You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

712 lines
22 KiB

* This file is part of Chalk
* Copyright (c) 2005 Boudewijn Rempt <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* Ported from the CImg Gimp plugin by Victor Stinner and uses CImg by David Tschumperlé.
* See:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <vector>
#include <tqpoint.h>
#include <tqspinbox.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kinstance.h>
#include <tdemessagebox.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <tdetempfile.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kgenericfactory.h>
#include <knuminput.h>
#include <kis_colorspace_factory_registry.h>
#include <kis_doc.h>
#include <kis_filter_registry.h>
#include <kis_image.h>
#include <kis_iterators_pixel.h>
#include <kis_layer.h>
#include <kis_meta_registry.h>
#include <kis_painter.h>
#include <kis_global.h>
#include <kis_types.h>
#include "kis_cimgconfig_widget.h"
#include "kis_cimg_filter.h"
#include "CImg.h"
using namespace cimg_library;
typedef unsigned char uchar;
: KisFilterConfiguration("cimg", 1)
nb_iter = 1;
dt = 20.0;
sigma = 1.4;
dlength = 0.8;
dtheta = 45.0;
onormalize = false;
power1 = 0.1;
power2 = 0.9;
gauss_prec = 3.0;
linear = true;
void KisCImgFilterConfiguration::fromXML(const TQString & s)
KisFilterConfiguration::fromXML( s );
nb_iter = getInt("nb_iter", 1);
dt = getDouble("dt", 20.0);
sigma = getDouble("sigma", 1.4);
dlength = getDouble("dlength", 0.8);
dtheta = getDouble("dtheta", 45.0);
onormalize = getBool("onormalize", false);
power1 = getDouble("power1", 0.1);
power2 = getDouble("power2", 0.9);
gauss_prec = getDouble("gauss_pref", 3.0);
linear = getBool("linear", true);
TQString KisCImgFilterConfiguration::toString()
setProperty("nb_iter", nb_iter);
setProperty("dt", dt);
setProperty("sigma", sigma);
setProperty("dlength", dlength);
setProperty("dtheta", dtheta);
setProperty("onormalize", onormalize);
setProperty("power1", power1);
setProperty("power2", power2);
setProperty("gauss_prec", gauss_prec);
setProperty("linear", linear);
return KisFilterConfiguration::toString();
: KisFilter(id(), "enhance", i18n("&CImg Image Restoration...")),
eigen(CImg<>(2,1), CImg<>(2,2))
restore = true;
inpaint = false;
resize = false;
visuflow = NULL;
/* restore */
nb_iter = 1;
dt = 20.0f;
sigma = 0.8f;
dlength = 0.8;
dtheta = 45.0;
onormalize = false;
power1 = 0.5;
power2 = 0.9;
/* inpainting *
nb_iter = 100;
dt = 50.0f;
sigma = 2.0;
power1 = 0.1;
power2 = 100;
dlength = 0.8;
dtheta = 45.0;
/* resize *
nb_iter = 1;
dt = 30.0f;
sigma = 2.0;
dlength = 0.8;
dtheta = 45.0;
power1 = 0.01;
power2 = 100.0;
/* visualflow *
nb_iter = 1;
dt = 30.0f;
dlength = 0.5;
dtheta = 20.0;
onormalize = false;
gauss_prec = 3.0f;
linear = true;
void KisCImgFilter::process(KisPaintDeviceSP src, KisPaintDeviceSP dst, KisFilterConfiguration* configuration, const TQRect& rect)
TQ_INT32 width = rect.width();
TQ_INT32 height = rect.height();
// Copy the src data into a CImg type image with three channels and no alpha.
