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<H3>8.3. Keyboard shortcuts (key bindings) configuration</H4>
This option allows to change the shortcuts in Kexi application. To do this, use the <em>Configure Shortcuts</em> command from the <em>Settings</em> menu.
<br><img src="img/08_04_00_configure_shortcuts.png">
<br>Shortcuts configuration dialog box<br><br>
To confirm the introduced changes click <em>OK</em> button. Changes are permanent which means that they will also be available next time you run Kexi application.
Available actions:
<li><p>To quickly change a command type its name in the <em>Search</em> radio button.</p></li>
<li><p>Click the <em>Defaults</em> button at the bottom of the dialog box to restore standard shortcut settings for Kexi application.</p></li>
<li><p>Select the requested command from the list and select the <em>None</em> radio button to remove a shortcut for this command.</p></li>
<li><p>Select the requested command from the list and select the <em>Default</em> radio button to restore the standard shortcut for this command. Shortcut description will appear at the bottom of the dialog box.</p></li>
<li><p>Select the requested command from the list and tick the <em>Custom</em> radio button to change the shortcut for this command. <em>Shortcut configuration</em> dialog box will pop up:
<br><img src="img/08_04_00_configure_shortcut.png">
<br><em>Shortcut configuration</em> dialog box<br><br>
You can provide one or two shortcuts.
Available actions:
<li>Click the <em>Advanced</em> button to show the advanced settings if you want to provide more than one shortcut.</li>
<li>Click <img src="icons/locationbar_erase.png" class="icon"> button to remove the selected shortcut.</em>
<li>Select the <em>Primary shortcut</em> radio button (or <em>Alternate shortcut</em>) and then press the key combination you want to set, e.g. Ctrl+Alt+R.</li>
<li>Click the <em>OK</em> button or press <em>Enter</em> to confirm shortcut settings. Click <em>Cancel</em> to abandon the change.</em></li>