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/* Sidewinder - Portable library for spreadsheet
Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Ariya Hidayat <>
Copyright (C) 2006 Marijn Kruisselbrink <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "ustring.h"
#include <cstdio> // for sscanf
namespace Swinder
* @short Provides color based on RGB values.
* Class Color provides color based on terms of RGB (red, green and blue)
* components.
class Color
unsigned red, green, blue;
* Constructs a default color with the RGB value (0, 0, 0), i.e black.
Color(){ red = green = blue = 0; };
* Creates a copy of another color.
Color( const Color& c )
{ red =; green =; blue =; }
* Creates a color based on given red, green and blue values.
Color( unsigned r, unsigned g, unsigned b )
{ red = r; green = g; blue = b; }
* Creates a color based on given red, green and blue values, encoded as #RRGGBB in a string.
Color( const char* c )
{ std::sscanf(c, "#%2x%2x%2x", &red, &green, &blue); }
friend inline bool operator==(const Color&, const Color&);
friend inline bool operator!=(const Color&, const Color&);
Returns true if c1 is equal to c2; otherwise returns false.
inline bool operator==(const Color& c1, const Color& c2)
{ return == && == && ==; }
Returns true if c1 is not equal to c2; otherwise returns false.
inline bool operator!=(const Color& c1, const Color& c2)
{ return != || != || !=; }
class Pen
unsigned style;
unsigned width;
Color color;
enum {
NoLine, // no line at all
SolidLine, // a simple solid line
DashLine, // dashes separated by a few pixels
DotLine, // dots separated by a few pixels
DashDotLine, // alternate dots and dashes
DashDotDotLine // one dash, two dots, one dash, two dots
Pen(): style( SolidLine ), width( 0 ){}
friend inline bool operator==(const Pen&, const Pen&);
friend inline bool operator!=(const Pen&, const Pen&);
Returns true if p1 is equal to p2; otherwise returns false.
inline bool operator==(const Pen& p1, const Pen& p2)
{ return == && p1.width == p1.width && p1.color == p2.color; }
Returns true if p1 is not equal to p2; otherwise returns false.
inline bool operator!=(const Pen& p1, const Pen& p2)
{ return != || p1.width != p1.width || p1.color != p2.color; }
* Defines font information for cell format.
* Class FormatFont defines the font family, size and other attributes
* for use in cell format.
class FormatFont
* Creates a default font information.
* Destroys the font information
* Creates a copy of font information.
FormatFont( const FormatFont& );
* Assigns from another font information.
FormatFont& operator=( const FormatFont& );
* Assigns from another font information.
FormatFont& assign( const FormatFont& );
* Returns true if it is a default font information.
bool isNull() const;
* Returns the name of font family, e.g "Helvetica".
const UString& fontFamily() const;
* Sets a new family for the font information.
void setFontFamily( const UString& fontFamily );
* Returns the size of font (in points).
double fontSize() const;
* Sets the size of font (in points).
void setFontSize( double fs );
* Returns the color of the font.
Color color() const;
* Sets the color of the font.
void setColor( const Color& color );
* Returns true if bold has been set.
bool bold() const;
* If b is true, bold is set on; otherwise bold is set off.
void setBold( bool b );
* Returns true if italic has been set.
bool italic() const;
* If i is true, italic is set on; otherwise italic is set off.
void setItalic( bool i );
* Returns true if underline has been set.
bool underline() const;
* If u is true, underline is set on; otherwise underline is set off.
void setUnderline( bool u );
* Returns true if strikeout has been set.
bool strikeout() const;
* If s is true, strikeout is set on; otherwise strikeout is set off.
void setStrikeout( bool s );
* Returns true if subscript has been set.
bool subscript() const;
* If s is true, subscript is set on; otherwise subscript is set off.
void setSubscript( bool s );
* Returns true if superscript has been set.
bool superscript() const;
* If s is true, superscript is set on; otherwise superscript is set off.
void setSuperscript( bool s );
* Returns true if this font is equal to f; otherwise returns false.
bool operator==(const FormatFont& f) const;
* Returns true if this font is not equal to f; otherwise returns false.
bool operator!=(const FormatFont& f) const;
class Private;
Private *d;
* Defines alignment information for cell format.
