/* This file is part of KCachegrind. Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Josef Weidendorfer KCachegrind is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tracedata.h" #include "toplevel.h" #include "loader.h" #include "configuration.h" #include "utils.h" #include "fixcost.h" #define TRACE_DEBUG 0 #define TRACE_ASSERTIONS 0 const int TraceCost::MaxRealIndex = MaxRealIndexValue; const int TraceCost::InvalidIndex = -1; //--------------------------------------------------- // Addr bool Addr::set(FixString& s) { return s.stripUInt64(_v); } int Addr::set(const char *s) { int n = 0; _v = 0; while((n<16) && *s) { if ((*s>='0') && (*s<='9')) _v = 16*_v + (*s-'0'); else if ((*s>='a') && (*s<='f')) _v = 16*_v + 10 + (*s-'a'); else if ((*s>='A') && (*s<='F')) _v = 16*_v + 10 + (*s-'A'); else break; s++; n++; } return n; } TQString Addr::toString() const { if (_v == 0) return TQString("0"); uint64 n = _v; TQString hex; hex.reserve(16); while(n>0) { int d = (n & 15); hex = TQChar((d<10) ? ('0'+d) : ('A'-10+d)) + hex; n /= 16; } return hex; } TQString Addr::pretty() const { if (_v == 0) return TQString("0"); uint64 n = _v; int p = 0; TQString hex; hex.reserve(20); while(n>0) { int d = (n & 15); if ((p>0) && ((p%4)==0)) hex = " " + hex; hex = TQChar((d<10) ? ('0'+d) : ('A'-10+d)) + hex; n /= 16; p++; } return hex; } bool Addr::isInRange(Addr a, int distance) { uint64 diff = (a._v > _v) ? (a._v - _v) : (_v - a._v); uint64 dist = (distance<0) ? distance : -distance; return (diff < dist); } //--------------------------------------------------- // TraceItem TQString* TraceItem::_typeName = 0; TQString* TraceItem::_i18nTypeName = 0; TraceItem::TraceItem() { _position = 0; _dep = 0; _dirty = true; } TraceItem::~TraceItem() {} void TraceItem::cleanup() { if (_typeName) { delete [] _typeName; _typeName = 0; } if (_i18nTypeName) { delete [] _i18nTypeName; _i18nTypeName = 0; } } TQString TraceItem::typeName(CostType t) { if (!_typeName) { _typeName = new TQString [MaxCostType+1]; TQString* strs = _typeName; for(int i=0;i<=MaxCostType;i++) strs[i] = TQString("?"); strs[Item] = I18N_NOOP("Abstract Item"); strs[Cost] = I18N_NOOP("Cost Item"); strs[PartLine] = I18N_NOOP("Part Source Line"); strs[Line] = I18N_NOOP("Source Line"); strs[PartLineCall] = I18N_NOOP("Part Line Call"); strs[LineCall] = I18N_NOOP("Line Call"); strs[PartLineJump] = I18N_NOOP("Part Jump"); strs[LineJump] = I18N_NOOP("Jump"); strs[PartInstr] = I18N_NOOP("Part Instruction"); strs[Instr] = I18N_NOOP("Instruction"); strs[PartInstrJump] = I18N_NOOP("Part Instruction Jump"); strs[InstrJump] = I18N_NOOP("Instruction Jump"); strs[PartInstrCall] = I18N_NOOP("Part Instruction Call"); strs[InstrCall] = I18N_NOOP("Instruction Call"); strs[PartCall] = I18N_NOOP("Part Call"); strs[Call] = I18N_NOOP("Call"); strs[PartFunction] = I18N_NOOP("Part Function"); strs[FunctionSource] = I18N_NOOP("Function Source File"); strs[Function] = I18N_NOOP("Function"); strs[FunctionCycle] = I18N_NOOP("Function Cycle"); strs[PartClass] = I18N_NOOP("Part Class"); strs[Class] = I18N_NOOP("Class"); strs[PartFile] = I18N_NOOP("Part Source File"); strs[File] = I18N_NOOP("Source File"); strs[PartObject] = I18N_NOOP("Part ELF Object"); strs[Object] = I18N_NOOP("ELF Object"); strs[Part] = I18N_NOOP("Profile Part"); strs[Data] = I18N_NOOP("Program Trace"); } if (t<0 || t> MaxCostType) t = MaxCostType; return _typeName[t]; } TraceItem::CostType TraceItem::costType(TQString s) { // This is the default cost Type if (s.isEmpty()) return Function; CostType type; for (int i=0; i MaxCostType) t = MaxCostType; return _i18nTypeName[t]; } TraceItem::CostType TraceItem::i18nCostType(TQString s) { // This is the default cost Type if (s.isEmpty()) return Function; CostType type; for (int i=0; iname()) .arg(part()->name()); } if (_dep) return _dep->name(); return i18n("(unknown)"); } TQString TraceItem::prettyName() const { if (name().isEmpty()) return i18n("(unknown)"); return name(); } TQString TraceItem::fullName() const { return TQString("%1 %2") .arg(typeName(type())).arg(prettyName()); } TQString TraceItem::toString() { return TQString("%1\n [%3]").arg(fullName()).arg(costString(0)); } void TraceItem::invalidate() { if (_dirty) return; _dirty = true; if (_dep) _dep->invalidate(); } void TraceItem::update() { _dirty = false; } TracePart* TraceItem::part() { return _position ? _position->part() : 0; } const TracePart* TraceItem::part() const { return _position ? _position->part() : 0; } TraceData* TraceItem::data() { return _position ? _position->data() : 0; } const TraceData* TraceItem::data() const { return _position ? _position->data() : 0; } //--------------------------------------------------- // TraceCost TraceCost::TraceCost() : TraceItem() { _cachedType = 0; // no virtual value cached TraceCost::clear(); } TraceCost::~TraceCost() {} void TraceCost::clear() { // simple set usage count to 0 _count = 0; TraceItem::clear(); } void TraceCost::set(TraceSubMapping* sm, const char* s) { if (!sm) return; if (!s) { if (_count>0) clear(); return; } while(*s == ' ') s++; if (sm->isIdentity()) { int i = 0; while(icount()) { if (!_cost[i].set(&s)) break; i++; } _count = i; } else { int i = 0, maxIndex = 0, index; while(1) { index = sm->realIndex(i); if (maxIndexfirstUnused(); i<=maxIndex; i=sm->nextUnused(i)) _cost[i] = 0; _count = maxIndex; } // a cost change has to be propagated (esp. in subclasses) invalidate(); } void TraceCost::set(TraceSubMapping* sm, FixString & s) { if (!sm) return; s.stripSpaces(); if (sm->isIdentity()) { int i = 0; while(icount()) { if (!s.stripUInt64(_cost[i])) break; i++; } _count = i; } else { int i = 0, maxIndex = 0, index; while(1) { index = sm->realIndex(i); if (maxIndexfirstUnused(); i<=maxIndex; i=sm->nextUnused(i)) _cost[i] = 0; _count = maxIndex+1; } invalidate(); } void TraceCost::addCost(TraceSubMapping* sm, const char* s) { if (!sm || !s) return; SubCost v; if (sm->isIdentity()) { int i = 0; while(icount()) { if (!v.set(&s)) break; if (i<_count) _cost[i] += v; else _cost[i] = v; i++; } if (i > _count) _count = i; } else { int i = 0, maxIndex = 0, index; while(1) { if (!v.set(&s)) break; index = sm->realIndex(i); if (maxIndex= _count) { /* we have to set all costs of unused indexes in the interval * [_count;maxIndex] to zero */ for(i=sm->nextUnused(_count-1); i<=maxIndex; i=sm->nextUnused(i)) _cost[i] = 0; _count = maxIndex+1; } } // a cost change has to be propagated (esp. in subclasses) invalidate(); #if TRACE_DEBUG _dirty = false; // don't recurse ! tqDebug("%s\n now %s", fullName().ascii(), TraceCost::costString(0).ascii()); _dirty = true; // because of invalidate() #endif } void TraceCost::addCost(TraceSubMapping* sm, FixString & s) { if (!sm) return; s.stripSpaces(); SubCost v; if (sm->isIdentity()) { int i = 0; while(icount()) { if (!s.stripUInt64(v)) break; if (i<_count) _cost[i] += v; else _cost[i] = v; i++; } if (i > _count) _count = i; } else { int i = 0, maxIndex = 0, index; while(1) { if (!s.stripUInt64(v)) break; index = sm->realIndex(i); if (maxIndex= _count) { /* we have to set all costs of unused indexes in the interval * [_count;maxIndex] to zero */ for(i=sm->nextUnused(_count-1); i<=maxIndex; i=sm->nextUnused(i)) _cost[i] = 0; _count = maxIndex+1; } } invalidate(); #if TRACE_DEBUG _dirty = false; // don't recurse ! tqDebug("%s\n now %s", fullName().ascii(), TraceCost::costString(0).ascii()); _dirty = true; // because of invalidate() #endif } // update each subcost to be maximum of old and given costs void TraceCost::maxCost(TraceSubMapping* sm, FixString & s) { if (!sm) return; s.stripSpaces(); SubCost v; if (sm->isIdentity()) { int i = 0; while(icount()) { if (!s.stripUInt64(v)) break; if (i<_count) { if (v>_cost[i]) _cost[i] = v; } else _cost[i] = v; i++; } if (i > _count) _count = i; } else { int i = 0, maxIndex = 0, index; while(1) { if (!s.stripUInt64(v)) break; index = sm->realIndex(i); if (maxIndex_cost[index]) _cost[index] = v; } else _cost[index] = v; i++; } if (maxIndex >= _count) { /* we have to set all costs of unused indexes in the interval * [_count;maxIndex] to zero */ for(i=sm->nextUnused(_count-1); i<=maxIndex; i=sm->nextUnused(i)) _cost[i] = 0; _count = maxIndex+1; } } invalidate(); #if TRACE_DEBUG _dirty = false; // don't recurse ! tqDebug("%s\n now %s", fullName().ascii(), TraceCost::costString(0).ascii()); _dirty = true; // because of invalidate() #endif } void TraceCost::addCost(TraceCost* item) { int i; if (!item) return; // we have to update the other item if needed // because we access the item costs directly if (item->_dirty) item->update(); if (item->_count < _count) { for (i = 0; i_count; i++) _cost[i] += item->_cost[i]; } else { for (i = 0; i<_count; i++) _cost[i] += item->_cost[i]; for (; i_count; i++) _cost[i] = item->_cost[i]; _count = item->_count; } // a cost change has to be propagated (esp. in subclasses) invalidate(); #if TRACE_DEBUG _dirty = false; // don't recurse ! tqDebug("%s added cost item\n %s\n now %s", fullName().ascii(), item->fullName().ascii(), TraceCost::costString(0).ascii()); _dirty = true; // because of invalidate() #endif } void TraceCost::maxCost(TraceCost* item) { int i; if (!item) return; // we have to update the other item if needed // because we access the item costs directly if (item->_dirty) item->update(); if (item->_count < _count) { for (i = 0; i_count; i++) if (_cost[i] < item->_cost[i]) _cost[i] = item->_cost[i]; } else { for (i = 0; i<_count; i++) if (_cost[i] < item->_cost[i]) _cost[i] = item->_cost[i]; for (; i_count; i++) _cost[i] = item->_cost[i]; _count = item->_count; } // a cost change has to be propagated (esp. in subclasses) invalidate(); #if TRACE_DEBUG _dirty = false; // don't recurse ! tqDebug("%s added cost item\n %s\n now %s", fullName().ascii(), item->fullName().ascii(), TraceCost::costString(0).ascii()); _dirty = true; // because of invalidate() #endif } void TraceCost::addCost(int type, SubCost value) { if (type<0 || type>=MaxRealIndex) return; if (type<_count) _cost[type] += value; else { for(int i=_count;i=MaxRealIndex) return; if (type<_count) { if (value>_cost[type]) _cost[type] = value; } else { for(int i=_count;i_dirty) item->update(); int maxCount = (item->_count > _count) ? item->_count : _count; res._count = maxCount; for (int i=0; isubCost(i) - subCost(i); return res; } TQString TraceCost::costString(TraceCostMapping* m) { TQString res; if (_dirty) update(); int maxIndex = m ? m->realCount() : TraceCost::MaxRealIndex; for (int i = 0; itype(i)->name() + " "; res += subCost(i).pretty(); } return res; } void TraceCost::invalidate() { if (_dirty) return; _dirty = true; _cachedType = 0; // cached value is invalid, too if (_dep) _dep->invalidate(); } void TraceCost::update() { _dirty = false; } // this is only for real types SubCost TraceCost::subCost(int idx) { if (idx<0) return 0; /* update if needed as cost could be calculated dynamically in subclasses * this can change _count !! */ if (_dirty) update(); if (idx>=_count) return 0; return _cost[idx]; } SubCost TraceCost::subCost(TraceCostType* t) { if (!t) return 0; if (_cachedType != t) { _cachedType = t; _cachedCost = t->subCost(this); } return _cachedCost; } TQString TraceCost::prettySubCost(TraceCostType* t) { return subCost(t).pretty(); } //--------------------------------------------------- // TraceJumpCost TraceJumpCost::TraceJumpCost() :TraceItem() { TraceJumpCost::clear(); } TraceJumpCost::~TraceJumpCost() {} SubCost TraceJumpCost::executedCount() { if (_dirty) update(); return _executedCount; } SubCost TraceJumpCost::followedCount() { if (_dirty) update(); return _followedCount; } TQString TraceJumpCost::costString(TraceCostMapping*) { if (_dirty) update(); return TQString("%1/%2") .arg(_followedCount.pretty()) .arg(_executedCount.pretty()); } void TraceJumpCost::clear() { _followedCount = 0; _executedCount = 0; } void TraceJumpCost::addCost(TraceJumpCost* item) { if (item->_dirty) item->update(); _followedCount += item->followedCount(); _executedCount += item->executedCount(); } //--------------------------------------------------- // TraceCostType TQPtrList* TraceCostType::_knownTypes = 0; TraceCostType::TraceCostType(TQString name, TQString longName, TQString formula) { _name = name; _longName = longName; _formula = formula; _mapping = 0; _realIndex = TraceCost::InvalidIndex; _parsed = false; _inParsing = false; for (int i=0; iTraceCost::MaxRealIndex) i=TraceCost::InvalidIndex; _realIndex = i; _formula = TQString(); } // checks for existing types and sets coefficients bool TraceCostType::parseFormula() { if (_parsed) return true; if (_inParsing) { tqDebug("TraceCostType::parseFormula: Recursion detected."); return false; } if (!