################################################# # # (C) 2010 Serghei Amelian # serghei (DOT) amelian (AT) gmail.com # # Improvements and feedback are welcome # # This file is released under GPL >= 2 # ################################################# # required stuff find_package( TQt ) find_package( TDE ) tde_setup_architecture_flags( ) include(TestBigEndian) test_big_endian(WORDS_BIGENDIAN) tde_setup_largefiles( ) ##### check for gcc visibility support ######### if( WITH_GCC_VISIBILITY ) tde_setup_gcc_visibility( ) endif( ) check_type_size( "int" SIZEOF_INT BUILTIN_TYPES_ONLY ) check_type_size( "long" SIZEOF_LONG BUILTIN_TYPES_ONLY ) check_include_file( stdint.h HAVE_STDINT_H ) check_include_file( systems.h HAVE_SYSTEMS_H ) check_include_file( linux/inotify.h HAVE_INOTIFY ) check_function_exists( statvfs HAVE_STATVFS ) check_function_exists( getpeereid HAVE_GETPEEREID ) ##### check for gtk+ 2.x if( BUILD_KGTK_GTK2 ) pkg_check_modules( GTK gtk+-2.0>=2.6 ) pkg_check_modules( GTHREAD gthread-2.0 ) if( NOT GTK_FOUND OR NOT GTHREAD_FOUND ) tde_message_fatal( "GTK2 support is requested but not found on your system" ) endif() check_library_exists( "${CMAKE_DL_LIBS}" _dl_sym "" HAVE_DL_SYM ) if( NOT HAVE_DL_SYM ) message( WARNING, "_dl_sym is requested but not found on your system.\n" "Some functionality may not be available unless your\n" "system has glibc 2.34 or greater." ) endif() endif()