Você não pode selecionar mais de 25 tópicos Os tópicos devem começar com uma letra ou um número, podem incluir traços ('-') e podem ter até 35 caracteres.

6168 linhas
173 KiB

/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright 2006 Robert Knight <robertknight@gmail.com>
Copyright 2006 Inge Wallin <inge@lysator.liu.se>
Copyright 2006 Stefan Nikolaus <stefan.nikolaus@kdemail.net>
Copyright 1999-2002,2004 Laurent Montel <montel@kde.org>
Copyright 2002-2005 Ariya Hidayat <ariya@kde.org>
Copyright 1999-2004 David Faure <faure@kde.org>
Copyright 2004-2005 Meni Livne <livne@kde.org>
Copyright 2001-2003 Philipp Mueller <philipp.mueller@gmx.de>
Copyright 2002-2003 Norbert Andres <nandres@web.de>
Copyright 2003 Hamish Rodda <rodda@kde.org>
Copyright 2003 Joseph Wenninger <jowenn@kde.org>
Copyright 2003 Lukas Tinkl <lukas@kde.org>
Copyright 2000-2002 Werner Trobin <trobin@kde.org>
Copyright 2002 Harri Porten <porten@kde.org>
Copyright 2002 John Dailey <dailey@vt.edu>
Copyright 2002 Daniel Naber <daniel.naber@t-online.de>
Copyright 1999-2000 Torben Weis <weis@kde.org>
Copyright 1999-2000 Stephan Kulow <coolo@kde.org>
Copyright 2000 Bernd Wuebben <wuebben@kde.org>
Copyright 2000 Wilco Greven <greven@kde.org>
Copyright 2000 Simon Hausmann <hausmann@kde.org
Copyright 1999 Michael Reiher <michael.reiher.gmx.de>
Copyright 1999 Boris Wedl <boris.wedl@kfunigraz.ac.at>
Copyright 1999 Reginald Stadlbauer <reggie@kde.org>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <assert.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <tqapplication.h>
#include <tqbuffer.h>
#include <tqclipboard.h>
#include <tqdrawutil.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <tqpoint.h>
#include <tqscrollbar.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <tqtooltip.h>
#include <tqwidgetlist.h>
#include <kcursor.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kmultipledrag.h>
#include <krun.h>
#include <kmimetype.h>
#include <ksharedptr.h>
#include <kwordwrap.h>
#include <KoOasisStore.h>
#include <KoSpeaker.h>
#include <KoStore.h>
#include <KoStoreDrag.h>
#include <KoXmlWriter.h>
#include <KoDocumentChild.h>
#include <KoRect.h>
#include "commands.h"
#include "kspread_doc.h"
#include "kspread_editors.h"
#include "kspread_global.h"
#include "kspread_locale.h"
#include "kspread_map.h"
#include "kspread_sheet.h"
#include "kspread_undo.h"
#include "kspread_util.h"
#include "kspread_view.h"
#include "selection.h"
#include "kspread_canvas.h"
// TODO Stefan: undefine/remove, if non-contiguous selections don't work
// properly or if we are sure, that they do. ;-)
#define MIN_SIZE 10
using namespace KSpread;
class Canvas::Private
ComboboxLocationEditWidget *posWidget;
KSpread::EditWidget *editWidget;
KSpread::CellEditor *cellEditor;
View *view;
TQTimer* scrollTimer;
// Non visible range left from current screen
// Example: If the first visible column is 'E', then xOffset stores
// the width of the invisible columns 'A' to 'D'.
double xOffset;
// Non visible range on top of the current screen
// Example: If the first visible row is '5', then yOffset stores
// the height of the invisible rows '1' to '4'.
double yOffset;
// Used to draw the grey grid that is usually only visible on the
// screen, but not by printing on paper.
TQPen defaultGridPen;
// see setLastEditorWithFocus, lastEditorWithFocus
Canvas::EditorType focusEditorType;
TQLabel *validationInfo;
// true if the user is to choose a cell.
bool chooseCell;
// True when the mouse button is pressed
bool mousePressed;
// If the user is dragging around with the mouse then this tells us what he is doing.
// The user may want to mark cells or he started in the lower right corner
// of the marker which is something special. The values for the 2 above
// methods are called 'Mark' and 'ResizeCell' or 'AutoFill' depending
// on the mouse button used. By default this variable holds
// the value 'NoAction'.
Canvas::MouseActions mouseAction;
// If we use the lower right corner of the marker to start autofilling, then this
// rectangle conatins all cells that were already marker when the user started
// to mark the rectangle which he wants to become autofilled.
TQRect autoFillSource;
// Start coordinates for drag and drop
TQPoint dragStart;
bool dragging;
// Used to indicate whether the user started drawing a rubber band rectangle
bool rubberBandStarted;
TQPoint rubberBandStart;
TQPoint rubberBandEnd;
// If the mouse is over some anchor ( in the sense of HTML anchors )
TQString anchor;
bool mouseSelectedObject;
bool drawContour;
ModifyType modType;
* Saves the last mouse position during mouse move events.
TQPoint m_savedMousePos;
//---- stuff needed for resizing ----
/// object which gets resized
EmbeddedObject *m_resizeObject;
/// ratio of the object ( width / height )
double m_ratio;
bool m_isResizing;
/// The last position of the mouse during moving
KoPoint m_origMousePos;
//---- stuff needed for moving ----
bool m_isMoving;
KoPoint m_moveStartPoint;
/// size of the object at when resizing is started
KoRect m_rectBeforeResize;
/// Start position for move with mouse
KoPoint m_moveStartPosMouse;
/// object which is selected and should be shown above all the other objects
EmbeddedObject * m_objectDisplayAbove;
// bool mouseOverHighlightRangeSizeGrip;
// The row and column of 1) the last cell under mouse pointer, 2) the last focused cell, and
// the last spoken cell.
int prevSpokenPointerRow;
int prevSpokenPointerCol;
int prevSpokenFocusRow;
int prevSpokenFocusCol;
int prevSpokenRow;
int prevSpokenCol;
* Canvas
Canvas::Canvas (View *_view)
: TQWidget( _view, "", /*WNorthWestGravity*/ WStaticContents| WResizeNoErase | WRepaintNoErase )
d = new Private;
d->cellEditor = 0;
d->chooseCell = false;
d->validationInfo = 0L;
TQWidget::setFocusPolicy( TQ_StrongFocus );
d->dragStart = TQPoint( -1, -1 );
d->dragging = false;
d->defaultGridPen.setColor( lightGray );
d->defaultGridPen.setWidth( 1 );
d->defaultGridPen.setStyle( Qt::SolidLine );
d->xOffset = 0.0;
d->yOffset = 0.0;
d->view = _view;
// m_eAction = DefaultAction;
d->mouseAction = NoAction;
d->rubberBandStarted = false;
// m_bEditDirtyFlag = false;
//Now built afterwards(David)
//d->editWidget = d->view->editWidget();
d->posWidget = d->view->posWidget();
setBackgroundMode( PaletteBase );
setMouseTracking( true );
d->mousePressed = false;
d->mouseSelectedObject = false;
d->drawContour = false;
d->modType = MT_NONE;
d->m_resizeObject = 0L;
d->m_ratio = 0.0;
d->m_isMoving = false;
d->m_objectDisplayAbove = false;
d->m_isResizing = false;
d->prevSpokenPointerRow = -1;
d->prevSpokenPointerCol = -1;
d->prevSpokenFocusRow = -1;
d->prevSpokenFocusCol = -1;
d->prevSpokenRow = -1;
d->prevSpokenCol = -1;
d->scrollTimer = new TQTimer( this );
connect (d->scrollTimer, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, TQT_SLOT( doAutoScroll() ) );
if( d->view)
connect( d->view, TQT_SIGNAL( autoScroll( const TQPoint & )), this, TQT_SLOT( slotAutoScroll( const TQPoint &)));
if (kospeaker)
connect (kospeaker, TQT_SIGNAL(customSpeakWidget(TQWidget*, const TQPoint&, uint)),
this, TQT_SLOT(speakCell(TQWidget*, const TQPoint&, uint)));
installEventFilter( this );
(void)new ToolTip( this );
setAcceptDrops( true );
setInputMethodEnabled( true ); // ensure using the InputMethod
delete d->scrollTimer;
delete d->validationInfo;
delete d;
KSpread::View* Canvas::view() const
return d->view;
Doc* Canvas::doc() const
return d->view->doc();
void Canvas::setEditWidget( KSpread::EditWidget * ew )
d->editWidget = ew;
KSpread::EditWidget* Canvas::editWidget() const
return d->editWidget;
CellEditor* Canvas::editor() const
return d->cellEditor;
double Canvas::xOffset() const
return d->xOffset;
double Canvas::yOffset() const
return d->yOffset;
void Canvas::setXOffset( double _xOffset )
d->xOffset = _xOffset;
void Canvas::setYOffset( double _yOffset )
d->yOffset = _yOffset;
const TQPen& Canvas::defaultGridPen() const
return d->defaultGridPen;
void Canvas::setLastEditorWithFocus( Canvas::EditorType type )
d->focusEditorType = type;
Canvas::EditorType Canvas::lastEditorWithFocus() const
return d->focusEditorType;
bool Canvas::eventFilter( TQObject *o, TQEvent *e )
/* this canvas event filter acts on events sent to the line edit as well
as events to this filter itself.
if ( !o || !e )
return true;
switch ( e->type() )
case TQEvent::KeyPress:
TQKeyEvent * keyev = TQT_TQKEYEVENT(e);
if ((keyev->key()==Key_Tab) || (keyev->key()==Key_Backtab))
keyPressEvent ( keyev );
return true;
case TQEvent::IMStart:
case TQEvent::IMCompose:
case TQEvent::IMEnd:
TQIMEvent * imev = static_cast<TQIMEvent *>(e);
processIMEvent( imev );
return false;
bool Canvas::focusNextPrevChild( bool )
return true; // Don't allow to go out of the canvas widget by pressing "Tab"
Selection* Canvas::selectionInfo() const
return d->view->selectionInfo();
Selection* Canvas::choice() const
return d->view->choice();
TQRect Canvas::selection() const
return d->view->selectionInfo()->selection();
TQPoint Canvas::marker() const
return d->view->selectionInfo()->marker();
int Canvas::markerColumn() const
return d->view->selectionInfo()->marker().x();
int Canvas::markerRow() const
return d->view->selectionInfo()->marker().y();
double Canvas::zoom() const
return d->view->zoom();
void Canvas::setChooseMode(bool state)
d->chooseCell = state;
bool Canvas::chooseMode() const
return d->chooseCell;
void Canvas::startChoose()
if ( d->chooseCell )
// It is important to enable this AFTER we set the rect!
d->chooseCell = true;
void Canvas::startChoose( const TQRect& rect )
if (d->chooseCell)
// It is important to enable this AFTER we set the rect!
d->chooseCell = true;
void Canvas::endChoose()
// While entering a formula the choose mode is turned on and off.
// Clear the choice even if we are not in choose mode. Otherwise,
// cell references will stay highlighted.
if (!choice()->isEmpty())
if ( !d->chooseCell )
d->chooseCell = false;
Sheet *sheet = choice()->sheet();
if (sheet)
HBorder* Canvas::hBorderWidget() const
return d->view->hBorderWidget();
VBorder* Canvas::vBorderWidget() const
return d->view->vBorderWidget();
TQScrollBar* Canvas::horzScrollBar() const
return d->view->horzScrollBar();
TQScrollBar* Canvas::vertScrollBar() const
return d->view->vertScrollBar();
Sheet* Canvas::findSheet( const TQString& _name ) const
return d->view->doc()->map()->findSheet( _name );
Sheet* Canvas::activeSheet() const
return d->view->activeSheet();
void Canvas::validateSelection()
Sheet* sheet = activeSheet();
if (!sheet)
if ( selectionInfo()->isSingular() )
int col = selectionInfo()->marker().x();
int row = selectionInfo()->marker().y();
Cell * cell = sheet->cellAt( col,row );
if ( cell && cell->getValidity(0) && cell->getValidity()->displayValidationInformation)
TQString title = cell->getValidity(0)->titleInfo;
TQString message = cell->getValidity(0)->messageInfo;
if ( title.isEmpty() && message.isEmpty() )
if ( !d->validationInfo )
d->validationInfo = new TQLabel( this );
kdDebug()<<" display info validation\n";
double u = cell->dblWidth( col );
double v = cell->dblHeight( row );
double xpos = sheet->dblColumnPos( markerColumn() ) - xOffset();
double ypos = sheet->dblRowPos( markerRow() ) - yOffset();
// Special treatment for obscured cells.
if ( cell->isObscured() && cell->isPartOfMerged() )
cell = cell->obscuringCells().first();
int moveX = cell->column();
int moveY = cell->row();
// Use the obscuring cells dimensions
u = cell->dblWidth( moveX );
v = cell->dblHeight( moveY );
xpos = sheet->dblColumnPos( moveX );
ypos = sheet->dblRowPos( moveY );
//d->validationInfo->setGeometry( 3, y + 3, len + 2, hei + 2 );
d->validationInfo->tqsetAlignment( TQt::AlignVCenter );
TQPainter painter;
painter.begin( this );
int len = 0;
int hei = 0;
TQString resultText;
if ( !title.isEmpty() )
len = painter.fontMetrics().width( title );
hei = painter.fontMetrics().height();
resultText = title + "\n";
if ( !message.isEmpty() )
int i = 0;
int pos = 0;
TQString t;
i = message.find( "\n", pos );
if ( i == -1 )
t = message.mid( pos, message.length() - pos );
t = message.mid( pos, i - pos );
pos = i + 1;
hei += painter.fontMetrics().height();
len = TQMAX( len, painter.fontMetrics().width( t ) );
while ( i != -1 );
resultText += message;
d->validationInfo->setText( resultText );
KoRect unzoomedMarker( xpos - xOffset()+u,
ypos - yOffset()+v,
hei );
TQRect marker( d->view->doc()->zoomRect( unzoomedMarker ) );
d->validationInfo->setGeometry( marker );
delete d->validationInfo;
d->validationInfo = 0L;
delete d->validationInfo;
d->validationInfo = 0L;
void Canvas::scrollToCell(TQPoint location) const
Sheet* sheet = activeSheet();
if (sheet == NULL)
if (d->view->isLoading())
// kdDebug(36001) << "------------------------------------------------" << endl;
// kdDebug(36001) << "scrollToCell(): at location [" << location.x() << ","
// << location.y() << "]" << endl;
/* we don't need this cell ptr, but this call is necessary to update the
scroll bar correctly. I don't like having that as part of the cellAt function
but I suppose that's ok for now.
Cell* cell = sheet->cellAt(location.x(), location.y(), true);
double unzoomedWidth = d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( width() );
double unzoomedHeight = d->view->doc()->unzoomItY( height() );
//kdDebug(36001) << "Unzoomed view size: [" << unzoomedWidth << ","
// << unzoomedHeight << "]" << endl;
// xpos is the position of the cell in the current window in unzoomed
// document coordinates.
double xpos;
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::LeftToRight )
xpos = sheet->dblColumnPos( location.x() ) - xOffset();
xpos = unzoomedWidth - sheet->dblColumnPos( location.x() ) + xOffset();
double ypos = sheet->dblRowPos( location.y() ) - yOffset();
//kdDebug(36001) << "Position: [" << xpos << "," << ypos << "]" << endl;
double minY = 40.0;
double maxY = unzoomedHeight - 40.0;
//kdDebug(36001) << "Canvas::scrollToCell : height=" << height() << endl;
//kdDebug(36001) << "Canvas::scrollToCell : width=" << width() << endl;
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft ) {
// Right to left sheet.
double minX = unzoomedWidth - 100.0; // less than that, we scroll
double maxX = 100.0; // more than that, we scroll
// kdDebug() << "rtl2: XPos: " << xpos << ", min: " << minX << ", maxX: " << maxX << ", Offset: " << xOffset() << endl;
// Do we need to scroll left?
if ( xpos > minX )
horzScrollBar()->setValue( horzScrollBar()->maxValue() -
d->view->doc()->zoomItX( xOffset() - xpos + minX ) );
// Do we need to scroll right?
else if ( xpos < maxX )
double horzScrollBarValue = xOffset() - xpos + maxX;
double horzScrollBarValueMax = sheet->sizeMaxX() - unzoomedWidth;
//We don't want to display any area > KS_colMax widths
if ( horzScrollBarValue > horzScrollBarValueMax )
horzScrollBarValue = horzScrollBarValueMax;
horzScrollBar()->setValue( horzScrollBar()->maxValue() -
d->view->doc()->zoomItX( horzScrollBarValue ) );
else {
// Left to right sheet.
double minX = 100.0; // less than that, we scroll
double maxX = unzoomedWidth - 100.0; // more than that, we scroll
// kdDebug() << "ltr: XPos: " << xpos << ", min: " << minX << ", maxX: " << maxX << endl;
// Do we need to scroll left?
if ( xpos < minX )
horzScrollBar()->setValue( d->view->doc()->zoomItX( xOffset() + xpos - minX ) );
// Do we need to scroll right?