_mapping) { tqDebug("TraceCostType::parseFormula: No mapping set!"); return false; } _inParsing = true; for (int i=0; itype(costName); if (!costType) { // tqDebug("Cost type '%s': In formula cost '%s' unknown.", // _name.ascii(), costName.ascii()); _inParsing = false; return false; } factor = (rx.cap(2).isEmpty()) ? 1 : rx.cap(2).toInt(); if (rx.cap(1) == "-") factor = -factor; if (costType->isReal()) _coefficient[costType->realIndex()] += factor; else { costType->parseFormula(); for (int i=0; i_coefficient[i]; } } _inParsing = false; _parsed = true; return true; } TQString TraceCostType::parsedFormula() { TQString res; if (!parseFormula()) return res; for (int i=0; i0) res += "+ "; } if (c<0) { res += "- "; c = -c; } res += TQString::number(c); TraceCostType* t = _mapping->type(i); if (!t) continue; if (!t->name().isEmpty()) res += TQString(" * %1").arg(t->name()); } return res; } SubCost TraceCostType::subCost(TraceCost* c) { if (_realIndex != TraceCost::InvalidIndex) return c->subCost(_realIndex); if (!_parsed) { if (!parseFormula()) return 0; } SubCost res = 0; int rc = _mapping->realCount(); for (int i = 0;isubCost(i); return res; } int TraceCostType::histCost(TraceCost* c, double total, double* hist) { if (total == 0.0) return 0; if (!_parsed) { if (!parseFormula()) return 0; } int rc = _mapping->realCount(); for (int i = 0;isubCost(i) / total; else hist[i] = 0.0; } return rc; } TraceCostType* TraceCostType::knownRealType(TQString n) { if (!_knownTypes) return 0; TraceCostType* t; for (t=_knownTypes->first();t;t=_knownTypes->next()) if (t->isReal() && (t->name() == n)) { TraceCostType* type = new TraceCostType(*t); return type; } return 0; } TraceCostType* TraceCostType::knownVirtualType(TQString n) { if (!_knownTypes) return 0; TraceCostType* t; for (t=_knownTypes->first();t;t=_knownTypes->next()) if (!t->isReal() && (t->name() == n)) { TraceCostType* type = new TraceCostType(*t); return type; } return 0; } // we take ownership void TraceCostType::add(TraceCostType* t) { if (!t) return; t->setMapping(0); if (!_knownTypes) _knownTypes = new TQPtrList; /* Already known? */ TraceCostType* kt; for (kt=_knownTypes->first();kt;kt=_knownTypes->next()) if (kt->name() == t->name()) break; if (kt) { // Overwrite old type if (!t->longName().isEmpty() && (t->longName() != t->name())) kt->setLongName(t->longName()); if (!t->formula().isEmpty()) kt->setFormula(t->formula()); delete t; } else { if (t->longName().isEmpty()) t->setLongName(t->name()); _knownTypes->append(t); } } int TraceCostType::knownTypeCount() { if (!_knownTypes) return 0; return _knownTypes->count(); } bool TraceCostType::remove(TQString n) { if (!_knownTypes) return false; TraceCostType* t; for (t=_knownTypes->first();t;t=_knownTypes->next()) if (!t->isReal() && (t->name() == n)) { _knownTypes->removeRef(t); delete t; return true; } return false; } TraceCostType* TraceCostType::knownType(int i) { if (!_knownTypes) return 0; if (i<0 || i>=(int)_knownTypes->count()) return 0; return _knownTypes->at(i); } TQColor TraceCostType::color() { if (!_mapping) return TQColor(); return _mapping->realColors()[_realIndex]; } //--------------------------------------------------- // TraceCostMapping TraceCostMapping::TraceCostMapping() { _realCount = 0; _virtualCount = 0; for (int i=0;i0)) return 0; if (newCount+_realCount > TraceCost::MaxRealIndex) { kdDebug() << "TraceCostMapping::subMapping: No space for " << newCount << " sub costs." << endl; return 0; } TraceSubMapping* sm = new TraceSubMapping(this); pos = 0; while (1) { // skip space while((posappend(addReal(types.mid(pos,pos2-pos))); pos = pos2; } return sm; } int TraceCostMapping::addReal(TQString t) { int index = realIndex(t); if (index>=0) return index; TraceCostType* ct = TraceCostType::knownRealType(t); if (!ct) ct = new TraceCostType(t, t); // make it real ct->setRealIndex(); return add(ct); } // add a cost type to a mapping // this transfers ownership of the type! int TraceCostMapping::add(TraceCostType* ct) { if (!ct) return TraceCost::InvalidIndex; ct->setMapping(this); if (ct->isReal()) { if (_realCount >= TraceCost::MaxRealIndex) { tqDebug("WARNING: Maximum for real cost types reached (on adding '%s')", ct->name().ascii()); return TraceCost::InvalidIndex; } _real[_realCount] = ct; ct->setRealIndex(_realCount); _realColor[_realCount] = Configuration::costTypeColor(ct); _realCount++; return _realCount-1; } if (_virtualCount >= TraceCost::MaxRealIndex) { tqDebug("WARNING: Maximum for virtual cost types reached (on adding '%s')", ct->name().ascii()); return TraceCost::InvalidIndex; } _virtual[_virtualCount] = ct; _virtualCount++; return _virtualCount-1; } // we delete the type: t is invalid when returning true! bool TraceCostMapping::remove(TraceCostType* t) { if (!t) return false; if (t->mapping() != this) return false; // don't delete real types if (t->isReal()) return false; int i; for(i=0;i<_virtualCount;i++) if (_virtual[i] == t) break; // not found? if (i == _virtualCount) return false; // delete known type with same name TraceCostType::remove(t->name()); // delete this type _virtual[i] = 0; delete t; if (i+1 == _virtualCount) { // we can reuse the last index _virtualCount--; } return true; } TraceCostType* TraceCostMapping::realType(int t) { if (t<0 || t>=_realCount) return 0; return _real[t]; } TraceCostType* TraceCostMapping::virtualType(int t) { if (t<0 || t>=_virtualCount) return 0; return _virtual[t]; } TraceCostType* TraceCostMapping::type(int t) { if (t<0) return 0; if (t<_realCount) return _real[t]; t -= TraceCost::MaxRealIndex; if (t<0) return 0; if (t<_virtualCount) return _virtual[t]; return 0; } TraceCostType* TraceCostMapping::type(TQString name) { for (int i=0;i<_realCount;i++) if (_real[i] && (_real[i]->name() == name)) return _real[i]; for (int i=0;i<_virtualCount;i++) if (_virtual[i] && (_virtual[i]->name() == name)) return _virtual[i]; return 0; } TraceCostType* TraceCostMapping::typeForLong(TQString name) { for (int i=0;i<_realCount;i++) if (_real[i] && (_real[i]->longName() == name)) return _real[i]; for (int i=0;i<_virtualCount;i++) if (_virtual[i] && (_virtual[i]->longName() == name)) return _virtual[i]; return 0; } int TraceCostMapping::realIndex(TQString name) { for (int i=0;i<_realCount;i++) if (_real[i] && (_real[i]->name() == name)) return i; return TraceCost::InvalidIndex; } int TraceCostMapping::index(TQString name) { for (int i=0;i<_realCount;i++) if (_real[i] && (_real[i]->name() == name)) return i; for (int i=0;i<_virtualCount;i++) if (_virtual[i] && (_virtual[i]->name() == name)) return TraceCost::MaxRealIndex + 1 + i; return TraceCost::InvalidIndex; } int TraceCostMapping::addKnownVirtualTypes() { int addCount = 0; int addDiff, i; int knownCount = TraceCostType::knownTypeCount(); while (1) { addDiff = 0; for (i=0; iisReal()) continue; if (index(t->name()) != TraceCost::InvalidIndex) continue; t->setMapping(this); if (t->parseFormula()) { addDiff++; add(new TraceCostType(t->name(), t->longName(), t->formula())); } t->setMapping(0); } if (addDiff == 0) break; addCount += addDiff; } return addCount; } //--------------------------------------------------- // TraceSubMapping TraceSubMapping::TraceSubMapping(TraceCostMapping* mapping) { _mapping = mapping; clear(); } void TraceSubMapping::clear() { _count = 0; _isIdentity = true; _firstUnused = 0; for(int i=0;iaddReal(type) : _mapping->realIndex(type); return append(index); } bool TraceSubMapping::append(int type) { if (!_mapping) return false; if ((type<0) || (type >= _mapping->realCount())) return false; if ( _count >= TraceCost::MaxRealIndex) return false; _realIndex[_count] = type; if (_isIdentity && (_count != type)) _isIdentity = false; if (type == _firstUnused) _firstUnused = _nextUnused[type]; for(int i=0;i=0) { tqDebug("addDep: %s already in list!", dep->fullName().ascii()); return; } #endif _deps.append(dep); _lastDep = dep; invalidate(); #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug("%s added\n %s (now %d)", fullName().ascii(), dep->fullName().ascii(), _deps.count()); #endif } TraceCost* TraceListCost::findDepFromPart(TracePart* part) { if (_lastDep && _lastDep->part() == part) return _lastDep; TraceCost* dep; for (dep = _deps.first(); dep; dep = _deps.next()) if (dep->part() == part) { _lastDep = dep; return dep; } return 0; } void TraceListCost::update() { if (!_dirty) return; #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug("update %s (count %d)", fullName().ascii(), _deps.count()); #endif clear(); TraceCost* item; for (item = _deps.first(); item; item = _deps.next()) { if (onlyActiveParts()) if (!item->part() || !item->part()->isActive()) continue; addCost(item); } _dirty = false; #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug(" > %s", costString(0).ascii()); #endif } //--------------------------------------------------- // TraceJumpListCost TraceJumpListCost::TraceJumpListCost() { _lastDep = 0; } TraceJumpListCost::~TraceJumpListCost() {} void TraceJumpListCost::addDep(TraceJumpCost* dep) { #if TRACE_ASSERTIONS if (_deps.findRef(dep)>=0) { tqDebug("addDep: %s already in list!", dep->fullName().ascii()); return; } #endif _deps.append(dep); _lastDep = dep; invalidate(); #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug("%s added\n %s (now %d)", fullName().ascii(), dep->fullName().ascii(), _deps.count()); #endif } TraceJumpCost* TraceJumpListCost::findDepFromPart(TracePart* part) { if (_lastDep && _lastDep->part() == part) return _lastDep; TraceJumpCost* dep; for (dep = _deps.first(); dep; dep = _deps.next()) if (dep->part() == part) { _lastDep = dep; return dep; } return 0; } void TraceJumpListCost::update() { if (!