Je kunt niet meer dan 25 onderwerpen selecteren Onderwerpen moeten beginnen met een letter of nummer, kunnen streepjes bevatten ('-') en kunnen maximaal 35 tekens lang zijn.

1034 regels
40 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2003-2004 by *
* Unai Garro ( *
* Jason Kivlighn ( *
* Cyril Bosselut ( *
* *
* Copyright (C) 2006 Jason Kivlighn ( *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
#include "literecipedb.h"
#include <ntqbuffer.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <tdeconfig.h>
#include <tdeglobal.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include "config.h"
#include <sqlite3.h>
#include <sqlite.h>
//keep these two around for porting old databases
int sqlite_decode_binary( const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out );
TQString escape( const TQString &s );
LiteRecipeDB::LiteRecipeDB( const TQString &_dbFile ) : TQSqlRecipeDB( TQString::null, TQString::null, TQString::null, _dbFile )
/* TDEConfig * config = TDEGlobal::config();
config->setGroup( "Server" );
if ( dbFile.isNull() )
dbFile = config->readEntry( "DBFile", locateLocal ( "appdata", DB_FILENAME ) );
int LiteRecipeDB::lastInsertID()
int lastID = -1;
TQSqlQuery query("SELECT lastInsertID()",database);
if ( query.isActive() && query.first() )
lastID = query.value(0).toInt();
//kdDebug()<<"lastInsertID(): "<<lastID<<endl;
return lastID;
TQStringList LiteRecipeDB::backupCommand() const
TQString binary = "sqlite";
TQString binary = "sqlite3";
TDEConfig * config = TDEGlobal::config();
config->setGroup( "Server" );
binary = config->readEntry( "SQLitePath", binary );
TQStringList command;
return command;
TQStringList LiteRecipeDB::restoreCommand() const
TQString binary = "sqlite";
TQString binary = "sqlite3";
TDEConfig * config = TDEGlobal::config();
config->setGroup( "Server" );
binary = config->readEntry( "SQLitePath", binary );
TQStringList command;
return command;
void LiteRecipeDB::createDB()
//The file is created by SQLite automatically
void LiteRecipeDB::createTable( const TQString &tableName )
TQStringList commands;
if ( tableName == "recipes" )
commands << TQString( "CREATE TABLE recipes (id INTEGER NOT NULL,title VARCHAR(%1), yield_amount FLOAT, yield_amount_offset FLOAT, yield_type_id INTEGER DEFAULT '-1', instructions TEXT, photo BLOB, prep_time TIME, ctime TIMESTAMP, mtime TIMESTAMP, atime TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (id));" ).arg( maxRecipeTitleLength() );
else if ( tableName == "ingredients" )
commands << TQString( "CREATE TABLE ingredients (id INTEGER NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(%1), PRIMARY KEY (id));" ).arg( maxIngredientNameLength() );
else if ( tableName == "ingredient_list" ) {
commands << "CREATE TABLE ingredient_list (id INTEGER NOT NULL, recipe_id INTEGER, ingredient_id INTEGER, amount FLOAT, amount_offset FLOAT, unit_id INTEGER, order_index INTEGER, group_id INTEGER, substitute_for INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(id) );"
<< "CREATE index ridil_index ON ingredient_list(recipe_id);"
<< "CREATE index iidil_index ON ingredient_list(ingredient_id);"
<< "CREATE index gidil_index ON ingredient_list(group_id);";
else if ( tableName == "unit_list" )
commands << "CREATE TABLE unit_list (ingredient_id INTEGER, unit_id INTEGER);";
else if ( tableName == "units" )
commands << TQString( "CREATE TABLE units (id INTEGER NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(%1), name_abbrev VARCHAR(%2), plural VARCHAR(%3), plural_abbrev VARCHAR(%4), type INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',PRIMARY KEY (id));" )
.arg( maxUnitNameLength() ).arg( maxUnitNameLength() ).arg( maxUnitNameLength() ).arg( maxUnitNameLength() );
else if ( tableName == "prep_methods" )
commands << TQString( "CREATE TABLE prep_methods (id INTEGER NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(%1), PRIMARY KEY (id));" ).arg( maxPrepMethodNameLength() );
else if ( tableName == "prep_method_list" ) {
commands << "CREATE TABLE prep_method_list (ingredient_list_id INTEGER NOT NULL,prep_method_id INTEGER NOT NULL, order_index INTEGER );"
<< "CREATE index iid_index ON prep_method_list(ingredient_list_id);"
<< "CREATE index pid_index ON prep_method_list(prep_method_id);";
else if ( tableName == "ingredient_info" )
commands << "CREATE TABLE ingredient_info (ingredient_id INTEGER, property_id INTEGER, amount FLOAT, per_units INTEGER);";
else if ( tableName == "ingredient_properties" )