else if ( xpos > maxX )
double horzScrollBarValue = xOffset() + xpos - maxX;
double horzScrollBarValueMax = sheet->sizeMaxX() - unzoomedWidth;
//We don't want to display any area > KS_colMax widths
if ( horzScrollBarValue > horzScrollBarValueMax )
horzScrollBarValue = horzScrollBarValueMax;
horzScrollBar()->setValue( d->view->doc()->zoomItX( horzScrollBarValue ) );
// kdDebug() << "ltr: YPos: " << ypos << ", min: " << minY << ", maxY: " << maxY << endl;
// do we need to scroll up
if ( ypos < minY )
vertScrollBar()->setValue( d->view->doc()->zoomItY( yOffset() + ypos - minY ) );
// do we need to scroll down
else if ( ypos > maxY )
double vertScrollBarValue = yOffset() + ypos - maxY;
double vertScrollBarValueMax = sheet->sizeMaxY() - unzoomedHeight;
//We don't want to display any area > KS_rowMax heights
if ( vertScrollBarValue > vertScrollBarValueMax )
vertScrollBarValue = vertScrollBarValueMax;
vertScrollBar()->setValue( d->view->doc()->zoomItY( vertScrollBarValue ) );
void Canvas::slotScrollHorz( int _value )
Sheet * sheet = activeSheet();
if ( sheet == 0L )
kdDebug(36001) << "slotScrollHorz: value = " << _value << endl;
//kdDebug(36001) << kdBacktrace() << endl;
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
_value = horzScrollBar()->maxValue() - _value;
double unzoomedValue = d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( _value );
double dwidth = d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( width() );
if ( unzoomedValue < 0.0 ) {
kdDebug (36001)
<< "Canvas::slotScrollHorz: value out of range (unzoomedValue: "
<< unzoomedValue << ")" << endl;
unzoomedValue = 0.0;
double xpos = sheet->dblColumnPos( TQMIN( KS_colMax, d->view->activeSheet()->maxColumn()+10 ) ) - d->xOffset;
if ( unzoomedValue > ( xpos + d->xOffset ) )
unzoomedValue = xpos + d->xOffset;
sheet->enableScrollBarUpdates( false );
// Relative movement
int dx = d->view->doc()->zoomItX( d->xOffset - unzoomedValue );
/* what cells will need painted now? */
TQRect area = visibleCells();
double tmp;
if (dx > 0)
area.setRight( area.left() );
area.setLeft( sheet->leftColumn( unzoomedValue, tmp ) );
area.setLeft( area.right() );
area.setRight( sheet->rightColumn( dwidth + unzoomedValue ) );
// New absolute position
kdDebug(36001) << "slotScrollHorz(): XOffset before setting: "
<< d->xOffset << endl;
d->xOffset = unzoomedValue;
kdDebug(36001) << "slotScrollHorz(): XOffset after setting: "
<< d->xOffset << endl;
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
dx = -dx;
scroll( dx, 0 );
hBorderWidget()->scroll( dx, 0 );
sheet->enableScrollBarUpdates( true );
d->view->doc()->emitEndOperation( sheet->visibleRect( this ) );
void Canvas::slotScrollVert( int _value )
if ( activeSheet() == 0L )
double unzoomedValue = d->view->doc()->unzoomItY( _value );
if ( unzoomedValue < 0 )
unzoomedValue = 0;
kdDebug (36001) << "Canvas::slotScrollVert: value out of range (unzoomedValue: " <<
unzoomedValue << ")" << endl;
double ypos = activeSheet()->dblRowPos( TQMIN( KS_rowMax, d->view->activeSheet()->maxRow()+10 ) );
if ( unzoomedValue > ypos )
unzoomedValue = ypos;
activeSheet()->enableScrollBarUpdates( false );
// Relative movement
int dy = d->view->doc()->zoomItY( d->yOffset - unzoomedValue );
/* what cells will need painted now? */
TQRect area = visibleCells();
double tmp;
if (dy > 0)
area.setTop(activeSheet()->topRow(unzoomedValue, tmp));
area.setBottom(activeSheet()->bottomRow(d->view->doc()->unzoomItY(height()) +
activeSheet()->setRegionPaintDirty( area );
// New absolute position
d->yOffset = unzoomedValue;
scroll( 0, dy );
vBorderWidget()->scroll( 0, dy );
activeSheet()->enableScrollBarUpdates( true );
d->view->doc()->emitEndOperation( activeSheet()->visibleRect( this ) );
void Canvas::slotMaxColumn( int _max_column )
int oldValue = horzScrollBar()->maxValue() - horzScrollBar()->value();
double xpos = activeSheet()->dblColumnPos( TQMIN( KS_colMax, _max_column + 10 ) ) - xOffset();
double unzoomWidth = d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( width() );
//Don't go beyond the maximum column range (KS_colMax)
double sizeMaxX = activeSheet()->sizeMaxX();
if ( xpos > sizeMaxX - xOffset() - unzoomWidth )
xpos = sizeMaxX - xOffset() - unzoomWidth;
horzScrollBar()->setRange( 0, d->view->doc()->zoomItX( xpos + xOffset() ) );
if ( activeSheet()->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
horzScrollBar()->setValue( horzScrollBar()->maxValue() - oldValue );
void Canvas::slotMaxRow( int _max_row )
double ypos = activeSheet()->dblRowPos( TQMIN( KS_rowMax, _max_row + 10 ) ) - yOffset();
double unzoomHeight = d->view->doc()->unzoomItY( height() );
//Don't go beyond the maximum row range (KS_rowMax)
double sizeMaxY = activeSheet()->sizeMaxY();
if ( ypos > sizeMaxY - yOffset() - unzoomHeight )
ypos = sizeMaxY - yOffset() - unzoomHeight;
vertScrollBar()->setRange( 0, d->view->doc()->zoomItY( ypos + yOffset() ) );
void Canvas::mouseMoveEvent( TQMouseEvent * _ev )
// Dont allow modifications if document is readonly. Selecting is no modification
if ( (!d->view->koDocument()->isReadWrite()) && (d->mouseAction!=Mark))
if ( d->mousePressed && d->modType != MT_NONE )
KoPoint docPoint ( doc()->unzoomPoint( _ev->pos() ) );
docPoint += KoPoint( xOffset(), yOffset() );
if ( d->modType == MT_MOVE )
if ( !d->m_isMoving )
d->m_moveStartPoint = objectRect( false ).topLeft();
d->m_isMoving = true;
moveObjectsByMouse( docPoint, _ev->state() & AltButton || _ev->state() & ControlButton );
else if ( d->m_resizeObject )
if ( !d->m_isResizing )
d->m_isResizing = true;
bool keepRatio = d->m_resizeObject->isKeepRatio();
if ( _ev->state() & AltButton )
keepRatio = true;
docPoint = KoPoint( doc()->unzoomPoint( _ev->pos() ) );
resizeObject( d->modType, docPoint, keepRatio );
/*if ( d->mousePressed && d->m_resizeObject && d->modType != MT_NONE )
if ( !d->m_isMoving )
d->m_isMoving = true;
update( d->m_boundingRealRect );
TQRect drawingRect;
if ( d->modType == MT_MOVE )
drawingRect = TQRect( _ev->pos() - d->m_origPos, d->m_origSize );
d->m_boundingRealRect = drawingRect;
drawingRect = doc()->zoomRect( calculateNewGeometry(d->modType, _ev->pos().x(), _ev->pos().y() ) );
drawingRect.moveBy( (int)( -xOffset() * doc()->zoomedResolutionX() ) , (int)( -yOffset() * doc()->zoomedResolutionY() ) );
// Autoscrolling
if ( ( d->modType == MT_MOVE && drawingRect.top() < 0 ) || ( d->modType != MT_MOVE && _ev->pos().y() < 0 ) )
vertScrollBar()->setValue ((int) ( vertScrollBar()->value() -
autoScrollAccelerationY( - drawingRect.top() ) ) );
else if ( ( d->modType == MT_MOVE && drawingRect.bottom() > height() ) || ( d->modType != MT_MOVE && _ev->pos().y() > height() ) )
vertScrollBar()->setValue ((int) ( vertScrollBar()->value() +
autoScrollAccelerationY ( drawingRect.bottom() - height() ) ) );
if ( ( d->modType == MT_MOVE && drawingRect.left() < 0 ) || ( d->modType != MT_MOVE && _ev->pos().x() < 0 ) )
horzScrollBar()->setValue ((int) ( horzScrollBar()->value() -
autoScrollAccelerationX( - drawingRect.left() ) ) );
else if ( ( d->modType == MT_MOVE && drawingRect.right() > width() ) || ( d->modType != MT_MOVE && _ev->pos().x() > width() ) )
horzScrollBar()->setValue ((int) (horzScrollBar()->value() +
autoScrollAccelerationX( drawingRect.right() - width() ) ) );
if ( drawingRect.left() < 0 )
drawingRect.setRight( drawingRect.right() -drawingRect.left() );
drawingRect.setLeft( 0 );
if ( drawingRect.top() < 0 )
drawingRect.setBottom( drawingRect.bottom() -drawingRect.top() );
drawingRect.setTop( 0 );
d->m_boundingRealRect = drawingRect; //redraw this area next time the mouse has been moved
//update( d->m_boundingRealRect );
TQPainter p(this);
p.setRasterOp( NotROP );
p.setPen( TQPen( black, 0, DotLine ) );
p.drawRect( drawingRect );
if ( d->dragging )
if ( d->dragStart.x() != -1 )
TQPoint p ( (int) _ev->pos().x() + (int) xOffset(),
(int) _ev->pos().y() + (int) yOffset() );
if ( ( d->dragStart - p ).manhattanLength() > 4 )
d->dragging = true;
d->dragStart.setX( -1 );
d->dragging = false;
// Get info about where the event occurred - this is duplicated
// in ::mousePressEvent, needs to be separated into one function
Sheet *sheet = activeSheet();
if ( !sheet )
if ( d->mouseSelectedObject )
EmbeddedObject *obj = 0;
TQPoint p ( (int) _ev->x(),
(int) _ev->y() );
if ( ( obj = getObject( p, activeSheet() ) ) && obj->isSelected() )
KoRect const bound = obj->tqgeometry();
TQRect zoomedBound = doc()->zoomRect( KoRect(bound.left(), bound.top(),
bound.height() ) );
zoomedBound.moveBy( (int)(-xOffset() * doc()->zoomedResolutionX() ), (int)(-yOffset() * doc()->zoomedResolutionY() ));
setCursor( obj->getCursor( p, d->modType, zoomedBound ) );
double dwidth = d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( width() );
double ev_PosX;
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
ev_PosX = dwidth - d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->pos().x() ) + xOffset();
ev_PosX = d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->pos().x() ) + xOffset();
double ev_PosY = d->view->doc()->unzoomItY( _ev->pos().y() ) + yOffset();
// In which cell did the user click ?
double xpos;
double ypos;
int col = sheet->leftColumn( ev_PosX, xpos );
int row = sheet->topRow( ev_PosY, ypos );
// you cannot move marker when col > KS_colMax or row > KS_rowMax
if ( col > KS_colMax || row > KS_rowMax )
kdDebug(36001) << "Canvas::mouseMoveEvent: col or row is out of range: "
<< "col: " << col << " row: " << row << endl;
//*** Highlighted Range Resize Handling ***
if (d->mouseAction == ResizeSelection)
//Check to see if the mouse is over a highlight range size grip and if it is, change the cursor
//tqshape to a resize arrow
if (highlightRangeSizeGripAt(ev_PosX,ev_PosY))
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
setCursor( sizeBDiagCursor );
setCursor( sizeFDiagCursor );
TQRect rct( (d->chooseCell ? choice() : selectionInfo())->lastRange() );
TQRect r1;
TQRect r2;
double lx = sheet->dblColumnPos( rct.left() );
double rx = sheet->dblColumnPos( rct.right() + 1 );
double ty = sheet->dblRowPos( rct.top() );
double by = sheet->dblRowPos( rct.bottom() + 1 );
r1.setLeft( (int) (lx - 1) );
r1.setTop( (int) (ty - 1) );
r1.setRight( (int) (rx + 1) );
r1.setBottom( (int) (by + 1) );
r2.setLeft( (int) (lx + 1) );
r2.setTop( (int) (ty + 1) );
r2.setRight( (int) (rx - 1) );
r2.setBottom( (int) (by - 1) );
// Test whether the mouse is over some anchor
Cell *cell = sheet->visibleCellAt( col, row );
TQString anchor;
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
anchor = cell->testAnchor( d->view->doc()->zoomItX( cell->dblWidth() - ev_PosX + xpos ),
d->view->doc()->zoomItY( ev_PosY - ypos ) );
anchor = cell->testAnchor( d->view->doc()->zoomItX( ev_PosX - xpos ),
d->view->doc()->zoomItY( ev_PosY - ypos ) );
if ( !anchor.isEmpty() && anchor != d->anchor )
setCursor( KCursor::handCursor() );
d->anchor = anchor;
// Test wether mouse is over the selection handle
TQRect selectionHandle = d->view->selectionInfo()->selectionHandleArea();
if ( selectionHandle.contains( TQPoint( d->view->doc()->zoomItX( ev_PosX ),
d->view->doc()->zoomItY( ev_PosY ) ) ) )
//If the cursor is over the handle, than it might be already on the next cell.
//Recalculate the cell!
col = sheet->leftColumn( ev_PosX - d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( 2 ), xpos );
row = sheet->topRow( ev_PosY - d->view->doc()->unzoomItY( 2 ), ypos );
if ( !sheet->isProtected() )
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
setCursor( sizeBDiagCursor );
setCursor( sizeFDiagCursor );
else if ( !d->anchor.isEmpty() )
if ( !sheet->isProtected() )
setCursor( KCursor::handCursor() );
else if ( r1.contains( TQPoint( (int) ev_PosX, (int) ev_PosY ) )
&& !r2.contains( TQPoint( (int) ev_PosX, (int) ev_PosY ) ) )
setCursor( KCursor::handCursor() );
else if ( d->chooseCell )
//Visual cue to indicate that the user can drag-select the choice selection
setCursor( KCursor::crossCursor() );
//Nothing special is happening, use a normal arrow cursor
setCursor( arrowCursor );
// No marking, selecting etc. in progess? Then quit here.
if ( d->mouseAction == NoAction )
// Set the new extent of the selection
(d->chooseCell ? choice() : selectionInfo())->update(TQPoint(col,row));
void Canvas::mouseReleaseEvent( TQMouseEvent* /*_ev*/)
if ( d->scrollTimer->isActive() )
d->mousePressed = false;
if ( d->modType != MT_NONE /*&& d->m_resizeObject && d->m_resizeObject->isSelected() */)
switch ( d->modType )
case MT_MOVE:
KoPoint move( objectRect( false ).topLeft() - d->m_moveStartPosMouse );
if ( move != KoPoint( 0, 0 ) )
KCommand *cmd= activeSheet()->moveObject( view(), move.x(), move.y() );
doc()->addCommand( cmd );
} else
d->m_isMoving = false;
finishResizeObject( i18n("Resize Object") );
finishResizeObject( i18n("Resize Object"), false );
Sheet *sheet = activeSheet();
if ( !sheet )
Selection* selectionInfo = d->view->selectionInfo();
TQRect s( selectionInfo->lastRange() );
// The user started the drag in the lower right corner of the marker ?
if ( d->mouseAction == ResizeCell && !sheet->isProtected() )
else if ( d->mouseAction == AutoFill && !sheet->isProtected() )
TQRect dest = s;
sheet->autofill( d->autoFillSource, dest );
// The user started the drag in the middle of a cell ?
else if ( d->mouseAction == Mark && !d->chooseCell )
d->mouseAction = NoAction;
d->dragging = false;
d->dragStart.setX( -1 );
void Canvas::processClickSelectionHandle( TQMouseEvent *event )
// Auto fill ? That is done using the left mouse button.
if ( event->button() == Qt::LeftButton )
d->mouseAction = AutoFill;
d->autoFillSource = selectionInfo()->lastRange();
// Resize a cell (done with the right mouse button) ?
// But for that to work there must not be a selection.
else if ( event->button() == Qt::MidButton && selectionInfo()->isSingular())
d->mouseAction = ResizeCell;
void Canvas::processLeftClickAnchor()
bool isRefLink = localReferenceAnchor( d->anchor );
bool isLocalLink = (d->anchor.find("file:") == 0);
if ( !isRefLink )
TQString type=KMimeType::findByURL(d->anchor, 0, isLocalLink)->name();
if ( KRun::isExecutableFile( d->anchor , type ) )
//TQString question = i18n("Do you want to open this link to '%1'?\n").tqarg(d->anchor);
//question += i18n("Note that opening a link to a local file may "
// "compromise your system's security.");
TQString question = i18n("This link points to the program or script '%1'.\n"
"Malicious programs can harm your computer. Are you sure that you want to run this program?").tqarg(d->anchor);
// this will also start local programs, so adding a "don't warn again"
// checkbox will probably be too dangerous
int choice = KMessageBox::warningYesNo(this, question, i18n("Open Link?"));
if ( choice != KMessageBox::Yes )
//(void) new KRun( d->anchor );
new KRun(d->anchor);
selectionInfo()->initialize(Region(d->view, d->anchor));
bool Canvas::highlightRangeSizeGripAt(double x, double y)
if (!d->chooseCell)
return 0;
Region::ConstIterator end = choice()->constEnd();
for (Region::ConstIterator it = choice()->constBegin(); it != end; ++it)
// TODO Stefan: adapt to Selection::selectionHandleArea
KoRect visibleRect;
sheetAreaToRect((*it)->rect().normalize(), visibleRect);
TQPoint bottomRight((int) visibleRect.right(), (int) visibleRect.bottom());
TQRect handle( ( (int) bottomRight.x() - 6 ),
( (int) bottomRight.y() - 6 ),
( 6 ),
( 6 ) );
if (handle.contains(TQPoint((int) x,(int) y)))
return true;
return false;
void Canvas::mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent * _ev )
if ( _ev->button() == Qt::LeftButton )
d->mousePressed = true;
if ( activeSheet() && _ev->button() == Qt::LeftButton)
d->m_moveStartPosMouse = objectRect( false ).topLeft();
EmbeddedObject *obj = getObject( _ev->pos(), activeSheet() );
if ( obj )
// use ctrl + Button to select / deselect object
if ( _ev->state() & ControlButton && obj->isSelected() )
deselectObject( obj );
else if ( _ev->state() & ControlButton )
if ( d->modType == MT_NONE)
selectObject( obj );
raiseObject( obj );
d->m_moveStartPosMouse = objectRect( false ).topLeft();
if ( d->modType != MT_MOVE || !obj->isSelected() )
selectObject( obj );
raiseObject( obj );
d->m_moveStartPosMouse = objectRect( false ).topLeft();
// start resizing
if ( d->modType != MT_MOVE && d->modType != MT_NONE && !obj->isProtect() )
selectObject( obj );
raiseObject( obj );
d->m_resizeObject = obj;
d->m_ratio = static_cast<double>( obj->tqgeometry().width() ) /
static_cast<double>( obj->tqgeometry().height() );
d->m_rectBeforeResize = obj->tqgeometry();
KoPoint docPoint ( doc()->unzoomPoint( _ev->pos() ) );
docPoint += KoPoint( xOffset(), yOffset() );
d->m_origMousePos = docPoint;
d->m_moveStartPosMouse = objectRect( false ).topLeft();
d->modType = MT_NONE;
if ( !( _ev->state() & ShiftButton ) && !( _ev->state() & ControlButton ) )
// Get info about where the event occurred - this is duplicated
// in ::mouseMoveEvent, needs to be separated into one function
Sheet *sheet = activeSheet();
if ( !sheet )
double dwidth = d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( width() );
double ev_PosX;
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
ev_PosX = dwidth - d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->pos().x() ) + xOffset();
ev_PosX = d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->pos().x() ) + xOffset();
double ev_PosY = d->view->doc()->unzoomItY( _ev->pos().y() ) + yOffset();
// In which cell did the user click ?
double xpos;
double ypos;
int col = sheet->leftColumn( ev_PosX, xpos );
int row = sheet->topRow( ev_PosY, ypos );
// you cannot move marker when col > KS_colMax or row > KS_rowMax
if ( col > KS_colMax || row > KS_rowMax )
kdDebug(36001) << "Canvas::mousePressEvent: col or row is out of range: "
<< "col: " << col << " row: " << row << endl;
// you cannot move marker when col > KS_colMax or row > KS_rowMax
if ( col > KS_colMax || row > KS_rowMax )
kdDebug(36001) << "Canvas::mousePressEvent: col or row is out of range: "
<< "col: " << col << " row: " << row << endl;
if (d->chooseCell && highlightRangeSizeGripAt(ev_PosX,ev_PosY))
d->mouseAction = ResizeSelection;
// We were editing a cell -> save value and get out of editing mode
if ( d->cellEditor && !d->chooseCell )
deleteEditor( true ); // save changes
d->scrollTimer->start( 50 );
// Did we click in the lower right corner of the marker/marked-area ?
if ( selectionInfo()->selectionHandleArea().contains( TQPoint( d->view->doc()->zoomItX( ev_PosX ),
d->view->doc()->zoomItY( ev_PosY ) ) ) )
processClickSelectionHandle( _ev );
// TODO Stefan: adapt to non-cont. selection
// start drag ?
TQRect rct( selectionInfo()->lastRange() );
TQRect r1;
TQRect r2;
double lx = sheet->dblColumnPos( rct.left() );
double rx = sheet->dblColumnPos( rct.right() + 1 );
double ty = sheet->dblRowPos( rct.top() );
double by = sheet->dblRowPos( rct.bottom() + 1 );
r1.setLeft( (int) (lx - 1) );
r1.setTop( (int) (ty - 1) );
r1.setRight( (int) (rx + 1) );
r1.setBottom( (int) (by + 1) );
r2.setLeft( (int) (lx + 1) );
r2.setTop( (int) (ty + 1) );
r2.setRight( (int) (rx - 1) );
r2.setBottom( (int) (by - 1) );
d->dragStart.setX( -1 );
if ( r1.contains( TQPoint( (int) ev_PosX, (int) ev_PosY ) )
&& !r2.contains( TQPoint( (int) ev_PosX, (int) ev_PosY ) ) )
d->dragStart.setX( (int) ev_PosX );
d->dragStart.setY( (int) ev_PosY );
// kdDebug() << "Clicked in cell " << col << ", " << row << endl;
// Extending an existing selection with the shift button ?
if ((_ev->state() & ShiftButton) &&
d->view->koDocument()->isReadWrite() &&
(d->chooseCell ? choice() : selectionInfo())->update(TQPoint(col,row));
// Go to the upper left corner of the obscuring object if cells are merged
Cell *cell = sheet->cellAt( col, row );
if (cell->isPartOfMerged())
cell = cell->obscuringCells().first();
col = cell->column();
row = cell->row();
switch (_ev->button())
case Qt::LeftButton:
if (!d->anchor.isEmpty())
// Hyperlink pressed
else if ( _ev->state() & ControlButton )
if (d->chooseCell)
#if 0 // TODO Stefan: remove for NCS of choices
// Start a marking action
d->mouseAction = Mark;
// extend the existing selection
choice()->extend(TQPoint(col,row), activeSheet());
// Start a marking action
d->mouseAction = Mark;
// extend the existing selection
selectionInfo()->extend(TQPoint(col,row), activeSheet());
// TODO Stefan: simplification, if NCS of choices is working
/* (d->chooseCell ? choice() : selectionInfo())->extend(TQPoint(col,row), activeSheet());*/
// Start a marking action
d->mouseAction = Mark;
// reinitialize the selection
(d->chooseCell ? choice() : selectionInfo())->initialize(TQPoint(col,row), activeSheet());
case Qt::MidButton:
// Paste operation with the middle button?
if ( d->view->koDocument()->isReadWrite() && !sheet->isProtected() )
(d->chooseCell ? choice() : selectionInfo())->initialize( TQPoint( col, row ), activeSheet() );
sheet->paste(selectionInfo()->lastRange(), true, Paste::Normal,
Paste::OverWrite, false, 0, false, TQClipboard::Selection);
case Qt::RightButton:
if (!selectionInfo()->contains( TQPoint( col, row ) ))
// No selection or the mouse press was outside of an existing selection?