_dirty) return; #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug("update %s (count %d)", fullName().ascii(), _deps.count()); #endif clear(); TraceJumpCost* item; for (item = _deps.first(); item; item = _deps.next()) { if (onlyActiveParts()) if (!item->part() || !item->part()->isActive()) continue; addCost(item); } _dirty = false; #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug(" > %s", costString(0).ascii()); #endif } //--------------------------------------------------- // TraceCallListCost TraceCallListCost::TraceCallListCost() { _lastDep = 0; } TraceCallListCost::~TraceCallListCost() {} void TraceCallListCost::addDep(TraceCallCost* dep) { #if TRACE_ASSERTIONS if (_deps.findRef(dep)>=0) { tqDebug("addDep: %s already in list!", dep->fullName().ascii()); return; } #endif _deps.append(dep); _lastDep = dep; invalidate(); #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug("%s added\n %s (now %d)", fullName().ascii(), dep->fullName().ascii(), _deps.count()); #endif } TraceCallCost* TraceCallListCost::findDepFromPart(TracePart* part) { if (_lastDep && _lastDep->part() == part) return _lastDep; TraceCallCost* dep; for (dep = _deps.first(); dep; dep = _deps.next()) if (dep->part() == part) { _lastDep = dep; return dep; } return 0; } void TraceCallListCost::update() { if (!_dirty) return; #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug("update %s (count %d)", fullName().ascii(), _deps.count()); #endif /* Without dependent cost items, assume fixed costs, * i.e. don't change cost */ if (_deps.count()>0) { clear(); TraceCallCost* item; for (item = _deps.first(); item; item = _deps.next()) { if (onlyActiveParts()) if (!item->part() || !item->part()->isActive()) continue; addCost(item); addCallCount(item->callCount()); } } _dirty = false; #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug(" > %s", costString(0).ascii()); #endif } //--------------------------------------------------- // TraceInclusiveListCost TraceInclusiveListCost::TraceInclusiveListCost() { _lastDep = 0; } TraceInclusiveListCost::~TraceInclusiveListCost() {} void TraceInclusiveListCost::addDep(TraceInclusiveCost* dep) { #if TRACE_ASSERTIONS if (_deps.findRef(dep)>=0) { tqDebug("addDep: %s already in list!", dep->fullName().ascii()); return; } #endif _deps.append(dep); _lastDep = dep; invalidate(); #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug("%s added\n %s (now %d)", fullName().ascii(), dep->fullName().ascii(), _deps.count()); #endif } TraceInclusiveCost* TraceInclusiveListCost::findDepFromPart(TracePart* part) { if (_lastDep && _lastDep->part() == part) return _lastDep; TraceInclusiveCost* dep; for (dep = _deps.first(); dep; dep = _deps.next()) if (dep->part() == part) { _lastDep = dep; return dep; } return 0; } void TraceInclusiveListCost::update() { if (!_dirty) return; #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug("update %s (count %d)", fullName().ascii(), _deps.count()); #endif clear(); TraceInclusiveCost* item; for (item = _deps.first(); item; item = _deps.next()) { if (onlyActiveParts()) if (!item->part() || !item->part()->isActive()) continue; addCost(item); addInclusive(item->inclusive()); } _dirty = false; #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug(" > %s", costString(0).ascii()); #endif } //--------------------------------------------------- // TracePartInstrJump TracePartInstrJump::TracePartInstrJump(TraceInstrJump* instrJump, TracePartInstrJump* next) { _dep = instrJump; _next = next; } TracePartInstrJump::~TracePartInstrJump() {} //--------------------------------------------------- // TracePartInstrCall TracePartInstrCall::TracePartInstrCall(TraceInstrCall* instrCall) { _dep = instrCall; } TracePartInstrCall::~TracePartInstrCall() {} //--------------------------------------------------- // TracePartInstr TracePartInstr::TracePartInstr(TraceInstr* instr) { _dep = instr; } TracePartInstr::~TracePartInstr() {} //--------------------------------------------------- // TracePartLineJump TracePartLineJump::TracePartLineJump(TraceLineJump* lineJump) { _dep = lineJump; } TracePartLineJump::~TracePartLineJump() {} //--------------------------------------------------- // TracePartLineCall TracePartLineCall::TracePartLineCall(TraceLineCall* lineCall) { _dep = lineCall; } TracePartLineCall::~TracePartLineCall() {} //--------------------------------------------------- // TracePartLine TracePartLine::TracePartLine(TraceLine* line) { _dep = line; } TracePartLine::~TracePartLine() {} //--------------------------------------------------- // TracePartCall TracePartCall::TracePartCall(TraceCall* call) { _dep = call; _firstFixCallCost = 0; } TracePartCall::~TracePartCall() {} bool TracePartCall::isRecursion() { return call()->isRecursion(); } void TracePartCall::update() { #if !USE_FIXCOST TraceCallListCost::update(); #else if (!_dirty) return; #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug("update %s", fullName().ascii()); #endif /* Without dependent cost items, assume fixed costs, * i.e. don't change cost */ if (_firstFixCallCost) { clear(); FixCallCost* item; for (item = _firstFixCallCost; item; item = item->nextCostOfPartCall()) item->addTo(this); } _dirty = false; #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug(" > %s", costString(0).ascii()); #endif #endif // USE_FIXCOST } //--------------------------------------------------- // TracePartFunction TracePartFunction::TracePartFunction(TraceFunction* function, TracePartObject* partObject, TracePartFile *partFile) { _dep = function; _partObject = partObject; _partFile = partFile; _partClass = 0; _calledCount = 0; _callingCount = 0; _calledContexts = 0; _callingContexts = 0; _firstFixCost = 0; _firstFixJump = 0; } TracePartFunction::~TracePartFunction() {} TQString TracePartFunction::prettyCalledCount() { return _calledCount.pretty(); } TQString TracePartFunction::prettyCallingCount() { return _callingCount.pretty(); } TQString TracePartFunction::costString(TraceCostMapping* m) { update(); TQString res = TraceInclusiveCost::costString(m); res += TQString(", called from %1: %2") .arg(_calledContexts).arg(prettyCalledCount()); res += TQString(", calling from %1: %2") .arg(_callingContexts).arg(prettyCallingCount()); return res; } void TracePartFunction::addPartInstr(TracePartInstr* ref) { #if TRACE_ASSERTIONS if (_partInstr.findRef(ref)>=0) { tqDebug("TracePartFunction::addPartInstr: %s already in list!", ref->name().ascii()); return; } #endif _partInstr.append(ref); invalidate(); #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug("%s added\n %s (now %d)", fullName().ascii(), ref->fullName().ascii(), _partInstr.count()); #endif } void TracePartFunction::addPartLine(TracePartLine* ref) { #if TRACE_ASSERTIONS if (_partLines.findRef(ref)>=0) { tqDebug("TracePartFunction::addPartLine: %s already in list!", ref->name().ascii()); return; } #endif _partLines.append(ref); invalidate(); #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug("%s added\n %s (now %d)", fullName().ascii(), ref->fullName().ascii(), _partLines.count()); #endif } void TracePartFunction::addPartCaller(TracePartCall* ref) { #if TRACE_ASSERTIONS if (_partCallers.findRef(ref)>=0) { tqDebug("TracePartFunction::addPartCaller: %s already in list!", ref->name().ascii()); return; } #endif _partCallers.append(ref); invalidate(); #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug("%s added Caller\n %s (now %d)", fullName().ascii(), ref->fullName().ascii(), _partCallers.count()); #endif } void TracePartFunction::addPartCalling(TracePartCall* ref) { #if TRACE_ASSERTIONS if (_partCallings.findRef(ref)>=0) { tqDebug("TracePartFunction::addPartCalling: %s already in list!", ref->name().ascii()); return; } #endif _partCallings.append(ref); invalidate(); #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug("%s added Calling\n %s (now %d)", fullName().ascii(), ref->fullName().ascii(), _partCallings.count()); #endif } SubCost TracePartFunction::calledCount() { if (_dirty) update(); return _calledCount; } int TracePartFunction::calledContexts() { if (_dirty) update(); return _calledContexts; } SubCost TracePartFunction::callingCount() { if (_dirty) update(); return _callingCount; } int TracePartFunction::callingContexts() { if (_dirty) update(); return _callingContexts; } void TracePartFunction::update() { if (!_dirty) return; #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug("TracePartFunction::update %s (Callers %d, Callings %d, lines %d)", name().ascii(), _partCallers.count(), _partCallings.count(), _partLines.count()); #endif _calledCount = 0; _callingCount = 0; _calledContexts = 0; _callingContexts = 0; // calculate additional cost metrics TracePartCall *caller, *calling; for (caller=_partCallers.first();caller;caller=_partCallers.next()) { // FIXME if (caller->subCost(0)>0) _calledContexts++; SubCost c = caller->callCount(); if (c>0) { _calledCount += c; } } for (calling=_partCallings.first();calling;calling=_partCallings.next()) { // FIXME if (calling->subCost(0)>0) _callingContexts++; SubCost c = calling->callCount(); if (c>0) { _callingCount += c; } } // self cost #if !USE_FIXCOST if (_partLines.count()>0) { TraceCost::clear(); TracePartLine* line; for (line = _partLines.first(); line; line = _partLines.next()) addCost(line); } #else if (_firstFixCost) { TraceCost::clear(); FixCost* item; for (item = _firstFixCost; item; item = item->nextCostOfPartFunction()) item->addTo(this); } #endif /* There are two possibilities to calculate inclusive cost: * 1) sum of call costs to this function * 2) sum of call costs from this function + self cost * * 1) is wrong if a function was called spontaneous, but also by a call. * This eventually can happen with thread/process startup functions, * and signal handlers. * * 2) is wrong with "skipped PLT" and the calltree skin, because * cost of PLT is attributed to called function (?) * * For now, do 1) if there are callers, otherwise 2). * Should this be fixed to take the maximum of 1) and 2) ? */ _inclusive.clear(); if (_calledCount>0) { // inclusive cost: if possible, use caller sums for (caller=_partCallers.first();caller;caller=_partCallers.next()) { // detect simple recursion (no cycle) if (caller->isRecursion()) continue; addInclusive(caller); } } else { // without caller info, use calling sum + line costs for (calling=_partCallings.first();calling;calling=_partCallings.next()) { // detect simple recursion (no cycle) if (calling->isRecursion()) continue; addInclusive(calling); } _dirty = false; // don't recurse! addInclusive(this); } _dirty = false; #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug(" > %s", costString(0).ascii()); #endif } //--------------------------------------------------- // TracePartClass TracePartClass::TracePartClass(TraceClass* cls) { _dep = cls; } TracePartClass::~TracePartClass() {} TQString TracePartClass::prettyName() const { return TQString("%1 from %2") .arg( _dep->name().isEmpty() ? TQString("(global)") : _dep->name()) .arg(part()->name()); } //--------------------------------------------------- // TracePartFile TracePartFile::TracePartFile(TraceFile* file) { _dep = file; } TracePartFile::~TracePartFile() {} //--------------------------------------------------- // TracePartObject TracePartObject::TracePartObject(TraceObject* object) { _dep = object; } TracePartObject::~TracePartObject() {} //--------------------------------------------------- // TraceInstrJump TraceInstrJump::TraceInstrJump(TraceInstr* instrFrom, TraceInstr* instrTo, bool isCondJump) { _first = 0; _instrFrom = instrFrom; _instrTo = instrTo; _isCondJump = isCondJump; } TraceInstrJump::~TraceInstrJump() { // we are the owner of the TracePartInstrJump's generated in our factory TracePartInstrJump* item = _first, *next; while(item) { next = item->next(); delete item; item = next; } } TracePartInstrJump* TraceInstrJump::partInstrJump(TracePart* part) { static TracePartInstrJump* item = 0; // shortcut if (item && (item->instrJump()==this) && (item->part() == part)) return item; for(item = _first; item; item = item->next()) if (item->part() == part) break; if (!item) { item = new TracePartInstrJump(this, _first); item->setPosition(part); _first = item; } return item; } void TraceInstrJump::update() { if (!