Add macro to prepare XML files for xgettext #9

SlavekB sloučil 1 commity z větve feat/add-prepare-xml do větve master před před 5 roky

@ -775,12 +775,12 @@ function( tde_l10n_prepare_xml )
# drop empty tag on single line
if( _xml_line_prefix AND _xml_line_suffix AND _xml_tag_empty )
set( _xml_l10n "${_xml_l10n}" )
# skip empty string for translation
# add current tag to output
else( )
set( _xml_l10n "${_xml_l10n}${_xml_line_prefix}" )
if( _xml_line OR ( _xml_line_suffix AND _xml_tag_empty ) )
if( NOT "${_xml_line}" STREQUAL "" OR ( _xml_line_suffix AND _xml_tag_empty ) )
set( _xml_l10n "${_xml_l10n}\"${_xml_line}\"" )
endif( )
set( _xml_l10n "${_xml_l10n}${_xml_line_suffix}" )

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