commands << "CREATE TABLE ingredient_properties (id INTEGER NOT NULL,name VARCHAR(20), units VARCHAR(20), PRIMARY KEY (id));";
else if ( tableName == "ingredient_weights" ) {
commands << "CREATE TABLE ingredient_weights (id INTEGER NOT NULL, ingredient_id INTEGER NOT NULL, amount FLOAT, unit_id INTEGER, weight FLOAT, weight_unit_id INTEGER, prep_method_id INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (id) );"
<< "CREATE index weight_wid_index ON ingredient_weights(weight_unit_id)"
<< "CREATE index weight_pid_index ON ingredient_weights(prep_method_id)"
<< "CREATE index weight_uid_index ON ingredient_weights(unit_id)"
<< "CREATE index weight_iid_index ON ingredient_weights(ingredient_id)";
else if ( tableName == "units_conversion" )
commands << "CREATE TABLE units_conversion (unit1_id INTEGER, unit2_id INTEGER, ratio FLOAT);";
else if ( tableName == "categories" ) {
commands << TQString( "CREATE TABLE categories (id INTEGER NOT NULL, name varchar(%1) default NULL, parent_id INGEGER NOT NULL default -1, PRIMARY KEY (id));" ).arg( maxCategoryNameLength() );
commands << "CREATE index parent_id_index ON categories(parent_id);";
else if ( tableName == "category_list" ) {
commands << "CREATE TABLE category_list (recipe_id INTEGER NOT NULL,category_id INTEGER NOT NULL);"
<< "CREATE index rid_index ON category_list(recipe_id);"
<< "CREATE index cid_index ON category_list(category_id);";
else if ( tableName == "authors" )
commands << TQString( "CREATE TABLE authors (id INTEGER NOT NULL, name varchar(%1) default NULL,PRIMARY KEY (id));" ).arg( maxAuthorNameLength() );
else if ( tableName == "author_list" )
commands << "CREATE TABLE author_list (recipe_id INTEGER NOT NULL,author_id INTEGER NOT NULL);";
else if ( tableName == "db_info" ) {
commands << "CREATE TABLE db_info (ver FLOAT NOT NULL,generated_by varchar(200) default NULL);";
commands << TQString( "INSERT INTO db_info VALUES(%1,'Krecipes %2');" ).arg( latestDBVersion() ).arg( krecipes_version() );
else if ( tableName == "ingredient_groups" ) {
commands << TQString( "CREATE TABLE ingredient_groups (id INTEGER NOT NULL, name varchar(%1), PRIMARY KEY (id));" ).arg( maxIngGroupNameLength() );
else if ( tableName == "yield_types" ) {
commands << TQString( "CREATE TABLE yield_types (id INTEGER NOT NULL, name varchar(%1), PRIMARY KEY (id));" ).arg( maxYieldTypeLength() );
else if ( tableName == "ratings" )
commands << "CREATE TABLE ratings (id INTEGER NOT NULL, recipe_id int(11) NOT NULL, comment TEXT, rater TEXT, created TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (id));";
else if ( tableName == "rating_criteria" )
commands << "CREATE TABLE rating_criteria (id INTEGER NOT NULL, name TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (id));";
else if ( tableName == "rating_criterion_list" )
commands << "CREATE TABLE rating_criterion_list (rating_id INTEGER NOT NULL, rating_criterion_id INTEGER, stars FLOAT);";
return ;
// execute the queries
for ( TQStringList::const_iterator it = commands.begin(); it != commands.end(); ++it )
database->exec( *it );
void LiteRecipeDB::portOldDatabases( float version )
TQString command;
if ( tqRound(version*10) < 5 ) {
//===========add prep_method_id to ingredient_list table
//There's no ALTER command in SQLite, so we have to copy all data to a new table and then recreate the table with the prep_method_id
database->exec( "CREATE TABLE ingredient_list_copy (recipe_id INTEGER, ingredient_id INTEGER, amount FLOAT, unit_id INTEGER, order_index INTEGER);" );
TQSqlQuery copyQuery( "SELECT recipe_id,ingredient_id,amount,unit_id,order_index FROM ingredient_list;", database );
if ( copyQuery.isActive() ) {
while ( ) {
command = TQString( "INSERT INTO ingredient_list_copy VALUES(%1,%2,%3,%4,%5);" )
.arg( copyQuery.value( 0 ).toInt() )
.arg( copyQuery.value( 1 ).toInt() )
.arg( copyQuery.value( 2 ).toDouble() )
.arg( copyQuery.value( 3 ).toInt() )
.arg( copyQuery.value( 4 ).toInt() );
database->exec( command );
emit progress();
database->exec( "DROP TABLE ingredient_list" );
database->exec( "CREATE TABLE ingredient_list (recipe_id INTEGER, ingredient_id INTEGER, amount FLOAT, unit_id INTEGER, prep_method_id INTEGER, order_index INTEGER);" );
copyQuery = database->exec( "SELECT * FROM ingredient_list_copy" );
if ( copyQuery.isActive() ) {
while ( ) {
command = TQString( "INSERT INTO ingredient_list VALUES(%1,%2,%3,%4,%5,%6);" )
.arg( copyQuery.value( 0 ).toInt() )
.arg( copyQuery.value( 1 ).toInt() )
.arg( copyQuery.value( 2 ).toDouble() )
.arg( copyQuery.value( 3 ).toInt() )
.arg( -1 ) //default prep method
