Ви не можете вибрати більше 25 тем Теми мають розпочинатися з літери або цифри, можуть містити дефіси (-) і не повинні перевищувати 35 символів.
Michele Calgaro 7a7827396f
Replace Qt with TQt
1 місяць тому
kiviopart Replace Qt with TQt 1 місяць тому
plugins Use new TQ_METHOD, TQ_SIGNAL, TQ_SLOT defines 4 місяці тому
templates Fix invalid headers in PNG files and optimize for size 8 роки тому
AUTHORS Added old abandoned KDE3 version of koffice 14 роки тому
CHANGELOG Added old abandoned KDE3 version of koffice 14 роки тому
CHANGES Added old abandoned KDE3 version of koffice 14 роки тому
CMakeL10n.txt Add CMakeL10n rules. 5 роки тому
LICENSE rename the following methods: 13 роки тому
Makefile.am Added old abandoned KDE3 version of koffice 14 роки тому
NOTES Replace QObject, QWidget, QImage, QPair, QRgb, QColor, QChar, QString, QIODevice with TQ* version 7 місяці тому
README Branding cleanup: KDE menu -> TDE menu. 12 роки тому
configure.in.in Added old abandoned KDE3 version of koffice 14 роки тому
kivio-extract-i18n-desc.pl Added old abandoned KDE3 version of koffice 14 роки тому
kivio.spec rename the following methods: 13 роки тому
stencil-format.kwd Fix accidental conversions of binary files 12 роки тому


Kivio - Flowcharting for TDE

|                                   Authors                                    |
Dave Marotti (landshark_666@hotmail.com)
Max Judin (theKompany)
Dmitry Poplavsky (dima@kde.org)

|                                    About                                     |
Kivio is a flowcharting package for TDE which is incorporated into KOffice. It
is heavily based off of Queesio, which was originally developed by Dave Marotti.
All development on Queesio has been halted and all work is now being done on
Kivio in a cooperative fasion by Dave Marotti and theKompany.

|                                 Installation                                 |
There are three methods of installation: binary, standalone source, and koffice 

Method 1 - Binary:
Obtain one of the binary packages from theKompany's website and install it. More
information is available on the website (see bottom of this file).

Method 2 - Standalone Source:
Obtain the source tarball from theKompany's website and untar it.  Build it with
./configure ; make ; make install

Method 3 - KOffice Source:
Obtain the source tarball from a TDE mirror and untar it.  Follow the
instructions for compiling KOffice.  Kivio will be compiled and installed along
with KOffice.

Method 4 - KOffice CVS:
This is the bleeding edge version of Kivio and I make no guarantees about it's
compatibility, stability, or usability.
Go to the KOffice website for more information about obtaining a CVS copy of

You should now be ready to run kivio.  The executable name is 'kivio.' It might
even be added to one of your TDE menus if you installed it from KOffice.

|                                  Web Pages                                   |
Kivio:      http://www.thekompany.com/projects/kivio
theKompany: http://www.thekompany.com
KOffice:    http://www.koffice.org
KDE:        http://www.kde.org
TDE:        http://www.trinitydesktop.org/

|                              Other Information                               |
For any other information, including tutorials, documentation, FAQs, the
purchase of more stencils, etc... please go to 

-dave marotti