(d->chooseCell ? choice() : selectionInfo())->initialize(TQPoint(col,row), activeSheet());
if ( !d->chooseCell )
// Context menu?
if ( _ev->button() == Qt::RightButton )
// TODO: Handle anchor // TODO Stefan: ???
TQPoint p = mapToGlobal( _ev->pos() );
d->view->openPopupMenu( p );
void Canvas::startTheDrag()
Sheet * sheet = activeSheet();
if ( !sheet )
// right area for start dragging
TextDrag * d = new TextDrag( this );
setCursor( KCursor::handCursor() );
TQDomDocument doc = sheet->saveCellRegion(*selectionInfo());
// Save to buffer
TQBuffer buffer;
buffer.open( IO_WriteOnly );
TQTextStream str( &buffer );
str.setEncoding( TQTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 );
str << doc;
d->setPlain( sheet->copyAsText( selectionInfo() ) );
d->setKSpread( buffer.buffer() );
setCursor( KCursor::arrowCursor() );
void Canvas::mouseDoubleClickEvent( TQMouseEvent* _ev)
EmbeddedObject *obj;
if ( ( obj = getObject( _ev->pos(), activeSheet() ) ) )
switch ( obj->getType() )
dynamic_cast<EmbeddedKOfficeObject*>(obj)->activate( view(), this );
if ( d->view->koDocument()->isReadWrite() && activeSheet() )
void Canvas::wheelEvent( TQWheelEvent* _ev )
if ( _ev->orientation() == Qt::Vertical )
if ( vertScrollBar() )
TQApplication::sendEvent( vertScrollBar(), _ev );
else if ( horzScrollBar() )
TQApplication::sendEvent( horzScrollBar(), _ev );
void Canvas::paintEvent( TQPaintEvent* _ev )
if ( d->view->doc()->isLoading() )
Sheet* sheet = activeSheet();
if ( !sheet )
// ElapsedTime et( "Canvas::paintEvent" );
double dwidth = d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( width() );
KoRect rect = d->view->doc()->unzoomRect( _ev->rect() & TQWidget::rect() );
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
rect.moveBy( -xOffset(), yOffset() );
rect.moveBy( xOffset(), yOffset() );
KoPoint tl = rect.topLeft();
KoPoint br = rect.bottomRight();
double tmp;
int left_col;
int right_col;
//Philipp: I don't know why we need the +1, but otherwise we don't get it correctly
//Testcase: Move a dialog slowly up left. Sometimes the top/left most points are not painted
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
right_col = sheet->leftColumn( dwidth - tl.x(), tmp );
left_col = sheet->rightColumn( dwidth - br.x() + 1.0 );
left_col = sheet->leftColumn( tl.x(), tmp );
right_col = sheet->rightColumn( br.x() + 1.0 );
int top_row = sheet->topRow( tl.y(), tmp );
int bottom_row = sheet->bottomRow( br.y() + 1.0 );
TQRect vr( TQPoint(left_col, top_row),
TQPoint(right_col, bottom_row) );
d->view->doc()->emitBeginOperation( false );
sheet->setRegionPaintDirty( vr );
d->view->doc()->emitEndOperation( vr );
void Canvas::focusInEvent( TQFocusEvent* )
if ( !d->cellEditor )
//kdDebug(36001) << "d->chooseCell : " << ( d->chooseCell ? "true" : "false" ) << endl;
// If we are in editing mode, we redirect the
// focus to the CellEditor or EditWidget
// And we know which, using lastEditorWithFocus.
// This screws up <Tab> though (David)
if ( lastEditorWithFocus() == EditWidget )
//kdDebug(36001) << "Focus to EditWidget" << endl;
//kdDebug(36001) << "Redirecting focus to editor" << endl;
void Canvas::focusOutEvent( TQFocusEvent* )
if ( d->scrollTimer->isActive() )
d->mousePressed = false;
void Canvas::dragMoveEvent( TQDragMoveEvent * _ev )
Sheet * sheet = activeSheet();
if ( !sheet )
_ev->accept( TextDrag::canDecode( _ev ) );
double dwidth = d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( width() );
double xpos = sheet->dblColumnPos( selectionInfo()->lastRange().left() );
double ypos = sheet->dblRowPos( selectionInfo()->lastRange().top() );
double width = sheet->columnFormat( selectionInfo()->lastRange().left() )->dblWidth( this );
double height = sheet->rowFormat( selectionInfo()->lastRange().top() )->dblHeight( this );
TQRect r1 ((int) xpos - 1, (int) ypos - 1, (int) width + 3, (int) height + 3);
double ev_PosX;
if (sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft)
ev_PosX = dwidth - d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->pos().x() ) + xOffset();
ev_PosX = d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->pos().x() ) + xOffset();
double ev_PosY = d->view->doc()->unzoomItY( _ev->pos().y() ) + yOffset();
if ( r1.contains( TQPoint ((int) ev_PosX, (int) ev_PosY) ) )
_ev->ignore( r1 );
void Canvas::dragLeaveEvent( TQDragLeaveEvent * )
if ( d->scrollTimer->isActive() )
void Canvas::dropEvent( TQDropEvent * _ev )
d->dragging = false;
if ( d->scrollTimer->isActive() )
Sheet * sheet = activeSheet();
if ( !sheet || sheet->isProtected() )
double dwidth = d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( width() );
double xpos = sheet->dblColumnPos( selectionInfo()->lastRange().left() );
double ypos = sheet->dblRowPos( selectionInfo()->lastRange().top() );
double width = sheet->columnFormat( selectionInfo()->lastRange().left() )->dblWidth( this );
double height = sheet->rowFormat( selectionInfo()->lastRange().top() )->dblHeight( this );
TQRect r1 ((int) xpos - 1, (int) ypos - 1, (int) width + 3, (int) height + 3);
double ev_PosX;
if (sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft)
ev_PosX = dwidth - d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->pos().x() ) + xOffset();
ev_PosX = d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->pos().x() ) + xOffset();
double ev_PosY = d->view->doc()->unzoomItY( _ev->pos().y() ) + yOffset();
if ( r1.contains( TQPoint ((int) ev_PosX, (int) ev_PosY) ) )
_ev->ignore( );
_ev->accept( );
double tmp;
int col = sheet->leftColumn( ev_PosX, tmp );
int row = sheet->topRow( ev_PosY, tmp );
if ( !TextDrag::canDecode( _ev ) )
TQByteArray b;
bool makeUndo = true;
if ( _ev->provides( TextDrag::selectionMimeType() ) )
if ( TextDrag::target() == _ev->source() )
if ( !d->view->doc()->undoLocked() )
UndoDragDrop * undo
= new UndoDragDrop(d->view->doc(), sheet, *selectionInfo(),
TQRect(col, row,
d->view->doc()->addCommand( undo );
makeUndo = false;
sheet->deleteSelection( selectionInfo(), false );
b = _ev->tqencodedData( TextDrag::selectionMimeType() );
sheet->paste( b, TQRect( col, row, 1, 1 ), makeUndo );
if ( _ev->source() == this )
TQString text;
if ( !TQTextDrag::decode( _ev, text ) )
// if ( TextDrag::target() == _ev->source() )
// sheet->deleteSelection( selectionInfo() );
sheet->pasteTextPlain( text, TQRect( col, row, 1, 1 ) );
if ( _ev->source() == this )
void Canvas::resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent* _ev )
if (!activeSheet())
double ev_Width = d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->size().width() );
double ev_Height = d->view->doc()->unzoomItY( _ev->size().height() );
// workaround to allow horizontal resizing and zoom changing when sheet
// direction and interface direction don't match (e.g. an RTL sheet on an
// LTR interface)
if ( activeSheet() && activeSheet()->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft && !TQApplication::reverseLayout() )
int dx = _ev->size().width() - _ev->oldSize().width();
scroll(dx, 0);
else if ( activeSheet() && activeSheet()->layoutDirection()==Sheet::LeftToRight && TQApplication::reverseLayout() )
int dx = _ev->size().width() - _ev->oldSize().width();
scroll(-dx, 0);
// If we rise horizontally, then check if we are still within the valid area (KS_colMax)
if ( _ev->size().width() > _ev->oldSize().width() )
int oldValue = horzScrollBar()->maxValue() - horzScrollBar()->value();
if ( ( xOffset() + ev_Width ) >
d->view->doc()->zoomItX( activeSheet()->sizeMaxX() ) )
horzScrollBar()->setRange( 0, d->view->doc()->zoomItX( activeSheet()->sizeMaxX() - ev_Width ) );
if ( activeSheet()->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
horzScrollBar()->setValue( horzScrollBar()->maxValue() - oldValue );
// If we lower vertically, then check if the range should represent the maximum range
else if ( _ev->size().width() < _ev->oldSize().width() )
int oldValue = horzScrollBar()->maxValue() - horzScrollBar()->value();
if ( horzScrollBar()->maxValue() ==
int( d->view->doc()->zoomItX( activeSheet()->sizeMaxX() ) - ev_Width ) )
horzScrollBar()->setRange( 0, d->view->doc()->zoomItX( activeSheet()->sizeMaxX() - ev_Width ) );
if ( activeSheet()->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
horzScrollBar()->setValue( horzScrollBar()->maxValue() - oldValue );
// If we rise vertically, then check if we are still within the valid area (KS_rowMax)
if ( _ev->size().height() > _ev->oldSize().height() )
if ( ( yOffset() + ev_Height ) >
d->view->doc()->zoomItY( activeSheet()->sizeMaxY() ) )
vertScrollBar()->setRange( 0, d->view->doc()->zoomItY( activeSheet()->sizeMaxY() - ev_Height ) );
// If we lower vertically, then check if the range should represent the maximum range
else if ( _ev->size().height() < _ev->oldSize().height() )
if ( vertScrollBar()->maxValue() ==
int( d->view->doc()->zoomItY( activeSheet()->sizeMaxY() ) - ev_Height ) )
vertScrollBar()->setRange( 0, d->view->doc()->zoomItY( activeSheet()->sizeMaxY() - ev_Height ) );
TQPoint Canvas::cursorPos()
TQPoint cursor;
if (d->chooseCell && !choice()->isEmpty())
cursor = choice()->cursor();
cursor = selectionInfo()->cursor();
return cursor;
TQRect Canvas::moveDirection( KSpread::MoveTo direction, bool extendSelection )
kdDebug(36001) << "Canvas::moveDirection" << endl;
TQPoint destination;
TQPoint cursor = cursorPos();
TQPoint cellCorner = cursor;
Cell* cell = activeSheet()->cellAt(cursor.x(), cursor.y());
/* cell is either the same as the marker, or the cell that is forced obscuring
the marker cell
if (cell->isPartOfMerged())
cell = cell->obscuringCells().first();
cellCorner = TQPoint(cell->column(), cell->row());
/* how many cells must we move to get to the next cell? */
int offset = 0;
RowFormat *rl = NULL;
ColumnFormat *cl = NULL;
switch (direction)
/* for each case, figure out how far away the next cell is and then keep
going one row/col at a time after that until a visible row/col is found
NEVER use cell->column() or cell->row() -- it might be a default cell
case KSpread::Bottom:
offset = cell->mergedYCells() - (cursor.y() - cellCorner.y()) + 1;
rl = activeSheet()->rowFormat( cursor.y() + offset );
while ( ((cursor.y() + offset) <= KS_rowMax) && rl->isHide())
rl = activeSheet()->rowFormat( cursor.y() + offset );
destination = TQPoint(cursor.x(), TQMIN(cursor.y() + offset, KS_rowMax));
case KSpread::Top:
offset = (cellCorner.y() - cursor.y()) - 1;
rl = activeSheet()->rowFormat( cursor.y() + offset );
while ( ((cursor.y() + offset) >= 1) && rl->isHide())
rl = activeSheet()->rowFormat( cursor.y() + offset );
destination = TQPoint(cursor.x(), TQMAX(cursor.y() + offset, 1));
case KSpread::Left:
offset = (cellCorner.x() - cursor.x()) - 1;
cl = activeSheet()->columnFormat( cursor.x() + offset );
while ( ((cursor.x() + offset) >= 1) && cl->isHide())
cl = activeSheet()->columnFormat( cursor.x() + offset );
destination = TQPoint(TQMAX(cursor.x() + offset, 1), cursor.y());
case KSpread::Right:
offset = cell->mergedXCells() - (cursor.x() - cellCorner.x()) + 1;
cl = activeSheet()->columnFormat( cursor.x() + offset );
while ( ((cursor.x() + offset) <= KS_colMax) && cl->isHide())
cl = activeSheet()->columnFormat( cursor.x() + offset );
destination = TQPoint(TQMIN(cursor.x() + offset, KS_colMax), cursor.y());
case KSpread::BottomFirst:
offset = cell->mergedYCells() - (cursor.y() - cellCorner.y()) + 1;
rl = activeSheet()->rowFormat( cursor.y() + offset );
while ( ((cursor.y() + offset) <= KS_rowMax) && rl->isHide())
rl = activeSheet()->rowFormat( cursor.y() + offset );
destination = TQPoint( 1, TQMIN( cursor.y() + offset, KS_rowMax ) );
if (extendSelection)
(d->chooseCell ? choice() : selectionInfo())->update(destination);
(d->chooseCell ? choice() : selectionInfo())->initialize(destination, activeSheet());
return TQRect( cursor, destination );
void Canvas::processEnterKey(TQKeyEvent* event)
// array is true, if ctrl+alt are pressed
bool array = (event->state() & TQt::AltButton) &&
(event->state() & TQt::ControlButton);
/* save changes to the current editor */
if (!d->chooseCell)
deleteEditor(true, array);
/* use the configuration setting to see which direction we're supposed to move
when enter is pressed.
KSpread::MoveTo direction = d->view->doc()->getMoveToValue();
//if shift Button clicked inverse move direction
if (event->state() & TQt::ShiftButton)
switch( direction )
case KSpread::Bottom:
direction = KSpread::Top;
case KSpread::Top:
direction = KSpread::Bottom;
case KSpread::Left:
direction = KSpread::Right;
case KSpread::Right:
direction = KSpread::Left;
case KSpread::BottomFirst:
direction = KSpread::BottomFirst;
/* never extend a selection with the enter key -- the shift key reverses
direction, not extends the selection
TQRect r( moveDirection( direction, false ) );
d->view->doc()->emitEndOperation( r );
void Canvas::processArrowKey( TQKeyEvent *event)
/* NOTE: hitting the tab key also calls this function. Don't forget
to account for it
/* save changes to the current editor */
if (!d->chooseCell)
deleteEditor( true );
KSpread::MoveTo direction = KSpread::Bottom;
bool makingSelection = event->state() & ShiftButton;
switch (event->key())
case Key_Down:
direction = KSpread::Bottom;
case Key_Up:
direction = KSpread::Top;
case Key_Left:
if (activeSheet()->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft)
direction = KSpread::Right;
direction = KSpread::Left;
case Key_Right:
if (activeSheet()->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft)
direction = KSpread::Left;
direction = KSpread::Right;
case Key_Tab:
direction = KSpread::Right;
case Key_Backtab:
//Shift+Tab moves to the left
direction = KSpread::Left;
makingSelection = false;
TQRect r( moveDirection( direction, makingSelection ) );
d->view->doc()->emitEndOperation( r );
void Canvas::processEscapeKey(TQKeyEvent * event)
if ( d->cellEditor )
deleteEditor( false );
if ( view()->isInsertingObject() )
setCursor( arrowCursor );
event->accept(); // ?
TQPoint cursor = cursorPos();
d->view->doc()->emitEndOperation( TQRect( cursor, cursor ) );
if ( d->mousePressed /*&& toolEditMode == TEM_MOUSE */)
switch (d->modType)
TQRect oldBoundingRect = doc()->zoomRect( d->m_resizeObject->tqgeometry()/*getRepaintRect()*/);
d->m_resizeObject->setGeometry( d->m_rectBeforeResize );
oldBoundingRect.moveBy( (int)( -xOffset()*doc()->zoomedResolutionX() ) ,
(int)( -yOffset() * doc()->zoomedResolutionY()) );
activeSheet()->setRegionPaintDirty( oldBoundingRect );
tqrepaint( oldBoundingRect );
repaintObject( d->m_resizeObject );
d->m_ratio = 0.0;
d->m_resizeObject = 0;
d->m_isResizing = false;
d->mousePressed = false;
d->modType = MT_NONE;
case MT_MOVE:
if ( d->m_isMoving )
KoPoint move( d->m_moveStartPoint - objectRect( false ).topLeft() );
activeSheet()->moveObject( view(), move, false );
d->mousePressed = false;
d->modType = MT_NONE;
d->m_isMoving = false;
bool Canvas::processHomeKey(TQKeyEvent* event)
bool makingSelection = event->state() & ShiftButton;
Sheet* sheet = activeSheet();
if ( d->cellEditor )
// We are in edit mode -> go beginning of line
TQApplication::sendEvent( d->editWidget, event );
return false;
TQPoint destination;
/* start at the first used cell in the row and cycle through the right until
we find a cell that has some output text. But don't look past the current
The end result we want is to move to the left to the first cell with text,
or just to the first column if there is no more text to the left.
But why? In excel, home key sends you to the first column always.
