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Darrell Anderson 8ab8e5edc0
Fix incorrect characters.
před 11 roky
.. Added old abandoned KDE3 version of koffice před 14 roky
README Added old abandoned KDE3 version of koffice před 14 roky
gnumeric.xsd Remove additional unneeded tq method conversions před 13 roky Rename additional header files to avoid conflicts with KDE4 před 11 roky
gnumericexport.h Remove spurious TQ_OBJECT instances před 12 roky Fix incorrect characters. před 11 roky
gnumericimport.h Remove spurious TQ_OBJECT instances před 12 roky
kspread_gnumeric_export.desktop Update XDG information in support of bug report 892. před 12 roky
kspread_gnumeric_import.desktop Update XDG information in support of bug report 892. před 12 roky
status.html Rename obsolete tq methods to standard names před 13 roky


This is a GNUmeric import and export filter for kspread.

This is heavily based on the kspread CSV import and export filters.

It has been tested with Gnumeric v0.61 and kspread v1.0.

The file format is mainly based on reading output of gnumeric. It
requires the zlib library to read the compressed gnumeric output.

It does not change behavior based on the version of the gnumeric file.
This will have to be done in the future to maintain maximum compatibilit

I will have to go back with a fine tooth comb and implement 

Wouldn't it be nice to have a generic library used by all opensource
spreadsheets to import and export files.. Someday. 

Phillip Ezolt ( (GNUmeric import and export)

No idea if it is usefull; but it is a sin to let a good URL get lost...
    More info on gnumeric:

cvs page for file format: (url gave by Jody Goldberg <>)

Last test with gnumeric -1.4.2 and pango 1.8.1