Trinity Desktop Environment Packaging
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Slávek Banko 618587a2c1
FreeBSD: Update for final release R14.0.3
8 年前
arch hal: fixed hangup on hal start due to move of udev binaries from /sbin 12 年前
ark Initial import from old SVN repository 13 年前
debian Revert "Allow to build without liblockdev1-dev on Debian and Ubuntu" 8 年前
fedora Updates for TDE 3.5.12 for RHEL5 13 年前
freebsd FreeBSD: Update for final release R14.0.3 8 年前
mageia Mageia: update QT3 package 10 年前
mandriva RPM Packaging: R14 updates 11 年前
openbsd/14.0.0 Openbsd: update R14 packages 10 年前
opensuse RPM Packaging: update for Fedora 20 10 年前
raspbian Add Raspbian Wheezy symlink 9 年前
redhat RPM packaging: update tdeutils 10 年前
slackware Initial import from old SVN repository 13 年前
ubuntu Revert "Allow to build without liblockdev1-dev on Debian and Ubuntu" 8 年前
README.GIT Update README.GIT tutorial links 12 年前


============================================================ DOCUMENTATION =======================================================

GIT tutorial on github:

GIT "cheat sheet"

GIT for those who are used to centralized SCMs:

================================================================ HOWTO ===========================================================

To get a copy of the repo:
	git clone<repository name>

To exclude items:
	Create a file '.gitignore'

To add to the git repository (easiest and most efficient way):
	git add .
(this will add everything in the folder (excluding stuff from .gitignore). It is intentionally a period because * will make git stop on already committed files.)

To commit to the git repository (this does not send to the remote server!):
	git commit -a
(no need to do any git mv or git rm or any of that with the -a option.)

To pull recent commits from the remote git repository:
	git pull
(do this before pushing so that you don't collide with other's commits.)

To push to the remote git repository:
	git push origin master
(the 'origin master' part is optional after the first time.)

To branch (be careful! This is different from SVN.):
	git branch <name>
(don't know what branch you're on? run "git branch" to see and list.)

To switch branches:
	git checkout <branch name>

To tag a commit (like for releasing a tarball):
	git tag -a <version> -m <message>
(ps: this will make webgit generate a tarball with this tag.
easy releases anyone?)

To tag a commit WITH GPG verification (secure release anyone?):
	git tag -s <version> -m <message>

================================================================= NOTE ============================================================
GIT cannot store empty directories due to a intentional design limitation.

Therefore, this command should be run prior to any commits to ensure your empty directories stick around:

find . -type d -empty -exec touch {}/.gitignore \;

This will add a .gitignore to every empty directory.

================================================================ WORKFLOW ==========================================================

git clone<repository>

<make your changes, test, etc>

cd <repository checkout directory>
find . -type d -empty -exec touch {}/.gitignore \;
git add .
git commit -a
git pull
git push