_dirty) return; clear(); TracePartInstrJump* item; for (item = _first; item; item = item->next()) { if (!item->part() || !item->part()->isActive()) continue; addCost(item); } _dirty = false; #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug("updated %s", fullName().ascii()); #endif #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug(" > %s", costString(0).ascii()); #endif } TQString TraceInstrJump::name() const { return TQString("jump at 0x%1 to 0x%2") .arg(_instrFrom->addr().toString()) .arg(_instrTo->addr().toString()); } //--------------------------------------------------- // TraceInstrJumpList int TraceInstrJumpList::compareItems ( Item item1, Item item2 ) { TraceInstrJump* ij1 = (TraceInstrJump*) item1; TraceInstrJump* ij2 = (TraceInstrJump*) item2; Addr addr1Low = ij1->instrFrom()->addr(); Addr addr2Low = ij2->instrFrom()->addr(); Addr addr1High = ij1->instrTo()->addr(); Addr addr2High = ij2->instrTo()->addr(); Addr t; if (addr1Low > addr1High) { t = addr1Low; addr1Low = addr1High; addr1High = t; } if (addr2Low > addr2High) { t = addr2Low; addr2Low = addr2High; addr2High = t; } if (_sortLow) { // we sort according to smallest instruction address if (addr1Low != addr2Low) return (addr1Low > addr2Low) ? 1:-1; // jump ends come before jump starts if (addr1Low == ij1->instrTo()->addr()) return -1; if (addr2Low == ij2->instrTo()->addr()) return 1; return (addr1High > addr2High) ? 1:-1; } // we sort according to highest instruction address if (addr1High != addr2High) return (addr1High > addr2High) ? 1:-1; // jump ends come before jump starts if (addr1High == ij1->instrTo()->addr()) return -1; if (addr2High == ij2->instrTo()->addr()) return 1; return (addr1Low > addr2Low) ? 1:-1; } //--------------------------------------------------- // TraceLineJump TraceLineJump::TraceLineJump(TraceLine* lineFrom, TraceLine* lineTo, bool isCondJump) { // we are the owner of TracePartLineJump's generated in our factory _deps.setAutoDelete(true); _lineFrom = lineFrom; _lineTo = lineTo; _isCondJump = isCondJump; } TraceLineJump::~TraceLineJump() {} TracePartLineJump* TraceLineJump::partLineJump(TracePart* part) { TracePartLineJump* item = (TracePartLineJump*) findDepFromPart(part); if (!item) { item = new TracePartLineJump(this); item->setPosition(part); addDep(item); } return item; } TQString TraceLineJump::name() const { return TQString("jump at %1 to %2") .arg(_lineFrom->prettyName()) .arg(_lineTo->prettyName()); } //--------------------------------------------------- // TraceLineJumpList int TraceLineJumpList::compareItems ( Item item1, Item item2 ) { TraceLineJump* lj1 = (TraceLineJump*) item1; TraceLineJump* lj2 = (TraceLineJump*) item2; uint line1Low = lj1->lineFrom()->lineno(); uint line2Low = lj2->lineFrom()->lineno(); uint line1High = lj1->lineTo()->lineno(); uint line2High = lj2->lineTo()->lineno(); uint t; if (line1Low > line1High) { t = line1Low; line1Low = line1High; line1High = t; } if (line2Low > line2High) { t = line2Low; line2Low = line2High; line2High = t; } if (_sortLow) { // we sort according to smallest line number if (line1Low != line2Low) return line1Low - line2Low; // jump ends come before jump starts if (line1Low == lj1->lineTo()->lineno()) return -1; if (line2Low == lj2->lineTo()->lineno()) return 1; return line1High - line2High; } // we sort according to highest line number if (line1High != line2High) return line1High - line2High; // jump ends come before jump starts if (line1High == lj1->lineTo()->lineno()) return -1; if (line2High == lj2->lineTo()->lineno()) return 1; return line1Low - line2Low; } //--------------------------------------------------- // TraceInstrCall TraceInstrCall::TraceInstrCall(TraceCall* call, TraceInstr* instr) { // we are the owner of TracePartInstrCall's generated in our factory _deps.setAutoDelete(true); _call = call; _instr = instr; } TraceInstrCall::~TraceInstrCall() {} TracePartInstrCall* TraceInstrCall::partInstrCall(TracePart* part, TracePartCall*) { TracePartInstrCall* item = (TracePartInstrCall*) findDepFromPart(part); if (!item) { item = new TracePartInstrCall(this); item->setPosition(part); addDep(item); // instruction calls are not registered in function calls // as together with line calls calls are duplicated //partCall->addDep(item); } return item; } TQString TraceInstrCall::name() const { return TQString("%1 at %2").arg(_call->name()).arg(_instr->name()); } //--------------------------------------------------- // TraceLineCall TraceLineCall::TraceLineCall(TraceCall* call, TraceLine* line) { // we are the owner of TracePartLineCall's generated in our factory _deps.setAutoDelete(true); _call = call; _line = line; } TraceLineCall::~TraceLineCall() {} TracePartLineCall* TraceLineCall::partLineCall(TracePart* part, TracePartCall* partCall) { TracePartLineCall* item = (TracePartLineCall*) findDepFromPart(part); if (!item) { item = new TracePartLineCall(this); item->setPosition(part); addDep(item); partCall->addDep(item); } return item; } TQString TraceLineCall::name() const { return TQString("%1 at %2").arg(_call->name()).arg(_line->name()); } //--------------------------------------------------- // TraceCall TraceCall::TraceCall(TraceFunction* caller, TraceFunction* called) { // we are the owner of all items generated in our factory _deps.setAutoDelete(true); _lineCalls.setAutoDelete(true); _caller = caller; _called = called; } TraceCall::~TraceCall() {} TracePartCall* TraceCall::partCall(TracePart* part, TracePartFunction* partCaller, TracePartFunction* partCalling) { TracePartCall* item = (TracePartCall*) findDepFromPart(part); if (!item) { item = new TracePartCall(this); item->setPosition(part); addDep(item); partCaller->addPartCalling(item); partCalling->addPartCaller(item); } return item; } TraceInstrCall* TraceCall::instrCall(TraceInstr* i) { TraceInstrCall* icall; for (icall=_instrCalls.first();icall;icall=_instrCalls.next()) if (icall->instr() == i) break; if (!icall) { icall = new TraceInstrCall(this, i); _instrCalls.append(icall); invalidate(); #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug("Created %s [TraceCall::instrCall]", icall->fullName().ascii()); #endif i->addInstrCall(icall); } return icall; } TraceLineCall* TraceCall::lineCall(TraceLine* l) { TraceLineCall* lcall; for (lcall=_lineCalls.first();lcall;lcall=_lineCalls.next()) if (lcall->line() == l) break; if (!lcall) { lcall = new TraceLineCall(this, l); _lineCalls.append(lcall); invalidate(); #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug("Created %s [TraceCall::lineCall]", lcall->fullName().ascii()); #endif l->addLineCall(lcall); } return lcall; } void TraceCall::invalidateDynamicCost() { TraceLineCall* lc; for (lc=_lineCalls.first();lc;lc=_lineCalls.next()) lc->invalidate(); TraceInstrCall* ic; for (ic=_instrCalls.first();ic;ic=_instrCalls.next()) ic->invalidate(); invalidate(); } TQString TraceCall::name() const { return TQString("%1 => %2") .arg(_caller->name()) .arg(_called->name()); } int TraceCall::inCycle() { if (!_caller || !_called) return 0; if (!_caller->cycle()) return 0; if (_caller == _caller->cycle()) return 0; if (_caller->cycle() != _called->cycle()) return 0; return _caller->cycle()->cycleNo(); } void TraceCall::update() { if (!_dirty) return; // special handling for cycles if (_caller && _caller->cycle() && _caller==_caller->cycle()) { // we have no part calls: use inclusive cost of called function clear(); if (_called) addCost(_called->inclusive()); _dirty = false; return; } TraceCallListCost::update(); } TraceFunction* TraceCall::caller(bool /*skipCycle*/) const { return _caller; } TraceFunction* TraceCall::called(bool skipCycle) const { if (!skipCycle && _called) { // if this is a call to a cycle member from outside of the cycle, // fake it to be a call to the whole cycle if (_called->cycle() && _caller && (_caller->cycle() != _called->cycle())) return _called->cycle(); } return _called; } TQString TraceCall::callerName(bool skipCycle) const { if (!_caller) return i18n("(no caller)"); if (!skipCycle) { // if this call goes into a cycle, add the entry function TraceFunctionCycle* c = _called->cycle(); if (c && _caller && (_caller->cycle() != c)) { TQString via = _called->prettyName(); return i18n("%1 via %2").arg(_caller->prettyName()).arg(via); } } return _caller->prettyName(); } TQString TraceCall::calledName(bool skipCycle) const { if (!_called) return i18n("(no callee)"); if (!skipCycle) { // if this call goes into a cycle, add the entry function TraceFunctionCycle* c = _called->cycle(); if (c && _caller && (_caller->cycle() != c)) { // HACK to get rid of cycle postfix... _called->setCycle(0); TQString via = _called->prettyName(); _called->setCycle(c); return i18n("%1 via %2").arg(c->name()).arg(via); } } return _called->prettyName(); } //--------------------------------------------------- // TraceInstr TraceInstr::TraceInstr() { // we are the owner of TracePartInstr's generated in our factory _deps.setAutoDelete(true); _instrJumps.setAutoDelete(true); _addr = 0; _line = 0; _function = 0; } TraceInstr::~TraceInstr() {} bool TraceInstr::hasCost(TraceCostType* ct) { bool res = subCost(ct) > 0; if (!res) { TraceInstrCall* ic; for(ic=_instrCalls.first();ic;ic=_instrCalls.next()) if (ic->subCost(ct) > 0) break; res = (ic != 0); if (!res) { TraceInstrJump* ij; for(ij=_instrJumps.first();ij;ij=_instrJumps.next()) if (ij->executedCount() > 0) break; res = (ij != 0); } } return res; } TracePartInstr* TraceInstr::partInstr(TracePart* part, TracePartFunction* partFunction) { TracePartInstr* item = (TracePartInstr*) findDepFromPart(part); if (!item) { item = new TracePartInstr(this); item->setPosition(part); addDep(item); //part->addDep(item); partFunction->addPartInstr(item); } return item; } TraceInstrJump* TraceInstr::instrJump(TraceInstr* to, bool isJmpCond) { TraceInstrJump* jump; for (jump=_instrJumps.first();jump;jump=_instrJumps.next()) if (jump->instrTo() == to) break; if (!jump) { jump = new TraceInstrJump(this, to, isJmpCond); _instrJumps.append(jump); } return jump; } void TraceInstr::addInstrCall(TraceInstrCall* instrCall) { #if TRACE_ASSERTIONS if (_instrCalls.findRef(instrCall)>=0) return; if (instrCall->instr() != this) { tqDebug("Can't add instruction call to another instruction!"); return; } #endif _instrCalls.append(instrCall); invalidate(); #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug("%s added\n %s (now %d)", fullName().ascii(), instrCall->fullName().ascii(), _instrCalls.count()); #endif } TQString TraceInstr::name() const { return TQString("0x%1").arg(_addr.toString()); } TQString TraceInstr::prettyName() const { return TQString("0x%1").arg(_addr.toString()); } //--------------------------------------------------- // TraceLine TraceLine::TraceLine() { // we