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Timothy Pearson 11191ef0b9
Rename old tq methods that no longer need a unique name
13 年前
colorrange Rename old tq methods that no longer need a unique name 13 年前
colorspaceconversion Rename old tq methods that no longer need a unique name 13 年前
dropshadow Rename old tq methods that no longer need a unique name 13 年前
filtersgallery Rename old tq methods that no longer need a unique name 13 年前
histogram Rename old tq methods that no longer need a unique name 13 年前
histogram_docker Additional kde to tde renaming 13 年前
history_docker rename the following methods: 13 年前
imagesize Rename old tq methods that no longer need a unique name 13 年前
modify_selection Rename old tq methods that no longer need a unique name 13 年前
performancetest Rename old tq methods that no longer need a unique name 13 年前
rotateimage Rename old tq methods that no longer need a unique name 13 年前
screenshot Rename old tq methods that no longer need a unique name 13 年前
scripting Revert "Rename a number of old tq methods that are no longer tq specific" 13 年前
selectopaque Additional kde to tde renaming 13 年前
separate_channels Rename old tq methods that no longer need a unique name 13 年前
shearimage Rename old tq methods that no longer need a unique name 13 年前
substrate Revert "Rename a number of old tq methods that are no longer tq specific" 13 年前
variations Rename old tq methods that no longer need a unique name 13 年前
Makefile.am Finish rebranding of Krita as Chalk 13 年前