We might want to change to that behavior.
if (event->state() & ControlButton)
/* ctrl + Home will always just send us to location (1,1) */
destination = TQPoint( 1, 1 );
TQPoint marker = d->chooseCell ? choice()->marker() : selectionInfo()->marker();
Cell * cell = sheet->getFirstCellRow(marker.y());
while (cell != NULL && cell->column() < marker.x() && cell->isEmpty())
cell = sheet->getNextCellRight(cell->column(), cell->row());
int col = ( cell ? cell->column() : 1 );
if ( col == marker.x())
col = 1;
destination = TQPoint(col, marker.y());
if ( selectionInfo()->marker() == destination )
d->view->doc()->emitEndOperation( TQRect( destination, destination ) );
return false;
if (makingSelection)
(d->chooseCell ? choice() : selectionInfo())->update(destination);
(d->chooseCell ? choice() : selectionInfo())->initialize(destination, activeSheet());
return true;
bool Canvas::processEndKey( TQKeyEvent *event )
bool makingSelection = event->state() & ShiftButton;
Sheet* sheet = activeSheet();
Cell* cell = NULL;
TQPoint marker = d->chooseCell ? choice()->marker() : selectionInfo()->marker();
// move to the last used cell in the row
// We are in edit mode -> go beginning of line
if ( d->cellEditor )
TQApplication::sendEvent( d->editWidget, event );
d->view->doc()->emitEndOperation( TQRect( marker, marker ) );
return false;
int col = 1;
cell = sheet->getLastCellRow(marker.y());
while (cell != NULL && cell->column() > markerColumn() && cell->isEmpty())
cell = sheet->getNextCellLeft(cell->column(), cell->row());
col = (cell == NULL) ? KS_colMax : cell->column();
TQPoint destination( col, marker.y() );
if ( destination == marker )
d->view->doc()->emitEndOperation( TQRect( destination, destination ) );
return false;
if (makingSelection)
(d->chooseCell ? choice() : selectionInfo())->update(destination);
(d->chooseCell ? choice() : selectionInfo())->initialize(destination, activeSheet());
return true;
bool Canvas::processPriorKey(TQKeyEvent *event)
bool makingSelection = event->state() & ShiftButton;
if (!d->chooseCell)
deleteEditor( true );
TQPoint marker = d->chooseCell ? choice()->marker() : selectionInfo()->marker();
TQPoint destination(marker.x(), TQMAX(1, marker.y() - 10));
if ( destination == marker )
d->view->doc()->emitEndOperation( TQRect( destination, destination ) );
return false;
if (makingSelection)
(d->chooseCell ? choice() : selectionInfo())->update(destination);
(d->chooseCell ? choice() : selectionInfo())->initialize(destination, activeSheet());
return true;
bool Canvas::processNextKey(TQKeyEvent *event)
bool makingSelection = event->state() & ShiftButton;
if (!d->chooseCell)
deleteEditor( true /*save changes*/ );
TQPoint marker = d->chooseCell ? choice()->marker() : selectionInfo()->marker();
TQPoint destination(marker.x(), TQMAX(1, marker.y() + 10));
if ( marker == destination )
d->view->doc()->emitEndOperation( TQRect( destination, destination ) );
return false;
if (makingSelection)
(d->chooseCell ? choice() : selectionInfo())->update(destination);
(d->chooseCell ? choice() : selectionInfo())->initialize(destination, activeSheet());
return true;
void Canvas::processDeleteKey(TQKeyEvent* /* event */)
if ( isObjectSelected() )
d->view->doc()->emitEndOperation( activeSheet()->visibleRect( this ) );
activeSheet()->clearTextSelection( selectionInfo() );
d->editWidget->setText( "" );
TQPoint cursor = cursorPos();
d->view->doc()->emitEndOperation( TQRect( cursor, cursor ) );
void Canvas::processF2Key(TQKeyEvent* /* event */)
if ( d->cellEditor )
d->editWidget->setCursorPosition( d->cellEditor->cursorPosition() - 1 );
d->editWidget->cursorForward( false );
TQPoint cursor = cursorPos();
d->view->doc()->emitEndOperation( TQRect( cursor, cursor ) );
void Canvas::processF4Key(TQKeyEvent* event)
/* passes F4 to the editor (if any), which will process it
if ( d->cellEditor )
d->cellEditor->handleKeyPressEvent( event );
// d->editWidget->setFocus();
d->editWidget->setCursorPosition( d->cellEditor->cursorPosition() );
TQPoint cursor = cursorPos();
d->view->doc()->emitEndOperation( TQRect( cursor, cursor ) );
void Canvas::processOtherKey(TQKeyEvent *event)
// No null character ...
if ( event->text().isEmpty() || !d->view->koDocument()->isReadWrite()
|| !activeSheet() || activeSheet()->isProtected() )
if ( !d->cellEditor && !d->chooseCell )
// Switch to editing mode
createEditor( CellEditor );
d->cellEditor->handleKeyPressEvent( event );
else if ( d->cellEditor )
d->cellEditor->handleKeyPressEvent( event );
TQPoint cursor = cursorPos();
d->view->doc()->emitEndOperation( TQRect( cursor, cursor ) );
bool Canvas::processControlArrowKey( TQKeyEvent *event )
bool makingSelection = event->state() & ShiftButton;
Sheet* sheet = activeSheet();
Cell* cell = NULL;
Cell* lastCell;
TQPoint destination;
bool searchThroughEmpty = true;
int row;
int col;
TQPoint marker = d->chooseCell ? choice()->marker() : selectionInfo()->marker();
/* here, we want to move to the first or last cell in the given direction that is
actually being used. Ignore empty cells and cells on hidden rows/columns */
switch ( event->key() )
case Key_Up:
cell = sheet->cellAt( marker.x(), marker.y() );
if ( (cell != NULL) && (!cell->isEmpty()) && (marker.y() != 1))
lastCell = cell;
row = marker.y()-1;
cell = sheet->cellAt(cell->column(), row);
while ((cell != NULL) && (row > 0) && (!cell->isEmpty()) )
if (!(sheet->rowFormat(cell->row())->isHide()))
lastCell = cell;
searchThroughEmpty = false;
if ( row > 0 )
cell = sheet->cellAt(cell->column(), row);
cell = lastCell;
if (searchThroughEmpty)
cell = sheet->getNextCellUp(marker.x(), marker.y());
while ((cell != NULL) &&
(cell->isEmpty() || (sheet->rowFormat(cell->row())->isHide())))
cell = sheet->getNextCellUp(cell->column(), cell->row());
if (cell == NULL)
row = 1;
row = cell->row();
while ( sheet->rowFormat(row)->isHide() )
case Key_Down:
cell = sheet->cellAt( marker.x(), marker.y() );
if ( (cell != NULL) && (!cell->isEmpty()) && (marker.y() != KS_rowMax))
lastCell = cell;
row = marker.y()+1;
cell = sheet->cellAt(cell->column(), row);
while ((cell != NULL) && (row < KS_rowMax) && (!cell->isEmpty()) )
if (!(sheet->rowFormat(cell->row())->isHide()))
lastCell = cell;
searchThroughEmpty = false;
cell = sheet->cellAt(cell->column(), row);
cell = lastCell;
if (searchThroughEmpty)
cell = sheet->getNextCellDown(marker.x(), marker.y());
while ((cell != NULL) &&
(cell->isEmpty() || (sheet->rowFormat(cell->row())->isHide())))
cell = sheet->getNextCellDown(cell->column(), cell->row());
if (cell == NULL)
row = marker.y();
row = cell->row();
while ( sheet->rowFormat(row)->isHide() )
case Key_Left:
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
cell = sheet->cellAt( marker.x(), marker.y() );
if ( (cell != NULL) && (!cell->isEmpty()) && (marker.x() != KS_colMax))
lastCell = cell;
col = marker.x()+1;
cell = sheet->cellAt(col, cell->row());
while ((cell != NULL) && (col < KS_colMax) && (!cell->isEmpty()) )
if (!(sheet->columnFormat(cell->column())->isHide()))
lastCell = cell;
searchThroughEmpty = false;
cell = sheet->cellAt(col, cell->row());
cell = lastCell;
if (searchThroughEmpty)
cell = sheet->getNextCellRight(marker.x(), marker.y());
while ((cell != NULL) &&
(cell->isEmpty() || (sheet->columnFormat(cell->column())->isHide())))
cell = sheet->getNextCellRight(cell->column(), cell->row());
if (cell == NULL)
col = marker.x();
col = cell->column();
while ( sheet->columnFormat(col)->isHide() )
cell = sheet->cellAt( marker.x(), marker.y() );
if ( (cell != NULL) && (!cell->isEmpty()) && (marker.x() != 1))
lastCell = cell;
col = marker.x()-1;
cell = sheet->cellAt(col, cell->row());
while ((cell != NULL) && (col > 0) && (!cell->isEmpty()) )
if (!(sheet->columnFormat(cell->column())->isHide()))
lastCell = cell;
searchThroughEmpty = false;
if ( col > 0 )
cell = sheet->cellAt(col, cell->row());
cell = lastCell;
if (searchThroughEmpty)
cell = sheet->getNextCellLeft(marker.x(), marker.y());
while ((cell != NULL) &&
(cell->isEmpty() || (sheet->columnFormat(cell->column())->isHide())))
cell = sheet->getNextCellLeft(cell->column(), cell->row());
if (cell == NULL)
col = 1;
col = cell->column();
while ( sheet->columnFormat(col)->isHide() )
case Key_Right:
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
cell = sheet->cellAt( marker.x(), marker.y() );
if ( (cell != NULL) && (!cell->isEmpty()) && (marker.x() != 1))
lastCell = cell;
col = marker.x()-1;
cell = sheet->cellAt(col, cell->row());
while ((cell != NULL) && (col > 0) && (!cell->isEmpty()) )
if (!(sheet->columnFormat(cell->column())->isHide()))
lastCell = cell;
searchThroughEmpty = false;
if ( col > 0 )
cell = sheet->cellAt(col, cell->row());
cell = lastCell;
if (searchThroughEmpty)
cell = sheet->getNextCellLeft(marker.x(), marker.y());
while ((cell != NULL) &&
(cell->isEmpty() || (sheet->columnFormat(cell->column())->isHide())))
cell = sheet->getNextCellLeft(cell->column(), cell->row());
if (cell == NULL)
col = 1;
col = cell->column();
while ( sheet->columnFormat(col)->isHide() )
cell = sheet->cellAt( marker.x(), marker.y() );
if ( (cell != NULL) && (!cell->isEmpty()) && (marker.x() != KS_colMax))
lastCell = cell;
col = marker.x()+1;
cell = sheet->cellAt(col, cell->row());
while ((cell != NULL) && (col < KS_colMax) && (!cell->isEmpty()) )
if (!(sheet->columnFormat(cell->column())->isHide()))
lastCell = cell;
searchThroughEmpty = false;
cell = sheet->cellAt(col, cell->row());
cell = lastCell;
if (searchThroughEmpty)
cell = sheet->getNextCellRight(marker.x(), marker.y());
while ((cell != NULL) &&
(cell->isEmpty() || (sheet->columnFormat(cell->column())->isHide())))
cell = sheet->getNextCellRight(cell->column(), cell->row());
if (cell == NULL)
col = marker.x();
col = cell->column();
while ( sheet->columnFormat(col)->isHide() )
if ( marker == destination )
d->view->doc()->emitEndOperation( TQRect( destination, destination ) );
return false;
if (makingSelection)
(d->chooseCell ? choice() : selectionInfo())->update(destination);
(d->chooseCell ? choice() : selectionInfo())->initialize(destination, activeSheet());
return true;
void Canvas::keyPressEvent ( TQKeyEvent * _ev )
Sheet * sheet = activeSheet();
if ( !sheet || formatKeyPress( _ev ))
// Dont handle the remaining special keys.
if ( _ev->state() & ( TQt::AltButton | TQt::ControlButton ) &&
(_ev->key() != Key_Down) &&
(_ev->key() != Key_Up) &&
(_ev->key() != Key_Right) &&
(_ev->key() != Key_Left) &&
(_ev->key() != Key_Home) &&
(_ev->key() != Key_Enter) &&
(_ev->key() != Key_Return) &&
(_ev->key() != KGlobalSettings::contextMenuKey()))
TQWidget::keyPressEvent( _ev );
// Always accept so that events are not
// passed to the parent.
if ( _ev->key() == KGlobalSettings::contextMenuKey() ) {
int row = markerRow();
int col = markerColumn();
KoPoint kop(sheet->columnPos(col, this), sheet->rowPos(row, this));
TQPoint p = d->view->doc()->zoomPoint(kop);
p = mapToGlobal(p);
d->view->openPopupMenu( p );
switch( _ev->key() )
case Key_Return:
case Key_Enter:
processEnterKey( _ev );
case Key_Down:
case Key_Up:
case Key_Left:
case Key_Right:
case Key_Tab: /* a tab behaves just like a right/left arrow */
case Key_Backtab: /* and so does Shift+Tab */
if (_ev->state() & ControlButton)
if ( !processControlArrowKey( _ev ) )
processArrowKey( _ev );
case Key_Escape:
processEscapeKey( _ev );
case Key_Home:
if ( !processHomeKey( _ev ) )
case Key_End:
if ( !processEndKey( _ev ) )
case Key_Prior: /* Page Up */
if ( !processPriorKey( _ev ) )
case Key_Next: /* Page Down */
if ( !processNextKey( _ev ) )
case Key_Delete:
processDeleteKey( _ev );
case Key_F2:
processF2Key( _ev );
case Key_F4:
processF4Key( _ev );
processOtherKey( _ev );
//most process*Key methods call emitEndOperation, this only gets called in some situations
// (after some move operations)
d->view->doc()->emitEndOperation( sheet->visibleRect( this ) );
void Canvas::processIMEvent( TQIMEvent * event )
d->view->doc()->emitBeginOperation( false );
if ( !d->cellEditor && !d->chooseCell )
// Switch to editing mode
createEditor( CellEditor );
d->cellEditor->handleIMEvent( event );
TQPoint cursor;
if ( d->chooseCell )
cursor = choice()->cursor();
/* if the cursor is unset, pretend we're starting at the regular cursor */
if (cursor.x() == 0 || cursor.y() == 0)
cursor = choice()->cursor();
cursor = selectionInfo()->cursor();
d->view->doc()->emitEndOperation( TQRect( cursor, cursor ) );
bool Canvas::formatKeyPress( TQKeyEvent * _ev )
if (!(_ev->state() & ControlButton ))
return false;
int key = _ev->key();
if ( key != Key_Exclam && key != Key_At && key != Key_Ampersand
&& key != Key_Dollar && key != Key_Percent && key != Key_AsciiCircum
&& key != Key_NumberSign )
return false;
Cell * cell = 0L;
Sheet * sheet = activeSheet();
if ( !d->view->doc()->undoLocked() )
TQString dummy;
UndoCellFormat * undo = new UndoCellFormat( d->view->doc(), sheet, *selectionInfo(), dummy );
d->view->doc()->addCommand( undo );
Region::ConstIterator end(selectionInfo()->constEnd());
for (Region::ConstIterator it = selectionInfo()->constBegin(); it != end; ++it)
TQRect rect = (*it)->rect().normalize();
int right = rect.right();
int bottom = rect.bottom();
if ( util_isRowSelected(rect) )
for ( int r = rect.top(); r <= bottom; ++r )
cell = sheet->getFirstCellRow( r );
while ( cell )
if ( cell->isPartOfMerged() )
cell = sheet->getNextCellRight( cell->column(), r );
formatCellByKey (cell, _ev->key(), rect);
cell = sheet->getNextCellRight( cell->column(), r );
} // while (cell)
RowFormat * rw = sheet->nonDefaultRowFormat( r );
TQPen pen;
switch ( _ev->key() )
case Key_Exclam:
rw->setFormatType (Number_format);
rw->setPrecision( 2 );
case Key_Dollar:
rw->setFormatType (Money_format);
rw->setPrecision( d->view->doc()->locale()->fracDigits() );
case Key_Percent:
rw->setFormatType (Percentage_format);
case Key_At:
rw->setFormatType( SecondeTime_format );
case Key_NumberSign:
rw->setFormatType( ShortDate_format );
case Key_AsciiCircum:
rw->setFormatType( Scientific_format );
case Key_Ampersand:
if ( r == rect.top() )
pen = TQPen( d->view->borderColor(), 1, SolidLine);
rw->setTopBorderPen( pen );
if ( r == rect.bottom() )
pen = TQPen( d->view->borderColor(), 1, SolidLine);
rw->setBottomBorderPen( pen );
d->view->doc()->emitEndOperation( rect );
return false;
sheet->emit_updateRow( rw, r );
d->view->doc()->emitEndOperation( rect );
return true;
if ( util_isColumnSelected(rect) )
for ( int c = rect.left(); c <= right; ++c )
cell = sheet->getFirstCellColumn( c );
while ( cell )
if ( cell->isPartOfMerged() )
cell = sheet->getNextCellDown( c, cell->row() );
formatCellByKey (cell, _ev->key(), rect);
cell = sheet->getNextCellDown( c, cell->row() );
ColumnFormat * cw = sheet->nonDefaultColumnFormat( c );
TQPen pen;
switch ( _ev->key() )
case Key_Exclam:
cw->setFormatType( Number_format );
cw->setPrecision( 2 );
case Key_Dollar:
cw->setFormatType( Money_format );
cw->setPrecision( d->view->doc()->locale()->fracDigits() );
case Key_Percent:
cw->setFormatType( Percentage_format );
case Key_At:
cw->setFormatType( SecondeTime_format );
case Key_NumberSign:
cw->setFormatType( ShortDate_format );
case Key_AsciiCircum:
cw->setFormatType( Scientific_format );
case Key_Ampersand:
if ( c == rect.left() )
pen = TQPen( d->view->borderColor(), 1, SolidLine);
cw->setLeftBorderPen( pen );
if ( c == rect.right() )
pen = TQPen( d->view->borderColor(), 1, SolidLine);
cw->setRightBorderPen( pen );
d->view->doc()->emitEndOperation( rect );
return false;
sheet->emit_updateColumn( cw, c );
d->view->doc()->emitEndOperation( rect );
return true;
for ( int row = rect.top(); row <= bottom; ++row )
for ( int col = rect.left(); col <= right; ++ col )
cell = sheet->nonDefaultCell( col, row );
if ( cell->isPartOfMerged() )
formatCellByKey (cell, _ev->key(), rect);
} // for left .. right
} // for top .. bottom
d->view->doc()->emitEndOperation( *selectionInfo() );
return true;
bool Canvas::formatCellByKey (Cell *cell, int key, const TQRect &rect)
TQPen pen;
switch (key)
case Key_Exclam:
cell->convertToDouble ();
cell->format()->setFormatType (Number_format);
cell->format()->setPrecision( 2 );
case Key_Dollar:
cell->convertToMoney ();
case Key_Percent:
cell->convertToPercent ();
case Key_At:
cell->convertToTime ();
case Key_NumberSign:
cell->convertToDate ();
case Key_AsciiCircum:
cell->format()->setFormatType (Scientific_format);
cell->convertToDouble ();
case Key_Ampersand:
if ( cell->row() == rect.top() )
pen = TQPen( d->view->borderColor(), 1, SolidLine);
cell->setTopBorderPen( pen );
if ( cell->row() == rect.bottom() )
pen = TQPen( d->view->borderColor(), 1, SolidLine);
cell->setBottomBorderPen( pen );
if ( cell->column() == rect.left() )
pen = TQPen( d->view->borderColor(), 1, SolidLine);
cell->setLeftBorderPen( pen );
if ( cell->column() == rect.right() )
pen = TQPen( d->view->borderColor(), 1, SolidLine);
cell->setRightBorderPen( pen );
} // switch
return true;
void Canvas::slotAutoScroll(const TQPoint &scrollDistance)
TQPoint d = scrollDistance;
horzScrollBar()->setValue( horzScrollBar()->value() + d.x() );
vertScrollBar()->setValue( vertScrollBar()->value() + d.y() );
void Canvas::doAutoScroll()
if ( !d->mousePressed )
bool select = false;
TQPoint pos = mapFromGlobal( TQCursor::pos() );
//Provide progressive scrolling depending on the mouse position
if ( pos.y() < 0 )
vertScrollBar()->setValue ((int) (vertScrollBar()->value() -
autoScrollAccelerationY( - pos.y())));
select = true;
else if ( pos.y() > height() )
vertScrollBar()->setValue ((int) (vertScrollBar()->value() +
autoScrollAccelerationY (pos.y() - height())));
select = true;
if ( pos.x() < 0 )
horzScrollBar()->setValue ((int) (horzScrollBar()->value() -
autoScrollAccelerationX( - pos.x() )));
select = true;
else if ( pos.x() > width() )
horzScrollBar()->setValue ((int) (horzScrollBar()->value() +
autoScrollAccelerationX( pos.x() - width())));
select = true;
if ( select )
TQMouseEvent * event = new TQMouseEvent(TQEvent::MouseMove, pos, 0, 0);
mouseMoveEvent( event );
delete event;
//Restart timer
d->scrollTimer->start( 50 );
void Canvas::speakCell(TQWidget* w, const TQPoint& p, uint flags)
if (w != this) return;
Sheet* sheet = activeSheet();
if (!sheet) return;
int row = -1;
int col = -1;
if (p == TQPoint()) {
row = markerRow();
col = markerColumn();
if (row == d->prevSpokenFocusRow && col == d->prevSpokenFocusCol) return;
d->prevSpokenFocusRow = row;
d->prevSpokenFocusCol = col;
} else {
TQPoint wp = w->mapFromGlobal(p);
double tmp;
double posX;
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
double dwidth = d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( width() );
posX = dwidth - d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( wp.x() );
posX = d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( wp.x() );
double posY = d->view->doc()->unzoomItY( wp.y() );
col = sheet->leftColumn( (posX + xOffset()), tmp );
row = sheet->topRow( (posY + yOffset()), tmp );
if (row == d->prevSpokenPointerRow && col == d->prevSpokenPointerCol) return;
d->prevSpokenPointerRow = row;
d->prevSpokenPointerCol = col;
if (row == d->prevSpokenRow && col == d->prevSpokenCol) return;
d->prevSpokenRow = row;
d->prevSpokenCol = col;
// kdDebug() << "Canvas::speakCell: row = " << row << " col = " << col << endl;
if (row >=0 && col >= 0) {
Cell* cell = sheet->cellAt( col, row );
if (!cell) return;
TQString text = cell->strOutText();
if (!text.isEmpty()) {
text.prepend(i18n("Spreadsheet cell", "Cell ") + cell->name() + " ");
if (cell->isFormula()) {
TQString f = cell->text();
// Try to format the formula so synth can more clearly speak it.