are the owner of TracePartLine's generated in our factory _deps.setAutoDelete(true); _lineJumps.setAutoDelete(true); _lineno = 0; _sourceFile = 0; } TraceLine::~TraceLine() {} bool TraceLine::hasCost(TraceCostType* ct) { bool res = subCost(ct) > 0; if (!res) { TraceLineCall* lc; for(lc=_lineCalls.first();lc;lc=_lineCalls.next()) if (lc->subCost(ct) > 0) break; res = (lc != 0); if (!res) { TraceLineJump* lj; for(lj=_lineJumps.first();lj;lj=_lineJumps.next()) if (lj->executedCount() > 0) break; res = (lj != 0); } } return res; } TracePartLine* TraceLine::partLine(TracePart* part, TracePartFunction* partFunction) { TracePartLine* item = (TracePartLine*) findDepFromPart(part); if (!item) { item = new TracePartLine(this); item->setPosition(part); addDep(item); #if !USE_FIXCOST part->addDep(item); #endif partFunction->addPartLine(item); } return item; } TraceLineJump* TraceLine::lineJump(TraceLine* to, bool isJmpCond) { TraceLineJump* jump; for (jump=_lineJumps.first();jump;jump=_lineJumps.next()) if (jump->lineTo() == to) break; if (!jump) { jump = new TraceLineJump(this, to, isJmpCond); _lineJumps.append(jump); } return jump; } void TraceLine::addLineCall(TraceLineCall* lineCall) { #if TRACE_ASSERTIONS if (_lineCalls.findRef(lineCall)>=0) return; if (lineCall->line() != this) { tqDebug("Can't add line call to another line!"); return; } #endif TraceFunction* caller = lineCall->call()->caller(); TraceFunction* function = _sourceFile->function(); if (caller != function) { // We regard 2 functions as the same if they have // same class, name, object if ((caller->cls() != function->cls()) || (caller->name() != function->name()) || (caller->object() != function->object())) { tqDebug("ERROR: Adding line call, line %d\n of %s to\n %s ?!", lineCall->line()->lineno(), caller->info().ascii(), function->info().ascii()); } } _lineCalls.append(lineCall); invalidate(); #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug("%s added\n %s (now %d)", fullName().ascii(), lineCall->fullName().ascii(), _lineCalls.count()); #endif } TQString TraceLine::name() const { TQString fileShortName = _sourceFile->file()->shortName(); if (fileShortName.isEmpty()) return i18n("(unknown)"); return TQString("%1:%2") .arg(fileShortName).arg(_lineno); } TQString TraceLine::prettyName() const { return TQString("%1 [%2]") .arg(name()).arg(_sourceFile->function()->prettyName()); } //--------------------------------------------------- // TraceCostItem TraceCostItem::TraceCostItem() { } TraceCostItem::~TraceCostItem() {} //--------------------------------------------------- // TraceFunctionSource TraceFunctionSource::TraceFunctionSource(TraceFunction* function, TraceFile* file) { _file = file; _function = function; // the function is dependent from our cost sum _dep = _function; _lineMap = 0; _lineMapFilled = false; _line0 = 0; } TraceFunctionSource::~TraceFunctionSource() { if (_lineMap) delete _lineMap; if (_line0) delete _line0; } TQString TraceFunctionSource::name() const { return TQString("%1 for %2").arg(_file->name()).arg(_function->name()); } uint TraceFunctionSource::firstLineno() { // lazy generate the map if not done up to now TraceLineMap* map = lineMap(); // ignore line 0 here if (!map || map->count() == 0) return 0; TraceLineMap::Iterator it = map->begin(); return (*it).lineno(); } uint TraceFunctionSource::lastLineno() { // lazy generate the map if not done up to now TraceLineMap* map = lineMap(); // ignore line 0 here if (!map || map->count() == 0) return 0; TraceLineMap::Iterator it = map->end(); --it; return (*it).lineno(); } /* factory */ TraceLine* TraceFunctionSource::line(uint lineno, bool createNew) { if (lineno == 0) { if (!_line0) { if (!createNew) return 0; _line0 = new TraceLine; _line0->setSourceFile(this); _line0->setLineno(0); } return _line0; } if (!createNew) { if (!_lineMap) return 0; TraceLineMap::Iterator it = _lineMap->find(lineno); if (it == _lineMap->end()) return 0; return &(it.data()); } if (!_lineMap) _lineMap = new TraceLineMap; TraceLine& l = (*_lineMap)[lineno]; if (!l.isValid()) { l.setSourceFile(this); l.setLineno(lineno); #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug("Created %s [TraceFunctionSource::line]", l.fullName().ascii()); #endif } return &l; } void TraceFunctionSource::update() { if (!_dirty) return; clear(); // no need to create lineMap if not already created if (_lineMap) { TraceLineMap::Iterator lit; for ( lit = _lineMap->begin(); lit != _lineMap->end(); ++lit ) addCost( &(*lit) ); } _dirty = false; } void TraceFunctionSource::invalidateDynamicCost() { // no need to create lineMap if not already created if (_lineMap) { TraceLineMap::Iterator lit; for ( lit = _lineMap->begin(); lit != _lineMap->end(); ++lit ) (*lit).invalidate(); } invalidate(); } TraceLineMap* TraceFunctionSource::lineMap() { #if USE_FIXCOST if (_lineMapFilled) return _lineMap; _lineMapFilled = true; if (!_lineMap) _lineMap = new TraceLineMap; TraceLine* l = 0; TracePartLine* pl = 0; TraceLineCall* lc = 0; TracePartLineCall* plc = 0; /* go over all part objects for this function, and * - build TraceLines (the line map) using FixCost objects * - build TraceJumpLines using FixJump objects */ TraceInclusiveCostList pfList = _function->deps(); TracePartFunction* pf = (TracePartFunction*) pfList.first(); for(; pf; pf = (TracePartFunction*) pfList.next()) { if (0) tqDebug("PartFunction %s:%d", pf->function()->name().ascii(), pf->part()->partNumber()); FixCost* fc = pf->firstFixCost(); for(; fc; fc = fc->nextCostOfPartFunction()) { if (fc->line() == 0) continue; if (fc->functionSource() != this) continue; if (!l || l->lineno() != fc->line()) { l = &(*_lineMap)[fc->line()]; if (!l->isValid()) { l->setSourceFile(this); l->setLineno(fc->line()); } pl = 0; } if (!pl || pl->part() != fc->part()) pl = l->partLine(fc->part(), pf); fc->addTo(pl); } TraceLine* to = 0; TraceLineJump* lj; TracePartLineJump* plj; FixJump* fj = pf->firstFixJump(); for(; fj; fj = fj->nextJumpOfPartFunction()) { if (fj->line() == 0) continue; if (fj->source() != this) continue; if (!fj->targetSource()) { // be robust against buggy loaders continue; } // don't display jumps to same or following line if ((fj->line() == fj->targetLine()) || (fj->line()+1 == fj->targetLine())) continue; if (!l || l->lineno() != fj->line()) { l = &(*_lineMap)[fj->line()]; if (!l->isValid()) { l->setSourceFile(this); l->setLineno(fj->line()); } } to = fj->targetSource()->line(fj->targetLine(), true); lj = l->lineJump(to, fj->isCondJump()); plj = lj->partLineJump(fj->part()); fj->addTo(plj); } TracePartCallList pcList = pf->partCallings(); TracePartCall* pc = pcList.first(); for(; pc; pc = pcList.next()) { if (0) tqDebug("PartCall %s:%d", pc->call()->name().ascii(), pf->part()->partNumber()); FixCallCost* fcc = pc->firstFixCallCost(); for(; fcc; fcc = fcc->nextCostOfPartCall()) { if (fcc->line() == 0) continue; if (fcc->functionSource() != this) continue; if (!l || l->lineno() != fcc->line()) { l = &(*_lineMap)[fcc->line()]; if (!l->isValid()) { l->setSourceFile(this); l->setLineno(fcc->line()); } } if (!lc || lc->call() != pc->call() || lc->line() != l) { lc = pc->call()->lineCall(l); plc = 0; } if (!plc || plc->part() != fcc->part()) plc = lc->partLineCall(fcc->part(), pc); fcc->addTo(plc); if (0) tqDebug("Add FixCallCost %s:%d/0x%s, CallCount %s", fcc->functionSource()->file()->shortName().ascii(), fcc->line(), fcc->addr().toString().ascii(), fcc->callCount().pretty().ascii()); } } } #endif return _lineMap; } //--------------------------------------------------- // TraceAssoziation TraceAssoziation::TraceAssoziation() { _function = 0; _valid = false; } TraceAssoziation::~TraceAssoziation() { // don't delete from TraceFunction if (_function) _function->removeAssoziation(this); } bool TraceAssoziation::isAssoziated() { if (!_function) return false; return _function->assoziation(rtti())==this; } bool TraceAssoziation::setFunction(TraceFunction* f) { if (_function == f) return isAssoziated(); if (_function) { // don't delete ourself _function->removeAssoziation(this); } _function = f; if (f && f->assoziation(rtti()) == 0) { f->addAssoziation(this); return true; } return false; } void TraceAssoziation::clear(TraceData* d, int rtti) { TraceFunctionMap::Iterator it; for ( it = d->functionMap().begin(); it != d->functionMap().end(); ++it ) (*it).removeAssoziation(rtti); } void TraceAssoziation::invalidate(TraceData* d, int rtti) { TraceFunctionMap::Iterator it; for ( it = d->functionMap().begin(); it != d->functionMap().end(); ++it ) (*it).invalidateAssoziation(rtti); } //--------------------------------------------------- // TraceFunction TraceFunction::TraceFunction() { _object = 0; _file = 0; _cls = 0; _cycle = 0; // we are the owner of items generated in our factory _deps.setAutoDelete(true); _callings.setAutoDelete(true); _sourceFiles.setAutoDelete(true); _calledCount = 0; _callingCount = 0; _calledContexts = 0; _callingContexts = 0; _instrMap = 0; _instrMapFilled = false; } TraceFunction::~TraceFunction() { _assoziations.setAutoDelete(true); _assoziations.clear(); if (_instrMap) delete _instrMap; } // no unique check is done! void TraceFunction::addAssoziation(TraceAssoziation* a) { if (!a) return; _assoziations.append(a); } void TraceFunction::removeAssoziation(TraceAssoziation* a) { _assoziations.removeRef(a); } void TraceFunction::removeAssoziation(int rtti, bool reallyDelete) { if (rtti==0) { if (reallyDelete) _assoziations.setAutoDelete(true); _assoziations.clear(); _assoziations.setAutoDelete(false); return; } TraceAssoziation* a; for (a=_assoziations.first();a;a=_assoziations.next()) if (a->rtti() == rtti) { if (reallyDelete) delete a; _assoziations.remove(); return; } } void TraceFunction::invalidateAssoziation(int rtti) { TraceAssoziation* a; for (a=_assoziations.first();a;a=_assoziations.next()) if ((rtti==0) || (a->rtti() == rtti)) a->invalidate(); } TraceAssoziation* TraceFunction::assoziation(int rtti) { TraceAssoziation* a; for (a=_assoziations.first();a;a=_assoziations.next()) if (a->rtti() == rtti) return a; return 0; } // helper for prettyName bool TraceFunction::isUniquePrefix(TQString prefix) const { TraceFunctionMap::ConstIterator it, it2; it = it2 = _myMapIterator; if (it != data()->functionBeginIterator()) { it2--; if ((*it2).name().startsWith(prefix)) return false; } if (it != data()->functionEndIterator()) { it++; if ((*it).name().startsWith(prefix)) return false; } return true; } TQString TraceFunction::prettyName() const { TQString res = _name; if (_name.isEmpty()) return i18n("(unknown)"); int p = _name.find('('); if (p>0) { // handle C++ "operator()" correct if ((_name[p+1] == ')') && (_name[p+2] == '(')) p+=2; // we have a C++ symbol with argument types: // check for unique function name (inclusive '(' !) if (isUniquePrefix(_name.left(p+1))) res = _name.left(p); } // cycle members if (_cycle) { if (_cycle != this) res = TQString("%1 ").arg(res).arg(_cycle->cycleNo()); else res = TQString("").arg(_cycle->cycleNo()); } return res; } /* * Returns location string: ELF object and source file(s). */ TQString TraceFunction::location(int maxFiles) const { TQString loc; // add object file with address range if (_object) { loc = _object->shortName(); #if 0 uint from = firstAddress(); uint to = lastAddress(); if (from != 0 && to != 0) { if (from == to) loc += TQString(" (0x%1)").arg(to, 0, 16); else loc += TQString(" (0x%1-0x%2)").arg(from, 0, 16).arg(to, 0, 16); } #endif } // add all source files int filesAdded = 0; TraceFunctionSourceList list = _sourceFiles; TraceFunctionSource* sourceFile = list.first(); for (;sourceFile;sourceFile=list.next()) { if (!sourceFile->file() || (sourceFile->file()->name().isEmpty()) ) continue; if (!loc.isEmpty()) loc += (filesAdded>0) ? ", " : ": "; filesAdded++; if ((maxFiles>0) && (filesAdded>maxFiles)) { loc += "..."; break; } loc += sourceFile->file()->shortName(); #if 0 from = sourceFile->firstLineno(); to = sourceFile->lastLineno(); if (from != 0 && to != 0) { if (from == to) loc += TQString(" (%1)").arg(to); else loc += TQString(" (%1-%2)").arg(from).arg(to); } #endif } return loc; } // pretty version is allowed to mangle the string... TQString TraceFunction::prettyLocation(int maxFiles) const { TQString l = location(maxFiles); if (l.isEmpty()) return i18n("(unknown)"); return l; } void TraceFunction::addPrettyLocation(TQString& s, int maxFiles) const { TQString l = location(maxFiles); if (l.isEmpty()) return; s += TQString(" (%1)").arg(l); } TQString TraceFunction::prettyNameWithLocation(int maxFiles) const { TQString l = location(maxFiles); if (l.isEmpty()) return prettyName(); return TQString("%1 (%2)").arg(prettyName()).arg(l); } TQString TraceFunction::info() const { TQString l = location(); if (l.isEmpty()) return TQString("Function %1").arg(name()); return TQString("Function %1 (location %2)") .arg(name()).arg(l); } Addr TraceFunction::firstAddress() const { // ignore address 0 here if (!