cmake conversion #1

SlavekB ha unito 1 commit da feat/cmakeConv a master 5 anni fa
Ghost 5 anni fa ha commentato

The 'templates' folder can be deleted I guess.

The 'templates' folder can be deleted I guess.
SlavekB revisionato 5 anni fa
SlavekB lascia un commento

It looks good, I will test it.

It looks good, I will test it.
SlavekB hanno approvato queste modifiche 5 anni fa
SlavekB lascia un commento

The test was successful. There seems to be nothing to prevent merging.

The test was successful. There seems to be nothing to prevent merging.
SlavekB chiusa questa pull request 5 anni fa
SlavekB branch feat/cmakeConv eliminato 5 anni fa
SlavekB aggiunta alle pietre miliari R14.0.6 release 5 anni fa
La pull request è stata unita come 384422dd25.
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2 Partecipanti
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Riferimento: TDE/kbibtex#1
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