/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright 2004 Ariya Hidayat Copyright 2004 Laurent Montel This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KSPREAD_COMMANDS #define KSPREAD_COMMANDS #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kspread_object.h" #include "kspread_sheet.h" // for Sheet::LayoutDirection /** * The KSpread namespace. */ namespace KSpread { class Cell; class Doc; class UndoAction; /** \page commands Commands To implement undo and redo functionality, every possible action by the user for editing and manipulating the document is encapsulated in a command (based on KCommand). There is one command class (which will be instantiated) for every unique action. You need to reimplement the execute() and unexecute() methods of KCommand. Each command is created from the user interface, and then added to the command history (see Doc::commandHistory) using Doc::addCommand method. Because the command is not immediately executed, you also need to call the execute() method of that command. This is an example of typical use of command: \code KCommand* command = new RenameSheetCommand( sheet, name ); doc->addCommand( command ); command->execute(); \endcode Then whenever the user triggers an "undo", the corresponding unexecute() method of the command is called by the undo action, thereby reverting the previously executed command. Similar thing happens for the "redo". Alphabetical list of commands: \li AddSheetCommand \li DissociateCellCommand \li MergeCellCommand \li RemoveSheetCommand \li RenameSheetCommand \sa Doc::addCommand \sa KoCommandHistory */ /** * Class UndoWrapperCommand is used to help migration from custom * UndoAction to KCommand-based system. * See Doc::addCommand for more information. */ class UndoWrapperCommand : public KCommand { public: UndoWrapperCommand( UndoAction* undoAction ); virtual void execute(); virtual void unexecute(); virtual TQString name() const; protected: UndoAction* undoAction; }; /** * Class MergeCellCommand implements a command for merging two or more cells * into one cell. */ class MergeCellCommand : public KCommand { public: MergeCellCommand( Cell* cell, int colSpan, int rowSpan ); virtual void execute(); virtual void unexecute(); virtual TQString name() const; protected: Cell* cell; int colSpan; int rowSpan; int oldColSpan; int oldRowSpan; TQString rangeName; }; /** * Class DissociateCellCommand implements a command for breaking merged cells. */ class DissociateCellCommand : public KCommand { public: DissociateCellCommand( Cell* cell ); virtual void execute(); virtual void unexecute(); virtual TQString name() const; protected: Cell* cell; int oldColSpan; int oldRowSpan; }; /** * Class RenameSheetCommand implements a command for renaming a sheet. * * \sa Sheet::setSheetName */ class RenameSheetCommand : public KCommand { public: RenameSheetCommand( Sheet* sheet, const TQString &name ); virtual void execute(); virtual void unexecute(); virtual TQString name() const; protected: Sheet* sheet; TQString oldName; TQString newName; }; class HideSheetCommand : public KCommand { public: HideSheetCommand( Sheet* sheet ); virtual void execute(); virtual void unexecute(); virtual TQString name() const; protected: Doc* doc; TQString sheetName; }; class ShowSheetCommand : public KCommand { public: ShowSheetCommand( Sheet* sheet ); virtual void execute(); virtual void unexecute(); virtual TQString name() const; protected: Doc* doc; TQString sheetName; }; class AddSheetCommand : public KCommand { public: AddSheetCommand( Sheet* sheet ); virtual void execute(); virtual void unexecute(); virtual TQString name() const; protected: Sheet* sheet; Doc* doc; }; class RemoveSheetCommand : public KCommand { public: RemoveSheetCommand( Sheet* sheet ); virtual void execute(); virtual void unexecute(); virtual TQString name() const; protected: Sheet* sheet; Doc* doc; }; /** * Class SheetPropertiesCommand implements a command for changing sheet properties. */ class SheetPropertiesCommand : public KCommand { public: SheetPropertiesCommand( Doc* doc, Sheet* sheet ); void setLayoutDirection( Sheet::LayoutDirection direction ); void setAutoCalc( bool b ); void setShowGrid( bool b ); void setShowPageBorders( bool b ); void setShowFormula( bool b ); void setHideZero( bool b ); void setShowFormulaIndicator( bool b ); void setShowCommentIndicator( bool b ); void setColumnAsNumber( bool b ); void setLcMode( bool b ); void setCapitalizeFirstLetter( bool b ); virtual void execute(); virtual void unexecute(); virtual TQString name() const; protected: Sheet* sheet; Doc* doc; Sheet::LayoutDirection oldDirection, newDirection; bool oldAutoCalc, newAutoCalc; bool oldShowGrid, newShowGrid; bool oldShowPageBorders, newShowPageBorders; bool oldShowFormula, newShowFormula; bool oldHideZero, newHideZero; bool oldShowFormulaIndicator, newShowFormulaIndicator; bool oldShowCommentIndicator, newShowCommentIndicator; bool oldColumnAsNumber, newColumnAsNumber; bool oldLcMode, newLcMode; bool oldCapitalizeFirstLetter, newCapitalizeFirstLetter; }; class InsertColumnCommand : public KCommand { public: InsertColumnCommand( Sheet* s , unsigned int _column, unsigned int _nbCol ); virtual void execute(); virtual void unexecute(); virtual TQString name() const; protected: Doc* doc; TQString sheetName; unsigned int insertPosColumn; unsigned int nbColumnInserted; }; class DefinePrintRangeCommand : public KCommand { public: DefinePrintRangeCommand( Sheet* sheet ); virtual void execute(); virtual void unexecute(); virtual TQString name() const; protected: Doc* doc; TQString sheetName; TQRect printRangeRedo, printRange; }; class PaperLayoutCommand : public KCommand { public: PaperLayoutCommand( Sheet* sheet ); virtual void execute(); virtual void unexecute(); virtual TQString name() const; protected: Doc* doc; TQString sheetName; KoPageLayout pl; KoPageLayout plRedo; KoHeadFoot hf; KoHeadFoot hfRedo; KoUnit::Unit unit; KoUnit::Unit unitRedo; bool printGrid; bool printGridRedo; bool printCommentIndicator; bool printCommentIndicatorRedo; bool printFormulaIndicator; bool printFormulaIndicatorRedo; TQRect printRange; TQRect printRangeRedo; TQPair printRepeatColumns; TQPair printRepeatColumnsRedo; TQPair printRepeatRows; TQPair printRepeatRowsRedo; double zoom; double zoomRedo; int pageLimitX; int pageLimitXRedo; int pageLimitY; int pageLimitYRedo; }; class LinkCommand : public KCommand { public: LinkCommand( Cell* cell, const TQString& text, const TQString& link ); virtual void execute(); virtual void unexecute(); virtual TQString name() const; protected: Cell* cell; Doc* doc; TQString oldText; TQString oldLink; TQString newText; TQString newLink; }; class ChangeObjectGeometryCommand : public KCommand { public: ChangeObjectGeometryCommand( EmbeddedObject *_obj, const KoPoint &_m_diff, const KoSize &_r_diff ); ~ChangeObjectGeometryCommand(); virtual void execute(); virtual void unexecute(); virtual TQString name() const; protected: KoPoint m_diff; KoSize r_diff; EmbeddedObject *obj; Doc *doc; }; class RemoveObjectCommand : public KCommand { public: RemoveObjectCommand( EmbeddedObject *_obj, bool _cut = false ); ~RemoveObjectCommand(); virtual void execute(); virtual void unexecute(); virtual TQString name() const; protected: EmbeddedObject *obj; Doc* doc; bool executed; bool cut; }; class InsertObjectCommand : public KCommand { public: InsertObjectCommand( const KoRect& _geometry, KoDocumentEntry&, Canvas *_canvas ); //child InsertObjectCommand( const KoRect& _geometry, KoDocumentEntry&, const TQRect& _data, Canvas *_canvas ); //chart InsertObjectCommand( const KoRect& _geometry, KURL& _file, Canvas *_canvas ); //picture ~InsertObjectCommand(); virtual void execute(); virtual void unexecute(); virtual TQString name() const; protected: KoRect geometry; Canvas *canvas; bool executed; KoDocumentEntry entry; TQRect data; ObjType type; KURL file; EmbeddedObject *obj; }; class RenameNameObjectCommand : public KNamedCommand { public: RenameNameObjectCommand( const TQString &_name, const TQString &_objectName, EmbeddedObject *_obj, Doc *_doc ); ~RenameNameObjectCommand(); void execute(); void unexecute(); protected: TQString oldObjectName, newObjectName; EmbeddedObject *object; Doc *doc; Sheet *m_page; }; class GeometryPropertiesCommand : public KNamedCommand { public: enum KgpType { ProtectSize, KeepRatio}; GeometryPropertiesCommand( const TQString &name, TQPtrList &objects, bool newValue, KgpType type, Doc *_doc ); GeometryPropertiesCommand( const TQString &name, TQValueList &lst, TQPtrList &objects, bool newValue, KgpType type, Doc *_doc ); ~GeometryPropertiesCommand(); virtual void execute(); virtual void unexecute(); protected: TQValueList m_oldValue; TQPtrList m_objects; bool m_newValue; KgpType m_type; Doc *m_doc; }; class MoveObjectByCmd : public KNamedCommand { public: MoveObjectByCmd( const TQString &_name, const KoPoint &_diff, TQPtrList &_objects, Doc *_doc, Sheet *m_page ); ~MoveObjectByCmd(); virtual void execute(); virtual void unexecute(); protected: KoPoint diff; TQPtrList objects; Doc *doc; Sheet *m_page; }; } // namespace KSpread #endif /* KSPREAD_COMMANDS */