_instrMap || _instrMap->count() == 0) return 0; TraceInstrMap::ConstIterator it = _instrMap->begin(); return (*it).addr(); } Addr TraceFunction::lastAddress() const { // ignore address 0 here if (!_instrMap || _instrMap->count() == 0) return 0; TraceInstrMap::ConstIterator it = _instrMap->end(); --it; return (*it).addr(); } /* factory */ TraceInstr* TraceFunction::instr(Addr addr, bool createNew) { // address 0 not allowed if (addr == Addr(0)) return 0; if (!createNew) { if (!_instrMap) return 0; TraceInstrMap::Iterator it = _instrMap->find(addr); if (it == _instrMap->end()) return 0; return &(it.data()); } if (!_instrMap) _instrMap = new TraceInstrMap; TraceInstr& i = (*_instrMap)[addr]; if (!i.isValid()) { i.setAddr(addr); i.setFunction(this); #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug("Created %s [TraceFunction::instr]", i.fullName().ascii()); #endif } return &i; } void TraceFunction::addCaller(TraceCall* caller) { #if TRACE_ASSERTIONS if (caller->called() != this) { tqDebug("Can't add call to another line!\n"); return; } if (_callers.findRef(caller)>=0) return; #endif _callers.append(caller); invalidate(); #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug("%s added Caller\n %s (now %d)", fullName().ascii(), caller->fullName().ascii(), _callers.count()); #endif } TraceCall* TraceFunction::calling(TraceFunction* called) { TraceCallMap::Iterator it = _callingMap.find(called); TraceCall* calling = (it == _callingMap.end()) ? 0 : it.data(); if (!calling) { calling = new TraceCall(this, called); _callingMap.insert(called, calling); _callings.append(calling); // we have to invalidate ourself so invalidations from item propagate up invalidate(); #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug("Created %s [TraceFunction::calling]", calling->fullName().ascii()); #endif called->addCaller(calling); } return calling; } TraceFunctionSource* TraceFunction::sourceFile(TraceFile* file, bool createNew) { if (!file) file = _file; TraceFunctionSource* sourceFile = _sourceFiles.first(); for (;sourceFile;sourceFile=_sourceFiles.next()) if (sourceFile->file() == file) break; if (!sourceFile && createNew) { sourceFile = new TraceFunctionSource(this, file); _sourceFiles.append(sourceFile); // we have to invalidate ourself so invalidations from item propagate up invalidate(); #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug("Created SourceFile %s [TraceFunction::line]", file->name().ascii()); #endif file->addSourceFile(sourceFile); } return sourceFile; } TraceLine* TraceFunction::line(TraceFile* file, uint lineno, bool createNew) { Q_ASSERT(file!=0); TraceFunctionSource* sf = sourceFile(file, createNew); if (!sf) return 0; else return sf->line(lineno, createNew); } TracePartFunction* TraceFunction::partFunction(TracePart* part, TracePartFile* partFile, TracePartObject* partObject) { TracePartFunction* item = (TracePartFunction*) findDepFromPart(part); if (!item) { item = new TracePartFunction(this, partObject, partFile); item->setPosition(part); addDep(item); #if USE_FIXCOST part->addDep(item); #endif if (_cls) { TracePartClass* partClass = _cls->partClass(part); partClass->addPartFunction(item); item->setPartClass(partClass); } partFile->addPartFunction(item); if (partObject) partObject->addPartFunction(item); } else if (item->partObject()==0 && partObject) { item->setPartObject(partObject); partObject->addPartFunction(item); } return item; } SubCost TraceFunction::calledCount() { if (_dirty) update(); return _calledCount; } int TraceFunction::calledContexts() { if (_dirty) update(); return _calledContexts; } SubCost TraceFunction::callingCount() { if (_dirty) update(); return _callingCount; } int TraceFunction::callingContexts() { if (_dirty) update(); return _callingContexts; } TQString TraceFunction::prettyCalledCount() { return _calledCount.pretty(); } TQString TraceFunction::prettyCallingCount() { return _callingCount.pretty(); } TraceCallList TraceFunction::callers(bool skipCycle) const { if (skipCycle) return _callers; // fake the callers for cycle members if (_cycle && (_cycle != this)) { TraceCallList l; TraceCall* c; // inner-cycle-callers TraceCallList list=_callers; for (c=list.first();c;c=list.next()) if (c->caller()->cycle() == _cycle) l.append(c); // call from cycle itself for (c=_cycle->_callings.first();c;c=_cycle->_callings.next()) if (c->called() == this) { l.append(c); return l; } } return _callers; } const TraceCallList& TraceFunction::callings(bool /* skipCycle */) const { return _callings; } void TraceFunction::invalidateDynamicCost() { TraceCall* c; for (c=_callings.first();c;c=_callings.next()) c->invalidateDynamicCost(); TraceFunctionSource* sf; for (sf=_sourceFiles.first();sf;sf=_sourceFiles.next()) sf->invalidateDynamicCost(); if (_instrMap) { TraceInstrMap::Iterator iit; for ( iit = _instrMap->begin(); iit != _instrMap->end(); ++iit ) (*iit).invalidate(); } invalidate(); } void TraceFunction::update() { if (!_dirty) return; #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug("Update %s (Callers %d, sourceFiles %d, instrs %d)", _name.ascii(), _callers.count(), _sourceFiles.count(), _instrMap ? _instrMap->count():0); #endif _calledCount = 0; _callingCount = 0; _calledContexts = 0; _callingContexts = 0; clear(); // context count is NOT the sum of part contexts TraceCall *caller, *calling; for (caller=_callers.first();caller;caller=_callers.next()) { // FIXME if (caller->subCost(0)>0) _calledContexts++; _calledCount += caller->callCount(); } for (calling=_callings.first();calling;calling=_callings.next()) { // FIXME if (calling->subCost(0)>0) _callingContexts++; _callingCount += calling->callCount(); } if (data()->inFunctionCycleUpdate() || !_cycle) { // usual case (no cycle member) TraceInclusiveCost* item; for (item=_deps.first();item;item=_deps.next()) { if (!item->part() || !item->part()->isActive()) continue; addCost(item); addInclusive(item->inclusive()); } } else { // this is a cycle or cycle member for (calling=_callings.first();calling;calling=_callings.next()) { // ignore inner-cycle member calls for inclusive cost if ((_cycle != this) && (calling->inCycle()>0)) continue; addInclusive(calling); } // self cost if (type() == FunctionCycle) { // cycle: self cost is sum of cycle member self costs, but // doesn't add to inclusive cost TraceFunctionList mList = ((TraceFunctionCycle*)this)->members(); TraceFunction* m; for (m=mList.first();m;m=mList.next()) addCost(m); } else { // cycle member TraceInclusiveCost* item; for (item=_deps.first();item;item=_deps.next()) { if (!item->part() || !item->part()->isActive()) continue; addCost(item); } _dirty = false; // don't recurse addInclusive(this); } } _dirty = false; #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug("> %s", costString(0).ascii()); #endif } bool TraceFunction::isCycle() { return _cycle == this; } bool TraceFunction::isCycleMember() { return _cycle && (_cycle != this); } void TraceFunction::cycleReset() { _cycle = 0; _cycleStackDown = 0; _cycleLow = 0; } // this doesn't mark functions calling themself ! void TraceFunction::cycleDFS(int d, int& pNo, TraceFunction** pTop) { if (_cycleLow != 0) return; if (0) tqDebug("%s D%02d > %s (%d)", TQString().fill(' ', d).ascii(), d, prettyName().ascii(), pNo+1); // initialize with prefix order pNo++; int prefixNo = pNo; _cycleLow = prefixNo; // put myself on stack _cycleStackDown = *pTop; *pTop = this; /* cycle cut heuristic: * skip calls for cycle detection if they make less than _cycleCut * percent of the cost of the function. * FIXME: Which cost type to use for this heuristic ?! */ SubCost base = 0; if (_callers.count()>0) { TraceCallList l = _callers; TraceCall *caller; for (caller=l.first();caller;caller=l.next()) if (caller->subCost(0) > base) base = caller->subCost(0); } else base = inclusive()->subCost(0); SubCost cutLimit = SubCost(base * Configuration::cycleCut()); if (0) tqDebug("%s Cum. %s, Max Caller %s, cut limit %s", TQString().fill(' ', d).ascii(), inclusive()->subCost(0).pretty().ascii(), base.pretty().ascii(), cutLimit.pretty().ascii()); TraceCall *calling; TraceCallList l = _callings; for (calling=l.first();calling;calling=l.next()) { TraceFunction* called = calling->called(); // cycle cut heuristic if (calling->subCost(0) < cutLimit) { if (0) tqDebug("%s Cut call to %s (cum. %s)", TQString().fill(' ', d).ascii(), called->prettyName().ascii(), calling->subCost(0).pretty().ascii()); continue; } if (called->_cycleLow==0) { // not visited yet called->cycleDFS(d+1, pNo, pTop); if (called->_cycleLow < _cycleLow) _cycleLow = called->_cycleLow; } else if (called->_cycleStackDown) { // backlink to same SCC (still in stack) if (called->_cycleLow < _cycleLow) _cycleLow = called->_cycleLow; if (0) tqDebug("%s D%02d - %s (%d)", TQString().fill(' ', d+1).ascii(), d+1, called->prettyName().ascii(), called->_cycleLow); } else { if (0) tqDebug("%s D%02d - %s (%d) [Not on stack]", TQString().fill(' ', d+1).ascii(), d+1, called->prettyName().ascii(), called->_cycleLow); } } if (prefixNo == _cycleLow) { // this is the base of a SCC. if (*pTop == this) { *pTop = _cycleStackDown; _cycleStackDown = 0; } else { // a SCC with >1 members TraceFunctionCycle* cycle = data()->functionCycle(this); if (0) tqDebug("BASE CYC %d %s", cycle->cycleNo(), prettyName().ascii()); while(*pTop) { TraceFunction* top = *pTop; cycle->add(top); // remove from stack *pTop = top->_cycleStackDown; top->_cycleStackDown = 0; if (0) tqDebug("CYC %s", top->prettyName().ascii()); if (top == this) break; } } } if (0) tqDebug("%s D%02d < %s (%d)", TQString().fill(' ', d).ascii(), d, prettyName().ascii(), _cycleLow); } TraceInstrMap* TraceFunction::instrMap() { #if USE_FIXCOST if (_instrMapFilled) return _instrMap; _instrMapFilled = true; if (!