.arg( copyQuery.value( 4 ).toInt() );
database->exec( command );
emit progress();
database->exec( "DROP TABLE ingredient_list_copy" );
database->exec( "CREATE index ridil_index ON ingredient_list(recipe_id);" );
database->exec( "CREATE index iidil_index ON ingredient_list(ingredient_id);" );
//==============expand length of author name to 50 characters
database->exec( "CREATE TABLE authors_copy (id INTEGER, name varchar(20));" );
copyQuery = database->exec( "SELECT * FROM authors;" );
if ( copyQuery.isActive() ) {
while ( ) {
command = TQString( "INSERT INTO authors_copy VALUES(%1,'%2');" )
.arg( copyQuery.value( 0 ).toInt() )
.arg( escape( copyQuery.value( 1 ).toString() ) );
database->exec( command );
emit progress();
database->exec( "DROP TABLE authors" );
database->exec( "CREATE TABLE authors (id INTEGER NOT NULL, name varchar(50) default NULL,PRIMARY KEY (id));" );
copyQuery = database->exec( "SELECT * FROM authors_copy" );
if ( copyQuery.isActive() ) {
while ( ) {
command = TQString( "INSERT INTO authors VALUES(%1,'%2');" )
.arg( copyQuery.value( 0 ).toInt() )
.arg( escape( copyQuery.value( 1 ).toString() ) );
database->exec( command );
emit progress();
database->exec( "DROP TABLE authors_copy" );
//==================expand length of category name to 40 characters
database->exec( "CREATE TABLE categories_copy (id INTEGER, name varchar(20));" );
copyQuery = database->exec( "SELECT * FROM categories;" );
if ( copyQuery.isActive() ) {
while ( ) {
command = TQString( "INSERT INTO categories_copy VALUES(%1,'%2');" )
.arg( copyQuery.value( 0 ).toInt() )
.arg( escape( copyQuery.value( 1 ).toString() ) );
database->exec( command );
emit progress();
database->exec( "DROP TABLE categories" );
database->exec( "CREATE TABLE categories (id INTEGER NOT NULL, name varchar(40) default NULL,PRIMARY KEY (id));" );
copyQuery = database->exec( "SELECT * FROM categories_copy" );
if ( copyQuery.isActive() ) {
while ( ) {
command = TQString( "INSERT INTO categories VALUES(%1,'%2');" )
.arg( copyQuery.value( 0 ).toInt() )
.arg( escape( copyQuery.value( 1 ).toString() ) );
database->exec( command );
emit progress();
database->exec( "DROP TABLE categories_copy" );
//================Set the version to the new one (0.5)
command = "DELETE FROM db_info;"; // Remove previous version records if they exist
database->exec( command );
command = "INSERT INTO db_info VALUES(0.5,'Krecipes 0.5');";
database->exec( command );
if ( tqRound(version*10) < 6 ) {
//==================add a column to 'categories' to allow subcategories
database->exec( "CREATE TABLE categories_copy (id INTEGER, name varchar(40));" );
TQSqlQuery copyQuery = database->exec( "SELECT * FROM categories;" );
if ( copyQuery.isActive() ) {
while ( ) {
command = TQString( "INSERT INTO categories_copy VALUES(%1,'%2');" )
.arg( copyQuery.value( 0 ).toInt() )
.arg( escape( copyQuery.value( 1 ).toString() ) );
database->exec( command );
emit progress();
database->exec( "DROP TABLE categories" );
database->exec( "CREATE TABLE categories (id INTEGER NOT NULL, name varchar(40) default NULL, parent_id INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id));" );
copyQuery = database->exec( "SELECT * FROM categories_copy" );
if ( copyQuery.isActive() ) {
while ( ) {
command = TQString( "INSERT INTO categories VALUES(%1,'%2',-1);" )
.arg( copyQuery.value( 0 ).toInt() )
.arg( escape( copyQuery.value( 1 ).toString() ) );
database->exec( command );
emit progress();
database->exec( "DROP TABLE categories_copy" );
//================Set the version to the new one (0.6)
command = "DELETE FROM db_info;"; // Remove previous version records if they exist
database->exec( command );
command = "INSERT INTO db_info VALUES(0.6,'Krecipes 0.6');";
database->exec( command );
if ( tqRound(version*100) < 61 ) {
//==================add a column to 'recipes' to allow prep time
database->exec( "CREATE TABLE recipes_copy (id INTEGER NOT NULL,title VARCHAR(200),persons INTEGER,instructions TEXT, photo BLOB, PRIMARY KEY (id));" );
TQSqlQuery copyQuery = database->exec( "SELECT * FROM recipes;" );
if ( copyQuery.isActive() ) {
while ( ) {
command = TQString( "INSERT INTO recipes_copy VALUES(%1,'%2','%3','%4','%5');" )
.arg( escape( copyQuery.value( 0 ).toString() ) )
.arg( escape( copyQuery.value( 1 ).toString() ) )
.arg( escape( copyQuery.value( 2 ).toString() ) )
.arg( escape( copyQuery.value( 3 ).toString() ) )
.arg( escape( copyQuery.value( 4 ).toString() ) );
database->exec( command );
emit progress();
database->exec( "DROP TABLE recipes" );
