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Timothy Pearson 11191ef0b9
Rename old tq methods that no longer need a unique name
13 年前
chalkcolor Rename old tq methods that no longer need a unique name 13 年前
colorspaces Revert "Rename a number of old tq methods that are no longer tq specific" 13 年前
core Rename old tq methods that no longer need a unique name 13 年前
data Finish rebranding of Krita as Chalk 13 年前
doc Rename old tq methods that no longer need a unique name 13 年前
dtd Finish rebranding of Krita as Chalk 13 年前
pics Finish rebranding of Krita as Chalk 13 年前
plugins Rename old tq methods that no longer need a unique name 13 年前
sdk Revert "Rename a number of old tq methods that are no longer tq specific" 13 年前
ui Rename old tq methods that no longer need a unique name 13 年前
AUTHORS Finish rebranding of Krita as Chalk 13 年前
ChangeLog Finish rebranding of Krita as Chalk 13 年前
HACKING Revert "Rename a number of old tq methods that are no longer tq specific" 13 年前
IMAGE_LIBRARIES Revert "Rename a number of old tq methods that are no longer tq specific" 13 年前
Makefile.am Additional kde to tde renaming 13 年前
README Finish rebranding of Krita as Chalk 13 年前
TODO Finish rebranding of Krita as Chalk 13 年前
UIcomments Finish rebranding of Krita as Chalk 13 年前
chalk.desktop Finish rebranding of Krita as Chalk 13 年前
chalk.rc Finish rebranding of Krita as Chalk 13 年前
chalk_part_init.cc Finish rebranding of Krita as Chalk 13 年前
chalk_readonly.rc Finish rebranding of Krita as Chalk 13 年前
chalkpart.desktop Finish rebranding of Krita as Chalk 13 年前
configure.in.bot Finish rebranding of Krita as Chalk 13 年前
configure.in.in Finish rebranding of Krita as Chalk 13 年前
design.h Finish rebranding of Krita as Chalk 13 年前
extracti18n.pl Finish rebranding of Krita as Chalk 13 年前
main.cc Finish rebranding of Krita as Chalk 13 年前
todo-1.6 Finish rebranding of Krita as Chalk 13 年前



Chalk is a paint application for bitmap images. It's also, according to
the Dictionary of Phrase and Fable:

The first of four Hindu periods contained in the great Yuga, when the
genius of Truth and Right, in the form of bull, stood firm on his four
feet, and man gained nothing by iniquity.

In the Mahabharata, the name 'chalk' is used in a context where this
can be translated with 'perfect' - the perfect age.

Chalk is Swedish for chalk (or pencil?) and rita means "to write".