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Michele Calgaro 5ec91497d4
4 個月前
CMakeL10n.txt Desktop file translations: 4 年前
CMakeLists.txt Desktop file translations: 4 年前
hi16-app-knowit.png Fix invalid headers in PNG files and optimize for size 8 年前
hi32-app-knowit.png Fix invalid headers in PNG files and optimize for size 8 年前
knowit.cpp Use new TQ_METHOD, TQ_SIGNAL, TQ_SLOT defines 4 個月前
knowit.desktop Fix icon in desktop file. 3 年前
knowit.h Replace Q_OBJECT with TQ_OBJECT 9 個月前
knowitapp.cpp conversion to the cmake building system 5 年前
knowitapp.h Replace Q_OBJECT with TQ_OBJECT 9 個月前
knowitchooser.cpp conversion to the cmake building system 5 年前
knowitchooser.h Replace Q_OBJECT with TQ_OBJECT 9 個月前
knowitedit.cpp Replace Qt with TQt 6 個月前
knowitedit.h Replace Q_OBJECT with TQ_OBJECT 9 個月前
knowitlink.cpp Use new TQ_METHOD, TQ_SIGNAL, TQ_SLOT defines 4 個月前
knowitlink.h Replace Q_OBJECT with TQ_OBJECT 9 個月前
knowitlinks.cpp Replace Qt with TQt 6 個月前
knowitlinks.h Replace Q_OBJECT with TQ_OBJECT 9 個月前
knowitpref.cpp Use new TQ_METHOD, TQ_SIGNAL, TQ_SLOT defines 4 個月前
knowitpref.h Replace Q_OBJECT with TQ_OBJECT 9 個月前
knowittray.cpp Use new TQ_METHOD, TQ_SIGNAL, TQ_SLOT defines 4 個月前
knowittray.h Additional k => tde renaming and fixes 11 年前
knowittree.cpp conversion to the cmake building system 5 年前
knowittree.h Replace Q_OBJECT with TQ_OBJECT 9 個月前
knowitui.rc Added abandoned KDE3 version of knowit 14 年前
main.cpp Additional k => tde renaming and fixes 11 年前
notes.cpp Fix FTBFS due to accidental double quote duplication 10 年前
notes.h Additional k => tde renaming and fixes 11 年前
tips Fix branding of KNowit and also translations, for fuzzy prevention. 5 年前
x-knowit.desktop conversion to the cmake building system 5 年前