database->exec( "CREATE TABLE recipes (id INTEGER NOT NULL,title VARCHAR(200),persons INTEGER,instructions TEXT, photo BLOB, prep_time TIME, PRIMARY KEY (id));" );
copyQuery = database->exec( "SELECT * FROM recipes_copy" );
if ( copyQuery.isActive() ) {
while ( ) {
command = TQString( "INSERT INTO recipes VALUES(%1,'%2','%3','%4','%5',NULL);" )
.arg( escape( copyQuery.value( 0 ).toString() ) )
.arg( escape( copyQuery.value( 1 ).toString() ) )
.arg( escape( copyQuery.value( 2 ).toString() ) )
.arg( escape( copyQuery.value( 3 ).toString() ) )
.arg( escape( copyQuery.value( 4 ).toString() ) );
database->exec( command );
emit progress();
database->exec( "DROP TABLE recipes_copy" );
//================Set the version to the new one (0.61)
command = "DELETE FROM db_info;"; // Remove previous version records if they exist
database->exec( command );
command = "INSERT INTO db_info VALUES(0.61,'Krecipes 0.6');";
database->exec( command );
if ( tqRound(version*100) < 62 ) {
//==================add a column to 'ingredient_list' to allow grouping ingredients
database->exec( "CREATE TABLE ingredient_list_copy (recipe_id INTEGER, ingredient_id INTEGER, amount FLOAT, unit_id INTEGER, prep_method_id INTEGER, order_index INTEGER);" );
TQSqlQuery copyQuery = database->exec( "SELECT * FROM ingredient_list;" );
if ( copyQuery.isActive() ) {
while ( ) {
command = "INSERT INTO ingredient_list_copy VALUES('" + escape( copyQuery.value( 0 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 1 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 2 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 3 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 4 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 5 ).toString() )
+ "');";
database->exec( command );
emit progress();
database->exec( "DROP TABLE ingredient_list" );
database->exec( "CREATE TABLE ingredient_list (recipe_id INTEGER, ingredient_id INTEGER, amount FLOAT, unit_id INTEGER, prep_method_id INTEGER, order_index INTEGER, group_id INTEGER);" );
copyQuery = database->exec( "SELECT * FROM ingredient_list_copy" );
if ( copyQuery.isActive() ) {
while ( ) {
command = "INSERT INTO ingredient_list VALUES('" + escape( copyQuery.value( 0 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 1 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 2 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 3 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 4 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 5 ).toString() )
+ "',-1)";
database->exec( command );
emit progress();
database->exec( "DROP TABLE ingredient_list_copy" );
command = "DELETE FROM db_info;"; // Remove previous version records if they exist
database->exec( command );
command = "INSERT INTO db_info VALUES(0.62,'Krecipes 0.7');";
database->exec( command );
if ( tqRound(version*100) < 63 ) {
//==================add a column to 'units' to allow handling plurals
database->exec( "CREATE TABLE units_copy (id INTEGER NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(20), PRIMARY KEY (id));" );
TQSqlQuery copyQuery = database->exec( "SELECT id,name FROM units;" );
if ( copyQuery.isActive() ) {
while ( ) {
command = "INSERT INTO units_copy VALUES('" + escape( copyQuery.value( 0 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 1 ).toString() )
+ "');";
database->exec( command );
emit progress();
database->exec( "DROP TABLE units" );
database->exec( "CREATE TABLE units (id INTEGER NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(20), plural VARCHAR(20), PRIMARY KEY (id));" );
copyQuery = database->exec( "SELECT id,name FROM units_copy" );
if ( copyQuery.isActive() ) {
while ( ) {
command = "INSERT INTO units VALUES('" + escape( copyQuery.value( 0 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 1 ).toString() )
+ "',NULL)";
database->exec( command );
emit progress();
database->exec( "DROP TABLE units_copy" );
TQSqlQuery result = database->exec( "SELECT id,name FROM units WHERE plural ISNULL;" );
if ( result.isActive() ) {
while ( ) {
command = "UPDATE units SET plural='" + escape( result.value( 1 ).toString() ) + "' WHERE id=" + TQString::number( result.value( 0 ).toInt() );
database->exec( command );
emit progress();
command = "DELETE FROM db_info;"; // Remove previous version records if they exist
database->exec( command );
command = "INSERT INTO db_info VALUES(0.63,'Krecipes 0.7');";
database->exec( command );
if ( tqRound(version*10) < 7 ) { //simply call 0.63 -> 0.7
database->exec( "UPDATE db_info SET ver='0.7';" );