* Class FormatAlignment defines the horizontal and vertical alignment
* for the text inside a cell.
class FormatAlignment
* Creates a default alignment information.
* Destroys the alignment information
* Creates a copy of alignment information.
FormatAlignment( const FormatAlignment& );
* Assigns from another alignment information.
FormatAlignment& operator=( const FormatAlignment& );
* Assigns from another alignment information.
FormatAlignment& assign( const FormatAlignment& );
* Returns true if it is a default alignment information.
bool isNull() const;
* Returns horizontal alignment. Possible values are
* Format::Left, Format::Right and Format::Center.
* \sa setAlignX
unsigned alignX() const;
* Sets the horizontal alignment.
* \sa alignX
void setAlignX( unsigned xa );
* Returns horizontal alignment. Possible values are
* Format::Top, Format::Middle and Format::Bottom.
* \sa setAlignY
unsigned alignY() const;
* Sets the horizontal alignment.
* \sa alignY
void setAlignY( unsigned xa );
* Returns true if the text should be wrapped at right border.
* \sa setWrap
bool wrap() const;
* Sets whether the text should be wrapped at right border.
* \sa setWrap
void setWrap( bool w );
* Returns the indentation level.
* \sa setIndentLevel
unsigned indentLevel() const;
* Sets the indentation level.
* \sa indentLevel
void setIndentLevel( unsigned i );
* Returns the text rotation angle.
* \sa setRotationAngle
unsigned rotationAngle() const;
* Sets the text rotation angle.
* \sa rotationAngle
void setRotationAngle( unsigned r );
* Returns true if this alignment is equal to f; otherwise returns false.
bool operator==(const FormatAlignment& f) const;
* Returns true if this alignment is not equal to f; otherwise returns false.
bool operator!=(const FormatAlignment& f) const;
class Private;
Private *d;
* Defines background information for cell.
class FormatBackground
* Creates a default background information.
* Destroys the background information.
* Creates a copy of background information.
FormatBackground( const FormatBackground& );
* Assigns from another background information.
FormatBackground& operator=( const FormatBackground& );
* Assigns from another background information.
FormatBackground& assign( const FormatBackground& );
* Returns true if it is a default background information.
bool isNull() const;
enum {
HorPattern, // Horizonatal lines
VerPattern, // Vertical lines
CrossPattern, // Horizontal and vertical lines
BDiagPattern, // Left-bottom to right-top diagonal lines
FDiagPattern, // Left-top to right-bottom diagonal lines
DiagCrossPattern, // Crossing diagonal lines
* Returns pattern for this background.
* \sa setPattern
unsigned pattern() const;
* Set the pattern for this background.
* \sa pattern
void setPattern( unsigned );
* Returns the background color of the background area.
* \sa setBackgroundColor
Color backgroundColor() const;
* Set the background color.
* \sa backgroundColor
void setBackgroundColor( const Color& );
* Returns the foreground color of the background area.
* \sa setForegroundColor
Color foregroundColor() const;
* Sets the foreground color.
* \sa foregroundColor
void setForegroundColor( const Color& );
* Returns true if this background is equal to f; otherwise returns false.
bool operator==(const FormatBackground& f) const;
* Returns true if this background is not equal to f; otherwise returns false.
bool operator!=(const FormatBackground& f) const;
class Private;
Private *d;
* Defines borders information for cell.
class FormatBorders
* Creates a default border information.
* Destroys the border information
* Creates a copy of border information.
FormatBorders( const FormatBorders& );
* Assigns from another border information.