TQString f2;
for (uint i = 0; i < f.length(); i++) f2 += f[i] + " ";
f2.replace("(", i18n("character (", "left paren"));
f2.replace(")", i18n("character )", "right paren"));
f2.replace(":", i18n("character :", "colon"));
f2.replace(";", i18n("character ;", "semicolon"));
f2.replace("=", i18n("character =", "equals"));
f2.replace(".", i18n("character .", "point"));
f2.replace(",", i18n("character ,", "comma"));
f2.replace(" . . ", i18n("characters ..", " dot dot "));
text.append(i18n("Spreadsheet formula", " Formula ") + f2);
// kdDebug() << "Canvas::speakCell: text = " << text << endl;
double Canvas::autoScrollAccelerationX( int offset )
switch( static_cast<int>( offset / 20 ) )
case 0: return 5.0;
case 1: return 20.0;
case 2: return d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( width() );
case 3: return d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( width() );
default: return d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( (int) (width() * 5.0) );
double Canvas::autoScrollAccelerationY( int offset )
switch( static_cast<int>( offset / 20 ) )
case 0: return 5.0;
case 1: return 20.0;
case 2: return d->view->doc()->unzoomItY( height() );
case 3: return d->view->doc()->unzoomItY( height() );
default: return d->view->doc()->unzoomItY( (int) (height() * 5.0) );
KSpread::EmbeddedObject *Canvas::getObject( const TQPoint &pos, Sheet *_sheet )
TQPoint const p ( (int) pos.x() ,
(int) pos.y() );
TQPtrListIterator<EmbeddedObject> itObject( doc()->embeddedObjects() );
for( ; itObject.current(); ++itObject )
if ( itObject.current()->sheet() == _sheet )
KoRect const bound = ( itObject.current() )->tqgeometry();
TQRect zoomedBound = doc()->zoomRect( KoRect(bound.left(), bound.top(),
bound.height() ) );
zoomedBound.moveBy( (int)( -xOffset() * doc()->zoomedResolutionX() ), (int)( -yOffset() * doc()->zoomedResolutionY() ) );
if ( zoomedBound.contains( p ) )
return itObject.current();
return 0;
void Canvas::selectObject( EmbeddedObject *obj )
if ( obj->sheet() != activeSheet() || obj->isSelected() )
obj->setSelected( true );
repaintObject( obj );
d->mouseSelectedObject = true;
emit objectSelectedChanged();
deleteEditor( true );
void Canvas::deselectObject( EmbeddedObject *obj )
if ( obj->sheet() != activeSheet() || !obj->isSelected() )
obj->setSelected( false );
repaintObject( obj );
d->mouseSelectedObject = false;
emit objectSelectedChanged();
void Canvas::selectAllObjects()
TQPtrListIterator<EmbeddedObject> it( doc()->embeddedObjects() );
for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
if ( it.current()->sheet() == activeSheet() )
it.current()->setSelected( true );
d->mouseSelectedObject = true;
// emit objectSelectedChanged();
void Canvas::deselectAllObjects()
if( activeSheet()->numSelected() == 0 )
TQPtrListIterator<EmbeddedObject> it( doc()->embeddedObjects() );
for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
deselectObject( it.current() );
d->mouseSelectedObject = false;
// emit objectSelectedChanged();
void Canvas::setMouseSelectedObject(bool b)
d->mouseSelectedObject = b;
emit objectSelectedChanged();
bool Canvas::isObjectSelected()
return d->mouseSelectedObject;
void Canvas::moveObjectsByMouse( KoPoint &pos, bool keepXorYunchanged )
KoRect rect( objectRect( false ) );
KoPoint move( 0, 0 );
double diffx = pos.x() - d->m_origMousePos.x();
double diffy = pos.y() - d->m_origMousePos.y();
move = KoPoint( diffx, diffy );
d->m_origMousePos = pos;
// unwind last snapping
KoRect movedRect( rect );
movedRect.moveBy( diffx, diffy );
// don't move object off canvas
KoPoint diffDueToBorders(0,0);
// KoRect pageRect( m_activePage->getPageRect() );
if ( rect.left() + move.x() < 0/*pageRect.left()*/ )
diffDueToBorders.setX( -rect.left() - move.x() );
// else if ( rect.right() + move.x() > pageRect.right() )
// diffDueToBorders.setX( pageRect.right() - (rect.right() + move.x()) );
//kdDebug() << "rect.top() + move.y():" << rect.top() + move.y()<< endl;
if ( rect.top() + move.y() < 0 )
diffDueToBorders.setY( -rect.top() - move.y() );
// else if ( rect.bottom() + move.y() > pageRect.bottom() )
// diffDueToBorders.setY( pageRect.bottom() - (rect.bottom() + move.y()) );
// m_moveSnapDiff += diffDueToBorders;
move += diffDueToBorders;
// movedRect.moveBy( m_moveSnapDiff.x(), m_moveSnapDiff.y() );
if ( keepXorYunchanged )
KoPoint diff( d->m_moveStartPosMouse - movedRect.topLeft() );
if ( fabs( diff.x() ) > fabs( diff.y() ) )
// m_moveSnapDiff.setY( /*m_moveSnapDiff.y() + */m_moveStartPosMouse.y() - movedRect.y() );
movedRect.moveTopLeft( KoPoint( movedRect.x(), d->m_moveStartPosMouse.y() ) );
move.setY( movedRect.y() - rect.y() );
// m_moveSnapDiff.setX( /*m_moveSnapDiff.x() + */m_moveStartPosMouse.x() - movedRect.x() );
movedRect.moveTopLeft( KoPoint( d->m_moveStartPosMouse.x(), movedRect.y() ) );
move.setX( movedRect.x() - rect.x() );
if ( move != KoPoint( 0, 0 ) )
//kdDebug(33001) << "moveObjectsByMouse move = " << move << endl;
activeSheet()->moveObject( view(), move, false );
void Canvas::resizeObject( ModifyType _modType, const KoPoint & point, bool keepRatio )
EmbeddedObject *obj = d->m_resizeObject;
KoRect objRect = obj->tqgeometry();
objRect.moveBy( -xOffset(), -yOffset() );
TQRect oldBoundingRect( doc()->zoomRect( objRect ) );
bool left = false;
bool right = false;
bool top = false;
bool bottom = false;
if ( _modType == MT_RESIZE_UP || _modType == MT_RESIZE_LU || _modType == MT_RESIZE_RU )
top = true;
// snaptqStatus |= KoGuides::SNAP_HORIZ;
if ( _modType == MT_RESIZE_DN || _modType == MT_RESIZE_LD || _modType == MT_RESIZE_RD )
bottom = true;
// snaptqStatus |= KoGuides::SNAP_HORIZ;
if ( _modType == MT_RESIZE_LF || _modType == MT_RESIZE_LU || _modType == MT_RESIZE_LD )
left = true;
// snaptqStatus |= KoGuides::SNAP_VERT;
if ( _modType == MT_RESIZE_RT || _modType == MT_RESIZE_RU || _modType == MT_RESIZE_RD )
right = true;
// snaptqStatus |= KoGuides::SNAP_VERT;
double newLeft = objRect.left();
double newRight = objRect.right();
double newTop = objRect.top();
double newBottom = objRect.bottom();
if ( top )
if ( point.y() < objRect.bottom() - MIN_SIZE )
newTop = point.y();
newTop = objRect.bottom() - MIN_SIZE;
if ( bottom )
if ( point.y() > objRect.top() + MIN_SIZE )
newBottom = point.y();
newBottom = objRect.top() + MIN_SIZE;
if ( left )
if ( point.x() < objRect.right() - MIN_SIZE )
newLeft = point.x();
newLeft = objRect.right() - MIN_SIZE;
if ( right )
if ( point.x() > objRect.left() + MIN_SIZE )
newRight = point.x();
newRight = objRect.left() + MIN_SIZE;
double width = newRight - newLeft;
double height = newBottom - newTop;
if ( keepRatio && d->m_ratio != 0 )
if ( ( top || bottom ) && ( right || left ) )
if ( height * height * d->m_ratio > width * width / d->m_ratio )
width = height * d->m_ratio;
height = width / d->m_ratio;
else if ( top || bottom )
width = height * d->m_ratio;
height = width / d->m_ratio;
if ( top )
newTop = objRect.bottom() - height;
newBottom = objRect.top() + height;
if ( left )
newLeft = objRect.right() - width;
newRight = objRect.right() + width;
if ( newLeft != objRect.left() || newRight != objRect.right() || newTop != objRect.top() || newBottom != objRect.bottom() )
// resizeBy and moveBy have to been used to make it work with rotated objects
obj->resizeBy( width - objRect.width(), height - objRect.height() );
if ( objRect.left() != newLeft || objRect.top() != newTop )
obj->moveBy( KoPoint( newLeft - objRect.left(), newTop - objRect.top() ) );
// if ( doc()->showGuideLines() && !m_disableSnapping )
// {
// KoRect rect( obj->getRealRect() );
// KoPoint sp( rect.topLeft() );
// if ( right )
// {
// sp.setX( rect.right() );
// }
// if ( bottom )
// {
// sp.setY( rect.bottom() );
// }
// m_gl.repaintSnapping( sp, snaptqStatus );
// }
tqrepaint( oldBoundingRect );
repaintObject( obj );
emit objectSizeChanged();
void Canvas::finishResizeObject( const TQString &/*name*/, bool /*tqlayout*/ )
if ( d->m_resizeObject )
KoPoint move = KoPoint( d->m_resizeObject->tqgeometry().x() - d->m_rectBeforeResize.x(),
d->m_resizeObject->tqgeometry().y() - d->m_rectBeforeResize.y() );
KoSize size = KoSize( d->m_resizeObject->tqgeometry().width() - d->m_rectBeforeResize.width(),
d->m_resizeObject->tqgeometry().height() - d->m_rectBeforeResize.height() );
if ( ( d->m_resizeObject->tqgeometry() ) != d->m_rectBeforeResize )
ChangeObjectGeometryCommand *resizeCmd = new ChangeObjectGeometryCommand( d->m_resizeObject, move, size );
// the command is not executed as the object is allready resized.
doc()->addCommand( resizeCmd );
// if ( tqlayout )
// doc()->tqlayout( m_resizeObject );
d->m_ratio = 0.0;
d->m_isResizing = false;
repaintObject( d->m_resizeObject );
d->m_resizeObject = NULL;
void Canvas::raiseObject( EmbeddedObject *object )
if ( doc()->embeddedObjects().count() <= 1 )
if ( d->m_objectDisplayAbove == 0 )
if ( activeSheet()->numSelected() == 1 )
d->m_objectDisplayAbove = object;
void Canvas::lowerObject()
d->m_objectDisplayAbove = 0;
void Canvas::displayObjectList( TQPtrList<EmbeddedObject> &list )
list = doc()->embeddedObjects();
list.setAutoDelete( false );
if ( d->m_objectDisplayAbove )
// it can happen that the object is no longer there e.g. when
// the insert of the object is undone
int pos = doc()->embeddedObjects().findRef( d->m_objectDisplayAbove );
if ( pos != -1 && d->m_objectDisplayAbove->isSelected() )
list.take( pos );
list.append( d->m_objectDisplayAbove );
//tz not possible due to const. should const be removed?
//m_objectDisplayAbove = 0;
KoRect Canvas::objectRect( bool all ) const
return activeSheet()->getRealRect( all );
void Canvas::deleteEditor (bool saveChanges, bool array)
if ( !d->cellEditor )
//There may be highlighted areas on the sheet which will need to be erased
setSelectionChangePaintDirty( activeSheet() , *choice() );
d->editWidget->setEditMode( false );
TQString t = d->cellEditor->text();
// Delete the cell editor first and after that update the document.
// That means we get a synchronous tqrepaint after the cell editor
// widget is gone. Otherwise we may get painting errors.
delete d->cellEditor;
d->cellEditor = 0;
if ( saveChanges )
if ( t.at(0)=='=' )
//a formula
int openParenthese = t.contains('(' );
int closeParenthese = t.contains(')' );
int diff = TQABS( openParenthese - closeParenthese );
if ( openParenthese > closeParenthese )
for (int i=0; i < diff;i++)
d->view->setText (t, array);
void Canvas::createEditor(bool captureArrowKeys)
if (!activeSheet())
Cell * cell = activeSheet()->nonDefaultCell( markerColumn(), markerRow(), false );
if ( !createEditor( CellEditor , true , captureArrowKeys ) )
if ( cell )
d->cellEditor->setText( cell->text() );
bool Canvas::createEditor( EditorType ed, bool addFocus, bool captureArrowKeys )
Sheet * sheet = activeSheet();
// Set the starting sheet of the choice.
choice()->setSheet( activeSheet() );
if ( !d->cellEditor )
Cell * cell = sheet->nonDefaultCell( marker().x(), marker().y(), false );
if ( sheet->isProtected() && !cell->format()->notProtected( marker().x(), marker().y() ) )
return false;
if ( ed == CellEditor )
d->editWidget->setEditMode( true );
d->cellEditor = new KSpread::CellEditor( cell, this, captureArrowKeys );
double w, h;
double min_w = cell->dblWidth( markerColumn() );
double min_h = cell->dblHeight( markerRow() );
if ( cell->isDefault() )
w = min_w;
h = min_h;
//kdDebug(36001) << "DEFAULT" << endl;
w = cell->extraWidth();
h = cell->extraHeight();
//kdDebug(36001) << "HEIGHT=" << min_h << " EXTRA=" << h << endl;
double xpos = sheet->dblColumnPos( markerColumn() ) - xOffset();
Sheet::LayoutDirection sheetDir = sheet->layoutDirection();
bool rtlText = cell->strOutText().isRightToLeft();
// if sheet and cell direction don't match, then the editor's location
// needs to be shifted backwards so that it's right above the cell's text
if ( w > 0 && ( ( sheetDir == Sheet::RightToLeft && !rtlText ) ||
( sheetDir == Sheet::LeftToRight && rtlText ) ) )
xpos -= w - min_w;
// paint editor above correct cell if sheet direction is RTL
if ( sheetDir == Sheet::RightToLeft )
double dwidth = d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( width() );
double w2 = TQMAX( w, min_w );
xpos = dwidth - w2 - xpos;
double ypos = sheet->dblRowPos( markerRow() ) - yOffset();
TQPalette p = d->cellEditor->palette();
TQColorGroup g( p.active() );
TQColor color = cell->format()->textColor( markerColumn(), markerRow() );
if ( !color.isValid() )
color = TQApplication::tqpalette().active().text();
g.setColor( TQColorGroup::Text, color);
color = cell->bgColor( markerColumn(), markerRow() );
if ( !color.isValid() )
color = g.base();
g.setColor( TQColorGroup::Background, color );
d->cellEditor->setPalette( TQPalette( g, p.disabled(), g ) );
TQFont tmpFont = cell->format()->textFont( markerColumn(), markerRow() );
tmpFont.setPointSizeFloat( 0.01 * d->view->doc()->zoom() * tmpFont.pointSizeFloat() );
d->cellEditor->setFont( tmpFont );
KoRect rect( xpos, ypos, w, h ); //needed to circumvent rounding issue with height/width
TQRect zoomedRect=d->view->doc()->zoomRect( rect );
d->cellEditor->setGeometry( zoomedRect );
d->cellEditor->setMinimumSize( TQSize( d->view->doc()->zoomItX( min_w ), d->view->doc()->zoomItY( min_h ) ) );
//kdDebug(36001) << "FOCUS1" << endl;
//Laurent 2001-12-05
//Don't add focus when we create a new editor and
//we select text in edit widget otherwise we don't delete
//selected text.
// startChoose();
if ( addFocus )
setSelectionChangePaintDirty(sheet, *selectionInfo());
return true;
void Canvas::repaintObject( EmbeddedObject *obj )
//Calculate where the object appears on the canvas widget and then tqrepaint that part of the widget
TQRect canvasRelativeGeometry = doc()->zoomRect( obj->tqgeometry() );
canvasRelativeGeometry.moveBy( (int)( -xOffset()*doc()->zoomedResolutionX() ) ,
(int)( -yOffset() * doc()->zoomedResolutionY()) );
update( canvasRelativeGeometry );
/* if ( !obj->isSelected() )
KoRect g = obj->tqgeometry();
g.moveBy( -xOffset(), -yOffset() );
TQRect tqgeometry( doc()->zoomRect( g ) );
update( tqgeometry );
TQPainter p(this);
p.translate( -xOffset() * doc()->zoomedResolutionX() , -yOffset() * doc()->zoomedResolutionY() );
obj->draw(&p); //this goes faster than calling tqrepaint
void Canvas::copyOasisObjects()
// We'll create a store (ZIP format) in memory
TQBuffer buffer;
TQCString mimeType = "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet";
KoStore* store = KoStore::createStore( TQT_TQIODEVICE(&buffer), KoStore::Write, mimeType );
Q_ASSERT( store );
Q_ASSERT( !store->bad() );
KoOasisStore oasisStore( store );
KoXmlWriter* manifestWriter = oasisStore.manifestWriter( mimeType );
TQString plainText;
KoPicture picture;
if ( !doc()->saveOasisHelper( store, manifestWriter, Doc::SaveSelected, &plainText, &picture )
|| !oasisStore.closeManifestWriter() )
delete store;
delete store;
KMultipleDrag* multiDrag = new KMultipleDrag();
if ( !plainText.isEmpty() )
multiDrag->addDragObject( new TQTextDrag( plainText, 0 ) );
if ( !picture.isNull() )
multiDrag->addDragObject( picture.dragObject( 0 ) );
KoStoreDrag* storeDrag = new KoStoreDrag( mimeType, 0 );
kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << "setting zip data: " << buffer.buffer().size() << " bytes." << endl;
storeDrag->setEncodedData( buffer.buffer() );
multiDrag->addDragObject( storeDrag );
//save the objects as pictures too so that other programs can access them
TQPtrListIterator<EmbeddedObject> itObject( doc()->embeddedObjects() );
if ( itObject.current() )
KoRect kr = objectRect(false);
TQRect r( kr.toTQRect() );
TQPixmap pixmap( r.width(), r.height() );
pixmap.fill( "white" );
TQPainter p(&pixmap);
for( ; itObject.current(); ++itObject )
if ( itObject.current()->isSelected() )
p.drawPixmap( itObject.current()->tqgeometry().toTQRect().left() - r.left(), itObject.current()->tqgeometry().toTQRect().top() - r.top(), itObject.current()->toPixmap( 1.0 , 1.0 ) );
if (!pixmap.isNull())
TQImageDrag *imagedrag = new TQImageDrag( pixmap.convertToImage() );
multiDrag->addDragObject( imagedrag );
TQDragObject *dragObject = multiDrag;
TQApplication::tqclipboard()->setData( dragObject, TQClipboard::Clipboard );
void Canvas::closeEditor()
if ( d->chooseCell )
if ( d->cellEditor )
deleteEditor( true ); // save changes
void Canvas::updateEditor()
if (!d->chooseCell)
Sheet* sheet = activeSheet();
if (!sheet)
if (d->cellEditor)
if (choice()->sheet() != sheet)
void Canvas::setSelectionChangePaintDirty(Sheet* sheet, const Region& region)
sheet->setRegionPaintDirty(region); // TODO should the paintDirtyList be in Canvas?