_instrMap) _instrMap = new TraceInstrMap; TraceLine* l = 0; TraceInstr* i = 0; TracePartInstr* pi = 0; TraceInstrCall* ic = 0; TracePartInstrCall* pic = 0; TraceInclusiveCostList pfList = deps(); TracePartFunction* pf = (TracePartFunction*) pfList.first(); for(; pf; pf = (TracePartFunction*) pfList.next()) { if (0) tqDebug("PartFunction %s:%d", pf->function()->name().ascii(), pf->part()->partNumber()); FixCost* fc = pf->firstFixCost(); for(; fc; fc = fc->nextCostOfPartFunction()) { if (fc->addr() == 0) continue; if (!l || (l->lineno() != fc->line()) || (l->functionSource() != fc->functionSource())) l = fc->functionSource()->line(fc->line(),true); if (!i || i->addr() != fc->addr()) { i = &(*_instrMap)[fc->addr()]; if (!i->isValid()) { i->setFunction(this); i->setAddr(fc->addr()); i->setLine(l); } pi = 0; } if (!pi || pi->part() != fc->part()) pi = i->partInstr(fc->part(), pf); fc->addTo(pi); } TraceInstr* to = 0; TraceInstrJump* ij; TracePartInstrJump* pij; FixJump* fj = pf->firstFixJump(); for(; fj; fj = fj->nextJumpOfPartFunction()) { if (fj->addr() == 0) continue; if (!l || (l->lineno() != fj->line()) || (l->functionSource() != fj->source())) l = fj->source()->line(fj->line(),true); if (!i || i->addr() != fj->addr()) { i = &(*_instrMap)[fj->addr()]; if (!i->isValid()) { i->setFunction(this); i->setAddr(fj->addr()); i->setLine(l); } } to = fj->targetFunction()->instr(fj->targetAddr(), true); ij = i->instrJump(to, fj->isCondJump()); pij = ij->partInstrJump(fj->part()); fj->addTo(pij); } TracePartCallList pcList = pf->partCallings(); TracePartCall* pc = pcList.first(); for(; pc; pc = pcList.next()) { if (0) tqDebug("PartCall %s:%d", pc->call()->name().ascii(), pf->part()->partNumber()); FixCallCost* fcc = pc->firstFixCallCost(); for(; fcc; fcc = fcc->nextCostOfPartCall()) { if (fcc->addr() == 0) continue; if (!l || (l->lineno() != fcc->line()) || (l->functionSource() != fcc->functionSource())) l = fcc->functionSource()->line(fcc->line(),true); if (!i || i->addr() != fcc->addr()) { i = &(*_instrMap)[fcc->addr()]; if (!i->isValid()) { i->setFunction(this); i->setAddr(fcc->addr()); i->setLine(l); } } if (!ic || ic->call() != pc->call() || ic->instr() != i) { ic = pc->call()->instrCall(i); pic = 0; } if (!pic || pic->part() != fcc->part()) pic = ic->partInstrCall(fcc->part(), pc); fcc->addTo(pic); if (0) tqDebug("Add FixCallCost %s:%d/0x%s, CallCount %s", fcc->functionSource()->file()->shortName().ascii(), fcc->line(), fcc->addr().toString().ascii(), fcc->callCount().pretty().ascii()); } } } #endif return _instrMap; } //--------------------------------------------------- // TraceFunctionCycle TraceFunctionCycle::TraceFunctionCycle(TraceFunction* f, int n) { _base = f; _cycleNo = n; _cycle = this; setPosition(f->data()); setName(TQString("").arg(n)); // reset to attributes of base function setFile(_base->file()); setClass(_base->cls()); setObject(_base->object()); } void TraceFunctionCycle::init() { _members.clear(); _memberSet.clear(); _callers.clear(); // this deletes all TraceCall's to members _callings.clear(); invalidate(); } void TraceFunctionCycle::add(TraceFunction* f) { _members.append(f); _memberSet.insert(f,1); } void TraceFunctionCycle::setup() { if (_members.count()==0) return; TraceFunction* f; for (f=_members.first();f;f=_members.next()) { // the cycle takes all outside callers from its members TraceCall *call; TraceCallList l = f->callers(); for (call=l.first();call;call=l.next()) { if ( _memberSet.contains(call->caller()) ) continue; _callers.append(call); } // the cycle has a call to each member call = new TraceCall(this, f); call->invalidate(); _callings.append(call); // now do some faking... f->setCycle(this); } invalidate(); } //--------------------------------------------------- // TraceClass TraceClass::TraceClass() { // we are the owner of items generated in our factory _deps.setAutoDelete(true); } TraceClass::~TraceClass() {} TQString TraceClass::prettyName() const { if (_name.isEmpty()) return TQString("(global)"); return _name; } TracePartClass* TraceClass::partClass(TracePart* part) { TracePartClass* item = (TracePartClass*) findDepFromPart(part); if (!item) { item = new TracePartClass(this); item->setPosition(part); addDep(item); } return item; } void TraceClass::addFunction(TraceFunction* function) { #if TRACE_ASSERTIONS if (function->cls() != this) { tqDebug("Can't add function to a class not enclosing this function\n"); return; } if (_functions.findRef(function)>=0) return; #endif _functions.append(function); invalidate(); #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug("%s added\n %s (now %d)", fullName().ascii(), function->fullName().ascii(), _functions.count()); #endif } //--------------------------------------------------- // TraceFile TraceFile::TraceFile() { // we are the owner of items generated in our factory _deps.setAutoDelete(true); } TraceFile::~TraceFile() {} TracePartFile* TraceFile::partFile(TracePart* part) { TracePartFile* item = (TracePartFile*) findDepFromPart(part); if (!item) { item = new TracePartFile(this); item->setPosition(part); addDep(item); } return item; } void TraceFile::addFunction(TraceFunction* function) { #if TRACE_ASSERTIONS if (function->file() != this) { tqDebug("Can't add function to a file not enclosing this function\n"); return; } if (_functions.findRef(function)>=0) return; #endif _functions.append(function); invalidate(); #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug("%s added\n %s (now %d)", fullName().ascii(), function->fullName().ascii(), _functions.count()); #endif } void TraceFile::addSourceFile(TraceFunctionSource* sourceFile) { #if TRACE_ASSERTIONS if (sourceFile->file() != this) { tqDebug("Can't add sourceFile to a file not having lines for it\n"); return; } #endif _sourceFiles.append(sourceFile); // not truely needed, as we don't use the sourceFiles for cost update invalidate(); #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug("%s \n added SourceFile %s (now %d)", fullName().ascii(), sourceFile->fullName().ascii(), _sourceFiles.count()); #endif } void TraceFile::setDirectory(const TQString& dir) { if (dir.endsWith("/")) _dir = dir.left(dir.length()-1); else _dir = dir; } TQString TraceFile::directory() { if (!_dir.isEmpty()) return _dir; int lastIndex = 0, index; while ( (index=_name.find("/", lastIndex)) >=0) lastIndex = index+1; if (lastIndex==0) return TQString(); // without ending "/" return _name.left(lastIndex-1); } TQString TraceFile::shortName() const { int lastIndex = 0, index; while ( (index=_name.find("/", lastIndex)) >=0) lastIndex = index+1; return _name.mid(lastIndex); } TQString TraceFile::prettyName() const { TQString sn = shortName(); if (sn.isEmpty()) return i18n("(unknown)"); return sn; } TQString TraceFile::prettyLongName() const { if (_name.isEmpty()) return i18n("(unknown)"); return _name; } //--------------------------------------------------- // TraceObject TraceObject::TraceObject() { // we are the owner of items generated in our factory _deps.setAutoDelete(true); } TraceObject::~TraceObject() {} TracePartObject* TraceObject::partObject(TracePart* part) { TracePartObject* item = (TracePartObject*) findDepFromPart(part); if (!item) { item = new TracePartObject(this); item->setPosition(part); addDep(item); } return item; } void TraceObject::addFunction(TraceFunction* function) { #if TRACE_ASSERTIONS if (function->object() != this) { tqDebug("Can't add function to an object not enclosing this function\n"); return; } if (_functions.findRef(function)>=0) return; #endif _functions.append(function); invalidate(); #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug("%s added\n %s (now %d)", fullName().ascii(), function->fullName().ascii(), _functions.count()); #endif } // strip path void TraceObject::setName(const TQString& name) { _name = name; int lastIndex = 0, index; while ( (index=_name.find("/", lastIndex)) >=0) lastIndex = index+1; _shortName = _name.mid(lastIndex); } TQString TraceObject::prettyName() const { if (_shortName.isEmpty()) return i18n("(unknown)"); return _shortName; } //--------------------------------------------------- // TracePart TracePart::TracePart(TraceData* data, TQFile* file) { setPosition(data); _dep = data; _file = file; if (_file) _name = _file->name(); _active = true; _number = 0; _tid = 0; _pid = 0; _fixSubMapping = 0; } TracePart::~TracePart() { delete _file; delete _fixSubMapping; } void TracePart::setPartNumber(int n) { if (data()->maxPartNumber() setMaxPartNumber(n); _number = n; } void TracePart::setThreadID(int tid) { if (data()->maxThreadID() setMaxThreadID(tid); _tid = tid; } void TracePart::setProcessID(int pid) { _pid = pid; } // strip path TQString TracePart::shortName() const { int lastIndex = 0, index; while ( (index=_name.find("/", lastIndex)) >=0) lastIndex = index+1; return _name.mid(lastIndex); } TQString TracePart::prettyName() const { TQString name = TQString("%1.%2").arg(_pid).arg(_number); if (data()->maxThreadID()>1) name += TQString("-%3").arg(_tid); return name; } bool TracePart::activate(bool active) { if (_active == active) return false; _active = active; // to be done by the client of this function // data()->invalidateDynamicCost(); // So better use the TraceData functions... return true; } //--------------------------------------------------- // TracePartList int TracePartList::compareItems ( Item item1, Item item2 ) { TracePart* p1 = (TracePart*) item1; TracePart* p2 = (TracePart*) item2; int mTID = p1->data()->maxThreadID()+1; int mNum = p1->data()->maxPartNumber()+1; return (p1->processID() - p2->processID()) * mTID * mNum + (p1->partNumber() - p2->partNumber()) * mTID + (p1->threadID() - p2->threadID()); } TQString TracePartList::names() const { TQString res; TracePart* p; TracePartList l = *this; for (p=l.first();p;p=l.next()) { if (!res.isEmpty()) res += ", "; res += p->shortName(); } return res; } //--------------------------------------------------- // TraceData // create vectors with reasonable default sizes, but not wasting memory TraceData::TraceData(TopLevel* top) { _topLevel = top; init(); } TraceData::TraceData(const TQString& base) { _topLevel = 0; init(); load(base); } void TraceData::init() { _parts.setAutoDelete(true); _functionCycleCount = 0; _inFunctionCycleUpdate = false; _maxThreadID = 0; _maxPartNumber = 0; _fixPool = 0; _dynPool = 0; } TraceData::~TraceData() { if (_fixPool) delete _fixPool; if (_dynPool) delete _dynPool; } TQString TraceData::shortTraceName() const { int lastIndex = 0, index; while ( (index=_traceName.find("/", lastIndex)) >=0) lastIndex = index+1; return _traceName.mid(lastIndex); } FixPool* TraceData::fixPool() { if (!_fixPool) _fixPool = new FixPool(); return _fixPool; } DynPool* TraceData::dynPool() { if (!_dynPool) _dynPool = new DynPool(); return _dynPool; } /** * Two cases: * * - is a directory: Load first profile data file available * - is a file name without part/thread suffixes */ void TraceData::load(const TQString& base) { bool baseExisting = true; _traceName = base; TQFileInfo finfo(base); TQString file = finfo.fileName(); TQDir dir = finfo.dir(); if (!finfo.exists()) { baseExisting = false; } else if (finfo.isDir()) { // search for first profile data file in directory dir = TQDir(base); TQStringList prefixList; prefixList << "callgrind.out" << "cachegrind.out"; for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = prefixList.begin(); it != prefixList.end(); ++it ) { file = *it; // search for ".pid" TQStringList strList = dir.entryList(file+".