// XXX: This means that a CImg is always rgba; find the quickest way to get 8-bit rgb from any colorspace & find a way
// to warn in the gui of loss of precision. XXX: Add this to the ColorSpaceAPI doc.
img = CImg<>(width, height, 1, 3);
KisColorSpace * cs = src->colorSpace();
KisColorSpace* rgb16CS = KisMetaRegistry::instance()->csRegistry()->getColorSpace(KisID("RGBA16"),"");
KisPaintDeviceSP srcRGB16;
srcRGB16 = new KisPaintDevice(*;
KisRectIteratorPixel it = srcRGB16->createRectIterator(rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height(), false);
while (!it.isDone()) {
TQ_UINT16* data = reinterpret_cast<TQ_UINT16*>(it.rawData());
TQ_INT32 x = it.x() - rect.x();
TQ_INT32 y = it.y() - rect.y();
img(x, y, 0) = data[0];
img(x, y, 1) = data[1];
img(x, y, 2) = data[2];
} else {
kdDebug() << "The RGB16 colorspace is not available, will work in 8bit." << endl;
KisRectIteratorPixel it = src->createRectIterator(rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height(), false);
while (!it.isDone()) {
TQColor color;
cs->toTQColor(it.rawData(), &color);
TQ_INT32 x = it.x() - rect.x();
TQ_INT32 y = it.y() - rect.y();
img(x, y, 0) =;
img(x, y, 1) =;
img(x, y, 2) =;
// Copy the config data into local variables for easy cut & pasting from the original plugin
KisCImgFilterConfiguration * cfg = (KisCImgFilterConfiguration*)configuration;
nb_iter = cfg->nb_iter;
dt = cfg->dt;
dlength = cfg->dlength;
dtheta = cfg->dtheta;
sigma = cfg->sigma;
power1 = cfg->power1;
power2 = cfg->power2;
gauss_prec = cfg->gauss_prec;
onormalize = cfg->onormalize;
linear = cfg->linear;
if (process() && !cancelRequested()) {
KisRectIteratorPixel it = srcRGB16->createRectIterator(rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height(), true);
while (!it.isDone()) {
TQ_INT32 x = it.x() - rect.x();
TQ_INT32 y = it.y() - rect.y();
TQ_UINT16* data = reinterpret_cast<TQ_UINT16*>(it.rawData());
data[0] = img(x, y, 0) ;
data[1] = img(x, y, 1) ;
data[2] = img(x, y, 2) ;
KisPainter p(dst);
p.bitBlt(rect.x(), rect.y(), COMPOSITE_OVER, srcRGB16, rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height() );
} else {
KisRectIteratorPixel it = dst->createRectIterator(rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height(), true);
while (!it.isDone()) {
if (it.isSelected()) {
TQ_INT32 x = it.x() - rect.x();
TQ_INT32 y = it.y() - rect.y();
TQColor color((int)img(x, y, 0), (int)img(x, y, 1), (int)img(x, y, 2));
cs->fromTQColor(color, it.rawData());
} else {
// Everything went wrong; notify user and restore old state
// Cut & Pasted code starts here....
void get_geom(const char *geom, int &geom_w, int &geom_h)
char tmp[16];
if (tmp[0]=='%') geom_w=-geom_w;
if (tmp[1]=='%') geom_h=-geom_h;
void KisCImgFilter::cleanup()
img0 = flow = G = dest = sum= W = CImg<>();
mask = CImg<uchar> ();
bool KisCImgFilter::prepare()
if (!restore && !inpaint && !resize && !visuflow)
// XXX: Do KDE messagebox
// g_message ("You must specify one of the restore, inpaint, resize or flow mode !");
return false;
// Init algorithm parameters
if (restore) if (!prepare_restore()) return false;