if ( tqRound(version*100) < 81 ) {
addColumn("CREATE TABLE %1 (recipe_id INTEGER, ingredient_id INTEGER, amount FLOAT, %2 unit_id INTEGER, prep_method_id INTEGER, order_index INTEGER, group_id INTEGER)","amount_offset FLOAT","'0'","ingredient_list",3);
//addColumn() doesn't preserve indexes
database->exec("CREATE index ridil_index ON ingredient_list(recipe_id)");
database->exec("CREATE index iidil_index ON ingredient_list(ingredient_id)");
database->exec( "UPDATE db_info SET ver='0.81',generated_by='Krecipes SVN (20050816)';" );
if ( tqRound(version*100) < 82 ) {
//==================add a columns to 'recipes' to allow yield range + yield type
database->exec( "CREATE TABLE recipes_copy (id INTEGER NOT NULL,title VARCHAR(200),persons INTEGER,instructions TEXT, photo BLOB, prep_time TIME, PRIMARY KEY (id));" );
TQSqlQuery copyQuery = database->exec( "SELECT id,title,persons,instructions,photo,prep_time FROM recipes;" );
if ( copyQuery.isActive() ) {
while ( ) {
command = "INSERT INTO recipes_copy VALUES('"
+ escape( copyQuery.value( 0 ).toString() ) //id
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 1 ).toString() ) //title
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 2 ).toString() ) //persons
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 3 ).toString() ) //instructions
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 4 ).toString() ) //photo
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 5 ).toString() ) //prep_time
+ "')";
database->exec( command );
emit progress();
database->exec( "DROP TABLE recipes" );
database->exec( "CREATE TABLE recipes (id INTEGER NOT NULL,title VARCHAR(200), yield_amount FLOAT, yield_amount_offset FLOAT, yield_type_id INTEGER, instructions TEXT, photo BLOB, prep_time TIME, PRIMARY KEY (id));" );
copyQuery = database->exec( "SELECT id,title,persons,instructions,photo,prep_time FROM recipes_copy" );
if ( copyQuery.isActive() ) {
while ( ) {
command = "INSERT INTO recipes VALUES('"
+ escape( copyQuery.value( 0 ).toString() ) //id
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 1 ).toString() ) //title
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 2 ).toString() ) //persons, now yield_amount
+ "','0" //yield_amount_offset
+ "','-1" //yield_type_id
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 3 ).toString() ) //instructions
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 4 ).toString() ) //photo
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 5 ).toString() ) //prep_time
+ "')";
database->exec( command );
emit progress();
database->exec( "DROP TABLE recipes_copy" );
database->exec( "UPDATE db_info SET ver='0.82',generated_by='Krecipes SVN (20050902)';" );
if ( tqRound(version*100) < 83 ) {
//====add a id columns to 'ingredient_list' to identify it for the prep method list
database->exec( "CREATE TABLE ingredient_list_copy (recipe_id INTEGER, ingredient_id INTEGER, amount FLOAT, amount_offset FLOAT, unit_id INTEGER, prep_method_id INTEGER, order_index INTEGER, group_id INTEGER);" );
TQSqlQuery copyQuery = database->exec( "SELECT recipe_id,ingredient_id,amount,amount_offset,unit_id,prep_method_id,order_index,group_id FROM ingredient_list" );
if ( copyQuery.isActive() ) {
while ( ) {
command = "INSERT INTO ingredient_list_copy VALUES('"
+ escape( copyQuery.value( 0 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 1 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 2 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 3 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 4 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 5 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 6 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 7 ).toString() )
+ "')";
database->exec( command );
emit progress();
database->exec( "DROP TABLE ingredient_list" );
database->exec( "CREATE TABLE ingredient_list (id INTEGER NOT NULL, recipe_id INTEGER, ingredient_id INTEGER, amount FLOAT, amount_offset FLOAT, unit_id INTEGER, order_index INTEGER, group_id INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(id) );" );
copyQuery = database->exec( "SELECT recipe_id,ingredient_id,amount,amount_offset,unit_id,prep_method_id,order_index,group_id FROM ingredient_list_copy" );
if ( copyQuery.isActive() ) {
while ( ) {
command = "INSERT INTO ingredient_list VALUES("
+ TQString("NULL")
