Bring most mimetypes in line with XDG specifications. The following are not fully verified in source as of this commit due to ubiquity: html, empty, info, make, man, misc, source, unknown

Timothy Pearson pirms 10 gadiem
vecāks d198a18fa6
revīzija 60bbd0b8b6

@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
<type icon="" ext="h" name="C++ Header template" create="template" >
<descr>BibleTime C++ header template</descr>
<type icon="source_cpp" ext="cpp" name="C++ source file" create="template" >
<type icon="text-x-c++src" ext="cpp" name="C++ source file" create="template" >
<descr>BibleTime C++ source template</descr>

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