FormatBorders& operator=( const FormatBorders& );
* Assigns from another border information.
FormatBorders& assign( const FormatBorders& );
* Returns true if it is a default border information.
bool isNull() const;
* Returns pen style, width and color for left border.
* \sa setLeftBorder
const Pen& leftBorder() const;
* Sets pen style, width and color for left border.
* \sa leftBorder
void setLeftBorder( const Pen& pen );
* Returns pen style, width and color for right border.
* \sa setRightBorder
const Pen& rightBorder() const;
* Sets pen style, width and color for right border.
* \sa rightBorder
void setRightBorder( const Pen& pen );
* Returns pen style, width and color for top border.
* \sa setTopBorder
const Pen& topBorder() const;
* Sets pen style, width and color for top border.
* \sa topBorder
void setTopBorder( const Pen& pen );
* Returns pen style, width and color for bottom border.
* \sa setBottomBorder
const Pen& bottomBorder() const;
* Sets pen style, width and color for bottom border.
* \sa bottomBorder
void setBottomBorder( const Pen& pen );
* Returns true if this background is equal to f; otherwise returns false.
bool operator==(const FormatBorders& f) const;
* Returns true if this background is not equal to f; otherwise returns false.
bool operator!=(const FormatBorders& f) const;
class Private;
Private *d;
* Defines format of cell.
* Class Format defines possible formatting for use in cells or ranges.
* Basically, Format might consist of one or more "pieces". Each piece
* specifies only one type of formatting, e.g whether the text should
* be shown in bold or not, which borders should the cells/ranges have,
* and so on.
* A complex formatting can be decomposed into different pieces. For example,
* formatting like "Font is Arial 10 pt, background color is blue,
" formula is hidden" could be a combination of three simple formatting pieces
* as: (1) font is "Arial 10pt", (2) background pattern is 100%, blue
* and (3) cell is protected, formula is hidden. This also means
* that one format might be applied to another format. An example of this is
* "Font is Helvetica" format and "Left border, 1pt, blue" format will yields
* something like "Font is Helvetica, with left border of blue 1pt".
* Use Format::apply to do such format merging.
class Format
* Creates a default format.
* Destroys the format.
* Creates a copy from another format.
Format( const Format& f );
* Assigns from another format.
Format& operator= ( const Format& f );
* Assigns from another value.
Format& assign( const Format& f );
* Returns true if it is a default format information.
bool isNull() const;
* Returns a constant reference to the formatting information of this format.
FormatFont& font() const;
* Sets new font information for this format.
void setFont( const FormatFont& font );
* Returns a constant reference to the alignment information of this format.
FormatAlignment& alignment() const;
* Sets new alignment information for this format.
void setAlignment( const FormatAlignment& alignment );
* Returns a reference to the borders information of this format.
FormatBorders& borders() const;
* Sets new borders information for this format.
void setBorders( const FormatBorders& border );
* Returns a reference to the background information of this format.
FormatBackground& background() const;
* Sets new background information for this format.
void setBackground( const FormatBackground& );
* Returns the formatting string to display the value of this format.
const UString& valueFormat() const;
* Sets the new formatting string to display the value of this format.
void setValueFormat( const UString& valueFormat );
enum { Left, Center, Right };
enum { Top, Middle, Bottom };
* Applies another format to this format. Basically this will merge
* the formatting information of f into the current format.
* For example, if current format is "Bold, Italic" and f is
* "Left border", the current format would become "Bold, Italic, left border".
* If parts of the formatting information in f are already specified in the
* current format, then it will override the current format.
* For example, if current format is "Bold, right-aligned" and f is "Italic",
* the result is "Italic, right-aligned".
Format& apply( const Format& f );
* Returns true if this format is equal to f; otherwise returns false.
bool operator==(const Format& f) const;
* Returns true if this format is not equal to f; otherwise returns false.
bool operator!=(const Format& f) const;
class Private;
Private* d; // can't never be 0