void Canvas::updatePosWidget()
TQString buffer;
// No selection, or only one cell merged selected
if ( selectionInfo()->isSingular() )
if (activeSheet()->getLcMode())
buffer = "L" + TQString::number( markerRow() ) +
"C" + TQString::number( markerColumn() );
buffer = Cell::columnName( markerColumn() ) +
TQString::number( markerRow() );
if (activeSheet()->getLcMode())
buffer = TQString::number( (selectionInfo()->lastRange().bottom()-selectionInfo()->lastRange().top()+1) )+"Lx";
if ( util_isRowSelected( selectionInfo()->lastRange() ) )
//encodeColumnLabelText return @@@@ when column >KS_colMax
//=> it's not a good display
//=> for the moment I display pos of marker
buffer=Cell::columnName( selectionInfo()->lastRange().left() ) +
TQString::number(selectionInfo()->lastRange().top()) + ":" +
Cell::columnName( TQMIN( KS_colMax, selectionInfo()->lastRange().right() ) ) +
//buffer=activeSheet()->columnLabel( m_iMarkerColumn );
if (buffer != d->posWidget->lineEdit()->text())
void Canvas::equalizeRow()
TQRect s( selection() );
RowFormat *rl = d->view->activeSheet()->rowFormat(s.top());
int size=rl->height(this);
if ( s.top() == s.bottom() )
for(int i=s.top()+1;i<=s.bottom();i++)
Sheet *sheet = activeSheet();
if ( !sheet )
void Canvas::equalizeColumn()
TQRect s( selection() );
ColumnFormat *cl = d->view->activeSheet()->columnFormat(s.left());
int size=cl->width(this);
if ( s.left() == s.right() )
for(int i=s.left()+1;i<=s.right();i++)
TQRect Canvas::cellsInArea( const TQRect area ) const
KoRect unzoomedRect = d->view->doc()->unzoomRect( area );
unzoomedRect.moveBy( (int)xOffset(), (int)yOffset() );
double tmp;
int left_col = activeSheet()->leftColumn( unzoomedRect.left(), tmp );
int right_col = activeSheet()->rightColumn( unzoomedRect.right() );
int top_row = activeSheet()->topRow( unzoomedRect.top(), tmp );
int bottom_row = activeSheet()->bottomRow( unzoomedRect.bottom() );
return TQRect( left_col, top_row,
right_col - left_col + 1, bottom_row - top_row + 1 );
TQRect Canvas::visibleCells() const
return cellsInArea( TQRect(0,0,width(),height()) );
// Drawing Engine
void Canvas::paintUpdates()
if (activeSheet() == NULL)
TQPainter painter(this);
//Save clip region
TQRegion rgnComplete( painter.clipRegion() );
TQWMatrix matrix;
if ( d->view )
matrix = d->view->matrix();
matrix = painter.tqworldMatrix();
paintChildren( painter, matrix );
clipoutChildren( painter );
KoRect unzoomedRect = d->view->doc()->unzoomRect( TQRect( 0, 0, width(), height() ) );
// unzoomedRect.moveBy( xOffset(), yOffset() );
/* paint any visible cell that has the paintDirty flag */
TQRect range = visibleCells();
Cell* cell = NULL;
double topPos = activeSheet()->dblRowPos(range.top());
double leftPos = activeSheet()->dblColumnPos(range.left());
KoPoint dblCorner( leftPos - xOffset(), topPos - yOffset() );
int x;
int y;
int right = range.right();
int bottom = range.bottom();
Sheet * sheet = activeSheet();
#if 0
<< "================================================================"
<< endl;
kdDebug(36001) << "painting dirty cells " << endl;
TQValueList<TQPoint> mergedCellsPainted;
for ( x = range.left(); x <= right; ++x )
for ( y = range.top(); y <= bottom; ++y )
if ( sheet->cellIsPaintDirty( TQPoint( x, y ) ) )
cell = sheet->cellAt( x, y );
// recalc and retqlayout only for non default cells
if (!cell->isDefault())
if (cell->calcDirtyFlag()) cell->calc();
if (cell->layoutDirtyFlag()) cell->makeLayout( painter, x, y );
/* bool paintBordersBottom = false;
bool paintBordersRight = false;
bool paintBordersLeft = false;
bool paintBordersTop = false; */
int paintBorder=Cell::Border_None;
TQPen bottomPen( cell->effBottomBorderPen( x, y ) );
TQPen rightPen( cell->effRightBorderPen( x, y ) );
TQPen leftPen( cell->effLeftBorderPen( x, y ) );
TQPen topPen( cell->effTopBorderPen( x, y ) );
// paint right border
// - if rightmost cell
// - if the pen is more "worth" than the left border pen of the cell
// on the left
if ( x >= KS_colMax )
paintBorder |= Cell::Border_Right;
paintBorder |= Cell::Border_Right;
if ( cell->effRightBorderValue( x, y ) <
sheet->cellAt( x + 1, y )->effLeftBorderValue( x + 1, y ) )
rightPen = sheet->cellAt( x + 1, y )->effLeftBorderPen( x + 1, y );
// similiar for other borders...
// bottom border:
if ( y >= KS_rowMax )
paintBorder |= Cell::Border_Bottom;
paintBorder |= Cell::Border_Bottom;
if ( cell->effBottomBorderValue( x, y ) <
sheet->cellAt( x, y + 1 )->effTopBorderValue( x, y + 1 ) )
bottomPen = sheet->cellAt( x, y + 1 )->effTopBorderPen( x, y + 1 );
// left border:
if ( x == 1 )
paintBorder |= Cell::Border_Left;
paintBorder |= Cell::Border_Left;
if ( cell->effLeftBorderValue( x, y ) <
sheet->cellAt( x - 1, y )->effRightBorderValue( x - 1, y ) )
leftPen = sheet->cellAt( x - 1, y )->effRightBorderPen( x - 1, y );
// top border:
if ( y == 1 )
paintBorder |= Cell::Border_Top;
paintBorder |= Cell::Border_Top;
if ( cell->effTopBorderValue( x, y ) <
sheet->cellAt( x, y - 1 )->effBottomBorderValue( x, y - 1 ) )
topPen = sheet->cellAt( x, y - 1 )->effBottomBorderPen( x, y - 1 );
cell->paintCell( unzoomedRect, painter, d->view, dblCorner,
TQPoint( x, y), paintBorder,
dblCorner.setY( dblCorner.y() + sheet->rowFormat( y )->dblHeight( ) );
dblCorner.setY( topPos - yOffset() );
dblCorner.setX( dblCorner.x() + sheet->columnFormat( x )->dblWidth( ) );
/* now paint the selection */
//Nb. No longer necessary to paint choose selection here as the cell reference highlight
//stuff takes care of this anyway
paintHighlightedRanges(painter, unzoomedRect);
paintNormalMarker(painter, unzoomedRect);
//restore clip region with tqchildren area
//painter.setClipRegion( rgnComplete );
void Canvas::clipoutChildren( TQPainter& painter ) const
TQRegion rgn = painter.clipRegion();
if ( rgn.isEmpty() )
rgn = TQRegion( TQRect( 0, 0, width(), height() ) );
const double horizontalOffset = -xOffset() * doc()->zoomedResolutionX();
const double verticalOffset = -yOffset() * doc()->zoomedResolutionY();
TQPtrListIterator<EmbeddedObject> itObject( doc()->embeddedObjects() );
for( ; itObject.current(); ++itObject )
if ( ( itObject.current() )->sheet() == activeSheet() )
TQRect childGeometry = doc()->zoomRect( itObject.current()->tqgeometry());
//The clipping region is given in device coordinates
//so subtract the current offset (scroll position) of the canvas
childGeometry.moveBy( (int)horizontalOffset , (int)verticalOffset );
if (painter.window().intersects(childGeometry))
rgn -= childGeometry;
//painter.fillRect( doc()->zoomRect( itObject.current()->tqgeometry() ), TQColor("red" ) );
painter.setClipRegion( rgn );
TQRect Canvas::painterWindowGeometry( const TQPainter& painter ) const
TQRect zoomedWindowGeometry = painter.window();
zoomedWindowGeometry.moveBy( (int)( xOffset() * doc()->zoomedResolutionX() ) , (int)( yOffset() * doc()->zoomedResolutionY() ) );
return zoomedWindowGeometry;
void Canvas::paintChildren( TQPainter& painter, TQWMatrix& /*matrix*/ )
TQPtrListIterator<EmbeddedObject> itObject( doc()->embeddedObjects() );
if ( !itObject.current() )
painter.translate( -xOffset() * doc()->zoomedResolutionX() , -yOffset() * doc()->zoomedResolutionY() );
const TQRect zoomedWindowGeometry = painterWindowGeometry( painter );
const Sheet* sheet = activeSheet();
for( ; itObject.current(); ++itObject )
TQRect const zoomedObjectGeometry = doc()->zoomRect( itObject.current()->tqgeometry() );
if ( ( itObject.current() )->sheet() == activeSheet() &&
zoomedWindowGeometry.intersects( zoomedObjectGeometry ) )
//To prevent unnecessary redrawing of the embedded object, we only tqrepaint
//if one or more of the cells underneath the object has been marked as 'dirty'.
TQRect canvasRelativeGeometry = zoomedObjectGeometry;
canvasRelativeGeometry.moveBy( (int)( -xOffset()*doc()->zoomedResolutionX() ) ,
(int)( -yOffset() * doc()->zoomedResolutionY()) );
const TQRect cellsUnderObject=cellsInArea( canvasRelativeGeometry );
bool redraw=false;
for (int x=cellsUnderObject.left();x<=cellsUnderObject.right();x++)
for (int y=cellsUnderObject.top();y<=cellsUnderObject.bottom();y++)
if ( sheet->cellIsPaintDirty( TQPoint(x,y) ) )
if (redraw)
if ( redraw )
itObject.current()->draw( &painter );
void Canvas::paintHighlightedRanges(TQPainter& painter, const KoRect& /*viewRect*/)
TQValueList<TQColor> colors = choice()->colors();
TQBrush nullBrush;
int index = 0;
Region::ConstIterator end(choice()->constEnd());
for (Region::ConstIterator it = choice()->constBegin(); it != end; ++it)
//Only paint ranges or cells on the current sheet
if ((*it)->sheet() != activeSheet())
TQRect region = (*it)->rect().normalize();
//double positions[4];
//bool paintSides[4];
KoRect unzoomedRect;
//Convert region from sheet coordinates to canvas coordinates for use with the painter
TQPen highlightPen( colors[(index) % colors.size()] ); // (*it)->color() );
//Adjust the canvas coordinate - rect to take account of zoom level
TQRect zoomedRect;
zoomedRect.setCoords ( d->view->doc()->zoomItX(unzoomedRect.left()),
d->view->doc()->zoomItY(unzoomedRect.bottom()) );
//Now adjust the highlight rectangle is slightly inside the cell borders (this means that multiple highlighted cells
//look nicer together as the borders do not clash)
//Now draw the size grip (the little rectangle on the bottom right-hand corner of the range which the user can
//click and drag to resize the region)
TQBrush sizeGripBrush( colors[(index) % colors.size()] ); // (*it)->color());
TQPen sizeGripPen(TQt::white);
void Canvas::paintNormalMarker(TQPainter& painter, const KoRect &viewRect)
//Only the active element (the one with the anchor) will be drawn with a border
if( d->chooseCell )
if (d->cellEditor)
Region::ConstIterator end(selectionInfo()->constEnd());
for (Region::ConstIterator it(selectionInfo()->constBegin()); it != end; ++it)
TQRect range = (*it)->rect().normalize();
double positions[4];
bool paintSides[4];
bool current = TQRect(selectionInfo()->anchor(), selectionInfo()->marker()).normalize() == range;
TQPen pen( TQt::black, 2 );
painter.setPen( pen );
retrieveMarkerInfo( selectionInfo()->extendToMergedAreas(range), viewRect, positions, paintSides );
double left = positions[0];
double top = positions[1];
double right = positions[2];
double bottom = positions[3];
bool paintLeft = paintSides[0];
bool paintTop = paintSides[1];
bool paintRight = paintSides[2];
bool paintBottom = paintSides[3];
/* the extra '-1's thrown in here account for the thickness of the pen.
want to look like this: not this:
* * * * * * * * * *
* * * *
* * * *
int l = 1;
if ( paintTop )
painter.drawLine( d->view->doc()->zoomItX( left ) - l, d->view->doc()->zoomItY( top ),
d->view->doc()->zoomItX( right ) + l, d->view->doc()->zoomItY( top ) );
if ( activeSheet()->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
if ( paintRight )
painter.drawLine( d->view->doc()->zoomItX( right ), d->view->doc()->zoomItY( top ),
d->view->doc()->zoomItX( right ), d->view->doc()->zoomItY( bottom ) );
if ( paintLeft && paintBottom && current )
/* then the 'handle' in the bottom left corner is visible. */
painter.drawLine( d->view->doc()->zoomItX( left ), d->view->doc()->zoomItY( top ),
d->view->doc()->zoomItX( left ), d->view->doc()->zoomItY( bottom ) - 3 );
painter.drawLine( d->view->doc()->zoomItX( left ) + 4, d->view->doc()->zoomItY( bottom ),
d->view->doc()->zoomItX( right ) + l + 1, d->view->doc()->zoomItY( bottom ) );
painter.fillRect( d->view->doc()->zoomItX( left ) - 2, d->view->doc()->zoomItY( bottom ) -2, 5, 5,
painter.pen().color() );
if ( paintLeft )
painter.drawLine( d->view->doc()->zoomItX( left ), d->view->doc()->zoomItY( top ),
d->view->doc()->zoomItX( left ), d->view->doc()->zoomItY( bottom ) );
if ( paintBottom )
painter.drawLine( d->view->doc()->zoomItX( left ) - l, d->view->doc()->zoomItY( bottom ),
d->view->doc()->zoomItX( right ) + l + 1, d->view->doc()->zoomItY( bottom ));
else // activeSheet()->layoutDirection()==Sheet::LeftToRight
if ( paintLeft )
painter.drawLine( d->view->doc()->zoomItX( left ), d->view->doc()->zoomItY( top ),
d->view->doc()->zoomItX( left ), d->view->doc()->zoomItY( bottom ) );
if ( paintRight && paintBottom && current )
/* then the 'handle' in the bottom right corner is visible. */
painter.drawLine( d->view->doc()->zoomItX( right ), d->view->doc()->zoomItY( top ),
d->view->doc()->zoomItX( right ), d->view->doc()->zoomItY( bottom ) - 3 );
painter.drawLine( d->view->doc()->zoomItX( left ) - l, d->view->doc()->zoomItY( bottom ),
d->view->doc()->zoomItX( right ) - 3, d->view->doc()->zoomItY( bottom ) );
painter.fillRect( d->view->doc()->zoomItX( right ) - 2, d->view->doc()->zoomItY( bottom ) - 2, 5, 5,
painter.pen().color() );
if ( paintRight )
painter.drawLine( d->view->doc()->zoomItX( right ), d->view->doc()->zoomItY( top ),
d->view->doc()->zoomItX( right ), d->view->doc()->zoomItY( bottom ) );
if ( paintBottom )
painter.drawLine( d->view->doc()->zoomItX( left ) - l, d->view->doc()->zoomItY( bottom ),
d->view->doc()->zoomItX( right ) + l + 1, d->view->doc()->zoomItY( bottom ) );
void Canvas::sheetAreaToRect(const TQRect& sheetArea, KoRect& rect)
Sheet* sheet=activeSheet();
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
rect.setLeft(sheet->dblColumnPos( sheetArea.right()+1 ) );
rect.setRight(sheet->dblColumnPos( sheetArea.left() ));
rect.setLeft(sheet->dblColumnPos( sheetArea.left() ));
rect.setRight(sheet->dblColumnPos( sheetArea.right()+1 ));
void Canvas::sheetAreaToVisibleRect( const TQRect& sheetArea,
KoRect& visibleRect )
Sheet* sheet=activeSheet();
if (!sheet)
double dwidth=d->view->doc()->unzoomItX(width());
double xpos;
double x;
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
xpos = dwidth - sheet->dblColumnPos( sheetArea.right() ) + xOffset();
x = dwidth - sheet->dblColumnPos( sheetArea.left() ) + xOffset();
xpos = sheet->dblColumnPos( sheetArea.left() ) - xOffset();
x = sheet->dblColumnPos( sheetArea.right() ) - xOffset();
double ypos = sheet->dblRowPos(sheetArea.top())-yOffset();
const ColumnFormat *columnFormat = sheet->columnFormat( sheetArea.right() );
double tw = columnFormat->dblWidth( );
double w = x - xpos + tw;
double y = sheet->dblRowPos( sheetArea.bottom() ) - yOffset();
const RowFormat* rowFormat = sheet->rowFormat( sheetArea.bottom() );
double th = rowFormat->dblHeight( );
double h = ( y - ypos ) + th;
/* left, top, right, bottom */
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
visibleRect.setLeft(xpos - tw );
visibleRect.setRight(xpos - tw + w );
visibleRect.setLeft(xpos );
visibleRect.setRight(xpos + w );
visibleRect.setBottom(ypos + h);
void Canvas::retrieveMarkerInfo( const TQRect &marker,
const KoRect &viewRect,
double positions[],
bool paintSides[] )
Sheet* sheet=activeSheet();
if (!sheet) return;
KoRect visibleRect;
/* Sheet * sheet = activeSheet();
if ( !sheet )
double dWidth = d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( width() );
double xpos;
double x;
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
xpos = dWidth - sheet->dblColumnPos( marker.right() ) + xOffset();
x = dWidth - sheet->dblColumnPos( marker.left() ) + xOffset();
xpos = sheet->dblColumnPos( marker.left() ) - xOffset();
x = sheet->dblColumnPos( marker.right() ) - xOffset();
double ypos = sheet->dblRowPos( marker.top() ) - yOffset();
const ColumnFormat *columnFormat = sheet->columnFormat( marker.right() );
double tw = columnFormat->dblWidth( );
double w = x - xpos + tw;
double y = sheet->dblRowPos( marker.bottom() ) - yOffset();
const RowFormat* rowFormat = sheet->rowFormat( marker.bottom() );
double th = rowFormat->dblHeight( );
double h = ( y - ypos ) + th;
//left, top, right, bottom
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
positions[0] = xpos - tw;
positions[2] = xpos - tw + w;
positions[0] = xpos;
positions[2] = xpos + w;
positions[1] = ypos;
positions[3] = ypos + h;*/
/* these vars are used for clarity, the array for simpler function arguments */
double left = visibleRect.left();
double top = visibleRect.top();
double right = visibleRect.right();
double bottom = visibleRect.bottom();
/* left, top, right, bottom */
paintSides[0] = (viewRect.left() <= left) && (left <= viewRect.right()) &&
(bottom >= viewRect.top()) && (top <= viewRect.bottom());
paintSides[1] = (viewRect.top() <= top) && (top <= viewRect.bottom())
&& (right >= viewRect.left()) && (left <= viewRect.right());
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
paintSides[2] = (viewRect.left() <= right ) &&
(right - 1 <= viewRect.right()) &&
(bottom >= viewRect.top()) && (top <= viewRect.bottom());
paintSides[2] = (viewRect.left() <= right ) &&
(right <= viewRect.right()) &&
(bottom >= viewRect.top()) && (top <= viewRect.bottom());
paintSides[3] = (viewRect.top() <= bottom) && (bottom <= viewRect.bottom())
&& (right >= viewRect.left()) && (left <= viewRect.right());
positions[0] = TQMAX( left, viewRect.left() );
positions[1] = TQMAX( top, viewRect.top() );
positions[2] = TQMIN( right, viewRect.right() );
positions[3] = TQMIN( bottom, viewRect.bottom() );
* VBorder
VBorder::VBorder( TQWidget *_parent, Canvas *_canvas, View *_view)
: TQWidget( _parent, "", /*WNorthWestGravity*/WStaticContents | WResizeNoErase | WRepaintNoErase )
m_pView = _view;
m_pCanvas = _canvas;
m_lSize = 0L;
setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton );
setMouseTracking( true );
m_bResize = false;
m_bSelection = false;
m_bMousePressed = false;
m_scrollTimer = new TQTimer( this );
connect (m_scrollTimer, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, TQT_SLOT( doAutoScroll() ) );
delete m_scrollTimer;
TQSize VBorder::tqsizeHint() const
return TQSize( 40, 10 );
void VBorder::mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent * _ev )
if ( !m_pView->koDocument()->isReadWrite() )
if ( _ev->button() == Qt::LeftButton )
m_bMousePressed = true;
const Sheet *sheet = m_pCanvas->activeSheet();
if (!sheet)
double ev_PosY = m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->unzoomItY( _ev->pos().y() ) + m_pCanvas->yOffset();
double dHeight = m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->unzoomItY( height() );
m_bResize = false;
m_bSelection = false;
// We were editing a cell -> save value and get out of editing mode
if ( m_pCanvas->editor() )
m_pCanvas->deleteEditor( true ); // save changes
m_scrollTimer->start( 50 );
// Find the first visible row and the y position of this row.
