Tray icon to launch and manage Compiz Fusion
您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符
Slávek Banko d141e54157
Remove outdated hard-coded paths to Python 2.6 module in /opt/trinity/...
FusionIcon Drop python2 support. 1年前
admin@9fdc22134b Reset submodule main/applications/misc/fusion-icon/admin to latest HEAD 1年前
images Fix invalid headers in PNG files and optimize for size 8 年前
.gitmodules Remove cmake submodule since it has now been replaced by cmake-trinity dependency. 3 年前
COPYING Added KDE3 version of fusion-icon for Compiz 14 年前
Makefile Fixed location of installed Python scripts. This relates to bug 1146. 10 年前
PKG-INFO Added KDE3 version of fusion-icon for Compiz 14 年前
VERSION Added KDE3 version of fusion-icon for Compiz 14 年前
fusion-icon Remove outdated hard-coded paths to Python 2.6 module in /opt/trinity/... 1年前
fusion-icon.desktop Added KDE3 version of fusion-icon for Compiz 14 年前 Drop python2 support. 1年前