cmake conversion #1

SlavekB ha unito 1 commit da feat/cmakeConv a master 5 anni fa
Ghost 5 anni fa ha commentato

I've added a man page taken from your Debian building system.

I've added a man page taken from your Debian building system.
SlavekB 'ha iniziato a lavorare 5 anni fa`
SlavekB ha smesso di funzionare 5 anni fa
3h 30min 9s
SlavekB 5 anni fa ha commentato

I worked on the following parts:

  1. Building using CMake on Debian required to add includes to UI files.
  2. Next I have solved ascii cast.
  3. Then I noticed that icons for application specific actions were not installed in the share/apps/kvpnc/icons folder but in common share/icons.
  4. Finally, I added CMakeL10n and updated the translation template. It should be noted that some strings for translation in the application are totally insane. However, I have left this now unchanged.

    For example: "%1:%2:%3", "%5: %2@%1, %3 [%4]", "%4: %2@%1, %3".
I worked on the following parts: 1. Building using CMake on Debian required to add includes to UI files. 2. Next I have solved ascii cast. 3. Then I noticed that icons for application specific actions were not installed in the `share/apps/kvpnc/icons` folder but in common `share/icons`. 4. Finally, I added CMakeL10n and updated the translation template. It should be noted that some strings for translation in the application are totally insane. However, I have left this now unchanged. <br/>For example: `"%1:%2:%3"`, `"%5: %2@%1, %3 [%4]"`, `"%4: %2@%1, %3"`.
SlavekB chiusa questa pull request 5 anni fa
SlavekB branch feat/cmakeConv eliminato 5 anni fa
SlavekB aggiunta alle pietre miliari R14.0.6 release 5 anni fa
La pull request è stata unita come c68e16caea.
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2 Partecipanti
Totale tempo trascorso: 3 hours 30 minutes
3 hours 30 minutes
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Riferimento: TDE/kvpnc#1
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