+ ",'" + escape( copyQuery.value( 0 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 1 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 2 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 3 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 4 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 6 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 7 ).toString() )
+ "')";
database->exec( command );
int prep_method_id = copyQuery.value( 5 ).toInt();
if ( prep_method_id != -1 ) {
command = "INSERT INTO prep_method_list VALUES('"
+ TQString::number(lastInsertID())
+ "','" + TQString::number(prep_method_id)
+ "','1" //order_index
+ "')";
database->exec( command );
emit progress();
database->exec( "DROP TABLE ingredient_list_copy" );
database->exec( "CREATE INDEX ridil_index ON ingredient_list(recipe_id);" );
database->exec( "CREATE INDEX iidil_index ON ingredient_list(ingredient_id);" );
database->exec( "UPDATE db_info SET ver='0.83',generated_by='Krecipes SVN (20050909)';" );
if ( tqRound(version*100) < 84 ) {
//==================add a columns to 'recipes' to allow storing atime, mtime, ctime
database->exec( "CREATE TABLE recipes_copy (id INTEGER NOT NULL,title VARCHAR(200), yield_amount FLOAT, yield_amount_offset FLOAT, yield_type_id INTEGER, instructions TEXT, photo BLOB, prep_time TIME, PRIMARY KEY (id));" );
TQSqlQuery copyQuery = database->exec( "SELECT id,title,yield_amount,yield_amount_offset,yield_type_id,instructions,photo,prep_time FROM recipes;" );
if ( copyQuery.isActive() ) {
while ( ) {
command = "INSERT INTO recipes_copy VALUES('"
+ escape( copyQuery.value( 0 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 1 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 2 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 3 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 4 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 5 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 6 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 7 ).toString() )
+ "')";
database->exec( command );
emit progress();
database->exec( "DROP TABLE recipes" );
database->exec( "CREATE TABLE recipes (id INTEGER NOT NULL,title VARCHAR(200), yield_amount FLOAT, yield_amount_offset FLOAT, yield_type_id INTEGER DEFAULT '-1', instructions TEXT, photo BLOB, prep_time TIME, ctime TIMESTAMP, mtime TIMESTAMP, atime TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (id))" );
copyQuery = database->exec( "SELECT id,title,yield_amount,yield_amount_offset,yield_type_id,instructions,photo,prep_time FROM recipes_copy" );
if ( copyQuery.isActive() ) {
TQString current_timestamp = TQDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(TQt::ISODate);
while ( ) {
command = "INSERT INTO recipes VALUES('"
+ escape( copyQuery.value( 0 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 1 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 2 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 3 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 4 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 5 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 6 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 7 ).toString() )
+ "','" + escape( current_timestamp ) //ctime
+ "','" + escape( current_timestamp ) //mtime
+ "','" + escape( current_timestamp ) //atime
+ "')";
database->exec( command );
emit progress();
database->exec( "DROP TABLE recipes_copy" );
database->exec( "UPDATE db_info SET ver='0.84',generated_by='Krecipes SVN (20050913)';" );
if ( tqRound(version*100) < 85 ) {
TQSqlQuery query( "SELECT id,photo FROM recipes", database );
if ( query.isActive() ) {
while ( ) {
TQImage photo;
TQString photoString = query.value(1).toString();
// Decode the photo
uchar *photoArray = new uchar [ photoString.length() + 1 ];
memcpy( photoArray, photoString.latin1(), photoString.length() * sizeof( char ) );
sqlite_decode_binary( ( uchar* ) photoArray, ( uchar* ) photoArray );
photo.loadFromData( photoArray, photoString.length() );
// picture will now have a ready-to-use image
delete[] photoArray;
TQByteArray ba;
TQBuffer buffer( ba ); IO_WriteOnly );
TQImageIO iio( &buffer, "JPEG" );
iio.setImage( photo );
storePhoto( query.value(0).toInt(), ba );
emit progress();
database->exec( "UPDATE db_info SET ver='0.85',generated_by='Krecipes SVN (20050926)';" );
if ( tqRound(version*100) < 86 ) {
database->exec( "CREATE index gidil_index ON ingredient_list(group_id)" );
TQSqlQuery query( "SELECT id,name FROM ingredient_groups ORDER BY name", database );
TQString last;
int lastID;
if ( query.isActive() ) {
while ( ) {
TQString name = query.value(1).toString();
int id = query.value(0).toInt();
if ( last == name ) {