if (inpaint) if (!prepare_inpaint()) return false;
if (resize) if (!prepare_resize()) return false;
if (visuflow) if (!prepare_visuflow()) return false;
if (!check_args()) return false;
// Init images
dest = CImg<>(img.width,img.height,1,img.dim);
sum = CImg<>(img.width,img.height,1);
W = CImg<>(img.width,img.height,1,2);
return true;
bool KisCImgFilter::check_args()
if (power2 < power1)
// XXX: Do KDE messagebox
// g_message ("Error : p2<p1 !");
return false;
return true;
bool KisCImgFilter::prepare_restore()
CImgStats stats(img, false);
img.normalize((float)stats.min, (float)stats.max);
img0 = img;
G = CImg<>(img.width,img.height,1,3);
return true;
bool KisCImgFilter::prepare_inpaint()
const char *file_m = NULL; //cimg_option("-m",(const char*)NULL,"Input inpainting mask");
if (!file_m)
// XXX: Do KDE messagebox
// g_message ("You need to specify an inpainting mask (option '-m') !");
return false;
const unsigned int dilate = 0; //cimg_option("-dilate",0,"Inpainting mask dilatation");
const unsigned int ip_init = 3; //cimg_option("-init",3,"Inpainting init (0=black, 1=white, 2=noise, 3=unchanged, 4=interpol)");
if (cimg::strncasecmp("block",file_m,5))
mask = CImg<uchar>(file_m);
else {
int l=16; std::sscanf(file_m,"block%d",&l);
mask = CImg<uchar>(img.width/l,img.height/l);
cimg_mapXY(mask,x,y) mask(x,y)=(x+y)%2;
if (dilate) mask.dilate(dilate);
switch (ip_init) {
case 0 : { cimg_mapXYV(img,x,y,k) if (mask(x,y)) img(x,y,k) = 0; } break;
case 1 : { cimg_mapXYV(img,x,y,k) if (mask(x,y)) img(x,y,k) = 255; } break;
case 2 : { cimg_mapXYV(img,x,y,k) if (mask(x,y)) img(x,y,k) = (float)(255*cimg::rand()); } break;
case 3 : break;
case 4 : {
CImg<uchar> tmask(mask),ntmask(tmask);
while (CImgStats(ntmask,false).max>0) {
cimg_map3x3(tmask,x,y,0,0,M) if (Mcc && (!Mpc || !Mnc || !Mcp || !Mcn)) {
const float ccp = Mcp?0.0f:1.0f, cpc = Mpc?0.0f:1.0f,
cnc = Mnc?0.0f:1.0f, ccn = Mcn?0.0f:1.0f, csum = ccp + cpc + cnc + ccn;
cimg_mapV(img,k) {
img(x,y,k) = (ccp*Icp + cpc*Ipc + cnc*Inc + ccn*Icn)/csum;
ntmask(x,y) = 0;
tmask = ntmask;
} break;
default: break;
G = CImg<>(img.width,img.height,1,3,0);
cimg_map3x3(mask,x,y,0,0,g) if (!gcc && !(gnc-gcc) && !(gcc-gpc) && !(gcn-gcc) && !(gcc-gcp)) cimg_mapV(img,k) {
const float ix = 0.5f*(Inc-Ipc), iy = 0.5f*(Icn-Icp);
G(x,y,0)+= ix*ix; G(x,y,1)+= ix*iy; G(x,y,2)+= iy*iy;
{ cimg_mapXY(G,x,y)
const float
l1 = eigen(0)[0],
l2 = eigen(0)[1],
u = eigen(1)[0],
v = eigen(1)[1],
ng = (float)std::sqrt(l1+l2),
n1 = (float)(1.0/std::pow(1+ng,power1)),
n2 = (float)(1.0/std::pow(1+ng,power2)),
sr1 = (float)std::sqrt(n1),
sr2 = (float)std::sqrt(n2);
G(x,y,0) = sr1*u*u + sr2*v*v;
G(x,y,1) = u*v*(sr1-sr2);
G(x,y,2) = sr1*v*v + sr2*u*u;
return true;
bool KisCImgFilter::prepare_resize()
const char *geom = NULL; //cimg_option("-g",(const char*)NULL,"Output image geometry");
const bool anchor = true; //cimg_option("-anchor",true,"Anchor original pixels");
if (!geom) throw CImgArgumentException("You need to specify an output geomety (option -g)");
int w,h; get_geom(geom,w,h);
mask = CImg<uchar>(img.width,img.height,1,1,255);
if (!anchor) mask.resize(w,h,1,1,1); else mask = ~mask.resize(w,h,1,1,4);
