001 Michael Goffioul * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. **/ #include #include #include #include #define BUFFER_SIZE 1024 #define WORD_SIZE 256 int parseOverview(const char *dbdir, FILE *out); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *out; if (argc != 3) { fprintf(stderr,"usage: make_driver_db_foomatic \n"); exit(-1); } out = fopen(argv[2],"w"); if (out == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Unable to open DB file: %s\n",argv[2]); exit(-1); } /* first parse RHS driver DB */ if (!parseOverview(argv[1], out)) fprintf(stderr,"Unable to parse printer DB\n"); return 0; } char* skipSpaces(char *c) { char *cc = c; while (cc && *cc && isspace(*cc)) cc++; return cc; } int nextEntity(char *s, FILE *in) { char c, p[WORD_SIZE] = {0}; int index, istag; index = 0; do { c = fgetc(in); } while (isspace(c) && c != EOF); if (c == EOF) return -1; if (c == '<') { istag = 1; c = fgetc(in); if (c != '/') ungetc(c, in); } else { istag = 0; p[index++] = c; } while (index < WORD_SIZE) { c = fgetc(in); if (c != '>' && c != '<') p[index++] = c; else { if (c == '<') ungetc(c, in); break; } } p[WORD_SIZE - 1] = 0; strcpy(s, p); return istag; } void discardTag(const char *tagname, FILE *in) { char entity[WORD_SIZE]; int istag; while ((istag=nextEntity(entity, in)) != -1) { if (istag == 1 && strcmp(tagname, entity) == 0) break; } } void clearDrivers(char **d) { int index = 0; while (d[index]) { free(d[index]); d[index++] = 0; } } int parseOverview(const char *dbdir, FILE *out) { FILE *in; char printerid[WORD_SIZE], manu[WORD_SIZE], model[WORD_SIZE], tag[WORD_SIZE], driver[WORD_SIZE]; char *drivers[20] = {0}; int index = 0; char cmd[BUFFER_SIZE] = {0}; snprintf(cmd, BUFFER_SIZE, "foomatic-combo-xml -O -l %s", dbdir); in = popen(cmd, "r"); if (in == NULL) return 0; if (nextEntity(tag, in) == 1 && strcmp(tag, "overview") == 0) { printf("-1\n"); while (nextEntity(tag, in) == 1) { if (strcmp(tag, "overview") == 0 || strcmp(tag, "printer") != 0) break; strcpy(printerid, ""); strcpy(manu, ""); strcpy(model, ""); clearDrivers(drivers); while (nextEntity(tag, in) == 1) { if (strcmp(tag, "id") == 0) nextEntity(printerid, in); else if (strcmp(tag, "make") == 0) nextEntity(manu, in); else if (strcmp(tag, "model") == 0) nextEntity(model, in); else if (strcmp(tag, "drivers") == 0) { index = 0; while (nextEntity(tag, in) == 1 && strcmp(tag, "driver") == 0 && index < 20) { nextEntity(driver, in); drivers[index++] = strdup(driver); nextEntity(driver, in); } continue; } else if (strcmp(tag, "printer") == 0) { printf("%s %s\n", manu, model); index = 0; while (drivers[index]) { fprintf(out, "FILE=%s|%s\n", printerid, drivers[index]); fprintf(out, "MANUFACTURER=%s\n", manu); fprintf(out, "MODELNAME=%s\n", model); fprintf(out, "MODEL=%s\n", model); fprintf(out, "DESCRIPTION=%s %s (%s)\n", manu, model, drivers[index]); fprintf(out, "\n"); index++; } break; } else { discardTag(tag, in); continue; } nextEntity(tag, in); } } } if (pclose(in) == 0) index = 1; else index = 0; return index; }