TQString command = TQString("UPDATE ingredient_list SET group_id=%1 WHERE group_id=%2").arg(lastID).arg(id);
command = TQString("DELETE FROM ingredient_groups WHERE id=%1").arg(id);
last = name;
lastID = id;
emit progress();
database->exec( "UPDATE db_info SET ver='0.86',generated_by='Krecipes SVN (20050928)'" );
if ( !database->commit() )
kdDebug()<<"Update to 0.86 failed. Maybe you should try again."<<endl;
if ( tqRound(version*100) < 87 ) {
//Load this default data so the user knows what rating criteria is
database->exec( TQString("INSERT INTO rating_criteria VALUES (1,'%1')").arg(i18n("Overall")) );
database->exec( TQString("INSERT INTO rating_criteria VALUES (2,'%1')").arg(i18n("Taste") ) );
database->exec( TQString("INSERT INTO rating_criteria VALUES (3,'%1')").arg(i18n("Appearance") ) );
database->exec( TQString("INSERT INTO rating_criteria VALUES (4,'%1')").arg(i18n("Originality") ) );
database->exec( TQString("INSERT INTO rating_criteria VALUES (5,'%1')").arg(i18n("Ease of Preparation") ) );
database->exec( "UPDATE db_info SET ver='0.87',generated_by='Krecipes SVN (20051014)'" );
if ( tqRound(version*100) < 90 ) {
database->exec("UPDATE db_info SET ver='0.9',generated_by='Krecipes 0.9'");
if ( tqRound(version*100) < 91 ) {
database->exec("CREATE index parent_id_index ON categories(parent_id)");
database->exec("UPDATE db_info SET ver='0.91',generated_by='Krecipes SVN (20060526)'");
if ( tqRound(version*100) < 92 ) {
//==================add a columns to 'units' to allow unit abbreviations
database->exec( "CREATE TABLE units_copy (id INTEGER NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(20), plural VARCHAR(20))" );
TQSqlQuery copyQuery = database->exec( "SELECT id,name,plural FROM units" );
if ( copyQuery.isActive() ) {
while ( ) {
command = "INSERT INTO units_copy VALUES('"
+ escape( copyQuery.value( 0 ).toString() ) //id
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 1 ).toString() ) //name
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 2 ).toString() ) //plural
+ "')";
database->exec( command );
emit progress();
database->exec( "DROP TABLE units" );
database->exec( "CREATE TABLE units (id INTEGER NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(20), name_abbrev VARCHAR(20), plural VARCHAR(20), plural_abbrev VARCHAR(20), PRIMARY KEY (id))" );
copyQuery = database->exec( "SELECT id,name,plural FROM units_copy" );
if ( copyQuery.isActive() ) {
while ( ) {
command = "INSERT INTO units VALUES('"
+ escape( copyQuery.value( 0 ).toString() ) //id
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 1 ).toString() ) //name
+ "',NULL" //name_abbrev
+ ",'" + escape( copyQuery.value( 2 ).toString() ) //plural
+ "',NULL" //plural_abbrev
+ ")";
database->exec( command );
emit progress();
database->exec( "DROP TABLE units_copy" );
database->exec("UPDATE db_info SET ver='0.92',generated_by='Krecipes SVN (20060609)'");
if ( !database->commit() )
kdDebug()<<"Update to 0.92 failed. Maybe you should try again."<<endl;
if ( tqRound(version*100) < 93 ) {
addColumn("CREATE TABLE %1 (id INTEGER NOT NULL, recipe_id INTEGER, ingredient_id INTEGER, amount FLOAT, amount_offset FLOAT, unit_id INTEGER, order_index INTEGER, group_id INTEGER, %2 PRIMARY KEY(id) )","substitute_for INTEGER","NULL","ingredient_list",8);
database->exec( "CREATE index ridil_index ON ingredient_list(recipe_id)" );
database->exec( "CREATE index iidil_index ON ingredient_list(ingredient_id)" );
database->exec( "CREATE index gidil_index ON ingredient_list(group_id)" );
database->exec( "UPDATE db_info SET ver='0.93',generated_by='Krecipes SVN (20060616)';" );
if ( tqRound(version*100) < 94 ) {
//==================add a column to 'units' to allow specifying a type
database->exec( "CREATE TABLE units_copy (id INTEGER NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(20), name_abbrev VARCHAR(20), plural VARCHAR(20), plural_abbrev VARCHAR(20))" );
TQSqlQuery copyQuery = database->exec( "SELECT id,name,name_abbrev,plural,plural_abbrev FROM units" );
if ( copyQuery.isActive() ) {
while ( ) {
TQString name_abbrev = escape( copyQuery.value( 2 ).toString() );
if ( name_abbrev.isEmpty() )
name_abbrev = "NULL";
else {
TQString plural_abbrev = escape( copyQuery.value( 4 ).toString() );
if ( plural_abbrev.isEmpty() )
plural_abbrev = "NULL";
else {
command = "INSERT INTO units_copy VALUES('"
+ escape( copyQuery.value( 0 ).toString() ) //id
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 1 ).toString() ) //name
+ "'," + name_abbrev //name_abbrev
