/** \mainpage %KonsoleKalendar API Overview \section intro Introduction %KonsoleKalendar is a command line interface to KDE calendars. It lets you view, insert, remove, or modify calendar events by way of the command line or from a scripting language. Additionally, %KonsoleKalendar can create a new KDE calendar, export a KDE calendar to a variety of other formats, and import another KDE calendar. \section map Road Map to the Classes KCal::KonsoleKalendar is the base class. KCal::KonsoleKalendarVariables holds all the command line arguments plus some. KCal::KonsoleKalendarEpoch is for timestamps expressed as epochs. KCal::KonsoleKalendarExports manages the export functionality. KCal::KonsoleKalendarAdd manages the event insert capability. KCal::KonsoleKalendarDelete manages the event removal capability. KCal::KonsoleKalendarChange manages the event modification capability. */