double y;
int row = sheet->topRow( m_pCanvas->yOffset(), y );
// Did the user click between two rows?
while ( y < ( dHeight + m_pCanvas->yOffset() ) && ( !m_bResize ) )
double h = sheet->rowFormat( row )->dblHeight();
if ( row > KS_rowMax )
row = KS_rowMax;
if ( ( ev_PosY >= y + h - 2 ) &&
( ev_PosY <= y + h + 1 ) &&
!( sheet->rowFormat( row )->isHide() && row == 1 ) )
m_bResize = true;
y += h;
//if row is hide and it's the first row
//you mustn't resize it.
double tmp2;
int tmpRow = sheet->topRow( ev_PosY - 1, tmp2 );
if ( sheet->rowFormat( tmpRow )->isHide() && tmpRow == 1 )
m_bResize = false;
// So he clicked between two rows ?
if ( m_bResize )
// Determine row to resize
double tmp;
m_iResizedRow = sheet->topRow( ev_PosY - 1, tmp );
if ( !sheet->isProtected() )
paintSizeIndicator( _ev->pos().y(), true );
m_bSelection = true;
double tmp;
int hit_row = sheet->topRow( ev_PosY, tmp );
if ( hit_row > KS_rowMax )
m_iSelectionAnchor = hit_row;
if ( !m_pView->selectionInfo()->contains( TQPoint(1, hit_row) ) ||
!( _ev->button() == Qt::RightButton ) ||
!m_pView->selectionInfo()->isRowSelected() )
TQPoint newMarker( 1, hit_row );
TQPoint newAnchor( KS_colMax, hit_row );
if (_ev->state() == ControlButton)
m_pView->selectionInfo()->extend(TQRect(newAnchor, newMarker));
if (_ev->state() == ShiftButton)
m_pView->selectionInfo()->initialize(TQRect(newAnchor, newMarker));
if ( _ev->button() == Qt::RightButton )
TQPoint p = mapToGlobal( _ev->pos() );
m_pView->popupRowMenu( p );
m_bSelection = false;
void VBorder::mouseReleaseEvent( TQMouseEvent * _ev )
if ( m_scrollTimer->isActive() )
m_bMousePressed = false;
if ( !m_pView->koDocument()->isReadWrite() )
Sheet *sheet = m_pCanvas->activeSheet();
if (!sheet)
double ev_PosY = m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->unzoomItY( _ev->pos().y() ) + m_pCanvas->yOffset();
if ( m_bResize )
// Remove size indicator painted by paintSizeIndicator
TQPainter painter;
painter.begin( m_pCanvas );
painter.setRasterOp( NotROP );
painter.drawLine( 0, m_iResizePos, m_pCanvas->width(), m_iResizePos );
int start = m_iResizedRow;
int end = m_iResizedRow;
TQRect rect;
rect.setCoords( 1, m_iResizedRow, KS_colMax, m_iResizedRow );
if ( m_pView->selectionInfo()->isRowSelected() )
if ( m_pView->selectionInfo()->contains( TQPoint( 1, m_iResizedRow ) ) )
start = m_pView->selectionInfo()->lastRange().top();
end = m_pView->selectionInfo()->lastRange().bottom();
rect = m_pView->selectionInfo()->lastRange();
double height = 0.0;
double y = sheet->dblRowPos( m_iResizedRow );
if ( ev_PosY - y <= 0.0 )
height = 0.0;
height = ev_PosY - y;
if ( !sheet->isProtected() )
if ( !m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->undoLocked() )
//just resize
if ( height != 0.0 )
// TODO Stefan: replace this
UndoResizeColRow *undo = new UndoResizeColRow( m_pCanvas->d->view->doc(), m_pCanvas->activeSheet(), rect );
m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->addCommand( undo );
for( int i = start; i <= end; i++ )
RowFormat *rl = sheet->nonDefaultRowFormat( i );
if ( height != 0.0 )
if ( !rl->isHide() )
rl->setDblHeight( height );
delete m_lSize;
m_lSize = 0;
else if ( m_bSelection )
TQRect rect = m_pView->selectionInfo()->lastRange();
// TODO: please don't remove. Right now it's useless, but it's for a future feature
// Norbert
bool m_frozen = false;
if ( m_frozen )
kdDebug(36001) << "selected: T " << rect.top() << " B " << rect.bottom() << endl;
int i;
RowFormat * row;
for ( i = rect.top(); i <= rect.bottom(); ++i )
row = m_pView->activeSheet()->rowFormat( i );
if ( row->isHide() )
if ( hiddenRows.count() > 0 )
m_bSelection = false;
m_bResize = false;
void VBorder::equalizeRow( double resize )
Sheet *sheet = m_pCanvas->activeSheet();
Q_ASSERT( sheet );
TQRect selection( m_pView->selectionInfo()->selection() );
if ( !m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->undoLocked() )
UndoResizeColRow *undo = new UndoResizeColRow( m_pCanvas->d->view->doc(), m_pCanvas->activeSheet(), selection );
m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->addCommand( undo );
RowFormat *rl;
for ( int i = selection.top(); i <= selection.bottom(); i++ )
rl = sheet->nonDefaultRowFormat( i );
resize = TQMAX( 2.0, resize);
rl->setDblHeight( resize );
void VBorder::mouseDoubleClickEvent(TQMouseEvent*)
Sheet *sheet = m_pCanvas->activeSheet();
if (!sheet)
if ( !m_pView->koDocument()->isReadWrite() || sheet->isProtected() )
void VBorder::mouseMoveEvent( TQMouseEvent * _ev )
if ( !m_pView->koDocument()->isReadWrite() )
Sheet *sheet = m_pCanvas->activeSheet();
if (!sheet)
double ev_PosY = m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->unzoomItY( _ev->pos().y() ) + m_pCanvas->yOffset();
double dHeight = m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->unzoomItY( height() );
// The button is pressed and we are resizing ?
if ( m_bResize )
if ( !sheet->isProtected() )
paintSizeIndicator( _ev->pos().y(), false );
// The button is pressed and we are selecting ?
else if ( m_bSelection )
double y;
int row = sheet->topRow( ev_PosY, y );
if ( row > KS_rowMax )
TQPoint newAnchor = m_pView->selectionInfo()->anchor();
TQPoint newMarker = m_pView->selectionInfo()->marker();
newMarker.setY( row );
newAnchor.setY( m_iSelectionAnchor );
if ( _ev->pos().y() < 0 )
m_pCanvas->vertScrollBar()->setValue( m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->zoomItY( ev_PosY ) );
else if ( _ev->pos().y() > m_pCanvas->height() )
if ( row < KS_rowMax )
RowFormat *rl = sheet->rowFormat( row + 1 );
y = sheet->dblRowPos( row + 1 );
m_pCanvas->vertScrollBar()->setValue ((int) (m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->zoomItY
(ev_PosY + rl->dblHeight()) - dHeight));
// No button is pressed and the mouse is just moved
//What is the internal size of 1 pixel
const double unzoomedPixel = m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->unzoomItY( 1 );
double y;
int tmpRow = sheet->topRow( m_pCanvas->yOffset(), y );
while ( y < m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->unzoomItY( height() ) + m_pCanvas->yOffset() )
double h = sheet->rowFormat( tmpRow )->dblHeight();
//if col is hide and it's the first column
//you mustn't resize it.
if ( ev_PosY >= y + h - 2 * unzoomedPixel &&
ev_PosY <= y + h + unzoomedPixel &&
!( sheet->rowFormat( tmpRow )->isHide() && tmpRow == 1 ) )
setCursor( splitVCursor );
y += h;
setCursor( arrowCursor );
void VBorder::doAutoScroll()
if ( !m_bMousePressed )
TQPoint pos( mapFromGlobal( TQCursor::pos() ) );
if ( pos.y() < 0 || pos.y() > height() )
TQMouseEvent * event = new TQMouseEvent( TQEvent::MouseMove, pos, 0, 0 );
mouseMoveEvent( event );
delete event;
//Restart timer
m_scrollTimer->start( 50 );
void VBorder::wheelEvent( TQWheelEvent* _ev )
if ( m_pCanvas->vertScrollBar() )
TQApplication::sendEvent( m_pCanvas->vertScrollBar(), _ev );
void VBorder::paintSizeIndicator( int mouseY, bool firstTime )
Sheet *sheet = m_pCanvas->activeSheet();
if (!sheet)
TQPainter painter;
painter.begin( m_pCanvas );
painter.setRasterOp( NotROP );
if ( !firstTime )
painter.drawLine( 0, m_iResizePos, m_pCanvas->width(), m_iResizePos );
m_iResizePos = mouseY;
// Dont make the row have a height < 2 pixel.
int y = m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->zoomItY( sheet->dblRowPos( m_iResizedRow ) - m_pCanvas->yOffset() );
if ( m_iResizePos < y + 2 )
m_iResizePos = y;
painter.drawLine( 0, m_iResizePos, m_pCanvas->width(), m_iResizePos );
TQString tmpSize;
if ( m_iResizePos != y )
tmpSize = i18n("Height: %1 %2").tqarg( KoUnit::toUserValue( m_pCanvas->doc()->unzoomItY( m_iResizePos - y ),
m_pView->doc()->unit() ) )
.tqarg( m_pView->doc()->unitName() );
tmpSize = i18n( "Hide Row" );
painter.begin( this );
int len = painter.fontMetrics().width( tmpSize );
int hei = painter.fontMetrics().height();
if ( !m_lSize )
m_lSize = new TQLabel( m_pCanvas );
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
m_lSize->setGeometry( m_pCanvas->width() - len - 5,
y + 3, len + 2, hei + 2 );
m_lSize->setGeometry( 3, y + 3, len + 2,hei + 2 );
m_lSize->tqsetAlignment( TQt::AlignVCenter );
m_lSize->setText( tmpSize );
m_lSize->setPalette( TQToolTip::palette() );
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
m_lSize->setGeometry( m_pCanvas->width() - len - 5,
y + 3, len + 2, hei + 2 );
m_lSize->setGeometry( 3, y + 3, len + 2,hei + 2 );
m_lSize->setText( tmpSize );
void VBorder::updateRows( int from, int to )
Sheet *sheet = m_pCanvas->activeSheet();
if ( !sheet )
int y0 = sheet->rowPos( from, m_pCanvas );
int y1 = sheet->rowPos( to+1, m_pCanvas );
update( 0, y0, width(), y1-y0 );
void VBorder::paintEvent( TQPaintEvent* _ev )
Sheet *sheet = m_pCanvas->activeSheet();
if ( !sheet )
TQPainter painter( this );
TQColor highlightColor = View::highlightColor();
TQPen pen( TQt::black, 1 );
painter.setPen( pen );
// painter.setBackgroundColor( tqcolorGroup().base() );
// painter.eraseRect( _ev->rect() );
//TQFontMetrics fm = painter.fontMetrics();
// Matthias Elter: This causes a SEGFAULT in ~TQPainter!
// Only god and the trolls know why ;-)
// bah...took me quite some time to track this one down...
painter.setClipRect( _ev->rect() );
double yPos;
//Get the top row and the current y-position
int y = sheet->topRow( (m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->unzoomItY( _ev->rect().y() ) + m_pCanvas->yOffset()), yPos );
//Align to the offset
yPos = yPos - m_pCanvas->yOffset();
int width = m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->zoomItX( YBORDER_WIDTH );
TQFont normalFont = painter.font();
if ( m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->zoom() < 100 )
normalFont.setPointSizeFloat( 0.01 * m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->zoom() *
normalFont.pointSizeFloat() );
TQFont boldFont = normalFont;
boldFont.setBold( true );
//Loop through the rows, until we are out of range
while ( yPos <= m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->unzoomItY( _ev->rect().bottom() ) )
bool selected = (m_pView->selectionInfo()->isRowSelected(y));
bool highlighted = (!selected && m_pView->selectionInfo()->isRowAffected(y));
const RowFormat *row_lay = sheet->rowFormat( y );
int zoomedYPos = m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->zoomItY( yPos );
int height = m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->zoomItY( yPos + row_lay->dblHeight() ) - zoomedYPos;
if ( selected )
TQBrush fillSelected( highlightColor );
qDrawPlainRect ( &painter, 0, zoomedYPos, width, height+1, highlightColor.dark(150),
1, &fillSelected );
else if ( highlighted )
TQBrush fillHighlighted( highlightColor );
qDrawPlainRect ( &painter, 0, zoomedYPos, width, height+1, highlightColor.dark(150),
1, &fillHighlighted );
TQColor c = tqcolorGroup().background();
TQBrush fill( c );
qDrawPlainRect ( &painter, 0, zoomedYPos, width, height+1, c.dark(150),
1, &fill );
TQString rowText = TQString::number( y );
// Reset painter
painter.setFont( normalFont );
painter.setPen( tqcolorGroup().text() );
if ( selected )
painter.setPen( tqcolorGroup().highlightedText() );
else if ( highlighted )
painter.setFont( boldFont );
int len = painter.fontMetrics().width( rowText );
if (!row_lay->isHide())
painter.drawText( ( width-len )/2, zoomedYPos +
( height + painter.fontMetrics().ascent() -
painter.fontMetrics().descent() ) / 2, rowText );
yPos += row_lay->dblHeight();
void VBorder::focusOutEvent( TQFocusEvent* )
if ( m_scrollTimer->isActive() )
m_bMousePressed = false;
* HBorder
HBorder::HBorder( TQWidget *_parent, Canvas *_canvas,View *_view )
: TQWidget( _parent, "", /*WNorthWestGravity*/ WStaticContents| WResizeNoErase | WRepaintNoErase )
m_pView = _view;
m_pCanvas = _canvas;
m_lSize = 0L;
setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton );
setMouseTracking( true );
m_bResize = false;
m_bSelection = false;
m_bMousePressed = false;
m_scrollTimer = new TQTimer( this );
connect( m_scrollTimer, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, TQT_SLOT( doAutoScroll() ) );
delete m_scrollTimer;
TQSize HBorder::tqsizeHint() const
return TQSize( 40, 10 );
void HBorder::mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent * _ev )
if (!m_pView->koDocument()->isReadWrite())
if ( _ev->button() == Qt::LeftButton )
m_bMousePressed = true;
const Sheet *sheet = m_pCanvas->activeSheet();
if (!sheet)
// We were editing a cell -> save value and get out of editing mode
if ( m_pCanvas->editor() )
m_pCanvas->deleteEditor( true ); // save changes
m_scrollTimer->start( 50 );
double ev_PosX;
double dWidth = m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( width() );
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
ev_PosX = dWidth - m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->pos().x() ) + m_pCanvas->xOffset();
ev_PosX = m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->pos().x() ) + m_pCanvas->xOffset();
m_bResize = false;
m_bSelection = false;
// Find the first visible column and the x position of this column.
double x;
const double unzoomedPixel = m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( 1 );
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
int tmpCol = sheet->leftColumn( m_pCanvas->xOffset(), x );
kdDebug() << "evPos: " << ev_PosX << ", x: " << x << ", COL: " << tmpCol << endl;
while ( ev_PosX > x && ( !m_bResize ) )
double w = sheet->columnFormat( tmpCol )->dblWidth();
kdDebug() << "evPos: " << ev_PosX << ", x: " << x << ", w: " << w << ", COL: " << tmpCol << endl;
if ( tmpCol > KS_colMax )
tmpCol = KS_colMax;
//if col is hide and it's the first column
//you mustn't resize it.
if ( ev_PosX >= x + w - unzoomedPixel &&
ev_PosX <= x + w + unzoomedPixel &&
!( sheet->columnFormat( tmpCol )->isHide() && tmpCol == 1 ) )
m_bResize = true;
x += w;
//if col is hide and it's the first column
//you mustn't resize it.
double tmp2;
tmpCol = sheet->leftColumn( dWidth - ev_PosX + 1, tmp2 );
if ( sheet->columnFormat( tmpCol )->isHide() && tmpCol == 0 )
kdDebug() << "No resize: " << tmpCol << ", " << sheet->columnFormat( tmpCol )->isHide() << endl;
m_bResize = false;
kdDebug() << "Resize: " << m_bResize << endl;
int col = sheet->leftColumn( m_pCanvas->xOffset(), x );
// Did the user click between two columns?
while ( x < ( dWidth + m_pCanvas->xOffset() ) && ( !m_bResize ) )
double w = sheet->columnFormat( col )->dblWidth();
if ( col > KS_colMax )
col = KS_colMax;
if ( ( ev_PosX >= x + w - unzoomedPixel ) &&
( ev_PosX <= x + w + unzoomedPixel ) &&
!( sheet->columnFormat( col )->isHide() && col == 1 ) )
m_bResize = true;
x += w;
//if col is hide and it's the first column
//you mustn't resize it.
double tmp2;
int tmpCol = sheet->leftColumn( ev_PosX - 1, tmp2 );
if ( sheet->columnFormat( tmpCol )->isHide() && tmpCol == 1 )
m_bResize = false;
// So he clicked between two rows ?