img0 = img.get_resize(w,h,1,-100,1);
G = CImg<>(img.width,img.height,1,3);
return true;
bool KisCImgFilter::prepare_visuflow()
const char *geom = "100%x100%"; //cimg_option("-g","100%x100%","Output geometry");
//const char *file_i = (const char *)NULL; //cimg_option("-i",(const char*)NULL,"Input init image");
const bool normalize = false; //cimg_option("-norm",false,"Normalize input flow");
int w,h; get_geom(geom,w,h);
if (!cimg::strcasecmp(visuflow,"circle")) { // Create a circular vector flow
flow = CImg<>(400,400,1,2);
cimg_mapXY(flow,x,y) {
const float ang = (float)(std::atan2(y-0.5*flow.dimy(),x-0.5*flow.dimx()));
flow(x,y,0) = -(float)std::sin(ang);
flow(x,y,1) = (float)std::cos(ang);
if (!cimg::strcasecmp(visuflow,"radial")) { // Create a radial vector flow
flow = CImg<>(400,400,1,2);
cimg_mapXY(flow,x,y) {
const float ang = (float)(std::atan2(y-0.5*flow.dimy(),x-0.5*flow.dimx()));
flow(x,y,0) = (float)std::cos(ang);
flow(x,y,1) = (float)std::sin(ang);
if (! flow = CImg<>(visuflow);
if (normalize) flow.orientation_pointwise();
/* if (file_i) img = CImg<>(file_i);
else img = CImg<>(flow.width,flow.height,1,1,0).noise(100,2); */
float color[3]={255,255,255};
G = CImg<>(img.width,img.height,1,3);
return true;
void KisCImgFilter::compute_smoothed_tensor()
if (visuflow || inpaint) return;
cimg_mapV(img,k) cimg_map3x3(img,x,y,0,k,I) {
const float ix = 0.5f*(Inc-Ipc), iy = 0.5f*(Icn-Icp);
G(x,y,0)+= ix*ix; G(x,y,1)+= ix*iy; G(x,y,2)+= iy*iy;
void KisCImgFilter::compute_normalized_tensor()
if (restore || resize) cimg_mapXY(G,x,y) {
const float
l1 = eigen(0)[0],
l2 = eigen(0)[1],
u = eigen(1)[0],
v = eigen(1)[1],
n1 = (float)(1.0/std::pow(1.0f+l1+l2,0.5f*power1)),
n2 = (float)(1.0/std::pow(1.0f+l1+l2,0.5f*power2));
G(x,y,0) = n1*u*u + n2*v*v;
G(x,y,1) = u*v*(n1-n2);
G(x,y,2) = n1*v*v + n2*u*u;
if (visuflow) cimg_mapXY(G,x,y) {
const float
u = flow(x,y,0),
v = flow(x,y,1),
n = (float)std::pow(u*u+v*v,0.25f),
nn = n < 1e-5 ? 1 : n;
G(x,y,0) = u*u/nn;
G(x,y,1) = u*v/nn;
G(x,y,2) = v*v/nn;
const CImgStats stats(G,false);
G /= cimg::max(std::fabs(stats.max), std::fabs(stats.min));
void KisCImgFilter::compute_W(float cost, float sint)
cimg_mapXY(W,x,y) {
const float
a = G(x,y,0),
b = G(x,y,1),
c = G(x,y,2),
u = a*cost + b*sint,
v = b*cost + c*sint;
W(x,y,0) = u;
W(x,y,1) = v;
void KisCImgFilter::compute_LIC_back_forward(int x, int y)
float l, X,Y, cu, cv, lsum=0;
const float
fsigma2 = 2*dt*(W(x,y,0)*W(x,y,0) + W(x,y,1)*W(x,y,1)),
length = gauss_prec*(float)std::sqrt(fsigma2);
if (linear) {
// Integrate with linear interpolation
cu = W(x,y,0); cv = W(x,y,1); X=(float)x; Y=(float)y;
for (l=0; l<length && X>=0 && Y>=0 && X<=W.dimx()-1 && Y<=W.dimy()-1; l+=dlength) {
float u = (float)(W.linear_pix2d(X,Y,0)), v = (float)(W.linear_pix2d(X,Y,1));
const float coef = (float)std::exp(-l*l/fsigma2);
if ((cu*u+cv*v)<0) { u=-u; v=-v; }
cimg_mapV(dest,k) dest(x,y,k)+=(float)(coef*img.linear_pix2d(X,Y,k));
X+=dlength*u; Y+=dlength*v; cu=u; cv=v; lsum+=coef;
cu = W(x,y,0); cv = W(x,y,1); X=x-dlength*cu; Y=y-dlength*cv;
