You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

320 lines
10 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kcfgfile name="kftpgrabberrc"/>
<!-- Includes -->
<!-- Config groups -->
<group name="MainWindow">
<entry name="size" type="Size">
<default code="true">TQSize(800, 500)</default>
<label>The size of the main window.</label>
<entry name="position" type="Point">
<default code="true">TQPoint(0, 0)</default>
<label>The position of the main window on the screen.</label>
<group name="General">
<entry name="retryCount" type="Int">
<label>The default retry count for new sites.</label>
<entry name="retryTime" type="Int">
<label>The default retry delay for new sites.</label>
<entry name="showBalloons" type="Bool">
<label>Should a balloon be displayed when some actions complete.</label>
<entry name="showBalloonWhenQueueEmpty" type="Bool">
<label>Should a balloon be displayed when all queued transfers are completed.</label>
<entry name="showRetrySuccessBalloon" type="Bool">
<label>Should a balloon be displayed when a connection to the server is successfully established after retrying.</label>
<entry name="confirmExit" type="Bool">
<label>Should the user confirm exit if there are transfers running.</label>
<entry name="encryptBookmarks" type="Bool">
<label>Encryption status of the bookmarks file.</label>
<entry name="defLocalDir" type="Path">
<default code="true">TQDir::homeDirPath()</default>
<label>Default local directory.</label>
<entry name="exitOnClose" type="Bool">
<label>Should the application exit when users clicks the X button.</label>
<entry name="startMinimized" type="Bool">
<label>Should the application be started minimized.</label>
<entry name="showSplash" type="Bool">
<label>Should the splash screen be displayed when starting the application.</label>
<entry name="showSystrayIcon" type="Bool">
<label>Should the systray icon be displayed.</label>
<entry name="showWalletSites" type="Bool">
<label>Should the sites from TDEWallet be shown among the bookmarks.</label>
<entry name="confirmDisconnects" type="Bool">
<label>Should a "confirm disconnect" dialog be displayed each time a disconnect is requested.</label>
<entry name="defEncoding" type="String">
<label>The default site encoding.</label>
<entry name="recentSites" type="StringList">
<label>Recent sites accessed via quick connect.</label>
<group name="Actions">
<entry name="downloadActions" type="String">
<entry name="uploadActions" type="String">
<entry name="fxpActions" type="String">
<group name="Filters">
<entry name="asciiList" type="StringList">
<label>A list of file patters where ASCII mode should be used for transfer.</label>
<entry name="skipEmptyDirs" type="Bool">
<label>Should empty directories be skipped.</label>
<group name="Log">
<entry name="logFont" type="Font">
<label>The font that should be used for the log widget.</label>
<default code="true">TDEGlobalSettings::generalFont()</default>
<entry name="logCommandsColor" type="Color">
<default code="true">TQColor(67, 170, 23)</default>
<label>The color of the commands sent to the server.</label>
<entry name="logResponsesColor" type="Color">
<default code="true">TQColor(0, 0, 255)</default>
<label>The color of the responses from the server.</label>
<entry name="logMultilineColor" type="Color">
<default code="true">TQColor(148, 188, 22)</default>
<label>The color of the multiline responses from the server.</label>
<entry name="logErrorColor" type="Color">
<default code="true">TQColor(255, 0, 0)</default>
<label>The color of the error messages.</label>
<entry name="logStatusColor" type="Color">
<default code="true">TQColor(0, 0, 0)</default>
<label>The color of the status messages.</label>
<entry name="saveToFile" type="Bool">
<label>Should the log be written to a file as well.</label>
<entry name="outputFilename" type="Path">
<label>The file to which the log should be written.</label>
<group name="Transfers">
<entry name="activeForcePort" type="Bool">
<label>Should a port from a specified portrange be selected on active transfers.</label>
<entry name="activeMinPort" type="Int">
<label>The start of the portrange.</label>
<entry name="activeMaxPort" type="Int">
<label>The end of the portrange.</label>
<entry name="portForceIp" type="Bool">
<label>Should an IP be overriden when doing active transfers.</label>
<entry name="portIp" type="String">
<label>The IP to be sent when overriding the PORT command.</label>
<entry name="ignoreExternalIpForLan" type="Bool">
<label>Should the external IP be ignored for LAN connections.</label>
<entry name="queueOnDND" type="Bool">
<label>Should the transfers be queued insted of started when using drag and drop.</label>
<entry name="diskCheckSpace" type="Bool">
<label>Should kftpgrabber check for free space and abort the transfer when there is not enough free.</label>
<entry name="diskCheckInterval" type="Int">
<label>Interval for disk checking.</label>
<entry name="diskMinFreeSpace" type="Int">
<label>Minimum free space (in MiB) that must be available.</label>
<entry name="globalMail" type="Bool">
<label>Use global TDE e-mail address for anonymous passwords.</label>
<entry name="anonMail" type="String">
<default code="true">getGlobalMail()</default>
<label>The e-mail address that should be used for anonymous passwords.</label>
<entry name="threadCount" type="Int">
<label>Number of threads to use when transfering.</label>
<entry name="threadUsePrimary" type="Bool">
<label>Should the primary connection be used for transfers.</label>
<entry name="controlTimeout" type="Int">
<label>Timeout (in seconds) for the control connection.</label>
<entry name="dataTimeout" type="Int">
<label>Timeout (in seconds) for data transfers.</label>
<entry name="downloadSpeedLimit" type="Int">
<label>Global download speed limit (kbytes/s).</label>
<entry name="uploadSpeedLimit" type="Int">
<label>Global upload speed limit (kbytes/s).</label>
<entry name="failedAutoRetry" type="Bool">
<label>Should failed transfers be automaticly retried.</label>
<entry name="failedAutoRetryCount" type="Int">
<label>Maximum number of retries before marking transfer as failed.</label>
<group name="Display">
<entry name="showTree" type="Bool">
<label>Should the directory tree be shown by default.</label>
<entry name="showHiddenFiles" type="Bool">
<label>Should hidden files be shown when browsing.</label>
<entry name="showSizeInBytes" type="Bool">
<label>Should the filesize be shown in bytes rather than in "human readable" form.</label>
<entry name="showOwnerGroup" type="Bool">
<label>Should the owner and group be shown for each file.</label>
<entry name="showDirectorySize" type="Bool">
<label>Show directory size.</label>
<entry name="showLeftSidebar" type="Bool">
<label>Show left sidebar.</label>