if ( m_bResize )
// Determine the column to resize
double tmp;
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
m_iResizedColumn = sheet->leftColumn( ev_PosX - 1, tmp );
// kdDebug() << "RColumn: " << m_iResizedColumn << ", PosX: " << ev_PosX << endl;
if ( !sheet->isProtected() )
paintSizeIndicator( _ev->pos().x(), true );
m_iResizedColumn = sheet->leftColumn( ev_PosX - 1, tmp );
if ( !sheet->isProtected() )
paintSizeIndicator( _ev->pos().x(), true );
// kdDebug() << "Column: " << m_iResizedColumn << endl;
m_bSelection = true;
double tmp;
int hit_col = sheet->leftColumn( ev_PosX, tmp );
if ( hit_col > KS_colMax )
m_iSelectionAnchor = hit_col;
if ( !m_pView->selectionInfo()->contains( TQPoint( hit_col, 1 ) ) ||
!( _ev->button() == Qt::RightButton ) ||
!m_pView->selectionInfo()->isColumnSelected() )
TQPoint newMarker( hit_col, 1 );
TQPoint newAnchor( hit_col, KS_rowMax );
if (_ev->state() == ControlButton)
m_pView->selectionInfo()->extend(TQRect(newAnchor, newMarker));
if (_ev->state() == ShiftButton)
m_pView->selectionInfo()->initialize(TQRect(newAnchor, newMarker));
if ( _ev->button() == Qt::RightButton )
TQPoint p = mapToGlobal( _ev->pos() );
m_pView->popupColumnMenu( p );
m_bSelection = false;
void HBorder::mouseReleaseEvent( TQMouseEvent * _ev )
if ( m_scrollTimer->isActive() )
m_bMousePressed = false;
if ( !m_pView->koDocument()->isReadWrite() )
Sheet * sheet = m_pCanvas->activeSheet();
if (!sheet)
if ( m_bResize )
double dWidth = m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( width() );
double ev_PosX;
// Remove size indicator painted by paintSizeIndicator
TQPainter painter;
painter.begin( m_pCanvas );
painter.setRasterOp( NotROP );
painter.drawLine( m_iResizePos, 0, m_iResizePos, m_pCanvas->height() );
int start = m_iResizedColumn;
int end = m_iResizedColumn;
TQRect rect;
rect.setCoords( m_iResizedColumn, 1, m_iResizedColumn, KS_rowMax );
if ( m_pView->selectionInfo()->isColumnSelected() )
if ( m_pView->selectionInfo()->contains( TQPoint( m_iResizedColumn, 1 ) ) )
start = m_pView->selectionInfo()->lastRange().left();
end = m_pView->selectionInfo()->lastRange().right();
rect = m_pView->selectionInfo()->lastRange();
double width = 0.0;
double x;
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
ev_PosX = dWidth - m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->pos().x() ) + m_pCanvas->xOffset();
ev_PosX = m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->pos().x() ) + m_pCanvas->xOffset();
x = sheet->dblColumnPos( m_iResizedColumn );
if ( ev_PosX - x <= 0.0 )
width = 0.0;
width = ev_PosX - x;
if ( !sheet->isProtected() )
if ( !m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->undoLocked() )
//just resize
if ( width != 0.0 )
// TODO Stefan: replace this
UndoResizeColRow *undo = new UndoResizeColRow( m_pCanvas->d->view->doc(), m_pCanvas->activeSheet(), rect );
m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->addCommand( undo );
for( int i = start; i <= end; i++ )
ColumnFormat *cl = sheet->nonDefaultColumnFormat( i );
if ( width != 0.0 )
if ( !cl->isHide() )
cl->setDblWidth( width );
delete m_lSize;
m_lSize = 0;
else if ( m_bSelection )
TQRect rect = m_pView->selectionInfo()->lastRange();
// TODO: please don't remove. Right now it's useless, but it's for a future feature
// Norbert
bool m_frozen = false;
if ( m_frozen )
kdDebug(36001) << "selected: L " << rect.left() << " R " << rect.right() << endl;
int i;
ColumnFormat * col;
for ( i = rect.left(); i <= rect.right(); ++i )
col = m_pView->activeSheet()->columnFormat( i );
if ( col->isHide() )
if ( hiddenCols.count() > 0 )
m_bSelection = false;
m_bResize = false;
void HBorder::equalizeColumn( double resize )
Sheet *sheet = m_pCanvas->activeSheet();
Q_ASSERT( sheet );
TQRect selection( m_pView->selectionInfo()->selection() );
if ( !m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->undoLocked() )
UndoResizeColRow *undo = new UndoResizeColRow( m_pCanvas->d->view->doc(), m_pCanvas->activeSheet(), selection );
m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->addCommand( undo );
ColumnFormat *cl;
for ( int i = selection.left(); i <= selection.right(); i++ )
cl = sheet->nonDefaultColumnFormat( i );
resize = TQMAX( 2.0, resize );
cl->setDblWidth( resize );
void HBorder::mouseDoubleClickEvent(TQMouseEvent*)
Sheet *sheet = m_pCanvas->activeSheet();
if (!sheet)
if ( !m_pView->koDocument()->isReadWrite() || sheet->isProtected() )
void HBorder::mouseMoveEvent( TQMouseEvent * _ev )
if ( !m_pView->koDocument()->isReadWrite() )
Sheet *sheet = m_pCanvas->activeSheet();
if (!sheet)
double dWidth = m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( width() );
double ev_PosX;
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
ev_PosX = dWidth - m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->pos().x() ) + m_pCanvas->xOffset();
ev_PosX = m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->pos().x() ) + m_pCanvas->xOffset();
// The button is pressed and we are resizing ?
if ( m_bResize )
if ( !sheet->isProtected() )
paintSizeIndicator( _ev->pos().x(), false );
// The button is pressed and we are selecting ?
else if ( m_bSelection )
double x;
int col = sheet->leftColumn( ev_PosX, x );
if ( col > KS_colMax )
TQPoint newMarker = m_pView->selectionInfo()->marker();
TQPoint newAnchor = m_pView->selectionInfo()->anchor();
newMarker.setX( col );
newAnchor.setX( m_iSelectionAnchor );
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
if ( _ev->pos().x() < width() - m_pCanvas->width() )
ColumnFormat *cl = sheet->columnFormat( col + 1 );
x = sheet->dblColumnPos( col + 1 );
m_pCanvas->horzScrollBar()->setValue ( m_pCanvas->horzScrollBar()->maxValue() - (int)
(m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->zoomItX (ev_PosX + cl->dblWidth()) - m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( m_pCanvas->width() )));
else if ( _ev->pos().x() > width() )
m_pCanvas->horzScrollBar()->setValue( m_pCanvas->horzScrollBar()->maxValue() - m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->zoomItX( ev_PosX - dWidth + m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( m_pCanvas->width() ) ) );
if ( _ev->pos().x() < 0 )
m_pCanvas->horzScrollBar()->setValue( m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->zoomItX( ev_PosX ) );
else if ( _ev->pos().x() > m_pCanvas->width() )
if ( col < KS_colMax )
ColumnFormat *cl = sheet->columnFormat( col + 1 );
x = sheet->dblColumnPos( col + 1 );
m_pCanvas->horzScrollBar()->setValue ((int)
(m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->zoomItX (ev_PosX + cl->dblWidth()) - dWidth));
// No button is pressed and the mouse is just moved
//What is the internal size of 1 pixel
const double unzoomedPixel = m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( 1 );
double x;
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
int tmpCol = sheet->leftColumn( m_pCanvas->xOffset(), x );
while ( ev_PosX > x )
double w = sheet->columnFormat( tmpCol )->dblWidth();
//if col is hide and it's the first column
//you mustn't resize it.
if ( ev_PosX >= x + w - unzoomedPixel &&
ev_PosX <= x + w + unzoomedPixel &&
!( sheet->columnFormat( tmpCol )->isHide() && tmpCol == 0 ) )
setCursor( splitHCursor );
x += w;
setCursor( arrowCursor );
int tmpCol = sheet->leftColumn( m_pCanvas->xOffset(), x );
while ( x < m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->unzoomItY( width() ) + m_pCanvas->xOffset() )
double w = sheet->columnFormat( tmpCol )->dblWidth();
//if col is hide and it's the first column
//you mustn't resize it.
if ( ev_PosX >= x + w - unzoomedPixel &&
ev_PosX <= x + w + unzoomedPixel &&
!( sheet->columnFormat( tmpCol )->isHide() && tmpCol == 1 ) )
setCursor( splitHCursor );
x += w;
setCursor( arrowCursor );
void HBorder::doAutoScroll()
if ( !m_bMousePressed )
TQPoint pos( mapFromGlobal( TQCursor::pos() ) );
if ( pos.x() < 0 || pos.x() > width() )
TQMouseEvent * event = new TQMouseEvent( TQEvent::MouseMove, pos, 0, 0 );
mouseMoveEvent( event );
delete event;
//Restart timer
m_scrollTimer->start( 50 );
void HBorder::wheelEvent( TQWheelEvent* _ev )
if ( m_pCanvas->horzScrollBar() )
TQApplication::sendEvent( m_pCanvas->horzScrollBar(), _ev );
void HBorder::resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent* _ev )
// workaround to allow horizontal resizing and zoom changing when sheet
// direction and interface direction don't match (e.g. an RTL sheet on an
// LTR interface)
if ( m_pCanvas->activeSheet() && m_pCanvas->activeSheet()->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft && !TQApplication::reverseLayout() )
int dx = _ev->size().width() - _ev->oldSize().width();
scroll(dx, 0);
else if ( m_pCanvas->activeSheet() && m_pCanvas->activeSheet()->layoutDirection()==Sheet::LeftToRight && TQApplication::reverseLayout() )
int dx = _ev->size().width() - _ev->oldSize().width();
scroll(-dx, 0);
void HBorder::paintSizeIndicator( int mouseX, bool firstTime )
Sheet *sheet = m_pCanvas->activeSheet();
if (!sheet)
TQPainter painter;
painter.begin( m_pCanvas );
painter.setRasterOp( NotROP );
if ( !firstTime )
painter.drawLine( m_iResizePos, 0, m_iResizePos, m_pCanvas->height() );
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
m_iResizePos = mouseX + m_pCanvas->width() - width();
m_iResizePos = mouseX;
// Dont make the column have a width < 2 pixels.
int x = m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->zoomItX( sheet->dblColumnPos( m_iResizedColumn ) - m_pCanvas->xOffset() );
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
x = m_pCanvas->width() - x;
if ( m_iResizePos > x - 2 )
m_iResizePos = x;
if ( m_iResizePos < x + 2 )
m_iResizePos = x;
painter.drawLine( m_iResizePos, 0, m_iResizePos, m_pCanvas->height() );
TQString tmpSize;
if ( m_iResizePos != x )
tmpSize = i18n("Width: %1 %2")
.tqarg( KGlobal::locale()->formatNumber( KoUnit::toUserValue( m_pCanvas->doc()->unzoomItX( (sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft) ? x - m_iResizePos : m_iResizePos - x ),
m_pView->doc()->unit() )))
.tqarg( m_pView->doc()->unitName() );
tmpSize = i18n( "Hide Column" );
painter.begin( this );
int len = painter.fontMetrics().width( tmpSize );
int hei = painter.fontMetrics().height();
if ( !m_lSize )
m_lSize = new TQLabel( m_pCanvas );
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
m_lSize->setGeometry( x - len - 5, 3, len + 2, hei + 2 );
m_lSize->setGeometry( x + 3, 3, len + 2, hei + 2 );
m_lSize->tqsetAlignment( TQt::AlignVCenter );
m_lSize->setText( tmpSize );
m_lSize->setPalette( TQToolTip::palette() );
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
m_lSize->setGeometry( x - len - 5, 3, len + 2, hei + 2 );
m_lSize->setGeometry( x + 3, 3, len + 2, hei + 2 );
m_lSize->setText( tmpSize );
void HBorder::updateColumns( int from, int to )
Sheet *sheet = m_pCanvas->activeSheet();
if ( !sheet )
int x0 = sheet->columnPos( from, m_pCanvas );
int x1 = sheet->columnPos( to+1, m_pCanvas );
update( x0, 0, x1-x0, height() );
void HBorder::paintEvent( TQPaintEvent* _ev )
Sheet * sheet = m_pCanvas->activeSheet();
if ( !sheet )
TQColor highlightColor = View::highlightColor();
TQPainter painter( this );
TQPen pen( TQt::black, 1 );
painter.setPen( pen );
painter.setBackgroundColor( white );
painter.setClipRect( _ev->rect() );
// painter.eraseRect( _ev->rect() );
//TQFontMetrics fm = painter.fontMetrics();
// Matthias Elter: This causes a SEGFAULT in ~TQPainter!
// Only god and the trolls know why ;-)
// bah...took me quite some time to track this one down...
double xPos;
int x;
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
//Get the left column and the current x-position
x = sheet->leftColumn( int( m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( width() ) - m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->rect().x() ) + m_pCanvas->xOffset() ), xPos );
//Align to the offset
xPos = m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( width() ) - xPos + m_pCanvas->xOffset();
//Get the left column and the current x-position
x = sheet->leftColumn( int( m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->rect().x() ) + m_pCanvas->xOffset() ), xPos );
//Align to the offset
xPos = xPos - m_pCanvas->xOffset();
int height = m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->zoomItY( TQFont(painter.font()).pointSizeFloat() + 5 );
TQFont normalFont = painter.font();
if ( m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->zoom() < 100 )
normalFont.setPointSizeFloat( 0.01 * m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->zoom() *
normalFont.pointSizeFloat() );
TQFont boldFont = normalFont;
boldFont.setBold( true );
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
if ( x > KS_colMax )
x = KS_colMax;
xPos -= sheet->columnFormat( x )->dblWidth();
//Loop through the columns, until we are out of range
while ( xPos <= m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->rect().right() ) )
bool selected = (m_pView->selectionInfo()->isColumnSelected(x));
bool highlighted = (!selected && m_pView->selectionInfo()->isColumnAffected(x));
const ColumnFormat * col_lay = sheet->columnFormat( x );
int zoomedXPos = m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->zoomItX( xPos );
int width = m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->zoomItX( xPos + col_lay->dblWidth() ) - zoomedXPos;
if ( selected )
TQBrush fillSelected( highlightColor );
qDrawPlainRect ( &painter, zoomedXPos, 0, width+1, height, highlightColor.dark(150),
1, &fillSelected );
else if ( highlighted )
TQBrush fillHighlighted( highlightColor );
qDrawPlainRect ( &painter, zoomedXPos, 0, width+1, height, highlightColor.dark(150),
1, &fillHighlighted );
TQColor c = tqcolorGroup().background();
TQBrush fill( c );
qDrawPlainRect ( &painter, zoomedXPos, 0, width+1, height, c.dark(150),
1, &fill );
// Reset painter
painter.setFont( normalFont );
painter.setPen( tqcolorGroup().text() );
if ( selected )
painter.setPen( tqcolorGroup().highlightedText() );
else if ( highlighted )
painter.setFont( boldFont );
if ( !m_pView->activeSheet()->getShowColumnNumber() )
TQString colText = Cell::columnName( x );
int len = painter.fontMetrics().width( colText );
if ( !col_lay->isHide() )
painter.drawText( zoomedXPos + ( width - len ) / 2,
( height + painter.fontMetrics().ascent() -
painter.fontMetrics().descent() ) / 2, colText );
TQString tmp;
int len = painter.fontMetrics().width( tmp.setNum(x) );
if (!col_lay->isHide())
painter.drawText( zoomedXPos + ( width - len ) / 2,
( height + painter.fontMetrics().ascent() -
painter.fontMetrics().descent() ) / 2,
tmp.setNum(x) );
xPos += col_lay->dblWidth();
//Loop through the columns, until we are out of range
while ( xPos <= m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->unzoomItX( _ev->rect().right() ) )
bool selected = (m_pView->selectionInfo()->isColumnSelected(x));
bool highlighted = (!selected && m_pView->selectionInfo()->isColumnAffected(x));
const ColumnFormat *col_lay = sheet->columnFormat( x );
int zoomedXPos = m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->zoomItX( xPos );
int width = m_pCanvas->d->view->doc()->zoomItX( xPos + col_lay->dblWidth() ) - zoomedXPos;
if ( selected )
TQBrush fillSelected( highlightColor );
qDrawPlainRect ( &painter, zoomedXPos, 0, width+1, height, highlightColor.dark(),
1, &fillSelected );
else if ( highlighted )
TQBrush fillHighlighted( highlightColor );
qDrawPlainRect ( &painter, zoomedXPos, 0, width+1, height, highlightColor.dark(),
1, &fillHighlighted );
TQColor c = tqcolorGroup().background();
TQBrush fill( c );
qDrawPlainRect ( &painter, zoomedXPos, 0, width+1, height, c.dark(150),
1, &fill );
// Reset painter
painter.setFont( normalFont );
painter.setPen( tqcolorGroup().text() );
if ( selected )
painter.setPen( tqcolorGroup().highlightedText() );
else if ( highlighted )
painter.setFont( boldFont );
if ( !m_pView->activeSheet()->getShowColumnNumber() )
TQString colText = Cell::columnName( x );
int len = painter.fontMetrics().width( colText );
if (!col_lay->isHide())
painter.drawText( zoomedXPos + ( width - len ) / 2,
( height + painter.fontMetrics().ascent() -
painter.fontMetrics().descent() ) / 2, colText );
TQString tmp;
int len = painter.fontMetrics().width( tmp.setNum(x) );
if (!col_lay->isHide())
painter.drawText( zoomedXPos + ( width - len ) / 2,
( height + painter.fontMetrics().ascent() -
painter.fontMetrics().descent() ) / 2,
tmp.setNum(x) );
xPos += col_lay->dblWidth();
void HBorder::focusOutEvent( TQFocusEvent* )
if ( m_scrollTimer->isActive() )
m_bMousePressed = false;
* ToolTip
ToolTip::ToolTip( Canvas* canvas )
: TQToolTip( canvas ), m_canvas( canvas )
// find the label for the tip
// this is a hack of course, because it's not available from TQToolTip
TQLabel *tip_findLabel()
TQWidgetList *list = TQApplication::tqallWidgets();
TQWidgetListIt it( *list );
TQWidget * w;
while ( (w=it.current()) != 0 )
return static_cast<TQLabel*>(w);
delete list;
return 0;
void ToolTip::maybeTip( const TQPoint& p )
Sheet *sheet = m_canvas->activeSheet();
if ( !sheet )
// Over which cell is the mouse ?
double ypos, xpos;
double dwidth = m_canvas->doc()->unzoomItX( m_canvas->width() );
int col;
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
col = sheet->leftColumn( (dwidth - m_canvas->doc()->unzoomItX( p.x() ) +
m_canvas->xOffset()), xpos );
col = sheet->leftColumn( (m_canvas->doc()->unzoomItX( p.x() ) +
m_canvas->xOffset()), xpos );
int row = sheet->topRow( (m_canvas->doc()->unzoomItY( p.y() ) +
m_canvas->yOffset()), ypos );
const Cell* cell = sheet->visibleCellAt( col, row );
if ( !cell )
#if 0
// Quick cut
if( cell->strOutText().isEmpty() )
// displayed tool tip, which has the following priorities:
// - cell content if the cell dimension is too small
// - cell comment
// - hyperlink
TQString tipText;
TQString comment = cell->format()->comment( col, row );
// If cell is too small, show the content
if ( cell->testFlag( Cell::Flag_CellTooShortX ) ||
cell->testFlag( Cell::Flag_CellTooShortY ) )
tipText = cell->strOutText();
// Show hyperlink, if any
if ( tipText.isEmpty() )
tipText = cell->link();
// Nothing to display, bail out
if ( tipText.isEmpty() && comment.isEmpty() )
// Cut if the tip is ridiculously long
const unsigned maxLen = 256;
if ( tipText.length() > maxLen )
tipText = tipText.left(maxLen).append("...");
// Determine position and width of the current cell.
double u = cell->dblWidth( col );
double v = cell->dblHeight( row );
// Special treatment for obscured cells.
if ( cell->isObscured() && cell->isPartOfMerged() )
cell = cell->obscuringCells().first();
const int moveX = cell->column();
const int moveY = cell->row();
// Use the obscuring cells dimensions
u = cell->dblWidth( moveX );
v = cell->dblHeight( moveY );
xpos = sheet->dblColumnPos( moveX );
ypos = sheet->dblRowPos( moveY );
// Get the cell dimensions
TQRect marker;
bool insideMarker = false;
if ( sheet->layoutDirection()==Sheet::RightToLeft )
KoRect unzoomedMarker( dwidth - u - xpos + m_canvas->xOffset(),
ypos - m_canvas->yOffset(),
v );
marker = m_canvas->doc()->zoomRect( unzoomedMarker );
insideMarker = marker.contains( p );
KoRect unzoomedMarker( xpos - m_canvas->xOffset(),
ypos - m_canvas->yOffset(),
v );
marker = m_canvas->doc()->zoomRect( unzoomedMarker );
insideMarker = marker.contains( p );
// No use if mouse is somewhere else
if ( !insideMarker )
// Find the tipLabel
// NOTE: if we failed, check again when the tip is shown already
TQLabel* tipLabel = tip_findLabel();
// Ensure that it is plain text
// Not funny if (intentional or not) <a> appears as hyperlink
if ( tipLabel )
tipLabel->setTextFormat( TQt::PlainText );
TQFontMetrics fm = tipLabel ? tipLabel->fontMetrics() : m_canvas->fontMetrics();
const TQRect r( 0, 0, 200, -1 );
// Wrap the text if too long
if ( tipText.length() > 16 )
KWordWrap* wrap = KWordWrap::formatText( fm, r, 0, tipText );
tipText = wrap->wrappedString();
delete wrap;
// Wrap the comment if too long
if ( comment.length() > 16 )
KWordWrap* wrap = KWordWrap::formatText( fm, r, 0, comment );
comment = wrap->wrappedString();
delete wrap;
// Show comment, if any
if ( tipText.isEmpty() )
tipText = comment;
else if ( !comment.isEmpty() )
//Add 2 extra lines and a text, when both should be in the tooltip
if ( !comment.isEmpty() )
comment = "\n\n" + i18n("Comment:") + "\n" + comment;
tipText += comment;
// Now we shows the tip
tip( marker, tipText );
// Here we try to find the tip label again
// Reason: the previous tip_findLabel might fail if no tip has ever shown yet
if ( !tipLabel )
tipLabel = tip_findLabel();
if( tipLabel )
tipLabel->setTextFormat( TQt::PlainText );
#include "kspread_canvas.moc"