for (l=dlength; l<length && X>=0 && Y>=0 && X<=W.dimx()-1 && Y<=W.dimy()-1; l+=dlength) {
float u = (float)(W.linear_pix2d(X,Y,0)), v = (float)(W.linear_pix2d(X,Y,1));
const float coef = (float)std::exp(-l*l/fsigma2);
if ((cu*u+cv*v)<0) { u=-u; v=-v; }
cimg_mapV(dest,k) dest(x,y,k)+=(float)(coef*img.linear_pix2d(X,Y,k));
X-=dlength*u; Y-=dlength*v; cu=u; cv=v; lsum+=coef;
} else {
// Integrate with non linear interpolation
cu = W(x,y,0); cv = W(x,y,1); X=(float)x; Y=(float)y;
for (l=0; l<length && X>=0 && Y>=0 && X<=W.dimx()-1 && Y<=W.dimy()-1; l+=dlength) {
float u = W((int)X,(int)Y,0), v = W((int)X,(int)Y,1);
const float coef = (float)std::exp(-l*l/fsigma2);
if ((cu*u+cv*v)<0) { u=-u; v=-v; }
cimg_mapV(dest,k) dest(x,y,k)+=(float)(coef*img.linear_pix2d(X,Y,k));
X+=dlength*u; Y+=dlength*v; cu=u; cv=v; lsum+=coef;
cu = W(x,y,0); cv = W(x,y,1); X=x-dlength*cu; Y=y-dlength*cv;
for (l=dlength; l<length && X>=0 && Y>=0 && X<=W.dimx()-1 && Y<=W.dimy()-1; l+=dlength) {
float u = W((int)X,(int)Y,0), v = W((int)X,(int)Y,1);
const float coef = (float)std::exp(-l*l/fsigma2);
if ((cu*u+cv*v)<0) { u=-u; v=-v; }
cimg_mapV(dest,k) dest(x,y,k)+=(float)(coef*img.linear_pix2d(X,Y,k));
X-=dlength*u; Y-=dlength*v; cu=u; cv=v; lsum+=coef;
void KisCImgFilter::compute_LIC(int &progressSteps)
for (float theta=(180%(int)dtheta)/2.0f; theta<180; theta+=dtheta)
const float
rad = (float)(theta*cimg::PI/180.0),
cost = (float)std::cos(rad),
sint = (float)std::sin(rad);
// Compute vector field w = sqrt(T)*a_alpha
compute_W(cost, sint);
// Compute the LIC along w in backward and forward directions
if (cancelRequested()) {
if (! || mask(x,y)) compute_LIC_back_forward(x,y);
void KisCImgFilter::compute_average_LIC()
if (sum(x,y)>0)
cimg_mapV(dest,k) dest(x,y,k) /= sum(x,y);
cimg_mapV(dest,k) dest(x,y,k) = img(x,y,k);
bool KisCImgFilter::process()
if (!prepare()) return false;
setProgressTotalSteps(dest.width * dest.height * nb_iter * (int)ceil(180 / dtheta));
setProgressStage(i18n("Applying image restoration filter..."), 0);
// Begin regularization PDE iterations
int progressSteps = 0;
for (unsigned int iter=0; iter<nb_iter; iter++)
// Compute smoothed structure tensor field G
// Compute normalized tensor field sqrt(T) in G
// Compute LIC's along different angle projections a_\alpha
if (cancelRequested()) {
// Average all the LIC's
// Next step
img = dest;
// Save result and end program
if (visuflow) dest.mul(flow.get_norm_pointwise()).normalize(0,255);
if (onormalize) dest.normalize(0,255);
return true;
KisFilterConfigWidget * KisCImgFilter::createConfigurationWidget(TQWidget* parent, KisPaintDeviceSP /*dev*/)
return new KisCImgconfigWidget(this, parent);
KisFilterConfiguration* KisCImgFilter::configuration(TQWidget* nwidget)
KisCImgconfigWidget * widget = (KisCImgconfigWidget *) nwidget;
if( widget == 0 )
KisCImgFilterConfiguration * cfg = new KisCImgFilterConfiguration();
return cfg;
} else {
return widget->config();
ColorSpaceIndependence KisCImgFilter::colorSpaceIndependence()
KisColorSpace* rgb16CS = KisMetaRegistry::instance()->csRegistry()->getColorSpace(KisID("RGBA16"),"");
return TO_RGBA16;
} else {
return TO_RGBA8;