rework shutdown dialog code when tdehwlib has been reworked. #15

MicheleC tarafından 6 yıl önce açıldı · 0 yorum
MicheleC 6 yıl önce yorum yaptı

shutdown dialog code is a bit messy.

When tdehw lib has been reworked (see bug 2706), we should rework the shutdown dialog code to use tdehw lib.

shutdown dialog code is a bit messy. When tdehw lib has been reworked (see [bug 2706](, we should rework the shutdown dialog code to use tdehw lib.
MicheleC 6 yıl önce R14.2.0 release kilometre taşına ekledi
MicheleC R14.2.0 release kilometre taşını R14.2.x iken 1 yıl önce olarak değiştirdi
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Referans: TDE/tdebase#15
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