FilterEdit_base FilterEdit_base 0 0 504 436 unnamed mRulesList mNewButton &New mDeleteButton &Delete mDetailsFrame Filter Details unnamed layout3 unnamed textLabel1 Name: mNameLineEdit mRecurringCheck Hide &recurring events and to-dos Select this option if you do not want to show recurring events and to-dos in your views. Daily and weekly recurring items may take a lot of space, so it might be handy to hide them. mCompletedCheck Hide co&mpleted to-dos If this box is checked, the filter will hide all to-do items from the list, that have been completed. Optionally, only items that have been completed a given number of days are hidden. layout1 unnamed spacer2 Horizontal Fixed 15 20 mCompletedTimeSpanLabel false Days after completion: mCompletedTimeSpan This option will allow you to select which completed to-dos should be hidden. When you choose <i>Immediately</i>, it will hide the to-do as soon as you check it. You can increase or decrease the number of days in the spinbox. mCompletedTimeSpan false 0 999 Immediately Here you can give the number of days a to-do item has to be completed to be hidden from the to-do list. If you select "Immediately", all completed to-dos will be hidden. If you, for example, choose a value of 1, all to-do items will be hidden, that have been marked finished longer than 24 hours ago. spacer3 Horizontal Expanding 16 21 mHideInactiveTodosCheck Hide &inactive to-dos This option hides all to-dos from your list, where the start date has not been reached. (Note that the start date is not the due date of the to-do item.) mCategoriesButtonGroup Categories unnamed 11 6 mCatList NoSelection spacer4 Vertical Expanding 20 110 mCatHideCheck Show all except selected 1 When this option is enabled, this filter will show all items which do <i>not</i> contain the selected categories. mCatShowCheck Show only selected 0 When this option is enabled, this filter will show all items containing at least the selected items. mCatEditButton Change... mHideTodosNotAssignedToMeCheck Hide to-dos not assigned to me This option hides all to-dos from your list which are assigned to someone else.<br> Only to-dos which have least one attendee will be checked. If you are not in the list of attendees the to-do will be hidden. mCompletedCheck toggled(bool) mCompletedTimeSpanLabel setEnabled(bool) mCompletedCheck toggled(bool) mCompletedTimeSpan setEnabled(bool) updateFilter() knuminput.h