+ ",'" + escape( copyQuery.value( 3 ).toString() ) //plural
+ "'," + plural_abbrev //plural_abbrev
+ ")";
database->exec( command );
emit progress();
database->exec( "DROP TABLE units" );
database->exec( "CREATE TABLE units (id INTEGER NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(20), name_abbrev VARCHAR(20), plural VARCHAR(20), plural_abbrev VARCHAR(20), type INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id))" );
copyQuery = database->exec( "SELECT id,name,name_abbrev,plural,plural_abbrev FROM units_copy" );
if ( copyQuery.isActive() ) {
while ( ) {
TQString name_abbrev = escape( copyQuery.value( 2 ).toString() );
if ( name_abbrev.isEmpty() )
name_abbrev = "NULL";
else {
TQString plural_abbrev = escape( copyQuery.value( 4 ).toString() );
if ( plural_abbrev.isEmpty() )
plural_abbrev = "NULL";
else {
command = "INSERT INTO units VALUES('"
+ escape( copyQuery.value( 0 ).toString() ) //id
+ "','" + escape( copyQuery.value( 1 ).toString() ) //name
+ "'," + name_abbrev //name_abbrev
+ ",'" + escape( copyQuery.value( 3 ).toString() ) //plural
+ "'," + plural_abbrev //plural_abbrev
+ ",'0')";
database->exec( command );
emit progress();
database->exec( "DROP TABLE units_copy" );
database->exec( "UPDATE db_info SET ver='0.94',generated_by='Krecipes SVN (20060712)';" );
if ( tqRound(version*100) < 95 ) {
database->exec( "DROP TABLE ingredient_weights" );
createTable( "ingredient_weights" );
database->exec( "UPDATE db_info SET ver='0.95',generated_by='Krecipes SVN (20060726)'" );
void LiteRecipeDB::addColumn( const TQString &new_table_sql, const TQString &new_col_info, const TQString &default_value, const TQString &table_name, int col_index )
TQString command;
command = TQString(new_table_sql).arg(table_name+"_copy").arg(TQString::null);
kdDebug()<<"calling: "<<command<<endl;
database->exec( command );
command = "SELECT * FROM "+table_name;
kdDebug()<<"calling: "<<command<<endl;
TQSqlQuery copyQuery = database->exec( command );
if ( copyQuery.isActive() ) {
while ( ) {
TQStringList dataList;
for ( int i = 0 ;; ++i ) {
if ( copyQuery.value(i).isNull() )
TQString data = copyQuery.value(i).toString();
dataList << "'"+escape(data)+"'";
command = "INSERT INTO "+table_name+"_copy VALUES("+dataList.join(",")+");";
kdDebug()<<"calling: "<<command<<endl;
database->exec( command );
emit progress();
database->exec( "DROP TABLE "+table_name );
database->exec( TQString(new_table_sql).arg(table_name).arg(new_col_info+",") );
copyQuery = database->exec( "SELECT * FROM "+table_name+"_copy" );
if ( copyQuery.isActive() ) {
while ( ) {
TQStringList dataList;
for ( int i = 0 ;; ++i ) {
if ( i == col_index )
dataList << default_value;
if ( copyQuery.value(i).isNull() )
TQString data = copyQuery.value(i).toString();
dataList << "'"+escape(data)+"'";
command = "INSERT INTO "+table_name+" VALUES(" +dataList.join(",")+")";
kdDebug()<<"calling: "<<command<<endl;
database->exec( command );
emit progress();
database->exec( "DROP TABLE "+table_name+"_copy" );
TQString LiteRecipeDB::escapeAndEncode( const TQString &s ) const
TQString s_escaped;
// Escape
s_escaped = escape( TQString::fromLatin1(s.utf8()) );
// Return encoded
return s_escaped.latin1(); // Note that the text has already been converted before escaping.
** Decode the string "in" into binary data and write it into "out".
** This routine reverses the encoding created by sqlite_encode_binary().
** The output will always be a few bytes less than the input. The number
** of bytes of output is returned. If the input is not a well-formed
** encoding, -1 is returned.
** The "in" and "out" parameters may point to the same buffer in order
** to decode a string in place.
int sqlite_decode_binary( const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out )
int i, c, e;
e = *( in++ );
i = 0;
while ( ( c = *( in++ ) ) != 0 ) {
if ( c == 1 ) {
c = *( in++ );
if ( c == 1 ) {
c = 0;
else if ( c == 2 ) {
c = 1;
else if ( c == 3 ) {
c = '\'';
else {
return -1;
out[ i++ ] = ( c + e ) & 0xff;
return i;
TQString escape( const TQString &s )
TQString s_escaped = s;
if ( !s_escaped.isEmpty() ) { //###: sqlite_mprintf() seems to fill an empty string with garbage
// Escape using SQLite's function
char * escaped = sqlite_mprintf( "%q", s.latin1() ); // Escape the string(allocates memory)
char * escaped = sqlite3_mprintf( "%q", s.latin1() ); // Escape the string(allocates memory)
s_escaped = escaped;
sqlite_freemem( escaped ); // free allocated memory
sqlite3_free( escaped ); // free allocated memory
return ( s_escaped );
#include "literecipedb.moc"