*", TQDir::Files); if (strList.count()>0) { int l = file.length(); file = strList.first(); l++; while(file[l] >= '0' && file[l] <= '9') l++; file = file.left(l); break; } } _traceName = dir.path() + "/" + file; } TQStringList strList; strList += dir.entryList(file+".*", TQDir::Files); strList += dir.entryList(file+"-*", TQDir::Files); baseExisting = TQFile::exists(_traceName); if (baseExisting) strList << file; if (strList.count() == 0) { _traceName = base + "/" + file + " " + i18n("(not found)"); return; } // try to guess pid from file name unsigned int pos = file.length(); unsigned int pid = 0, f=1; pos--; while(pos>0) { if (file[pos] < '0' || file[pos] > '9') break; pid += f * (file[pos].latin1() - '0'); pos--; f *= 10; } TQStringList::Iterator it; unsigned int maxNumber = 0; for (it = strList.begin(); it != strList.end(); ++it ) { TracePart* p = addPart( dir.path(), *it ); if (!p) { kdDebug() << "Error loading " << *it << endl; continue; } const TQString& str = *it; unsigned int pos = file.length(); // try to guess part number from file name unsigned int n = 0; if ((str.length() > pos) && (str[pos] == '.')) { pos++; while(str.length()>pos) { if ((int)str.at(pos) < '0' || (int)str.at(pos) > '9') break; n = 10*n + (str[pos++] - '0'); } } // try to guess thread number from file name unsigned int t = 0; if ((str.length() > pos) && (str[pos] == '-')) { pos++; while(str.length()>pos) { if ((int)str.at(pos) < '0' || (int)str.at(pos) > '9') break; t = 10*t + (str[pos++] - '0'); } } //tqDebug("File %s: Part %d, Thread %d", (*it).ascii(), n, t); if (p->partNumber()>0) n = p->partNumber(); if (n>maxNumber) maxNumber = n; if (n==0) n = maxNumber+1; p->setPartNumber(n); if (p->threadID()==0) p->setThreadID(t); if (p->processID()==0) p->setProcessID(pid); _parts.append(p); } _parts.sort(); invalidateDynamicCost(); updateFunctionCycles(); // clear loading messages from status bar if (_topLevel) _topLevel->showStatus(TQString(), 0); } TracePart* TraceData::addPart(const TQString& dir, const TQString& name) { TQString filename = TQString("%1/%2").arg(dir).arg(name); #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug("TraceData::addPart('%s')", filename.ascii()); #endif TQFile* file = new TQFile(filename); Loader* l = Loader::matchingLoader(file); if (!l) return 0; if (_topLevel) _topLevel->connect(l, TQ_SIGNAL(updateStatus(TQString, int)), TQ_SLOT(showStatus(TQString, int))); TracePart* part = new TracePart(this, file); if (! l->loadTrace(part)) { delete part; part = 0; } if (_topLevel) l->disconnect(_topLevel); return part; } bool TraceData::activateParts(const TracePartList& l) { bool changed = false; TracePart* part; for (part=_parts.first();part;part=_parts.next()) if (part->activate(l.containsRef(part)>0)) changed = true; if (changed) { // because active parts have changed, throw away calculated // costs... invalidateDynamicCost(); updateFunctionCycles(); } return changed; } bool TraceData::activateParts(TracePartList l, bool active) { bool changed = false; TracePart* part; for (part=l.first();part;part=l.next()) if (_parts.findRef(part)>=0) if (part->activate(active)) changed = true; if (changed) { invalidateDynamicCost(); updateFunctionCycles(); } return changed; } bool TraceData::activatePart(TracePart* p, bool active) { return p->activate(active); } bool TraceData::activateAll(bool active) { return activateParts(_parts, active); } TracePart* TraceData::part(TQString& name) { TracePart* part; for (part=_parts.first();part;part=_parts.next()) if (part->name() == name) return part; return 0; } TQString TraceData::activePartRange() { TQString res; int r1=-1, r2=-1, count=1; TracePart* part; for (part=_parts.first();part;part=_parts.next(), count++) if (part->isActive()) { if (r1<0) { r1 = r2 = count; } else if (r2 == count-1) { r2 = count; } else { if (!res.isEmpty()) res += ";"; if (r1==r2) res += TQString::number(r1); else res += TQString("%1-%2").arg(r1).arg(r2); r1 = r2 = count; } } if (r1>=0) { if (!res.isEmpty()) res += ";"; if (r1==r2) res += TQString::number(r1); else res += TQString("%1-%2").arg(r1).arg(r2); } return res; } void TraceData::invalidateDynamicCost() { // invalidate all dynamic costs TraceObjectMap::Iterator oit; for ( oit = _objectMap.begin(); oit != _objectMap.end(); ++oit ) (*oit).invalidate(); TraceClassMap::Iterator cit; for ( cit = _classMap.begin(); cit != _classMap.end(); ++cit ) (*cit).invalidate(); TraceFileMap::Iterator fit; for ( fit = _fileMap.begin(); fit != _fileMap.end(); ++fit ) (*fit).invalidate(); TraceFunctionMap::Iterator it; for ( it = _functionMap.begin(); it != _functionMap.end(); ++it ) { (*it).invalidateDynamicCost(); } invalidate(); } TraceObject* TraceData::object(const TQString& name) { TraceObject& o = _objectMap[name]; if (!o.data()) { // was created o.setPosition(this); o.setName(name); #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug("Created %s [TraceData::object]", o.fullName().ascii()); #endif } return &o; } TraceFile* TraceData::file(const TQString& name) { TraceFile& f = _fileMap[name]; if (!f.data()) { // was created f.setPosition(this); f.setName(name); #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug("Created %s [TraceData::file]", f.fullName().ascii()); #endif } return &f; } // usually only called by function() TraceClass* TraceData::cls(const TQString& fnName, TQString& shortName) { int lastIndex = 0, index, pIndex; // we ignore any "::" after a '(' or a space pIndex=fnName.find("(", 0); #if 0 int sIndex=fnName.find(" ", 0); if (sIndex>=0) if ((pIndex == -1) || (sIndex < pIndex)) pIndex = sIndex; #endif while ((index=fnName.find("::", lastIndex)) >=0) { if (pIndex>=0 && pIndexshortName(); TraceFunctionMap::Iterator it; it = _functionMap.find(key); if (it == _functionMap.end()) { it = _functionMap.insert(key, TraceFunction()); TraceFunction& f = it.data(); f.setPosition(this); f.setName(name); f.setClass(c); f.setObject(object); f.setFile(file); f.setMapIterator(it); #if TRACE_DEBUG tqDebug("Created %s [TraceData::function]\n for %s, %s, %s", f.fullName().ascii(), c->fullName().ascii(), file->fullName().ascii(), object ? object->fullName().ascii() : "(unknown object)"); #endif c->addFunction(&f); object->addFunction(&f); file->addFunction(&f); } return &(it.data()); } TraceFunctionMap::Iterator TraceData::functionIterator(TraceFunction* f) { // IMPORTANT: build as SAME key as used in function() above !! TQString key; if (f->cls()) key = f->cls()->name() + "::"; key += f->name(); key += f->object()->shortName(); return _functionMap.find(key); } TraceFunctionMap::ConstIterator TraceData::functionBeginIterator() const { return _functionMap.begin(); } TraceFunctionMap::ConstIterator TraceData::functionEndIterator() const { return _functionMap.end(); } void TraceData::resetSourceDirs() { TraceFileMap::Iterator fit; for ( fit = _fileMap.begin(); fit != _fileMap.end(); ++fit ) (*fit).resetDirectory(); } void TraceData::update() { if (!_dirty) return; clear(); _totals.clear(); TracePart* part; for (part=_parts.first();part;part=_parts.next()) { _totals.addCost(part->totals()); if (part->isActive()) addCost(part->totals()); } _dirty = false; } TraceCost* TraceData::search(TraceItem::CostType t, TQString name, TraceCostType* ct, TraceCost* parent) { TraceCost* result = 0; TraceItem::CostType pt = parent ? parent->type() : NoCostType; SubCost sc, scTop = 0; switch(t) { case Function: { TraceFunction *f; TraceFunctionMap::Iterator it; for ( it = _functionMap.begin(); it != _functionMap.end(); ++it ) { f = &(*it); if (f->name() != name) continue; if ((pt == Class) && (parent != f->cls())) continue; if ((pt == File) && (parent != f->file())) continue; if ((pt == Object) && (parent != f->object())) continue; if (ct) { sc = f->inclusive()->subCost(ct); if (sc <= scTop) continue; scTop = sc; } result = f; } } break; case File: { TraceFile *f; TraceFileMap::Iterator it; for ( it = _fileMap.begin(); it != _fileMap.end(); ++it ) { f = &(*it); if (f->name() != name) continue; if (ct) { sc = f->subCost(ct); if (sc <= scTop) continue; scTop = sc; } result = f; } } break; case Class: { TraceClass *c; TraceClassMap::Iterator it; for ( it = _classMap.begin(); it != _classMap.end(); ++it ) { c = &(*it); if (c->name() != name) continue; if (ct) { sc = c->subCost(ct); if (sc <= scTop) continue; scTop = sc; } result = c; } } break; case Object: { TraceObject *o; TraceObjectMap::Iterator it; for ( it = _objectMap.begin(); it != _objectMap.end(); ++it ) { o = &(*it); if (o->name() != name) continue; if (ct) { sc = o->subCost(ct); if (sc <= scTop) continue; scTop = sc; } result = o; } } break; case Instr: if (pt == Function) { TraceInstrMap* instrMap = ((TraceFunction*)parent)->instrMap(); if (!instrMap) break; TraceInstr *instr; TraceInstrMap::Iterator it; for ( it = instrMap->begin(); it != instrMap->end(); ++it ) { instr = &(*it); if (instr->name() != name) continue; result = instr; } } break; case Line: { TraceFunctionSourceList sList; if (pt == Function) sList = ((TraceFunction*)parent)->sourceFiles(); else if (pt == FunctionSource) sList.append((TraceFunctionSource*) parent); else break; TraceLineMap* lineMap; TraceLine* line; TraceLineMap::Iterator it; TraceFunctionSource* fs; for(fs = sList.first(); fs; fs = sList.next()) { lineMap = fs->lineMap(); if (!lineMap) continue; for ( it = lineMap->begin(); it != lineMap->end(); ++it ) { line = &(*it); if (line->name() != name) continue; result = line; } } } break; default: break; } return result; } TraceFunctionCycle* TraceData::functionCycle(TraceFunction* f) { TraceFunctionCycle* cycle; for (cycle=_functionCycles.first();cycle;cycle=_functionCycles.next()) if (cycle->base() == f) return cycle; _functionCycleCount++; cycle = new TraceFunctionCycle(f, _functionCycleCount); _functionCycles.append(cycle); return cycle; } void TraceData::updateFunctionCycles() { //tqDebug("Updating cycles..."); // init cycle info TraceFunctionCycle* cycle; for (cycle=_functionCycles.first();cycle;cycle=_functionCycles.next()) cycle->init(); TraceFunctionMap::Iterator it; for ( it = _functionMap.begin(); it != _functionMap.end(); ++it ) (*it).cycleReset(); if (!Configuration::showCycles()) return; _inFunctionCycleUpdate = true; #if 0 int fCount = _functionMap.size(), fNo = 0, progress=0, p; TQString msg = i18n("Recalculating Function Cycles..."); if (_topLevel) _topLevel->showStatus(msg,0); #endif // DFS and collapse strong connected components (Tarjan) int pNo = 0; TraceFunction* stackTop; for ( it = _functionMap.begin(); it != _functionMap.end(); ++it ) { #if 0 if (_topLevel) { fNo++; p = 100*fNo/fCount; if (p> progress) { progress = p; _topLevel->showStatus(msg, p); } } #endif stackTop = 0; (*it).cycleDFS(1, pNo, &stackTop); } // postprocess cycles for (cycle=_functionCycles.first();cycle;cycle=_functionCycles.next()) cycle->setup(); _inFunctionCycleUpdate = false; // we have to invalidate costs because cycles are now taken into account invalidateDynamicCost(); #if 0 if (0) if (_topLevel) _topLevel->showStatus(TQString(),0); #endif } void TraceData::updateObjectCycles() { } void TraceData::updateClassCycles() { } void TraceData::updateFileCycles() { }