Fix for bug 2945 #30

MicheleC ha unito 1 commit da bug/2945/lock-sak a master 5 anni fa
MicheleC 5 anni fa ha commentato

To be merged to master after the release of R14.0.6

To be merged to master after the release of R14.0.6
MicheleC aggiunta alle pietre miliari R14.1.0 release 5 anni fa
MicheleC 5 anni fa ha commentato

Commit 3c109e3d10 is for bug 925.

Commit 3c109e3d10 is for bug 925.
MicheleC chiusa questa pull request 5 anni fa
MicheleC branch bug/2945/lock-sak eliminato 5 anni fa
MicheleC pietra miliare modificata da R14.1.0 release a R14.0.7 release 5 anni fa
MicheleC 5 anni fa ha commentato

Changed milestone to R14.0.7 and cherry picked into the R14.0.x branch (with some manual work).

Changed milestone to R14.0.7 and cherry picked into the R14.0.x branch (with some manual work).
La pull request è stata unita come 3c109e3d10.
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Nessun revisore
Nessuna milestone
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1 Partecipanti
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Riferimento: TDE/tdebase#30
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